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(AIIMS & NEET – Memory Based Questions) Ophthalmology

“Questions” Dr. Niha Aggarwal

1. A patient with acute pain & watering since 36 5. A child with photophobia, lacrimation is most
hours. There is ulcer 3 x 2mm on cornea with likely to have:
feathery margins rolled out edges with minimal
A. Bacterial
B. Fungal
C. Acanthamoeba A. Congenital glaucoma
C. Megalocornea
2. This specticales is used in: D. Corneal dystrophy

6. What is the angle sublended by top most letter

of Snellen’s chart at Nodal point of eye at a
distance of 6 m:
A. Bifocal for adult aphakia A. 5 min
B. Biofocal for presbyopia B. 20 min
C. Progressive glasses for presbyopia C. 50 min
D. Bifocal for pediatric pseudophakia D. 30 min

3. Given image signifies which of the following 7. A diabetic patient with macular oedema &
condition: glaucoma least preferred drug?
A. α agonist
B. β Fungal
D. Pilocarpine

A. Ocluomotor nerve palsy 8. Pre requisite for sympathetic ophthalmitis:

B. Trochlear nerve palsy A. Penetrating trauma to eye
C. Intemuclear opthalmoplegia B. Blunt ocular trauma
D. Lateral rectus paralysis C. Chemical injury
D. Urinary tract infection
4. Identify the marked layer in given histological
section: 9. Drug used in patient with increased IOP & optic
disc changes, ciliary congestion for decrease IOP by
increase uveo sclera outflow:
A. Latanoprost
B. Dorzolamide
C. Pilocarpine
D. Timolol

10. Extra layer of cilia posterior to grey line:

A. Tylosis
A. Outer plexiform layer B. Madarosis
B. Inner plexiform layer C. Distichiasis
C. Outer limiting membrane D. Trichiasis
D. Inner limiting membrane [email protected] 1
(AIIMS & NEET – Memory Based Questions) Ophthalmology
“Questions” Dr. Niha Aggarwal

11. Shifting fluid sign in: B. Trochlear palsy

A. ERD C. Sixth nerve palsy
B. TRD D. Facial palsy
D. Retinal dialysis 17. Characteristic finding of fungal ulcer:
A. Satellite lesions
12. Esotropia is most commonly associated with: B. Dendritic ulcer
A. Hyperopia C. Ring abscess
B. Myopia D. White hypopyon
C. Presbyopia
D. Astigmatism 18. Middle aged women with b/I proptosis, with
restricted ocular movements, and chemosis, is
13. Phostostress test is used to differentiate: euthyroid. What is the probable diagnosis:
A. Cataract & glaucoma A. Orbital cellulitis
B. Cornea & lens disease B. Thyroid ophthalmopathy
C. Macular & optic nerve C. Pseudotumor of Orbita
D. Vitreous & retina D. Orbital lymphoma

14. Lesion producing Incongruous Homonymous 19. A patient with acute pain & watering since 36
Hemianopia with wernicke’s hemianopia pupil: hours. There is ulcer 3 x 2mm on cornea with
A. Optic tract feathery margins rolled out edges with minimal
B. Visual cortex hypopyon:
C. Optic radiations A. Bacterial
D. Optic nerve B. Fungal
C. Acanthamoeba
15. A 65-year-old male with history of Diabetes and
hypertension presents to the OPD with complaints 20. Which anti-glaucoma drug causes ocular
of diplopia and squint. On examination secondary hypotension with apnea in an infant?
deviation is seen to be more than primary A. Latanoprost
deviation. Which of the following is the most B. Timolol
probable diagnosis? C. Brimonidine
A. Paralytic squint D. Dorzolamide
B. Incomitant squint
C. Restrictive squint 21. Chemotherapy agents for retinoblastoma:
D. Pseudo squint A. Vincristine,carboplatin and etoposide
B. Vinblastine, etoposide and bleomycin
C. Vinblastine, vincristine and etoposide
16. The movement is not in: D. Vinblastine, vincristine and cisplatin

22. Which of the Parameter is Decreased in Retinitis

A. Arachidonic Acid
B. Trielonic Acid
C. Thromboxane
A. Third nerve palsy D. Docosahexanoic acid [email protected] 2
(AIIMS & NEET – Memory Based Questions) Ophthalmology
“Questions” Dr. Niha Aggarwal

23. Drug used in acute congestive glaucoma are: 27. Identify the instrument:
A. Atropine
B. Pilocarpine
C. Acetazolamide
D. Both B & C

24. A 3-year-old child is presenting with drooping of

upper lid since birth. On examination, the palpebral
aperture height is 6 mm and with poor levator
palpebrae superioris function. What is the A. Maddox rod
procedure recommended? B. Maddox wing
A. Levator muscle resection C. Maddox glass
B. Mullerectomy D. Red glass
C. Fasanella Servat operation
D. Frontalis sling surgery 28. Identify the test shown in the Image:

25. Which is the most common ocular finding in

myasthenia gravis?
A. Ptosis
B. Lagophthalmos
C. Proptosis
A. Cover-uncover test
D. Enophthalmos
B. Maddox rod test
C. Occlusion test
26. Visual disturbance in the following condition is
D. None of the above
due to:

29. Esotropia is commonly seen in which type of

refractive error?
A. Myopia
B. Hypermetropia
C. Astigmatism
D. Presbyopia

30. Which of the following is an example of

compound myopic, against the rule astigmatism:
A. Visual opscuration of papillary axis A. -2D Sph - 2Dcyl at 180
B. Astigmatism B. -2D Sph - 1Dcyl at 90
C. Cataract C. +2D Sph - 2Dcyl at 90
D. Myopia D. -2 Dcyl at 90
31. The most common cause of proptosis in adults
A. Orbital cellulitis
B. Preseptal cellulitis
C. Thyroid eye disease
D. Capillary hemangioma [email protected] 3
(AIIMS & NEET – Memory Based Questions) Ophthalmology
“Questions” Dr. Niha Aggarwal

32. Which one of the procedure involves using 37.3rd nerve palsy in diabetes mellitus
glaucoma drainage device? characteristically shows?
A. Seton operation A. Absent light reflex, accommodation is present
B. Deep sclerectomy B. Intact light reflex, accommodation is absent
C. Viscocanalostomy C. Both light and accommodation reflex is absent
D. Trabeculectomy D. Both are normal

33. A 70 years old lady 2days following cataract

surgery presents with eye complaints as shown in 38. 100-day glaucoma is seen in?
the image. Next step in its management is? A. Central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO)
B. Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO)
C. Diabetic retinopathy
D. After injury

39. What is the most serious cause of conjunctivitis

that causes blindness in children?
A. N. gonococcus
B. Streptococus
C. Staphylococcus
D. Chlamydia

A. Intravitreal antibiotic 40. Most common wall of orbit involved in a

B. Intravitreal steroids blowout fractureis:
C. Eye patch and dressing A. Medial
D. Intravitreal mannitol B. Floor
C. Lateral
34. Yoke muscle for right lateral rectus index D. Roof
troversion movement of eye is:
A. Left medial rectus 41. Most common cause of neonatal eye infection
B. Left superior rectus is?
C. Left superior oblique A. Staphylococcus
D. Left inferior oblique B. Streptococus
C. N. Gonorrhoeae
35. Last field of vision to go in glaucomais: D. Chlamydia
A. Temporal
B. Superior
C. Inferior
D. Nasal

36. A 50-year-old emmetropic patient, presbyopic

correction needed is?
A. +2D B. +4D
C. +3D D. +tD [email protected] 4
(AIIMS & NEET – Memory Based Questions) Ophthalmology
“Questions” Dr. Niha Aggarwal

42. Cause of given retina image is: 45. What is the most common eye manifestation in
A. Glaucoma
B. Keratitis
C. Uveitis
D. Retinitispigmentosa

46. A patient came to AIIMS OPD with acute pain

and watering from eye for 3 days. There was
3x2mm ulcer on the cornea with ROLLED OUT
margis and feathery and finger-like projections with
A. Acute leukemia minimal hypopyon. What is the diagnosis?
B. Sickle cellanemia A. Bacterial
C. Beta thalassemia B. Fungal
D. Uvealmelanoma C. Acanthamoeba
43. Which is an example of the simple myopic
astigmatism among the prescriptions given below? 47. Below image signifies which of the following
A. Treatment with (+) sphericallens condition?
B. Treatment will be cylindrical/plano (-)lens
C. Treatment will be (-) sphericallens
D. (-) (+) (+) (-) on both 90 and 180-degreeaxis

44. A 2-year-old child presents with watering of

eyes with bilateral proptosis and photophobia. A. Oculomotor nerve palsy
What may be the diagnosis? B. Trochlear nerve palsy
C. Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
D. Lateral rectus paralysis

A. Congenitalglaucoma
B. Retinoblastoma
C. Megalocornea
D. Congenital endothelialdystrophy [email protected] 5
(AIIMS & NEET – Memory Based Questions) Ophthalmology
“Questions” Dr. Niha Aggarwal

48. Identify the marked layer in the given


A. Drusen
B. Bipolarcells
C. Basement membrane.
D. Phagosome

A. Outer plexiformlayer 52. Stenopic slit is used for allexcept-

B. Inner plexiformlayer A. Fincham’s test
C. Outer limiting membrane B. Determine the axis of cylinder
D. Inner limiting membrane C. Corneal tattooing
D. Iridectomy
49. Tylosis refersto:
A. Hypertrophy and thickening of eyelid 53. Which of the following is used as anadjuvant
B. Inversion of eyelid therapy for fungal cornealulcer?
C. Senile eversion of eyelid A. Atropine eye drops
D. Distortion of cilia B. Pilocarpine eye drops
C. Dexamethasone
D. Lidocaine

50. A 21-year-old female patient presented with 54. Which of the following is not an ocular
glaucoma with bulging cornea. What is the most manifestation of Dengue virus infection?
probable diagnosis of this case? A. Cataract
A. Keratoconus B. Maculopathy
B. Keratomalacia C. Opticneuritis
C. Staphyloma D. Vitreoushemorrhage
D. Granular dystrophy
55. Which of the following is the site of lesion of
51. Identify the pathology in the below inter nuclear ophthalmoplegia?
histopathology picture of retinal pigment A. Medial longitudinal fasciculus
epithelium? B. 6th nerve nucleus
C. Pontine paramedian reticular formation
D. A and C [email protected] 6
(AIIMS & NEET – Memory Based Questions) Ophthalmology
“Questions” Dr. Niha Aggarwal

56. A 55-year-old male patient came to OPD with D. Chronicchoroiditis

the complaints of gIare during night drive. He had
undergone cataract surgery 1 year back. The best 60. A 15-year-old boy presented with headache and
corrected visual acuity is RE - 6/12 and LE - 6/9 No blurring of vision. On examination there was
improvement with pinhole. What is the probable diplopia on looking towards left in the right eye.
diagnosis? What is your diagnosis?
A. Cystoid macularedema A. Tbmeningitis
B. Pseudophakic bullouskeratopathy B. lnternuclear ophthalmoplegia
C. ARMD C. Cranialneuritis
D. Posterior capsularopacification D. Demyelination

57. A5-year-old boy was brought with the 61. Identify the refractive error:
complains of protrusion of the right eye – 10 days
with no h/o fever. CT-scan showed well-defined
mass in the orbit with irregular border and adjacent
bony destruction. Biopsy showed small, round cells
which is positive for Desmin in immune
histochemistry. What is the probable diagnosis?
A. Retinoblastoma A. Myopia
B. CavernousHemangioma B. Presbyopia
C. Orbitalcellulitis C. Hypermetropia
D. Rhabdomyosarcoma D. Astigmatism

58. In 3rd nerve palsy all seenexcept? 62. Following picture exhibit which cranial nerve
A. Pupildilation palsy?
B. Ptosis
C. Outward upward rolling of pupil
D. Impaired pupillaryreflex

59. A patient is taking drugs for rheumatoid arthritis

and has a history of cataract surgery 1 year back,
the patient presented with sudden painless loss of
vision, probable diagnosisis?

A. Oculomotor nerve
B. Abducent nerve
A. CME C. Trochlear nerve
B. Macularhole D. Facial nerve
C. Chloroquinetoxicity [email protected] 7
(AIIMS & NEET – Memory Based Questions) Ophthalmology
“Questions” Dr. Niha Aggarwal

63. Which is the most common epithelial lacrimal 66. Identify the given condition:
gland tumor?
A. Adenoid cystic carcinoma
B. Pleomorphic adenoma
C. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
D. Malignant mixed tumor

64. A 60-year-old diabetic male presents with a

history of decreased vision. Fluoresce in
angiography showed the following image. What
is the most likely diagnosis? A. Pinguecula
B. Pterygium
C. Chemical Burn
D. Thermal Burn

67. Identify the test shownbelow:

A. Mild non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy A. Tonometry

B. Severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy B. Laser interferometry
C. Bird shot choroidopathy C. Pachymetry
D. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy D. Refractometer

65. A patient presents with endophthalmitis after 5 68. A 60-year-old with cataract surgery, post 1 year
days of cataract surgery. All the treatment came with com-plaints of diminished vision. And
regimens can be followed except? shows the following finding. Diagnosis?
A. Intravitreal injection
B. Intravenous steroids
C. Pars plana vitrectomy
D. Topical Antibiotics

A. Irvine-Gass syndrome
B. After cataract
C. UGH syndrome
D. Endophthalmitis [email protected] 8
(AIIMS & NEET – Memory Based Questions) Ophthalmology
“Questions” Dr. Niha Aggarwal

69. “Silent choroid” on FFA is feature of: 73. A young male presented with sudden
A. Best’s disease diminution of vision in his left eye. The following
B. Age related macular degeneration are the findings on fluoresce in angiography and
C. Stargardt’s disease OCT. Below which layer does the accumulation of
D. Cystoid macular edema fluid occur?

70. “Identify the below finding:

A. Ptosis of righteye
B. Entropion of righteye
C. Lagophthalmos righteye
D. Ectropion lefteye

71. Visual pathway defect at the level of optic

chiasma will resultin:
A. Binasal hemianopia
B. Bitemporal hemianopia A. Neurosensory retina
C. Central scotoma B. Retinal pigment epithelium
D. Bilateral hemianopia C. Outer nuclear layer
D. Inner nuclear layer
72. Which of the following will not cause hypotonic
maculopathy? 74. Maximum refractive power of eye is by?
A. Suprachoroidal hemorrhage A. Anterior surface of cornea
B. Cyclodialysis ofuvea B. Posterior surface of cornea
C. Cornealperforation C. Anterior surface of lens
D. Filtration siteleak D. Posterior surface of lens

75. Which of the following is not a criteria for

diagnosing of blindness under NPCB?
A. Inability of a person to count fingers from a
distance of 20 feet
B. Diminution of field of vision to 20 degrees
C. Vision of 6/60 or less with best possible spectacle
D. <4/60 vision in better eye [email protected] 9
(AIIMS & NEET – Memory Based Questions) Ophthalmology
“Questions” Dr. Niha Aggarwal

76. Given picture represents which of the following 78. What is the power of the lens in the following
condition: investigation?

A. +90D
B. +78 D
C. +58 D
A. Duane syndrome D. +20 D
B. 3rd nerve palsy
C. Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
D. Weber’s syndrome 79. A farmer presented with pain and photophobia.
There is a history of eye injury with a stick 2 weeks
back. Clinical findings are shown below. What is
77. These days, a variety of eye surgeries including true regarding the management?
cataract surgeries are performed using lasers, with
small incisions and fewer postoperative
complications and early recovery. What is the pulse
duration of laser used in cataract surgery as shown

A. Start Natamycin eye drops instillation

-15 B. Start topical steroids
A. 10 seconds
C. Intracameral Vancomycin to remove hypopyon
B. 10-12seconds
D. Prescribe a combination of Antibiotic drops plus
C. 10-9seconds
-6 corticosteroid.
D. 10 seconds [email protected] 10
(AIIMS & NEET – Memory Based Questions) Ophthalmology
“Questions” Dr. Niha Aggarwal

80. Organism that produces corneal ulcer 84. ETDRS study was related to?
resembling fungal corneal ulcer: a. Central retinal artery occulsion
A. Klebsiella b. Diabetic macular edema
c. Primary open angle glaucoma
B. Nocardia
d. Non-infectious Uvetitis
C. Chlamydia
D. Mycobacteria 85. All the following used to control raised lOP
81. Black deposits on the conjunctiva are noted a. Dexamethasone
with use of one of the following drugs used in b. Methozolamide
glaucoma: c. Mannitol
d. Clonidine
A. Prostaglandins
B. Adrenergic agonists
C. Beta blockers
D. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors 86. A patient is diabetic and hypertensive
complaining of gradual diminishing vision.
Macula FFA picture was given. What is this

82. A 33-year-old man presents to AIIMS

ophthalmology OPD with pain and watering of a. Pre macular hemorrhage
eyes. On examination there was a 3X2 mm grayish b. Submacular hemorrhage
white corneal ulcer with indistinct elevated c. Macular ischemia
margins. The lesion is surrounded by feathery finger d. Macular edema
like infiltration into the adjacent corneal stroma.
87. All of the following are causes for expanding
Minimal hypopyon is also observed. Based on the
blind spot; except:
information provided the microbiological
a. Hypoplasia of optic disc
investigation should be directed against: b. POAG
A. Aspergillus spp. c. Papilledema
B. Pseudomonas spp. d. Medullated nerve fibres
C. Herpes simplex virus
D. Acanthamoeba spp 88. True or False regarding Chalazion:
a. Can affect both upper and lower lids - T
b. Painful - F
83. The angle in minutes subtended by the largest c. Inflammation of hair follicle - F
alphabet of Snellen’s chart is: d. Inflammation of meibomian glands - T
A. 60 e. Treated with Antibiotics and Hot fomentation - F
B. 5
C. 1 89. Topiramate causes which type of glaucoma:
D. 30 a. POAG
b. Primary angle closure
c. Secondary open angle
d. Secondary angle closure [email protected] 11
(AIIMS & NEET – Memory Based Questions) Ophthalmology
“Questions” Dr. Niha Aggarwal

90. Which of the following is correct regarding the

image given below: 93. What is the first step in the management of an
18 month old child whose both eyes are deviated
a. Forced ductions test
b. Examination under anaesthesia
c. Refractive error testing
d. Examination of fundus

94. After cataract surgery; Intraocular lens put

a. It is called as Argyl Robertson pupil uneventfully in a young patient what should be
b. This test is named after famous scientist Marcus done then:
gun, A physician of US. a. IOL replaced every 10 years
c. The vision is normal in right eye b. Never replaced
d. Seen in optic neuritis, the pupil can paradoxically c. Replaced when secondary cataract develops
dilate in both eyes. d. Replaced when presbyopia develops

91. What is not to done in the given below case: 95. Match the following ocular drugs with respect
to their side effects.
Column-A Column-B
1. Amiodarone a. Optic neuritis
2. Digoxin b. Cataract
3. Systemic c. Yellow vision
steroids d. Retinopathy
4. Hydroxychloroq e. Angle closure
uine Glaucoma
f. Blepharoconjunctivitis
g. Corneal microdeposits
h. Maculopathy
a. Remove the foreign body b. Check for
visual acuity
a. 1-c,2-e,3-a,4-h
c. Give antibiotics d. Do primary
b. 1-d,2-e,3-a,4-f
c. 1-g,2-c,3-b,4-d
d. 1-e,2-b,3-c,4-d
92. The test given below in the image is used for:
96. Fundus examination should be done in 45 years
old female with newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus
with no visual symptoms?
a. After 2 years
b. After 5 years
c. At the time of diagnosis
d. Doesn't require fundus examination

a. Ocular deviation
b. Stereopsis test
c. Refractive errors
d. Sensory anomalies [email protected] 12
(AIIMS & NEET – Memory Based Questions) Ophthalmology
“Questions” Dr. Niha Aggarwal

97. Mode of injury occurs in the given below


a. Globe burst by blunt

b. Eyeball injury with a sharp weapon
c. Corrosive
d. Chemical [email protected] 13

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