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N utmeg (Myristica fragrans) (Family: Myristicaceae) produces

two separate spices, namely nutmeg and mace. Nutmeg is the
dried kernel of the seed and mace is the dried aril surrounding it.
Nutmeg is indigenous to Moluccas Islands (Indonesia). Over 50%
of the worlds’ export of nutmeg and mace is from Indonesia. Grenada
is the second largest exporter of nutmeg and mace in the world. In
India, nutmeg is mainly cultivated in Thrissur, Ernakulam and
Kottayam districts of Kerala and parts of Kanyakumari and Tirunelveli
districts in Tamil Nadu.

Climate and soil

Nutmeg thrives well in warm humid conditions in locations

with an annual rainfall of 150 cm and more. It grows well up
to about 1300 m above mean sea level. Areas with clay loam,
sandy loam and red laterite soils are ideal for its growth. Both
dry climate and water logged conditions are not suitable for
nutmeg cultivation.
Nutmeg (Extension Pamphlet)
Varieties and planting material
M. Anandaraj, S. Devasahayam, T. John Zachariah, B. Krishnamoorthy, As nutmeg is cross-pollinated, considerable variations are ob-
P. A. Mathew and J. Rema served in the crop. The plants differ not only for all aspects of growth
Editors and vigour, but also for sex expression, size and shape of fruit and
P. Rajeev and N.K. Leela quantity and quality of mace. A good tree yields about 2000 fruits
annually on an average, but the yield may vary from a few hun-
Publisher dreds to about 10,000 fruits. IISR has released a high yielding vari-
V. A. Parthasarathy, Director, Indian Institute of Spices Research
ety IISR Viswashree which yields about 1000 fruits at the eight year
January 2005. of planting. An average yield of approximately 3122 kg dry nut (with
shell) and 480 kg dry mace per hectare could be obtained with a
Cover population of 360 plants/ha. The dry recovery of nut and mace of
A. Sudhakaran
IISR Viswashree is 70 and 35%, respectively. The nut has 7.1%
Printed at essential oil, 9.8% oleoresin and 30.9% butter, while the mace has
Printers Castle, Kochi 7.1% essential oil and 13.8% oleoresin. IISR has also identified a
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few elite lines such as A9-20, 22, 25, 69, 150, A4-12, 22, 52, A11- fully into the cut. Bandaging at the grafted region may be done with
23, 70 as high yielders and grafts of these lines are produced for polythene strips. They are then planted in polythene bags of 25 cm
distribution. x 15 cm size containing potting mixture. The scion is covered with
a polythene bag and kept in a cool shaded place protected from
direct sunlight. After 1 month, the bags can be opened and those
An important problem in nutmeg cultivation is the segregation grafts showing sprouting of scions may be transplanted into polythene
of seedlings into male and female plants resulting in about 50% bags, containing a mixture of soil, sand and cow dung (3:3:1) and
unproductive male trees. Though there has been several claims that kept in shade for development. The polythene bandage covering
sex could be determined at seedling stage on the basis of leaf form the grafted portion can be removed after 3 months.
and venation, colour of young sprouts, vigour of seedlings and shape
During grafting, precautions should be taken to prevent wilting
of calcium oxalate crystals on leaf epidermis, none of them is suffi-
of scions and to complete the grafting as soon as possible. The grafts
ciently reliable. The only alternative is to adopt vegetative propaga-
can be planted in the field after 12 months.
tion either by top-working male plants or using budded or grafted
plants. Preparation of land and planting

Epicotyl grafting Planting in the main field is done at the beginning of the rainy
season. Pits of 0.75 m x 0.75 m x 0.75 m size are dug at a spacing of
Nutmeg is commercially propagated through grafts. For raising
9 m x 9 m and filled with organic manure and soil about 15 days
rootstocks, naturally split healthy fruits are harvested during June-
earlier to planting. For planting plagiotropic grafts, a spacing of 5 m
July. The seeds are extracted from the pericarp and sown immedi-
x 5 m has to be adopted. A male graft has to be planted for every 20
ately in sand beds of convenient length, 1 to 1.5 m width and 15
female grafts in the field.
cm height. Regular watering is necessary for good germination.
Germination may commence from about the 30th day and last up The plants should be shaded to protect them from sun scorch
to 90 days after sowing. About 20 days old sprouts are transplanted during early stages. Permanent shade trees are to be planted when
to polythene bags containing a mixture of soil, sand and cow dung the site is on hilly slopes and when nutmeg is grown as a monocrop.
(3:3:1). Nutmeg can best be grown as an intercrop in coconut gardens that
are more than 15 years old where shade conditions are ideal. Co-
The selected rootstock at the first leaf stage should have a thick
conut gardens along river beds and adjoining areas are best suited
stem (diameter of 0.5 cm or more) with sufficient length so as to
for nutmeg cultivation. Irrigation is essential during summer months.
enable to give a cut of 3 cm length. Scions with 2-3 leaves, col-
lected from high yielding trees can be used for grafting. The stock Manuring and fertiliser application
and scion should approximately have the same diameter. A ‘V’
Manures are applied in shallow trenches or pits dug around the
shaped cut is made in the stock and a tapered scion is fitted care-
plants. The Kerala Agriculture Department recommends 20 g N (40g
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urea), 18 g P2O5 (110g superphosphate) and 50 g K2O (80 g muriate distance. This disease is caused by Marasmius equicrinus. Both the
of potash) during the initial year and progressively increasing the diseases are severe under heavy shade. These diseases can be man-
dose to 500 g N (1090 g urea), 250 g P2O5 (1560 g superphosphate) aged by adopting phytosanitation and shade regulation. In severely
and 1000 g K2O (1670 g muriate of potash) per year in subsequent affected gardens, Bordeaux mixture 1% spraying may be undertaken
years for a fully grown tree of 15 years or more. FYM is to be ap- in addition to cultural practices.
plied @ 25 kg for 7-8 years old trees and 50 kg for grown up tree of
Fruit rot
15 years.
Immature fruit split, fruit rot and fruit drop are serious in a major-
Plant protection
ity of nutmeg gardens in Kerala. Immature fruit splitting and shed-
Diseases ding are noticed in some trees without any apparent infection. In
the case of fruit rot, the infection starts from the pedicel as dark
Die back
lesions and gradually spreads to the fruit, causing brown
The disease is characterized by drying up of mature and imma- discolouration of the rind resulting in rotting. In advanced stages,
ture branches from the tip downwards. Diplodia sp. and a few other the mace also rots emitting a foul smell. Phytophthora sp. and
fungi have been isolated from such trees. The infected branches Diplodia natalensis have been isolated from affected fruits. How-
should be cut and removed and the cut end pasted with Bordeaux ever, the reasons for fruit rot could be both pathological and physi-
mixture 1%. ological. Bordeaux mixture 1% may be sprayed when the fruits are
half mature to reduce the incidence of the disease.
Thread blight
Shot hole
Two types of blights are noticed in nutmeg. The first is a white
thread blight wherein fine white hyphae aggregate to form fungal The disease is caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Ne-
threads that traverse along the stem underneath the leaves in a fan crotic spots develop on the lamina which are encircled by a chlo-
shaped or irregular manner causing blight in the affected portions. rotic halo. In advanced stages the necrotic spots become brittle and
The dried up leaves with mycelium form a major source of inocu- fall off resulting in shot holes. A prophylactic spray with Bordeaux
lum for the spread of the disease. The disease is caused by Marasmius mixture 1% is effective against the disease.
Insect pests
The second type of blight is called horse hair blight. Fine black
Black scale
silky threads of the fungus form an irregular, loose network on the
stems and leaves. These strands cause blight of leaves and stems. The black scale (Saissetia nigra) infests tender stems and leaves
However, these threads hold up the detached, dried leaves on the especially in the nursery and sometimes young plants in the field.
tree, giving the appearance of a birds nest, when viewed from a The scales are clustered together and are black, oval and dome

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