MINI2-2 Ravens Under The Midday Sun
MINI2-2 Ravens Under The Midday Sun
MINI2-2 Ravens Under The Midday Sun
By Gary Affeldt
Reviewed by Greg Marks
Playtested by Tim Bailey, Eleanor Brown, Richard Brown, Ed
Devaney, Robert Edminster, Jack Hall, Mark Knobbe, David N
Krolnik, Eva Orta, John~Alan Pascoe, Ben Siekert, Eriks Teranis,
Phil Tobin, Daniel van Gelderen, Renout van Rijn, Rydia Q
Viehlehr, Yourik de Voogd, Scott Warner, Joe Zajkowski
The tale of the Ravens Bluff continues as a new generation of heroes finds themselves caught in the whirl of intrigue
and menace only the City of Adventurers can provide. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Ravens Bluff for
characters levels 1-4. This adventure is the second part of the three-part Return to Ravens Bluff mini-campaign. It is
recommended that you play the mini-campaign adventures in sequential order with the same character, but this is
not required.
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game
designed by Andy Collins, Rob Heinsoo, and James Wyatt.
This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of Wizards of the
Coast. To learn more about the Game System License (GSL), please visit
This is an official D&D® play document. To find out more about official D&D play and to learn more on how you can schedule and run DUNGEONS
& DRAGONS game events of all sizes, visit our website at, and click on “Events.”
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, RPGA, Wizards Play Network, Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual are trademarks of
Wizards of the Coast LLC in the US and other countries. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any
reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of
the Coast LLC. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental.
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC
For rules questions specific to this document, visit
Permission is granted to photocopy this document for personal use.
Official D&D Play Reading Monster Stat Blocks
Most likely you ordered this adventure as part of an Most of the information should be easy to understand, as
event, or you received it from your organizer. To play it mirrors the information presented in the Monster
this adventure and receive rewards for it, you must Manual. Attacks may have a letter next to them
schedule it as an event. This event could be as elaborate designating the type: M for melee, R for ranged, C for
as a big convention, or as simple as a group of friends close, and A for area. A lower-case letter (used only in
meeting at the DM’s house. some melee and ranged attacks) denotes that the attack
To schedule a game for public play, you must be can be used as a basic attack.
enrolled in the Wizards Play Network. Information on
enrolling in the program can be found at Important DM Information If you are scheduling the game
As the DM of the session, you have the most important
for private play, you do not need to be enrolled in the
role in facilitating the enjoyment of the game for the
Wizards Play Network. The person who schedules the
players. You take the words on these pages and make
event, called the organizer, is in charge of making sure
them come alive. The outcome of a fun game session
the event is scheduled before play, runs smoothly on the
often creates stories that live well beyond the play at the
date scheduled, and gets reported back to Wizards in a
table. Always follow this golden rule when you DM for a
timely manner. The person who runs the game is called
the table Dungeon Master (or usually just DM).
Sometimes (and almost all the time in the cases of home
Make decisions and adjudications that enhance the
events) the organizer is also the table DM. You don’t
fun of the adventure when possible.
have to be enrolled in the Wizards Play Network to DM
this adventure if you are not the organizer.
To reinforce this golden rule, keep in mind the
By scheduling and reporting this adventure you
accomplish a couple of things. First, it is an official game,
tracked under your play history. Second, DMs gain
• You are empowered to make adjustments to
rewards for scheduled play if they are members of the
the adventure and make decisions about how
DM REWARDS program. DMing this adventure is worth
the group interacts with the world of this
one (1) point.
adventure. This is especially important and
To learn more about event scheduling and DM
applicable outside of combat encounters, but feel
REWARDS, visit the D&D Events website at
free to use the "scaling the encounter" advice and click on “Events.”
(usually for adjusting to different-sized groups) to
adjust combat encounters for groups that are
Preparing for Play having too easy or too hard of a time in an
In order to play this adventure, you’ll need copies of the adventure.
following D&D 4th Edition rulebooks: Player’s Handbook, • Don't make the adventure too easy or too
Dungeon Master’s Guide, and the Monster Manual. Any difficult for a group. Never being challenged
other rules referenced in this adventure will be noted in makes for a boring game, and being
the New Rules Items section at the end of the overwhelmed makes for a frustrating game.
adventure. Gauge the experience of the players (not the
Throughout this adventure, text in bold italics characters) with the game, try to feel out (or ask)
provides player information for you to paraphrase or what they like in a game, and attempt to give
read aloud when appropriate. Information on nonplayer each of them the experience they’re after when
characters (NPCs) and monsters appear in abbreviated they play D&D. Give everyone a “chance to
form in the adventure text. shine.”
Along with this adventure, you’ll find a session • Be mindful of pacing, and keep the game
tracking sheet. If you’re playing this adventure as part of session moving along appropriately. Watch for
an officially scheduled event, complete and turn in this stalling, as play loses momentum when this
sheet to your organizer directly after play. happens. At the same time, make sure that the
players don’t finish the adventure too early;
provide them with a full play experience. Living
Forgotten Realms adventures are designed to be
played within 3.5 – 4 hours; try to be very aware
Roll 1d10
• 1: It Burns: take 1d4 points of damage that
cannot be healed.
• 2: Mutation: Suffer a -1 penalty to your speed.
• 3: Sickened: take a -2 penalty to Acrobatics,
Athletics, and Endurance skill checks.
• 4: Drained: lose a healing surge.
• 5: Weakened: take a -1 penalty to damage; all
successful attacks still deal a minimum of 1 point.
• 6: Light Sensitive: suffer a -1 penalty to attack
rolls in areas of bright light.
• 7: Random limb turns dark blue and rubbery; no
game effect.
• 8: Covered in horrible weeping sores; no game
• 9: Invigorated: regain one spent healing surge.
• 10: Plaguerage: gain a +1 bonus to damage.
Experience Points
The PCs receive 100/150 experience points each for
defeating the ghouls.
If the PCs do not defeat the ghouls, they receive
50/75 experience points each.
This encounter counts towards a milestone.
There is no treasure in this encounter.
The door has three rows of three symbols, with the last Failure: If the group skill check fails for this encounter,
symbol of the last row missing. To pass this challenge, each PC that failed loses 1 healing surge due to damage
the PCs must solve the puzzle and trace the correct they sustain fighting each other.
shape on the door. There is no primary skill for this
scene, but the secondary skill can be used to give the Ending the Encounter
PCs a hint. If the players take more than 10 minutes real The PCs can take an extended rest before the next
time, they automatically fail and the door explores. encounter if they wish. At the end of this encounter, go
Appendix 3 shows the puzzle and the solution to the to Encounter 4.
puzzle. The rule for obtaining the third pattern in each Success: The PCs escape from the maze suffering
row is to superimpose the first two patterns and little or no penalties.
eliminate any lines they have in common. Hence the Failure: The PCs escape from the maze, only
pattern to be placed at the end of the third row is simply suffering the ill effects from each scene’s failure result
a square. that they failed.
Rauric is no help with puzzles but is smart enough
to realize that the party probably shouldn’t attempt to Experience Points
batter the door down.
The PCs receive 25/35 experience points each.
This encounter is a milestone.
Arcana DC 15/17 (no action, no success, 1 maximum)
This is the scene’s primary skill. Using your Treasure
knowledge garnered from study, you make out the
There is no treasure found in this encounter.
magical clues that help you answer the puzzle. The rule
for obtaining the third pattern in each row seems to
involve superimposing parts of the other two symbols.
Scene 6: Teamwork
The maze continues to frustrate, confuse and befuddle
you at every turn as its enchantments weigh a heavy
burden upon your mind. You can tell tempers are
fraying and soon the accusations will start. This is the
time encourage others to do their best, to work together
and to get the job done.
Experience Points
The PCs receive 100/150 experience points each for
defeating the creatures.
If the PCs do not defeat the creatures, they receive
50/75 experience points each.
This encounter counts toward a milestone. Likely
the PCs receive an action point at this time.
There is no treasure in this encounter.
This encounter includes the following creatures at the At the end of the first round and after the cold flames
high tier: erupt, a Frostwyrm is summoned and appears. Read the
1 Young Frostwyrm (start the creature in the middle following:
of the northwest quadrant atop the letters NW)
The flames erupt, chilling fiercely, and as they die a
After escaping the maze, the PCs find an elevator at the sinuous serpentine figure composed of blue fire appears
exit. Taking the elevator, the PCs are lifted into this hovering in mid-air, apparently summoned by the
chamber. The elevator locks and the PCs cannot use it to closed chest, which is now ablaze with arcane runes.
leave the chamber until they open the treasure chest With hostile intent, the serpent slithers through the air
and re-activate it using the switch inside. towards you with the space around you getting colder as
This encounter includes both a skill challenge and a it approaches.
• The creature appears at the end of the first Roll initiative for the Frostwyrm and continue with the
round. Do not place it on the map until that next round.
• The ceiling is 15 feet high and the Frostwyrm Skill Challenge: Extinguish
cannot fly out of reach.
Goal: Open the statues’ books to get the key to open the
• The skill challenge is to open the chest and turn
treasure chest.
off the room’s cold flames.
Complexity: 1 (4 successes before 3 failures)
• Rauric’s token does not work on the frostwyrm,
Primary Skills: Athletics, Thievery
but feel free to allow a PC waste a minor action
Other Skills: Dungeoneering
attempting to do so. A PC that tries the token
Victory: The keys to open the treasure chest are
realizes after using their minor action that it will
not work and there is no reason to make another
Defeat: The keys to open the treasure chest are not
retrieved. When the encounter ends and assuming the
As the adventurers enter the area, read:
PCs defeat the Frostwyrm, the keys can be retrieved at
the PCs’ leisure.
The elevator you discovered at the maze’s exit lifts you
up into a large chamber with a floor covered in metal
Notes on the skill challenge:
plates that have a hand-width size gap between them.
• If a PC wants to use a skill that is not listed here
The gaps between the metal plates glow bright blue and
and you think it is applicable, they need to make
waves of cold emanate from them. A stone statue
a DC 16/18 check with that skill to garner a
depicting a wizard holding a closed book in one hand
and candelabra in their other hand is in each corner of
• Each scene has a secondary skill listed.
the room.
• The secondary skill check takes no action and
In the center of the room lies a large enclosed metal provides no successes towards completing the
chest with four keyholes. The chest is decorated with a skill challenge.
symbol of seven stars arranged around a flame. • Making a successful secondary skill check grants
a +2 bonus to the primary skill check.
Have the players roll their PCs initiative at this point. • Use Scene 1 if the PC uses Thievery as their
Once finished, continue reading: primary skill.
Experience Points
Scaling the Encounter
The PCs receive 150/210 experience points each for
Make the following adjustments to the combat based on
defeating the Frostwyrm.
the number of PCs present.
If the PCs do not defeat the Frostwyrm, they receive
Four PCs: At low tier, subtract 46 hit points. At
75/105 experience points each.
high tier, subtract 54 hit points.
This encounter is a milestone. Likely the PCs gain
Six PCs: At low tier, add 46 hit points. At high tier,
an action point.
add 54 hit points.
Experience Points
The PCs receive a story award for 25/15 experience
points each.
It the PCs were successful in retrieving the Cup, Anton
Blacktree pays them 75/100 gp each, as promised.
Total Possible Experience Bundle C: A single magic waist slot item from any
400 / 560 XP player-legal source with an item level less than or equal
to the PC's level + 1.
Gold per PC Found in Encounter 4
75 / 100 gp
Bundle D: restful bedroll* (item level 1; AV)
(Encounter 5: 75 /100 gp)
Found in Encounter 4
Story Awards
Award these if the PC completes the condition for the
award in the adventure. Pass out certificates to the
players for their story awards. The PCs may earn all
three of the story awards in this adventure.
Every knight lives by a code; this is what separates knights from other armed warriors. While each knightly order is
different and emphasize different elements, these principles are core for all, particularly as espoused by the orders in
Ravens Bluff.
Fair Play
• Never attack a defenseless foe.
• Do not use lethal force to end barroom brawls.
• Avoid lying or deception through silence.
• Keep promises to a fellow knight.
• Avoid cheating and torture.
• Obey local laws
• Administer Justice and show Mercy.
• Protect the innocent while always maintaining self-control.
• Show respect to authority.
• Accept and acknowledge personal responsibility for your actions.
• Exhibit courage in word and deed, defending the weak and innocent.
• Destroy evil in all its forms, crushing the monster that would steal our land and enslave our people.
• Fight with honor, avenging the wronged.
• Never abandon a friend, ally, or noble cause.
• Always keep your word or promise while maintaining your principles.
• Never betray your order, or a confidence or a comrade.
• Respect all life and freedom.
• Die with honor.
Has Received Story Awards From: Has Received Story Awards From: Has Received Story Awards From:
(cross out those not received) (cross out those not received) (cross out those not received)
MINI2-2 Ravens under the Midday Sun MINI2-2 Ravens under the Midday Sun MINI2-2 Ravens under the Midday Sun
MINI26 The Quest for the Cup of Truth Continues MINI26 The Quest for the Cup of Truth Continues MINI26 The Quest for the Cup of Truth Continues
You have completed the second part of the three You have completed the second part of the three You have completed the second part of the three
part Major Quest to recover the Cup of Truth and part Major Quest to recover the Cup of Truth and part Major Quest to recover the Cup of Truth and
root out the corruption in Ravens Bluff. root out the corruption in Ravens Bluff. root out the corruption in Ravens Bluff.
MINI27 Touch of the Dead Goddess MINI27 Touch of the Dead Goddess MINI27 Touch of the Dead Goddess
You have braved the depths of the Spellplague- You have braved the depths of the Spellplague- You have braved the depths of the Spellplague-
infested temple of Mystra below Ravens Bluff. infested temple of Mystra below Ravens Bluff. infested temple of Mystra below Ravens Bluff.
While most of the effects of your time in that While most of the effects of your time in that While most of the effects of your time in that
place have faded, one remains. place have faded, one remains. place have faded, one remains.
Anyone who successfully attempts to detect Anyone who successfully attempts to detect Anyone who successfully attempts to detect
magic upon you using the Arcana skill sees wisps magic upon you using the Arcana skill sees wisps magic upon you using the Arcana skill sees wisps
of red mist surrounding you and seven blue-white of red mist surrounding you and seven blue-white of red mist surrounding you and seven blue-white
stars shining around your head. stars shining around your head. stars shining around your head.
MINI28 Shattered Tablet Fragment MINI28 Shattered Tablet Fragment MINI28 Shattered Tablet Fragment
You have recovered a fragment of an ancient You have recovered a fragment of an ancient You have recovered a fragment of an ancient
stone tablet that is covered with strange writing. stone tablet that is covered with strange writing. stone tablet that is covered with strange writing.
This fragment was located in the ruins of the This fragment was located in the ruins of the This fragment was located in the ruins of the
temple of Mystra in Ravens Bluff. temple of Mystra in Ravens Bluff. temple of Mystra in Ravens Bluff.
Event Name: _______________________________ Event Code: __________________________
(This number was given to the organizer when the event was scheduled)
Adventure Title: ______________________________________________ Session Number: ____
(For administrative use only)
/ / Start Time: :
Give hour in military time standard (p.m. hours
Date of Play: = hour +12). Don’t record the exact minute the
Month Day Year Hour Minute adventure played. Instead list the closest 30- DM Name: _____________________
minute interval the game was scheduled to start
at (30 or 00).
A legal table has no less than four players, and no more than six players.
RPGA Number: May be less than a 10-digit number.
Name Number
a b c
Adventure Title: ______________________________________________ Session Number: ____
(For administrative use only)
/ / Start Time: :
Give hour in military time standard (p.m. hours
Date of Play: = hour +12). Don’t record the exact minute the
Month Day Year Hour Minute adventure played. Instead list the closest 30- DM Name: _____________________
minute interval the game was scheduled to start
at (30 or 00).
A legal table has no less than four players, and no more than six players.
RPGA Number: May be less than a 10-digit number.
Name Number
a b c