Rifts - Novel - Path of The Storm

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Violence, War, Magic & the Supernatural
The fictional worlds of Rifts® are violent, deadly and filled with aliens, war and supernatural mon-
sters. Other-dimensional beings often referred to as “demons,” torment, stalk and prey on humans. Alien
life forms, monsters, vampires, ghosts, ancient gods and demigods, as well as magic, insanity, psychic
powers and combat are all elements in this book. All of it is fiction.
Some parents may find the violence, magic and supernatural elements of the game inappropriate for
young readers/players. We suggest parental discretion.
Please note that none of us at Palladium Books® condone or encourage the occult, the practice of
magic, the use of drugs, or violence.

An epic sourcebook for the Rifts® series.

Compatible with the entire Palladium Books® Megaverse®
The cover, by Charles Walton II, depicts the central story elements of the screenplay. The figure of David in Coalition Special Forces
Dead Boy armor, Kayla weaving a spell, the threat of the Xiticix swarm looming on one side, the power of the Coalition States Army on
the other, the Rift, both figurative and literal, between them, and the silhouette of the vengeful sorcerer who would see them tear each
other apart. Epic.

PDF Edition – January 2018

No part of this publication may be scanned, OCRed, reproduced or distributed in any way for electronic publication on the web/
internet or any other medium.

Copyright 2011 Palladium Books Inc. & Kevin Siembieda

All rights reserved, worldwide, under the Universal Copyright Convention. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole,
in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews. All incidents, situations,
institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or persons living or dead, is
strictly coincidental.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Phase World®, Splicers®, Coalition Wars®,
After the Bomb®, RECON®, Nightbane®, and Palladium Books® are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Palladium Books
Inc. and Kevin Siembieda.
Archie Three, Arzno, Biomancy, Bio-Wizard, Black Faerie, Body Fixer, Blind Warrior Women, Bandito Arms, ‘Bot, ‘Borg, ‘Burb,
Brodkil, Chaos Earth, Chi-Town, City Rat, Coalition States, CS, Coalition State of El Dorado, Colorado Baronies, Combat Cyborg,
Coming of the Rifts, Crazy, Cyber-Doc, Cyber-Knight, Doc Reid, Dead Boy, Dog Boy, Dog Pack, D’norr Devil Man, Dinosaur Swamp,
Dyna-Bot, E-Clip, Emperor Prosek, Erin Tarn, Federation of Magic, Free Quebec, Glitter Boy, Grackle Tooth, Great Cataclysm, Head-
hunter, Hero Vampire, Horune Pirates, Juicer, Lazlo, Ley Line Walker, Lone Star Complex, Lord Dunscon, Lord Splynncryth, Mad-
haven, Magic Zone, Manistique Imperium, Master Vampire, Mind Melter, Mystic Knights, Naruni, Naruni Enterprises, New West,
Northern Gun, Pecos Empire, Psi-Stalker, Psyscape, Rifts Earth, Secondary Vampire, Shemarrian, Shifter, Simvan, Skelebot, Spirit
West, Splynn Dimensional Market, Splugorth, Minions of Splugorth, Splugorth Slavers, Stormspire, Tattooed Man, Techno-Wizard,
Titan Robotics, Tolkeen, Triax, True Atlantean, Ulti-Max, Undead Slayer, Vampire Kingdoms, Rifts® Game Master Guide, Rifts®
Book of Magic, Rifts® Dark Conversions, Rifts® Atlantis, Wild Vampires, Wilk’s, Witchling, Xiticix, Mega-Damage, M.D.C., S.D.C.,
I.S.P., P.P.E., and other names, titles, initials, characters, character likenesses and slogans are trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin
Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.

Palladium Online: www.palladiumbooks.com

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Rifts®: Path of the Storm™ is published by Palladium Books Inc., 39074 Webb Court, Westland, MI 48185-7606. Printed in the USA.

Palladium Books® Presents:

Rifts : Path of the Storm

® ™

One writer’s vision for the Rifts® movie

Screenplay by: Matthew Clements

Based on the Rifts® Role-Playing Game created and written by Kevin Siembieda. Additional ideas and sug-
gestions for the screenplay by Kevin Siembieda.

Game Stats: Matthew Clements

Rifting Hollywood by: Kevin Siembieda

Editors: Alex Marciniszyn

Wayne Smith

Proofreader: Julius Rosenstein

Cover Painting: Charles Walton II

Interior Art: Charles Walton II

Art Direction: Kevin Siembieda

Typography and Layout: Wayne Smith

Special Thanks to Matthew Clements not only for this imagining of a Rifts® movie, but for his unbridled
creative energy and friendship; to Chuck Walton for his vision and artistry; and to my outstanding and hardwork-
ing staff whom are without compare: Alex, Wayne, Julius, and Kathy. Last, but certainly not least, to the people
who have kept the dream of a Rifts® movie alive, Jerry Bruckheimer, Chad Oman, Mark Freedman and Rawson
Marshall Thurber, among others (you know who you are).
– Kevin Siembieda, 2011

Rifting Hollywood �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6
The saga behind the making of the Rifts movie, so far �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6
Fast Forward a few years �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7
Early cover sketches �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
Finding the title ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
Final cover pencils ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10

Rifts® Path of the Storm �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11

A proposed movie screenplay ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11
Near Xiticix Hive ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18
Simvan Camp – Night ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������51
Tolkeen Ruins – Ley Line Nexus – Night ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������65

Path of the Storm Cast ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������76

David – CS Special Forces �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������76
Kayla – Mystic �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������77
Mason – Juicer �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������79
Ginoek – Cyber-Knight �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������80
Copeland – Ley Line Walker ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������81
Fiona – CS Psi-Stalker �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������83
Ayzim – Simvan Chieftain �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������84
Holt – Full Conversion Cyborg ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������84
Ramsey – Shifter – Villain �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������87
Supporting Cast from Path of the Storm ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������87
Fiona’s Dog Pack ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������87
Bill – Pit Bull ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������87
Spence – Doberman �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������88
Wade – Chow ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������88
Ramsey’s Demons �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������89
Ernosan – Demon ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������89
Hindra – Demon �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������90
Nohn – Demon ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������91
Other Supporting Cast and Equipment of Note ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������92
Average Coalition Special Forces ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������92
Average Xiticix Warrior �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������93
Average Simvan Monster Rider �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������94
Northern Gun Grenade Knives �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������95
Cyborg Defensive Charges �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������95
Also from Palladium Books ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������95

I would first like to dedicate Path of the Storm™ to all the diehard Rifts® fans out there. Keep imagining a world where Rifts has
comics, video games and movies and soon we’ll be there.
I would also like to thank writer and creator extraordinaire Kevin Siembieda. You brought us the world of Rifts; all I did was dare to
walk around in it for a while.
– Matthew Clements

A Note from the Author:

Rifts®: Path of the Storm™ is just one of the millions of stories that play out across Rifts Earth. It is a tale of power and revenge, of
the gray area between destiny and decision and the hand of fate that has so much power over us.
Path of the Storm was my first project for Palladium Books, a screenplay I wrote with no endorsement or assurance, just hoping to get
some notice from the people behind the magic of Rifts®. More than just a screenplay, Path of the Storm is my journey into the universe
of Rifts itself, a story that unfolds upon the giant canvas that Kevin Siembieda and many others have spent years crafting. Path of the
Storm is my homage to a fantasy world that has inspired me in so many ways, and continues to inspire me to this day. It is my first at-
tempt to give motion to the incredible and dynamic setting that is Rifts Earth, and to bring its unique characters to life.
– Matthew Clements

Rifting Hollywood
The saga behind the making of the Rifts® movie, so far
By Kevin Siembieda, the creator of Rifts®

Like most of you, I have always imagined the Rifts® For example, the first Pirates of the Carribean movie took
role-playing game as a movie. Somehow, it felt inevitable. about two and a half years from concept to release of the
After all, when I conceived and wrote it, I called it “my Star film, which is about as fast as it gets, but everything fell
Wars.” As a result, there was excitement in the air when into place. Other times it can take years. It is nothing for a
someone at Jerry Bruckheimer Films called to ask if the film to take 8-15 years to get launched, sometimes longer.
film rights were available for Rifts®. Just our luck, Rifts® is falling into the 10+ years category.
I had been a big fan of Jerry Bruckheimer films such as The wait. The waiting has been frustrating and even
The Rock, Top Gun, Days of Thunder, Armageddon, Re- agonizing at times, especially since Palladium has had its
member the Titans and many others, so it was a thrill to share of hard luck since signing the movie option in 2002.
have JB Films interested in Rifts®. The excitement grew Moreover, we must assume that the movie will never be
when I realized that Jerry Bruckheimer Films would be the made; after all, most movie options fade away without a
driving force behind the development and production, but movie ever being made.
that they would be making the film for Walt Disney Pic- So why am I still excited about the possibility?
tures. Disney. I had followed the works, movies and espe-
Because there is something magical about Rifts®, and
cially the animation of Walt Disney and the Disney Com-
Jerry Bruckheimer sees it. Regrettably, I can’t share all the
pany for my entire life. I had studied their animated films,
details and things said to me by Jerry or Chad, but I can tell
collected animation cels, and now I would be negotiating
you they see the power and potential of Rifts®. They’ve
a deal to have JB Films make a live action movie for the
renewed the film option something like 4-5 times now over
Walt Disney Company. Our imaginations went wild with
the last decade. That speaks volumes in and of itself.
the possibilities.
I have seen at least a half-dozen film treatments – the
Reality check.
short story version of a movie before approval is given for
Like most people, we thought cutting the movie option an actual script to be written – and there have been three
would be fast and easy, followed by a motion picture a cou- writers I know of who have taken a run at writing the
ple years later. I wish. Rifts® movie script: David Franzoni (the author of Gladi-
I also discovered that when people hear the words “mov- ator and Amistad), Rawson Marshall Thurber (Rifts®
ie option,” especially when used in the same sentence as fan, up and coming super-talent best known for the movie
Jerry Bruckheimer and Walt Disney Pictures, they auto- Dodgeball, and all-around great guy), and the latest fellow
matically assume a movie will be made, and that the owner whose identity I cannot share at this time. We thought we
of the intellectual property has just become a millionaire – were finally on the right track when Rawson Thurber was
or soon to be one. Again, I wish. The potential is there, but given the green light to write a second draft, but the powers
it is neither immediate nor a certainty. at JB Films found the screenplay wanting.
First, only one in 10,000 movie “options” ever gets While it has been frustrating to have had Rifts® stalled
made into a movie. at the initial script phase of development, I am glad the
people at JB Films are holding out for what they consider
Second, the “typical” movie option amount is $10,000 a great movie and not settling for something second-rate
to $30,000, not millions of dollars, and usually ties up an or cheesy. I am also gratified that they’d like to see Rifts®
Intellectual Property (I.P.) for 2-3 years. become a big budget, tent-pole movie franchise; i.e. sev-
Third, nothing is easy. We spent a long time negotiat- eral Rifts® movies like Pirates of the Carribean or Star
ing the many, many contractual details and terms. None of Wars. That means a compelling and powerful screenplay
which I can disclose. that warrants the risk of a blockbuster movie budget.
Fourth, you need everything to fall into place, from pro- I’m optimistic about Rifts® someday being translat-
ducer and script to director, to actors, budget, distribution ed to film or television. JB Films has not been the only film
and everything else. I think it was Chad Oman at JB Films company to express an interest in Rifts®. Over the years,
who told me making a movie was “organized chaos.” He we have fielded inquiries from such film companies as
explained that sometimes a movie comes together quickly. Walden Media (director Christopher Columbus’ company)
and the Donner Company (as in the folks responsible for the relaxed by the time we were called into Chad’s office. The
Lethal Weapon and X-Men movies!), as well as Funimation creative meeting went great and I walked out of the office
and a couple of small companies. Of course, we had to turn still chatting with Franzoni. Everything was cool. I was a
these gents away due to the option with JB Films, and we consummate professional. While I was at the office, I had
don’t know if we would have had any better luck seeing a heard Jerry Bruckheimer was supposed to be back at JB
Rifts® movie made any faster if we had jumped ship to go Films that afternoon, but nobody knew exactly when he’d
elsewhere. Besides, I have faith in Jerry Bruckheimer and be arriving. Jerry had been promoting the, then new, King
his people. I only met Jerry once, but the man is a class act Arthur movie in Europe and was returning from his trip to
and I can tell he sees something special in Rifts®. I like England any time.
that. Of course, we all wish they’d find the script they need I said my thank yous and farewells and went outside to
to get things moving forward. Business in Hollywood is all wait for my taxi. I was drinking in a beautiful, sunny Cali-
about holding your cards close to the vest. Secrecy is a ne- fornia spring day and decided to call Kathy Simmons to tell
cessity, so for all I know, JB Films may be working toward her about my enjoyable experience. I was talking to Kathy
the goal of green-lighting the Rifts® movie right now, but and completely unwound and out of the zone when I was
until things are in place, I won’t be brought into the loop. called back into the offices of JB Films. I figured Chad had
All we can do is hope a movie script that JB and Disney fall a quick question for me before my taxi arrived.
in love with drops on their desk soon.
Chad met me in the doorway of his office and walked me
At one point, JB Films considered having me take a run down a short hall covered in framed movie posters. As we
at writing the Rifts® movie. Let me tell you, that was in- walked, Chad caught me completely off guard with a joke
credibly flattering, exciting and scary. I jumped at the op- and a nonchalant comment that Jerry had just arrived and
portunity and put a lot of thought into it. Rifts® is so ex- wanted to meet me. The very next moment, I found my-
pansive and I’m so close to the I.P. that even I had difficulty self standing in JB’s office with Jerry smiling behind a gor-
finding what I felt were the right characters and story to tell. geous, black desk. Over Jerry’s right shoulder was the suit
While I hammered out a couple of potential movie scripts of armor from the soon to be released King Arthur movie.
in my head (and even made some notes and jotted down Over his left shoulder was a narrow table covered in Em-
some dialog), we couldn’t come to terms with Walt Disney mys, Oscars and other awards.
Pictures to allow me to write a script. The legal stuff can get Jerry smiled warmly and extended his hand to shake
pretty hairy, so I wasn’t surprised, nor was I angry. It was mine. In a soft voice he asked me a couple of questions
a thrill to even be considered. Afterward, I toyed with writ- and I jibbered out stupid answers like a fan boy. I talked
ing and publishing my stories as novels, but the demands too fast, offered too much too long and gave rambling re-
on my time during these recent years have not allowed me sponses. The whole encounter was something of a blur. At
to do so. I’d have to spend 3-6 months working on a novel some point a short time later, Chad, or someone, ushered
and I just don’t have the time. me out the door to my waiting taxi, Jerry still smiling and
There have been other exciting and memorable moments saying it was nice to meet me. Sheesh. The guy probably
over the years. Doing business with Hollywood power play- thinks I’m a rambling idiot. Hey, I must not have seemed
ers like Jerry Bruckheimer and Chad Oman is a kick all by like too much of a twink, because he’s had the movie option
itself. I mean, I can pick up the phone and call Chad at JB renewed several times since then. Oh well, next time I hope
Films right now, and he’d take my call. That’s pretty cool. to make a more professional and coherent impression.
It was fun meeting David Franzoni, and a kick to find out The thing that impressed me most about my meeting
Rawson Marshall Thurber is a Rifts® fan, and attributes with Jerry Bruckheimer was the fact that he asked me to
at least part of his inspiration for becoming a director and return to the office to meet him. I mean, I’m nobody in Hol-
screenwriter to me and his playing Rifts®. Wow. For me, lywood, and I had physically left the building. JB didn’t
it doesn’t get much better than that. have to call me back in to meet with me in person. The poor
Meeting Jerry Bruckheimer was pretty cool, too. Unfor- guy was probably jet-lagged and was trying to eat his lunch
tunately, I wasn’t prepared for it, so I was a jibbering, fan (chicken and a salad), but he still had me come back in to
boy monkey. Gah! Not one of my better moments. I was meet with him. That, my friends, is a class act.
in town for E3 and my agent set up a creative meeting for Fast forward a few years to the appearance of Mat-
me at JB Films with the two studio heads, Chad Oman and thew Clements. In April, 2010, this twenty-something year
Michael Stenson, along with writer David Franzoni. I was old by the name of Matthew Clements shows up at the Pal-
prepared for them, hit it off with David Franzoni, who I got ladium office. He had gone to school for creative writing
to chat with for 20 minutes in the waiting area (he and I and had aspirations to be a screenwriter. Which explained
both arrived early for the meeting). I got to hear a bunch of why he had written a complete Rifts® movie script on spec.
great stories about the making of Gladiator and was very Matthew had talked to Alex on the phone a time or two and
Alex had said good things to me about him, so when Mat-
thew dropped by the office to deliver his Rifts® screen-
play, I popped in to say hello. We struck up a conversation
and I took an immediate liking to Matthew. I don’t usually
play and I called Chuck Walton to do the cover and some
read unsolicited manuscripts from people I don’t know, and
character concept drawings.
certainly not movie scripts. I have little influence in that
area with JB Films and, to be honest, I didn’t expect the The cover and concept art. Matthew and I had a blast
script to be any good. However, Matthew impressed me helping Chuck find the right tone and look for the cover and
and I agreed to read his screenplay. character artwork. We all collaborate well together, shar-
ing ideas freely. Chuck would later comment that he loves
It had a number of problems, but I was impressed. Very
it when ideas and suggestions are shared freely the way
impressed. The story, characters and dialog were all very
things unfolded with this book. It doesn’t hurt to have an
good, and boy did it have a Rifts® feel. Matthew and I
artist of Charles Walton’s caliber with such an open mind
talked some more, we hit it off, and I suggested he do a sec-
and ability to visualize words and ideas and transfer them
ond draft as a learning exercise if nothing else. Matthew is
onto paper. Matthew marveled at the collaborative process
one of those guys who is open to criticism and ideas, so we
of designing the cover. I art direct most of Palladium’s proj-
chatted about key elements to change, and he went off to
ects, and working with Chuck and Matthew was pure fun
rewrite the screenplay. A few weeks later, I had the second
and raw excitement. Everybody was open to each other’s
draft of Matthew’s Rifts® movie script in my hands. It was
ideas and they flowed like water. Chuck read the script and
vastly improved.
loved it. We then talked about it and the key elements that
That screenplay is what you hold in your hands. It is should appear on the cover. It was Matthew’s idea to have
a damn good Rifts® story. One that is 100% Rifts® and the cover done in the style of a movie poster. Chuck and I
should certainly appeal to Rifts® fans. I don’t know if it’s both agreed. Chuck went home to work up a concept sketch
the story Hollywood would want to tell, or if it would ap- and key characters. A few days later, the three of us met
peal to a broader audience, but I know fans of Rifts® will again. We went over the character sketches first. Other than
enjoy it. I did. Which is why I decided to publish it. I sug- a few minor changes or specific details, they were every-
gested Matthew stat out the main characters in his screen- thing Matthew and I could have hoped for.
The cover was a different story. Chuck warned us that he “Oh my god. That’s perfect.” And so the title, Rifts®: Path
only had an initial concept and that he was not happy with of the Storm, was born.
it. Indeed, though he had identified all the key elements we Path of the Storm is a fun read, it should give you ideas
wanted to see, they didn’t quite work together. The three of for your own adventures, provides some heroes, NPCs and
us discussed the key elements, characters and feel we want- villains you can drop into your own games, and it gives
ed to see, and the pieces started to fall into place. “What you a bit of insight to the goings-on behind the scenes at
about this?” “How about that?” “Wait, wait, what if . . .” Palladium Books. We’re often working on projects under
The level of excitement was electric. As artists, Chuck and wraps, on spec, or in the hopes of launching a new project.
I could easily convey our ideas about image and graphics This was one of them. It wasn’t planned, it just happened.
to each other, while Matthew offered feedback and addi- I found a writer full of ideas who was willing to work hard
tional ideas. Chuck began sketching out a new cover. As at realizing his dreams. I just couldn’t walk away from that,
a writer, Matthew marveled as the amalgamation of ideas so I helped him improve his movie script and sent it to Chad
took shape as a pencil rendering right before his eyes. We at JB Films. For legal reasons, Chad could not read Mat-
were so in the groove that we didn’t even notice Alex (Pal- thew’s script, but now that Palladium has published it, he
ladium’s long-time editor and an artist himself) pause in can if he so desires. While we doubt this screenplay will
the doorway to see what was going on. Later, Alex told me be adapted to a film, you never know. More likely, it may
he was excited by what he had seen and heard as he passed show our friends in Hollywood what can be done with
by in the corridor, and that it was inspiring to see the cre- Rifts®. Maybe this book provides food for thought or in-
ative energy rippling from inside that room. He’s right, the spires something that gets turned into a film.
creative process can be an adrenaline rush, especially when
you’re working with good people on the same wavelength. If nothing else, you, our fans, get to enjoy another story
Heck, it’s outright magical, and the magic was flying that in the Rifts® Megaverse®, and that’s just fine with us.
evening. But there’s more to this story. Matthew’s work on
Finding the title. When Matthew did the screenplay, the Path of the Storm and our continued association led me to
working title was “Rifts.” Now, as a published work (and as eventually hire him to work on several role-playing game
a potential first film in a Rifts® movie franchise) it needed projects. Books I think you will enjoy. Matthew’s presence
a subtitle. You know, like Pirates of the Caribbean: On at the office has been positive both for him and us. He’s a
Stranger Tides or Star Wars: A New Hope. Only Matthew team player with a wonderful imagination and terrific work
was stumped. ethic. Matthew’s goal remains to become a Hollywood
screenwriter for film and television. He plans on going out
“That’s okay,” I said, “I’m good at titles.” Only I was west in January to do some preliminary job hunting. De-
stumped too. We solicited ideas from the rest of the Palla- pending on how things go, Matthew may be back at Pal-
dium crew and worked on new ideas ourselves, but they all ladium for a while longer or head back to the West Coast to
fell flat or just didn’t feel right for it. make his mark in Hollywood.
Finally, I walked into Matthew’s office and said, “We However long his time may be at Palladium, Matthew
need a title. Let’s talk this out. What are the big ideas? will leave his mark. We are glad to call him our friend and
What does the title need to say?” I started throwing ideas have him on board for as long as that may be. I completely
around out loud, and encouraged Matthew to do likewise. encourage and support his efforts to follow his dreams. I
Talking out loud can often shake loose good ideas. What know firsthand the joy of living your dream, and want Mat-
is not evident in this script is that it was conceived as the thew to achieve his. Besides, I suspect whatever the future
first movie in a trilogy that follows the story of our main may hold for Matthew, you’ll be seeing more from him in
character, David. Matthew and I both know what’s in store the months if not years to come.
for this David, so I suggested thinking about the entire story
arc of all three films, as well as the main things in this first As for the Rifts® movie? Time will tell. Path of the
one. All of a sudden, ideas started to gel. I think Matthew Storm is just one of countless stories that can be told in
said something about a storm or ley line storm, and that Rifts setting. With any luck, someday soon some of those
clicked something in my head that came out as the Storm’s stories will find their way to the silver screen.
Path. That seemed a bit funky and morphed into Path of
the Storm. Matthew liked it, but seemed a bit hesitant until – Kevin Siembieda
I said, “Matthew, think about it. The ‘storm’ it refers to is Publisher
the storm of violence and magic that sweeps across the sto-
ry, but what the audience doesn’t yet realize is that David
is ‘the storm.’ That will become apparent in the next two
movies.” Matthew grinned widely and said something like,


A proposed movie screenplay

by Matthew Clements
Set in the world of Rifts® by Kevin Siembieda

EXT. FOREST’S EDGE – EVENING He looks down at their toys.

Two children play on a path next to the thick woods. FATHER

DAVID, five, has a pair of carved toy soldiers and Now what’s the matter here?
KATIE, seven, a handmade doll. The path is lit by
enchanted FLOATING LANTERNS and over the trees KATIE
the rooftops of a small village protrude, some adorned My doll won’t work. I think it’s broken.
with strange weather vanes and arcane ornaments.
The children’s FATHER appears around a bend in Is that the doll your mother made for
the trees, walking along the path with a toolkit in one you?
hand. The kids run to him when they see him.
He drops his toolkit and scoops the kids up into his Then I don’t think it’s broken. Let me
arms. have a look.

FATHER He takes the doll in his hands and examines it.

What are you two doing out here?
KATIE Did you try like mom showed you?
Waiting for you.
All the way out here?
KATIE Well, let’s see here.
Momma told us what path you’d be on.
He closes his eyes for a moment and focuses on the
FATHER doll. MYSTIC ENERGY transfers from his hands into
Did she now? it.

DAVID The doll’s eyes pop open. He sets it on the ground in

Yep. front of Katie and it walks up to her.

Well next time why don’t you wait for Thanks daddy!
me a little closer to the house? You
know these woods aren’t safe. She holds her hand out and infuses the doll with
ENERGY of her own. It looks up at her and says
DAVID & KATIE ‘Momma.’
Yes daddy.
FATHER CREATURES begin to emerge. Carapaced, snarling,
There you go. That’s it. four-legged demons followed by equally frightening
humanoid masters.
He pats her on the head as she cradles her doll.
They set off towards the village.
Little David looks down at his toy soldiers, despondent.


I can’t ever make mine work.
FATHER So I see my little helpers found you out
It’s OK, David, you’ll get it one day. on the road?

He kneels down and holds the toy soldiers for a FATHER

second, CHARGING them up. He sets them in front Yes they did. But you shouldn’t let them
of David and they march, chanting ‘One-Two-Three- run off like that.
David smiles up at his father. It’s just down the path, dear.


Now, my little soldier, we need to march Yeah, daddy. We can see the house
on home, or we’ll be late for supper. from the path.
Come on Katie, you too.
KATIE Still, you know how dangerous those
I’ll be right there, daddy. woods can be.

She runs to catch up as they walk towards town. The MOTHER

dark forest looms behind her. Only at night, honey. You remember
what I told you? About worrying about
The family sits down to a late supper by the light of a I suppose you’re right.
MAGIC LAMP. Mother and father, brother and sister,
they clasp hands and say grace before beginning to She leans over and kisses her husband.
They smile.
It is a clear, moonlit night. The sounds of BIRDS and
INSECTS fill the trees. There is a CRASH outside. Something HOWLS.

All goes quiet. The father jumps out of his seat and looks out the
Faint lines of ENERGY cross in the forest. They are
visible in brief FLASHES of blue/white light. MOTHER
Brian, what is it?
A RIFT slowly opens where they cross. It unzips the
fabric of space and reality. An alien dimension of FATHER
YELLOW SKIES and RED TOWERS is visible through I don’t know, hang on.
the shifting portal.
MOTHER more hideous DEMONS appear, chasing villagers out
What is it? into the open.

His expression changes to one of terror. One particular monster lopes on all fours towards an
elderly COUPLE who fall behind the rest. The creature
FATHER rears up, ROARING as it nears its prey. Helpless,
Let’s go! We need to go now! terrified, they fall to the ground, holding each other.

They grab the frightened children and rush out. Suddenly, a BURST of rail gun rounds rips into the
monster. It topples backwards, GURGLING death
throes. Two PA-06A SAMAS suits rocket overhead,
EXT. VILLAGE – NIGHT strafing as they go. They are armored flying
exoskeletons with stubby wings and jet engines.
The village BURNS, buildings lit up by flames and the
faint light of the moon. Desperate VILLAGERS flee, The mother and her children near the safety of the
clutching children or valuables. SCREAMS can be forest. One MONSTER rushes at them, scattering the
heard in the distance. family. David runs off into the woods, his mother and
sister forced in the opposite direction.
The family runs between flaming buildings, pulling the
kids along. From out of the darkness, an EVIL SHAPE Another demon continues after them while David runs
appears: a blackened demon wielding a menacing from the original attacker.
In the forest, David manages to stay ahead of the
FATHER demon, slipping under branches and through small
Go! Just go! gaps in the trees.

MOTHER The demon crashes right through them, finally

Brian! No! reaching one long arm out and grabbing hold of the
He pulls a shotgun on the creature, FIRING point
blank into its chest. The demon LAUGHS, unfazed. It prepares to devour its victim, jaws dripping, teeth
gnashing, when it pauses and looks off into the woods.
CLOSE-UP on the barrel of a C-27 PLASMA
The mother takes each child by the hand and runs, CANNON. PLASMA BLASTS burn into the demon’s
sobbing. David looks back as the demon closes in on hide.
his father.
From the shadows a squad of COALITION SOLDIERS
His father FIRES again and again into the creature. appears, clad in old-style black armor. The monster
It strides invincibly through the gunshots and pockets drops David, turning to face its new attackers.
of fire, clubbing Brian with the mace and sending him
sprawling. It bats one soldier aside with a massive forearm,
but the rest of the squad advance steadily, pumping
The last thing David sees is the demon knelt over his BEAM after BEAM into the creature. It dies slowly,
father’s corpse. It raises its head, HOWLING up at the SQUEALING and HISSING.
sky with bloody jaws.
A SERGEANT approaches David, slinging his rifle
The remaining three go on, hurrying through the center and dropping to one knee.
of town. DEMONS stalk the fleeing REFUGEES,
snagging unfortunate victims from amongst the crowd. SERGEANT
Are you alright, little guy?
They reach a field beyond the village proper. The
cover of the forest is only a hundred feet away, but David stares past him at the demon. One of the CS
grunts kicks the creature to be sure that it’s dead. The (looks at David)
sergeant removes his helmet, looking David in the You make a friend out there, sergeant?
SERGEANT (CONT’D) Found him in the woods, sir. The
Did they get your family? demons got his family.

David just nods, too stunned for words. COMMANDER

Dump him with the rest of the refugees.
SERGEANT (CONT’D) We’ve got a town full of magic users
It’s OK. You’re safe now. here. These people are on their own.
Fools probably opened the Rift that
He picks David up. these things came through.

SERGEANT (CONT’D) He gestures to a pile of demon bodies. A SOLDIER is

Secure the area, I’m gonna get him dousing them in gasoline. David grabs the sergeant’s
back to the CP. hand and squeezes it.

Sir. His family is gone, sir. He doesn’t have
anybody. At least let me get him back
The sergeant approaches the treeline and stops, to Chi-Town where he can have a
hearing something. A four-legged DEMON charges chance.
down the dark road before them towards a line of CS
GRUNTS forming a roadblock. COMMANDER
Do what you have to do, sergeant.
The soldiers ready their weapons and aim but do not He’s your responsibility.
Four large RAIL GUNS open fire out of the darkness, Thank you, sir.
cutting down the charging demon. Soldiers activate
floodlights, revealing four intimidating UAR-1 The sergeant salutes and picks up David, walking
ENFORCERS blocking the road: twenty-foot tall, towards the APCs. SQUADS of men are returning to
skull-faced combat robots. the vehicles.

The sergeant exits the woods as the robots march SERGEANT (CONT’D)
past, towards the village. A SQUAD OF CS GRUNTS Everything’s alright now. We’re gonna
follows after them. get you back to the city, and then I’m
gonna find someone to take care of
The sergeant proceeds down the road to find a half- you.
dozen idling APCs with SOLDIERS milling about.
He enters the APC, settling into one of the jumpseats
Under one of the floodlights the CS COMMANDER is with David on his lap.
studying a map of the area. The sergeant approaches,
setting David down. Outside, the sun begins to rise as the APCs roll away
one at a time, the Enforcers following after. They
SERGEANT leave behind a crowd of refugees and the SMOKING
The woods are clear, sir. Seems like remains of their village. David’s mother and sister
we caught most of them pursuing the search amongst the survivors.
locals out of the village.
COMMANDER David?! David?!
Good. Estimate a kill count and pack
things up.
FADE OUT. trickle of nighttime traffic.

OPENING CREDITS It’s just... I don’t know. It’s weird.

A HOODED STRANGER hurries past them. In the

FADE IN: GLOW of the streetlights and neon the stranger’s
alien eyes are momentarily visible.

EXT. OUTSIDE CLUB – CHI-TOWN ‘BURBS – Amanda squeezes David’s hand tightly.
It is a rain-slicked night in “the ‘Burbs,” the high-tech You see? Was that guy even human?
urban slum that has grown up around the CS capital
of Chi Town. DAVID
I don’t know. You want me to ask him?
The BOUNCER at the club’s door uses a bionic eye
implant to scan IDs. He steps out of the way as the Carter drunkenly grabs a discarded cup from the
door is flung open. street, turns and tosses it at the stranger.

AMANDA, early 20s, attractive, kinda drunk, emerges. CARTER

With her are two other GIRLS along with WRIGHT Hey you! You a D-Bee? You from
and CARTER, young CS soldiers in civilian clothes. around here?

AMANDA The stranger’s eyes FLARE yellow and it turns to

(to bouncer) scurry away.
(looks back inside) AMANDA
Come on David, we’re leaving! I told you! An alien, just walking
around the ‘Burbs like we can’t tell the
David, now in his 20s, says his goodbyes and follows difference.
them out. Dressed casually, he also has the short
haircut and fit build of a Coalition soldier. He puts an DAVID
arm around Amanda. Huh. Guess you were right.

So what’d’ya think? The ‘Burbs good Well? Aren’t you going to do something?
enough for a Friday night?
AMANDA What do you want me to do? Arrest
It was OK, but I don’t understand why him? I’m a soldier, not a cop.
we can’t just stay in the city.
DAVID But what if he does something?
Oh come on. You gotta get out every
now and then. You can see the stars DAVID
out here. You can breathe. Honey, these are the ‘Burbs. Shit
happens. If he really is a Dimensional-
WRIGHT Being then he’ll get picked up at some
And the drinks are so much cheaper. point.

They continue down a side street, passing BEGGARS, WRIGHT

PROSTITUTES and WEIRDOS. Lanes of HOVER Can’t hide from the Dog Packs forever.
VEHICLES pass back and forth overhead, just a
It just doesn’t seem right. Must be. I tell you what, why don’t you
just empty your wallets and purses
DAVID and we’ll point you back in the right
It’s the way it is. direction?

Come on, I know a shortcut. We’re Coalition soldiers. Let us pass.

They head down an alley, a bit dark and foreboding. CYBER-SNATCHER 1

Soldiers ey? Then we’re definitely
A HOMELESS MAN sits against one wall, graffiti is taking your money. Let’s go, give it up.
plastered across the other. It reads ‘DEATH TO THE
EMPEROR.’ The Cyber-Snatcher pulls out a Vibro-Knife. He flicks a
button on the handle and the blade HUMS ominously.
GIRL 1 The girls gasp.
They trained you to read in the Army,
right? What does that say? DAVID
Fine. Have it your way.
(in disgust) He begins to remove his jacket.
Pff, nothing.
They pass an open steel door. Inside, an improvised No sudden moves, soldier boy.
operating room is set up. A MAN lays on a table under
anesthesia while a “DOCTOR” stands over him with DAVID
a hacksaw in hand and a cigarette clenched between I can’t reach my wallet with this damn
his teeth. jacket on. It’s OK.

An ASSISTANT near the door is emptying a bin full David removes the jacket and carefully folds it over
of severed hands, arms and legs into a trash bag. He his arm. A grinning Coalition skull tattoo is revealed on
shoves the bag into the alley and slides the door shut, his bicep with the words ‘SPECIAL FORCES’ beneath
glaring at the revelers. it.

AMANDA David feigns reaching into his pocket and then flings
Oh my God. his jacket into the first Cyber-Snatcher’s face.

GIRL 2 The Cyber-Snatcher slashes with the Vibro-Knife and

Are you sure this is the right way? the leather jacket splits like it was tissue paper. David
is right behind it, though, and shoves the Cyber-
VOICE Snatcher’s head into the wall. He grabs an arm, twists,
That’s a good question. and suddenly the Vibro-Knife is in David’s hand.

A figure emerges from the shadows, a big CYBER- Behind them, Wright and Carter turn on the other
SNATCHER with a bionic arm. From behind the group would-be muggers. The Cyber-Snatchers don’t stand
two more CYBER-SNATCHERS appear, blocking a chance against the highly-trained Coalition special
their escape. forces.

CYBER-SNATCHER 1 David stands over the first Cyber-Snatcher. He side-

Chi-Town folk. steps as the Snatcher flails out with his bionic arm,
tearing bricks out of the wall. The Cyber-Snatcher
CYBER-SNATCHER 2 stands and David slices down with the Vibro-Knife,
Must be lost. severing the bionic arm.

The Cyber-Snatcher staggers off holding his arm STREET THUG
socket as SPARKS shoot out. The others have already Help! Help!
run for it.
DAVID (CONT’D) Next. ID cards, please.
At least now you can get an upgrade!
Their special forces clearance appears on his terminal.
David takes the Vibro-Knife and throws it at the brick The whole interface is simple and visual; no words.
wall. It embeds itself in the brick, too deep to be Virtually all CS citizens are kept illiterate.
DAVID (CONT’D) How’s your night going, sergeant?
Do you believe that?
WRIGHT Just the usual late shift, sir. A whole
That’s what we get for slumming! lotta boring. Thought we caught a
vampire trying to sneak in earlier but
CARTER it turned out the guy just had a vitamin
You see me back there? deficiency.
(mimes a few punches)
Captain Pearce would be proud. DAVID
Better safe than sorry. You keep up the
AMANDA good work.
You guys are amazing!
DAVID Ever vigilant. Next. ID cards please.
Gotta try to keep order out here in the
‘Burbs. He yawns as they go on their way.

He says it as they leave the alley and approach a The group continues down a massive concrete
checkpoint leading inside the massive fortress city of concourse. Even at this hour there is a steady flow
Chi-Town. It is a man-made mountain of concrete and of FOOT TRAFFIC. Small ELECTRIC TRUCKS and
steel illuminated in the moonlight. SENTRIES check TAXIS whir back and forth.
ID cards; in the background a pair of GRUNTS wrestle
an UNDESIRABLE out of the LINE. They approach a bank of elevators.

A bitter, matter-of-fact, middle-aged SENTRY in a CARTER

glass booth deals with a tattooed STREET THUG in You guys coming back to quarters?
front of them.
SENTRY (cuts off David)
Well sir, you’re all set – except for one No, we’re going up to level 41.
They exchange good-byes and Amanda pulls David
STREET THUG towards a different elevator.
What’s that?
SENTRY So are we going to one of your friends’
This card is a fake and I’m afraid you’re units, or what?
under arrest. Steve! Terry!
‘STEVE’ and ‘TERRY,’ two hulking CS grunts in full (playfully)
armor, appear and grab the street thug. No...

DAVID We won’t have to wait on any list.
You know we can’t go to your dad’s
place – not this late. You might be his She rests her head on his shoulder. They are safe, far
little princess but I’ve gotta stay on the from the horrors that the Rifts have brought into the
man’s good side if I’m going to work for world.
him someday.


My dad...is in Iron Heart on business.




A dozen FIGURES huddle near a strange tower,
David stands on the balcony high above the most kind of a giant termite mound. In the distance are a
prosperous section of the ‘Burbs. He sips his drink as few other towers, much larger. XITICIX WARRIORS
a pair of SKY CYCLES zip by. This is the good life. hover around them, giant insectsthat are just ominous
specks from this far off.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a view quite At the small tower’s side, HOLT, an armor-plated
like this one. cyborg, grinds through the tough hive wall with a rock-
drill built into one arm.
This is how daddy likes to live. We’re The others keep watch: KAYLA, an attractive and
only two levels below the emperor’s sharp-eyed young Mystic and COPELAND, clad in
basement. the robes and gas mask of a Ley Line Walker. With
them are MASON and another JUICER, chemically
DAVID augmented commandos sporting drug-administering
Really? Bio-Comp harnesses, as well as two purple-skinned
Yeah, part of it extends down into 43. GINOEK and SYRTA, his mate. A few other
RESISTANCE SOLDIERS round out the group.
This is crazy.
Amanda puts her arms around him.
RAMSEY and several more SOLDIERS arrive.
AMANDA Ramsey is a wild eyed older man in sorcerer’s robes.
Once you get out of the army, we’ll get
a place just like this down on level 39 RAMSEY
or 40. Crazy? This is a new hive. This is our
only chance. You know how fast the
DAVID Xiticix breed.
Keep dreaming, honey. You know how
long the waiting list is for spots on the SOLDIER
upper levels. Let the Coalition deal with it. It’s not our
problem anymore.
Oh David, you can be so cute
sometimes. Dad knows lots of people.
Until every last refugee is out of the Good to go.
city... until every sacred artifact is
recovered, we keep fighting. You know RAMSEY
that. Alright you four. Just like we practiced.

SOLDIER The Juicers and Kayla hook rappelling gear to the

Just thought we’d be fighting the breach and lower themselves down. Copeland floats
Coalition, not the Ticks. down after them using his magic. Fat, white LARVAE
dot the tower’s interior.
You’ll play your part, just you wait. They reach the bottom, an underground chamber, its
walls lined with glowing fungi.
Ramsey moves on down the line.
A pair of Xiticix WORKERS scrape fungus from the
SOLDIER walls. The Juicers swiftly kill them with silenced
Who the hell put him in charge? weapons, pile the bodies out of sight and take up
guard positions.
After the city fell, he was the only one Kayla pops a FLARE, filling the tunnel with BLUE
of the commanders brave enough to LIGHT.
stay behind.

Crazy enough.
Ramsey sees the signal.
The soldier turns away. Mason leans in towards Kayla.
MASON We’re inside. Let’s keep it moving.
You sure this guy knows what he’s
doing, Kayla? Ginoek and Syrta hoist the lines back up.

KAYLA Ramsey and a soldier drop right into the breach like
I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t. divers dropping off the side of a boat. They plummet
down the tunnel, seemingly to their deaths.
He’s the most powerful mage left in the Kayla and Copeland ‘catch’ them with their magic,
city. If anyone can pull this off, it’s him. setting them down gently.

MASON Ramsey dusts himself off and assists them in catching

I hope you’re right. Because once the remaining team members.
we’re inside the ant farm he’s our only
way out.
Ramsey approaches the cyborg, Holt.
Ginoek hooks all three lines to Holt and takes one last
RAMSEY look at the hives in the distance before he and Syrta
Are we in yet? drop into the breach.


Holt’s drill breaks through. The magic users catch Ginoek and Syrta and lower
Holt slowly to the ground. Soldiers unhook the lines
from him and the team moves on. The last soldier has The Super-Warrior scrapes at the small remaining
a spray device connected to a backpack-mounted opening, SCREAMING OUT for prey.
tank. He covers their scent trail as they move deeper
into the hive. Ramsey shoots a stream of MAGIC ENERGY at the
ceiling, filling in the rest of the gap.
The next chamber is a route for egg-laden WORKERS
and a few WARRIORS, four-armed insects as tall as Holt is now standing up to his shoulders in an
a man carrying crude weapons made of excreted excavated hole, the rock-drill shooting up dirt and
resin. The team SHOOT those they come across with stone chips. He finally breaks through and falls down
silenced weapons and duck quickly into a side tunnel. into the chamber below.

RAMSEY (CONT’D) Holt slams into the ground and pulls himself back to
Charges! his feet as others drop in from above.

Soldiers ring the tunnel with explosives as more Looming over them at the end of the chamber is the
XITICIX WARRIORS appear. XITICIX QUEEN, flanked by attending WORKERS.
Only partially mature, she is still an enormous beast
The others give them COVER FIRE as they finish up with a swollen abdomen, eggs being carried off by
and fall back. A soldier activates a detonator and the NANNIES.
bombs COLLAPSE the tunnel on top of the pursuing
Xiticix. Ramsey points in each direction and the team spreads
out. Holt disconnects the huge rock drill from his arm
RAMSEY (CONT’D) and casually discards it. He takes out a replacement
Let’s go! hand, screws it on and tests his fingers. The ‘Borg
grabs a rail gun attached to his back and works the
He is already pushing on, Juicers scouting the tunnel bolt. He nods.
XITICIX WARRIORS are starting to show at the
They stop a hundred yards further on. entrances to the Queen’s chamber.


This is it. Get the Queen! I’ll handle the others!

Holt kneels down and begins drilling into the ground. The troops riddle the Queen’s attendants with
GUNFIRE and begin to focus on her.
Ramsey points and the rest of the team take up guard
positions while a few set another series of explosives. Ramsey chants, MAGIC ENERGY crackling in the
air around him. He casts a spell and ILLUSIONS of
The soldier with the spray-device follows, looking the team begin to appear, mystic holograms. The
down at the tunnel floor. He looks up – right into the confused Xiticix attack the doubles, their jaws and
face of a snarling XITICIX SUPER-WARRIOR, venom weapons piercing thin air.
dripping from its jaws, six twitching arms reaching
outward. Ramsey makes more and more ILLUSIONS, pausing
just for a second to zap a Xiticix Warrior that gets too
The soldier, stunned by fear, gingerly extends the close with a BOLT OF ENERGY from one hand.
sprayer and harmlessly squirts the giant insect. It
fusses for a second and then rips him to shreds. The Queen writhes in frustration as she is peppered
with LASERS and rail gun ROUNDS.
Blow it! Now! The ammo belt feeding into Holt’s rail gun runs out
and the weapon repeatedly DRY FIRES. He ditches
Another soldier activates the charges, partially the gun and approaches the Queen menacingly.
COLLAPSING the tunnel. Two of the sappers are
caught in the blast. Mason glances at his fellow Juicer, who nods. They
shoulder their rifles and rush at the Queen. RAMSEY
Now! Hold them back!
Holt charges in and the Queen backhands him
viciously. The ‘Borg latches onto her arm, though, The soldiers turn their FIRE on the vengeful Xiticix
holding fast as she tries to shake him free. Warriors who have fought their way through the magic
The Juicers attack with pistols and Vibro-Knives,
acrobatically avoiding the Queen’s flailing limbs. Holt Holt climbs atop the Queen’s corpse, ripping through
is finally thrown loose. her armored plates, fishing around in her guts. Ramsey
waits beside him, removing some kind of specialized,
Nearby, Kayla dodges a Xiticix Warrior’s attacks airtight container from his cloak.
before Copeland cooks it with MAGIC ENERGY. A
man-at-arms near them is picked out of the crowd of A soldier approaches him and grabs his shoulder.
magic doubles and torn apart.
KAYLA What the hell are you doing? We need
Not gonna fool ‘em for much longer. to teleport out of here, now!

COPELAND Ramsey electrocutes him with MAGIC ENERGY, rage

Come on! flashing in his eyes. He opens the container as Holt
extracts a pair of noxious, fuming green glands.

The two Juicers stare down the Queen. She ROARS
and charges at them. They leap in different directions. COPELAND
What’s taking so long?
Mason jumps on her back and is quickly plucked off
and thrown aside. She turns and is suddenly face-to- Kayla turns to check and sees Ramsey sealing up the
face with the other Juicer. He cracks his knuckles and glands.
steps forward.
He uses his enhanced speed to block attacks from all What are you doing? We’re done here!
four of the Queen’s arms. He manages to keep up for Let’s go!
a while, but her snapping jaws catch him off guard.
She grabs hold of him with her lower set of arms and Ramsey looks up, over at her and Copeland.
bites his upper torso right off.
MASON There’s no other way. You know every
Noooo! ritual demands a sacrifice.

He races at the Queen and leaps onto her back. He prepares a spell and suddenly TELEPORTS
Climbing onto her head he plunges a Vibro-Knife into himself and Holt away to safety.
one eye and jumps clear.
The Queen stumbles about in agony. Copeland No...
and Kayla appear and begin jolting her with MAGIC
The Queen tries to back away but Ramsey is right
behind her, face lit with cold rage. He focuses his KAYLA
power and delivers the deathblow with a pulse of He left us?

Kayla, Copeland, Mason and Ginoek APPEAR within
KAYLA a nursery chamber. A fat GRUB snacks on a human
He left us! Let’s go! We gotta run! corpse. It looks up at them and SQUEALS. Ginoek
grabs Copeland.
She pulls Copeland away from the firing line and they
run for their lives. The rest of the soldiers are beginning GINOEK
to notice that something is wrong. Confusion sets in Where is she!? Where is she!?
as they see Ramsey is gone and the Xiticix are closing
in. Kayla pulls him away.

The defensive falls apart. Those who don’t follow KAYLA

Kayla and Copeland into the tunnels are cut down She’s gone! There’s nothing you can
where they stand. do!

Xiticix Warriors flood the chamber. The Super-Warrior Copeland teleports them again and they DISAPPEAR.
pushes through them, SCREECHING its rage.

Ginoek helps Syrta to her feet and they run. Mason EXT. OUTSIDE XITICIX HIVE – SUNRISE
blazes right past them.
The team REAPPEARS. Ginoek turns for the hive,
Kayla twists and turns through the tunnels, breathing but Mason restrains him.
hard, Copeland struggling to keep up. Other soldiers
behind them are caught by Xiticix appearing right out GINOEK
of the walls. Let go! Let me go!

She reaches a side chamber and pulls Copeland in MASON

after her. It’s over!

COPELAND Ginoek slips out of his grasp.

Can you boost my power?
A thunderous BUZZING emanates from the distant
KAYLA hive towers. Flights of XITICIX begin pouring out,
I can try. swarming into the sky.

He begins summoning up a spell. Ginoek stops in his tracks, staring up in awe.

Ginoek and Syrta stay just ahead of the Super-Warrior, KAYLA

its claws scraping against the walls behind them. Come on.

Mason reaches Kayla and Copeland. They turn and escape off into the woods.

Get us out of here! FADE OUT.

He turns back and waves for Ginoek’s attention.

Ginoek heads for the side chamber. The Super-
Warrior grabs Syrta at the last second and pulls her
away just as the teleportation spell is COMPLETE. EXT. SKIES ABOVE TOLKEEN – DAY
Ginoek reaches out but it is too late.
through the air. It is a huge, black cargo aircraft with a
stoic skull face. Outnumbered, outgunned...hung over.

The ruins of Tolkeen fill the horizon. Once a city built WRIGHT
by the power of magic, its impossible, mythic towers Depleted sex drive.
now lay in ruins after a sustained Coalition siege.
They chuckle.
Be advised we are inbound to Forward Simultaneously, monitors within the hold switch on.
Base 21, ETA zero-five minutes. The passengers and troops turn towards them.
Repeat, zero-five minutes. Crew and
personnel prepare for landing. DAVID
What’s this? In-flight movie?


Oh! I totally forgot. The emperor’s
David, Wright and Carter sit in the personnel section, address is today.
accompanied by a few SPECIALISTS, VEHICLE
CREW and a CHAPLAIN. They fly casually with their The Coalition flag is emblazoned across the screen.
helmets in their laps, wearing the distinct armor of the It is replaced by live footage of Chi-Town, where a
Coalition Special Forces. military parade marches through the more affluent
sections of the ‘Burbs towards the fortress city itself.
In the lofty cargo hold in front of them are a handful
carefully to the deck, along with a single giant COMBAT EXT. BURBS – OUTSIDE CHI-TOWN – SAME TIME
ROBOT. A platoon of GRUNTS are lined against each
bulkhead in the cheap seats. ISS POLICE AGENTS in old-style Dead Boy armor
shoo HOMELESS PEOPLE away as the emperor’s
CARTER procession approaches. Cheering CS CITIZENS line
So how was last night? the streets, many of them with tiny Coalition flags.


WRIGHT Riding in the middle of the procession atop a hulking

and his son and heir, JOSEPH PROSEK. The emperor
DAVID waves to the crowd. He is an extremely dignified and
Well, I was gonna go AWOL and run charismatic figure, mid-50s, dark hair with streaks of
off to Free Quebec with Amanda, but gray at the temples.
I knew how much trouble you guys
would be in without me. And my French A reviewing stand waits at the end of the parade
is awful. route, occupied by a few GENERALS and a handful
of wounded SOLDIERS with medals. Several sport
CARTER cybernetic replacement limbs.
Yeah right. I’m just surprised you
actually made it in on time this morning. The tank pulls up to the stand and the emperor and his
son climb out. They shake hands with the wounded
WRIGHT soldiers and the brass before Prosek takes to the
I’m surprised any of us made it in on podium. He waits for the thunderous APPLAUSE to
time this morning. stop before beginning to speak.


That’s why we’re special forces. We Citizens of the Coalition States!
perform under adverse conditions. Brothers and sisters! Fellow humans!
As I stand here today I have never On the right, CASUALTIES are already coming in: CS
been prouder of our men and women grunts and Dog Boys limping or on stretchers along
in uniform. The once-great city of with damaged POWER ARMOR SUITS and even
Tolkeen now lies in ruins; a warning to a few COFFINS draped with COALITION FLAGS.
the enemies of man that collude with David and his friends don’t even seem to notice.
aliens and demons from the Rifts. The
Coalition will not sit idly by while you
threaten our borders. We shall resist EXT. FORWARD BASE 21
you at every turn – with our honor, our
bravery, our strength. For only together Forward Base 21 is a defensive perimeter ringed with
can we stand against the storm. Only RAZOR WIRE and WATCHTOWERS. A few dozen
together can we reclaim our world. collapsible BUILDINGS and a large VEHICLE DEPOT
We may all breathe easier knowing sit protected by a handful of concrete bunkers. A
that one more nation of magic users column of APCs roll by, stirring up DUST. In the
has been wiped from the face of the distance the ruined city of Tolkeen stands.
Earth. Our Earth. But our enemies
abound, and now, more than ever, WRIGHT
we must advance on all fronts – and Home sweet home.
never retreat. Today we have liberated
our neighbors in Minnesota from the An assortment of D-BEES are lined up, waiting to
tyranny of magic, tomorrow – will be be loaded onto prison trucks. Aliens of all shapes
all of America! People of the Coalition and kinds, many are slumped hopelessly against a
States, our time is now! Our mission in concrete wall; one or two weep openly. SENTRIES
Tolkeen – is complete! march up and down the line, rifles slack.

The crowd erupts in renewed APPLAUSE. Brushing by the D-Bees, David, Wright and Carter
enter one of the buildings. Inside, CAPTAIN PEARCE
is standing in front of a map of the city, SPECIAL
photo of Ramsey is tacked to the map.
Some of the grunts along the hold’s sides HOOT and
Nice of you ladies to join us.
David, Wright and Carter just look at each other.
WRIGHT Transport got delayed, sir.
Mission complete? Then why the hell
are we going back to the front? PEARCE
I’m not interested in your excuses,
Red LANDING LIGHTS come on inside the hold. Carter. Now sit your dumb-ass down!
Through the window behind them the terrain moves
weirdly as the huge aircraft slows, comes to a hover, CARTER
then descends. The red lights TURN GREEN. Yes sir.


Arrival at Forward Base 21. Off loading Now that we’re all here, let’s get right
– depart to the left. to it. Tonight we are pulling everyone’s
favorite detail...grid search.
Come on. The troops GROAN.

The troops disembark while CREWMEN man the PEARCE (CONT’D)

robot and power armor suits before following the I don’t wanna hear it.
infantry out.

He points to the photo of Ramsey tacked to the briefing at the old park entrance.
PEARCE (CONT’D) Yes sir.
I hope you’ve been keeping up on
enemy command structure, because Ramsey sifts through rubble and loose paper, finally
we are on the lookout for a high value removing a dusty leather tome from the cluttered
target: Edward Ramsey. SAMAS patrol desk. He blows on it to clear away the dust.
got a visual this morning but lost it in
the ruins. So tonight, once we’ve got ‘RIFT MANIPULATION’ is inscribed upon it in gilt
some dark for cover, we’re gonna go lettering.
snooping around and see if we can’t
catch him off guard. I’ll take first squad RAMSEY
and check out the west road. Collins, Ahh yes.
you and second squad take the terrace.
Sgt. Lange, third squad, the old college He slides the book into his robes. Summoning up a
office is all yours. spell, his eyes LIGHT UP and he TELEPORTS away.

David, Wright, Carter and the three other members of

third squad nod. EXT. RUINS OF TOLKEEN – NIGHT

PEARCE (CONT’D) The ruined city is dark and quiet. Nothing moves.
Alright, that’s it. Squad leaders, make
sure your people are rested and ready. The distant sound of RUMBLING GEARS gets closer
Get some chow, gear up and get your until the Grinning Skull tank comes scowling into
heads straight. We’re going outside the shot, the APC behind it. Moonlight glints off the
the wire tonight. vehicles’ heavy armor.


The interior of the APC is lit with RED LIGHTS.
Ramsey searches through the shot-up remains of the David, Carter, Wright and three other special forces
office. SOLDIERS sit and wait to deploy. Carter puffs a
cigarette and looks out the rear porthole while David
RAMSEY loads grenades into his rifle.
Where is it?
LIGHTS can be seen through the window. Ramsey Hey, anybody heard anything about
goes to check. Sgt. Mueller? No one knows when he’s
gonna be back.

RAMSEY’S POV: Coalition VEHICLES approach, a CARTER

GRINNING SKULL BATTLE TANK leading an APC. A Not for a while, man. Mueller got hit by
GUNNER aboard the tank searches the ruins with a an IED. Flipped over an enemy body
spotlight. and a bunch of magic symbols on the
other side blew up in his face like a
Ramsey pulls back his sleeve to reveal a video pound of C4.
communicator. He activates it and Holt’s face
That’s all it takes. Keep that in mind
RAMSEY (CONT’D) tonight, people. We’re looking for a
There’s a Coalition patrol heading our powerful magic user; watch out for
way. Get out of the area. I’ll meet you strange writing, symbols, enchanted
objects. Anything can be a trap. EXT. TOLKEEN – RUINS
The Grinning Skull Tank and APC idle outside. The
SOLDIERS gunner manning the rail gun atop the tank becomes
Yes sir. bored and lights a cigarette. He looks up at the full
The APC rolls to a stop. The DRIVER looks back at
the squad. A can RATTLES. The gunner turns. It is a FERAL
We’re in position. GUNNER
(a whisper)
DAVID Get out of here.
OK, let’s go. Stay together. If you spot
Ramsey, report in immediately. The dog WHINES and gets closer.

The unit disembarks. Weapons search in all directions. GUNNER (CONT’D)

Shoo! Shoo!
A mostly intact three-story building protrudes from the
rubble. The soldiers hurry to a heavy, rusted door and It cocks its head to the side.
prepare to breach. Wright slaps a CHARGE on it.
DAVID (CONT’D) Get outta here!
The gunner climbs out and hops to the ground.
They nod.
DAVID (CONT’D) Run along, you little mutt. You’re gonna
Hit it. give away our position!

Wright DETONATES the charge and they rush in. The dog rises to its feet and transforms into a giant,
shaggy LOUP GAROU monster. Like a huge, muscular
The cigarette drops from the gunner’s agape mouth.
David pokes his rifle around a corner. The hallway is
clear. He motions for the others to move up. The Loup Garou knocks him aside viciously and
climbs aboard the tank. It transforms back into a dog
They clear an office looking out over a library floor. and dives in through the open hatch. SCREAMS of the
trapped crew issue from within and the tank ROCKS
CARTER from side to side.
What is this place?


Used to be part of the College of Magic.
Wright covers David and Carter as they look through
WRIGHT papers.
And they didn’t bomb it during the first
wave? WRIGHT
Anything good?
It’s not one of the main buildings. I CARTER
don’t think there’s anything too scary I don’t know, man. I never paid
left in here. attention during literacy training. I can
handle orders well enough, but not this Everyone starts SHOOTING.
flowery bullshit.
The Loup Garou that killed Carter runs into the
He holds up a parchment written in flowing cursive shadows, shrinking back down to dog form. ANOTHER
script. emerges bloody-jawed from the basement.

DAVID David FIRES after the first creature while the second
There’s nothing worth saving. Torch it. chases the other troopers into the next room.

Aye aye, sergeant. You killed him...YOU SON OF A
He BURNS the papers with the flamethrower mounted
under his rifle as the rest of the team appears from the He pours LASERS into the first Loup Garou as it
basement. reemerges. David joins in and they drive the creature
back and kill it.
Basement is clear. Nothing but rats David gestures towards the door where the other
and roaches. monster and soldiers disappeared. Wright nods and
falls in behind him.
Good. We’re outta here.
A GROWL comes from a dark hallway. One of the
troopers trains his rifle on it. Mason, concealed amongst debris, watches through
a pair of compact binoculars.
The feral dog emerges from the shadows.


We got us a mutt. GUNFIRE light up the facility’s windows. A special
forces trooper backs into view, FIRING his weapon.
DAVID The Loup Garou appears in the window and rips him
Well if it starts barking, shoot it. in half.

One of the special forces troopers is suddenly pulled Mason lowers the binoculars, surprised. He sticks two
SCREAMING back into the basement. fingers in his mouth and WHISTLES.

CARTER Copeland, watching the opposite direction from a

What the hell? nearby vantage, turns his head.

They all turn towards the basement entrance. Mason points down. Copeland nods and they head
down into the building.
Behind Carter the dog begins to TRANSFORM,
looming over him.
Carter! Most of the middle floors have been blown away.
Copeland floats magically to the ground; Mason
Carter turns just in time for the Loup Garou to tear his simply drops over the edge, landing acrobatically on
head clean off. his feet.

DAVID They hurry over to where Kayla and Ginoek stakeout

Shape-shifters! a broken window.

MASON David leans back, relieved.
I think I got something.
Suddenly, the Loup Garou SMASHES through the
crates. David is thrown onto his back. He pulls himself
INT. FACILITY away desperately as the creature closes in. Saliva
DRIPS from its jaws.
David and Wright stalk down the corridor, guns up.
They pass the window and the two halves of their Copeland steps out of the shadows.
former comrade.
David stops at the corner and points with two fingers. (coolly)
They spring around the edge. Armor of Ithan.

The Loup Garou crouches over the body of the other The Loup Garou snaps at David but its teeth are
trooper. blocked by the MAGICAL ARMOR.

DAVID Kayla appears and blasts the monster with a STREAM

Contact! OF FIRE from her hands. SMOKING, it turns away
from David.
Mason drops down from the rafters and lands on its
The Loup Garou ROARS and runs off. back. He stabs a Vibro-Knife into the monster but is
thrown off.
Don’t let it get away! The Loup Garou turns just in time to watch Ginoek
impale it with a Psi-Sword of GLOWING ENERGY.
They hurry after it.
WRIGHT You can’t morph out of this.
(a whisper)
Where did it go? The shape-shifter HOWLS and slumps to the ground,
(a whisper) David crawls towards his rifle.
It’s in here somewhere.
Kayla is suddenly kneeling on his back.
Wright nudges a closet open with the barrel of his rifle.
The feral dog is inside. It looks up at him and GROWLS. Where do you think you’re going?

Wright is knocked to the ground by the pouncing Loup She places one hand flat against his forehead.
Garou. He beats on it with his fists but it is too late. His
wounds are mortal. KAYLA (CONT’D)
David spins around and starts SHOOTING. The Loup
Garou charges into him and his rifle is knocked aside. David is instantly unconscious.
The creature slips and he makes a run for it.

David hides amongst crates and debris. He draws his EXT. TOLKEEN RUINS – OUTSIDE HIDEOUT –
pistol. NIGHT

The Loup Garou stalks about. It sniffs at the ground, The team skirts around a still weakly glowing
walking right past his hiding spot. ENCHANTED STREETLIGHT. Mason carries David
easily over his shoulders. Ahead is a long concrete
rampart plastered with graffiti. head west. See if we can pick up the
trail at one of the other hideouts.
They stop at a particular tag reading ‘THE END IS
And what do we do with him?
(to Copeland) GINOEK
Would you like to do the honors? I can think of a few things. Show him
the same respect the Coalition showed
He nods and focuses on the rampart. A pulse of my people.
MAGIC ENERGY emits from his hands. (pulls out a knife)
You want to kill me ‘cause I’m not a
The concrete around the writing DISSOLVES: just a human?
mirage. A heavy, rusted door is revealed.
Ginoek wrenches it open. This isn’t your planet.

HEADLIGHTS appear up the street.

Go! Go!

They rush in and Ginoek slams the door shut.

The door’s illusory cover is RESTORED just as the

source of the lights nears. It is a towering SKULL
SQUAD walking alongside. They march right past,

Anybody catch the game last night?
SOLDIER 2 (laughs)
23-7 Lone Star. You think I wanted to come here? You
think I wanted this?
SOLDIER 1 (gestures to the ruins all around)
Ouch. I had no choice. I’m just trying to get
Their voices DRIFT AWAY, covered by the SOUND of (inches from David’s face)
the robot’s massive legs working. Same-as-you.

David spits in his face. Ginoek is enraged and

The team sits around a SMALL FIRE, eating and (spitting blood onto the cement)
talking. David, bound, sits against a wall. Monsters like you burned my village to
the ground! Killed my entire family! The
MASON Coalition saved my life!
So what’s our next move, boss?
KAYLA And now I’m gonna end it!
If the professor doesn’t show up we
He grabs David’s hair, tilting his head back to expose DAVID
the throat. (laughs grimly)
I’m not telling you shit.
Suddenly, the fire FLARES UP an unnatural green
color. GINOEK
Yeah, we’ll see how tough you are,
KAYLA soldier boy.
Enough! If we kill him then we’re no
better than the Coalition! Copeland interrupts, agitated.
(to David)
No better than those monsters that COPELAND
killed your family. You think I don’t Magic ward just tripped. We’ve got
understand? My father and my brother company.
were both killed by things that crawled
out of the Rifts, and I’d be dead too if it KAYLA
wasn’t for the CS. But when they found We’ll talk more later.
out we were using magic, to protect (to Copeland)
ourselves, to survive – they left us to Is it him?
DAVID It’s either him or another powerful
They did what they had to do. You use source of magic. Signal is strong.
the magic. You bring the monsters
here. KAYLA
Good enough. Everybody take cover.
You son of a... DAVID
What do I do?
Kayla holds her hand out in protest.
KAYLA Just shut up and keep your head down.
What’s your name? We’ll handle this.

David. You know I can help you if I can have
my weapons back.
OK. Listen David – I know you think GINOEK
we’re the bad guys, but we’re just here Yeah, right.
to help get refugees out of the city.
Kayla spreads her arms and the fire magically
After we wrap up some unfinished
business. KAYLA
No more chatter.
Then why are you holding me? What Everyone hides carefully amongst the debris.
do you want?
VOICES near, followed by SHADOWS.
We’re looking for someone. Thought RAMSEY
you might have some information. We’ll rest here until the nightly patrols
have left the area. The sooner we get
out of the city the better.
HOLT Mason appears out of the shadows and throws himself
Where do you want to lay low after towards Ramsey. Ramsey blocks him with a pulse of


There’s another resistance hideout It seems that quite a few of you
near the Rift. We can stay there until managed to escape the bugs. I’d love
the time for the ritual. to hear how, but I’m afraid I just don’t
have the time.
Ramsey and Holt come into view. Holt stops. (to Holt)
You deal with them. I’ll find you
RAMSEY (CONT’D) afterwards.
What is it?
HOLT Yes sir.
My infrared. Firepit is still hot.
Somebody’s been here recently. KAYLA
Run away! Run away again you son of
KAYLA a bitch!
She and Copeland open with MAGIC FIRE and How unladylike.
Ramsey shakes his head at the foul language and
Ramsey throws up a MAGIC SHIELD and the attacks TELEPORTS himself away.
HOLT Damn it!
What the hell is this?
Holt struts out into view, stretching his mechanical
They take cover. joints.

Ramsey waits for the next round of ENERGY BLASTS HOLT

before poking his head around the corner. The professor’s stepped out. I’m gonna
have to finish the lesson for today.

RAMSEY’S POV: He spots Kayla and Copeland. KAYLA

You don’t have to do this. Help us! Tell
RAMSEY us where he’s going!
(back in cover)
Kayla Lange. I must say I’m surprised. HOLT
Mr. Copeland, is that you as well? Sorry, but you heard the man. The
mission is more important than you –
That’s right, Professor Ramsey.
Holt pulls out a plasma cannon.
(laughs) HOLT (CONT’D)
I haven’t been called that in quite Now who’s first?
some time. I’m sorry you two had to
be there at the hive. You were always Mason jumps at Holt from behind but the cyborg
good students – your survival is proof blocks. Holt struggles to line up the plasma cannon
enough of that. But I had to be sure the with Mason pushing on his arm.
team could get the job done.
HOLT (CONT’D) Kayla pulls herself up, a SMOKE TRAIL leading from
You’re not that strong! her outstretched hand.

MECHANISMS WHIR and Holt wins the struggle. Holt growls and stomps towards her. He raises one
Mason tosses himself clear as a PLASMA BLAST foot, about to crush her.
burns into the ceiling. Concrete collapses around the
impact point. David pops out of the shadows, rifle at his shoulder.
Holt is driven back by a full E-Clip’s worth of LASERS.
Ginoek attacks, blocking another PLASMA BLAST
with his Psi-Sword. Holt throws a chunk of concrete Out of ammo, David reaches for the underbarrel
at him but Ginoek sidesteps. He gets in close but Holt grenade launcher’s trigger.
grabs his sword arm, holding back the blow. Three
CONCEALED GRENADES built into Holt’s chest Holt’s electrical eyes go wide.
EXPLODE outward, sending Ginoek flying.
David squeezes the trigger and a rifle grenade
Ginoek lands limply in front of where David takes EXPLODES right in Holt’s chest. He sags to the
cover. His rifle spills out in front of him. David snatches ground, SMOKE rising from center mass.
it up and checks the energy clip. He fades back into
the shadows. DAVID
Everybody alright?
Copeland moves up but dodges aside as Holt opens
fire on him. Copeland takes cover and looks over He helps Kayla to her feet. Copeland approaches,
at Kayla. They count to three silently and attack then Mason, supporting Ginoek.
simultaneously with their magic.
Holt is driven back, his plasma cannon hit. He tosses it Thanks.
aside. Extending one arm, a hidden ion blaster rotates
into place and he holds them off with it. DAVID
Don’t mention it. You guys didn’t tell
Kayla is hit; she drops, shocked by the ELECTRICAL me you were after Edward Ramsey.
DISCHARGE. Copeland ducks behind a corner and
bounces a bolt of MAGIC ENERGY off the wall and COPELAND
at Holt. You know the professor?

Holt falls back. Mason pulls Kayla out of the line of DAVID
fire. He draws a pistol, nods to Copeland, and they He’s high up on the Coalition’s most
move up. wanted list. Killed a bunch of prisoners
during the war or something. My men
Holt is gone. Mason and Copeland proceed cautiously. and I were on a mission to find him
when – when all this happened. What’s
Suddenly, Holt bursts through the concrete, knocking your beef with him? I thought you were
Copeland aside. Mason turns to shoot with his pistol all on the same side.
but Holt grabs it and crushes it.
He squares off with Mason. They trade blows. Ramsey used to teach at the College
of Magic.
Mason uses his speed to stay ahead but Holt (gestures to Kayla)
eventually catches him with a devastating blow to the We were students of his.
Scooping Mason up, Holt throws him against the wall. Until that bastard tricked us and left us
to die.

My wife. My friends. You really want to know? It’s a swarm!
He’s gonna rile up the Xiticix – then
MASON teleport them right into Tolkeen...right
A lot of our friends. on top of the Coalition occupation.

He’s up to something more, too. And I How!? How is he going to teleport the
know someone who knows what. whole swarm!?

She stands over Holt. Holt starts to fade.


Mason, get his attention. Zap him again.

Mason grabs Holt by the back of the head and sits Copeland does so.
him up.
KAYLA (CONT’D) He’s a hero...he’s a hero...
You alive in there? I know you are, I
can hear your life-support working. His life-support mechanisms give out and Holt dies.

Holt’s synthesized voice comes out weakly. KAYLA

Damn it!
Just finish me. They all trade glances.

What was Ramsey looking for? What We’ve got to stop him.
the hell did you pull out of that Xiticix
Queen? DAVID
What? I thought you were against the
HOLT Coalition.
You’re gonna find out soon enough.
KAYLA We can’t have a massacre. We came
Copeland, shock him. here to help people – no matter what
side they’re on. The Xiticix don’t care
Copeland looks uncertain, then jolts Holt with MYSTIC whether you’re a Coalition soldier or a
ENERGY. starving refugee.

Scent glands! We took the Queen’s And apparently neither does the
scent glands! professor anymore.

What is he gonna do with those? If we don’t hunt him down it’s gonna be
a bloodbath.
Holt coughs mechanically.
KAYLA (CONT’D) (gesturing towards David)
Tell us! What about him?

KAYLA David is torn. He finally relents after a few moments.
David, you have to help us. If Ramsey
succeeds, it’s your friends in the DAVID
Coalition that are going to lose the Well...maybe I could – advise you, or
most lives. something.

I don’t know... Yes! Now all we need to figure out is
how Ramsey is going to teleport that
GINOEK Xiticix swarm.
You’re just gonna trust him?
KAYLA A Rift. Has to be. There’s nothing else
He already had his chance to run off. with enough magic energy to do the
Besides, he’s sworn to protect the job – and the vernal equinox is in two
Coalition against users of magic. Aren’t days!
DAVID What difference does that make?
KAYLA Rifts are most active during the
Well, that’s exactly what you’ll be equinoxes and solstices. Ramsey
doing. knows this.

She takes his web-gear from Ginoek and thrusts it DAVID

into his hands. Are you sure?


Gear up. It was his class that taught such things
back at the College.
I can’t just tag along. You know what GINOEK
happens if I get caught with you This is too much. What if he turns on
people? us?

What do you mean “you people”? He already could have, when we were
fighting with Holt. I say we give him a
Kayla ignores him. chance – so we’re going to give him
a chance. Now we need to get to the
KAYLA nearest ley line.
You know if you help us, we’ll let you
bring in Ramsey. DAVID
Why’s that?
Now that gets his attention.
KAYLA (CONT’D) So I can do a reading and find out
Yeah, think about what your superiors where Ramsey is going to attract the
would do if you showed up with him. swarm.
Medals, promotions, state dinners.
And as far as we’re concerned, you DAVID
can tell the Coalition you brought him Oh.
in single-handed.
KAYLA hatch. The engine RUMBLES to life.
Exactly. If we know where he’ll be, we
can set up an ambush. MASON (CONT’D)
All aboard.
Now we’re talking. We got ourselves a
real mission. ON ATV

DAVID The ATV rolls off, mowing down a stop sign in its path.
Good old-fashioned search and
Alright, let’s get out of here. The ATV crushes saplings and bushes that get in the
Wait a minute. We’re just gonna walk?
They laugh.
Mason squints at the dark road ahead.
We’ve got some wheels. MASON
Help me out here. I don’t know where
the hell I’m going.
The team emerges from the concealed entrance to Alright.
the hideout. Turning a corner, they encounter a large
dumpster overflowing with trash and debris. He rolls down the window and puts one hand out,
Here we are. COPELAND (CONT’D)
We’re close.
What? What is this? MASON
Anything more specific?
Oh ye of little faith. COPELAND
(closing his eyes)
She waves her arms and the MAGICAL MIRAGE of Veer left.
the dumpster vanishes. Roughly the same shape as
the garbage mound is a massive MOUNTAINEER
ATV. Its monster-truck tires alone are over their heads. ON ATV

DAVID The ATV angles to the left.



It’s the only way to travel.
He springs up onto the vehicle with a superhuman That’s it. Getting stronger now.
jump and lets down a sliding metal ladder.
He leans out the window and looks up. A kind of BLUE
While the rest climb up, he drops in through the top ENERGY is in the air, like the glow of lights from a
distant city. KAYLA
We are experts at this, you know.
Not far now. Just up this hill. DAVID
OK. Let’s see some expertise.

Wait, do you feel that?
The ATV rolls to a halt in front of a natural barrier of
massive trees. DAVID
Feel what?


You guys can’t feel the magic energy?
Mason puts the vehicle in park. It’s pretty strong.

Gotta walk from here. No way we’re No, I guess I can’t.
crunchin’ through those.
They crest a ridge and there it is, the LEY LINE. It is a
KAYLA river of magical energy, blue and white, a hundred feet
Get the keys. high. Its radiating bolts of electricity light up the night.

Got ‘em. I told you.

Copeland strolls right into the energy. It channels into


They drop to the ground. Mason slides the ladder David holds back.
back up.
Alright now, everyone remember
where we parked. COPELAND
(voice distorted)
Behind the ATV is a trail of wide, muddy tire tracks and Don’t be afraid. Magic is the blood
flattened trees and bushes. of the Earth, and the ley lines are its


It’s not the lines that I’m worried about.
The woods are spooky at night. In addition to the It’s the Rifts.
usual SOUNDS of insects and night animals, a
few STRANGE CALLS are thrown into the mix; the COPELAND
vocalizations of animals not native to the Earth. Things (chuckles)
from the Rifts. The Rifts, my friend, are our fault
So are we just wandering around and DAVID
hoping, or what? What do you mean?

COPELAND Copeland extends his hands into the energy, soaking

We’re going in the right direction. it in.
COPELAND the Coalition will be sure to slaughter
Thousands of years ago, our ancestors every innocent alien and magic user
believed in the power of magic. they can.
They used it for everyday things; for
knowledge and wisdom – to commune COPELAND
with nature. They built great cities and You see now – why we must fight. Not
temples out of stone, and commanded only against the Coalition, but against
powers that we are just now beginning the monsters that travel here to prey
to understand again. upon the weak.

And then what? No...the Coalition would know...

We turned our backs on it. Devoted Oh they know. But you think they
everything to technology. Magic want to share that knowledge with the
became superstition and myth, and people?
soon enough it was forgotten. Nothing
but the laughable attempts of early COPELAND
man to explain the universe around You have been told many lies, my
him. You know what happens when friend.
four thousand years of magical energy
builds up? KAYLA
Why do you think books are outlawed?
DAVID The Coalition doesn’t even let its
The Rifts... people read! Why do you think they do
When they appeared, they almost His objections are failing even him.
destroyed the planet. Ancient Atlantis
rose again, the seas pitched and DAVID
roiled. Rifts opened up to a million To...protect them. To protect them from
different worlds. Entire cities were lost the kind of knowledge that opens Rifts,
to dimensional storms. It was nearly that lets demons into your Goddamn
the end for all of us. head!

And out of the darkness emerged the To protect them from the truth.
COPELAND We don’t have time for this. We can
You really believe that, don’t you? de-brainwash him on the road – when
Don’t you understand? If the Coalition we’re not out here all exposed.
has its way then we will go right back
to the way things were. The magic will KAYLA
build up again and one day there will Alright, alright. Copeland, go ahead.
be another cataclysm.
Copeland nods solemnly and immerses himself in the
KAYLA ley line. With the mystical energy flowing in and out
And maybe the planet won’t survive of him he ‘reads’ it, trying to feel for the presence of
the next one. Ramsey and his spells.

GINOEK He focuses harder, getting frustrated. Something is

And on the way back to the apocalypse wrong.
What is it? What are you getting? What’s the catch?

Hang on! The catch is my friend is in the Psi-
Stalker barracks on the north side of
He tries harder, grimacing. The swell of magical the city. And if I have to go through
energy reaches a CRESCENDO then DRAINS AWAY base security then it’s over. I’m in the
from him. Copeland sags to the ground, exhausted. system. I’ll have to explain...all this.

GINOEK He indicates Copeland and Ginoek, on either side of

Well? him.

It’s...it’s no use. He’s using some kind We could take the long way around.
of jamming spell. We aren’t going to be
able to use magic to find him. He’s too MASON
powerful. (gets excited)
I thought you were experts. DAVID
The long way?
Think you can do it, Cope?
You’re kidding me. COPELAND
I don’t see why not. It’s a good, strong
GINOEK ley line. I’ll just wait for a dimensional
What are we supposed to do? interference and then hijack it.

We’re going to have to find him without What the hell are you guys talking
using magic. about?

Like, with walking around and stuff? Just watch. This part is awesome.
That could take weeks...even if the rest
of you could keep up with me. Copeland stands in the midst of the ley line and begins
chanting. The line SWELLS with power and BOLTS of
KAYLA magic energy crackle.
We don’t have that kind of time.
DAVID That’s it. Now we’re talking.
We could...well, no it’s too late for that
now. DAVID
He better not be doing what I think he’s
KAYLA doing.
Suddenly, the ley line energy SWIRLS TOGETHER
DAVID into a maelstrom and a RIFT OPENS.
If he’s as powerful as you say he is,
then I know someone who can find DAVID (CONT’D)
Ramsey, no magic necessary. Oh no. I don’t think so.
The energy ruffles Copeland’s robes. Copeland removes the keys from a pocket and jingles
Let’s go! I can’t hold it for long! GINOEK (CONT’D)
You humans think you’re so funny.
David is hesitant but Kayla tugs on his arm.


No way! Not gonna happen!
David yells as reality disintegrates around him.
KAYLA Passing STARS and RAINBOWS of shifting prisms
Come on! We have to go now! bombard him.

This wasn’t part of the deal! INT. RIFT HUB – DWEOMER – FEDERATION OF
Hurry up! The Rift is moving on! Reality reassembles around David and he is standing
on a kind of ‘landing pad’ for dimensional travel,
Let’s go, David! of all shapes and sizes.

MASON David cuts himself off mid-yell as Kayla elbows him in

No time! Gotta do this the hard way! the ribs. Nearby creatures are staring.

Mason grabs David and uses his superhuman strength KAYLA

to drag him through the Rift, kicking and screaming. Quit it, you’re gonna embarrass us.

Copeland relaxes, allowing the Rift to CLOSE. Ginoek David looks around, wide-eyed. A scowling, humanoid
waits outside the ley line. dinosaur type D-BEE next to them looks them over.


You think we can trust him? First timer?

We will certainly know after he sees How could you tell?
what’s on the other side.
The dino D-Bee chuckles, revealing its intimidating
GINOEK carnivorous teeth.
You’re right about that.
They walk off towards the ATV. I hear everybody gets a big rush that
first time. I know I did.
You didn’t send the keys through to the He claps David on the shoulder.
other dimension, did you?
COPELAND It’s alright there, friend. The scary
Oh no. part’s over.

He pats his pockets. David is dumbstruck.


I knew it. You’re as forgetful as Mason. Eh, he’ll come around in a minute. You
have a good day now. DAVID
I thought we destroyed all the
KAYLA dimensional beacons.
You too.
(to David) KAYLA
You gotta be more polite. Only the ones in this dimension.

What the hell was that? Far out, right?

He was just being friendly. That whole region is just brimming with
magic energy. It’s why the Coalition will
DAVID never be able to hold onto it.
Where are we?
KAYLA You sound so sure.
This is Dweomer, capital of the
Federation of Magic. We’re gonna find KAYLA
another Rift and port you and Mason When Tolkeen stood the Rifts and the
back to Tolkeen. ley lines were stable. That’s all gone
(a whisper) MASON
We’re in the Fed?! Looks like this place has it figured out
pretty well.
We’re taking a detour. As they pass another ‘landing pad,’ a crowd of mixed
D-BEES and MAGIC USERS are Rifted out of the
DAVID dimension. A HUGE D-BEE MONSTER with a broom
(a whisper) hustles out onto the platform to sweep it down as
You’re gonna get me killed! more DEPARTING TRAVELERS start to arrive.

Just blend with the crowd. You’ll be The whole Earth could be like this,
fine. David. The Coalition is the only thing
standing in the way.
Take me back! DAVID
You don’t think you’re really going to
KAYLA win me over, do you? I’ve seen a lot
That’s the plan. I’m gonna port you of messed up things that came through
right into the middle of the field base. the Rifts.
Past security and everything.
DAVID Well, did you ever try to get to know
You can do that? any of them?

I can drop you almost anywhere in INT. DWEOMER – FEDERATION OF MAGIC – RIFT
Tolkeen using the city’s old dimensional HUB
David is stunned. OK, I hope you’re ready for another
jump. I’m going to try to drop you right The Magus Guards approach menacingly.
inside the base. Then the guards won’t
be an issue. MAGUS
You’re going to wish you hadn’t done
DAVID that. Step off the platform.
Good. Now get me the hell out of here.
If someone recognizes my armor I’m Kayla looks to her left. The platform below and next to
through. her is charged and ready to go.

An intimidating MAGUS GUARD notes them as they KAYLA

pass and speaks into a magic communicator. Whatever you want.

MAGUS She leaps off, activating the next platform and

Platform 3. I think I’ve got something. DISAPPEARING just before she collides with it.


Copeland drives while Ginoek looks for something in
Kayla gets David situated on the platform. the glove compartment.

You sure this is going to work? Hold it steady for a second.

It’ll work. Trying.

Just go with it, man. It gets fun after Come on, I’m not even from this planet
you get used to it. and even I can drive stick.

DAVID There is a knock on the top hatch.

Several MAGUS GUARDS converge on the platform. What the hell is that?

Hold. No Coalition are allowed in the I think she’s back.
city. Hand him over.
It’s OK, he’s a defector.
MAGUS Get the hatch, if you would.
We’ll be the judge of that.
Ginoek opens the hatch and Kayla drops in.
I guess you’re both going. KAYLA
Wait – what? GINOEK
Welcome back.
She uses her magic to CHARGE the platform and
suddenly they’re both GONE.
Thank you. What should I do if someone asks me
what I’m doing here?
Copeland holds out one of his amulets.
COPELAND Just be cool. I’ll cover for you.
I see the Rift transponder worked, for
the most part. They walk towards the barracks buildings.

It was close enough. At least it didn’t So how long have you known this
port me under the truck. chick?

EXT. NORTHERN FIELD BASE – NEAR PSI- Years. She and I grew up in the same

The northern field base is a series of barracks MASON

buildings and a marshaling yard. A unit of ABOLISHER Can we trust her?
anti-tank robots marches past, each one crowned by
six intimidating auto cannons. Their mechanical feet DAVID
pound the grass flat. Oh yeah. I used to look out for her back
in the day. As you can imagine, a Chi-
With a CRACKLE of mystic energy, David and Mason Town orphanage isn’t an easy place to
APPEAR right in the path of the walking war machines. grow up.

Whoa! OK, so you can trust her. But she’s
a Coalition Psi-Stalker. Can we trust
He rolls aside, dodging the nearest Abolisher. David her?
doesn’t have the benefit of his enhanced reflexes and
is almost trampled. Mason pulls him out of the way at DAVID
the last second. She’s used to working outside the
rules. We’ll be OK.
Thanks. MASON
What about her Dog Pack?
Not a problem. DAVID
They’re a pack. They follow the leader.
A GUNNER in one of the Abolishers pops up out of
the top hatch as the robots move on. They approach the Psi-Stalker barracks buildings,
set a bit apart from the other structures. A STAFF
ROBOT GUNNER SERGEANT exits one of them, a bunch of orders in
Watch where you’re goin’! hand.


Same to you, you damn robot-jockey! Afternoon, sergeant. I didn’t know we
had any special forces on base today.
And – we’re in. DAVID
Had to make a bit of a detour.
Safe and sound. I’m surprised.
Something to do with your friend here? David Lange. Sergeant First Class.
We’re old friends.
He’s a...private contractor. Hush hush SPENCE
kinda stuff. Funny. I’ve never heard her mention
I see. Well Sergeant – DAVID
(reads his nameplate) Look, is she here or not?
–Lange, I’m on my way to see the
colonel now, I’ll let him know you’re FIONA (O.S.)
here. Spence? Is something wrong?

DAVID FIONA emerges from the next room. She is a fit and
Uh...thanks. attractive young soldier. Like all Psi-Stalkers, she has
no hair whatsoever; her head is completely bald.
Don’t mention it. I’m always running FIONA (CONT’D)
back and forth for the CO. David!

The staff sergeant continues, oblivious. She runs over and embraces him.


We better keep this quick. If he runs What are you doing here? I thought you
my name in the database he’ll know were stationed in the western sector?
something’s up.
I am. I mean I was. It’s a bit of a story.
INT. PSI-STALKER BARRACKS I brought a friend, too. This is...

David and Mason enter. Three DOG BOYS sit around FIONA
a table playing cards: SPENCE, a Doberman, BILLY, John Mason.
a Pit Bull, and WADE, a big, furry Chow. Genetically
engineered, bipedal canines, the Coalition uses them DAVID
as cannon fodder and to track magic users. You two know each other?

BILLY Fiona hauls back and slaps Mason full in the face.
I’ll see your five...and here’s ten.
SPENCE You could say that.
You’re full of crap. I call.
WADE You bastard! You disappeared! After
Well? Let’s see ‘em. all we had together you just ran out on
Can I help you? MASON
It’s not my fault. I’ve got an excuse.
Is Fiona here? FIONA
What? No note. No call. You’re a
SPENCE coward. What could you possibly say?
Who wants to know?
He parts his web-gear and armor vest to reveal the if I’m lucky.
Juicer Bio-Comp harness that administers his combat
drugs. The tattoo on his stomach beneath it is a smiley FIONA
face with text around it that reads “I’M ALREADY Have you thought about going through
DEAD!” detox? Getting clean?


Oh my God... (chuckles)
You don’t understand. The juice
makes you faster, makes you stronger.
FADE OUT. It changes your perception. You’re
moving at regular speed and everyone
else is stuck in slow motion. You can’t
FADE IN: just go back to normal after that. Hell,
you’re a soldier, you know what it’s
like to get that adrenaline rush. When
INT. PSI-STALKER BARRACKS my system kicks in, I get enough
adrenaline in one jolt to kill an elephant.
Mason and Fiona sit off by themselves while David Detox’ll leave you a shadow of a man.
plays cards with the Dog Boys in the background. Nope, I’m on this roller coaster ‘til the
ride ends.
So you have to tell me, I mean...
CLOSE-UP ON MASON: His eyes burn with veracity.
Why’d I get juiced? Over at the poker table, David looks at his cards and
is not happy.
Something wrong?
It’s alright. Don’t sweat it. I mean, I’m DAVID
gonna be dead in three years, right? Is this a trick deck?

David, listening in, yells over to them. WADE

Standard issue for Dog Pack units.
It’s a big step. I knew a couple of
Coalition Juicers back when we started DAVID’S POV – The royalty on the cards are dogs
the Tolkeen campaign. Not one of ‘em dressed up as kings and queens.
lived long enough to let the drugs kill
him. DAVID
Uh huh.
Sound like some good guys. A real He lays down his cards.
Juicer dies on his feet.
FIONA There, try that on for size.
Is that your plan?
The three Dog Boys lay down their cards.
We’ll see. When the time comes. I’ve DAVID (CONT’D)
been juiced for about fourteen months Damnit!
now. I’ve still got three or four years left
What is it? BARRACKS

DAVID Fiona pulls up in a JEEP. In the back are the Dog

Did you train these mutts? Buncha’ Boys, armed and equipped for the field.
Spence scoops up the chips and the cards. David Sorry John, I’ve only got room for one
takes the cards from him. more.


I’m dealing this hand. No more tricks. Just what we need.

Fine. Do what you gotta do. It’s OK. I can leg it back.

David distributes the cards. Spence looks at his hand. DAVID

Below the table his tail taps Billy a number of times to How are you going to get to the
indicate what he’s holding. Billy nods subtly. rendezvous?

So you’ll come with us then? I can do sixty miles per hour at a jog. I’ll
be there before you are.
Why not? Better than sitting around DAVID
here all day. Alright. Do you want to ride along
through the gate, at least?
And you won’t get in trouble for, you MASON
know, “going off the grid?” It’s OK. I’ll just let myself out.

FIONA He steps over to the razorwire fence. A tall tree grows

I’ll just log this as another run into the on the far side.
city. All we do these days is patrol,
anyway. With an almost effortless jump, Mason is thirty feet up
the tree. He scrambles out onto a branch then leaps
In the background, David throws down his cards. into the next tree over, disappearing from sight.

DAVID David hops in the passenger seat.

Damn it!
FIONA Making new friends? I wasn’t extreme
Are you guys playing fair? enough for you?

Spence and Billy drop their tails mid-signal. DAVID

Oh, compared to you, he’s just a puppy
Yes sir. Your friend’s just got a lousy (leans back)
poker face. No offense, fellas.

Fiona hits the gas and they speed off.

Us? We were starting to worry about
The staff sergeant comes running out as the jeep you guys.
speeds past.
Mason drops down from atop the vehicle.
Sgt. Lange! Sgt. Lange! They wanna DAVID
talk to you at command... Glad to see you made it.

David ignores him and the jeep is quickly out of MASON

earshot. He doesn’t look back. Glad to see you made it. I’ve been here
for fifteen minutes.

EXT. OPEN COUNTRY – SIMVAN CAMPSITE He opens Fiona’s door and holds out his hand to
assist her.
A half-dozen SIMVAN WARRIORS sit around a
campfire. They are humanoids with pointed jaws full FIONA
of sharp teeth and wild manes of black hair. A massive Ummm...thank you.
RHINO-BUFFALO, a horned riding beast the size of a
house, slumbers a few feet away. MASON
Of course.
A ROBED FIGURE approaches the camp: Ramsey. A
SIMVAN SENTRY near the perimeter moves to stop The team exits the ATV and gathers around the jeep.
him, but Ramsey holds up one hand and the sentry is
instantly bound to his will. KAYLA
So this is your friend who’s going to
Ramsey nears the campfire, the sentry obediently find our sorcerer?
following behind. The other Simvan get to their feet
and grab weapons, calling out in alarm. Ramsey DAVID
quickly casts another hypnotic spell and the entire Yep. Figured no one is more
group is brought under his command. experienced at this kind of thing than a
Coalition Psi-Stalker.
With their full attention, he addresses the Simvan.
RAMSEY I’m impressed.
I have a task for you...
She shakes Fiona’s hand.


The jeep pulls up to an open lot amongst blasted
ruins. The Dog Boys in the back sniff nervously. FIONA
Where are they? I thought they were KAYLA
supposed to be waiting for us? And this is Copeland. And this is
Ginoek. I take it you’ve met Mason?
That’s what they told me. Damn it. I FIONA
hope something didn’t happen. Oh I know John.

A broken pile of debris next to them TRANSFORMS KAYLA

into the Mountaineer ATV. Kayla leans out the Good. Then let’s figure out what we’re
passenger window. doing here.
(to Fiona) It’s safer for us to travel separate
Do you have a map? anyways. I don’t think you want to have
to explain if you get stopped with this
FIONA lot.
Yeah. Spence, check the glovebox.
Spence fishes a map out and hands it over. Fiona Alright. What about you? You coming
spreads it out across the hood. with us?

At the top it reads ‘Minnesota – Military Personnel DAVID

Only.’ I think I should go with them. You
probably don’t want to get caught
FIONA (CONT’D) with me either right now. If something
So all we know is that it’s a Rift near happens, you can still claim you and
Tolkeen? the pack were out on patrol and get out
of this.
And that a Xiticix hive is somewhere FIONA
nearby. Fair enough.

He’s probably gonna be on the north Take Mason with you, he knows the
side of the city then. That’s closest to deal. And he’s the only one here who
the Hivelands. isn’t a magic user or a purple lizard.

But he’s going to need a site away from You just don’t know him as well as I do.
the active patrol zones, too.
COPELAND Keep your radio on. We’ll be in touch.
That’s right. It will take him some time
to assume control of the Rift. It is a David climbs the ladder up to the ATV as Mason hops
difficult process. in the passenger seat of Fiona’s jeep.

FIONA The vehicles head off in different directions.

Then he’s most likely out in the suburbs.
One of these Rifts – here – here – or

DAVID FOOTPRINTS appear one by one in the dust and dirt

So how do we narrow it down? coating the street. The area was once a residential
Once my pack and I get close enough, The prints STOP outside a partially collapsed doorway
we’ll be able to tell. leading into a townhouse.

KAYLA The invisibility spell DISSIPATES and Ramsey is

Well, one way or another we should revealed.
split up into two groups. Each group
checks out a site and then reports back He stoops to enter the townhouse. It is dark and dusty
to the other. If we don’t find anything inside, the moon’s light streaming in through broken
then we’ll meet up at the final Rift. windows and gaps blasted in the brickwork.

Ramsey looks around. One wall is collapsed, debris GLOW as the blood touches them.
spilling in. Otherwise the house is almost intact.
He stops and stares at the empty dining room. Dishes Take my blood! Take my life!
for four still adorn the table. One of the two wine
glasses lays on its side, broken. The ritual circle GLOWS BRIGHT.

Ramsey enters a bedroom. It is painted light pink and RAMSEY (CONT’D)

dolls lay on the bed. But give me vengeance!

Ramsey sits and picks up a doll. On the dresser is a The moon shines RED. Ramsey’s eyes burn with
picture of him smiling with his two young daughters in hatred in its light; for a flash they are the eyes of a
his lap. reptile, not a man.

He looks at the photo and his eyes water. Ramsey

takes the picture, gently kisses it twice, and lays it CLOSE-UP ON PHOTO OF RAMSEY’S WIFE: Her
face down. unmoving eyes watch as the demonic vassal that
was her husband sets off on his path of revenge.
He walks to the master bedroom. The moon shines
down through a hole in the roof. Dusty pictures of his
wife haunt him. He sits on the bed and holds his head OUTSIDE
in his hands.
Ramsey storms out, looking up at the moon and wispy
After a moment, Ramsey regains his composure and clouds.
kneels next to the bed. He pulls out a small trunk from
underneath. He focuses on a pile of debris and begins casting a
spell. Slowly, the rubble assembles itself into a CRUDE
Undoing the magical lock with a spell, he opens it to GOLEM, an automaton empowered by magic alone.
reveal a collection of scrolls, amulets, magic items Completed, the golem steps aside.
and sacraments.
Ramsey creates another and another.
Ramsey sits in the middle of the moonlight. He takes
a stick of chalk from the kit and draws a ritual circle RAMSEY (CONT’D)
around himself. He adds strange runes and symbols, Rise! Rise! This city will fight back one
then draws a triangle inset in the larger circle. last time!

Ramsey sets a candle at each point of the triangle. He He assembles the final of a dozen GOLEMS, this one
snaps his fingers by each one and they FLAME to life. with a streetlight in the place of its head.

Ramsey stares up at the moon. RAMSEY (CONT’D)

I know you’re listening. I’ve felt your The golems shudder to life, shuffling after him.
presence these last weeks.

He takes a handful of magic dust and spreads it EXT. PLAINS WEST OF TOLKEEN – DAY
The towering Mountaineer ATV rumbles over the
RAMSEY (CONT’D) rolling grassland, mowing down saplings with its
The Coalition has taken everything immense tires.
from me. There is nothing left now.

Ramsey produces a ceremonial blade. He runs it

across his palm and drips blood onto the runes. They

Ginoek drives the ATV, Copeland in the passenger Ginoek and Copeland look around like fighter pilots
seat. David and Kayla are in back. trying to spot an enemy.

We’ve got a fork in the road up ahead. I got the gun.

DAVID He jumps out of the passenger seat and climbs a

Just keep heading south. There’s an ladder behind the driver’s compartment.
ancient freeway we can follow most of
the way.
CLOSE-UP as David unbuttons the hatch, popping
GINOEK up into the rushing DUST and WIND. An old RAIL
That takes us a bit out of our way, GUN is mounted atop the ATV; rust SPRINKLES out
doesn’t it? as David pulls back the bolt.


You wanted to avoid the Coalition. You gotta be kidding me!
Besides, Fiona and I are working off
the grid; we have to be careful. He shakes his head while he OPENS FIRE, picking a
Simvan rider off of the charging Rhino-Buffalo.
The wind blows across the ATV, carrying the scent of
exhaust on its currents. From both sides, pairs of Simvan OUTRIDERS on
raptor-like OSTROSAURS appear. They speed past
the Rhino-Buffalo and charge toward the fleeing ATV.
hill, sniffing at the air. A howdah is strapped to the Inside, Kayla opens a side window, sticking her arm
animal, and from it SIMVAN MONSTER RIDERS out. As a pair of outriders close in, she blasts them with
look about with binoculars. One points downwards, a stream of MAGIC FLAME. One falls to the ground
spotting the ATV. ablaze, squealing and smoking, as its scorched mount
panics and runs off. The other is undaunted and leaps
aboard the ATV, knife in hand.
Kayla lounges in her seat. Through the window, the There’s one on the side!
Rhino Buffalo silently begins to charge; DUST trailing
behind it. GINOEK
Well what do you want me to do about
She is the first to notice. it!?

KAYLA Up top, David is firing controlled bursts at the pursuing

(standing) Rhino-Buffalo.
We got problems!
David sits up. (between bursts)
Yeah! Now we’re havin’ fun!
Step on the gas, Ginoek! Simvan A SHADOW looms over him. Just as he turns, David
raiders! We got Simvan! is lifted out of the hatch. He kicks wildly, and David
and the Simvan outrider spill onto the roof.

Holding on for dear life, David dodges once-twice-

three times as the outrider lunges for him with its
knife. Kayla pops up out of the hatch, looking around. The beast goes down hard, throwing Simvan riders
and BITS OF GEAR tied to its sides into the air. A
KAYLA DUST CLOUD rises from the struggling monster as it
David! Take my hand! is left far behind.

He reaches for it, then pulls back as LASERS from Suddenly Kayla is rocked as something HITS the ATV.
the pursuing Simvan rake the ATV’s side. The outrider
swings towards him with its knife, but David blocks it
with his armor and head-butts the creature, leaving it BIRD’S-EYE VIEW: The second Rhino-Buffalo
dazed. shoulders into the ATV. They remain locked together
at high speed.
The ATV bounces violently over a furrow and instantly
the outrider is gone, its grip lost. David blinks, stunned.
Kayla grabs him and pulls him roughly back in through ATV – GUNNER’S HATCH
the hatch.
David FIRES OFF the last of the rail gun rounds into
DAVID the Rhino-Buffalo’s howdah, collapsing its canopy.
(landing on his head)
Thanks. DAVID
Ahh! Not now!
Don’t mention it. He ducks down to look for more ammo, but suddenly
sticks his head back up and out the hatch.
There’s more incoming! There is a forty-foot drop in the terrain just ahead.

David grabs his helmet and slaps it on. DAVID (CONT’D)

Ooh, here we go!
I’m on it. Try and slow ‘em down. Use The ATV and Rhino-Buffalo jump into mid-air. The
some magic or something! Rhino Buffalo manages to land on its feet and catch
itself, the Simvan riders holding on desperately.
David pops up out of the hatch again. To his left, a
second RHINO-BUFFALO charges, coming alongside The ATV lands on one wheel and cartwheels over and
the ATV. David spins up the rail gun and BLOWS over again, getting smashed to bits.
AWAY another pair of Simvan trying to jump aboard.
David is thrown out the hatch and skids to a halt in a
clump of bushes.

Kayla looks out the rear window at the pursuing beast. ATV – PASSENGER AREA
She holds her hand against the glass and a MAGIC
NET shoots out. Everyone else is rattled around and thrown against
the roof.
The Rhino-Buffalo charges right through it, breaking
up the magical fibers. The ATV comes to rest upside down. SMOKE rises
from it.
Come on!
She tries again. This NET sticks, slightly hindering the
animal. Kayla launches one more NET. It catches on Kayla looks over at Ginoek.
the first one and tangles the Rhino-Buffalo’s front legs
KAYLA here. We were attacked by the
You OK? Simvan... they’ve got the others.

I think I broke my tail. FIONA’S JEEP


The Rhino-Buffalo closes in on the wreckage. Its FIONA

riders leap to the ground and clamber onto the ATV. How many?


Copeland looks up at the sound of SIMVAN VOICES. DAVID

Twenty or so in the war party, but they
took the wrecked ATV with them, so
COPELAND’S POV: A SIMVAN WARRIOR is right they can’t be going far.
there. It brings a club down on Copeland’s face.

Probably have a campsite nearby. A
EXT. BUSHES NEARBY whole clan is too many for my pack.
We’re gonna need some backup.
David regains consciousness and sits up. He removes
his helmet and rubs his head. DAVID
Negative. We cannot get CS command
He ducks low when he notices movement. Dropping involved.
to his belly he watches as the Simvan unload his
unconscious friends from the ATV, tie them up and FIONA
throw them aboard the Rhino-Buffalo. What, you think I only have friends
inside the Coalition?
This isn’t good.
The Simvan loot the vehicle and have the Rhino-
Buffalo flip it over with its horns. They lash the wrecked The Simvan HOWL and CHEER as they drag their
ATV to it and begin to drag the prize away. prize into camp.

David stands up and retrieves his rifle. He puts his The campsite is built in a clearing amongst tall
helmet back on and activates the radio. trees. It is lit by torches; a half-dozen wood-frame
huts and a scattering of tents, lean-tos and tepees.
Fiona, do you read me? Come in. are tethered and tended to by HANDLERS. The other
Rhino-Buffalo is nearby, nursing its wounded front leg.
I read you. I’m at the rendezvous. The returning war party unhitch the ATV and present
Where the hell are you? their loot to the rest of the tribe.

DAVID Last to come are the prisoners. Kayla, Copeland and

Never mind that. I’ve got a situation Ginoek are led out bound and under guard.
The crowd of Simvan ROARS their approval. FIONA
So what happened?
One of you better think of something DAVID
real quick. They came out of nowhere. Two
of those big-ass horned things the
KAYLA Simvan ride. We tried to outrun ‘em but
They’re suppressing my magic it was no use.
COPELAND So how did you get away?
Mine too.
The Simvan CHIEFTAIN steps forward, clad in an I was in the top hatch when we crashed.
elaborate skull headdress. One of his guards has a I got thrown far enough that no one
COUGAR on a leash. noticed, I guess.

CHIEFTAIN He pats his helmet.

Our brave warriors have returned from DAVID (CONT’D)
the hunt! They bring with them human! If I didn’t have this thing on I woulda’
And so tonight, when the moon is at its bought it right there.
height, we shall feast!
The crowd ERUPTS anew. Wood and dried grass is Lucky.
brought forth and a large fire is made. Wooden spits
and a man-sized stew pot appear and cooks begin DAVID
preparing herbs and roots and tossing them in. Oh yeah, lucky. The biggest catch of
either of our careers is getting away,
KAYLA and the only way to find him is to
I don’t like the looks of this. commit treason by rescuing a bunch of
magic users and aliens.
I thought the stories about the Simvan MASON
being cannibals were just a myth? Are they alive?

We’ll know in a minute, won’t we? Last I saw, it looked like everyone was
still with it. But they won’t be if we don’t
GINOEK get to them in time.
I hope you bastards like your meat

EXT. RUINED WATER TOWER The jeep rolls down a dirt road.

David waits as Fiona approaches, her jeep’s tires DAVID

kicking up a trail of DUST. So how did you get ahold of these
‘friends’ of yours?
She skids to a halt. David hops in, the Dog Boys
making room for a higher ranking ‘pack member.’ She taps her head.
Fiona speeds away.
And why do you think they’re going to What?
help us?
FIONA Nothing.
Their leader owes me one. A patrol
of ours was about to stumble into his SPENCE
hideout. I tipped him off. He says he’s been fraternizing with the
Relax, Fido. I do what it takes to get
FIONA the job done.
Fiona brings the jeep to a halt.
I shoulda’ known. FIONA
Enough, both of you. No one is working
They reach the ancient and buried remains of a city, with the enemy. Besides, I think this is
now almost completely engulfed by the forest. the place.

MASON A VOICE projects from the shadowy trees.

What is this place?
FIONA You’re right about one thing, at least.
It’s a hideout. My friends use it
sometimes. The speaker emerges. GULVER: a Wild Psi-Stalker
tribal leader, his head bald like Fiona’s. Tattoos and
MASON piercings adorn his body.
It’s creepy.
FIONA Gulver. I didn’t see you there.
That’s why it’s a good hideout. People
don’t usually poke around out here. GULVER
That’s the idea.
The Dog Boys in back are on alert, sniffing.
Two dozen WILD PSI-STALKERS appear.
So where do we meet up? FIONA
You brought everybody, didn’t you?
Somewhere around here. GULVER
You said it was important.
You don’t even know where the meet

FIONA David, Fiona, Mason and Gulver are gathered around

It’s not a specific place. You just don’t the jeep. In the background the Dog Boys and the Psi-
understand psychics. Stalkers seem to be getting along well.

Or magic users, apparently. I know this place, and I know these
Simvan. They’ve been attacking
travelers in the area for the last few DAVID
months. Not sure. Maybe a hundred. Counting
the females and the children.
These aren’t local boys? GULVER
One hundred! It’s just us against a
Gulver shakes his head. hundred Simvan!

Nope, most of the local tribes have Looks like it.
been in the area for generations. These
guys are from down in Lone Star. GULVER
Some kinda power struggle within the This is crazy! I’m telling my people to
Pecos Empire is sending ‘em north. We pull out.
were on good terms with the Simvan
until these guys started showing up, He places one hand against his forehead. Fiona pulls
made everything complicated. it away.

Then you’ll help us hit ‘em? Please! We can’t do this without you.

If you think we can pull it off. It’s gonna They’re gonna die if we don’t go in –
depend on the number of Simvan. now.

Let’s go take a look, then. That’s a tragedy, but I’m sorry, I can’t
just throw away my people’s lives like
GULVER that.
Let’s do it.
We had a deal! We get rid of these
EXT. OUTSIDE SIMVAN CAMP – NIGHT guys and you won’t have to worry
about them anymore.
David, Fiona, Mason and Gulver crawl to a vantage
point hidden in the trees. From here they can see GULVER
the camp, the bonfire and the captives about to be The deal wasn’t to get killed.
He turns and starts to withdraw.
I assume we’re not too late? FIONA
You owe me, you bastard! You’d be
in a Coalition prison cell right now if it
DAVID’S POV – BINOCULARS: The Simvan cooks wasn’t for me!
select Kayla to be first. They carry her off and set her
next to the fire. GULVER
Alright. You wanna pull that card? We’ll
DAVID back you up – but if things start to go
They’re still alive. But we’re gonna south I’m sounding the retreat. Got it?
have to move now.
GULVER Got it.
How many Simvan?

And Gulver? You know we have cannibals on my
planet? I could have stayed home for
GULVER this shit!
The Simvan COOKS chide Ginoek for talking.
This means a lot to me. I owe you now. CHANTING, the chieftain bids his GUARDS to
bring Kayla before him. Calling out to his people, he
GULVER produces a wickedly curved ceremonial knife.
Save it. You can thank me if we live
through this.
Just stick to the plan. We’ll be alright. David looks over at Gulver.

Gulver places his hand against his forehead. DAVID

Now! Go now!
I’m telling them to move in. You two GULVER
better get into position. I’m on it.

Fiona and David nod and crawl forward, the Dog Pack Gulver focuses his psychic power as David runs off
trailing behind. Mason follows the Psi-Stalkers. into position. Gulver stares intently at the huge Rhino-
Buffalo. His eyes slip closed and he initiates a link with
GULVER (CONT’D) the animal.
(to himself)
I hope you know what you’re doing.
RHINO-BUFFALO’S POV: Inside the creature’s
mind, Gulver looks down at ‘his’ monstrous feet,
BONFIRE lifting one then the other to be sure that he has taken
control of the beast.
The entire tribe has gathered around for the ceremony.
The chieftain stands in front of the blaze holding a
ritual staff with some strange animal skull at the top. CLOSE-UP ON GULVER: He smiles to himself and
his hands twitch a bit as he instructs the Rhino-
CHIEFTAIN Buffalo to run.
Brothers and sisters of the sacred
hunt! We join now to consume the ON RHINO-BUFFALO
flesh of our foes! And as it was spoken
so shall their strength become ours! The forty-ton animal rears up, breaking its tethers.
Their power our power! Simvan handlers that try to stop it are crushed.

Still surrounded by cooks, the captives are getting The Simvan around the fire scatter before the charging
desperate. beast.

Any time now. ON OSTROSAURS

KAYLA Fiona and her Dog Boys appear from the trees and
I’m trying. cut the agitated dinosaurs free. They panic and run in
all directions.

What the hell is happening?! Happy to prove you wrong. Can you
get the others?
I don’t know! She nods. David turns around – and dodges to the
side as the chieftain comes in swinging with his staff.
His rifle is knocked away.
David pulls out a bowie knife and circles the chieftain.
Tethered and still limping on three legs, the second
Rhino-Buffalo rears, unable to break free.

OTHER SIDE OF CAMP The animal turns about nervously in circles.

David appears from the trees. Playing anvil to their

hammer, he SHOOTS DOWN warriors running BONFIRE
from the charging animals. A pair of frightened
OSTROSAURS tear right past him. DAVID (CONT’D)
Come on, show me what you got.
David kneels and launches RIFLE GRENADES
into two of the Simvan watchtowers. They burst into The chieftain strikes heavily but David dodges and
BRIGHT FLAMES. moves in close. Over-extended, the chieftain turns
and bites down on David’s knife hand, forcing him to
drop the weapon.
He is totally absorbed, sitting with his eyes shut and Ahh God, that’s gonna get infected.
both hands on his head.
The chieftain releases his bite and knocks David back
with his staff. David lands on his back.
RHINO-BUFFALO’S POV: The monster stampedes
through tents and huts, then swings its head from The chieftain raises the staff high and it begins to
side to side, sending Simvan warriors flying. radiate ENERGY. It emits a BOLT that strikes David,
burning into his armor.

ON GULVER He tries to scramble away but the chief BLASTS him

again and again with the staff. David’s armor is dotted
He angles his head left and right, faintly miming the with craters.
The chieftain ‘aims’ the staff right for David’s face and
FIRES the deathblow.
David hustles towards the captives as Mason and the Nooo!
Psi-Stalkers burst from the woods and engage the
Simvan in close combat. They use psychic powers, David squeezes his eyes shut, holds out one hand
pistols and knives. The fighting is fierce. and suddenly the incoming beam DISSIPATES.

David reaches Kayla and unties her. David opens his eyes. Both he and the chieftain are
I thought you were dead... DAVID (CONT’D)
What the...
He gets to his feet. The chieftain tries to use the staff ON RHINO-BUFFALO
again but David extends his palm and a BEAM OF
MAGIC ENERGY appears. It knocks the staff aside. The huge animal shakes its head, confused, then sets
off for the high plains.
No way.
He shoots the chieftain down with another BEAM from
his hand. Gulver stands up and goes to survey the battlefield.

I don’t believe it. OTHER SIDE OF CAMP

DAVID The remaining Simvan run for it. One who tries to
Was that...? stand and fight is pounced on by Spence. He looks up
Magic? It sure was. Fiona steps up and puts a hand on the back of his
But what? How? FIONA
It’s alright. Let’ em go. We’ve done
KAYLA what we came here to do.
I guess you’ve been around some bad
influences. GULVER
I think that’s the last of ‘em.
The team reunites and they watch as the Psi-Stalkers
and Fiona’s Dog Pack finish off the last of the Simvan. David slaps him on the back in congratulations.

Ginoek shakes David’s hand. DAVID

You see? How’s that for a plan?
You have my thanks. GULVER
Yeah yeah, your plan worked.
I’m honored. DAVID
I told you! Just gotta have faith. And
COPELAND now, my chief, you may plunder at will!
You are one of us now, a child of magic.
David looks down at his hands and laughs a bit I don’t think these Simvan have
nervously. anything we want.

Two Psi-Stalkers ride past on the captured Fury

ON GULVER Beetle, CHEERING and YELLING as they go.

Gulver’s eyes slowly open and he breaks his DAVID

connection to the Rhino-Buffalo. Your men seem to disagree.

You’re free. Now get out of here. Hmmm, maybe I will take a look

He walks off to check out the camp.

Copeland ZAPS the ropes tethering the second KAYLA
Rhino-Buffalo. Quite a party.

Go on. Go home. You city-dwellers forget how to let go –
living in your world of rules. Too many
The giant animal thunders off after its fellow. The first walls, too many fences. Out here we
Rhino-Buffalo looks back and gives out a plaintive do what we like. Go where we please.
Leaning back, he watches as Fiona and Mason dance
Kayla and David watch as the Psi-Stalkers loot the closer and closer together. They lock eyes and she
camp. grabs him and kisses him passionately. He doesn’t
And now I guess we’re even. GULVER (CONT’D)
See? Your friend still has it in her.
I suppose so. So what do we do now? He passes David a jug.

Mason appears with two CASKS of Simvan liquor, GULVER (CONT’D)

one over each shoulder. That’s what you need, my Coalition
friend. Loosen up, break the rules
MASON sometimes.
I say we get drunk. If humans can drink
this shit. He lays back to look up at the stars, drunk.

A few of the Psi-Stalkers heartily agree. KAYLA

He’s right, you know.
And if they can’t, the more for me. DAVID
Yeah, yeah. This whole trip has been
very enlightening.
He hands her the jug.


You managed to use magic; you
-A Wild Psi-Stalker takes a mighty swig and blows a crossed over without even thinking
FIREBALL. His comrades laugh. about it. There are people who study
for years that can’t do that.
-The Psi-Stalkers dance around the fire like a pagan
ritual. DAVID
That’s it? That’s all there is to it?
-One takes Kayla, reluctant, and dances with her.
-David and Gulver sit and watch. Gulver breaks a If you’re one of us, you’re one of us.
bread loaf and hands over a piece.
-Spence tears into a chunk of meat. You can’t teach the gift.

Kayla approaches, out of breath, and sits next to DAVID

David. She scratches the back of Spence’s neck, a Oh man, now it’s ‘the gift’?
bit drunk.

Hate it or love it, it’s a part of you. Oh my God. I’m sorry.

Alright, alright. Hang on. I was very young. I can barely
remember my life before they were
David gets to his feet. taken from me.


Everybody! Everybody! Hey, listen up! How did – if you don’t mind me asking
– how did they get to you in Chi-Town?
The boisterous crowd gradually quiets down.
DAVID (CONT’D) Didn’t happen in Chi-Town. I was born
Now I know a lot of you wouldn’t expect outside the Coalition. Little town called
this from a guy like me, but I want you Fremont.
to know, from the bottom of my heart,
that you all are truly the finest bunch Kayla’s jaw drops, but David is looking away.
of outlaws and filthy magic users that I
have ever worked with. DAVID (CONT’D)
That’s about all I know. Not sure about
KAYLA the last name, no birth date, no known
And you’re the sweetest Coalition relatives.
fascist we’ve ever met!
I can remember my mother and my
DAVID father, and a sister. Just little bits,
Seriously – Gulver – you and your random moments and images. And I
people are alright. If it wasn’t for you remember the night it all happened – I
guys, we’d all be in deep shit right now. can still see that like it was yesterday.
Here’s to you – you beautiful mutant
bastard! KAYLA
David, I need you to think back. What
He takes a hearty swig from the bottle. The others exactly happened that night?
They appeared out of nowhere – came
EXT. AROUND FIRE – NIGHT – LATER in from the woods. We were eating
dinner when there were these noises
Almost everyone is snoring around the embers of the outside and – all I remember after that
bonfire. Mason and Fiona hold each other, sleeping is running. Running as fast as I could. I
soundly. The chow Dog Boy Wade’s legs twitch as he ran until the soldiers found me.
dreams of running.
Tears are now streaming down Kayla’s cheeks.
Kayla and David sit up talking and staring at the coals.
They are both quite drunk. DAVID (CONT’D)
What is it? What’s wrong?
So what made you join the military? KAYLA
David...I was born in Fremont. I was
DAVID there that night the Rifts opened up.
Oh, it’s the same old story. Lose a Can you remember what your parents
family member to something from the did?
Rifts – join up to get revenge. Only in
my case I lost the entire family.
David. I...I think you’re my brother.

What? I don’t believe this.

David, think hard. What else do you
remember from before the Coalition?

I remember our house. It was painted
this funny shade of blue. It was near
the woods, just on the edge of town.
There was this path...

We used to sit near that path and
wait for dad to come home. David, I
remember the blue house, I remember
the path, I remember your toy soldiers.
You are my brother.

But I’ve always been an orphan...

Ummm – my father was a... Not anymore. David, everything up
until now, it all happened for a reason.
Mechanic. They embrace for a moment, both overtaken by
And my mother was a... KAYLA (CONT’D)
(choked up)
KAYLA We looked for you for days. After that
Schoolteacher. we just had to assume the demons
took you. How did you escape?
Is this some kinda magic? DAVID
I didn’t. I was rescued. The CS soldiers
KAYLA found me just in time. But what
What was your sister’s name, David? happened to you? Where did you go?

It was – Katie. Most of the villagers headed east to
the Federation of Magic, but mom and
KAYLA I went back to Lazlo.
Katherine is my real name. Only people
in Tolkeen call me Kayla. DAVID
Mom? Is she...
What are you saying? KAYLA
Yes, she’s still alive. And you don’t
know how happy she’ll be to find out KAYLA
that you are too. You have to come Well, you’re close. It’s August 25th.
back to Lazlo with me.
DAVID I’ll have to remember that. Do you
What!? I can’t do that. I’m a Coalition know my middle name?


Well we can’t exactly come visit you in
the Coalition States. I use magic, your David’s eyes open and he sits up. Standing and
mother uses magic, your grandparents stretching out his aching joints, he begins to don his
use... armor.

DAVID Nearby, Kayla, Fiona and Mason are eating breakfast

I have grandparents?! with a group of Wild Psi-Stalkers. Mason and Fiona
look at each other and smile bashfully.
Of course you have grandparents! You David appears in full gear and sits down. Mason slaps
have a whole family waiting for you him on the back.
back in Lazlo.
(puts her arm around him) MASON
You’re not an orphan, David. There Morning there, Dave.
are people out there that love you, that
have never even met you. You have a DAVID
home. What’re you so happy about?

But the CS is my home. I can’t just...I Oh, a few things. Kayla told us the
can’t just walk away from everything news. Welcome to the family!
I’ve ever known.
KAYLA Who woulda’ thought.
When I was a little girl, I used to try and
imagine what you would look like if you MASON
were still alive. I guess I took it better That you would actually be related to
than mom. She used to cry at night, a “bunch of filthy magic users”? I could
when she thought I was asleep. tell there was something about you.

I just...it’s too much... I knew all along.

(tears flow) Well thanks for keeping it a secret.
You don’t understand. We dug two
graves in Lazlo. Two empty graves. FIONA
Every year on your birthday we would I couldn’t bear to put you through that.
leave flowers. Here, eat something.

DAVID She thrusts a bowl of some kind of porridge to him.

I never knew my real birthday. On David digs in.
my ID it says January 1st, right there
with all the other unknowns in the CS DAVID
database. Better than cold instant rations.
Food not up to your standards?
DAVID There are still a lot of innocent people
No, it’s good. in Tolkeen. That swarm will kill anything
that gets in its way.
Can’t say Psi-Stalkers are known for DAVID
our cooking. Normally I like my prey And a lot of my friends are in the city,
still alive. just trying to do their jobs.

I suppose sucking the psychic energy Well that’s a damn shame. I wish there
out of critters and killing them for their was something I could do to help...
meat isn’t all that different. Cheers.
Gulver walks over. Come with us. Your people are great
fighters. You help us today and you’ll
GULVER keep the Xiticix off your doorstep for a
Everyone getting along? few more months.

Oh yeah. You and your people handled The ‘Ticks are coming whether we like
yourselves pretty well last night, it or not.
Gulver. You up for round two?
GULVER It won’t get any easier.
What do you mean?
MASON Listen, I had my reservations just
We’re on the way to the main event. walkin’ into those Simvan. There’s no
These Simvan were just an appetizer. way I’m letting my people mix it up with
a whole swarm of Xiticix. If you want,
GULVER we can show you the way. The nexus
What is it with you guys? Is there a fight isn’t far from here. If you leave soon
in Minnesota you don’t know about? you can make it by nightfall. But that’s
the best I can do.
This has been a big week. We’re not FIONA
normally this busy. There’s gotta be something...

Alright, so what else have you got in There’s nothing else we can do. You
mind? don’t understand. We’re just hanging
on out here. We can’t run back to the
DAVID safety of the Coalition every time things
We’ve got a lead on the most dangerous get tough. This is every day for us.
sorcerer left in the city. If we don’t stop
him he’s gonna Rift a swarm of Xiticix DAVID
right into the center of old Tolkeen. It’s alright, chief. You’ve helped us
enough already. You just show us
GULVER where he is – we’ll handle the rest.
You’re gonna wade into a Xiticix swarm
to protect a city that’s already been
If he’s gonna go through with it, it’s
The Wild Psi-Stalkers escort the team through the gonna be there.
scattered ruins to the site of the ley line. Its GLOW is
pale in the sunlight. DAVID
And how much further is that?
Here it is. You follow this line due west KAYLA
and it’ll take you where you need to go. Couple of miles. Not far.

Kayla shakes his hand. MASON

You wanna sing a marching song,
KAYLA soldier?
Thanks for the rescue. If you ever need
anything, I’m usually in Lazlo. DAVID
Yeah, right. Like any of you have any
GULVER rhythm.
I’ll keep that in mind.
The ley line CRACKLES and SIZZLES, energy
DAVID erupting outwards.
This is your last chance to come with
us... DAVID (CONT’D)
What the hell was that?
Thanks. But no thanks. COPELAND
We’re getting a flare-up.
Alright. I had to try. You take care of DAVID
yourself out here. What does that mean?

You do the same. It could mean he’s already starting the
ritual. Or it could be nothing.
They head off in search of the nexus.
Doesn’t look like nothing.
The storms have been getting real bad.
The team hikes along the open ground around the ley Why’s that?
line, lit eerily by its STRANGE LIGHT. The tall trees
cast weird shadows in the shifting luminescence. COPELAND
Because your friends blew up all the
DAVID regulating gear. This wasn’t a problem
How much further? before.

It’s hard to tell. He’s still protecting The more you push, the more the Earth
himself with that spell. There’s a pushes back.
nexus up ahead, though, but it’s been
unstable since the Coalition bombed COPELAND
the energy grid. You can’t beat the Rifts by fighting
them. MASON
Come on! This ain’t the time to be left
Another BURST of energy erupts. behind!

DAVID Rain falls. It STEAMS as it hits the ground.

I’m starting to believe you.
A GUST rushes up around Kayla. The raindrops
KAYLA freeze into weird blue hail in mid-air.
Let’s move. We can’t wait around for
this to clear up. KAYLA
It’s getting worse!
They hurry forward. The ley line PULSES and
SPARKS. Copeland looks around. A dark, rain-swept clearing
transforms into a bleak alien desert right in front of
FIONA his eyes.
Should we be this close to it?!
COPELAND It sure is.
It shouldn’t be a problem, unless...
Billy, the pit bull, comes face to face with some kind
DAVID of giant desert insect. He GROWLS, refusing to back
Unless what? down.

Copeland stares up into the air. Suddenly the sky Suddenly the creature is gone and the desert replaced
becomes bright yellow. Alien creatures fly overhead by a forest of towering fungus. Billy is confused.
on massive wings.
COPELAND It’s OK. It’s gone.
Unless we hit a dimensional storm. Go!
Go! Ginoek takes a step and falls as the ground he walks
on becomes a mountain slope covered in thick, pale
They start to run. orange snow. He slides down the incline, grabbing
helplessly at snowdrifts to try and save himself.
The ley line PULSES again. The sky is now a pale
green. The flying creatures are replaced with huge GINOEK
swimming eels and floating jellyfish. Help!

DAVID Mason leaps over the edge and skis downward on his
This is nuts! feet. He grabs hold of Ginoek just before they both
plummet over a drop. They stare down into a gully full
KAYLA of razor-sharp ice crystals and frozen stalagmites.
Don’t look back! Just run!
David looks down at his feet. The ground becomes a Thanks.
seething mass of worms and maggots, then flashes
back to normal. MASON
Don’t mention it...whaaa!
Whoa... They are pushed over the edge as the terrain D-shifts
again. Arms flailing, they are just about to impact the
Mason drops back to jog alongside him, easily keeping ice shards when -
The snowy mountain becomes an unearthly bog.
They land in waist-deep, bright blue muck, bubbles
perforating the surface. A little swamp-dwelling lizard line for a while.
hops off a floating branch and swims away.
MASON (CONT’D) I hear that.
Ah, it’s in my shoes.
They parallel the ley line and continue their march
GINOEK through the woods.
Mine too.

David, standing on firm ground, extends his hand. EXT. TOLKEEN RUINS – LEY LINE NEXUS –
You guys done horsing around? Abandoned, shot-up buildings surround a massive
crater where the nexus complex used to stand. It
GINOEK once served as a power station and transportation
Thanks. grid for the city until the Coalition bombed it out of
existence. Four LEY LINES meet at the center of
Mason splashes blue muck on David. the crater, illuminating the area with a haunting, pale
Come on! Who knows what’s in this The team watches from the crater’s edge as Ramsey
stuff? and a trail of golems appear from within a building
on the far side. They walk slowly and deliberately,
MASON the ritual already begun. Ramsey carries the Xiticix
(still splashing) Queen’s scent glands himself, still sealed inside their
Not me. enchanted container.

David helps him out too. Reaching the center, the procession stands before
the nexus. The golems spread out and begin drawing
DAVID large, complex runes in the dirt while Ramsey sets the
Had enough? scent glands aside.

MASON With one hand, he beckons to a half-buried concrete

I don’t know. I wouldn’t mind sliding slab. It PULLS ITSELF magically up out of the ground,
down that hill again if that dimension FLOATING over to sit in front of him as an altar.
comes back.
Ramsey takes the scent glands and dumps them
KAYLA out onto the slab. He removes a curved knife from
Come on. his robe and slices open the glands. They instantly
STEAM and BOIL with noxious pheromones.
They hurry into the woods. The trees’ color and form
SHIFTS constantly, making the entire forest seem to MASON
move. Strange colors and light from a dozen alien What’s he doing? There’s no way the
suns fills the branches. ‘Ticks are gonna smell that from here.

Slowly the forest goes back to normal. The patterns of Ramsey chants a few magic words and spreads his
branches and tree bark SHIMMER and then stabilize. arms. WINDS puff up his robe, blowing the queen’s
pheromones high into the air.
Is it over? MASON (CONT’D)
It’s cooling down. We should still keep FIONA
some distance between us and the ley There’s gonna be Xiticix all over this
place in no time. DAVID (CONT’D)
If I don’t make it, you tell mom what
DAVID happened. Tell her that her son grew
Then we gotta make our move now. up to be a man.

Nearby, a single XITICIX SCOUT alights upon a KAYLA

chimney sticking up out of the rubble of a house. Its We’ll make it through this. If we stick
silhouette stands out starkly against the moon in the together.
DAVID (CONT’D) If we stick together.
See? Let’s go.
They advance into the crater as more Xiticix land
They move into the ruins surrounding the Rift and take around the perimeter. David points to the left with
up hiding positions. two fingers and Fiona and the Dog Pack break off in
that direction. He points to the right and Ginoek and
Out in the open, Ramsey and his golems slowly Mason head that way.
spread out in a wide circle around the Rift.
A golem focuses in on the ritual. Hearing something,
it turns around to see Fiona and the Dog Pack right
CLOSE-UP ON RAMSEY: He CHANTS as the on top of it.
COLUMN OF PHEROMONES continues to rise.
The golems watch silently. Get him boys!

All four ley lines PULSE. The Rift RUMBLES and The golem doesn’t stand a chance.
Its fellows in the summoning circle break their focus.
He’s good. Ramsey pauses, noticing the attackers closing in.

Yes, he is. You? You tracked me all this way? So
determined. No wonder you escaped
DAVID from that hive.
So how do we stop him?
KAYLA We trusted you and you left us to die!
We kill him.
DAVID What do you want – an apology? I
That’s it? used you like any other tool.
(to golems)
COPELAND Kill them. I shall finish this.
If I had a spell to stop a madman, I’d
use it. But I think we must do this the He turns back to the Rift and focuses, pouring his
hard way. magic power into it.

DAVID The Rift GROWS larger still, BOLTS OF ENERGY

Isn’t that always the way it is? emanating from it. Dozens of flying XITICIX are
illuminated in the light, circling around the Rift like
David turns to Kayla. moths to a lamp.

The golems turn on the team, launching a barrage of

spells. FIREBALLS, ELECTRICITY, ICE. The combatants lock ‘eyes.’ They both begin
channeling a spell at the same time, trying to beat the
Billy is hit by an ICE BOLT. He drops mid-stride, hip other to the punch. WISPS OF DARK POWER appear
frozen, YELPING. Fiona drops to one knee to aid him. around the golem; LEY LINE ENERGY crackles
around Copeland.
(to Spence and Wade) Copeland wins the quick draw. He unleashes a
Advance! Don’t slow down the attack! blinding EXPLOSION OF ENERGY. The chief golem’s
spell FIZZLES OUT and it is overcome.
A golem shoots LIGHTNING BOLTS at Mason.
Mason acrobatically leaps and dodges, bending and Copeland stops to catch his breath, pulling his gas
contorting. mask aside for a moment.

Copeland squares off with the chief golem, its

streetlight head reflecting the magic light around it. SURROUNDING RUINS

It shoots a MAGIC BOLT – Copeland blocks it with More and more Xiticix come to roost. They CHITTER
a SHIELD of ley line energy. It waits a moment then back and forth, trying to reconcile the pheromonic
FIRES another. Copeland blocks it too. They are at an distress call of their supposed Queen with the
impasse, like boxers looking for the first opening. confusing scene before them.

Kayla stops next to Fiona and Billy. She uses a brief

flash of MAGIC FIRE to MELT the ice. AROUND RIFT

FIONA (CONT’D) David drops to one knee and OPENS FIRE.

KAYLA We need to hurry up! The Xiticix aren’t
Glad to help. just gonna watch forever!

Billy springs to his feet. KAYLA

FIONA (to everyone)
Go get ‘em. Let’s kick it up a notch! Time’s runnin’
He charges off.
Copeland nods. He DRAWS IN ley line energy
KAYLA and releases it in a massive THUNDERBOLT. It
Ready? ELECTROCUTES a golem in a torrent of SPARKS.

Let’s go. CLOSE-UP ON COPELAND: He draws in more
energy and releases another CHARGE, then
They rush into combat. Fiona draws her pistol, ANOTHER.
marching off to the left, firing LASERS as she goes.
David turns and sees a golem close by. He reaches
Ginoek charges at a golem preparing a spell. He cuts out and takes hold of the two pieces of rubble floating
it down before the spell is complete, breaking apart within its eye sockets. Deprived of its ‘eyes,’ the golem
the golem’s body of animated bricks and pipes. flails about.

Copeland and the chief golem both fire BOLTS of The surviving golems are pushed into a tight circle,
magic. They collide in mid-air and NEGATE each back to back.
Suddenly they EXPLODE in all directions.
Ramsey appears from their midst, arms outstretched. DAVID
Enough! I must finish the ritual! KAYLA
We’ve got lots of tricks, David.
He casts a VORTEX with one hand. Mason and
Ginoek are THROWN into the air. DAVID
Yeah, well I’ve got one too. We’re not
Kayla and Copeland move in and Ramsey blows them gonna be able to handle these bugs on
backward with a WALL OF MAGIC ENERGY. our own.

Spence and Wade attack. Ramsey wraps his cloak David speaks into his radio headset.
around him and Spence bounces off as if it were solid
steel. DAVID (CONT’D)
This is Bravo lead calling Forward
Wade GROWLS and charges Ramsey. Ramsey Base 21. Do you read?
sidesteps and ELECTROCUTES him with magic
energy. KAYLA
What are you doing?!
Wade drops down dead, fur SMOKING.
Spence is filled with rage and bursts at him, teeth Trust me.
gnashing, saliva flying. (back to radio)
Negative, the rest of the patrol is down!
Ramsey waves his hand flippantly and Spence is I need reinforcements right now at grid
thrown tumbling through the air. 47’91’37. This is a Charlie Foxtrot
priority! You get me?! Send everything
David, Fiona and Billy are next. Ramsey gestures you got and tell ‘em to be ready for
towards them and the Xiticix pheromones WAFT in Xiticix! Repeat. Charlie Foxtrot priority!
their direction. X-Rays involved! Send EVERYTHING!
I am not fucking around!
Uh oh... GINOEK
You’re gonna get us killed!
A half-dozen curious XITICIX buzz in to investigate.
David and Fiona scatter. Billy manages to tackle one DAVID
out of the air and wrestle it to the ground. I just saved our lives. There’s only one
thing that’s gonna be able to deal with
David pushes Kayla out of the way as more Xiticix flit that swarm, and that’s full on Coalition
in. firepower.

The Xiticix now fill the air and cover the surrounding KAYLA
buildings, with more continuing to land. Ramsey I hope you know what you’re doing.
begins to chant with renewed gusto and suddenly the
ley line nexus GLOWS brightly. DAVID
Have I let you down yet?
David removes his helmet and ducks into the huddle.
KAYLA This is a little different.
We don’t have much time. This is it.
You guys just keep everything away David slaps his helmet on.
from me and Copeland. We’ll try to
keep his spells in check. DAVID
This? This is just another day at the
office for me. The demon holds David in front of it, their faces just
inches apart. Saliva drips from the unholy monster’s
The surviving members of the team regroup and close ragged jaws.
in on Ramsey, standing before the growing portal.
David fires a grenade directly at him. The EXPLOSION Always knew it would come down to
BENDS and wraps around his magical armor, which this...
is momentarily made VISIBLE by the attack. Ramsey
turns, unharmed. Suddenly, Fiona appears, severing Demon 1’s hand
mightily with a large Vibro-Blade. Demon 1 ROARS,
RAMSEY clutching its fresh stump.
You won’t stop me! I’ve come too far
now! FIONA
Let him go!
It’s not worth the price! You’ve sold She rushes forward, slashing at the monster, pushing
your soul! it back a few steps. Demon 1 recovers, smashing
its remaining fist into Fiona from above. The blow is
RAMSEY crippling and she tries to crawl desperately away.
(laughs coldly)
Maybe-I-have. Now excuse me, I must David tries to help, prying the still twitching fingers of
get back to my work. Demon 1’s huge severed hand off of himself.

Ramsey draws three vertical lines through the air He’s too late though, and Demon 1 kicks Fiona brutally
with his open palm, and three PORTALS appear in a aside. Her body rag-dolls through the air.
triangle pattern around him. Out of each one steps a
towering DEMON, looking about for victims. DAVID
Oh no. He finally breaks free and advances on the demon,
FIRING his rifle.
Ramsey turns his back and continues the ritual.
Mason sees Fiona hit the ground and runs to her side.
David and Mason start pumping laser beams into
DEMON 1 while Ginoek activates his PSI-SWORD. MASON
Kayla blasts DEMON 2 with FIREBALLS as Copeland It’s OK, just hang in there.
begins to LEVITATE into the air. Fiona and her
remaining Dog Boys charge forward at DEMON 3. FIONA
John...John, come here.
Demon 1 fires ENERGY BURSTS from its palms,
nailing David flatly on his armor. Mason leaps out of He cradles her in his arms.
the way.
Demon 1 grabs David with one massive hand, lifting Don’t give up, John. Live your life...live
him up off the ground while he pounds helplessly on its it for me.
armored skin. David goes for his sidearm, but Demon
1’s grip is too tight. David compromises, snatching the Tears run down his cheeks.
9mm pistol he keeps in a chest-holster instead. He
FIRES OFF a full clip into Demon 1’s face and eyes. MASON
Stay with me...stay with me.
It blinks off the bullets, HOWLING with anger. It
squeezes David harder and harder, LAUGHING evilly She stops breathing. Mason hangs his head. He looks
as he suffers. His armor makes a loud CRACK and he up to see Demon 1, LAUGHING evilly at David.
cries out in pain.
Mason bounds towards the demon, tackling it to the He unleashes a huge PULSE OF ENERGY, blowing
ground. It ROARS in protest, but Mason’s brass- Mason back.
knuckled fists move in a blur like a hummingbird’s
wings, pummeling the demon with too many blows to Ramsey stands before them, his magical exertions
count. Its teeth shatter and its face is obliterated by beginning to take their toll.
the superhuman beating.
He rises off it and they turn to see Copeland and You won’t stand in my way! If this is
Kayla still embroiled with Demon 2. It fires BLASTS what I must do for justice – then so be
of energy from its hands, pinning them down. David it!
pulls the pin on a hand grenade and rolls it under
the demon’s feet just as Kayla launches a salvo of He holds up the scent glands and wrings out the
FIREBALLS. Demon 2 is crippled in the attack and Queen’s pheromones over his face and body. Ramsey
collapses backward, SMOKE billowing up around it. laughs as the cold reptilian GLARE returns to his eyes.

KAYLA XITICIX begin to land around him, taking up defensive

Where’s Fiona? positions around their “leader.”

DAVID Copeland floats up into the air, firing magical BLASTS,

She didn’t make it. conducting the power of the ley line. Suddenly, a pair
of Xiticix flit down and attack him. He crashes to the
KAYLA ground, zapping the insects with ley line CHARGES
I’m sorry. from his hands.

DAVID David goes to his aid, batting one of the Xiticix aside
Later. with the butt of his rifle and shooting it full of LASER
They turn on Demon 3, still fighting with Spence and
Billy. Kayla and Mason are distracted by a few more Xiticix
that sweep in close. Ginoek sees his chance and
Demon 3 looms over Billy and picks him up in its jaws. rushes at Ramsey, PSI-SWORD appearing in hand.
He slices through two Xiticix Warriors that try to stop
Spence GROWLS and jumps on its face, pulling his him from reaching his target.
pack-mate free, clawing at the demon’s eyes.
Ramsey, still half-focused on the ritual, launches a
It stumbles backwards. The demon finally bats him BOLT OF MAGIC ENERGY at Ginoek. He blocks it
away. With its face clear, it looks for a new victim. with his Psi-Sword, not slowing down.

The rest of the team is standing right there. David More Xiticix land around Ginoek, swiping at him. He
and Mason OPEN FIRE with their guns; Kayla and holds them at bay, working his way back to Ramsey.
Copeland use MAGIC. The demon is driven backward
and finally brought down. They grapple, Ramsey using his magic to hold Ginoek
back. Their eyes are just inches apart.
Mason, Ginoek, Copeland, Kayla and David, battered
but alive, close in on Ramsey. Mason leaps ahead of GINOEK
them, sneaking up right behind him, drawing a pair of I’ll see you in hell, sorcerer!
Ramsey spins around with unnatural speed, suddenly No – you won’t.
staring right at Mason.
Ramsey’s eyes shoot BOLTS OF ENERGY into
RAMSEY Ginoek’s. Blinded, Ginoek cries out in pain and turns
Be gone! – as a Xiticix Warrior impales him from behind with a
Ginoek! Cover me.

Ramsey flees into the cover of the ruins as more David sets up with his rifle and OPENS FIRE.
Xiticix land to protect him.
Mason leaps into the fray. The first Xiticix Warrior that
David and Kayla run to Ginoek’s body. He gasps for swipes at him gets a knife stuck square in its chest.
air, spitting up orange blood.


Just hold on. You’re gonna make it. BLINKS ON.

GINOEK The grenade/handle EXPLODES, blowing the Warrior

Finish it. Don’t worry about me. apart. The rest of the Xiticix focus on Mason.

He looks up at David. MASON (CONT’D)

I guess I’m not going home...after all. They run past the distracted insects into the ruins.

His eyes glaze over. Ramsey stands in a clearing, still chanting, sending
his MAGIC ENERGY up into the Rift.
You’re already there. You’re already Copeland is the first to face him. With a PULSE, he
there. CUTS OFF the flow of energy from Ramsey to the
He’s getting away! RAMSEY
Mr. Copeland. Ready for your last
DAVID lesson?
Like hell he is...
More and more XITICIX land around Ramsey. Too We’re not in school anymore, professor.
COPELAND Good. Because there are a few things
The Rift will open any second! This is they wouldn’t let me teach in class.
our last chance!
Ramsey reaches back with his hand in a fist. A section
Mason spits blood onto the ground. of rubble behind him ASSEMBLES MAGICALLY into
an arm, grabbing Copeland and tossing him like a
MASON baseball.
You guys go after him. I’ll take care of
the bugs. David’s LASERS bounce off of Ramsey’s MAGIC
ARMOR. Ramsey swings the stone arm at David,
KAYLA smashing through the ruins. David dives for cover,
There’s too many for just you. losing his rifle.

MASON Kayla steps up and blasts Ramsey with MAGIC FIRE.

It’s OK. I brought friends. He loses concentration and the stone arm FALLS
Mason pulls back a flap to reveal a set of THROWING
KNIVES. Their handles look an awful lot like frag Without missing a beat, Ramsey retaliates with a
grenades... MAGIC VORTEX, knocking Kayla back into the ruins.
Unopposed, Ramsey looks up into the sky. blades.

Another XITICIX flits in and lands atop the flying

SKIES ABOVE RIFT power armor. The pilot paws at it with his hands but
the Xiticix dodges aside and plunges a fist into the
The Xiticix have begun buzzing around the central SAMAS’ faceplate.
nexus in a giant circle. The ley line nexus PULSES
with uncontrollable amounts of power. The Xiticix Warrior flies off and the SAMAS suit drops
like a stone, TRAILING SMOKE. In the background,
Ramsey says the final words of the incantation and however, the swarm is beginning to lose cohesion.
spreads his arms wide.


Now open! Open upon them!
The Rift FLASHES and suddenly bursts OPEN. The No...so much work lost.
swarm of Xiticix concentrates around it. (turns to David)
MISSILES streak out of the darkness, DETONATING
amidst the swarm. A looming behemoth appears Ramsey holds out a hand to MAGICALLY LIFT David
out of the clouds like a whale breaching the ocean’s and holds him floating helpless before him.
surface; a DEATH’S HEAD TRANSPORT outfitted as
a gunship. Its top-mounted cannons OPEN FIRE as RAMSEY (CONT’D)
ports open to reveal crews of CS AIRMEN manning I can’t have my revenge...but I can still
rail guns and artillery. ‘BUG BOMBER’ is painted kill you!
across its side along with a cartoon of the grim reaper
holding a giant flyswatter instead of a scythe.

DEATH’S HEAD GUNSHIP – GUNNERY BAY The Vibro-Blade built into David’s armor flicks out,
HUMMING with power.
CREWS feed ammunition into the giant rail guns
and artillery. The interior is intolerably LOUD and DAVID
FLASHES OF GUNFIRE reflect off the crew’s armor. You can try.

He gouges Ramsey, SHORTING OUT the sorcerer’s

SKIES ABOVE RIFT magic armor and physically wounding him. David falls
to the ground as Ramsey loses his MAGIC GRIP, but
SUPER SAMAS and SKY CYCLES strafe the immense he gets right back to his feet.
swarm of insects, dogfighting viciously overhead.
You Coalition pig! You can’t stop this
ON RAMSEY kind of power! Real power!

RAMSEY (CONT’D) He blasts David back with a MAGIC BEAM and stalks
Nooo! Noooo! Go into the Rift! Just go forward.
into the Rift!
But I can.
She nails Ramsey with a MAGIC NET, pinning him to a
A SUPER SAMAS twists and dodges through the air, wall. Kayla extends her hand and begins CHARGING
FIRING its plasma ejectors. A XITICIX WARRIOR that UP a spell as Ramsey furiously tears at the net.
gets too close is clipped in half by the SAMAS’ arm
KAYLA (CONT’D) Mason approaches, battered and bruised.
David! Help!
David picks himself up and draws his laser pistol. Where’s Copeland?
He EMPTIES an E-Clip harmlessly into Ramsey’s
flank. Ramsey rips the net and approaches Kayla They find him nearby at the end of a long skid trail.
menacingly. David tries to reload. Mason and Kayla help him to his feet.


Forget the gun! You still with us?

She holds out her hand to him and he understands. COPELAND

David drops the pistol and dives for her. I think so.

Ramsey closes in. His eyes are mad with rage. He Coalition forces begin to secure the area as the
CHARGES a spell, just about to strike and– gunship chases the remains of the Xiticix swarm off.
David and Kayla lock hands and the magic circuit is TROOPS on drop lines.
COMPLETE. Their eyes GLOW WHITE. Using David’s
own inner energy, Kayla channels a MASSIVE BEAM DAVID
OF LIGHT at Ramsey. You guys better disappear. I’m gonna
have a lot of explaining to do.
Ramsey SCREAMS as the energy TEARS HIM
existence with a wave of released MAGIC POWER. You can’t just go back. You have to
come with us. Don’t you want to meet
David slumps to the ground. mom?


David? David!? You have the gift, David. Such a thing
is not given lightly. Your training in the
She props him up in her arms. mystic arts has only begun.


I lost you once, I’m not gonna lose you The Coalition will know you’ve been
again! using magic. You won’t be safe.

His eyes open weakly. MASON

Don’t go, man.
What the...what the hell was that? DAVID
I get it, I get it. But right now, I have to
Kayla smiles and her eyes water. She holds him close. take care of this.
(turns to Kayla)
DAVID (CONT’D) I’ll contact you; I’ll find some way to get
It’s OK. I made it. a message to Lazlo. Now go, please.
Before they see you. Go!
In the air above, the swarm is beginning to break up.
Formations of SUPER SAMAS sweep the area; a He gently pushes Kayla away into the shadows of a
cluster of surviving Xiticix stream off over the horizon building, then turns and walks out into the open.
in escape.
David looks back toward the group one last time
The Death’s Head gunship looms triumphantly before a SUPER SAMAS trains its lights – and its
overhead. guns – towards him.
SUPER SAMAS wouldn’t want to be in your shoes right
(loudspeaker) now.
Get your hands up! No sudden moves!
DAVID (yawns)
It’s OK! I’m CS! Why’s that?

He walks towards the Coalition troops, hands above DESK SERGEANT

his head. You tell me. You go off the grid for a
week and pop up in the middle of a
Kayla looks back, forlorn, before finally turning and Xiticix swarm intentionally caused by
vanishing into the ruins with the rest of the team. a sorcerer who just so happens to be
on our most wanted list. AND you’re
working with a bunch of magic users
ZOOM OUT. In the background David casually and D-Bees? I don’t think they’re
approaches a tense group of grunts, letting them gonna go easy on you.
scan his ID number. They march him off towards the
waiting helicopters. David is unconcerned, not even listening.

FADE OUT I’ll be alright.

FADE IN (shaking his hand)
Well, you’re either gonna get a medal
or a prison term, that’s for sure. Good

David, in dress uniform, sits with his feet up on the DAVID

desk, talking into a phone. Thanks.

DAVID Continuing on his way, David comes to a door marked

Things just can’t go back to the way “Vehicle Depot.” He smiles as he enters. Inside the
they were. I have commitments. hangar, he walks by an impressive array of Coalition
(pauses) TANKS, ROBOTS and POWER ARMOR. Up ahead,
I’m sorry. I can’t expect you to a VEHICLE stops and a DRIVER and two GUARDS
understand. This is my life, and I just get out. The driver asks for David.
have to do what I think is right. I’ll be in
touch, OK? He turns quickly and heads up a ramp to the nearest
Hanging up, he hefts a pair of overloaded duffle bags CHIEF is wiping down the side with a rag.
and heads out into the hallway. Walking past busy CS
How you doin’ chief? I’ll be taking this
DESK SERGEANT unit out for maneuvers.
Oh, sergeant, your transport to Chi-
Town should be along any minute. CHIEF
You got great timing sergeant; just got
DAVID done washin’ ‘er down. If I could just
Thanks. I’m heading down to the see your patrol orders...
vehicle depot right now.
Have fun with intel, Sgt. Lange. I
He sets down his duffle bags, unzipping one to
produce a set of printed graphical orders. He hands
them over, then quickly places his palm against the
chief’s forehead.


The chief slumps down, instantly unconscious. David

has apparently learned a few new tricks.

He takes the two duffle bags and tosses them into the
small cargo area behind the pilot’s seat. The unzipped
bag lands in front and for the first time we can see that
the bags are stuffed with E-CLIPS, WEAPONS and
other high-tech Coalition EQUIPMENT. David slides
behind the controls.


The fearsome Hellraiser robot SMASHES through the

gates as the GUARDS on duty go nuts.



I’m comin’ home.


The Hellraiser sprints away from the base,

disappearing over the horizon.


Path of the Storm Cast
Game stats for use in the Rifts® RPG
Art by Charles Walton

David – CS Special Forces David is currently invested in advancing his military career.
The Tolkeen conflict has given him plenty of opportunities to
Coalition Special Forces Sergeant First Class David Lange prove himself, and David is searching for a new position that
had a rough youth, growing up in an orphanage in Chi-Town. He doesn’t involve working in the occupation zone. He takes good
always felt inferior and out of place as a child and has worked care of the soldiers under his command and carries out orders
hard to make himself a life and career that he can call his own. As with a level of free thinking that made his officers worry back
part of the elite Special Forces, the kid who no one wanted is now in the normal army but is seen as a bonus in the Special Forces.
a member of an exclusive club and bears plenty of authority as a In the back of David’s mind there are still hazy memories of
high-ranking Coalition soldier. growing up outside the Coalition, of using magic and being sur-
rounded by it. These memories are faint, but enough to make Da- max altitude. Powered by 4 E-Clips, each of which provides
vid curious about the mystic arts. A handful of missions outside 20 minutes of flight time.
the CS have also led David to secretly question some of the things Other Equipment: David has been trained in the use of virtually
he has been taught. all Coalition field equipment, from radios to Geiger counters
to laser targeting devices. Almost any special equipment could
David Lange Stats be assigned for a particular mission.
Real Name: David Lange. Vehicles: David is familiar with most types of Coalition vehicles,
Race: Human. particularly the Special Forces Striker SAMAS and the Hell-
Alignment: Unprincipled. raiser robot, his favorite unit of all. As he is currently deployed
Attributes: I.Q. 16, M.E. 24, M.A. 20, P.S. 18, P.P. 18, P.E. 20, to Tolkeen he does not have a personal vehicle at the moment.
P.B. 16, Spd 21. Cybernetics: Clock calendar and gyro-compass. David has re-
Height: 6 feet, 2 inches (1.88 m). Weight: 214 lbs (96.3 kg). peatedly dodged commanders’ suggestions that he receive the
Hit Points: 45. S.D.C.: 42. full Special Forces bionics suite due to an almost phobia-like
Age: 25. P.P.E.: 80 (latent Mystic). I.S.P.: 54 (Latent Mystic). aversion to bionics.
Experience: 4th level CS Special Forces.
Description: David is athletic and clean-cut, a poster boy for the
Coalition military. He has light brown hair and dark eyes that
Kayla – Mystic
suggest an intellect beyond that of the normal Special Forces Kayla Lange is a perfect example of a well-adjusted magic
trooper. user. Despite her amazing powers, she is remarkably down to
Disposition: Promoted to Sergeant First Class well ahead of earth and pragmatic, and always considerate of those around her.
schedule, David is a rising star amongst the Coalition Special Kayla is a born leader, and instinctively takes charge in group
Forces Division. His quick thinking and unquestionable fight- situations.
ing ability make him a natural leader in a combat situation. Growing up in Lazlo, Kayla had the benefit of a top-notch
Just like any Coalition soldier, he is immersed in propaganda. education in the mystic arts. And while other places like the
Unlike most, he still has a curious and open mind. David won- Federation of Magic may focus on magic as a tool of power,
ders about some of the strange things he saw during the oc- Kayla strongly believes in the Lazlo philosophy: using magic for
cupation of Tolkeen and what else might be out there in the knowledge, helping others and self-defense. It is this mindset that
world of Rifts Earth. has motivated her to linger behind in Tolkeen after the war’s of-
O.C.C. Skills (CS Special Forces): Speaks American at 98% ficial conclusion. There are thousands of innocents left in the city
and French at 82%, Boxing, Camouflage 55%, Climbing 75%, just trying to escape, and Kayla sees helping them as part of her
Detect Ambush 65%, Electronic Countermeasures 60%, First duty. And if she can recover a few precious artifacts while she is
Aid 75%, Intelligence 58%, Land Navigation 62%, Lore: De- at it, all the better.
mons & Monsters 65%, Math: Basic 85%, Military Etiquette Kayla realizes that she is the only thing holding her little group
70%, Parachuting 75%, Pilot: Hovercycles 92%, Pilot: Robots together. Without her, Mason would wander off to have adven-
& Power Armor 78%, Pilot: Robot Combat Elite: Hellraiser, tures of his own and Copeland would probably vanish into the
Prowl 70%, Radio: Basic 80%, Running, Streetwise 52%, depths of one of Lazlo’s many libraries. Kayla views her personal
Wilderness Survival 65%, W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. Energy quest as a form of repayment to a world that has given her such
Rifle, W.P. Handguns, W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons, W.P. magical powers, and always seeks to embody the best in magic
Knife, W.P. Paired Weapons. users.
Special Abilities: None.
Psionics: None. Kayla Lange Stats
Magic Knowledge: None. Real Name: Katherine Lange.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Commando. Race: Human.
Attacks per Melee: 5 Alignment: Scrupulous.
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +2 to Perception Rolls, +1 to strike, Attributes: I.Q. 17, M.E. 23, M.A. 20, P.S. 13, P.P. 19, P.E. 16,
+2 to dodge or parry, +3 to roll with punch/impact, +3 to pull P.B. 17, Spd 15.
punch, +3 to disarm and +4 to save vs Horror Factor. Height: 5 feet, 6 inches (1.68 m). Weight: 110 lbs (50 kg).
Weapons of Note: David’s primary weapon is a Dragonfire laser Hit Points: 39. S.D.C.: 18.
rifle/grenade launcher. He also carries a C-20 laser pistol as Age: 27. P.P.E.: 132. I.S.P.: 87.
his standard sidearm and has a 9mm S.D.C. pistol he keeps Experience: 5th level Mystic.
in a chest holster. David typically goes into battle with 1D4 Description: Kayla is very much a magic user and dresses the
plasma grenades, an S.D.C. survival knife and a laser torch part. She is attractive in an almost accidental way and likes
(1D4 M.D., 1 foot/0.3 m range) that he uses to cut through to keep her hair and attire practical for journeys into the ruins
locks and fences. of Tolkeen. She is of medium height and build with brown
Body Armor: CA-7 Special Forces armor. 100 M.D.C., -5% to hair and a handful of tattoos depicting various supernatural
Climb and -20% to Prowl and perform other Physical skills. creatures.
Has a retractable Vibro-Blade in each arm (1D6 M.D.) and a Disposition: Since a young age, Kayla has been a free spirit and
garrote cord for strangling S.D.C. targets. Armor also includes wanderer. It is pure curiosity and childlike wonder that drives
a Mag-5 jet pack: 60 mph/96 km max speed, 1,200 feet/365 m her to explore the realm of magic, not lust for power or fame.

(8), See the Invisible (4), Sixth Sense (2), Suppress Fear (8)
and Telekinetic Force Field (30).
Magic Knowledge: Blinding Flash (1), Circle of Flame (10),
Chameleon (6), Climb (3), Cloud of Smoke (2), Detect Con-
cealment (6), Energy Field (10), Extinguish Fire (4), Fire Bolt
(7), Fuel Flame (5), Ignite Fire (6), Impervious to Fire (5;
self), Magic Net (7), Negate Poison/Toxin (5), Resist Fire (6;
others), Sense Evil (2), See the Invisible (4), Sleep (10), Swim
as a Fish (6).
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic.
Attacks per Melee: 5
Bonuses: +2 to Spell Strength, +2 on Perception Rolls, +2 to save
vs psionics, +2 to save vs magic, +4 to save vs mind control
and possession, +2 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impact, +2 to
parry, +2 to dodge, +1 to strike and +1 to disarm.
Weapons of Note: Kayla typically sticks to her magic, but
she does carry an NG-33 Northern Gun laser pistol at times
(though usually it stays in the glove box of the Mountaineer).
Body Armor: Modified Urban Warrior partial armor, 50 M.D.C.,
-5% to Prowl and perform other Physical skills.
Other Equipment: Kayla usually has a few magic amulets and
talismans on her to provide additional P.P.E. and broaden her
Vehicles: Kayla’s primary method of travel is her Mountaineer
ATV. Technically, the vehicle belongs to her, Mason and Co-
peland, but Mason never remembers to maintain it and Cope-
land is too distracted by his studies and meditations to worry
about material possessions.
Cybernetics: None.

Kayla is an adventurer with no long-term goals other than to

live a rich and fulfilling existence.
O.C.C. Skills (Mystic): Speaks American at 97%, French, Drag-
onese/Elven and Faerie Speak at 80%, Dance 70%, Horse-
manship: General 70%/50%, Land Navigation 66%, Lore: D-
Bees 65%, Lore: Demons & Monsters 65%, Lore: Faerie 65%,
Lore: Magic 65%, Philosophy 75%, Play Musical Instrument:
Guitar and Piano 70% and Wilderness Survival 70%.
Special Abilities: See Magic Knowledge and Psionics.
Psionics: Clairvoyance (4), Commune with Spirits (6), Exorcism
(10), Healing Touch (6), Mind Block (4), Psychic Purification

Mason – Juicer
One could argue that John Mason got “juiced” out of a desire
for revenge, or to make up for feelings of inadequacy. It could be
just as easily said that he was simply bored, however, somehow
unable to go out and see the world for himself without a reason.
Well, he has that reason now, and the quick-burning fuse that has
become Mason’s life drives him to do and experience as much
as possible before death comes. The war in Tolkeen was just a
thrill-ride, a chance to meet interesting people and fight for the
side of good.
Less than two years into his chemical conversion, Mason still
has a good amount of time before the symptoms of Last Call
catch up with him. For now, he is reckless and carefree, leaping
into situations where the odds are against him and trusting that
fate and his superhuman reflexes will see him through.

John Mason Stats

Real Name: John Mason.
Race: Human.
Alignment: Unprincipled.
Attributes: I.Q. 11, M.E. 16, M.A. 10, P.S. 27, P.P. 24, P.E. 24,
P.B. 15, Spd 42.
Height: 6 feet (1.83 m). Weight: 238 lbs (108 kg).
Hit Points: 84. S.D.C.: 318.
Age: 24. P.P.E.: 8.
Experience: 4th level Juicer.
Description: Long-haired, muscular and tattooed, Mason likes
to play up his Juicer image and dresses like a dirt-biker or
extreme athlete as much as he does a soldier. He often wears
dark glasses or goggles and has a preference for military com-
bat boots and web-gear.
Disposition: Mason is the classic adrenaline junkie. He under-
went Juicer augmentation at a young age, before he was ma-
ture enough to fully appreciate the consequences. His only
goal now is to stay one step ahead of death and squeeze every
ounce of living he can out of his last few years. Mason has a
dark sense of humor and takes nothing too seriously, even his
own impending demise.
O.C.C. Skills (Juicer): Speaks American at 92%, Spanish and
Euro at 72%, Acrobatics, Climbing 80%, Land Navigation
57%, Pilot: Automobile 78%, Pilot: Hovercycle 92%, Radio:
Basic 75%, Recognize Weapon Quality 55%, Running, Swim-
ming 80%, Wilderness Survival 55%, W.P. Energy Pistol,
W.P. Energy Rifle, W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons, W.P. Knife
and W.P. Targeting.
Special Abilities: Juicer auto-dodge and heals four times faster
than normal. See Rifts® Ultimate Edition for more informa-
tion on being a Juicer.
Psionics: None.
Magic Knowledge: None.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert.
Attacks per Melee: 7
Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +2 on Perception Rolls, +4 to disarm,
+5 to pull punch, +5 to roll with impact, +2 to strike, +3 to
parry, +3 to dodge, +2 to Juicer auto-dodge, +4 to save vs
psionics, +6 to save vs mind control, +8 to save vs toxic gases,
poisons and other drugs, +20% to save vs coma and death.
Weapons of Note: Usually armed with an NG Super Laser Pistol
and Grenade Launcher, along with four or five Vibro-Blades
of different sizes. Also carries 6 NG grenade knives on him
most of the time; Vibro-Blade versions. Mason prefers to fight
face to face and rarely uses rifles and long-range weapons,
though he does keep a JA-11 energy rifle at Kayla’s place in
Body Armor: Juicer Assassin plate armor: 60 M.D.C., -5% to
Climb, Prowl or use other Physical skills. Non-environmental.
Other Equipment: Mason usually has some rope with him as
well as a canteen, flashlight and various other pieces of sur-
vival equipment.
Vehicles: Mason appreciates anything with high speed but also
enjoys driving the group’s Mountaineer off-road. He has a
Firefly hovercycle at Kayla’s home in Lazlo that he uses for
solo trips.
Cybernetics: None.

Ginoek – Cyber-Knight
Ginoek is a Zalazirdi, a race of D-Bees whose home is far energy to protect their city. Whatever the cause, the small groups
from Rifts Earth. A few dozen of his kind were somehow Rifted of Zalazirdi who have found themselves stranded on Earth have
to Earth over the course of the Tolkeen conflict, a possible side- each encountered a different reception. Those like Ginoek who
effect of the defenders’ expenditure of vast amounts of magic were lucky enough to come through a Rift inside Tolkeen were

welcomed with open arms and encouraged to join the defenders. Weapons of Note: Psi-Sword and Psi-Shield. Sometimes carries
Those who Rifted into areas occupied by the Coalition have all a Northern Gun NG-57 ion blaster. Ginoek prefers to use his
been gunned down on the spot or herded into POW camps. Psi-Sword and Psi-Shield in combat.
Ginoek has been on Earth for two years now and questions if Body Armor: Cyber-Armor: A.R. 16, M.D.C. 54. Regenerates
he will ever be able to find a way home. His association with the 1D6 M.D.C. per hour. Wears a custom-made suit of partial
Cyber-Knights gives him some remote connection to Rifts Earth, M.D.C. armor over it: 40 M.D.C., -5% to Climb, Prowl or
and most fellow Knights he encounters believe that the mysteri- perform other Physical skills.
ous figure who introduced knighthood to his planet centuries ago Other Equipment: Ginoek has learned how to use many Earth
may well have been Lord Coake. He has taken a mate, a fellow devices and gadgets. He usually has a first-aid kit on him with
Zalazirdi refugee named Syrta, and plans to get on with his life various emergency medical supplies.
however he can. Unfortunately, credits are hard to come by for an Vehicles: None. Ginoek is unfamiliar with most Earth vehicles
alien and foreigner, and both Ginoek and Syrta have taken work and is only really confident driving the Mountaineer.
assisting Edward Ramsey with his plans in order to pay for their Cybernetics: None.
resettlement whenever they do manage to find a new home.

Ginoek Stats Copeland – Ley Line Walker

Real Name: Ginoek Heithe. Copeland is a skilled Ley Line Walker and devoted student of
Race: Zalazirdi. the mystic arts. Much more so than Kayla, he is the one who dedi-
Alignment: Scrupulous. cates many long hours to study and ritual, meditation and con-
Attributes: (Racial averages in parentheses.) I.Q. 14 (3D6), M.E. templation. For him, magic is a science as much as an art form, a
14 (3D6), M.A. 16 (3D6), P.S. 23 (4D6), P.P. 13 (3D6), P.E. mystery to be picked apart and unraveled. New experiments and
22 (4D6), P.B. 10 (2D6+2), Spd 19 (3D6). tests have to be combined with ancient scrolls and forgotten wis-
Height: 6 feet, 7 inches (2 m). Weight: 268 lbs (121 kg). dom. Copeland is most at home buried in books and parchments,
Hit Points: 48. S.D.C.: 72 (3D6+12 racial average). adding to his vast knowledge and mystic acumen.
Age: 33. P.P.E.: 26 (4D6+6 racial average). I.S.P.: 51 (Minor Born in the Federation of Magic, Copeland emigrated to Lazlo
Psychic). to escape the Fed’s atmosphere of ambition at all costs. For him,
Experience: 5th level Cyber-Knight. there is a right way and a wrong way to cast any spell, and relying
Description: Tall and solidly built, Ginoek is a purple-skinned on evil supernatural creatures and pacts with demons is definitely
D-Bee with a slightly scaly exterior and a short, reptilian tail. the wrong way.
Disposition: Ginoek is serious and straightforward, a no-non-
sense type character who doesn’t have time to laugh or joke. Copeland Stats
He truly hates the Coalition for making a bad experience even Real Name: Ewan Copeland.
worse, as he and his people never asked to come to Earth and Race: Human.
are victims of the random wiles of the Rifts. He has no par- Alignment: Principled.
ticular love for magic, though, and judges magic users on a Attributes: I.Q. 21, M.E. 24, M.A. 14, P.S. 12, P.P. 11, P.E. 14,
case-by-case basis. P.B. 12, Spd 12.
O.C.C. Skills (Cyber-Knight): Speaks American at 94%, Drag- Height: 5 feet, 10 inches (1.78 m). Weight: 173 lbs (78 kg).
onese/Elven at 96%, Gobblely at 95% and Zalazirdi at 98%, Hit Points: 34. S.D.C.: 19.
Anthropology 60%, Body Building, Climbing 75%, Gymnas- Age: 28. P.P.E.: 234.
tics, Horsemanship: Cyber-Knight 85%/65%, Land Naviga- Experience: 5th level Ley Line Walker.
tion 68%, Lore: Demons & Monsters 70%, Paramedic 75%, Description: Hiding under his gas mask and mystic wrappings,
Swimming 85%, W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. Energy Rifle, W.P. Copeland’s physical appearance is not his first priority. He
Shield and W.P. Sword. dresses for the field and for practicing magic, and is typically
Special Abilities: As a Zalazirdi, Ginoek has excellent Night- adorned with amulets and talismans. His hair is somewhat
vision up to 1,000 feet (305 m). Like all Cyber-Knights, he long and rarely trimmed, but is normally kept carefully out of
has the powers of Create Psi-Sword (2D6 M.D.), Create Psi- the way under a hood or headwrap.
Shield and Meditation. Zen Combat makes enemies equipped Disposition: Deep and contemplative, Copeland is a student of
with tech -3 to dodge and -2 on melee attacks. Ginoek is +3 on magic first and a warrior and adventurer second. His mastery
initiative against tech and +6 against artificial intelligence. See of the ley lines and the mystic arts make him quite formidable,
Psionics for other abilities. but Copeland finds no joy in the thrill of battle and is not a
Psionics: Resist Fatigue (4), Sense Evil (2) and Summon Inner born fighter. He is more comfortable buried in ancient spell
Strength (4). books than socializing with others, and pursues magic as a
Magic Knowledge: None. scholar and academic.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts. O.C.C. Skills (Ley Line Walker): Speaks American at 98%,
Attacks per Melee: 6 Dragonese/Elven and Demongogian at 85%, Literacy: Ameri-
Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +3 on Perception Rolls, +5 to pull can 65%, Literacy: Dragonese/Elven 65%, Climbing 70%,
punch, +2 to disarm, +4 to dodge against tech weapons, +8 Horsemanship: Exotic Animals 60%/50%, Land Navigation
to parry, +5 to strike, +1 to strike with shield, +3 to roll with 60%, Lore: D-Bees 60%, Lore: Demons & Monsters 65%,
impact, +2 to save vs Horror Factor.

Lore: Faerie 60%, Lore: Magic 60%, Lore: Psychics & Psion- Fiona Renner Stats
ics 60% and Math: Basic 80%.
Real Name: Jennifer Renner.
Special Abilities: Sense Ley Lines and Magic Energy, Read Ley
Race: Psi-Stalker.
Lines, Ley Line Transmission, Ley Line Phasing, Ley Line
Alignment: Unprincipled.
Walking, Ley Line Rejuvenation, Ley Line Observation Ball,
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 14, M.A. 17, P.S. 15, P.P. 20, P.E. 15,
Affinity with Rift & Ley Line Magic and Ley Line Force
P.B. 21, Spd 17.
Field. See Rifts® Ultimate Edition for more information on
Height: 5 feet, 3 inches (1.6 m). Weight: 108 lbs (49 kg).
Ley Line Walkers. Also see Magic Knowledge.
Hit Points: 27. S.D.C.: 30.
Psionics: None.
Age: 24. P.P.E.: 10. I.S.P.: 94.
Magic Knowledge: Armor of Ithan (10), Blind (6), Befuddle (6),
Experience: 3rd level CS Psi-Stalker.
Carpet of Adhesion (10), Cleanse (6), Concealment (6), Death
Description: Fiona’s most noticeable feature is her Psi-Stalker
Trance (1), Energy Bolt (5), Eyes of Thoth (8), Fear (5), Globe
lack of hair or eyebrows. She is short and fit, lean-bodied from
of Daylight (2), Impervious to Poison (5), Light Healing (6),
CS boot camp and from feeding off of psychic energy more
Rift Teleportation (200), Repel Animals (7), Sense Magic (4),
than real food. Her bright eyes reflect boundless energy and a
Trance (10).
mischievous sense of fun.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic.
Disposition: Fiona is all spark and fire. She was always the un-
Attacks per Melee: 5
derdog growing up as an orphan in the CS, and viewed as an
Bonuses: +4 to save vs Horror Factor, +2 to save vs possession
outsider due to her status as a Psi-Stalker. She has become
and mind control, +3 to save vs curses, +2 to save vs magic,
tough and self-reliant as a result, and David Lange and the
+2 to Spell Strength. +3 on Perception Rolls; double when on
Dog Boys in her pack are the only people she really trusts.
a ley line. +2 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impact, +2 to parry,
O.C.C. Skills (CS Psi-Stalker): Speaks American at 98% and
+2 to dodge, +1 to strike and +1 to disarm.
Spanish at 79%, Body Building, Climbing 60%, Pilot: Hov-
Weapons of Note: Normally Copeland relies on his magic pow-
ercraft 75%, Pilot: Hovercycles 94%, Prowl 50%, Radio: Ba-
ers for defense, but he often carries a TW Firebolt pistol with
sic 70%, Read Sensory Equipment 55%, Running, Weapon
him as well.
Body Armor: Light concealed Ley Line Walker armor, 42
M.D.C., -5% to Prowl and perform other Physical skills.
Other Equipment: A handful of Techno-Wizard devices are
kept in Copeland’s inventory, including a TW Language
Translator and a Shadow Cloak.
Vehicles: Copeland relies on the others for normal transporta-
tion, and has his designated seat in the back of the Mountain-
eer. As a Ley Line Walker, however, he can use ley lines and
magic spells to get around. He also has a Glittermount magical
horse that he uses in Lazlo for his personal travels and errands.
Cybernetics: None.

Fiona – CS Psi-Stalker
Like David, Fiona’s youth began in a Chi-Town orphanage.
Whether her parents were Wild Psi-Stalkers who abandoned their
child to the care of civilization or Coalition Psi-Stalkers unable to
raise her is unknown. However it happened, Fiona grew up with
only one “family member”: David Lange. David watched out for
her in the orphanage and she considers him her unofficial brother.
Fiona was just old enough for the military when the Tolkeen
campaign went into high gear. She volunteered for service to
follow in David’s footsteps, but as a Psi-Stalker, her role in the
army is very different. Fiona enjoys being in command of her
Dog Pack, and her three Dog Boys are close friends as well as
subordinates. They all saw heavy fighting towards the end of the
campaign, but she still can’t believe some of the stories David
tells about the final collapse of the city itself.
As a Psi-Stalker, her duty now is to patrol and guard the occu-
pation zone around Tolkeen. Virtually every day Fiona loads her
Dog Boys up in a jeep or helicopter and heads out to one sector of
the city or another. Fiona’s senses are highly refined, even for one
of her kind, and her superiors have learned to rely on her expert
work and her ruthless pursuit of supernatural beings.

Systems 65%, W.P. Blunt, W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. Energy believes in the power of ancient practices like ritual canni-
Rifle, W.P. Knife, W.P. Paired Weapons. balism. Ayzim has lived amongst his nomadic species for his
Special Abilities: Sense Psychic and Magic Energy 35%/75%, entire life and has seen little of the cities or the human part of
Sense Supernatural Beings 45%. As a Psi-Stalker, Fiona needs the world.
to feed on 50-100 P.P.E. per week, but has little need for nor- R.C.C. Skills (Simvan Monster Rider): Boat Building 75%,
mal food and water. See Psionics for other powers. Body Building, Carpentry 75%, Climbing 70%/60%, Dance
Psionics: Mask I.S.P. and Psionics (7), Mind Block (4), Read 60%, Dowsing 70%, Fasting 78%, Forced March, General
Dimensional Portal (6), See Aura (6), Sense Dimensional Athletics, Horsemanship: Exotic Animals 80%/70%, Hunting,
Anomaly (4), Sense Magic (3), Telepathy (4). Identify Plants & Fruit 75%, Land Navigation 80%, Outdoors-
Magic Knowledge: None. manship, Preserve Food 80%, Prowl 55%, Running, Sing
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert. 65%, Skin & Prepare Animal Hides 80%, Spelunking 80%,
Attacks per Melee: 5 Tracking (people) 75%, Track & Trap Animals 65%/75%,
Bonuses: +3 to save vs magic, +5 to save vs mind control and Wilderness Survival 90%, W.P. Archery, W.P. Energy Pistol,
mind altering drugs, +3 to save vs possession and +6 to save W.P. Energy Rifle, W.P. Knife, W.P. Paired Weapons, W.P.
vs Horror Factor. +4 on Perception Rolls, +3 to pull punch, +2 Staff and W.P. Targeting.
to roll with impact, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +2 to strike, +2 Special Abilities: Nightvision 120 feet (36.5 m). Also see Psion-
to disarm. ics.
Weapons of Note: Usually carries a CP-30 laser pulse pistol as Psionics: Empathy (4), Mind Block (4), Mind Bond (10), Sixth
her primary weapon, a large, Bowie-knife style Vibro-Blade, Sense (2) and Telepathy (4) as well as psychic affinity with
a normal Vibro-Knife, Neural Mace and 1D4 frag grenades. animals.
Body Armor: CA-3 light armor. 80 M.D.C., -5% to Climb and Magic Knowledge: None.
-10% to Prowl and perform other Physical skills. Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Assassin.
Other Equipment: Any Coalition military equipment may be Attacks per Melee: 6
assigned for field duty or used as needed on the spot. In addi- Bonuses: +2 to strike, +2 on initiative, +3 to pull punch, +2 to
tion, ISS equipment like handcuffs, restraints, net guns, rub- roll with punch/impact/fall, +4 S.D.C. damage on all physical
ber bullets and other non-lethal devices may be necessary for attacks, +1 to strike with a thrown weapon, +3 to parry/dodge
certain missions. and +2 to entangle.
Vehicles: Fiona typically goes out on patrol in her jeep, just large Weapons of Note: Typically carries a ceremonial blade (1D6
enough to carry her Dog Pack comfortably. She has access to S.D.C.), as well as an enchanted staff that fires energy beams
a variety of different CS vehicles, however. (2D6 M.D.) at a range of 12 feet/3.6 m.
Cybernetics: None. Body Armor: Typically wears partial Simvan armor as a part of
his chieftain’s regalia. 25 M.D.C.

Ayzim – Simvan Chieftain Other Equipment: Normally lets his subordinates worry about
such things. Has access to everything in the tribe’s possession.
The Simvan of northwestern Minnesota are a fairly stable Vehicles: None. As the chieftain, Ayzim is entitled to a com-
group, for nomads, many of them having lived in the area since fortable seat aboard one of the large animals when traveling,
the Simvan first emerged from the Calgary Rift. Ayzim’s tribe or a privileged position mounted on one of the tribe’s finest
of Simvan are not locals, however. They have spent many years Ostrosaurs.
in Texas as part of the Pecos Empire. Power shifts, including the Cybernetics: None.
prevalence of the successful Pervic Simvan tribe, have forced
them to relocate. The journey has led from Oklahoma north to
Minnesota, and the tribe of Ayzim has fought through all who Holt
stood in their way, even if it has cost them many warriors.
Real Name: Ayzim. – Full Conversion Cyborg
Race: Simvan. Holt is somewhat of a mystery. A Full Conversion Cyborg, he
Alignment: Anarchist. was living in Tolkeen as the Coalition began to tighten its grip
Attributes: I.Q. 11, M.E. 18, M.A. 10, P.S. 16, P.P. 14, P.E. 24, on the city and decided to join with the resistance rather than flee
P.B. 9, Spd 17. to save himself. A fierce and powerful warrior, Holt spent many
Height: 5 feet, 9 inches (1.75 m). Weight: 178 lbs (80 kg). years on the road from Juarez to the Colorado Baronies to the
Hit Points: 40. S.D.C.: 90. Chi-Town ‘Burbs before ending up in the doomed city of magic.
Age: 47. P.P.E.: 15. I.S.P.: 88. Once he arrived in Tolkeen, Holt finally decided to settle
Experience: 6th level Simvan Monster Rider. down. He became enraptured with the city and its mystical quali-
Description: Ayzim is a graying, older Simvan with a shock of ties and for the first time in his life questioned his decision to be
white hair and a mouthful of gold and ivory replacement teeth. rebuilt as a cyborg. For Holt, however, it is far too late to become
He is slightly hunched and not quite as quick on his feet as a magic user, so he has chosen to support his spell casting broth-
he used to be, thanks to a collection of sprains and fractured ers and sisters in their quest to understand the realm of magic.
bones from his youth. He dresses for his station, preferring When the Coalition’s threats turned into an actual invasion,
robes and cloaks to the attire of the younger hunters. Holt joined the front ranks, glad to serve his city. His experi-
Disposition: Ayzim is a mystical traditionalist. He worships the ence, his ferocity and his array of mechanical upgrades kept him
Simvan people’s connection to animals and living things and alive during those years of bitter fighting, and Holt is continually
petuous nature. After five years fighting alongside the Tolkeen
resistance, he has learned to hate the Coalition and sees magic
as the salvation of humanity; ironic for a Full Conversion Cy-
borg with no mystic abilities of his own. Holt has jumped at
the chance to help a notorious spell caster like Ramsey, espe-
cially if it means he gets to strike back at the Dead Boys that
defeated him and his adopted homeland.
O.C.C. Skills (Combat Cyborg): Speaks American at 98% and
Spanish at 90%, Basic Mechanics 80%, Climbing 85%, Gen-
eral Repair and Maintenance 90%, Land Navigation 83%, Pi-
lot: Tanks & APCs 73%, Pilot: Truck 82%, Radio: Basic 95%,
Read Sensory Equipment 80%, Weapon Systems 85%, W.P.
Blunt, W.P. Energy Rifle, W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons, W.P.
Heavy Weapons and W.P. Paired Weapons.
Special Abilities: See Cybernetics.
Psionics: None.
Magic Knowledge: None.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert.
Attacks per Melee: 5
Bonuses: +5 to save vs possession, +3 to save vs magic and im-
pervious to psionic Bio-Manipulation, Telemechanics (all),
See Aura and any attacks or weapons that do damage directly
to Hit Points. +3 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impact, +3 to
parry, +3 to dodge, +2 to strike, +2 to disarm.
Weapons of Note: Holt’s primary weapon is a TX-500 Triax
Borg Rail Gun. He typically uses 390 round belts for ease of
carriage and generally has one in the gun and another two or
three on him. Also frequently carries a C-27 Plasma Cannon
as a backup weapon. See Cybernetics for more weapons and
defensive features.
Body Armor: See M.D.C. by Location.
Other Equipment: Holt has most of what he needs already in-
stalled. He will use anything it takes to get the job done, how-
Vehicles: None. Holt relies on his cybernetic enhancements for
amazed that he survived all the action he saw. He is now commit-
transportation and steals or buys vehicles as necessary.
ted to revenge and willing to join up with any group seeking to
strike at the Coalition occupiers. Holt’s heart lies in Tolkeen, and
he intends to die there still.
! Defensive Charges (new!): 3D6 M.D. to a 6 foot (1.8 m) area
around the front of the cyborg and those hit are -3 on initiative
Holt Stats and -1 to dodge or parry for the rest of the melee round. Single
use weapon.
Real Name: Jason Holt. ! Concealed Forearm Ion Blaster: 3D6 M.D., 1,200 foot (365 m)
Race: Human. range, unlimited ammo supply.
Alignment: Anarchist. ! Plasma Torch: 1D6x10 S.D.C., 1D6 M.D., 2D6 M.D. or 4D6
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 14, M.A. 9, P.S. 32, P.P. 12, P.E. 22, M.D. settings. 3 foot (0.9 m) range.
P.B. 8, Spd 132 (90 mph/144 km). ! Backup Hand: Holt keeps a spare hand that he uses when the
Height: 8 feet (2.44 m). Weight: 1,156 lbs (524 kg). mining drill is detached.
M.D.C. by Location: Feet (2) – 20 each ! Mechanical Eyes with Polarized Filters
Hands (2) – 40 each Legs (2) – 145 each ! Clock Calendar
Forearms (2) – 45 each Head – 110 ! Multi-Optic Eye
Upper Arms (2) – 98 each Main Body – 280 ! Built-In Radio Receiver & Transmitter Headjack
Cybernetic Medium Infantry Armor – 230 ! Optic Nerve Video Implant
Age: 39. P.P.E.: 2. ! Heavy Mining Drill
Experience: 8th level Combat Cyborg. ! Knuckle Spikes (right hand)
Description: Holt is a Full Conversion ‘Borg wrapped in heavy ! Shooting Knuckle Spikes (left hand)
armor and loaded with weapons and accessories. His scowling ! Garrote Wrist Wire
faceplate is custom-made, along with a few other stylistic ad- ! Wrist Needle & Drug Dispenser
ditions to his armor. ! Radar Sensor
Disposition: Without much self-conviction, Holt has always ! Grapnel & Launcher
been subject to the designs of others and a slave to his own im- ! Secret Compartment (chest)
Ramsey – Shifter Psionics: None.
Magic Knowledge: Agony (20), Amulet (290+), Armor of Ithan
Before the war in Tolkeen broke out, Edward Ramsey was (10), Animate and Control Dead (20), Calling (8), Call Light-
just one of a vast number of powerful magic users in the city. ning (15), Create Mummy (160), Create Rubble Golem (50; see
He spent years accumulating his abilities and studying the mys- stats below), Compulsion (20), Constrain Being (20), Control
tic arts and was on the verge of many exciting discoveries when and Enslave Entity (80), Dimensional Portal (1,000), Domina-
artillery and air strikes began to pound the outskirts of Tolkeen. tion (10), Energy Bolt (5), Energy Field (10), Exorcism (30),
With his family at risk and his homeland under attack, Ramsey Expel Demons (35), Fear (5), Greater Healing (30), Impervi-
vowed to join the defenders and put his incredible power to use. ous to Energy (20), Invisibility: Superior (20), Multiple Image
But even as a Shifter, Ramsey was not ready for the horrors (7), Power Bolt (20), Protection Circle: Simple (45), Protec-
of war. His shifting and consorting with the supernatural were tion Circle: Superior (300), Reality Flux (75), Repel Animals
always done with an academic perspective; Ramsey kept himself (7), Re-Open Gateway (180), Rift Teleportation (200), Rift to
intellectually separated from his work, and thus mostly avoided Limbo (160), Sense Evil (2), Sense Magic (4), Shadow Meld
becoming corrupted by the forces with which he associated. On (10), Summon and Control Canines (50), Summon and Con-
the battlefield, this kind of professional distance is not possible, trol Rodents (70), Super-Healing (70), Sustain (12), Teleport:
and Ramsey found himself making deals with creatures he never Lesser (15), Teleport: Superior (600), Thunderclap (4), Time
would have considered before. The Coalition blood he spilled Slip (20), Trance (10), Turn Dead (6), Tongues (10) and Wall
and the innocents he watched die around him left Ramsey shaken of Defense (55).
and mentally disturbed, but determined to fight on. Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic.
In the last few weeks of the war, however, Ramsey’s wife and Attacks per Melee: 6
two daughters were killed during a Coalition bombing attack. Bonuses: +10 to save vs Horror Factor (pact), +5 to save vs mag-
Ramsey felt numb and disconnected even as he watched the city ic (pact), +3 to Spell Strength and +5 to save vs possession and
burn around him, feelings that eventually gave way to a white-hot mind control. +4 to pull punch, +4 to roll with impact, +3 to
hatred for the Coalition and everything they represent. Ramsey’s parry, +3 to dodge, +2 to strike, +1 to disarm and +2 damage.
mind has become frayed and wounded, and now the only thing Weapons of Note: None, magic is Ramsey’s weapon.
that drives him is his overriding need for revenge. Body Armor: None, relies on magic for protection.
Other Equipment: Ramsey is willing to use almost anything to
Edward Ramsey Stats achieve his revenge, but greatly prefers Techno-Wizard de-
Real Name: Edward Ramsey. vices to normal gadgets.
Race: Human. Vehicles: None. Ramsey uses magic and his mastery of the Rifts
Alignment: Aberrant. and dimensional travel to get around.
Attributes: I.Q. 25, M.E. 16, M.A. 27, P.S. 9, P.P. 11, P.E. 10, Cybernetics: None.
P.B. 12, Spd 10.
Height: 5 feet, 11 inches (1.8 m). Weight: 167 lbs (75 kg).
Hit Points: 68. S.D.C.: 61 (pact). Supporting Cast
Age: 61. P.P.E.: 740 (pact).
Experience: 12th level Shifter, dark god pact.
Description: Ramsey’s hair is stark white and his gaze seems to
from Path of the Storm
convey the weight of a lifetime’s worth of consorting with the
supernatural. His physique is nothing but an afterthought next
to the power that his mind has accumulated.
Fiona’s Dog Pack
Disposition: The connection to life and the rest of humanity has The three members of Fiona’s Dog Pack are all experienced
dissolved for Ramsey. He is a man obsessed with revenge, Dog Boys, tempered by the running battles that marked the end
and his calculating intellect and phenomenal magic power are of the Tolkeen conflict. They are skilled trackers as well, expert
just tools to that end. Whatever self-doubt or restraint he once Psi-Hounds. Each has received more training and seen more field
had is gone, lost the moment the Coalition took his family time than the average Dog Boy of their series, a generation who
from him. His wife and daughters were the only thing ground- was bred as little more than expendable infantry for the siege on
ing him in the real world, and without them Ramsey is just a Tolkeen.
shadow of a man, willing to bargain with evil powers and vile
demons to have his vengeance.
O.C.C. Skills (Shifter): Speaks American, Dragonese/Elven,
Billy – Pit Bull
Gobblely and Demongogian at 98%, Literacy: American 98%, Real Name: GEC-11-2798463-43.
Literacy: Dragonese/Elven 98%, Astronomy 98%, Land Navi- Race: Dog Boy – Pit Bull gene base.
gation 89%, Lore: Demons & Monsters 98%, Lore: Dimen- Alignment: Unscrupulous.
sions 95%, Lore: Faerie 98%, Lore: Magic 98%, Math: Basic Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 11, M.A. 14, P.S. 26, P.P. 17, P.E. 24,
98% and Wilderness Survival 95%. P.B. 9, Spd 26.
Special Abilities: Dimensional Sense, Dimensional Travel, Di- Height: 5 feet (1.52 m). Weight: 182 lbs (82 kg).
mensional Teleport Home, Sense Rifts and all other standard Hit Points: 34. S.D.C.: 60.
Shifter abilities. See Rifts® Ultimate Edition for full details Age: 8. P.P.E.: 13. I.S.P.: 81.
on Shifters. Also see Magic Knowledge. Experience: 3rd level Dog Boy.
Description: A white pit bull, Billy is a short, compact mass of Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert.
muscle with a snarling maw that belies his greater intelligence Attacks per Melee: 4
and leadership skills. Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +1 to strike, +4 to parry and dodge, +2
Disposition: Billy is the de facto second in command of Fiona’s to save vs disease, +2 to save vs possession, +3 to pull punch,
Dog Pack, a bit more authoritative and confident than the others. +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact.
He is fiercely loyal to his pack and to the Coalition as a whole. Weapons of Note: C-18 Laser Pistol, Frag Grenades, Vibro-
O.C.C. Skills (Dog Boy): Speaks American at 88% and Drag- Claws, Vibro-Saber and Neural Mace.
onese at 61%, Climbing 60%/50%, Intelligence 46%, Land Body Armor: Dog Pack DPM Light Riot Armor: 50 M.D.C., no
Navigation 54%, Pilot: Hovercraft 70%, Radio: Basic 65%, movement penalties.
Read Sensory Equipment 50%, Running, Wilderness Survival Other Equipment: Field radio, spikes, survival knife, nightvi-
50%, W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. Energy Rifle, W.P. Blunt. sion goggles, binoculars.
Special Abilities: Superior sense of smell, track by smell, keen Vehicles: None. Occasionally the pack is deployed on hovercy-
sense of hearing, good sight. Sense Psychic and Magic Energy cles or other light vehicles.
50%, Recognize Psychic Scent 16%/12% and Sense Super- Cybernetics: None.
natural Beings 66%/45%.
Psionics: Empathy, Sense Evil, Sense Magic, Sixth Sense.
Magic Knowledge: None.
Wade – Chow
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert. Real Name: GEC-12-7756291-52.
Attacks per Melee: 4 Race: Dog Boy – Chow gene base.
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +3 to strike, +2 to disarm, +4 to parry Alignment: Principled.
and dodge, +2 to save vs disease, +2 to save vs possession, +3 Attributes: I.Q. 8, M.E. 10, M.A. 9, P.S. 30, P.P. 12, P.E. 28,
to pull punch, +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact. P.B. 14, Spd 17.
Weapons of Note: C-20 Laser Pistol, Vibro-Claws, Neural Mace Height: 6 feet, 8 inches (2.03 m). Weight: 320 lbs (144 kg).
and riot baton. Hit Points: 31. S.D.C.: 60.
Body Armor: Dog Pack DPM Light Riot Armor: 50 M.D.C., no Age: 7. P.P.E.: 9. I.S.P.: 50.
movement penalties. Experience: 2nd level Dog Boy.
Other Equipment: Field radio, spikes, survival knife, binocu- Description: Wade is a giant mass of thick, golden fur. He is
lars. about as large as Dog Boys come and spends a lot of time in
Vehicles: None. Occasionally the pack is deployed on hovercy- the gym to emphasize his hulking appearance.
cles or other light vehicles. Disposition: Laid back and unworried, Wade is both casual about
Cybernetics: None. his duties and unquestioning in his commitment to the Coali-
tion. He follows Billy and Spence’s lead and carries out his
orders without hesitation. Wade is also known to fall asleep
Spence – Doberman on guard duty or take a few extra minutes getting ready for a
Real Name: GEC-11-9037261-31. patrol, however.
Race: Dog Boy – Doberman gene base. O.C.C. Skills (Dog Boy): Speaks American at 88% and Drag-
Alignment: Scrupulous. onese at 58%, Climbing 55%/45%, Intelligence 42%, Land
Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E. 14, M.A. 11, P.S. 17, P.P. 21, P.E. 17, Navigation 50%, Pilot: Hovercraft 65%, Radio: Basic 60%,
P.B. 16 , Spd 29. Read Sensory Equipment 45%, Running, Wilderness Survival
Height: 5 feet, 9 inches (1.75 m). Weight: 163 lbs (73 kg). 45%, W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. Energy Rifle, W.P. Knife.
Hit Points: 21. S.D.C.: 20. Special Abilities: Superior sense of smell, track by smell, keen
Age: 8. P.P.E.: 17. I.S.P.: 64. sense of hearing, good sight. Sense Psychic and Magic Energy
Experience: 2nd level Dog Boy. 45%, Recognize Psychic Scent 14%/10% and Sense Super-
Description: A bit taller and sleeker than Billy, Spence has the natural Beings 64%/40%.
short, black hair and brown trim of most Dobermans. Psionics: Empathy, Sense Evil, Sense Magic, Sixth Sense.
Disposition: Spence is the team’s designated scout and tracker. Magic Knowledge: None.
He is more “by the book” than any of the other pack members, Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert.
even Fiona, and becomes nervous when they sidestep regula- Attacks per Melee: 4
tions. Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +1 to strike, +4 to parry and dodge, +2
O.C.C. Skills (Dog Boy): Speaks American at 88% and Demon- to save vs disease, +2 to save vs possession, +3 to pull punch,
gogian at 58%, Climbing 55%/45%, Intelligence 42%, Land +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact.
Navigation 50%, Pilot: Hovercraft 65%, Radio: Basic 60%, Weapons of Note: C-12 Laser Rifle, Vibro-Blade and Neural
Read Sensory Equipment 45%, Running, Wilderness Survival Mace.
45%, W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. Energy Rifle, W.P. Sword. Body Armor: Dog Pack DPM Light Riot Armor: 50 M.D.C., no
Special Abilities: Superior sense of smell, track by smell, keen movement penalties.
sense of hearing, good sight. Sense Psychic and Magic Energy Other Equipment: Spikes, survival knife, backpack with tent
45%, Recognize Psychic Scent 14%/10% and Sense Super- and other spare gear.
natural Beings 64%/40%. Vehicles: None. Occasionally the pack is deployed on hovercy-
Psionics: Empathy, Sense Evil, Sense Magic, Sixth Sense. cles or other light vehicles.
Magic Knowledge: None. Cybernetics: None.

Ramsey’s Demons nosan. As a result, there are rogue Ernosan throughout the Mega-
verse: evil beings, to be sure, but opposed to the route that the rest
of their species is taking.
Wary of aligning himself with powerful factions from Hades
The Ernosan are thinkers and plotters, equipped with insidious
or Dyval, Ramsey has sought out independent demons that claim
patience and intellect. And while they do certainly feed off the
neither side in the overall Minion War. He has also reached out to
P.P.E., the suffering and the blood of mortals, they are not merely
a mysterious and evil Alien Intelligence, all in the hopes of attain-
carnivorous predators and generally maintain control over their
ing his revenge. For more information on demons and Deevils see
baser instincts.
Hades: Pits of Hell™ and Dyval™: Hell Unleashed™.
Alignment: Diabolic (20%), Miscreant (30%), Aberrant (30%)
or Anarchist (20%).
Attributes: I.Q. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, M.E. 3D6, P.S. 2D6+16 (Su-
pernatural), P.P. 2D6+12, P.E. 1D6+16 (Supernatural), P.B.
1D6+4, Spd 3D6+12.
Height: 12 feet (3.6 m). Weight: 900 lbs (405 kg).
M.D.C.: 2D4x10+40 + P.E. attribute number.
Horror Factor: 12
P.P.E.: 3D4x10+10 + M.A. attribute number.
Description: Ernosan are tall, bulky humanoids with dark gray
and black skin. Their faces are usually covered in magical gas
masks and breathing apparatuses, and their bodies are adorned
with plates and tubes that connect to their Techno-Wizard bi-
onics. It can be difficult to tell where the devices end and the
armored hide of the creature begins.
Disposition: The Ernosan are sophisticated and well-spoken
for demons. They educate themselves and rely on skills and
Techno-Wizard devices to go beyond their natural instincts
and abilities. They build impressive mystical towers and en-
chanted fortresses and dungeons in the worlds and realms they
Life Span: Effectively immortal.
Natural Abilities: Supernatural P.S. and P.E., see the invisible,
Dimensional Teleport 20% +1% per level of experience, Bio-
Regenerates 2D6 M.D.C. once per melee round, immune to
noxious gas and requires no air to breathe (see Magic Respira-
tor, below), impervious to fire, heat, ice and cold (magic fire
or ice attacks inflict normal damage). All Ernosan have the
Energy Bolt, Sense Magic and Negate Magic abilities and can
use them at no P.P.E. cost.
Create Techno-Wizard Devices (special): All Ernosan are fa-
miliar with the creation and use of Techno-Wizard weapons
and magic devices, equivalent to a Techno-Wizard O.C.C. of
equal level.
Sense Precious Stones (special): Gems and precious stones are
an essential part of creating Techno-Wizard devices, and the
Ernosan have learned to key in on their mystical energy. A
successful use of the ability will tell roughly what kind and
Ernosan – Demon what quantity of precious stones are located within a 1,000
foot (305 m) radius. Base Skill: 35% +5% per level of experi-
The Ernosan are unusual amongst the world of demons. Most ence.
supernatural creatures have bodies that reject bionics as part of Equivalent O.C.C.: Techno-Wizard or Headhunter.
their magical healing process. The Ernosan are no different – Level of Experience: 1D6 on average or as set by the Game
when it comes to normal bionics. Techno-Wizard devices, on the Master for NPCs.
other hand, are compatible with the Ernosan’s mystical physiol- Attacks per Melee: Four attacks to start, +1 at levels 3, 5, 7, 9
ogy, and most of the race of demons undergoes partial recon- and 13.
struction as a kind of initiation process. Mega-Damage: As per Supernatural P.S.
Their use of TW bionics and implants also makes the Erno- Bonuses: +3 to save vs magic, +3 to save vs psionics, +2 on
san beholden to whichever demon or dark god is in power at the initiative, +1 to strike, +2 on all saving throws, +2 to roll with
time. They require a suitable magic infrastructure to create their punch/fall/impact, +10 to save vs Horror Factor.
enhancements, and whoever controls the Techno-Wizards, the Vulnerabilities: Magic attacks are +3 to strike the magically-
slaves and the necessary spell ingredients, also controls the Er- charged Ernosan. Having one of their spells fail or being
targeted by Negate Magic or a similar spell actually causes
a feedback reaction, dealing 2D6 M.D. to the Ernosan. They
also rely heavily on their Techno-Wizard devices and im-
plants. Destroying the TW air filter that most Ernosan use will
force them to breathe normal, unenchanted air, making them
-2 to strike, -3 to parry or dodge and -3 on initiative.
Magic: The Ernosan are natural spell casters. They may select up
to 8 spells from levels 1-4 in addition to their natural magic
abilities. Select one spell from levels 1-5 at level 2, one from
1-6 at level 3 and so on.
Techno-Wizard Cybernetics: Ernosan are intentionally modi-
fied from their natural form early in their existence. Most Er-
nosan have the following standard TW bionics and cybernet-
Magic Respirator: A Magic Respirator and Air Filter is built
into the demon’s face. Provides breathable air in any environ-
ment (space, vacuum chambers, underwater, etc.) and makes
the Ernosan immune to gas, airborne poisons, toxins, diseases
and magical smoke, fumes and clouds. Activation Cost: 5
P.P.E. or 10 I.S.P. for 15 minutes.
Eyes of Thoth: Eye of Thoth lenses are added to the demon’s
bionic helmet, allowing it to read in any language. Activation
Cost: 10 P.P.E. or 20 I.S.P. for 10 minutes.
TW Weapons: The average Ernosan will also have one or two
TW weapons installed onto its body. The weapons feed off the
creature’s own P.P.E. reserve.
Other TW Cybernetics: Throughout their existence, Ernosan
seek out rare and exotic Techno-Wizard devices to incorporate
into themselves. Sometimes they also use Splugorth symbi-
otes and parasites or strange magical artifacts.
Psionics: Machine Ghost (12), Object Read (6), Speed Reading
(2) and Telemechanics (10). I.S.P.: 4D6+20.
Habitat: Sources of magic energy attract the Ernosan. They steer
well clear of Hades and Dyval, but can be found on Rifts Earth
(especially Atlantis) and in many other dimensions.
Allies & Alliances: The Ernosan are out for themselves, and,
unlike many demons, still maintain a racial identity and col-
lective sense of self. They work together with other Ernosan
to further their plots and machinations and often conspire with
other demons who they win over to their cause.
Rivals & Enemies: Both Hades and Dyval are potential enemies
as the Ernosan took no side in the Minion War. They are op- into their world. The faction that summoned the Intelligence won
posed to mortal technophiles (like the Coalition), seeing tech- the war, all right. They lorded over the rest of the Hindra as con-
nology as simply incomplete Techno-Wizardry. querors, a new breed, the chosen minions of their new evil lord.
Note: The Ernosan are very familiar with Techo-Wizard devices, Within a generation, however, the victorious Hindra were
and, through them, have learned to use normal guns and weap- hopelessly lost and corrupt. The Alien Intelligence demanded
ons. They may be disgusted by technology, but they will use greater and greater sacrifices and acts of violence from them. The
tech that they find laying around, usually discarding it after. war that the Hindra were trying to bring to an end instead reig-
nited and dragged on for decades as the remaining good Hindra

Hindra – Demon resisted their fallen brothers and sisters. They were hunted down
to the last, however, and the fading light of morality was extin-
The story of the Hindra is a sad journey. They used to be mor- guished from the species.
tal beings, similar to any normal life form. A thousand years ago, The surviving Hindra clung ever closer to their alien overlord.
however, the Hindra fell into a magical civil war. They used their Each generation undertook more and more dramatic pacts and
mystical powers to unleash terrible spells upon each other and shows of allegiance until the Hindra were indistinguishable from
their home world. In their bid for dominance, each faction called other supernatural evils that stalk the various planes of the Mega-
upon dark powers, desperate for any advantage they could find. verse. Soon their very mortality was cast aside and they became
The cycle of death and destruction came to an end when one true demons, bound eternally to their master and unable to exist
group of Hindra sold themselves out to a malevolent Alien Intel- without its power. They exist now as a kind of Witch-race, born
ligence. They had no idea of the dark forces they were bringing into their demonic pact and mostly helpless to change their fate.
Alignment: Diabolic (10%), Miscreant (20%), Aberrant (40%) certain other worlds. They are less common throughout the
or Anarchist (30%). Three Galaxies and Rifts Earth.
Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.A. 3D6, M.E. 2D6+2, P.S. 2D6+12 Allies & Alliances: Hindra are extremely reliant upon the Alien
(Supernatural), P.P. 3D6, P.E. 1D6+12 (Supernatural), P.B. Intelligence that has cursed their species. They are no longer
2D6+2, Spd 3D6+6. independent enough to make important decisions or choose
Height: 10 feet (3 m). Weight: 850 lbs (382 kg). any kind of direction for themselves.
M.D.C.: 1D6x10+30+P.E. attribute number. Rivals & Enemies: Hadean and Dyvalian demons and Deevils,
Horror Factor: 12 as well as most evil supernatural creatures. The Hindra prey
P.P.E.: 1D4x10+10 upon mortals and are certainly evil beings, but still reject most
Description: The Hindra were once D-Bees quite similar to hu- other demons.
mans. Their pact has made them taller and stronger, and turned Note: Hindra that are removed from the same dimension as their
their blue-black skin into natural armor. Their bodies are stud- parent Alien Intelligence for more than one month begin to
ded with small, thorny spikes, clustered like hair along the lose their connection. They will become somewhat disoriented
head and eyebrows. Black and gray stripes cover their backs (-3 on initiative and Perception Rolls), but will see their Align-
and exposed surfaces, and some also come speckled with red ment shift an entire category upwards towards good as the per-
dots. vasive voice of the Alien Intelligence leaves their mind. Penal-
Disposition: For demons, the Hindra are hesitant about their na- ties will wear off in 1D4 weeks, leaving a somewhat confused
ture. They still have remnants of decency in their psychologi- supernatural creature no longer beholden to its pact.
cal makeup, and sometimes let victims live or escape without
thinking about it. Their mood only ranges from confused to
homicidal, however; there is no positive end of the spectrum Nohn – Demon
left for the Hindra. Brutish warriors, Nohn are summoned into existence through
Life Span: Immortal until slain. a series of rituals that draws their essence out of a distant plane
Natural Abilities: Supernatural P.S. and P.E., see the invisible, of existence. They are monstrous manifestations of dark energy,
Bio-Regenerates 1D6 M.D.C. once per melee round, and im- typically taking form with long arms and legs and gaping maws
pervious to cold (magic ice attacks do half-damage), deep full of asymmetrical teeth. Each Nohn is slightly different, though
ocean water pressure and the vacuum of space. they seem to follow a similar overall body plan – tall and spindly,
Activate Pact: While Hindra do retain some of the frailties of with bodies that trail a mist of darkness in their wake.
mortal form, they can call upon their master in times of need Nohn are not the most sophisticated of demons, but they are
for additional power. It takes 1D4 melee rounds to activate the not mindless animals, either. They are simply motivated more
pact, during which time the Hindra cannot attack or defend by the need to hunt, kill and torture than any kind of civilizing
itself. If uninterrupted by attacks or magic spells, the Hindra impulse. While other demons build halls and castles with armies
will gain an additional 100 M.D.C., receives +5 to P.S. and of mortal slaves, Nohn are perfectly happy to live in caves and
P.E. and +2 on initiative and Perception Rolls. burrows.
Assume Humanoid Form: Hindra are also able to change With their mysterious connection to different planes of reality,
their form to imitate that of local mortal humanoids. They can Nohn are particularly sensitive to the call of Shifters, Witches and
change form at will and maintain their new form indefinitely at others who seek to collaborate with demonic forces. They can use
no P.P.E. cost. Counts as one melee attack/action. their ability to move between dimensions and planes to hide out
Supernatural Flight: As part of their pact, all Hindra are grant- or to tirelessly pursue enemies and victims.
ed the ability to fly magically without the need for wings. Alignment: Diabolic (10%), Miscreant (25%), Aberrant (25%)
Maximum speed is about 80 mph (128 km). No limitations on or Anarchist (40%).
altitude and can even be used in outer space. Attributes: I.Q. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, M.E. 3D6, P.S. 2D6+16 (Su-
Equivalent O.C.C.: Mercenary Soldier or City Rat. pernatural), P.P. 2D6+12, P.E. 2D6+16 (Supernatural), P.B.
Level of Experience: 1D6 on average or as set by the Game 1D6+4, Spd 3D6+18.
Master for NPCs. Height: 15 feet (4.6 m). Weight: 1,250 lbs (567 kg).
Attacks per Melee: Three attacks to start, +1 at levels 2, 4, 6, 8 M.D.C.: 3D4x10+60. Nohn do not wear body armor.
and 12. Horror Factor: 13
Mega-Damage: As per Supernatural P.S. P.P.E.: 6D6+20
Bonuses: +2 to strike, +2 on all saving throws, +10 to save vs Description: The Nohn’s bodies are tall and lanky with over-
Horror Factor and +2 to save vs exorcism. sized hands and long arms. Their mouths are full of sharp,
Vulnerabilities: While immune to cold, Hindra take damage protruding teeth that they do not hesitate to use in combat, and
from heat like mortal beings. They are also susceptible to that stick out at strange angles. Their physical form is loosely
bone weapons, which inflict Mega-Damage when used against anchored to reality, too, sometimes appearing to phase in and
them. Weapons made from the bones of a Hindra inflict dou- out like a flip book or the beam from a strobe light. A mist
ble damage to their own kind. of black energy follows in the wake of the Nohn, streaming
Magic: 30% of the Hindra have some additional spell casting behind them.
ability. Select 6 spells from levels 1-4. Disposition: Nohn live predatory lifestyles, staking out dens and
Psionics: None. burrows and patrolling a home territory for prey. They can
Habitat: Hindra can be found working as slaves in both Hades socialize with other demons or their own kind, but are solitary
and Dyval and are sometimes mistaken for mortal beings on creatures for the most part.
Level of Experience: 1D6 on average or as set by the Game
Master for NPCs.
Attacks per Melee: Four attacks to start, +1 at levels 3, 5, 7, 9
and 13.
Mega-Damage: As per Supernatural P.S.; a claw strike does 2D4
M.D. plus Supernatural P.S. damage. Bites inflict 3D6 M.D.
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry, +10 to save
vs Horror Factor. Impervious to normal heat, fire and lava, but
magic versions do full damage.
Vulnerabilities: Silver weapons deal Mega-Damage when used
against the Nohn. Magic attacks do double damage while the
demon is Plane Stepping or Plane Dodging.
Magic: Dispel Magic Barriers (20), Mystic Portal (60), Plane
Skip (65), Rift Teleportation (200) and may select four other
spells from levels 1-10.
Psionics: Nohn are considered Master Psychics and have the
abilities of Mask I.S.P. and Psionics (7), Read Dimensional
Portal (6), Sense Dimensional Anomaly (4) and Sense Magic
(3). Also select 4 psionic powers from the Healing, Sensitive
and Physical categories and 2 powers from the Super-Psionics
category. I.S.P.: 3D6x10.
Habitat: A few Nohn live between the cracks in Hades and
Dyval. All of the traffic to and from Rifts Earth means they
are often drawn to it, as well as other dimensional travel hubs
like Phase World.
Allies & Alliances: Nohn have few allies and tend to be hostile
towards any other being they come across, even members of
their own kind. They are easily lulled by Shifters and Witches,
however, and are much more trusting of them than normal hu-
Rivals & Enemies: The denizens of both Hades and Dyval are
not kind to the Nohn when they encounter them. Neither side
has made an entreaty to this peculiar race of demons.
Note: Nohn almost never use weapons or technology, seeing
them as hindrances when traveling and taking up new physi-
Life Span: Immortal. Their essence returns to their home plane cal forms.
when their physical body is killed. The essence could be lost
amongst the dimensions, possibly even for thousands of years,
but is not destroyed. Other Supporting Cast
Natural Abilities: Supernatural P.S. and P.E., Nightvision 150
feet (45.7 m), exceptional hearing, see the invisible, Dimen-
sional Teleport 25%+1% per level of experience, Bio-Regen-
& Equipment of Note
erates 2D6 M.D.C. once per melee round, impervious to fire
and heat. Average Coalition
Plane Dodge (special): By shifting their body in and out of the
dimension, Nohn can break physical bonds that are restraining Special Forces
them. Plane Dodge can be used to end a grapple or entangle-
ment attack, free the demon from chains or bonds or to step Alignment: Any. The worst lean towards Aberrant and Miscre-
right through a net or wire. Counts as one melee attack/action. ant.
Does not work on magical restraints. Average Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 12, M.A. 11, P.S. 18, P.P. 14,
Plane Step (special): Nohn can use their ability to dimension P.E. 14, P.B. 10, Spd 20.
shift in order to pass through physical obstructions. Plane Step Hit Points: 36-44. S.D.C.: 40-50.
allows the Nohn to walk through doors, walls or even solid Height: Six feet, three inches (1.9 m). Weight: 185 lbs (83 kg).
rock and earth. The spell will not overpower enchanted walls, Age: 19-25
magically sealed doors, psionic boundaries or magic, but per- P.P.E.: 9
mits passage only through normal materials. Can only cross Disposition: Calm, cool and collected, these professional killers
through 10 feet (3 m) of solid matter before being forced to represent the cream of the Coalition infantry. They are reliable
stop. Counts as one melee attack/action. in combat and do not flinch before potentially repugnant tasks
Equivalent O.C.C.: Wild Psi-Stalker or Mind Melter. such as firing upon unarmed women or children, or poisoning

an entire town’s water supply. Tend to be fiercely dedicated to Bionics: Typically a clock calendar, gyro-compass, basic ear
their country, army and cause. implant with universal headjack, radar detector and oxygen
Experience Level: 4th level Special Forces Commando. storage cell. Half will have a multi-optic eye, an AA-1 type
Skills of Note: Boxing, Climbing 70%/60%, Electronic Coun- cyber-disguise and 1-3 additional cybernetics.
termeasures 60%, Intelligence 54%, Land Navigation 58%, Note: For more information on the Coalition military, including
Lore: Demons & Monsters 55%, Math: Basic 80%, Pilot: Jet full details on the Special Forces, see Rifts® world Book 11:
Pack 64%, Pilot: Robots & Power Armor 88%, Pilot: Robot Coalition War Campaign™.
Combat Elite: Special Forces SAMAS, Prowl 55%, Radio:
Basic 75%, Running, Streetwise 48%, Wilderness Survival
53%, W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. Energy Rifle, W.P. Heavy Average Xiticix Warrior
M.D. Weapons. Alignment: Considered Anarchist or evil. Hates other intelligent
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Commando. life.
Attacks per Melee: 7 Average Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E. 20, M.A. 4, P.S. 30, P.P. 20,
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +3 to strike, +6 to parry and P.E. 16, P.B. 4, Spd 22 running and 120 flying (82 mph/131
dodge, +5 to damage, +10% vs coma/death, +3 to save vs poi- km) with a possible maximum speed of 160 (105 mph/168
son and magic, +5 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +2 vs Horror km).
Factor, plus any likely bonuses from attributes. Height: 7 feet (2.1 m). Weight: 500 lbs (227 kg).
Other Combat Info: Knockout/stun on a Natural 20, body flip/ M.D.C. by Location:
throw (+1), Paired Weapons, body block/tackle, backward Main Body – 75
sweep kick, disarm, automatic body flip (+1), kick: 2D6, jump Eyes, Large (2) – 10 each
kick, death blow 18-20. Eyes, Small (5) – 10 each
Common Weapons: Antennae (2) – 20 each
CP-50 Dragonfire: Mega-Damage: 2D6 per single blast or Arms (4) – 45 each
6D6 per triple-pulse burst. Micro-fusion grenades, fired Legs (2) – 65 each
from the under-barrel grenade launcher, do 6D6 M.D. to a Wings (2) – 60 each
12 foot/3.6 m diameter blast area. Rate of Fire: Laser fires Age: Average is 2-4 years.
single shots or triple pulses equal to hand to hand attacks P.P.E.: 50
per melee round. Grenade launcher fires single shots or Horror Factor: 10. 13 for a squad of ten or more.
bursts of four. Range: 2,000 feet (610 m) for laser, 1,200 Disposition: Xiticix Warriors are drones and have little or no
feet (365 m) for grenade launcher. Payload: 30 laser shots personality and sense of self. They will follow the commands
per long E-Clip and 12 grenades in the grenade launcher. of higher castes of Xiticix without hesitation and are unafraid
CP-30 Laser Pulse Pistol: Mega-Damage: 2D4 per single of death or pain. They are also simple-minded creatures and
blast or 4D6 per triple-pulse burst. Rate of Fire: Each blast may totally ignore objects or even people that do not seem to
or triple pulse counts as one melee attack/action. Range: be immediate threats.
600 feet (183 m). Payload: 30 laser shots per long E-Clip. Experience Level: 1-3
Fragmentation Grenades (4): Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D. R.C.C. Skills: Detect Ambush 40%, Detect Concealment 30%,
Blast Radius: 20 feet (6 m). Throwing Range: 40 yards/ Land Navigation 66%, Math: Basic 65%, Navigation: Air
meters. 65%, Wilderness Survival 60%, W.P. Blunt, W.P. Energy
Heavy High Explosive Grenade (4): Mega-Damage: 4D6 Weapons (Xiticix TK weapons), W.P. Knife, W.P. Paired
M.D. Blast Radius: 6 feet (1.8 m). Throwing Range: 40 Weapons, W.P. Spear, W.P. Sword and W.P. Whip.
yards/meters. Special Abilities: Chemical Excretions: Colony Identification,
Plasma Grenade (4): Mega-Damage: 5D6 M.D. Blast Ra- Chemical Alarm, Death Scent, Spit Acid and poison (see be-
dius: 12 feet (3.6 m). Throwing Range: 40 yards/meters. low).
Vibro-Sword: Mega-Damage: 2D6. S.D.C. Poison: Bite inflicts 4D6 S.D.C. The poison causes im-
Extra Ammo: 16 long E-Clips, 24 micro-fusion grenades in a mediate nausea, vomiting and convulsions unless a successful
crossover bandoleer. save vs lethal poison is made. Poison damage is 6D6 S.D.C.
Other Equipment: Four signal flares, binoculars, Robot Medical per each bite/hit, plus bite damage, along with the following
Kit, pocket computer, utility belt, air filter & gas mask, short penalties: attacks per melee round and combat bonuses are re-
range radio (5 mile/8 km range), canteen, food rations bag, 30 duced by half for one melee round (15 seconds). Thankfully,
feet (9.1 m) of climbing cord, fire starter kit, S.D.C. saw-wires the pain and nausea passes soon after (15 seconds). A success-
(3), hunting/fishing kit, compass/inertial mapper, flashlight. ful save vs poison means the character takes only 1D4 S.D.C.
Additional items may be made available upon assignment. poison damage, in addition to the 4D6 S.D.C. from the bite
Body Armor: itself. Xiticix are known to coat their close combat weapons
CA-7 Special Forces Heavy “Dead Boy” Armor: Head/Hel- in this poison.
met: 75 M.D.C., Arms: 60 M.D.C. each, Legs: 80 M.D.C. Combat Training: Instinctive.
each, Main Body: 100 M.D.C. Weapons: Retractable fore- Attacks per Melee: 5
arm Vibro-Blades (2; 1D6 M.D.), Garrote cord in left wrist to Combat Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to parry, +1 to
strangle S.D.C. opponents. Mag-5 Jet Pack: Maximum Speed: dodge, +2 to disarm, +4 to pull punch, +4 to roll with impact,
60 mph (96 km), Maximum Altitude: 1,200 feet (365 m); can perform kick attack and receives an additional +4 to save
Power Supply: Four E-Clips for 80 minutes of total flight time. vs poison and disease.
Other Combat Info: Grapple/Wrestle & Hit: The Warrior can 50%, Track & Trap Animals 45%/55%, Wilderness Survival
opt to hold or grapple with two arms and strike with the other 65%, W.P. Archery, W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. Energy Rifle,
two. W.P. Knife, W.P. Targeting.
Two-Handed Paired Weapon Attack: The Warrior can attack Special Abilities: Nightvision 120 feet (36.5 m). Also see Psion-
with two close combat weapons at once, counting as a sin- ics.
gle attack. Both attacks either strike or miss together and are Psionics: Empathy (4), Mind Block (4), Mind Bond (10), Sixth
blocked, parried or dodged as one. Sense (2), Telepathy (4) as well as psychic affinity with animals.
Common Weapons: I.S.P.: 70
Hooked Short Sword: Mega-Damage: 1D6 M.D. + Super- Magic Knowledge: None.
natural P.S. punching damage. Bonuses: +1 to strike, +2 to Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert.
parry, +3 to disarm. Attacks per Melee: 4
Spear: Mega-Damage: 1D6+3 M.D. + Supernatural P.S. Combat Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +1 on Perception Rolls, +1 to
punching damage. 1D4 M.D. + P.S. punch damage as a strike, +4 to parry and dodge, +5 to pull punch, +3 to roll with
blunt weapon. impact, +2 to save vs Horror Factor and +2 to save vs spoiled
Resin Spike Gun: Mega-Damage: 1D6 M.D. per three spike meat/food.
burst, 2 M.D. per single shot. Range: 400 feet (122 m). Other Combat Info: Kick attack 1D8 damage.
Rate of Fire: Each three-spike burst counts as one melee Common Weapons:
action/attack. Payload: 60 rounds or 20 bursts. Recharging NG-L5 Laser Rifle: Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D. Rate of Fire:
requires 24 P.P.E. or 48 I.S.P. Each blast counts as one melee attack/action. Range: 1,600
TK-Rifle: Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. Range: 4,000 feet (1,220 feet (488 m). Payload: 10 shots standard E-Clip or 20 for
m). Rate of Fire: Each three-blast burst counts as one melee long E-Clips.
action/attack. Payload: 40 blasts. Recharging requires 20 M.D. Bow or Crossbow: Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D. High Ex-
P.P.E. or 40 I.S.P. plosive, 2D6 M.D. for M.D.C.-tipped arrows. Rate of Fire:
Other Equipment: None, the Xiticix rely on their natural abili- 2 to 8 per melee round. See the W.P. Archery skill. Range:
ties and teamwork to accomplish tasks. 1,500 feet (457 m). Payload: 6 arrows clipped to the bow,
Body Armor: None, though some Xiticix reinforce their exo- up to 24 in a quiver.
skeleton with resin, adding an additional 10-40% to the over- Vibro-Blade: Mega-Damage: 1D6 M.D.
all M.D.C. Normally extra resin is reserved for higher-level Extra Ammo: 4 spare E-Clips and 20 additional M.D. arrows.
Warriors. Other Equipment: Simvan Monster Riders typically carry one
Bionics: None. or more good hunting knives, a backpack, saddlebag, utility
Note: For more information on the Xiticix threat, different spe- belt, binoculars, a few large sacks, gas mask/air filter and an
cies of Xiticix and Wild Psi-Stalkers, see Rifts® World Book Ostrosaurus, Silonar or horse as a riding animal.
23: Xiticix Invasion™. Body Armor:
Patchwork Armor: 35 M.D.C. Non-environmental. -5% to Prowl

Average Simvan or perform other Physical skills.

Bionics: None.

Monster Rider Note: For more information on the Simvan, see Rifts® World
Book 13: Lone Star and Rifts® D-Bees™ of North Amer-
Alignment: Any, but the majority are Anarchist (30%), Aberrant ica.
(30%) and Miscreant (20%).

Spells and Technology

Average Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 18, M.A. 8, P.S. 18, P.P. 18,
P.E. 24, P.B. 8, Spd 18.
Hit Points: 20-30. S.D.C.: 80-100.
Height: 5 feet, 10 inches (1.78 m). Weight: 180 lbs (81 kg).
Age: 16-30
from Path of the Storm
P.P.E.: Males: 12. Females: 20.
Disposition: The Simvan are nomadic hunters, herders and war-
riors. They live in close-knit tribes and outsiders must earn
Create Rubble Golem
Range: 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience of the caster.
their trust to be accepted. They are known as Monster Rid-
Duration: 72 hours (3 days).
ers due to their natural ability to tame and befriend dangerous
Saving Throw: None.
creatures and their affinity with all animals.
P.P.E.: 50 per golem.
Experience Level: 2nd
Rubble Golems or “dirty golems” are magically-empowered
Skills of Note: Boat Building 50%, Body Building, Carpentry
automatons made out of improvised materials. They may not
50%, Climbing 45%/35%, Dance 45%, Dowsing 45%, Fasting
have all of the same powers as traditional Golems, but are quick
63%, Forced March, General Athletics, Horsemanship: Cow-
to make and do not require precious stones or clay figures for
boy 79%/63%, Horsemanship: Exotic Animals 65%/55%,
their construction.
Hunting, Identify Plants & Fruit 50%, Land Navigation 60%,
These simple Golems can be used as assistants or pressed into
Outdoorsmanship, Preserve Food 55%, Prowl 30%, Recog-
service as soldiers and defenders. They follow orders and have
nize Weapon Quality 40%, Running, Sing 50%, Skin & Pre-
a rudimentary intelligence, and their enchanted construct bodies
pare Animal Hides 55%, Spelunking 60%, Tracking (people)
are tough and resilient. Powerful magic users can even impart
some of their own abilities on the Golems, allowing them to fire
Also from Palladium Books®
energy beams, use fire, ice or other simple spells.
Requirements: A substantial amount of some kind of base Rifts® World Book: Lemuria™
material like stone, rock or concrete rubble. Unlike other Golems,
Rubble Golems do not magically grow out of a much smaller fig- The power, secrets and magic of Lemuria revealed. Player
ure, and the creation process uses up an amount of rock/substrate characters can use symbiotes, magic and technology to breathe
equal to the Golem’s total weight (200-300 lbs/90-135 kg). underwater and spend time below the waves.
Lemuria is more than an underwater civilization of aquatic be-
Rubble Golem Statistics: I.Q. 8, M.E. 6, M.A. 6, P.S. 18, P.P. 8, ings. They can trace their lineage as far back as the Atlanteans
P.E. 24, P.B. 6, Spd 14. and can survive on dry land as well as underwater. In fact, their
Attacks per Melee: 2 greatest secret is that there is no one resting place for the Lemuri-
M.D.C. by Location: ans, their great cities are always moving. Learn about the people
Head – 40 of Lemuria, new Biomancy magic and weapons, Biomancy en-
Arms (2) – 30 each gineered riding animals, sea herbs, new powers of healing, sea
Legs (2) – 40 each monsters, and more. Epic adventure awaits.
Main Body – 60 ! The Lemurians, their race, history and society.
Spells of the Master: Each Rubble Golem may be imbued with ! New Lemurian & aquatic O.C.C.s.
the ability to cast a single type of spell known to its creator. ! Biomancy Magic, symbiotes, Biomancy gardens & creatures.
Limited to levels 1-3. ! Biomancy armor, weapons and equipment.
Golem Base P.P.E.: 35 ! Sea Serpents, Sea Dragons, monsters, and riding animals.
! Magic and symbiotes to allow surface dwellers to breathe
Northern Gun underwater.
! New dangers, new challenges, adventure ideas and more.
Grenade Knives ! 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 885. December release.
Grenade knives are a simple and clever weapon that have be-
come popular with Juicers, Crazies and others who tend to fight
in close combat. Grenade knives are just what they sound like,
knives with fragmentation grenades for handles. Once the target
has been stabbed, the grenade is activated and detonates, all while
held closely against the intended victim by the blade itself. There
are both normal and Vibro-Blade versions available, insuring the
weapons can be used against supernatural creatures and armored
targets. Note: W.P. Targeting is necessary to have any hope of
hitting a target at range. Unskilled users may be able to hit a tar-
get within 10 feet (3 m), but are -3 to strike.
Weight: About 1 lb (0.5 kg).
Range: Grenade knives are much heavier than normal throwing
knives and have a limited range of about 30 feet (9 m).
Mega-Damage: Normal: 1D6 S.D.C. on impact. Vibro-Blade:
1D6 M.D. on impact. The secondary explosion deals 4D6 M.D.
to the target and 3D6 M.D. to those within a 12 foot (3.6 m) ra-
dius. Only individuals on the same side of the target where the
knife struck are affected; those on the opposite side are protected
from the blast by the main target’s body. Note that S.D.C. blades
will bounce harmlessly off of Mega-Damage armor and the skin
of most supernatural creatures.
Cost: Normal: 1,000 credits each. Vibro-Blade: 5,000 credits

Rifts® Vampires Sourcebook™

Cyborg Defensive Charges Unknown to most humans, deep within Mexico the vampires
Defensive Charges are small explosives shaped to direct their have established entire kingdoms. There they live like tyrants and
blast outward. They are attached to the user and mounted on gods, dominating an underclass of cattle people used as slaves and
small armor plates that protect the cyborg from damage. Inflicts food stock. Learn more about the vampires, their rivals, allies and the
3D6 M.D. to a 6 foot (1.8 m) area around the front of the cyborg, humans who willingly serve their supernatural masters for a chance
and those hit are -3 on initiative and -1 to dodge or parry for the to join the undead. A must-have guide for those who wish to travel
rest of the melee round. Single use weapon. Cost: 12,000 credits deeper into the Vampire Kingdoms or play as vampire hunters.
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! New O.C.C.s, the return of ancient gods and much more. ! Size, price and release date not yet known. February 2012.
! $16.95 – 128 pages. Cat. No. 884. December release.

Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames™

Dead Reign® Sourcebook 3: Endless Dead™ The Minion War spills across Rifts Earth, where demons and
As time goes on, the zombie hordes only grow in size and infernals hope to recruit allies and use the Rifts as gateways of
strangeness. New zombies to haunt your player characters, new destruction.
O.C.C.s and tons of tables for detailing Survivor Hideouts, Safe ! Soulmancer and Blood Magic.
Haven Communities, Death Cults and more. ! Seven Deadly Plagues and Demon Plagues across the globe.
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! Vehicle combat rules and zombie-fighting in vehicles. ! Ciudad de Diablo and other notable Hell holes on Earth.
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es, police stations, buildings, and more. ! Horune treachery, Dimension Stormers and other villains.
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! Set campaigns days or months into the apocalypse. ideas.
! 96 pages – $16.95 retail – Cat. No. 233. December release. ! 192 pages – $24.95 retail – Cat. No. 876. February, 2012.
! Dead Reign™ RPG – 224 pages – $22.95 retail – Cat. No.
230. Available now.
! Note: There are two other sourcebooks also available now: Go to www.palladiumbooks.com for weekly up-
Civilization Gone™ (Cat. No. 231) and Dark Places™ (Cat. dates, news, online store, message boards and more.
No. 232); each is 64 pages and retails for $12.95.
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Rifts® Sourcebook:
© Copyright & Trademarks 2011 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.
The Black Market™
Explore the day to day business of the market along with its
smuggling routes, practices, policies and nefarious products. En-
counter the five major Black Market factions in North America
and foreign groups like the Yakuza, Green Scarf Sect and the
Underground Railroads of Atlantis and the Vampire Kingdoms.
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