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Aspergers Syndrome Definition Aspergers syndrome is an almost autism disorder that causes the person with it to have difficulty

with social interactions, and repetitive patterns in behaviour. It is commonly gotten genetically, but not enough research has been done to prove it. It will eventually be called autism spectrum disorder, using a severity scale.

Works Cited
Van Heel, D.A. Aspergers Syndrome. An International Journal of Psychology and Mental Disorders. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2011. 04 April, 2011. Guandalini, Steven. American Psychology Association: Aspergers Syndrome. American Psychology Association, 2000. 04 April, 2011. No name. Aspergers Syndrome. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, 2000. 04 April, 2011. No name. What is Aspergers Syndrome? The Doctors Doctor. The Doctors Doctor, 2006. 04 April, 2011.

Information Pamphlet

WaEys Mohamed

Classification of Aspergers Syndrome Aspergers syndrome is classified as one of the autism spectrum disorders, or pervasive developmental disorders. It is a psychological condition that makes the person socially abnormal, and usually avoids any social activity. Out of all autism-like disorders, 17% of the autism community have Aspergers syndrome.

routines that are inflexible, or will not change, and occupy themselves with parts of objects. They often memorize large amounts of detailed information, without understanding the entire topic. For example, they would look at a camera and memorize its serial number, rather than preparing themselves for the photo. This is usually gone undetected in children under 6, since they are attracted to smaller details a lot anyways. Causes Aspergers syndrome is seen more often in children with their father who has the disorder. At most times, it is genetically transferred to siblings. Sometimes, a small social disorder, like social awkwardness, can lead to Aspergers syndrome in children.

Figure 2: Cerebellum is the affected part of the brain in people with Asperger's syndrome.

Figure 1: Graph showing people with different forms of autism.

Signs and Symptoms People with Aspergers syndrome often have repetitive behaviour, interest, and activities. They usually stick to

Management Children with Aspergers syndrome are taught how to behave socially with another person, including communication and workrelated skills, which are acquired during the training. They are also taught to control stress. Some people take antidepressants for coexisting conditions. There are NO medications to treat the entire Aspergers syndrome, just to stabilize it.

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