Cracking and Ductility Analysis of Steel Fiber-Reinforced
Cracking and Ductility Analysis of Steel Fiber-Reinforced
Cracking and Ductility Analysis of Steel Fiber-Reinforced
The present study focuses on understanding the effect of steel-fiber Numerous previous works have demonstrated the use
dosage on cracking and ductile behavior of prestressed concrete of steel fibers as secondary reinforcement for concrete
beams (PCBs) under flexure using digital image correlation elements.3,4 Cuenca et al.3 and Cuenca and Serna4 used steel
(DIC). Seven prestressed concrete beams were cast and tested fibers to control the crack propagation in precast beams and
under a shear span-depth ratio (a/d) of 5 to simulate the flexure/
hollow-core slabs. They observed that the fibers and stirrups
flexure-shear dominant behavior. Full field strain measurement
had a synergic effect, resulting in better crack-control mecha-
with the DIC technique was used to understand the effectiveness
of steel fibers on the crack-bridging mechanisms. Three different nisms and enhanced tension stiffening. Fantilli et al.5 observed
volumetric fiber reinforcement ratios—0.35%, 0.70%, and 1.0%— the increase in ductility of fiber-reinforced concrete both
were considered. Test results revealed that the strain energy-based in tension and compression. They attributed the increase in
ductility increased with an increase in fiber dosage from 0.35% to ductility in compression to the passive confinement provided
1.0%. Post-cracking stiffness improved by 50% due to the addi- by the steel fibers. Padmarajaih and Ramaswamy6 predicted
tion of 1.0% volume of steel-fiber dosage. DIC measurements of the crack width in partially and fully prestressed concrete
displacements and strains were found to be in good agreement with beams with different dosages of steel fibers. They found that
the conventional linear variable displacement transducer (LVDT) addition of fibers restricted the crack initiation and propaga-
measurements. DIC results clearly established the effect of fibers tion, eventually leading to an increase in the ultimate flexural
on crack bridging and strain reduction. Concrete strains and the
strength. Harajli7 studied the bond behavior of steel fiber-
strain in the prestressing strand reduced due to the better crack
reinforced concrete zones under static and cyclic loading.
bridging of steel fibers.
The author noted that the addition of steel fibers improved
Keywords: crack bridging; digital image correlation (DIC); ductility; the bond strength, reduced the damage, and increased the
prestressed concrete beams; steel fibers. energy-dissipation capacity under cyclic loading. Sahoo et al.8
evaluated the effect of steel fibers on the behavior of concrete
INTRODUCTION beams with and without stirrups. They noted that the flexural
The use of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) has been capacity did not significantly improve when the fiber dosage
continuously increasing in the construction industry due was more than 0.5%. Singh9 presented the flexural modeling
to its various advantages such as improvement in post- of SFRC to determine the ultimate capacity, crack width of
cracking stiffness, flexural toughness, and ease of avail- rectangular sections using strain compatibility, and force equi-
ability at a competitive price. Steel FRC is mainly used in librium equations. Additionally, a normalized design chart for
seismic-resistant structures, tunnel construction, and blast- strength calculations considering the random distribution of
and impact-resistant structures where the post-cracking fibers and other fiber parameters was also presented.
behavior is a major concern. ACI 318-111 permits design Fantilli et al.10 proposed a unique function related to the
engineers to use steel fiber-reinforced concrete (SFRC) as a post-peak response of different cement-based materials
replacement to conventional shear reinforcement. However, for numerical studies. Tiberti et al.11 studied the influence
ACI documents1,2 mandate that SFRC beams are required to of concrete strength on the crack development of SFRC
have a minimum steel fiber dosage of 0.75% in volume and members and found that the usage of fibers led to reduced
compressive strength not greater than 42 MPa (6.091 ksi). mean crack spacing in high-strength concrete (HSC) when
This mandate is because current ACI provisions are primarily compared to normal-strength concrete (NSC). They also
based on experimental studies on non-prestressed concrete noted that the influence of HSC and the presence of fibers
beams with a compressive strength less than 42 MPa requires further research to establish a stabilized crack
(6.091 ksi). However, in a prestressed concrete beam, the pattern. Job and Ramaswamy12 developed an analytical
beneficial effect of prestressing forces could further relax model to predict crack width and crack spacing of partially
the minimum required fiber volume fraction and can make prestressed concrete with steel fibers considering the bond
the use of SFRC more economical. Thus, the focus of this slip of longitudinal reinforcement, and pullout of fibers.
investigation is to study the effect of steel fibers on cracking
and ductility behavior of prestressed concrete beams under ACI Structural Journal, V. 115, No. 6, November 2018.
flexure/flexure-shear using full field strain measurements MS No. S-2017-170.R4, doi: 10.14359/51706827, was received October 23, 2017,
and reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2018, American
with digital image correlation (DIC). Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless
permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including
author’s closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the
discussion is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
Fig. 16—Layer-by-layer approach for sectional analysis of prestressed section. (Note: 1 mm = 0.0394 in.)
fctm = 0.3(fc′)2/3 (7) Moment-curvature analysis
A layer-by-layer method of sectional analysis was carried
ffcm = fc′ + kxSp (8) out to establish the moment-curvature behavior of steel
fiber-reinforced prestressed concrete sections using an iter-
Ec = 9500(ffcm)2/3 (9) ative procedure. To maximize the accuracy of the results
and to minimize the computational effort, the cross section
(1600 − d ) and corresponding stress-strain curves were discretized into
σ1 = 0.7 × f ctm × (10)
1000 numerous layers of small thickness to get the uniform strain
throughout the thickness (Fig. 16). The constitutive relation-
σ1f = σ1 × (1 + 0.32 × Vfw) (11) ship for fiber-reinforced concrete in compression and tension
according to the model32,33 (Fig. 15) is used. A compressive
top fiber strain value is fixed, and the neutral axis depth is
σ 2 f = σ1 f × eξ ( ε1 − 0.002 )10
iterated to satisfy the force equilibrium. Moment resistance
is calculated from the moment equilibrium, and the corre-
σ3f = 0 (13)
sponding curvature can be derived using the assumed top
compressive strain and the neutral axis depth.
ε1f = σ1f /Ec (14)
The analytical results are compared with experimentally
measured moment-curvature response in Fig. 17. It can be
2 observed that post-cracking stiffness and ultimate strength
ε 2 f = ε1 f + (15)
1000 increases with increase in fiber dosage. The cracking and
ultimate moment were found to be matching reasonably well
ε3f = 0.04 (16) with the test results (Fig. 17). However, after certain loading,
curvature was not measured due to instrumentation error.
where fck and fc′ are the characteristic compressive strength Hence, overall response was not presented. RILEM recom-
of cube and cylinder (in MPa) respectively; fctm, ffcm, and Ec mendations34 were also used to compare the experimental
are the characteristic tensile strength, mean tensile strength, results at ultimate capacity, as shown in Table 3.
and mean secant modulus of concrete (in MPa), respec-
tively; Vfw is the weight fraction of fibers (in %); σ1f, σ2f, and SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
σ3f are the salient points of the tensile stress-strain model Pre-tensioned prestressed concrete beams with and
corresponding to strains of ε1f, ε2f, and ε3f, respectively. without steel fibers were cast and tested under four-point