Maximum Power Point Tracking Control of Photovoltaic Generation System Under Non-Uniform Insolation by Means of Monitoring Cells

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Kei Irisawa, Takeshi Saito, lchiro Takano and Yoshio Sawada Graduated Course of Electrical Engineering and Electronics Kogak uin University 1-24-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 163-8677 Japan

Photovoltaic power generation system (hereafter called PV system) is operated under various insolation conditions. Sometimes the PV system is operated under non-uniform insolation, which may generate several maximum output power points on the V-l curve of the PV array and raises serious problem on Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) control of the system. In order to solve this problem, we propose a novel practical MPPT method, which uses monitoring cells to get proper starting point of the operation as well as the incremental resistance method (hereafter called dV/dl method).


--v-l -~

P-I curva(NomUnlfarm Insolation) P-l curve(Uniform Insoletlon)

Cuwe(NonUnifom Insolation)

V-l Cuwe(UniformInsolation)

Fig.2. An Example of Output Characteristics of PV Array Fig.2. shows the output characteristics of the PV array that corresponds to the insolation condition mentioned above. When starting the operatio n on this PV array with DC/AC inverter, the operating point moves from the point 1=0 to higher current region. It is clear from Fig.2. that there are two peak points with regard to output power on the P - l curve. This raises serious problem about MPPT control. The PV system may be operated at point A based on the conventional MPPT method whereas the real peak value point is point B clearly. In order to solve this problem, several methods have been proposed. Some researches are based on Fuzzy theory [ I ] , and some others use complicated circuits. They seem to work in principle, but their common drawbacks are complexity considering commercial base production. In this paper, we propose a new approach that is rather simple and practical for commercial bas e use. This method is based on the combination of use of monitoring cells and the incremental resistance method. In order to carry out simulations on MPPT control under non-uniform insolation condition, a switching regulator type power supply was developed to get dc output which simulates the V-l characteristics of the PV array under non-uniform insolation, corresponding to various

In general, a PV system consists of many solar cell modules which are connected both in series and in parallel t o meet output requirements. Insolation to each solar cell module varies t o considerable extent even in a same PV system, depending on several factors such as the incidence angle of solar ray to the module, shadows on some modules, and so forth. Fig.1. shows an example of non-uniform insolation pattern on a PV array installed on the roof of a common house. This PV array consists of 15 modules, where 5 modules are connected in series (5s) and 3 strings of modules are connected in parallel (3p). In this PV array, insolation quantity on gray colored modules is supposed to be 100 W/m2, and that on the other modules is supposed to be 1000 W/m '.

Fig.1. An Example of Insolation Pattern of PV Array.


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insolation conditions on each module. This power supply equipment is controlled by output of personal computer based on LabVIEW software of National instruments [2].

In this research, the MPPT control is based on the combination of dV/dl method and monitoring cells. The basic scenario of this method is as follows. With the output power P, the terminal voltage V as well as the current I, we get the relationship P=VI. By differentiating this equation by I, and applying the relationship dp/dl=O at the maximum power point, we get the equation (1) for the maximum power point, v -dV -= (1)

Kv and Ki vary, depending on types of solar cells, but they keep almost the same value independently of insolation quantity. Therefore, assuming a certain type of solar cell, Kv and Ki can be considered a In this constant value for a practical use [3]. paper, Kv and Ki are assumed 0.8 and 0.9 respectively. K is the correction factor, considering the series and parallel connected number of PV cells in the array. The starting point of operation is V=Voc(l=O), and the current increases gradually and reaches point @ which is the crossing point of the R line with the dotted line of V - l curve. When the arrays condition changes from uniform insolation to non-uniform insolation, the operational point moves from point 0 to point 0 in Fig.3.. After reaching point 0 , the system makes correction to move to the real optimum point 0 based on dV/dI MPPT method by means of cooperation of the utility interactive inverter and chopper


__- cvvs IUdfOmr) P-l

- *.

Equation (1) means the absolute value of the incremental resistance is equal to the resistance at the operational point. The fundamental logic of the control process is shown in Table 1 ..


: 200

Comparison between V/I and -dV/dl


> <

Direction of current increase? or decrease? increase decrease

Currenl I [ A ]

Fig.3. General Idea of MPPT.

In our control system, two kinds of monitoring cells are introduced. These monitoring cells are laid on the place where stable insolation can be obtained, and the insolation at those cells is supposed not to be deteriorated by shadows or some other reasons. One of those monitoring cells is used to get information about the open-circuit voltage of the array under uniform insolation, and the other monitoring cell is used to get information about the short-circuit current of the array. Fig.3. explains how to use monitoring cells for the MPPT control process. Under uniform insolation, the maximum power condition is obtained at point @ on the dotted line of V-l characteristics in Fig. 3.. The equivalent R at point 0, corresponding to the straight line 0 0, is given by equation (2).

The system configuration studied in this paper is shown in Fig.4.. The system consists of PV array (switching regulator type power supply in Fig.4. ), DC/DC converter (chopper), DC/AC converter (utility interactive inverter) and associated control unit. The PV array simulator consists of two sub-systems. One is a switching regulator type power supply which generates the output voltage corresponding to the output voltage of the real PV array, according to the simulated V - l curve by LabVlEW software. Another subsystem is te simulation and control system based on LabVlEW which calculates the reference output voltage of the swiyching regulator in accordance with the output current Id and the simulated V-I curve. Table 2. shows an example of the design parameters of PV system.


where K: correction factor Kv:voltage coefficient Ki: current coefficient


-------PV Array Simulator









m r 0


1 .o


2 .o

Current I [A]


PV system studied. Fig.5. V-l Curve of Measured V-l Curve PV Array Simulator vs.

Specifications of switching regulator input current range OA- 5A 1OOV-OV output voltage range maximum output power 500W

The V-l and P - l characteristics were studied under various insolation patterns for 5s -3p PV array. Fig.6. shows shadow patterns over the PV array. The whole shadow patterns studied in this section are classified into three categories. Each module is numbered in matrix manner, like i , ii ;-. v in series connection direction as well as like 1, 2, 3 in parallel connection direction. Fig.7. shows V-I/P-I curves of the PV array when the shadow extends in the direction of series connection. Fig.8. shows V-I/P-I curves of the PV array when the shadow extends in the direction of parallel connection.

Power Output of PV Array 5s-3p.*.366.75W Chopper Output Vchop 350V(constant) -1.05A Output Voltage of Inverter Vinv 200 Vrms Output Current of inverter linv 1.83 Arms

How to make V-l curve

The V-l curve of the PV array is simulated as follows, corresponding to the given insolation and temperature. @The sampled V - l values at interval of every 1 to 2 voltage on the V-l curve of every series-connected module in the string are stored in LabVIEW. @The V-l curve of each string of the array can be obtained by summing up voltage values of all modules in the string corresponding to the given I value. @After the process 0, V-l curve of the whole the array can be obtained by summing up I values of all strings in the array for given values. @After the above mentioned procedure, LabVlEW can calculates the output voltage of the array corresponding to the measured array current Id. Fig.5. shows the comparative result of the PV array simulators PV characteristic curve with measured PV curve.

Fig.6. Insolation Pattern Insolation over non-shadowed modules is 1000 W/m2, and the insolation over shadowed modules is 100 W/m2. The module temperature is assumed to be 25C. In addition to the V-I/P-I curves of the PV array, the equivalent load lines under uniform insolation are shown in Fig.7, 8 and 9. Although there are two maximum power points on those P - l curves, it is clearly seen that the crossing points of each equivalent load line under uniform insolation and the corresponding V - l curve of the PV array falls within the region of the real peak power point. This fact indicates that the proposed two step MPPT control using monitoring cells is feasible.

Role of boost chopper and inverter

The role of boost chopper is to keep the output voltage Vchop constant at 350V in order to stabilize the operation of the inverter. The inverters function is to convert dc power to ac power, and to maximize the ac output current linv based on the proposed two step MPPT operation principle.







00 .









We proved that several maximum output power points arises in the PV system under non-uniform insolation. In order to get the real peak output power point, the two step MPPT control is proposed which is based on the combination of dV/dl method and the monitoring cell system. It is shown in this paper that the proposed control met hod is effective under non-uniform insolation.

Fig.7. Output Characteristics of PV When Shadow Extends in Direction of Series Connection.

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____ _ _ _ _ -eiv-l(P-I)


+iv-1 (V-1)


iv-2(P-I) iv-2(V-l)

IV-~(P-I)+V/I iv-3(V-I)

Fig.8. Output Characteristics of PV when shadow Extends in Direction of Parallel Connection.

[3] K. Otuka, M. Kimura, M. Murata and K. Watanabe, Study on operating method for Maximizing Power Generation obtained from PV Cell, Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference of Power & Energy Society. IEE of Japan, Volume A, 114, 1999, pp. 342-343.

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