Hydrogen Engine
Hydrogen Engine
Hydrogen Engine
Pergamon Copyright (‘ 1995InternationalAssociationfor HydrogenEnerg)
0360-3199(94)ooo52-2 PrintedIII Great Britam. All rights reserved
0360 3199iYS‘;9.si1-t 0.00
Abstract-This paper describes the experimental results on a hydrogen fueled single cylinder engine to study the
characteristics of a solenoid-driven intake port injection type hydrogen injection valve. In experiments, the fuel-ail
equivalence ratio was varied from the lean limit at which stable operation was guaranteed to the rich limit at which
flash-back occurred and spark timing was also changed. As a consequence,a hydrogen intake port injection system
can be easily installed on a spark ignition engine only with simple modification and the flow rate of hydrogen
supplied can also be controlled conveniently. In this case, the most serious problem is flash-back and it can be
suppressed by accurate control of injection timing and elimination of hot spots on the surface of the combustion
318 S. J. LEE et al.
Table 1. Specifications of single cylinder engine Table 2. Specifications of hydrogen injection valve
Type 4 cycle, water cooling, spark ignition Manufacturer Servojet Products Inc.
Displacement (1) 0.488 Type 2 way normally closed ball poppet
Bore x stroke (mm) 85 x 86 Pressure rating 2.0 MPa
Comnression ratio
8.5 : 1 Operating speed max. 200 Hz
Open 16” (BTDC) Timing precision + 25 p
Intake valve
Close 54’ (ABDC) Coil resistance 1.6 iI
Open 52” (BBDC) Operating voltage 12 v
Exhaust valve Close
12” (ATDC) Open 3.0 ms
Response time
Close 2.0 ms
from hydrogen
pressure supply line
check needle
from hydrogen
pressure supply line
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of hydrogen supply line
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
---.- Sfl= l&,-ID‘2
3 B
tt 1 I i m I # I I 1
-180 -120 -60 0 60 120 180 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
crankangle (deg.) cycle number
Fig. 4. Cylinder pressure with crank angle at 1500 rpm, WOT, Fig. 6. IMEP and cylinder peak pressure variations with cycle
Q = 0.50. number at 1500 rpm, 4 = 1.0.
15OOrpm, WOT
_ .,......
1 S/T=lS”BTDc
25th cycle @=l.O -
I I I I -A. I
-180 0 180 360 540 0 I80 360 540
crankangle (deg.) crankangle (deg.)
Fig. 7. Cylinder, intake, and exhaust pressure variations for 25th Fig. 9. Cylinder, intake, and exhaust pressure variationi for 1 10th
cycle at 1500 rpm, WOT, 4 = 1.0. cycle at 1500 rpm. WOT. d, = I 0.
because the compression work done before TDC in- be retarded slightly from MBT timing m order to
creasesgreatly and the increased amount of expansion accomplish the aims of low NO concentration level and
work is below that. high power output simultaneously.
Figure 5 represents the brake mean effective pressure
as a function of spark timing at 1500 rpm for fuel-air Flash-back
equivalence ratio of 0.43,0.50 and 0.80. When the fuel-air
equivalence ratio is 0.80, the BMEP shows the maximum In the case of an intake port injection type hydrogen
value when the spark timing is near TDC and decreases fueled engine, flash-back usually occurs in a high load
as spark timing is advanced. In case of a fuel-air range if hydrogen remains in the intake system. That is,
equivalence ratio of 0.50, the BMEP represents the flash-back occurs easily as the fuel-air equivalence ratio
maximum value when the spark timing is 9” BTDC, so is near stoichiometry or as spark timing is advanced, this
it can be judged as the MBT spark timing. If fuel-air is becausethe wall temperature of combustion chamber
equivalence ratio is decreased,the peak does not appear is high and there exists the energy source for ignition.
clearly and the increment in BMEP due to advanced The history of IMEP and cylinder peak pressure along
spark timing is small. If spark timing is advanced with cycle number at 1500 rpm is indicated in Fig. 6 for
excessively, the cylinder peak pressure increases and a fuel-air equivalence ratio of 1.0 and spark timing of
consequently NO emission concentration increases, 15” BTDC. At about the 100th cycle after advancing the
therefore in caseof vehicle application, spark timing shall spark timing from TDC to 15” BTDC, flash-back begins
to occur. At the first stage,IMEP isdecreasedbut cylinder
. . . . . . .._ ,&)a
25th 2.
: *A’
.~.. : 15OOrpm.WOT
/ o
.I '
..i'. ...i._
/. :,\ . -1
\ 4
,.I ,'; , '..
d' \
.e. * . i
,, :; .:
*. .i
.- .
I I I n !;.:.::;i, . , i-
.I80 0 180 360 540 :lSO ,120 -60 0 60 120 180
Fig. 8. Cylinder, intake, and exhaust pressure variations for 100th Fig. 10. Cylinder pressure vanation for 25th, 100th cycle at 150+
cycle at 1500 rpm, WOT, 4 = 1.0. t-pm. WOT. qb= 1.0
322 S. J. LEE et al.
peak pressureremains at the samelevel. After a few cycles, driving signal. But severe flash-back was observed near
cylinder peak pressure is also decreasedalmost to motor- stoichiometric fuel-air equivalence ratio. The cause of
ing pressure and then the normal combustion process is flash-back is thought to be a hot spot, such as a lubricant
recovered.The above phenomenon is repeatedthree times deposit or spark plug rather than the high temperature
and then the engine is stopped. residual gas itself. The flash-back initiates from the
In order to investigate the process of flash-back occur- pre-ignition during the compression stroke, and then
rence in detail, intake, exhaust and cylinder pressures proceeds to the ignition of the intake mixture. Finally
were measured at the same time. Figure 7 shows each the flame propagates into the intake pipe and as no
pressure at the 25th cycle. This is the case of normal combustible mixture can enter the combustion chamber,
combustion and shows typical results of pressure vari- the engine is stopped.
ation. Figure 8 indicates the 100th cycle, which is the In order to operate the engine at a higher engine speed
early stage of flash-back. At this cycle, cylinder pressure and also to decrease the range in which flash-back occurs
begins to rise at 80” BTDC. This means that hydrogen in the fuel-air equivalence ratio, the injection timing
mixture is ignited prior to the spark timing, therefore the should be controlled accurately considering the move-
cylinder peak pressure remains at a high level because ment delay of the solenoid. The intake port injection
the burned gas is compressedby the piston but the work system of hydrogen using a solenoid-driven gas valve can
produced during the cycle is almost zero due to the be easily adopted on a conventional spark ignition engine
increased compression work. Then the intake pressure with only simple modifications in contrast to the in-
shows a sharp rise at the end of cycle. This is the late cylinder high pressure injection system.
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mixture is ignited by the hot spot generated after pre-
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