Projectile Motion Multiple Choice With Problem Kits
Projectile Motion Multiple Choice With Problem Kits
Projectile Motion Multiple Choice With Problem Kits
1. Which of the following is not true about the path of a 6. A person throws a ball at an angle of 30o with the
canon ball launched horizontally from the earth’s horizontal with a velocity of 32 m/s. As the ball is
surface if air resistance is neglected? thrown, a second person is running past the thrower at
a constant velocity. At what velocity must this second
A) The cannonball has a uniform horizontal velocity
person run so that she may catch the ball as it hits the
B) The total velocity of the cannonball increases as ground?
a function of time
C) The vertical velocity of cannonball increases as a A) 32 m/s B) 32sin 30o m/s
function of time C) 32cos 30 o m/s D) 32tan 30 o m/s
D) The distance the cannonball travels only depends E) 64cos 30 o m/s
upon the height it is shot from Base your answers to questions 7 and 8 on "the
E) The distance the cannonball travels is following diagram, in which a ball of mass m is
dependent on its mass rolled horizontally off a table of height h and lands a
2. A ball on a table of height h is rolled off a table distance D from the edge of the table.
traveling at velocity v, neglecting air resistance how
much time does it take for the ball to hit the ground?
A) B) C) D) E)
3. A basketball is thrown upwards on an arc at a 60
degree angle with the horizontal. If the velocity of
the ball is 5 m/s how fast must the thrower run to
catch the ball after it is released?
A) 2.5 m/s B) 4.3 m/s
C) 5.0 m/s D) 10 m/s "
E) 20 m/s 7. What is the initial horizontal velocity of the ball?
4. A snowball is thrown out the window of a car moving A) B)
at 20 m/s. The ball is thrown vertically to hit a
snowman 20 meters away at window level. What C) 2Dh/g D) Dhg
speed would the snowball need to be thrown to hit the E)
8. How much time elapses between the time the ball
A) 2.5 m/s B) 4.9 m/s leaves the edge of the table to when hits the ground?
C) 9.8 m/s D) 14.7 m/s
A) hD B) h/D
E) 19.6 m/s
C) hD/g D) 2h/g
5. Rocky the Flying Squirrel is carrying a nut of mass E)
0.5 kg while flying horizontally at a height of 15 m
above the ground at a speed of 12 m/s. Bullwinkle is
eagerly awaiting the delivery of the nut on the
ground. Rocky releases the nut as he is directly above
Bullwinkle. How far from Bullwinkle will the nut
land if Bullwinkle does not move?
A) 3 m B) 3 m
C) 6 m D) 6 m
E) 12 m
Multiple Choice
Which vector best represents the acceleration of the
projectile in the position shown?
A) B)
C) D)
11. A bullet is fired horizontally at a velocity of 200 m/s
at a height of 1 m. At the same time, another bullet is
dropped 1 m from rest. The difference between t1,
the time it takes the fired bullet to hit the ground,
and t2, the time it takes the dropped bullet to hit the
ground is
A) 0 s B) 1 s C) 2 s D) 4 s E) 8 s
Multiple Choice
Base your answers to questions 13 and 14 on the Base your answers to questions 17 and 18 on the
information below. following information.
A projectile is launched from ground level with an From a cliff of height 28.8 m above the ground, a
initial velocity of v at an angle q above the ball is thrown horizontally with an initial velocity of
horizontal. Ignore air resistance. 7 m/s.
13. The maximum horizontal displacement of the 17. What is the range of the ball?
projectile is A) 4.2 m B) 8.4 m
A) vsin 2q C) 12.6 m D) 16.8 m
g E) 22.4 m
B) (vsin q ) 2 g 18. The magnitude of the velocity of the ball when it
C) vsin 2q strikes the ground is most nearly
A) 15 m/s. B) 20 m/s.
D) (vsin q ) 2 2g
C) 25 m/s. D) 30 m/s.
E) v2sin 2q
E) 35 m/s.
14. The maximum vertical displacement of the projectile 19. An object moving horizontally with speed v falls off
is the edge of a vertical cliff and lands a distance d
A) vsin 2q from the base of the cliff. How far from the base of
g the cliff would the object land if the height of the
B) (vsin q ) 2 g cliff was doubled?
C) vsin 2q A) d B) d
2g C) 2d D) 2 d
D) (vsin q ) 2 2g E) 4d
E) 2vsin 2q 20. An object moving horizontally with speed v falls off
g the edge of a vertical cliff and takes a time t to land.
How long would it take for the object to land if it
Base your answers to questions 15 and 16 on the was moving with a horizontal velocity 2v?
following information.
A) t
B) t
A ball is thrown horizontally 20 m above the ground
with a velocity of 5 m/s. C) t
15. How far from the base of the cliff will the ball land? D) 2t
E) It could not be determined unless the height of
A) 5.6 m B) 9.2 m the cliff was known
C) 10 m D) 12 m
E) 18.4 m
16. How much time will pass before the ball hits the
A) 2 s B) 2.8 s C) 4.6 s D) 6 s E) 9.2 s
Multiple Choice
21. Base your answer to the following question on the
information below.
A 4.0 kg block rests at the edge of a platform that is
20 m above level ground. The block is launched
horizontally with an initial velocity of 15 m/s.
The time it would take to reach the ground is most
A) 1.33 s B) 1.41 s
C) 1.73 s D) 2.0 s
E) 2.5 s
Base your answers to questions 22 through 26 on the following information.
A cannonball is fired and follows the parabolic path shown below. Air resistance is negligible. Point
B is the highest point on the path and points A and C are at the same height.
22. Which of the following best describes the direction of the net force on the ball at point A?
A) up and to the right
B) to the right
C) down and to the right
D) down
E) There is no net force on the cannonball at point A
23. Which of the following best describes the direction of the velocity of the cannonball at point B?
A) to the right B) up and to the right
C) down and to the right D) up
E) down
24. Which of the following best describes the direction of the acceleration of the ball at point C?
A) to the right B) down and to the right
C) down D) up and to the right
E) up and to the left
25. How do the accelerations of the ball at the three points compare?
A) a A < aB < a C B) a B < aA < a C C) a A = a B = a C D) a A = aB < a C E) a B < aA = a C
26. How do the speeds of the cannonball at the there points compare?
A) vA < vB < vC B) vC < vB < vA C) vB < vA < vC D) vA < vB = vC E) vB < vA = vC
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
38. A physicist drops a stone off the top of a cliff
overlooking a lake. She hears the splash 4 seconds
after releasing the stone.
(A) Neglecting air resistance and assuming a speed
of sound of 340. m/s, how long does it take for the
stone to reach the lake?
(B) How long does it take for the sound to reach her
(C) What is the velocity of the stone just before it
hits the water?
(D) What is the height of the cliff?
Answer Key
proejct mot
1. E 36. (A) 98000 m
2. E (B) 1000 m/s
(C) 44.9
3. A (D) 1000 m/s
4. B 37. (A) 2.25 m/s 2
5. E (B) 25.88 seconds
(C) 684 m
6. C
(D) 29.5 m/s
7. A
38. (A) 3.79 sec
8. E (B) 0.21 sec
9. D (C) 37.1 m/s
(D) 70.5 m
10. D
11. A
12. C
13. E
14. D
15. C
16. A
17. D
18. C
19. B
20. C
21. D
22. D
23. A
24. C
25. C
26. E
27. C
28. C
29. C
30. C
31. C
32. B
33. E
34. C
35. C