AKD - Historical Development of KINESIOLOGY

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Presented by: Ahmed K. Dabbang
Kinesiology is derived from the Greek term ‘kinesis’
meaning movement or motion and the suffix ‘ology’
indicating a science or branch or knowledge. Therefore
on a basic level Kinesiology is the study of human

• It is widely accepted that Kinesiology dates back to

Aristotle who is often referred to as the ‘Father of
Kinesiology’ (ancient).

• This is due to his work titled ‘On the Motion of Animals’

or ‘De Motu Animalium’, which as the name states looks at
the general principles of motion in animals.
R W Lovett, (Muscle testing)

• However, in modern times the science of

muscle testing first developed in the early
20th century goes back to R W Lovett, a
Boston orthopedic surgeon, who used it to
assess disabilities in patients with polio and
nerve damage (1932).
Henry and Florence Kendall

• This work was further developed

by Henry and Florence Kendall
who published Muscles: Testing
and Function (1949) helping to
launch kinesiology muscle testing.
Dr. George Goodheart

• Beginning in 1964, Dr. George Goodheart, a

chiropractor from Detroit, Michigan in the
United States, recognized that many
chiropractic adjustments were not effective
because they did nothing to relieve muscles
that were in spasm.
Dr. George Goodheart

• He made the brilliant observation

that when a muscle is in spasm
(often causing pain), it is because
the opposing muscle is too weak.
Dr. George Goodheart

• Dr George J. Goodheart claimed to

have corrected a patient’s chronic
winged scapula by pressing on
nodules found near the origin and
insertion of the involved Anterior
Serratus muscle
Dr. George Goodheart

• He discovered that there was a

relationship not only between
meridians and major organs but
also muscles.
Frank Chapman &Terrence Bennett

• So by combining his discoveries

with work done by his
predecessors: Chapman’s points
for lymphatic function and
Bennet’s points for vascular
function, Applied Kinesiology was
PRODUCTS of Applied Kinesiology

• A number of systems of kinesiology including Clinical

Kinesiology (Alan Beardall, chiropractor), Behavioural
Kinesiology (John Diamond, psychiatrist), and Neural
Organization Technique (Carl Ferreri, chiropractor)
developed out of Applied Kinesiology.
Dr. John Thie
• Then in 1973 Dr. John Thie, a
Californian Chiropractor and also a
student of Goodheart, published
Touch for Health. Dr. Thie and
colleagues had put together the
Touch for Health manual
Dr. John Thie
• and began teaching lay people a system • Thus, Thie had developed a
of balancing the body’s muscles and simpler system for the layperson
meridian energy pathways by to use for self-help and in the
massaging or holding specific reflexes, care of family and friends.
tracing meridians, working with
nutrients, sound, colour and emotions,
Other developed Forms
• Out of Touch for Health have developed numerous forms of
kinesiology such as Applied Physiology (Rick Utt), Three-in-One
Concepts (Gordon Stokes & Daniel Whiteside), Kinergetics
(Philip Rafferty), and Heath Kinesiology (Jimmy Scott).
Modern Kinesiology
Modern Kinesiology is an innovative fusion of five
element acupuncture and chiropractic, with
influences from neuroscience, behavioural
psychology and functional medicine.
This allows the Kinesiologist to help people
resolve a wide range of issues, while unlocking
their own innate healing abilities.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

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