Service-Management Solved MCQs (Set-4)

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Service Management MCQs [set-4]

76. The unique service characteristic that deals specifically with the
inability to inventory services is

A. Inseparability

B. Intangibility

C. Homogeneity
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D. Perishability
Answer: D
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77. Which of the following strategies increases the supply of service
available to consumers? c
A. The use of creative pricing strategies

B. The use of reservation systems

C. Capacity sharing

D. Developing complementary services

Answer: C

78. Customer satisfaction can be defined by comparing

A. Predicted service and perceived service

B. Predicted service and desired service

C. Desired service and perceived service

D. Adequate service and perceived service

Answer: C

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79. The demand strategy in which service providers utilize their downtime
by marketing to different segments with different demand patterns is
associated with which of the following?

A. The use of creative pricing strategies

B. The use of reservation systems

C. Capacity sharing

D. Developing complementary services

Answer: C
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80. The __________ dimension is an assessment of the firm’s consistency
and dependability in service performance

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A. Empathy.
B. Responsiveness.
C. Assurance

D. Reliability.

Answer: D

81. Which of the following would not be considered a tangible clue?

A. The appearance of employees

B. The appearance of the firm’s physical facilities

C. The smile on an employee’s face

D. The quality of instruction in an educational setting.

Answer: C

82. Minimizing the amount of role conflict and role ambiguity experienced
by employees will help reduce the size of this gap is known as

A. Knowledge gap.

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B. Standards gap

C. Delivery gap.

D. Communications gap

Answer: D

83. Fixing the right price for services offered is difficult because of

A. perishability.

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B. heterogeneity.
C. inseparability.
D. intangibility.

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Answer: D
84. The world’s largest industry in the private sector and highest projected
generator of jobs is______

A. The hospitality industry

B. Health services

C. Professional services.

D. Business services

Answer: C

85. Focusing the firms marketing efforts toward the existing customer
base is called

A. Excellent customer service

B. Conquest retention

C. Customer retention

D. Courteous retention

Answer: C

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86. The pursuit of new customers, as opposed to the retention of existing
ones, is called

A. Services marketing

B. B2B marketing

C. Conquest marketing

D. Consumer marketing

Answer: B

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87. The consumer decision process consists of .c
A. Stimulus, problem awareness, and purchase stages

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B. Pre-purchase, consumption, and post-purchase stages

C. Problem awareness, evaluation of alternatives, and post-purchase behaviour

D. Stimulus, information search, and post-purchase behaviour

Answer: B

88. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. Service purchases are perceived as riskier than goods purchases

B. The participation of the consumer in the service process increases the amount of perceived risk.

C. The variability in services increases the perceived risk associated with the Purchase

D. Consumers of services have less pre-purchase information versus goods

Answer: B

89. Service consumers tend to be more brand loyal than goods consumers

A. More choices are available

B. Brand loyalty lowers the amount of perceived risk

C. Each service provider provides many brands

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D. Location of the provider is the major driver in the consumer selection process

Answer: C

90. Competitor intelligence should be gathered

A. Once a year.

B. Twice a year.

C. Continuously

D. When competition is more.

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Answer: B
a brand loyal than goods consumers
91. Service consumers tend to be more
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A. More choices are available

B. Brand loyalty lowers the amount of perceived risk

C. Each service provider provides many brands

D. Location of the provider is the major driver in the consumer selection process

Answer: B

92. Competitor intelligence should be gathered

A. Once a year.

B. Twice a year.

C. Continuously

D. none

Answer: D

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