Context Clue Script
Context Clue Script
Context Clue Script
: Familiar of the word clue? Well, ‘clue’ means a guide to a solution. Therefore, when we
say “context clue”, it refers to information in a reading passage that allows the reader to
figure out the meaning of an unknown word. So context clues are hints found within a
sentence, paragraph, or passage that a reader can use to understand the meanings of
new or unfamiliar words.
: For example: Diego is not bothered by his friends’ duplicity, but his parents like his
friends to be honest.
: Look closely and observe… From the sentence, what does duplicity mean? (pause for
a second)
: Your right! Duplicity means that someone is faking; pretending or lying! It is a form of
: Now, there are different types of context clue. And today, I will introduce Definition
Clue, Comparison and Contrast Clue, Exemplification Clue, Antonym Clue, and
Synonym Clue. Listen carefully as we will have an activity afterwards.
: First, we have definition or what we refer as explanation clue- that is a type of context
clue that explains the meaning of the unfamiliar word in the sentence. The new word
may be defined, or sufficient explanation may be given within the sentence or in the
following sentence. Find it difficult? Don’t worry, because just like the other, definition or
explanation clue have hints! Including: the word “that is,” commas, dashes,
parentheses, and word such as- means, is, refers to, and can be defined. Take note
also that the unfamiliar word is already defined within the sentence.
: Let’s try?!
: Now try to answer: (flash sa screen…) His emaciation, that is, his skeleton-like
appearance, was frightening to see. (Pause for a while… (Timer))
: As easy as that! But have you notice the hint? (pause for at least 2 seconds)
: Last! Calvin Coolidge once said, “When more and more people are thrown out of work,
unemployment results.”
: You get it right! Thrown out of work/no work. Noticed? The meaning of the unfamiliar
word is already defined in the sentence.
: Take note that comparison and contrast is the total opposite of one another. How?
: When we say comparison, the writer suggests the meaning of an unknown word by
comparing it to something similar. Take note, “something similar”
: And when we say contrast, the writer suggests the meaning of an unknown word by
pointing out the differences.
: Signal words for comparison clues include too, like/also, as, just as, similar to, in the
same way, and many more
: Signal words for contrast clue include although, conversely, different from, however, in
contrast, more than, similarly, to compare
: For example: The miniature horse was as small as a dog
: it is? the word ‘as’. and since as belongs to comparison clue, which means that we are
going to look for the similar word to the word miniature
: small!
: Very good!
: Another example: The elder sister wore a blue dress; on the other hand, the younger
one wore red.
: Uhuh! Correct! Older. Or an older sister. Older than the younger sister.
: Just tell me the signal word, what type of clue, and the meaning of the underlined
: Alexa’s happy face was luminous, like the rays of the sun. (pause. timer)
: your right! signal word is like, and the type of clue is comparison clue, and the meaning
of the underlined word is radiant or glowing.
: For example: I was aghast at her duplicity when she stole my diamond earrings, sold
them on eBay, and lied to me about it the whole time.
: So again, the word duplicity. What do you think does this mean? (pause)
: Let’s have another example. Celestial bodies, including the sun, moon, and stars,
have fascinated ,am through the centuries
: Correct! The term "celestial" refers to something that has to do with the sky or heaven.
: And you’re right! The correct answer to the unfamiliar word is already given in the
sentence through the uses of specification, or vivid examples, or anything that illustrates
the idea. Take a look at the example, “Celestial bodies including sun, moon, and
stars…” with that alone, we can therefore conclude that celestial bodies are anything
that can be found or has something to do with the sky or heaven right?
: Very good! You get it right. The word infractions refer to a violation. How did you get
the correct answer? It is in the sentence! The vivid situation slash example is given.
(Rules plus smoking in the bathroom and dressing improperly) is the key words there
that comes up with the idea of violation.
: We are now down to our- two more types of clues. Have you taken down your notes?
Well I do hope you do because afterwards, we will be having an activity. But
nevertheless, let’s go to… Antonym clue!
: Oh yes! There is antonym clue and contrast clue. And maybe right now you are
wondering. But don’t worry, we will further discuss about this thing.
: So when we say antonym clue.. As we all know, antonyms are words with opposite
meanings. So it is the opposite meaning of the unfamiliar word. Take note that words
like “although,” “unlike,” “however,” and “but” are the signal word for the antonym clues.
: For example: While Luis is hardworking, unlike his indolent brother spends most of
the time watching TV or sitting around with friends.
: As you’ve noticed, there are two emphasized words right? the hardworking and the
indolent. But the sentence uses signal word that is- unlike. So most likely, the word
indolent and hardworking is the opposite or is not the same meaning as one another. So
indolent does not mean hardworking, for hardworking is the antonym of indolent.
: After the training, we thought the athletes would be famished, but they were not
hungry at all.
: What do you think is the antonym of the word famished? (pause. timer)
: Very good! Famished does not mean not hungry. So ‘Not hungry’ is the antonym of the
word famished. Good job!
: Can anyone tell me what a synonym is? or at least the key word there (pause)
: Uhuh! synonym has something to do with similarity or the same for Synonyms are
words with the same meaning. So the reader may discover the meaning of an unknown
word because it repeats an idea expressed in familiar words nearby. Commas (,) ,
Semicolon (;) , Dashes (-) , Parenthesis ( ) , sometimes signal words or, that is, or in
other words are used.
: For example: If you listen closely, you will hear the soft music.
: So listen means hear right? so it is associated with one another. Meaning to say, the
word hear is the synonym of listen. As easy as that!
: Now, how about this… ‘After seeing the picture of the starving children, we all felt
compassion or pity for their suffering.’ Can you tell me the synonym? (pause)
: You’re right! compassion means pity so meaning to say, pity is the synonym of the
word compassion. And yes! Most of the time, the synonym of the word can be seen in
the sentence itself.
: Now have a try on this… He squandered all his money; his drinking and gambling
wasted all his earnings. (pause for a while for them to answer)
: Wow! You did well today, and you all deserve a big round of applause (applause)
: I’m excited to tell you more about many things. but before anything else, are you ready
for our short activity? (nod)
: Okay! So as you can see (flash sa screen ang questions din pa as if lang nag a point
sa something) You have to identify the meaning of the underlined word and
the type of context clue only. I know you can do it. And if you have questions, just tell