Introduction To Sigtran:: A White Paper
Introduction To Sigtran:: A White Paper
Introduction To Sigtran:: A White Paper
1. Introduction
Sigtran is a working group of the IETF, formed in 1999, and tasked with defining an architecture for the transport of real-time signalling data over IP networks. Its work culminated in not just the architecture, but also the definition of a suite of protocols to carry SS7 and ISDN messages over IP. This protocol suite is made up of a new transport layer the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) and a set of User Adaptation (UA) layers which mimic the services of the lower layers of SS7 and ISDN. This paper describes the Sigtran architecture and protocol suite. It starts by outlining the network architecture within which the Sigtran suite applies effectively, defining the problem solved by SCTP and the UAs. It continues to describe the protocol requirements for transporting signalling information over IP presenting an argument why existing protocols (such as TCP) are not suitable for this purpose. Finally, the UA layers themselves are discussed covering both their functionality and their applicability.
digital voice and sent to the PCs speakers. While it was feasible to hold a conversation in such a fashion, there are some fundamental problems with this architecture: 1. The voice quality was terrible. The Internet connections had no pre-allocated bandwidth and were subject to variable packet delay. These contributed to jittery conversations, with chunks of speech missing. 2. There were no standards which defined how the voice was packetised and how connections were established and managed. Subscribers had to use the same VoIP package in order to talk. 3. Only simple (phone) network topologies were supported point-to-point connections between known IP addresses. There were no defined interfaces between the Internet and the PSTN. 4. Only simple call services were supported basically, conversations. None of the services normally associated with the PSTN (such as call forwarding) were supported. These limitations made it impossible to deploy VoIP on the scale required to make it usable by businesses or a large-scale home-user base. 2.2 A Scalable Architecture The next stage in the evolution of VoIP was to define an architecture which would support integration between the PSTN and IP networks. This would provide a signalling capability for call management as well as defined media paths through the IP network (with reserved bandwidth for real-time media). Several groups began work in this area some cooperatively, others in isolation. These included: ETSI the TIPHON project. ITU H.323 working groups. The Softswitch Consortium. The IETF MGCP working group, amongst others. The work undertaken by these groups established a common architecture which defines the interfaces between the PSTN and IP net-
Introduction to Sigtran: A White Paper from Emerson Network Power Embedded Computing
Note that the MG, SG and MGC are logical entities. In physical implementations, the functions may be comIP Network MGC MGC
bined in single network nodes, for example: In North American PSTN networks, the signalling and media links are carried on physically separate links. Thus, it makes sense to have physically distinct SG and MG nodes.
IP Phone
In European PSTN networks, it is more common to have signalling and voice channels sharing physical links. Thus, it makes sense for the SG and MG to be co-located. This architecture allows network vendors to build Gateways and Controllers which may be deployed in real networks. Network operators may build truly integrated PSTN/IP networks which are scalable and offer viable services to subscribers.
Voice MG MG
works to support voice (or any other streamed media) over IP. Some new network node types have been introduced, and their responsibilities and functions are also defined. The architecture is defined in[2], and illustrated in Figure 1. In Figure 1, the following network elements are defined: MGC Media Gateway Controller, responsible for mediating call control (between the SG and MG) and controlling access from the IP world to/from the PSTN. SG Signalling Gateway, responsible for interfacing to the SS7 network and passing signalling messages to the IP nodes. MG Media Gateway, responsible for packetisation of voice traffic and transmitting the traffic towards the destination. IP SCP an IP-enabled Service Control Point (SCP). This exists wholly within the IP network, but is addressable from the SS7 network. The IP Phone (generically referred to as a terminal). These terms are not ubiquitous. In the H.323 world, the MGC is referred to as the Gatekeeper, while the SG and MG are known singularly as a Gateway. Often, all three elements are termed Softswitch.
2.3 Setting the Standards In addition to defining the nodes in the network used to interconnect the PSTN and IP networks, the working groups listed in Section 2.2 on Page 3 have defined the protocols which run between them. There are two sets of standards which have gained widespread recognition: H.323 defined by the ITU. The IETF model, comprising of SIP, Sigtran, RTP and MGCP or Megaco. The IETF define the Sigtran suite specifically for transporting SS7 over IP. This is core to the subject of this paper, and will be discussed in much more detail than H.323. 2.3.1 H.323 H.323 is not a single protocol specification: it is an architectural description, including references to a suite of protocols required for network integration. Very little of H.323 is relevant to a paper concerning itself with signalling transport over IP, but the following serves as a brief outline of its components. The following network elements are defined:
Introduction to Sigtran: A White Paper from Emerson Network Power Embedded Computing
Gateway provides translation of both call control (signalling) and media from the PSTN to/from an IP network; roughly equivalent to a combination of the SG and MG shown in Figure 1. Gatekeeper governs access to the Gateway from both the IP and PSTN side; roughly equivalent to the MGC shown in Figure 1. H.323 terminal typically, an IP phone (as shown in Figure 1); this could be any IP device used as such (such as a PC). The generic term H.323 endpoint is defined as either a Terminal or Gateway it refers to the terminus of an H.323 connection. The following protocols are defined: H.225 RAS Registration, Authentification and Status protocol. This runs between the Gatekeeper and an H.323 endpoint to provide secure access control. H.225 Call Signalling establishes connections between H.323 endpoints. H.245 Control Signalling runs between H.323 endpoints, allowing exchange of control messages (such as terminal capabilities). RTP the Real Time Protocol, which carries packetised media between H.323 endpoints. 2.3.2 IETF Model The IETF, through a number of working groups, have established a similar model to H.323. The network nodes defined in this model are as shown in Figure 1. The protocols defined are: SCTP (and adaptation layers) this is the Sigtran protocol suite, which is used to carry SS7 between the SG and MGC. Megaco Media Gateway Control (also defined by the ITU as H.248). This is the control protocol between an MGC and MGs. SIP Session Initiation Protocol. SIP is a call control protocol running between MGCs or MGCs and IP based phones. RTP the IETF specifies the same Real Time Protocol as H.323 for carrying packetised media. It is in the IETF model that the Sigtran suite of protocols (including SCTP) is of most interest when considering IP as a transport for sig-
nalling traffic. In Figure 1, the red lines represent the connections which carry the Sigtran protocols.
Introduction to Sigtran: A White Paper from Emerson Network Power Embedded Computing
ISUP or SCCP) would be encapsulated within the TCP message. Provide a framework for peer-to-peer management, such as socket interfaces, port numbers and so on. Having solved the problems of peer-to-peer management and standardisation (both ends of the connection use the same UA), scalability and reuse fall into place as the same model is applied to other upper layers there would be a UA for use by SCCP, ISUP and so forth. The downside of such an architecture is that it relies on the services of TCP. We must ask ourselves an important question: is a bytestream oriented protocol well suited to carrying time-critical signalling messages? 3.3 The Problem with TCP There have been questions raised over the suitability of TCP to carry a time-critical protocol like SS7. The questions arise from the very fact that TCP was originally designed for an altogether different purpose. TCP is byte-streamed it provides a single stream of data and guarantees that data to be delivered in byte-sequence order. This makes it ideal for delivery of large, unstructured pieces of data like a file or email message. Unfortunately, that very feature is its downfall. TCP is particularly sensitive to delays caused by network errors by loss of bytes, messages or sequence violation. When this occurs, TCP will hold up delivery of all data (within this monolithic stream) until the correct sequence is restored. Consider the consequences of this, in terms of delivering SS7 messages. If a single TCP stream carries the ISUP signalling for many connections, then the loss of a message relevant to only one resource (such as a telephone call) will result in the delay of all other ISUP messages. An additional problem is the duration of some TCP timers, which are defined in terms of many seconds. In particular, the length of the Connection, Keep Alive and Retransmission timers may result in excessive delays to connection set-up, determining connection loss and data retransmission.
Recognition of this has resulted in industry experts from many network equipment vendors cooperating to study the problems and propose a solution. This has been done under the auspices of the IETF, in the form of the Sigtran working group. 3.4 SCTP The Sigtran Working Group has defined a Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) [1] which aims to address the shortcomings of TCP. SCTP itself is a general purpose protocol, a replacement for TCP. SCTP has the following set of features: It is a Unicast protocol data exchange is between two known endpoints. It defines timers of much shorter duration than TCP. It provides reliable transport of user data detecting when data is corrupt or out of sequence, and performing repair as necessary. It is rate-adaptive, responding to network congestion and throttling back transmission accordingly. It supports multi-homing each SCTP endpoint may be known by multiple IP addresses. Routing to one address is independent of all others and, if one route becomes unavailable, another will be used. It uses an initialisation procedure, based on cookies, to prevent denial of service attacks. It supports bundling, where a single SCTP message may contain multiple chunks of data each of which may contain a whole signalling message. It supports fragmentation, where a single signalling message may be split into multiple SCTP messages in order to be accommodated within the underlying PDU. It is message-oriented, defining structured frames of data. TCP, conversely, imposes no structure on the transmitted stream of bytes. It has a multi streaming capability data is split into multiple streams, each with independent sequenced delivery. TCP has no such feature.
Introduction to Sigtran: A White Paper from Emerson Network Power Embedded Computing
Aside from enhanced security, the final two points are what makes SCTP so much more suited to carrying signalling messages than TCP. The transmission of bounded, structured frames is a useful feature for the UA layers (as well as any other potential SCTP user). The transport protocol does all the work to split the stream of data into message segments relieving the users responsibility to interpret a continuous stream of bytes. Such processing would otherwise have to be repeated by each user. Defining a structure for the messages also makes support of bundling and fragmentation less arduous.
Call 1 Call 1
Figure 2: ISUP Over TCP
Call 3 Call 2 Call 1 Call 3 Call 2 Call 1
Multi-streaming is the main attraction, however (even the protocols name implies this Stream Control Transmission Protocol). This feature was explicitly designed to allow users to partition a single IP connection between two endpoints into separate logical streams of data, and assign each stream to a particular application or resource. The principle is that errors or delays on one stream will not interfere with normal delivery on another. Consider now ISUP carried over SCTP. This is shown in Figure 3. Consider the example of the ISUP protocol. ISUP carries signalling messages for many PSTN resources (essentially trunk circuits think of each one as a telephone call). If three calls are in progress, then one of the calls experiencing a loss of data should not cause a delay in transmission of messages relating to another call. Figure 2 shows this situation if ISUP is carried over TCP. A single pipe of data carries all ISUP messages for all three calls. If the establishment messages for all three calls are received correctly, then the calls are in progress. If the calls are then released in the same order, but the release message for Call 1 is lost, then the release messages for the other two calls will be delayed while TCP recognises the loss of the message and recovers the data. This has the potential to delay the release of Calls 1 and 2 for a large number of seconds an unacceptable delay to the PSTN. In this case, loss of a message relating to Call 1 affects only that stream of data. Calls 2 and 3 are serviced as normal. The resources relating to Call 1 will still be tied up until the transport protocol recovers from the loss of data but this situation is no different from that in traditional PSTN transport protocols.
Figure 3: ISUP Over STCP
Call 2
Call 2
Call 3
Call 3
Introduction to Sigtran: A White Paper from Emerson Network Power Embedded Computing
M3UA[3] provides the services of MTP3 in both a client-server (SG to MGC) and peer-to-peer architecture. Its users would be SCCP and/or ISUP. SUA[6] provides the services of SCCP in a peer-topeer architecture, such as SG to IP SCP. Its user would be TCAP, or another transaction-based application part. IUA[7] provides the services of the ISDN Data Link Layer (LAPD). Its user would be an ISDN Layer 3 (Q.931) entity. V5UA[9] provides the services of the V.5.2 protocol. It should be noted that the framework is flexible
enough to allow for the addition of new layers as required. Each UA has a particular applicability, which is discussed in the following sections. 4.2 M2UA M2UA is used to transfer MTP2-user data between the MTP2 instance on a SG and the MTP3 instance on an MGC. As such, it operates a client-server model, where the MGC is the client and the SG is the server. M2UA provides a means by which an MTP2 service may be provided on an MGC. In essence, extending SS7 into the IP network. The architecture of M2UA usage is shown in Figure 5. Effectively, the MTP3 instance on the MGC is the user of the MTP2 instance on the SG! Neither MTP2 nor MTP3 are aware that they are remote from one another. This process, by which signalling messages are passed over IP from the top of one SS7 layer to the bottom of another, is described as backhauling. The MTP3 user at the MGC would usually be ISUP. This architecture is most applicable in the following circumstances:
The UA layers are named according to the service they replace, rather than the user of that service. For example, M3UA adapts SCTP to provide the services of MTP3 rather then providing a service to MTP3 The Sigtran adaptation layers all serve a number of common purposes: To carry upper layer Signalling Protocols over a reliable IP-based transport. To provide the same class of service offered at the interface of the PSTN equivalent. For example, M3UA must provide the same look and feel to its users as MTP3 in terms of services, at least (M3UA does not actually replace the features and operations of MTP3). To be transparent: the user of the service should be unaware that the adaptation layer has replaced the original protocol (although this is largely dependant on the implementation). To remove as much need for the lower SS7 layers as possible. Sigtran currently defines six adaptation layers, as follows: M2UA[4] provides the services of MTP2 in a client-server situation, such as SG to MGC. Its user would be MTP3. M2PA[5] provides the services of MTP2 in a peer-to-peer situa-
Introduction to Sigtran: A White Paper from Emerson Network Power Embedded Computing
There is a low density of SS7 links at a particular physical point in the network (perhaps as low as one) There are a large number of physically separate SG functions (due to the SS7 links being physically located remotely from each other) The SG function is co-located with an MG (usually due to one or more of the previous conditions) In this case, it makes sense to host MTP3 in the MGC. The SS7 address (the pointcode) of the system resides with MTP3 if each SG had its own MTP3 layer, a large number of pointcodes would be required to implement a (logically) single gateway. This particular Sigtran configuration is likely to be common in European networks, where the SS7 signalling links share the physical medium with voice circuits. At the SG side, the depiction of M2UA at the peer level to MTP2 is slightly misleading. M2UA is, in many ways, a user of MTP2 the specification defines that M2UA is responsible for initiating protocol actions which would normally be issued by MTP3, such as: Link activation and deactivation Sequence number requests MTP2 transmit/retransmit buffer updating procedures Buffer flushing These are implementation issues, however. Such functionality could well reside within the Nodal Interworking Function (NIF). 4.3 M2PA M2PA is the peer-to-peer equivalent of M2UA. Rather than provide a link between remotely located MTP2 and MTP3 instances, it replaces an MTP2 link beneath MTP3. The user of M2PA is MTP3 at both ends of the connection (with M2UA, one user is MTP3 and the other is an SG IWF). M2PA provides a means for peer MTP3 layers in SGs to communicate directly. In essence, it extends the reach of SS7 over the IP network.
SS7 Links
Signaling Gateway
Figure 5: M2UA
The architecture of M2PA usage is shown in Figure 6. This architecture is most applicable for an SG to SG connection, used to bridge two SS7 network islands. In this case, each SG may connect to multiple other SGs, none of which need to know about the upper layer that they are supporting. MTP3 is present on each SG, to provide routing and management of the MTP2/M2PA links. Because of the presence of MTP3, each SG would require its own SS7 pointcode. Replacing MTP2 links with M2UA is a distinct case from accessing an IP SCP from an SG (the service provided by SUA refer to Section 4.5 on Page 16). In the SUA case, it is known that the higher layer is TCAP (or another application part) the SCCP services can be explicitly provided. M2PA, on the other hand, has no knowledge of the upper SS7 layer. The significant difference in function from M2UA is that M2PA actually provides an MTP2-like service itself. M2UA merely provides an interface to a remote MTP2 service. This means that M2PA is responsible for:
Introduction to Sigtran: A White Paper from Emerson Network Power Embedded Computing
Signaling Gateway
Signaling Gateway
Link activation/deactivation (in response to requests from MTP3) Maintaining link status information
Maintaining sequence numbers and retransmit buffers, for retrieval by MTP3 Maintaining local and remote processor outage status
4.4 M3UA M3UA is similar to M2UA, in that it operates in a clientserver way to provide an upper layer SS7 with protocol remote access to the lower layers. Like M2UA, M3UA
MTP1 SS7 Links
operates between an SG and an MGC. M3UA provides a means by which an MTP3 service may be provided on an MGC (thus, terminating the ISUP connection on the MGC) essentially extending the reach of SS7 into the IP network. The architecture of how M3UA fits into the SG/MGC model is shown in Figure 7. The MTP3 in the SG is unaware that the ISUP user is
Figure 6: M2PA
Signaling Gateway
located remotely (the NIF will register itself as ISUP with MTP3). Similarly, the ISUP layer at the MGC will be unaware that it is not served by a local MTP3. This is another example of the MGC backhauling signalling messages from the SG.
This architecture is most appropriate in the following circumstances: There is a high enough density of SS7 links to make a standalone SG viable The SS7 links are physically accessible at a single point These conditions are common in North American networks, where the SS7 links are physically separate from the voice circuits. In this case, a number of links are gathered together into a single physical medium (for example, a T1 line).
Figure 7: M3UA
Introduction to Sigtran: A White Paper from Emerson Network Power Embedded Computing
Here, each SG has a local MTP3 instance, and so must have its own SS7 pointcode. The M3UA layer is responsible for maintaining the MTP3-ISUP interface across an SCTP connection. Commands and requests for data transfer passed down by ISUP on the MGC are carried (over SCTP) by M3UA and presented to the upper interface of MTP3 on the SG. Indications and incoming data messages are passed up from MTP3 on the SG and carried (over SCTP) by M3UA to the lower interface of ISUP on the MGC. As with M2UA, the depiction of M3UA as a peer of MTP3 may be slightly misleading. Logically, M3UA is a user of MTP3 at the SG. How the two layers interwork is an implementation issue. 4.5 SUA SUA provides a means by which an Application part (such as TCAP) on an IP SCP may be reached via an SG. The network architecture associated with SUA allows for multiple IP SCPs to be reached via a single SG. The IP SCP(s) do not have local MTP3 instances, and so do not require their own S7 pointcodes (MTP3, and the pointcode, reside on the SG). The architecture of SUA use between an SG and IP SCP is shown in Figure 8. The functionality of SUA could be provided by the MTP2 or MTP2 UAs. However, SUA provides the mapping between SCCP addresses and IP addresses (at the SG). Without such a function, SCCP would have to be present at each IP SCP and the external SS7 network would require knowledge of each such SCCP instance. SUA can abstract the presence of each IP SCP providing one SCCP address to cover all nodes. The services of individual databases are addressed via Subsystem Number (SSN). SUA provides a service not unlike SCCP Global Title Translation (GTT) to map these SSNs into SCCP connection IDs (which are used to route the Application Part messages to the appropriate IP SCP). SUA is also flexible enough to support Application Parts running between two network nodes wholly within the IP network. This is particularly relevant to emerging networks, where there may be no need for an underlying traditional SS7 network. In this case, the IP SCP stack would be the same on both (IP based) nodes. SUA will further allow Service Databases in the SS7 network to be accessed from the IP network. In this case, the architecture would be the same as in Figure 8. 4.6 IUA and V5UA This document concerns itself solely with the adaptation of SS7 layers over SCTP, and so IUA and V5UA are not discussed. Refer to [7]and [9] for more information on these UAs.
Figure 8: SUA
Signaling Gateway
Introduction to Sigtran: A White Paper from Emerson Network Power Embedded Computing
Introduction to Sigtran: A White Paper from Emerson Network Power Embedded Computing
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] RFC 2960 RFC 2719 SS7 MTP3 SS7 MTP2 SS7 MTP2 SS7 SCCP RFC 3057 IETF V.5.2 Stream Control Transmission Protocol Framework Architecture for Signalling Transport User Adaptation Layer <fdaft-ietf-sigtran-m3ua-06.txt> User Adaptation Layer <draft-ietf-sigtran-m2ua-06.txt> User Peer-to-Peer Adaptation Layer <draft-ietf-sigtran-m2pa-02.txt> User Adaptation Layer <draft-ietf-sigtran-sua-04.txt> ISDN Q.921-User Adaptation Layer Web Site: User Adaptation Layer <draft-ietf-sigtran-v5ua-00.txt>
ETSI IETF GTT HDLC IP ISUP ITU IUA M2PA M2UA M3UA European Telecommunications Standardisation Institute Internet Engineering Task Force Global Title Translation High Level Data Link Control Internet Protocol ISDN User Part International Telecommunications Union ISDN User Adaptation layer MTP2 Peer-to-peer user Adaptation layer MTP2 User Adaptation layer MTP3 User Adaptation layer RTP SCCP SCP SCTP SG Real Time Protocol Signalling Connection Control Part Service Control Point Stream Control Transport Protocol Signalling Gateway
Sigtran Signalling transport (IETF Working Group) SIP SP SS7 SSN SSP STP TALI TCAP Session Initiation Protocol (IETF Working Group) SS7 Signalling Point Signalling System No. 7 SubSystem Number Service Switching Point Signalling Transfer Point Transport Adaptation Layer Interface Transaction Capabilities Application Part
Megaco Media Gateway Control (IETF Working Group) MG MGC MGCP MTP PSTN Media Gateway Media Gateway Controller Media Gateway Control Protocol Message Transfer Part Public Switched Telephone Network
TIPHON Telecommunications and IP Harmonisation On Networks UA V5UA User Adaptation layer V5.2-User Adaptation layer
Introduction to Sigtran: A White Paper from Emerson Network Power Embedded Computing
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