Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Chapter 7
The Prosecution as the pillar of the CJS simply pertains to “a criminal action “.
Furthermore, is refers to a proceeding instituted and carried on by due course of law,
before a competent tribunal, for the purpose of determining the guilt or innocence of a
person charged with a crime.
In a criminal case, it is also referred to as the process by which formal criminal charges
are brought against a person accused of committing crime.
1. The Ombudsman and special prosecutor and public prosecutor duly authorized
by the Ombudsman with respect to cases under its jurisdiction (ex. Anti-graft
and Corrupt Practices Act. Bribery)
2. The COMELEC with the respect to cases in violation of the Election Law
3. Private Lawyers when duly deputized by any of the above
Prosecutors Discretion
a. At the Municipal Trial Court, Municipal Circuit Trial Courts, Metropolitant Trial
Court, all persons in custody shall be admitted to bail as a matter of right before
after conviction.
b. At the Regional Trial Court, all persons in custody shall be admitted to bail a
matter of right before conviction of an offense not punishable by death,
reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment.
Defendants may also be released on conditions that don't involve money including
surrendering their firearms, undergoing drug or alcohol testing and/or treatment, checking
in with a probation officer, and more.
Once a court has set bail, it must be paid in cash, money order, cashier's check or
real property equity bond to the Clerk of the Court. Once posted, the court will issue a
release order to the sheriff holding you in custody.
If you can't afford to post your own bail, you can hire the services of a commercial
bail bond agent (bail bondsman). A bond agent will charge a nonrefundable fee, usually
10 to 20 percent of the total bail. In return, the bail bond agent agrees to pay the remaining
amount to the court if you fail to appear for your court proceedings.
The penalty for failure to appear as required after release is a fine, imprisonment,
or both. Federal law provides that any term of imprisonment for failure to appear must run
consecutively to any other criminal sentence. However, if uncontrollable circumstances
caused the failure to appear, and if the person immediately appeared once it was possible
to do so, the person will have a valid defense to the failure to appear charge. Once a case
is over and all obligations have been fulfilled, the bond money is typically returned.
Sometimes administrative costs are deducted.
Bail bonds are essentially an extension of the principle that all suspects are
innocent until proven guilty. Until a defendant is proven guilty, he or she might avoid the
punishment of jail while awaiting trial and continuing to carry out daily responsibilities,
such as going to work and taking care of his or her family. Provided the defendant meets
all requirements of the bail bond, the money is typically returned at the end of the trial,
regardless of whether the defendant is found guilty or not guilty. However, if the defendant
tries to flee the area and skip the trial, he or she forfeits the money used to secure the
bail bond.
1. Property
2. Cash
3. Corporate Surety
4. Recognizance