MINI2-2 Ravens Under The Midday Sun

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Ravens under the

Midday Sun
A Dungeons & Dragons® Living
Forgotten Realms Adventure

By Gary Affeldt
Reviewed by Greg Marks
Playtested by Tim Bailey, Eleanor Brown, Richard Brown, Ed
Devaney, Robert Edminster, Jack Hall, Mark Knobbe, David N
Krolnik, Eva Orta, John~Alan Pascoe, Ben Siekert, Eriks Teranis,
Phil Tobin, Daniel van Gelderen, Renout van Rijn, Rydia Q
Viehlehr, Yourik de Voogd, Scott Warner, Joe Zajkowski

The tale of the Ravens Bluff continues as a new generation of heroes finds themselves caught in the whirl of intrigue
and menace only the City of Adventurers can provide. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Ravens Bluff for
characters levels 1-4. This adventure is the second part of the three-part Return to Ravens Bluff mini-campaign. It is
recommended that you play the mini-campaign adventures in sequential order with the same character, but this is
not required.

Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game
designed by Andy Collins, Rob Heinsoo, and James Wyatt.
This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of Wizards of the
Coast. To learn more about the Game System License (GSL), please visit
This is an official D&D® play document. To find out more about official D&D play and to learn more on how you can schedule and run DUNGEONS
& DRAGONS game events of all sizes, visit our website at, and click on “Events.”
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, RPGA, Wizards Play Network, Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual are trademarks of
Wizards of the Coast LLC in the US and other countries. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any
reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of
the Coast LLC. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental.
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC
For rules questions specific to this document, visit
Permission is granted to photocopy this document for personal use.
Official D&D Play Reading Monster Stat Blocks
Most likely you ordered this adventure as part of an Most of the information should be easy to understand, as
event, or you received it from your organizer. To play it mirrors the information presented in the Monster
this adventure and receive rewards for it, you must Manual. Attacks may have a letter next to them
schedule it as an event. This event could be as elaborate designating the type: M for melee, R for ranged, C for
as a big convention, or as simple as a group of friends close, and A for area. A lower-case letter (used only in
meeting at the DM’s house. some melee and ranged attacks) denotes that the attack
To schedule a game for public play, you must be can be used as a basic attack.
enrolled in the Wizards Play Network. Information on
enrolling in the program can be found at Important DM Information If you are scheduling the game
As the DM of the session, you have the most important
for private play, you do not need to be enrolled in the
role in facilitating the enjoyment of the game for the
Wizards Play Network. The person who schedules the
players. You take the words on these pages and make
event, called the organizer, is in charge of making sure
them come alive. The outcome of a fun game session
the event is scheduled before play, runs smoothly on the
often creates stories that live well beyond the play at the
date scheduled, and gets reported back to Wizards in a
table. Always follow this golden rule when you DM for a
timely manner. The person who runs the game is called
the table Dungeon Master (or usually just DM).
Sometimes (and almost all the time in the cases of home
Make decisions and adjudications that enhance the
events) the organizer is also the table DM. You don’t
fun of the adventure when possible.
have to be enrolled in the Wizards Play Network to DM
this adventure if you are not the organizer.
To reinforce this golden rule, keep in mind the
By scheduling and reporting this adventure you
accomplish a couple of things. First, it is an official game,
tracked under your play history. Second, DMs gain
• You are empowered to make adjustments to
rewards for scheduled play if they are members of the
the adventure and make decisions about how
DM REWARDS program. DMing this adventure is worth
the group interacts with the world of this
one (1) point.
adventure. This is especially important and
To learn more about event scheduling and DM
applicable outside of combat encounters, but feel
REWARDS, visit the D&D Events website at
free to use the "scaling the encounter" advice and click on “Events.”
(usually for adjusting to different-sized groups) to
adjust combat encounters for groups that are
Preparing for Play having too easy or too hard of a time in an
In order to play this adventure, you’ll need copies of the adventure.
following D&D 4th Edition rulebooks: Player’s Handbook, • Don't make the adventure too easy or too
Dungeon Master’s Guide, and the Monster Manual. Any difficult for a group. Never being challenged
other rules referenced in this adventure will be noted in makes for a boring game, and being
the New Rules Items section at the end of the overwhelmed makes for a frustrating game.
adventure. Gauge the experience of the players (not the
Throughout this adventure, text in bold italics characters) with the game, try to feel out (or ask)
provides player information for you to paraphrase or what they like in a game, and attempt to give
read aloud when appropriate. Information on nonplayer each of them the experience they’re after when
characters (NPCs) and monsters appear in abbreviated they play D&D. Give everyone a “chance to
form in the adventure text. shine.”
Along with this adventure, you’ll find a session • Be mindful of pacing, and keep the game
tracking sheet. If you’re playing this adventure as part of session moving along appropriately. Watch for
an officially scheduled event, complete and turn in this stalling, as play loses momentum when this
sheet to your organizer directly after play. happens. At the same time, make sure that the
players don’t finish the adventure too early;
provide them with a full play experience. Living
Forgotten Realms adventures are designed to be
played within 3.5 – 4 hours; try to be very aware

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 2

of running long or short. Adjust the pacing Failing to Defeat an Encounter
• Give the players appropriate hints so they can If a group fails to defeat an encounter – that is, if they
make informed choices about how to interact have to flee from a combat because it’s too tough or they
with their environment. Players should always reach the predetermined number of failures in a skill
know when enemies are affected by conditions challenge before reaching success – they are only
and are bloodied. They should be given clues awarded half experience points (round down) for the
about how to interact with their surroundings so encounter. If they manage to tackle the encounter later
they can tackle skill challenges, combats, and and defeat it, award them the other half of the
puzzles without getting too frustrated over lack of experience points for the encounter.
information. This helps to encourage immersion
in the adventure and gives players “little Character Death
victories” for figuring out a good choice from a If a PC dies during the course of the adventure, the
clue. player of that character and the rest of the group have
two options, provided that they have access to the Raise
In short, being the DM for a Living Forgotten Realms Dead ritual (either a PC has it and can use it or the
adventure isn’t about following the adventure’s text characters return to civilization), they have access to the
word-for-word; it’s about creating a fun, challenging body, and it is possible to return the dead PC to life.
game environment for the players. Chapters 1 and 2 of
the Dungeon Master’s Guide are filled with good • Pay the component cost for the ritual. If the
information about being a DM for a D&D game. group chooses this option, the cost should be
divided evenly among the group (500 gp for
Appropriate Character Levels heroic tier, 5,000 gp for paragon tier, and 50,000
This adventure is designed for player characters (PCs) gp for epic tier). Using a source outside the group
levels 1 - 4. Characters that fall outside of the level range to cast the ritual costs 20% more than the
may not participate in the adventure. Make certain to component cost. Total cost when using an
check the levels of the PCs before beginning play to outside source is 600 gp for heroic tier, 6,000 gp
ensure that they are the proper level. for paragon tier, and 60,000 gp for epic tier. A PC
Each adventure has a low-level version and a high- that dies and chooses this method of return gains
level version. The low level is meant for a group whose full (or half, if the party was defeated) experience
points from the encounter in which the character
levels, on average, fall in the lower levels of the
died, but no experience points for any encounters
adventure’s level spread. The high level is meant for a
that were missed while the character was dead. If
group whose levels, on average, fall in the higher levels
there are encounters remaining, the PC
of the adventure’s level spread.
continues to earn experience as normal, and
A group may decide to play the high level when
receives a normal cut of the rewards at the end of
their levels are more suited to the low level if everyone
the adventure.
in the group agrees to do so; however, some of the
• Invoke the Death Charity clause. If the group
rewards may not be available to them. Conversely, a
cannot afford to pay for the ritual (or doesn’t
group may decide to play the low level when their levels
desire to do so), the PC can choose to return to
are more suited to the high level if everyone in the
life at the end of the adventure. Doing so forfeits
group agrees; however, some of the rewards may be less
all rewards (including treasure and story rewards)
than what they’d ideally want from the adventure. earned for the adventure except experience
Reading the Numbers: Each encounter has a level points gained prior to the character’s death (the
and sometimes other values (such as XP or skill check character receives the experience point award for
DCs) listed with two numbers divided by a slash. The the encounter in which they died). The PC cannot
number before the slash is always the value for the low- participate in the same adventure a second time.
level version of the adventure; the number after the
slash is the value for the high-level version of the
No matter if the characters succeed or fail in an
encounter, they reach a milestone if it is the second
encounter they’ve had since the start of the adventure or
their last extended rest. Encounters that do not give

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 3

out experience points do not count for purposes of
reaching a milestone. Make certain to mention this
Adventure Background
information to the players when applicable, as it gives Netheril agents, Sembian rebels and the Ravens Bluff
each PC another action point and affects how some government seek to obtain an artifact called the Cup of
magic item powers are used. Truth. It is said anyone who drinks from it is force to
speak the truth.
In the previous adventure in this series, MINI2-1 A
Lasting Effects
Mourning of Ravens, Netheril agents hired pirates to
Sometimes a PC suffers a lasting effect that isn’t easily kidnap Anton Blacktree and was subsequently rescued
resolved before the end of the adventure. The two most by the PCs. Anton was framed for the murder of Sir
common lasting effects are the death penalty and Reginald Longbottle, a Raven Knight. The PCs
diseases. undertook an investigation to clear Anton Blacktree’s
Death Penalty: When a character dies and is name and discovered that Netheril agents hiding in the
brought back to life by the Raise Dead ritual, that Sembian embassy were responsible for the nefarious
character suffers a -1 penalty to all attack rolls, skill deeds. With this information uncovered, Anton’s name
checks, saving throws, and ability checks until they have was cleared.
reached three milestones. The player should simply At the end of MINI2-1, it was revealed the Blacktree
record the adventure where the character died on their family knew the artifact’s location to be in the Mystran
adventure log, and then keep a running tally of temple ruins and wanted it retrieved before others
milestones reached. Once the PC has reached the third seeking it do so.
milestone since coming back to life, they no longer
suffer the penalty.
Diseases: Diseases take hold of a character and last DM’s Introduction
until they are cured or they reach their final state. Introduction: The PCs are asked by Anton Blacktree to
Normally, a PC makes an Endurance check after each enter the Mystran temple ruins and retrieve the Cup of
extended rest to see if the disease improves, worsens, or Truth from a vault before the Netherese agents, the
maintains its current condition. At the end of the Sembian rebels or the Ravens Bluff city government
adventure, any character suffering from a disease must does so. A trusted Blacktree family retainer, Rauric
resolve the disease to either its cure or final state, using Rauricson is sent along to guide you to the vault and to
the necessary number of extended rests to do so. Other open it with a token he was entrusted with.
characters adventuring with the PC may decide to aid Encounter 1: After making their way to the temple’s
the afflicted character during this time. If a disease lower levels, the PCs discover the vault’s entranceghouls
reaches its final state and the PC can get a Cure Disease who turn on the PCs.
ritual cast (and pay the appropriate costs), they may do Encounter 2: Entering the vault, the PCs take one of the
so. doors exiting chamber and find themselves in a maze.
Other Lasting Effects: Other effects that last The PCs must navigate their way through a maze,
beyond the scope of the adventure should be resolved at overcoming its challenges using teamwork.
the DM’s discretion. Any effects that last for a specific Encounter 3: While traveling through the maze, the
period of time (that end after a certain number of days PCs travel down a corridor and enter into a chamber
or a certain number of extended rests) should be with fire pits and jagged black rocks. There the PCs
resolved at the end of the adventure in which the effect confront magma creatures who are the vault’s
was obtained (unless otherwise specified). Effects that guardians.
use some sort of adventuring benchmark of unknown Encounter 4: The PCs escape the maze and discover an
duration (such as milestones) should be recorded on the elevator. Taking the elevator, the PCs are lifted into a
character’s logsheet and tracked across adventures. chamber where they face the Cup of Truth’s guardian, a
frostwyrm, in a flame-filled room.
Encounter 5: The PCs return to Ravens Bluff and find
Lady Charissa Blacktree missing. They undertake an
investigation to discover her whereabouts and witness
her kidnapping.
Conclusion: The PCs are tasked by Anton Blacktree to
turn the Cup of Truth over to the kidnappers in return
for Lady Blacktree.

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one goes there because there are still bits of the
Player’s Introduction Spellplague roiling around inside it.
Read or paraphrase the following to the players: • The Blacktree family wants the artifact recovered
before the Netherese agents, the Sembian rebels
With the discovery that agents of Netheril were behind or the Ravens Bluff government does so.
a nefarious plot to obtain an artifact known as the Cup • He suspects Anton wants to prevent the artifact
of Truth, it was decided by the Blacktree family to from getting into the wrong hands.
retrieve it from the Mystran temple ruins where it has • The artifact is in the lower levels of the temple of
been since the Spellplague. Anton Blacktree, who was Mystra in an elaborately protected vault.
caught up in the plot, approaches you with a request to • His family has long served the Blacktrees, and he
enter the ruins and return with the artifact before has some small skill at arms.
Netheril or anyone else finds it. For your assistance in • He has knowledge of how the Mystran temple
the matter, he promises an appropriate monetary was laid out before it fell into ruins.
reward. • He is entrusted with a Mystran token that was
You along with a trusted Blacktree family retainer, given to the Blacktree family and he is using this
Rauric Rauricson, who was sent along to guide you, are to unlock the entrance to the vault.
now making your way through the ruins to the magical • If the PCs strongly do not want Rauric to
vault’s entrance where the artifact lies. accompany them and wish instead to be trusted
with the token he carries instead, a PC can use a
This is a good time for character introductions and to favor with House Blacktree (story award MINI25)
answer player questions. If the characters are concerned to take ownership of the token and leave Rauric
about their reward, Anton has promised to pay them
75/100 gp each.
The PCs may attempt to find out more information
For those players who have not played the previous
about the temple of Mystra. A visit to one of the local
adventure, MINI2-1 A Mourning of Ravens, you may
temples or a DC 15 History check reveals the following:
relate the following (alternately any of the players who
• The temple fell into ruins when the Spellplague
have played it can relate what happened at their specific
• It is rumored that elaborately protected vaults
• Sir Reginald Longbottle, a Raven Knight, was
filled with exotic magic items can be found in the
murdered because the Netheril agents thought
two lower levels of the temple. Of course, with
he had information on an artifact called the Cup
the Spellplague, no one knows if they still exist.
of Truth that refused to divulge.
• The lower levels also hold record archives and
• Anton Blacktree was framed for Longbottle’s
mundane supplies.
murder and arrested
• The entire temple complex was warded against
• It was discovered that Netherese agents hiding in
teleportation magic.
the Sembian Embassy were behind the plot and
• The records archive, the library (above ground)
Anton Blacktree’s name cleared
and the roof had permanent fire purge spells on
• Sembian rebels and the Ravens Bluff government
are also interested in obtaining the artifact
• Constructs were extensively used as guards in the
• The Blacktree family revealed they do not
possess the artifact, but know it lies in a magical
vault inside the Mystran Temple ruins
The PCs may purchase any legal items available to them
before going inside. They find no one selling old
Rauric Rauricson (human male) knows the following:
Mystran holy symbols.
• Long ago in the past, Charles Blacktree and Lord
Once finished with character introductions and
Longbottle found the artifact on one of their
player questions, continue with Encounter 1.
• Blacktree turned the artifact over to the temple
Troubleshooting: Running Rauric
of Mystra for research.
• Before the research was completed, the Rauric is a capable combatant and does not shirk from
Spellplague rolled over Ravens Bluff and the combat, however he should not take foolish chances or
temple imploded on itself; it now lies in ruins. No at any point steal the spotlight from the PCs. He exists as
a plot device for the DM and can come to the aid of

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characters in particular trouble; whether by marking an
enemy or using the Heal skill to trigger a healing surge.

Ruins of the Mystran Temple and the

The extensive and still active pockets of Spellplague that
burn the stones of the fallen Mystran temple cause this
area to be generally avoid by all sane individuals. The
walls literally drip with blur fire, and the floor ripples
with the haze of the Spellplague.
At the beginning of each encounter in the ruins,
each PC must attempt a saving throw. Those that
succeed avoid being touched out by the rampant blue
fire. Those that fail must roll on the following chart to
determine the effect of their contamination. These
effects end at the end of this adventure.

Roll 1d10
• 1: It Burns: take 1d4 points of damage that
cannot be healed.
• 2: Mutation: Suffer a -1 penalty to your speed.
• 3: Sickened: take a -2 penalty to Acrobatics,
Athletics, and Endurance skill checks.
• 4: Drained: lose a healing surge.
• 5: Weakened: take a -1 penalty to damage; all
successful attacks still deal a minimum of 1 point.
• 6: Light Sensitive: suffer a -1 penalty to attack
rolls in areas of bright light.
• 7: Random limb turns dark blue and rubbery; no
game effect.
• 8: Covered in horrible weeping sores; no game
• 9: Invigorated: regain one spent healing surge.
• 10: Plaguerage: gain a +1 bonus to damage.

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Player’s Introduction (Low & High Levels)
Rauric Rauricson Level 1 Soldier
Medium natural humanoid (human) XP -
Initiative +0 Senses Perception -1
HP 15; Bloodied 7; Healing Surges 1; Healing Surge Value 3
AC 17; Fortitude 13; Reflex 10; Will 9
Speed 5
m Longsword (standard; at-will)
+4 vs AC; 1d8 + 1 damage, and the target is marked until the end
of Raurics next turn or he marks a different target
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common
Skills Athletics +5, Heal +5
Str 12 (+1) Dex 10 (+0) Wis 9 (-1)
Con 13 (+1) Int 8 (-1) Cha 10 (+0)
Equipment longsword, chainmail, light shield, Mystran token

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Encounter 1: Hungry A DC 15 Perception check reveals:
• The ghouls look “fresh”, i.e., they have not been
Encounter Level 1/3 (500/750 XP) undead for long.
• They are wearing clothing that is typical of
Setup Sembia.
• One of the ghouls is still carrying a pouch and it
This encounter includes the following creatures at the
appears to have something inside it.
low tier:
1 Ghoul (G)
4 Ghoul Minions (M) Features of the Area
2 Ghouls (Level 1) (R) Illumination: Bright light (from PCs’ light sources).
Rubble: Treat the rubble as difficult terrain costing
This encounter includes the following creatures at the 2 squares of movement.
high tier:
5 Ghouls (Level 1) (R) Tactics
1 Ghoul (Level 6) (G)
• In the first round of combat, the ghouls spread
out, using their claw attacks to immobilize as
The PCs are standing before the unopened vault
many PCs as they can. Their intent is to
entrance when they are attacked by ghouls.
immobilize as many PCs as possible.
As the adventurers enter the area, read:
• On the second round of combat the ghouls attack
the nearest immobilized PC and use their
You delve into the temple ruins searching for the vault’s
ghoulish bite on them in hopes of stunning them.
entrance. With the help of Rauric, you make your way Their intent is to stun as many PCs as possible.
into the lower levels. You find a partially blocked secret • On the third round of combat the ghouls attack
passage and after some hard work, clear enough of the the nearest stunned PC and use their ghoulish
blockage for you to get into the vault’s antechamber. The bite on them in hopes of keeping them stunned.
antechamber’s walls and ceilings are fused and melted Their intent is to keep a PC stunned.
stone that occasionally flickers with a blue flame. Lying • The ghouls continue using these same tactics and
on the ground are the shattered remains of stone golems fight to the death.
that once guarded the vault.
Three corridors leave this room, all of them turning
Scaling the Encounter
after twenty feet and preventing you from seeing where
they lead. Make the following adjustments to the combat based on
the number of PCs present.
Give the PCs a chance to enter the room, perhaps to Four PCs: Remove one Ghoul (Level 1).
inspect the rubble of the destroyed golems, Once the Six PCs: Add one Ghoul (Level 1).
PCs have begun to enter the room (at least one or two
have moved past the door), the ghouls swarm around Ending the Encounter
the corners of the other three corridors. The encounter ends when the ghouls are defeated.
If the PCs flee, the ghouls do not pursue outside of
Ravenous undead pour into the room from all three the map area. When the PCs return, the surviving
corridors. The foul creatures gaze hungrily at you. ghouls have wandered off into the ruins are not here
and do not attack again.
No one is surprised, roll initiative normally after the If the PCs capture and question a ghoul or if the
ghouls come into sight. A DC 15 Religion check reveals PCs do not capture and question a ghoul, they find a
these are Ghouls: diary on one the ghouls’ bodies, revealing the following:
• Describe the level 1 and minions as not as • They were operatives employed by Netheril sent
powerful as the normal variety being weakened to search the Mystran temple ruins and retrieve
by the temple’s state due to the Spellplague. the Cup of Truth.
• Describe the level 6 as a bit more powerful than • They found several vaults and managed to open
the normal variety being strengthened by the one of them.
temple’s state due to the Spellplague.

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• They also discovered one room filled with pits of
fire and elemental creatures that throw balls of
magma. They avoided this room and the
creatures do not seem to leave it.
• They did not discover the Cup of Truth in this
vault but instead found themselves trapped in a
maze for a long time, perhaps weeks, eating
those who died to survive.
• Many of the traps in the maze are described,
though what the writer seems to describe seems
to change from time to time, suggesting that the
contents of the rooms magically vary. Still anyone
spending at least a short rest studying the diary
and succeeding in a DC 15 Arcana check gain a
+1 to all skill checks during the skill challenge in
Encounter 2.
• Once the survivors escaped, they found they
were transformed into ghouls.
• The writer (or ghoul if interrogated) knows there
are other Netheril agents looking for the Cup of
Truth, but has no pertinent information about
• If captured, it begs the PCs to end its torment
caused by its insatiable appetite.
If or when Rauric dies, the PCs can find the Mystran
token on Rauric’s body and use it as described to open
the vault or repel some guardians. .
The PCs may take an extended rest after this
encounter if they wish.

Experience Points
The PCs receive 100/150 experience points each for
defeating the ghouls.
If the PCs do not defeat the ghouls, they receive
50/75 experience points each.
This encounter counts towards a milestone.

There is no treasure in this encounter.

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Encounter 1: Hungry Statistics (Low Level)
Ghoul (Minion) Level 1 Minion Soldier
Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP 25
Initiative +5 Senses Perception -1
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 17; Fortitude 14; Reflex 16; Will 13
Immune disease; poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Speed 8; Climb 4
m Claws (standard; at-will)
+8 vs AC; 3 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common
Skills Stealth +8
Str 12 (+1) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 9 (-1)
Con 13 (+1) Int 8 (-1) Cha 10 (+0)

Ghoul (Level 1) Level 1 Soldier

Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP 100
Initiative +5 Senses Perception -1
HP 29; Bloodied 14
AC 17; Fortitude 14; Reflex 16; Will 13
Immune disease; poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Speed 8; Climb 4
m Claws (standard; at-will)
+8 vs AC; 1d6 + 2 damage, and the target is immobilized (save
M Ghoulish Bite (standard; at-will)
Target must be immobilized, stunned, or unconscious; +6 vs AC;
3d6 + 2 damage, and the target is stunned (save ends)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common
Skills Stealth +8
Str 12 (+1) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 9 (-1)
Con 13 (+1) Int 8 (-1) Cha 10 (+0)

Ghoul Level 5 Soldier

Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP 200
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +2
HP 63; Bloodied 31
AC 21; Fortitude 18; Reflex 20; Will 17
Immune disease; poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Speed 8; Climb 4
m Claws (standard; at-will)
+12 vs AC; 1d6 + 4 damage, and the target is immobilized (save
M Ghoulish Bite (standard; at-will)
Target must be immobilized, stunned, or unconscious; +10 vs
AC; 3d6 + 3 damage, and the target is stunned (save ends)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common
Skills Stealth +11
Str 14 (+4) Dex 19 (+6) Wis 11 (+2)
Con 15 (+4) Int 10 (+2) Cha 12 (+3)

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Encounter 1: Hungry Statistics (High Level)
Ghoul (Level 1) Level 1 Soldier
Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP 100
Initiative +5 Senses Perception -1
HP 29; Bloodied 14
AC 17; Fortitude 14; Reflex 16; Will 13
Immune disease; poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Speed 8; Climb 4
m Claws (standard; at-will)
+8 vs AC; 1d6 + 2 damage, and the target is immobilized (save
M Ghoulish Bite (standard; at-will)
Target must be immobilized, stunned, or unconscious; +6 vs AC;
3d6 + 2 damage, and the target is stunned (save ends)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common
Skills Stealth +8
Str 12 (+1) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 9 (-1)
Con 13 (+1) Int 8 (-1) Cha 10 (+0)

Ghoul (Level 6) Level 6 Soldier

Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP 250
Initiative +10 Senses Perception +4
HP 72; Bloodied 36
AC 22; Fortitude 19; Reflex 21; Will 18
Immune disease; poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Speed 8; Climb 4
m Claws (standard; at-will)
+13 vs AC; 1d6 + 4 damage, and the target is immobilized (save
M Ghoulish Bite (standard; at-will)
Target must be immobilized, stunned, or unconscious; +11 vs
AC; 3d6 + 3 damage, and the target is stunned (save ends)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common
Skills Stealth +13
Str 15 (+5) Dex 20 (+8) Wis 12 (+4)
Con 16 (+6) Int 11 (+3) Cha 13 (+4)

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Encounter 1: Hungry Map

Tile Sets Needed

DU1 Halls of the Giant King

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 12

Encounter 2: Maze The following scenes are provided as examples. Feel
free to customize them based on what the PCs do, and
give hints to the PCs about what skills might be useful if
Skill Challenge Level 2/4, they're having trouble deciding what to do.
Complexity 1 (125/175 XP) You can run the scenes in any order, skipping over
some scenes to others you think are more appropriate
for your players. If you do skip around, make certain
Setup that after the second scene, you run Encounter 3 and
The skill challenge begins when the PCs open the door then come back to the skill challenge.
in the fire pit chamber and go through it. The PCs find The following general rules apply:
themselves in a maze through which they must navigate • A PC cannot assist any other PC’s primary skill
using teamwork, i.e., group skill checks (with the check.
exception of Scene 5). Between Scene 2 and Scene 3, • Up to two (2) PCs can assist another PC’s
the PCs stumble upon Encounter 3 and then come back secondary skill check.
to the skill challenge. • If a PC wants to use a skill that is not listed here
and you think it is applicable, they need to make
Beyond the door from the rubble filled chamber, lies a a DC 16/18 check with that skill to garner a
series of convoluted corridors. Traveling through them success.
you find they are filled with hidden doors, passages that • Once the PCs succeed or fail the skill challenge,
seem to open and close at random, illusions and a you do not have to run any remaining scenes and
myriad of other tricks. Worse still are the traps that you can continue with the next encounter.
burn, crush or mutilate. • Each scene has a secondary skill listed.
Finding your through this maze and overcoming • The secondary skill check takes no action and
these obstacles requires teamwork. Worse still, a wave provides no successes towards completing the
of red mist filled with white-blue stars fills the corridor skill challenge.
behind you and advances towards you, blocking off your • All the PCs individually make the secondary skill
ability to go back the way you came. check and if successful, it grants a +2 bonus to
their individual skill check for the scene’s primary
Many of the scenes in this skill challenge require group skill.
skill checks. Everyone rolls and if at least half the party • If the PCs fail the scene’s group skill check, apply
makes the DC, the group succeeds (see DMG2 p.85-86 the scene’s failure penalty.
for more information). Assuming that Rauric is still alive, • The red mist is part of the trapped maze and
he generates neither successes nor failures during the continues to slowly advance. Any PC that
skill challenge. attempts to enter it is surrender by the mist
which poisons the body and befuddles the mind.
The PC loses one healing surge from the mist.
Skill Challenge: Escape This is a poison effect, so PCs that are immune to
Goal: The PCs are navigating their way through a maze poison are not affect by this damage. Regardless
while overcoming obstacles, traps and tricks. of poison resistance or immunity, the PC
Complexity: 1 (4 successes before 3 failures) becomes lost and confused in the mist causing
Primary Skills: Athletics, Diplomacy, Heal, Perception, them to exit the mist back in the square they
Thievery enter the mist from.
Secondary Skills: Acrobatics, Arcana, Dungeoneering, • The mist effectively forces the PCs to enter
Endurance, Insight, Nature (these are secondary skills rooms that appear to be obviously trapped
that can grant a +2 bonus the scene’s primary skill because if they don’t, the slowly advancing mist
check) will eventually catch up with them and kill them.
Victory: The PCs escape from the maze suffering little
or no penalties. Scene 1: Sand Trap
Defeat: The PCs escape from the maze, only suffering The grinding noise behind you grabs your attention and
the ill effects from each scene’s failure result that they you turn to watch as a stone barrier rapidly descends
failed. from the ceiling blocking your escape. Faint wisps of red
mist seep through the crease where the door meets the
floor. Sand cascades down from above and you can tell

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 13

you do not have long until the area you are contained in
is completely filled with suffocating sand! After this scene, go to Encounter 3 and then return to
You notice the stone barrier has halted mere inches Scene 3.
above the floor leaving enough space for you to barely
get your hands under. Scene 3: Insidious Poison
A vile creature summoned to fight you doesn’t attack,
Athletics or Thievery DC 11/13 (group check, 1 but rather explodes sending a wave of foul poison across
success, 1 maximum) the entire chamber enveloping all of you. You feel the
This is the scene’s primary skill. Using your physical poison coursing through your system. Others around
strength, you lift the stone barrier high enough for you are also succumbing to the effect.
others to crawl under the barrier and escape or you Your only hope is to determine what kind of poison
tamper with the mechanism to slow the flow of sand. this is and apply a remedy to stop its effects before it is
too late.
Endurance DC 11/13 (no action, no success, 1
maximum) Heal DC 11/13 (group check, 1 success, 1 maximum)
This is the scene’s secondary skill. You push yourself This is the scene’s primary skill. Using your
beyond your physical limits to hold the stone barrier up knowledge of the healing arts, you treat those affected
for others to crawl under and escape despite the by the poison and apply a remedy.
suffocating sand threatening you or hold your breath
under the sand while your friends wiggle under the slab. Nature DC 11/13 (no action, no success, 1 maximum)
This is the scene’s secondary skill. You use your
Failure: If the group skill check fails for this encounter, knowledge of herbalism and poisons, of how they work,
each PC that failed their individual skill check suffers a - what they do and how to treat them.
2 penalty to any Strength, Dexterity or Constitution
based skill checks in the next skill challenge scene. The Failure: If the group skill check fails for this encounter,
penalty is due to exhaustion from their physical efforts each PC that failed their individual skill check loses 1
to escape this deathtrap. healing surge due to damage sustained in this scene.

Scene 2: Whirling Blades of Death Scene 4: Lost in the Maze

You are in the middle of the long corridor when an Somewhere, somehow you made a mistake and now you
insidious trap activates. Wickedly sharp blades slash are lost trying to find your way back to a place you
out at you from the walls while the floor beneath your recognize. Once you find that place, you know from
feet slowly slides apart revealing a spike-filled pit. there you can get your bearings and find your way out
Somehow you have to stop the blades while of this maze.
balancing precariously on what is left of the floor before
you all fall onto the sharp spikes below. Dungeoneering DC 11/13 (no action, no success, 1
Acrobatics DC 11/13 (no action, no success, 1 This is the scene’s secondary skill. Using your
maximum) knowledge garnered from other adventurers and your
This is the scene’s secondary skill. Using your sense own past experiences, you make a decision on which
of balance you keep yourself on the remaining floor passage to take to get you back to a place you recognize.
while disabling the trap.
Perception DC 11/13 (group check, 1 success, 1
Endurance or Thievery DC 11/13 (group check, 1 maximum)
success, 1 maximum) This is the scene’s primary skill. Using your powers
This is the scene’s primary skill. You for your way of observation, you discern the telltale signs of your
through, enduring many cuts or using the tricks of the passage, when you passed this way and how you got
trade that you picked up during your adventuring career here.
or other illicit activities, you set about stopping the trap.
Failure: If the group skill check fails for this encounter,
Failure: If the group skill check fails for this encounter, each PC that failed their individual skill check suffers a -
each PC that failed their individual skill check loses 1 2 penalty to any Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma
healing surge due to damage sustained in this scene.
MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 14
based skill checks in the next skill challenge scene. The
penalty is due to their unfamiliarity of where they are Diplomacy DC 11/13 (group check, 1 success, 1
located in maze and what obstacles they have missed or maximum)
already overcome. This is the scene’s primary skill. Using your powers
of persuasion, you encourage the others to persevere
Scene 5: Explosive Runes and calm their tempers.
A shimmering wall of magical energy forms behind you
sealing off any escape as the rune-covered door before Arcana or Insight DC 11/13 (no action, no success, 1
you flash a series of geometric designs. The flashing maximum)
pauses for a moment and then repeats. Obviously a This is the scene’s secondary skill. Using your
magical puzzle that needs to be solved before the door knowledge of the enchantments being used against you
opens. or your powers of intuition and insight, you discern
Alarmingly, a growing hum fills the air as the door those who are need encouragement or who need to be
vibrates with unseen and likely deadly energies. calmed.

The door has three rows of three symbols, with the last Failure: If the group skill check fails for this encounter,
symbol of the last row missing. To pass this challenge, each PC that failed loses 1 healing surge due to damage
the PCs must solve the puzzle and trace the correct they sustain fighting each other.
shape on the door. There is no primary skill for this
scene, but the secondary skill can be used to give the Ending the Encounter
PCs a hint. If the players take more than 10 minutes real The PCs can take an extended rest before the next
time, they automatically fail and the door explores. encounter if they wish. At the end of this encounter, go
Appendix 3 shows the puzzle and the solution to the to Encounter 4.
puzzle. The rule for obtaining the third pattern in each Success: The PCs escape from the maze suffering
row is to superimpose the first two patterns and little or no penalties.
eliminate any lines they have in common. Hence the Failure: The PCs escape from the maze, only
pattern to be placed at the end of the third row is simply suffering the ill effects from each scene’s failure result
a square. that they failed.
Rauric is no help with puzzles but is smart enough
to realize that the party probably shouldn’t attempt to Experience Points
batter the door down.
The PCs receive 25/35 experience points each.
This encounter is a milestone.
Arcana DC 15/17 (no action, no success, 1 maximum)
This is the scene’s primary skill. Using your Treasure
knowledge garnered from study, you make out the
There is no treasure found in this encounter.
magical clues that help you answer the puzzle. The rule
for obtaining the third pattern in each row seems to
involve superimposing parts of the other two symbols.

Failure: If the group traces the wrong symbol on the

door, it displays the message “This is what it feels like to
read explosive runes, and then it explodes.” Each PC loses 1
healing surge due to the concussive damage sustained as
the door explodes.

Scene 6: Teamwork
The maze continues to frustrate, confuse and befuddle
you at every turn as its enchantments weigh a heavy
burden upon your mind. You can tell tempers are
fraying and soon the accusations will start. This is the
time encourage others to do their best, to work together
and to get the job done.

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 15

Encounter 3: Magma Features of the Area
Illumination: Bright light from the fire pits.
Encounter Level 1/3 (500/750 XP) Door: The doors are locked (DC 20 Thievery; DC
25 Break; AC 5; Fort 10; Reflex 5; 40 hp). If opened, it
leads to Encounter 3. If all the PCs flee through the door
Setup to escape the creatures, end this encounter and start
This encounter includes the following creatures at the Encounter 3.
low tier: Fire Pits: The fire pits are 2 squares deep.
3 Magma Claws (Level 1) (C) • It is a DC 10 Athletics skill check and costs 2
2 Magma Hurlers (Level 1) (H) squares of movement for each square to climb up
or down the pit (4 squares total; the sides of the
This encounter includes the following creatures at the pit provide many excellent handholds).
high tier: • When a PC starts their turn adjacent to or in a
3 Magma Claws (Level 3) (C) pit, they take 1d6 fire damage. The magma
2 Magma Hurlers (Level 3) (H) creatures have resist 10 fire and unless
something reduces or negates their resist, they
After the PCs open the vault entrance, they make their take no damage.
way down a corridor and enter into another chamber. • If a creature or PC is in the pit, line of sight and
The chamber is guarded by magma creatures that are line of effect is blocked to them unless someone
bound to this place. is adjacent to the pit. Area attacks properly
As the adventurers enter the area, read: placed negate the blockage to line of effect.
Jagged Black Rocks: Treat the jagged black rocks
Beyond the blade filled room is a corridor that leads you (the rubble tiles) as difficult terrain costing 2 squares of
into a chamber lit by five flame filled pits. A path goes movement for each square. When a PC or magma
around these pits and leads off to three other doors. The creature moves into one of these squares:
ground along the path’s sides is heaps of jagged black • Make a successful DC 11/13 Acrobatics skill
rocks. check or fall prone in the square they enter.
The flames flare brightly, sending out a suffocating • If a creature falls prone, their movement action
wave of heat, as two magma creatures appear next to ends and they take 1d6 points of damage from
the pits furthest from you. the jagged rocks.
• Creatures in the jagged black rocks do not need
Encounter notes: another Acrobatics check to stand or to exit the
• The Magma Claws are hiding next to the three area and only take damage for falling prone.
fire pits nearest the PCs’ starting point (make a
Stealth check for them; +5 at low, +6 at high, Tactics
against the PCs passive Perception). Magma Claws:
• Do not place the Magma Claws on the map until • On their first turn, they attempt to remain hidden
a PC detects them on their turn (likely via a if no PCs are near enough for them to move and
passive Perception). attack with their Spew Lava, and they delay until
• A DC 15 Arcana check reveals these creatures a PC does so.
are Magma Claws and Hurlers, but not as • If they are attacked before a PC comes near, such
powerful as the normal ones. as by a ranged attack, they end their delay and
• The magma creatures are magically bound to move to attack the nearest PC.
guard this place and they cannot leave the • If a PC moves past them, they take an
chamber. opportunity attack with their claws.
• If a PC presents Rauric’s token to the magma • Once they are no longer hidden, they do not
creatures and makes a DC 11/13 Arcana or attempt to hide again, but prefer to attack any PC
Religion check (minor action), the magma they immobilize. Otherwise they attack the
creatures do not attack that PC for a round. nearest PC.
• If possible, they immobilize a PC next to a fire pit.

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 16

Magma Hurlers:
• On their first turn, they attack using their Magma
Ball, choosing as their target a PC that has the
most other PCs adjacent to them.
• After they attack, they move into the pit to block
the PCs line of sight and line of effect, forcing the
PCs to move to them and giving a chance for the
Magma Claws to intervene before a PC reaches
• On successive rounds they climb in or out (DC 10
Athletics) and attack.
• They prefer to attack PCs clustered together
otherwise the nearest PC.
The Magma Hurlers and Claws fight to the death.

Scaling the Encounter

Make the following adjustments to the combat based on
the number of PCs present.
Four PCs: Remove one Magma Claw.
Six PCs: Add one Magma Claw.

Ending the Encounter

The encounter ends when the Magma Hurlers and
Claws are defeated or the PCs flee.
If the PCs flee, the creatures do not pursue outside
of the map area (the chamber). When the PCs return,
the surviving creatures are no longer there as the spell
binding them here has failed.
If the PCs capture and question a Magma Hurler or
Claw (they only speak Primordial):
• It was placed here to guard this chamber and let
no one pass unless they bear the tri-flame mark.
• It does not know where any tri-flame marks are
• It does not know anything about the rest of the
The PCs may take an extended rest after this encounter.

Experience Points
The PCs receive 100/150 experience points each for
defeating the creatures.
If the PCs do not defeat the creatures, they receive
50/75 experience points each.
This encounter counts toward a milestone. Likely
the PCs receive an action point at this time.

There is no treasure in this encounter.

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 17

Encounter 3: Magma Statistics (Low Level)
Magma Hurler (Level 1) Level 1 Artillery
Medium elemental humanoid (earth, fire) XP 100
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +1
HP 21; Bloodied 10
AC 15; Fortitude 12; Reflex 14; Will 10
Immune petrification; Resist 10 fire; Vulnerable cold (a magma
hurler that takes cold damage is slowed until the end of its next turn)
Speed 4
m Slam (standard; at-will)
+5 vs AC; 1d6 + 3 damage
R Magma Ball (standard; at-will) • Fire
Ranged 15; +4 vs Reflex; 1d6 + 5 fire damage. Miss: Creatures
adjacent to the target take 1d6 fire damage
Alignment Unaligned Languages Primordial
Skills Endurance +4
Str 16 (+3) Dex 20 (+5) Wis 12 (+1)
Con 9 (-1) Int 3 (-4) Cha 6 (-2)

Magma Claw (Level 1) Level 1 Brute

Medium elemental magical beast (earth, fire) XP 100
Initiative +0 Senses Perception +4
HP 32; Bloodied 16
AC 13; Fortitude 13; Reflex 11; Will 10
Immune petrification; Resist 10 fire; Vulnerable cold (a magma
Claw that takes cold damage is slowed until the end of its next turn)
Speed 4 (8 while charging)
m Claw (standard; at-will) • Fire
+4 vs AC; 1d6 + 3 damage plus 1d6 fire damage
M Spew Lava (standard; at-will) • Fire
+2 vs Reflex; the target takes ongoing 5 fire damage and is
immobilized (save ends both)
Alignment Unaligned Languages Primordial
Skills Endurance +6, Stealth +5
Str 16 (+3) Dex 10 (+0) Wis 9 (-1)
Con 12 (+1) Int 0 (-5) Cha 4 (-3)

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Encounter 3: Magma Statistics (High Level)
Magma Hurler (Level 3) Level 3 Artillery
Medium elemental humanoid (earth, fire) XP 150
Initiative +6 Senses Perception +2
HP 34; Bloodied 17
AC 17; Fortitude 14; Reflex 16; Will 12
Immune petrification; Resist 10 fire; Vulnerable cold (a magma
hurler that takes cold damage is slowed until the end of its next turn)
Speed 4
m Slam (standard; at-will)
+7 vs AC; 1d6 + 3 damage
R Magma Ball (standard; at-will) • Fire
Ranged 15; +6 vs Reflex; 1d6 + 5 fire damage. Miss: Creatures
adjacent to the target take 1d6 fire damage
Alignment Unaligned Languages Primordial
Skills Endurance +6
Str 17 (+4) Dex 21 (+6) Wis 13 (+2)
Con 10 (+1) Int 4 (-2) Cha 7 (-1)

Magma Claw (Level 3) Level 3 Brute

Medium elemental magical beast (earth, fire) XP 1150
Initiative +1 Senses Perception +6
HP 53; Bloodied 26
AC 15; Fortitude 15; Reflex 13; Will 13
Immune petrification; Resist 10 fire; Vulnerable cold (a magma
Claw that takes cold damage is slowed until the end of its next turn)
Speed 4 (8 while charging)
m Claw (standard; at-will) • Fire
+6 vs AC; 1d6 + 3 damage plus 1d6 fire damage
M Spew Lava (standard; at-will) • Fire
+4 vs Reflex; the target takes ongoing 5 fire damage and is
immobilized (save ends both)
Alignment Unaligned Languages Primordial
Skills Endurance +7, Stealth +6
Str 17 (+4) Dex 11 (+1) Wis 10 (+1)
Con 13 (+2) Int 1 (-4) Cha 5 (-2)

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 19

Encounter 3: Magma Map

Tile Sets Needed

DT2 Arcane Corridors (for the fire pits)
DU1 Halls of the Giant King

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 20

Encounter 4: Freeze You watch as three of the four statues’ candelabras
flicker to life, burning for several heartbeats, before cold
Encounter Level 3/5 (750/1025 XP) flames erupt from the gaps in the floor covering three
quadrants of the room before dying down. The
Setup quadrant you are in is free of the flames and the
This encounter includes the following creatures at the candelabrum of the statue in your quadrant was unlit.
low tier: Three candelabras flicker to life again, with the
1 Young Frostwyrm (Level 2) (start the creature in the unlit candelabrum in the neighboring quadrant and the
middle of the northwest quadrant atop the letters NW) one you are in lit.

This encounter includes the following creatures at the At the end of the first round and after the cold flames
high tier: erupt, a Frostwyrm is summoned and appears. Read the
1 Young Frostwyrm (start the creature in the middle following:
of the northwest quadrant atop the letters NW)
The flames erupt, chilling fiercely, and as they die a
After escaping the maze, the PCs find an elevator at the sinuous serpentine figure composed of blue fire appears
exit. Taking the elevator, the PCs are lifted into this hovering in mid-air, apparently summoned by the
chamber. The elevator locks and the PCs cannot use it to closed chest, which is now ablaze with arcane runes.
leave the chamber until they open the treasure chest With hostile intent, the serpent slithers through the air
and re-activate it using the switch inside. towards you with the space around you getting colder as
This encounter includes both a skill challenge and a it approaches.
• The creature appears at the end of the first Roll initiative for the Frostwyrm and continue with the
round. Do not place it on the map until that next round.
• The ceiling is 15 feet high and the Frostwyrm Skill Challenge: Extinguish
cannot fly out of reach.
Goal: Open the statues’ books to get the key to open the
• The skill challenge is to open the chest and turn
treasure chest.
off the room’s cold flames.
Complexity: 1 (4 successes before 3 failures)
• Rauric’s token does not work on the frostwyrm,
Primary Skills: Athletics, Thievery
but feel free to allow a PC waste a minor action
Other Skills: Dungeoneering
attempting to do so. A PC that tries the token
Victory: The keys to open the treasure chest are
realizes after using their minor action that it will
not work and there is no reason to make another
Defeat: The keys to open the treasure chest are not
retrieved. When the encounter ends and assuming the
As the adventurers enter the area, read:
PCs defeat the Frostwyrm, the keys can be retrieved at
the PCs’ leisure.
The elevator you discovered at the maze’s exit lifts you
up into a large chamber with a floor covered in metal
Notes on the skill challenge:
plates that have a hand-width size gap between them.
• If a PC wants to use a skill that is not listed here
The gaps between the metal plates glow bright blue and
and you think it is applicable, they need to make
waves of cold emanate from them. A stone statue
a DC 16/18 check with that skill to garner a
depicting a wizard holding a closed book in one hand
and candelabra in their other hand is in each corner of
• Each scene has a secondary skill listed.
the room.
• The secondary skill check takes no action and
In the center of the room lies a large enclosed metal provides no successes towards completing the
chest with four keyholes. The chest is decorated with a skill challenge.
symbol of seven stars arranged around a flame. • Making a successful secondary skill check grants
a +2 bonus to the primary skill check.
Have the players roll their PCs initiative at this point. • Use Scene 1 if the PC uses Thievery as their
Once finished, continue reading: primary skill.

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 21

• Use Scene 2 if the PC uses Athletics as their
primary skill. It is a minor action to pick up the key.

Scene 1: Brains Features of the Area

A quick examination of the book reveals there are a Illumination: Bright light (from the blue fire).
series of hidden catches. Adjusting the catches correctly
opens the book. Elevator: The PCs start the encounter in this area (SE
Dungeoneering DC 11/13 (no action, no success, no • When the cold flames in the quadrant occur, the
maximum) elevator is also covered in flames (the flames are
This is the scene’s secondary skill. Using your vented from the nearby gaps to cover the
knowledge garnered from other adventurers and your elevator).
own past experiences, you determine how to best open • The elevator is inoperable until the treasure chest
the stone book. is opened and a switch inside is activated to turn
it back on.
Thievery DC 11/13 (standard action, 1 success, no
maximum) Statue: Treat the statues as blocking terrain.
This is the primary skill. Using the tricks of the • The books the statues are holding contain the
trade, you deftly touch the hidden catches and open the four keys needed to open the treasure chest.
stone book. • Opening the books is part of the skill challenge
listed above.
When the PC makes a successful Thievery skill check, • The statues are also covered in blue flames when
read the following: the quadrant they are in burns. A PC cannot
climb a statue to avoid the flames. The blue
The book succumbs to your approach and now lies open. flames do not damage the statues.
Inside there is a metal key.
Treasure Chest: Treat the chest as difficult terrain
It is a minor action to pick up the key. costing 2 squares of movement.
• PCs may jump over it.
Scene 2: Brawn • The keys to open the locks are in the statues’
You can tell there are hidden catches that if adjusted books.
correctly open the book. You have no patience for that • Rauric’s token does not open the locks.
and instead use a simple, direct approach known as • A DC 25 Thievery skill check opens one lock and
brute force. all four locks must be opened to open the
treasure chest.
Athletics DC 11/13 (standard action, 1 success, no • Alternately the PCs may attempt to break open
maximum) the chest (AC 5; Fort 10; Ref 10; 100 hp).
This is the scene’s primary skill. Using your physical • Opening the chest with the keys is a move action.
strength, you pry or break open the stone book. • There is a switch inside the treasure chest that
turns the elevator back on (it is labeled). It is a
Dungeoneering DC 11/13 (no action, no success, no standard action to activate the switch.
maximum) • There is another switch inside the treasure chest
This is the scene’s secondary skill. Using your that turns the flames off (it is labeled). It is a
knowledge garnered from other adventurers and your standard action to activate the switch. When this
own past experiences, you determine how to best open switch is activated, it also ends the magic holding
the stone book. the frostwyrm on this plane and it simply
When the PC makes a successful Athletics skill check, • The corners of the chest are also covered in
read the following: flames when the quadrant they are in burns. The
blue flames do not damage the chest.
The book succumbs to your approach and now lies open. • There are nine similar-sized metal chests inside
Inside there is a metal key. the larger chest, all unlocked. The treasure found

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 22

at the end of this encounter is contained in these Ending the Encounter
The encounter ends when the Frostwyrm is defeated.
Quadrants: The room is separated into quadrants by It is possible that the PCs defeat the skill challenge,
dark lines (NE=northeast, SE=southeast, SW=southwest, re-activate the elevator, take the treasure and escape
and NW=northwest). using the elevator. In this case, award full experience
• At the end of each round, three quadrants are points.
covered in cold flames that come from the gaps If the PCs are defeated, another group of
between the metal plates. adventurers sent by the Blacktree family finds their
• If there are any PCs in one of these three bodies and can arrange for the raise dead ritual to be
quadrants covered in flames, they take 2d6/3d6 cast (assuming the player wants their PC raised and is
cold damage. willing to pay for it or use the Charity clause). This group
• Any PC in the quadrant not covered in flames also retrieves the Cup of Truth and gives it to the PCs
takes no cold damage. after they are raised. Adjust Encounter 6 accordingly.
• The Frostwyrm is immune to cold and unless If the PCs somehow capture and attempt to
something affects its immunity, it takes no interrogate the Frostwyrm, it cannot tell them anything
damage from cold. as it does not have a language. If some means
• At the end of turn 0 or as described in the read- communication that does not rely on speech is available,
aloud text above, there is no fire in the SE the creature only communicates its desire to freeze
quadrant. them all to death.
• At the end of turn 1, there is no cold fire in the
SW quadrant. Troubleshooting: Cup of Truth
• At the end of turn 2, there is no cold fire in the This artifact, in its current state, leaves its possessor
NW quadrant. unable to lie. This aspect of the Cup can be emphasized
• At the end of turn 3, there is no cold fire in the — for both humorous and dramatic effect — throughout
NE quadrant. the adventure. For example, during a walk through the
• At the end of turn 4 and successive turns, the slums of the city, a street urchin might come up to a PC
same cycle continues as listed for turn 0-3 (the and ask, “Do you have a silver piece you could spare for
order is SE, SW, NW, NE). a starving child?” Remind the PC that he must not lie.
• To avoid the flames, the PCs move clockwise into If a PC knowingly lies while in possession of the
the next quadrant. Cup, the first instance results in the PC losing a healing
• The flames go from floor to ceiling. surge and being wracked with pain (stunned and
• Which candelabras are lit is the telltale sign knocked prone [save ends]). The second instance means
indicating which quadrants are erupting into that the same thing happens, but the Cup of Truth also
flame at the end of the next turn.
teleports itself away from the lying PC to the nearest PC.
If that PC lies once, the same result occurs as in the first
Tactics instance above. In the second instance, the Cup teleports
The Frostwyrm maximizes the number of PCs it can far away from the party forever, hiding itself until a
place in its Body Freeze aura. It prefers to attack the PC more worthy owner can find it. This leaves the PCs in a
who is trying to open the statue’s book otherwise it sticky situation. Cunning PCs might try to use this
attacks the nearest PC. When the creature becomes property to their advantage to trick the kidnappers. Let
bloodied, its bite attack does more damage. them do so if applicable, but don’t forget the kidnappers
The Frostwyrm fights to the death. are cunning and devious as well.

Experience Points
Scaling the Encounter
The PCs receive 150/210 experience points each for
Make the following adjustments to the combat based on
defeating the Frostwyrm.
the number of PCs present.
If the PCs do not defeat the Frostwyrm, they receive
Four PCs: At low tier, subtract 46 hit points. At
75/105 experience points each.
high tier, subtract 54 hit points.
This encounter is a milestone. Likely the PCs gain
Six PCs: At low tier, add 46 hit points. At high tier,
an action point.
add 54 hit points.

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 23

The PCs find treasure in the treasure chest with the
following items (treasure bundles) are found in the
treasure chest:
• A single magic suit of armor from any legal play
source with an item level equal to the PC's level
plus 1 or less from any player legal source.
• A single magic neck slot item from any legal play
source with an item level equal to the PC's level
plus 1 or less from any player legal source.
• A single magic waist slot item from any legal play
source with an item level equal to the PC's level
plus 1 or less from any player legal source.
• Friend’s Gift
• Restful Bedroll
• Flagon of Ale Procurement
• Battle Standard of Honor
• A book containing the alchemical formulas for
alchemist’s frost.
• In addition, the Cup of Truth and a stone tablet
fragment (see Players’ Handout 1) are found.

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 24

Encounter 4: Freeze Statistics (Low Level)
Young Frostwyrm (Level 2) Level 2 Solo Brute
Large elemental magical beast (dragon, cold) XP 625
Initiative +1 Senses Perception +7; darkvision
Body Freeze (Cold) aura 2; any creature that enters the aura or starts
its turn within the aura takes 5 cold damage
HP 232; Bloodied 116; see also tumbling frost
AC 16; Fortitude 16; Reflex 15; Will 14
Immune cold
Saving Throws +5
Speed 6 (hover)
Action Points 2
m Bite (standard; at-will) • Cold
Reach 2; +5 vs. AC; 2d6 + 5 cold damage (when bloodied 2d6 + 7
cold damage)
M Frostwyrm Fury (standard; at-will)
The Frostwrym makes two bite attacks. If both bites hit a single
target, it makes a third bite attack against the same target.
A Tumbling Frost (standard; recharges when first bloodied) •
Cold, Teleport
Close blast 5; +3 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 3 cold damage, and the target
takes ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends). Effect: The frostwyrm
teleports to any open space adjacent to the border of the blast’s area.
Alignment Unaligned Languages —
Str 17 (+4) Dex 9 (+0) Wis 11 (+1)
Con 17 (+4) Int 9 (+0) Cha 7 (+0)

DM Note: The Young Frostwyrm is a Young Blazewyrm

reskinned for cold instead of fire.

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 25

Encounter 4: Freeze Statistics (High Level)
Young Frostwyrm (Level 4) Level 4 Solo Brute
Large elemental magical beast (dragon, cold) XP 875
Initiative +2 Senses Perception +8; darkvision
Body Freeze (Cold) aura 2; any creature that enters the aura or starts
its turn within the aura takes 5 cold damage
HP 272; Bloodied 136; see also tumbling frost
AC 18; Fortitude 18; Reflex 17; Will 16
Immune cold
Saving Throws +5
Speed 6 (hover)
Action Points 2
m Bite (standard; at-will) • Cold
Reach 2; +7 vs. AC; 2d6 + 5 cold damage (when bloodied 2d6 +9
cold damage)
M Frostwyrm Fury (standard; at-will)
The frostwrym makes two bite attacks. If both bites hit a single target,
it makes a third bite attack against the same target.
A Tumbling Frost (standard; recharges when first bloodied) •
Cold, Teleport
Close blast 5; +5 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 3 cold damage, and the target
takes ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends). Effect: The frostwyrm
teleports to any open space adjacent to the border of the blast’s area.
Alignment Unaligned Languages —
Str 18 (+6) Dex 10 (+2) Wis 12 (+3)
Con 18 (+6) Int 10 (+1) Cha 8 (+1)

DM Note: The Young Frostwyrm is a Young Blazewyrm

reskinned for cold instead of fire.

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 26

Encounter 4: Freeze Map

Tile Sets Needed

DU1 Halls of the Giant Kings
DT1 Dungeon Tiles (for the statues)

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 27

Scene 1: Anton Blacktree
Encounter 5: Return
• Where was she last seen? “She left early this
morning with her carriage and her coachmen
Setup Korben. She said she was off to purchase
Anton Blacktree, Noble of Ravens Bluff, male human material for a new gown. She was supposed to
(Diplomacy +3, Intimidate +6) be back hours ago, but has not returned. Given
Arvond the Navigator, male human (Bluff +7, Nature the problems of late, I am understandable
+10, Perception +12) concerned.”
Captain Ivor Baroom, City Watch, male minotaur • What do you think happened to her? “She
(Diplomacy, Insight, Intimidate) mentioned before she thought she was being
Kiira Stoneshield, female shield dwarf, chamberlain to followed lately and I suspect it was more of the
House Blacktree (+16 Insight) same Netheril agents who tried to frame me for
Lady Silva Sinaran, Editor of the Ravens Bluff Longbottle’s murder. Perhaps they now seek
Trumpeter, noble, female moon elf (Eladrin) (History revenge and have taken it out upon her. As I
+31, Insight +21) said, I fear the worse.”
Reginald Longbottle Noble, Raven Knight, male • Is there anyone who knows more? “I spoke with
human, (Bluff +4, Diplomacy +9, Insight +10) Kiira Stoneshield, House Blacktree’s
chamberlain, but she only said my mother was
The PCs return to the Blacktree family estate in Ravens shopping. I was just about to go to the Watch
Bluff with the Cup of Truth and discover Lady Charissa when you arrived. You have already proven
Blacktree is missing. yourselves quite competent, perhaps you can
help me locate my mother?”
Returning to the Blacktree family estate you are quickly
• What would you have us do? “Please help me
ushered into a sitting room where a distressed Anton
find my mother and bring her back to Blacktree
Blacktree paces.
manor safely.”
On seeing you, he proclaims, “My mother is missing
and I fear the worse.” From here, the PCs can visit whichever of the NPCs
He pauses a moment, “The artifact. Do you have they deem appropriate, though there is a generally
it?” obvious path. Those NPCs that know something are
presented below. The obvious choice to begin would
If the PCs indicate they have the artifact, Anton be to speak with Chamberlin Stoneshield who is in
Blacktree asks for it. If the PCs refuse to give the artifact the Blacktree house with them, but some PCs might
to Anton Blacktree, he asks what the PCs intend to do wish to visit other NPCs they have met during this
with it. If the PCs make a plausible and logical case on series.
why they should keep the artifact, Anton readily agrees.
If the PCs do not make a plausible and logical case, feel Scene 2: Kiira Stoneshield
free to withhold any and all Blacktree family favors. • Do you know where Lady Blacktree went this
morning? “Lady Blacktree went shopping for
In this encounter the PCs speak with NPCs throughout
material for a new gown. She should have been
the city to discover the Lady Blacktree’s fate. Fill in with
home hours ago, however so I am particularly
any necessary and appropriate details. Add skill checks
where appropriate (suggested DC 6/8 for easy; 11/13
• Please tell us what Lady Blacktree is really doing?
for moderate; 16/18 for hard). While the PCs begin
“Do not speak to Master Blacktree about this,
with Anton Blacktree, they do not have to play through
but Lady Blacktree went to meet with Sir
the other scenes in the order presented here, should
Reginald Longbottle concerning the Cup of
they wish to skip over or seek out other NPCs.
Truth. I believe she hoped to strike an accord
If there is a time constraint, such as running at a
with him and the Raven Knights to protect the
convention, you may summarize the PCs investigation
artifact once it had been recovered.”
and go to the Scene 6: The Lady Is Found. Otherwise,
feel free to role-play as much as you and the players
desire and time allows.

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 28

Scene 3: Reginald Longbottle to Reginald, but she would talk to the city. I
• Did you meet and talk with Lady Blacktree? “Yes, suggested starting with Ivar. That’s Captain
the Lady Blacktree did come by, expressing her Ivor Baroom. A fine upstanding minotaur he is.
regret over the unfortunate turn of events of the He generally has Mayor Tasamber’s ear and
past few days.” would be helpful arranging the Cup’s turnover.”
• Did she talk to you about the Cup of Truth? In addition, Silva inquires about Cup of Truth and if they
“Indeed, she did speak with me about the are considering giving it to someone other than the
artifact. She made an inquiry about the Raven Blacktree family. If so,,why? She is clearly angling to get
Knights ability to protect said artifact” as many details for an upcoming story as possible.
• What did you tell her? “I told her the Raven
Knights and I would consider it an honor and Scene 5: Captain Ivor Baroom
privilege to protect such an artifact. I pledged • Did you meet and talk with Lady Blacktree?
that if it came under our protection, I would “Lady Blacktree did meet with me on a private
defend it with my life.” matter.”
• Did she make an agreement with you? “She did • Did she talk to you about the Cup of Truth? “She
not, as the Blacktree’s did not yet have did not talk about the Cup of Truth directly. She
possession of the artifact and she did not want indicated that House Blacktree may have
to make any agreement concerning its possession of a magical object that would
protection until it was firmly in their require protection from those who would
possession.” misuse it. She thought the object would need far
• Do you know where she went after meeting with more protection than House Blacktree could
you? “The Lady Blacktree mentioned she was offer. She asked me what kind of protections the
having tea with the Lady Silva Sinaran. Lady city could offer.”
Sinaran is quite a historian having lived in • What did you tell her? “I said the city has in the
Ravens Bluff for more than a hundred years past protected magical objects and what those
and I am sure the Lady Blacktree wanted to protections were. I would help her make such
find out more about the artifact.” an arrangement when she so wished to do so. I
In addition, Reginald asks the PCs to convince the think Mayor Delenathor Tasamber is an
Blacktrees to turn the artifact over to the Temple of honorable man and will gladly lend the
Torm. resources of the city to protect whatever item
• Appeals to their sense of honor. she had.”
• Points out the long and storied history of the • Do you know where she went after meeting with
Raven Knights. you? “Shopping for a new gown she said. As a
precaution, I had her followed. She did go to a
Scene 4: Lady Silva Sinaran shop, but a man named Arvond met with her
• Did you meet and talk with Lady Blacktree? “Oh outside and they went into private house owned
yes, Charissa did come by for tea and to chat.” by House Taldavar. From what I know, they are
• Did she talk to you about the Cup of Truth? “She still there. I can give you directions.” (go to The
did bring that subject up, mentioning that brave Lady Is Found)
adventurers were recovering it even as we In addition, Ivor asks the PCs to convince the Blacktrees
spoke. Are you those brave adventurers? If you to turn the artifact over to the city of Ravens Bluff.
are, I would love to hear all about it. Your story
could be on a broadsheet by tomorrow.” The Lady Is Found
• What did she want to know about the Cup of As you approach the house, in the distance you catch
Truth? “Strangely not so much about its history, sight of a shadowy carriage pulled by spectral horses
but more on advice on whom she should give it racing down the street. Lady Blacktree tries to claw out
to so they may protect it. She feared her son of the coach’s window before several grey-skinned
Anton would try to be its protector and it would tattooed humans drag her back inside. A black portal
result in a terrible tragedy.” appears directly in front of the carriage when you first
• What advice did you give her? “I told her she notice the coach and the horses rush through it before
should consider giving it the city itself or even the portal disappears from view.
the Raven Knights. She said she already talked

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 29

Assuming the PCs investigate the house, they find an
unconscious but alive Arvond the Navigator and Lady Concluding the Adventure
Blacktree’s coachman, Korben. The Lady’s coach is
A distraught Anton looks to you all, “I have no choice in
parked in front of the house.
this matter. You must deliver the Cup of Truth to the
Arvond the Navigator kidnappers for the safe return of Lady Charissa
• What happened? “I was waiting with Lady
Anton drops the recently delivered ransom note on
Blacktree and her coachman. We were
a low table and collapses on a nearby chair, burying his
attacked by Netherese agents after she arrived.
face into his hands.
Her coachman and I tried to stop them, but they
“Take the note and go now. Please save my
overpowered us. They told us to tell Anton
Blacktree if he wanted to see his mother alive
again, he should hand over the artifact. When I
The PCs receive the following quest rewards:
asked about the details, the leader laughed and
• MINI26 The Quest for the Cup of Truth Continues:
knocked both of us unconscious.” PCs that successful recover the Cup of Truth from
• Why did you want to talk to Lady Blacktree? “I the ruins of the temple of Mystra gain this story
talked to her about handing the artifact over to award.
loyal Sembians who wish to regain their • MINI27 Touch of the Dead Goddess: While any of
country from foul Netheril. I made my case, but the effects from the Spellplague fire in the ruins
she was hesitant and wanted to talk to one of fade with time, any PC that was affected by it (by
the leaders. I agreed and sent word to one of failing a saving throw while in the ruins) receives
them. We were waiting for her to arrive and this story award.
meet with Lady Blacktree.” • MINI28 Shattered Tablet Fragment: PCs that
In addition, Arvond asks the PCs to convince the found the tablet fragment in Encounter 4 receive
Blacktrees to turn the artifact over to the Sembian this story award.
Korben was not present for the discussion. He only The story comes to a conclusion in MINI2-3 Raven
knows that he was attacked from behind, knocked Knights.
unconscious, and woke up when the PCs arrived.

Ending the Encounter

The encounter ends when the PCs agree to deliver the
artifact to the kidnappers.

Experience Points
The PCs receive a story award for 25/15 experience
points each.

It the PCs were successful in retrieving the Cup, Anton
Blacktree pays them 75/100 gp each, as promised.

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 30

Rewards Summary he or she earns to have a negative total for the
adventure. PCs receive 20% of the item’s market price
At the conclusion of the adventure, the PCs earn when they sell any magic item or consumable. They
experience points, treasure, and possibly story awards. receive 50% of the market price for ritual books and
All totals listed here are per PC. A number before the alchemical formulas.
slash is the low-level value; after the slash is the high- If a player selects a magic weapon or suit of armor
level value. for their PC that is not specific on the type of item listed,
they must select the exact item at the time they choose
Experience Points that bundle. For example, if a duelist’s weapon +1 is listed
as a choice in a bundle, a player selects the form of the
Give PCs a full award for each encounter they
weapon amongst the choices possible for that magic
successfully completed, and a half award if they were
item (light blades). If the player selects the item as a +1
unsuccessful. Give no award if the characters did not
duelist’s dagger, the player writes that information down
play the encounter at all.
on the PC’s adventure log and the item is forever after
that specific weapon.
Encounter 1: Hungry
An asterisk next to a magic item means that it is an
100 / 150 XP
item that appears in the New Rules section.
Encounter 2: Maze
Each PC Selects One of the Following Bundles:
25 / 35 XP
Bundle A: A single magic suit of armor from any player-
Encounter 3: Magma legal source with an item level less than or equal to the
100 / 150 XP PC's level + 1.
Found in Encounter 4
Encounter 4: Freeze
150 / 210 XP Bundle B: A single magic neck slot item from any
player-legal source with an item level less than or equal
Minor Quest: Retrieve the Cup of Truth to the PC's level + 1.
25 / 15 XP Found in Encounter 4

Total Possible Experience Bundle C: A single magic waist slot item from any
400 / 560 XP player-legal source with an item level less than or equal
to the PC's level + 1.
Gold per PC Found in Encounter 4
75 / 100 gp
Bundle D: restful bedroll* (item level 1; AV)
(Encounter 5: 75 /100 gp)
Found in Encounter 4

Treasure Bundle E: friend’s gift (item level 4; AV)

Each PC receives treasure in the form of gold pieces as Found in Encounter 4
well as one share from a treasure bundle. The treasure
bundle may give the PC more gold, a magic item, or Bundle F: flagon of ale procurement* (item level 5; Dragon
something else of value. Each player makes one and 369)
only one selection for their character; players may Found in Encounter 4
choose the same treasure bundle. Note that it is possible
(and likely) that some characters will not select a bundle Bundle G: battle standard of honor* (item level 2; AV)
for each session of play. Found in Encounter 4
If characters buy or sell magic items or other gear
during the adventure (or pay for services) add or Bundle H: A book containing the alchemical formula
subtract that amount from the total gold the PC receives for Alchemist’s Frost (AV)
at the end of the adventure. If a player selects an option Found in Encounter 4
that gives their character more gold, add that amount to
that character’s base gold award. It is possible and Consumable plus Gold: If a player doesn’t want to
permissible for a character who spends more gold than select one of the bundles listed above for their character,

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 31

they can choose to add a potion of resistance (fire, Level 4)
plus 10 / 35 gp to their rewards from this adventure.
The player should write the consumable gained on their
adventure log. That character (and only that character)
then receives the consumable plus the listed amount of
gold (if any) instead of any other treasure bundle.
Consumable items obtained in this fashion do not take
up found magic item slots.

More Gold: If a player doesn't want to select one of the

bundles listed above for their character, they can choose
to add 50 / 75 gp to their rewards from this adventure.
That character (and only that character) receives more
gold instead of any other treasure bundle.

Story Awards
Award these if the PC completes the condition for the
award in the adventure. Pass out certificates to the
players for their story awards. The PCs may earn all
three of the story awards in this adventure.

MINI26 The Quest for the Cup of Truth Continues

You have completed the second part of the three part
Major Quest to recover the Cup of Truth and root out
the corruption in Ravens Bluff.

MINI27 Touch of the Dead Goddess

You have braved the depths of the Spellplague-infested
temple of Mystra below Ravens Bluff. While most of the
effects of your time in that place have faded, one
Anyone who successfully attempts to detect magic
upon you using the Arcana skill sees wisps of red mist
surrounding you and seven blue-white stars shining
around your head.

MINI28 Shattered Tablet Fragment

You have recovered a fragment of an ancient stone
tablet that is covered with strange writing. This fragment
was located in the ruins of the temple of Mystra in
Ravens Bluff.

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 32

New Rules
Battle Standard of Honor Level 2 Restful Bedroll Level 1
This blood-red banner weakens the resolve of those who fight An extended rest in this magic bedroll grants you extra vitality.
against you. Wondrous Item 360 gp
Wondrous Item 520 gp Power (Daily): Standard Action. Use this power when you
Power (Encounter✦ ✦ Zone): Standard Action. When you plant complete an extended rest in the restful bedroll. Gain 1d8
the battle standard in your space or an adjacent square, it temporary hit points that last until you take another rest (short
creates a zone of protective energy in a close burst 5. Enemies or extended).
within the zone that are marked take a
–1 penalty to damage rolls against any creature other than the
one that marked them.
Alchemical formulae
This effect lasts until the end of the encounter or until the
battle standard is removed from the ground. Any character in or Alchemist’s Frost
adjacent to a battle standard’s square can remove it from the Level: 1
ground as a standard action. Category: Volatile
Time: 30 minutes
Flagon of Ale Procurement Level 5 Component Cost: See below
Sought by brewers and barflies, this ornate flagon is not one you take Market Price: 70 gp
away from a dwarf—even to save his or her life. Key Skill: Arcana or Thievery (no check)
Wondrous Item 1,000 gp Alchemist’s frost is sealed in an insulated ceramic vial. When
Property: You know the distance to the nearest alcoholic it shatters, the sudden exposure to air causes the alchemist’s
beverage. frost to expand and freeze.
Power (Daily): Minor Action. For five minutes, you know the
direction and distance to the nearest source of water within 30
Alchemist’s Frost Level 1
squares of you or the nearest alcoholic beverage within 60
This ceramic flask explodes in an icy haze when it hits, crippling its
squares of you. If you are a dwarf, you can instead learn the
target with numbing cold.
direction and distance to ingredients for alcoholic beverages
Lvl 1 20 gp
within 60 squares of you.
Alchemical Item
Power (Consumable ✦ Cold): Standard Action. Make an attack:
Friend’s Gift Level 4 Ranged 5/10; +4 vs. Reflex; on a hit, the target takes 1d10 cold
Your companion wears this crimson badge on its chest as a sign damage and is slowed until the end of your next turn; on miss,
of friendship. the target takes half damage and is not slowed.
Lvl 4 840 gp
Item Slot: Companion
Property: Your companion regains an extra 5 hit points
when it spends a healing surge or when you spend a
healing surge to allow it to regain hit points.

Potion of Resistance Level 4

The color and smell of this potion varies with the protection it
Lvl 4 40 gp
Power (Consumable): Minor Action. Drink this potion
and spend a healing surge. You do not gain hit points as
normal. Instead, gain resist 5 to damage of a specific type
until the end of the encounter. The damage type (acid,
cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, or thunder)
is determined when the potion is created. Only one
potion of resistance can be in effect on you at once.

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 33

Appendix 1: Ravens Bluff
The following information, some of which is from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide and some of which is updated
from the 1998 The City of Ravens Bluff, can be used for reference and shared with players.

Vesperin temporarily suffered considerable economic and

A young nation made from former independent city- population loss. The city responded by extending its
states, Vesperin is a nexus for trade rumormongering walls out from the old harbor, building new wharves
and skullduggery. Commerce and corruption rule this and constructing new districts for immigrants,
land more surely than government. The capital city, warehouses and shipping, almost beggaring the city,
Tantras, is very wealthy and the worship of Torm several noble families and many wealthy retired
remains strong, helping to provide stability to the adventurers. Combined with impact from the death of
population. To the north, another large city, Calaunt, has three deities (Mystra, Tyr and Helm) and the loss of
recently become more vigilant about pirates and raiders many powerful wizards, the former government was
although the Merchant Dukes are bribable. Ravens Bluff reduced in scope. The old, ruling Clerical Circle is gone,
is the largest of the three cities and the friendliest to replaced with a mere custom of annual meetings
adventurers. Most of Vesperin is rolling farmland with between the temples. Major temples of Amaunator,
some woods. Chauntea, Gond, Ilmater, Kelemvor, Oghma, Selune,
Sune, Tempus, Torm, Tymora and Waukeen are found
Vesperin Lore in the city.
Guilds typical to major cities represent crafts,
A character knows the following information with a
professions and commerce. Unusual to Ravens Bluff are
successful skill check.
several orders of Knights: Golden Rooster, Griffon,
History DC 10: The region, once called the
Dove, Hawk, and Raven. Roughly two dozen hereditary
Vast, has seen an influx of immigrants, especially the city
noble families live in or near Ravens Bluff. The City
of Ravens Bluff. Many Sembian merchants relocated
Watch is tolerant of adventurers so long as damages are
here in the face of Netheril’s occupation of their
compensated. A mayor runs the city but receives advice
homeland. A couple of decades ago, Netheril outlawed
from neighborhood-elected councilors and the noble
all such immigration. Sembians who tried anyway
families. The weekly city broadsheet is the Ravens Bluff
wound up dead.
Streetwise DC 10: Gold counts for more than
blood here. Vesperin is a place for intrigue, double
Ravens Bluff Lore
crossing, and conversing with those normally met as
enemies on the battlefield. With Sembia under the A character knows the following information with a
thumb of Netheril, Vesperin has flourished. Here, successful skill check.
neutrality is the rule. Streetwise DC 10: The hereditary nobles include
the Blacktree, Longbottle, Taldavar, and Sinaran
Ravens Bluff families. Blacktree has the reputation of a history of
adventuresome rogues and own a two thousand acre
Ravens Bluff straddles the mouth of the Fire River on
estate outside of the city and a townhouse in the city.
the eastern shore of the Dragon Reach, that most
Longbottle has the reputation of honorable service to the
northerly arm of the Sea of Fallen Stars. Ravens Bluff
city either in government or in a Knightly order. They
stands just north of the Earthfast Mountains, on the site
are less wealthy than most of the noble families. House
of the onetime dwarven city called Sarbreen (or The
Taldavar has the reputation of wise, humorless elders
Realm of the Glimmering Swords).
with extensive investments. They are rumored to have
Over the last hundred years, Ravens Bluff eclipsed
extensive holdings in Sembia. The Sinaran moon elf clan
Calaunt as the largest city, some 40,000 residents, in the
is the only nonhuman noble house. Lady Silva Sinaran is
region. Ravens Bluff is sweeter smelling than the
also unusual in that she serves as the editor of the
tannery-scented Calaunt and less structured than
Ravens Bluff Trumpeter and keeps her finger on the
Tantras, with its rigid economic, social and political class
pulse of the city. Merchant House Raphiel was once
arrangements. As a result, most immigrants choose to
noble, but has fallen on hard times. The daughter is
settle here.
reputed to be very beautiful and courted both Anton
With the dramatic 50-foot fall of the level of the Sea
Blacktree and Reginald Longbottle.
of Fallen Stars due to the Spellplague, Ravens Bluff

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 34

Appendix 2: A Knightly Code
The following information was derived from the 1998 The City of Ravens Bluff.

Every knight lives by a code; this is what separates knights from other armed warriors. While each knightly order is
different and emphasize different elements, these principles are core for all, particularly as espoused by the orders in
Ravens Bluff.

Fair Play
• Never attack a defenseless foe.
• Do not use lethal force to end barroom brawls.
• Avoid lying or deception through silence.
• Keep promises to a fellow knight.
• Avoid cheating and torture.

• Obey local laws
• Administer Justice and show Mercy.
• Protect the innocent while always maintaining self-control.
• Show respect to authority.
• Accept and acknowledge personal responsibility for your actions.

• Exhibit courage in word and deed, defending the weak and innocent.
• Destroy evil in all its forms, crushing the monster that would steal our land and enslave our people.
• Fight with honor, avenging the wronged.
• Never abandon a friend, ally, or noble cause.

• Always keep your word or promise while maintaining your principles.
• Never betray your order, or a confidence or a comrade.
• Respect all life and freedom.
• Die with honor.

Courtesy & Benevolence

• Exhibit manners; always be polite and attentive.
• Be respectful to hosts, women, knights, the elderly, and all who are honorable.
• Be generous to the less fortunate.
• Seek personal glory, not monetary reward.
• Serve your realm and her people, not yourself.
• Set an example of right action to all people.

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 35

Appendix 3A: Door Puzzle
This puzzle is found in Scene 5 of Encounter 2.

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 36

Appendix 3B: Door Puzzle Solution
This is the solution to the puzzle is found in Scene 5 of Encounter 2.

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 37

Player Handout 1: Tablet Fragment

MINI2-2 Ravens Under the Midday Sun Page 38

__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
(character name) (character name) (character name)

Has Received Story Awards From: Has Received Story Awards From: Has Received Story Awards From:
(cross out those not received) (cross out those not received) (cross out those not received)

MINI2-2 Ravens under the Midday Sun MINI2-2 Ravens under the Midday Sun MINI2-2 Ravens under the Midday Sun

MINI26 The Quest for the Cup of Truth Continues MINI26 The Quest for the Cup of Truth Continues MINI26 The Quest for the Cup of Truth Continues
You have completed the second part of the three You have completed the second part of the three You have completed the second part of the three
part Major Quest to recover the Cup of Truth and part Major Quest to recover the Cup of Truth and part Major Quest to recover the Cup of Truth and
root out the corruption in Ravens Bluff. root out the corruption in Ravens Bluff. root out the corruption in Ravens Bluff.

MINI27 Touch of the Dead Goddess MINI27 Touch of the Dead Goddess MINI27 Touch of the Dead Goddess
You have braved the depths of the Spellplague- You have braved the depths of the Spellplague- You have braved the depths of the Spellplague-
infested temple of Mystra below Ravens Bluff. infested temple of Mystra below Ravens Bluff. infested temple of Mystra below Ravens Bluff.
While most of the effects of your time in that While most of the effects of your time in that While most of the effects of your time in that
place have faded, one remains. place have faded, one remains. place have faded, one remains.
Anyone who successfully attempts to detect Anyone who successfully attempts to detect Anyone who successfully attempts to detect
magic upon you using the Arcana skill sees wisps magic upon you using the Arcana skill sees wisps magic upon you using the Arcana skill sees wisps
of red mist surrounding you and seven blue-white of red mist surrounding you and seven blue-white of red mist surrounding you and seven blue-white
stars shining around your head. stars shining around your head. stars shining around your head.

MINI28 Shattered Tablet Fragment MINI28 Shattered Tablet Fragment MINI28 Shattered Tablet Fragment
You have recovered a fragment of an ancient You have recovered a fragment of an ancient You have recovered a fragment of an ancient
stone tablet that is covered with strange writing. stone tablet that is covered with strange writing. stone tablet that is covered with strange writing.
This fragment was located in the ruins of the This fragment was located in the ruins of the This fragment was located in the ruins of the
temple of Mystra in Ravens Bluff. temple of Mystra in Ravens Bluff. temple of Mystra in Ravens Bluff.
Event Name: _______________________________ Event Code: __________________________
(This number was given to the organizer when the event was scheduled)

Adventure Title: ______________________________________________ Session Number: ____
(For administrative use only)

/ / Start Time: :
Give hour in military time standard (p.m. hours
Date of Play: = hour +12). Don’t record the exact minute the
Month Day Year Hour Minute adventure played. Instead list the closest 30- DM Name: _____________________
minute interval the game was scheduled to start
at (30 or 00).
A legal table has no less than four players, and no more than six players.
RPGA Number: May be less than a 10-digit number.

Name Number

a b c

6 Dungeons & Dragons is a trademark of Wizards of the

Coast LLC. © 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC

Event Name: _______________________________ Event Code: __________________________

(This number was given to the organizer when the event was scheduled)

Adventure Title: ______________________________________________ Session Number: ____
(For administrative use only)

/ / Start Time: :
Give hour in military time standard (p.m. hours
Date of Play: = hour +12). Don’t record the exact minute the
Month Day Year Hour Minute adventure played. Instead list the closest 30- DM Name: _____________________
minute interval the game was scheduled to start
at (30 or 00).
A legal table has no less than four players, and no more than six players.
RPGA Number: May be less than a 10-digit number.

Name Number

a b c

6 Dungeons & Dragons is a trademark of Wizards of the

Coast LLC. © 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC

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