Tutorial Report Enterprise Design and Analysis Introduction and Marketing Module
Tutorial Report Enterprise Design and Analysis Introduction and Marketing Module
Tutorial Report Enterprise Design and Analysis Introduction and Marketing Module
Content :
Analysis :
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from those buildings that support road construction, traffic facilities, and road user
support facilities during construction. One of them which is needed in making roads is
the drainage system. The purpose of making a drainage system on the flyover road is
to minimize standing water or flooding caused by rain, because the standing water
really disturbs the journey of people who are driving (Futago Trotoar, 2019). In
accordance with its function, Deck drain is usually applied to roads, bridges and fly
over projects to prevent flooding on these roads.
Deck drain is not only designed to cover only but also equipped with a reservoir
at the bottom. The purpose of this reservoir is for the connection of the drain pipe
because the drainage system at the flyover does not directly contact the drainage
channel that is underground (Futago Trotoar, 2019). Therefore, pipes of varying sizes
are installed at the connection points on the drain deck to drain water into the main
drainage channel. The Deck drain is similar in form to the water filter on the bathroom
floor, but it is made of a different material and serves a different function. The drain
deck is typically rectangular and made of cast iron, with a storage area underneath it,
then distributed to the drain pipe. On an overpass or flyover, you can see examples of
Deck drain construction.
Installing a cast iron Deck drain is more difficult than installing a bathroom
water filter. The scale of the drain deck with road drain, road level, and other factors
must all be considered during the construction of this drain deck. Any of these critical
considerations and questions must be addressed by qualified civil engineers in order
for the drain deck to function properly.
1.3.Market Base Data
The market database is a robust data set that contains a wide variety of relevant facets
of marketing from industry, where strategic decisions can be made (Jumingan, 2014).
Knowing the market database is critical when evaluating the need for the
production/service strategy that will be produced as a result of the business decisions
made. Here are several data concerning the various aspects of marketing:
a. Raw Material
Almost all the raw material is supplied by the PT. Galunggung that located in
Serang, Ba nten. The raw materials are:
- Metal FC 20-25
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Our deck drain uses metal FC 20-25 which contains graphite so that its tensile
ability, modulus of elasticity and impact resistance will be proportionally
lower. The metal matrix FC 20-25 varies from the soft and ductile ferrite
structure to the harder and stronger pearlite structure.
- Coal
Coal is very important, not only generating electricity, but also the main fuel
for burning metal fc 20-25. Coal is one of the fuels that should be paid attention
to because coal can be an alternative energy because the price is not as
expensive as oil and gas. In addition to the relatively cheap price, coal reserves
in Indonesia are more than that of petroleum and may still last for the next 200
- Resin coated sand 8300
Resin coated sand is sand with phenol resin with resol / novolac resin, this sand
is commonly used because it is not complicated to use. Generally, the core box
used is made of metal, because RCS can be hardened by means of heat
treatment, usually RCS sand is ready for use without having to measure or
weigh the mixture. How to use it, first the core box is burned or heated then
RCS is inserted into the core box, wait a few moments while providing a
balanced or even heat setting.
b. Customer
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d. Import
Compared to the first semester of 2019, imports of steel products in the same
period in 2020 decreased from 7,232 thousand tons to 5,740 thousand tons or
a 21% decrease. This decline in imports occurred in almost all types of
products except for pipes & tubes. Flat product imports decreased from 2,859
thousand tons to 2,002 thousand tons, long products decreased from 1,021
thousand tons to 753 thousand tons, stainless steel decreased from 279
thousand tons to 198 thousand tons, coated sheets decreased from 318
thousand tons to 285 thousand tons, while pipe & tube experienced a slight
increase from 315 thousand tons to 386 thousand tons.
Figure 5. Import Volume of Indonesian Iron and Steel Products January-July 2020
(Source: Badan Pusat Statistika, 2020)
In terms of value, Indonesia imported steel products for USD 3,960
million, down 26% compared to the same period the previous year which
reached USD 5,353 million. Imports with the largest value were flat products
with USD 1,325 million, followed by semi-finished products USD 896 million,
pipes & tubes USD 598 million, long products USD 557 million, stainless steel
USD 378 million and coated sheets USD 206 million (Figure 2).
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Figure 6. Import Value of Indonesian Iron and Steel Products January-July 2020
(Source: Badan Pusat Statistika, 2020)
e. Exports
The exports of Indonesian steel products in the first semester of 2020 increased
by 18% compared to the same period in 2019, from 2,493 thousand tons to
2,935 thousand tons. The products with the largest export volume were
stainless steel with 1,486 thousand tons followed by flat products with 642
thousand tons, semi-finished products with 529 thousand tons, long products
at 181 thousand tons, and coated sheets with 18 thousand tons. When
compared to the first semester of 2019, stainless steel has increased by 11%,
flat product 19%, semi-finished product 31%, long-product 78% and coated
sheet 293%.
Figure 7. Export Volume of Indonesian Iron and Steel Products January-July 2020
(Source: Badan Pusat Statistika, 2020)
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Figure 8. Export Value of Indonesian Iron and Steel Products January-July 2020
(Source: Badan Pusat Statistika, 2020)
1.4.Product Demand
Market demand for a resource is the sum of all requests for various uses of these
resources (William, 2001). Meanwhile, another theory states that demand is various
combinations of prices and the amount of goods that consumers want and can buy at
various price levels for a certain period (Salma & Susilowati, 2004). The following is
a table of demand for deck drain during the period January to October 2020:
Table 1. Demand of Deck Drain from January to October 2020
1 8300
2 12500
3 10800
4 9790
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5 8414
6 9779
7 7164
8 6516
9 7564
10 9715
1 3102
2 3413
3 3246
4 2953
5 3056
6 2956
7 2845
8 3285
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9 3468
10 3349
Forecasting helps to reduce the company's vulnerability or volatility while making
short-term operating decisions and long-term development plans.
1.6.1 Forecasting Demand Data
The following is the result of forecasting the Deck drain demand data for 2020 from
January to October. This forecast calculation uses the Simple Average (SA) method,
3-Moving Average (3MA), Weighted Moving Average (WMA), Simple Exponential
Smoothing (SES), and the Linear Regression (LR).
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If in the previous case it was found out that in the charts, the MA, 3WMA and SES
methods are close to the historical demand charts. To choose the best methods, see the
smallest MAD than the others. So that the smallest MAD is obtained is SES. Therefore,
it can be concluded that the best forecasting in this case study is to use the SES method.
1.6.2 Forecasting Supply Data
The following is the result of forecasting the Deck drain production data for 2020 from
January to October. This forecast calculation uses the Simple Average (SA) method,
3-Moving Average (3MA), Weighted Moving Average (WMA), Simple Exponential
Smoothing (SES), and the Linear Regression (LR).
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1.7.Market Opportunity
Market opportunity is the most profitable important situation in a corporate
environment (Kotler & Amstrong, 2008). Based on the demand data and supply data
above, market opportunities can be found by calculating using the formula:
The following is the result of calculating market opportunities and sales plan based on
the forecast of supply and demand data based on SES method on deck drain products:
Table 3.Market Opportunity and Sales Plan
Period Demand Supply Sales Plan
1 8607.109 3318.537 5288.57 2039.04965
2 4303.555 1659.269 2644.29 1019.52482
3 2151.777 829.6343 1322.14 509.762411
4 1075.889 414.8171 661.072 254.881206
5 537.9443 207.4086 330.536 127.440603
From the market opportunity value, we can determine the sales plan. The sales plan is
obtained by multiplying the market opportunity by the market opportunity percentage
based on the market's ability to produce the product to be sold. In this case, the
company has a production capability of 38.55% of the existing market opportunity.
This decision is based on the size of the modules that will be used in building this
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Attitude/Behavioral Positive
Culture Indonesian
Targeting is the group selected by the company to serve as customers as a result of
segmentation and targeting. Targeting is a form of activity in which the company
selects a market segment to enter and then the company can determine more
specifically the market to be targeted. Targeting is a matter of how to select, select,
and reach the market. Targeting is the stage after segmentation analysis. The result of
the target analysis is the target market, which is one or several market segments that
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will be the focus of marketing activities. Companies must identify customers who can
be accessed and served effectively and efficiently.
Based on the market segmentation that The company has determined, the target
of the drain deck marketing in geographic segmentation is aimed at areas Java Island,
Sumatra Island, Kalimantan Island, Sula Island, Papua Island. The size of the city is a
metropolitan area with density areas in Urban and Suburbs. Then the allowed climates
in this segmentation is Hot, Rain and Humid. Next in demographic segmentation, the
company chooses the status of agency and company. Besides, the job is Professional
and menial workers. In the behavioral segmentation, the company chose that the needs
of the consumer is a Drain deck with good quality and durable where also have
perception about low risk and moderate risk. Besides, have high engagement learning
and low engagement where you have a positive attitude. The target of deck drain
marketing in psychographic segmentation is agencies that hold large projects in
construction. And the last, in the socio-cultural segmentation, the company choose
culture of Indonesia where there are several religions that are included in this
segmentation, namely Islam, Hindu, Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist. Ethnicity is for all
ethnic groups and the upper middle class.
1.10. Positioning
Positioning is developing a marketing plan to affect how a specific consumer group
perceives a product or service in comparison to the competition. The way a product is
differentiated from its rivals is determined by its market positioning.
Through this manufactured product, the company will provide the best quality
as a deck drain manufacturer. The company produces deck drain from cast iron
material with high level metal casting techniques. In addition, the company uses a laser
cutting machine so that the deck drain pattern results are very precise. The size of the
drain deck can be customized according to your needs.
1.11. Marketing Mix
The marketing mix is a collection of factors or behaviors that make up the basis of the
marketing system, and which the organization can exploit to affect customer reactions
in the target market. The marketing mix that is used must be tailored to the company's
circumstance and position. Since the company consists of a lot of element such as
process, people, sales, product life cycle, price, and physical evidence, the marketing
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1.12. Conclusion
The conclusion that can be made based on the result and discussion are:
1. Indonesia is in the prime of toll road construction, this indicates that the demand
for deck drain is quite large.
2. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the product supply is less
than demand.
3. The segmentation of Deck drain products is only for Java Island, Sumatra Island,
Kalimantan Island, Sula Island, Papua Island. Then, the allowed cities size is a
metropolitan city where the more the business develops, it will develop to areas
based on demand. The targeting of our products is for agencies and companies in
Indonesia that hold large projects in construction. The positioning that we provide
is to provide a Drain deck with good quality and durable.
4. The marketing mix is a collection of factors or behaviors that make up the basis
of the marketing system, and which the organization can exploit to affect
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customer reactions in the target market. Marabunta Group sticks to the existing
manufacturing process. The Marabunta Group consists of various roles that
collaborate together to create quality products that are trusted by customers. The
distribution made by the company for this product is throughout Indonesia (Java,
Sumatra, Kalimantan and Bali). To reach consumer promotions carried out by the
company, namely conducting offline promotions and online with promotions on
social media. The products produced by the Marabunta Group are included in
rapid growth because Indonesia is at the peak of toll road construction so demand
is quite large. The range of prices for the variety of model products is from Rp.
800.000-Rp. 900.000 per product. Marabunta Group can provide physical
evidence such as a related certificate that the product is not corroded and not
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