CADMATIC Marine Electrical: Unlock Next Level Efficiency by Connecting Electrical Design To 3D Modeling
CADMATIC Marine Electrical: Unlock Next Level Efficiency by Connecting Electrical Design To 3D Modeling
CADMATIC Marine Electrical: Unlock Next Level Efficiency by Connecting Electrical Design To 3D Modeling
Intelligent object and data management Unlock next-level efficiency by Partnering with Microsoft Excel to raise
supported with easy navigation integrating CADMATIC Electrical your design efficiency
with your other software solutions
In CADMATIC Electrical, all elements like devices, cables The CADMATIC Electrical integration with Microsoft Excel offers ways
etc. can have multiple occurrences in different electrical We have developed CADMATIC to make design work more efficient and data rich. You can easily
diagrams or arrangement drawings. With centralized Electrical into a designer’s workbench, import and re-import massive amounts of data from Excel files to the
data management, it is considered a single element with with the aim of integrating software Electrical project database and drawings without the need to retype the
several occurrences. You only need to create or import that is important to designers with information in Electrical.
the element once. After the object is created, additional CADMATIC Electrical. Integrations
Excel’s powerful editing tools allow user to easily respond to change
occurrences for other documents can easily be inserted speed up the transfer and improve the
needs, if required. All Electrical project data can be visualized in
or assigned via the project tree, for example. accuracy of information.
structured and tabular mode in the Electrical Database tool. The user-
Elements can have occurrences in diagrams, electrical In data-driven shipbuilding, digital friendly tabular view of all project information in one window makes
arrangement drawings, or in cabinet and panel layout data streams are consistent, reliable, quality assurance easily feasible. The same data in its entirety or in
drawings. After editing object information via one and reusable across disciplines, filtered mode can be opened and edited in Excel quickly and easily. With
occurrence, all other occurrences of the same element project phases and ship series. its various features like the bulk-editing functionality, Excel brings magic
are updated automatically. With navigation tools, it is Data drives and connects the entire to electrical design.
easy to find all occurrences regardless of the document shipbuilding process while manual data
Project data in Excel and template drawings can also be used to
type. You can always compare the documents and handling is minimized or eliminated to
generate new electrical diagrams automatically. Groundwork in preparing
reports with previous versions to track and highlight the safeguard data integrity and optimize
templates and modules will lead to a future competitive advantage.
changes and safeguard the quality of your projects. shipbuilding.
Use CADMATIC Electrical to connect your electrical engineering with
other CADMATIC design applications and increase your efficiency to
the next level.
CADMATIC Electrical is fully integrated with the CADMATIC marine
product family such as Outfitting, P&ID and eShare. This ensures data
integrity and automatic data flow throughout the entire design process
which eventually reduces errors, rework and costs.
CADMATIC’s headquarters are We have staff in Australia, Canada, We have certified resellers and
located in Turku, Finland. China, Estonia, Hungary, India, Italy, support partners in 15 countries
the Netherlands, Russia, Singapore, in Europe, Asia, America and
South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Africa. Our growing customer base
Sweden and the UAE. includes over 6000 customer
organizations in 60 countries.
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20100 Turku, Finland
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