Ram-Eesh International School Class VI Holiday Homework

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Class VI
The summer break from school is often filled with travel plans and activities, but
it is important to keep your child learning over these weeks. Because kids also
need a break from school and a chance to play, the best educational activities are
ones where kids don’t realize they are learning. Bring on the holiday homework!
English Solve the given worksheet

Hindi Solve the given worksheets according to the given

Sanskrit Solve the given worksheet

Mathematics Solve the given worksheet

Learn table from (2 to 20).
Science Assignment

Social Studies Solve the given worksheet

Do the given activity


Do all the questions in a thin practice notebook.
Do it neatly

I)Rewrite the following sentences by converting them as stated:

1)What a beautiful flower! (Declarative Sentence)

2)This is my pen. (Interrogative sentence)

3)It is a bright sunny day. (Exclamatory sentence

4)Still waters are deep.(Interrogative sentence)

5)Was Ashoka a wise king? (Declarative sentence)

6)The book is on the desk.(Interrogative sentence)

7)This is strawberry flavour ice cream.(Exclamatory sentence)

8) Will you shut the door? (Imperative sentence)

9)Bring me a glass of water. (Interrogative sentence)

10)Is that her umbrella? (Declarative sentence)

II) Identify the noun and pronoun and also underline the cases in the following sentences. Write
NC for Nominative Case, OC for Objective Case and P for Possessive case:

1)John threw a stone.

2)This is Salim’s bakery.

3)I bought oranges.

4)This is Emma’s painting brush.

5)Billiards is my favourite game.

6)Rama gave a ball.

III)Frame appropriate sentences from the given jumbled words:

1)work capacity beyond his this is

2)She anything that would do for

3)dagger with a stabbed he was a by lunatic

4)Riya eight slept o’clock till

5)she eaten yesterday since has nothing

6)textiles famous is Mumbai for its

IV)Answer the following questions with reference to context:

“And yet it was a lovely flower,

Its modest tints arrayed;
And there diffused its sweet perfume,
Within the silent shade.”

Q1) From which poem have the above lines been taken? Name the poet.
Q2) What does the poet means by “modest tint arrayed”? Elucidate
Q3)What does the poet means by “within the silent shade”? Elucidate
Q4)What is the rhyming scheme of the above stanza?

“Wendy Moira Angela Darling. What is yours?”

Q1)From which chapter have the above lines been taken?
Q2)Who is the speaker of the above lines? To whom is the speaker talking with?
Q3)Name the author of the chapter. Write few lines about the author?
Q4)Who is Peter Pan?

विषय - हिंदी

कक्षा -छठी

1- सभी मात्राओं के दो दो शब्द लिखकर तथा उनके सुंदर चित्र बनाकर अथवा चिपकाकर एक

स्क्रैपबुक बनाए।

2 - दस सुविचार सुंदर लेख में A 4 शीट पर लिखें एवं याद करें।

3 - दस पृष्ठ सुलेख लिखिए।

4 - घर में उपलब्ध पत्रिकाओं एवं समाचार पत्रों को प्रतिदिन पढ़ें।

5 - पढ़ाए गए सभी पाठों की पुनरावृति करें तथा प्रश्न उत्तर याद करें।

6 - अपनी पाठयपुस्तक परिवेश की 'ओस' कविता को लिखते हुए उसका एक सुंदर सा पोस्टर A

4 सीट पर तैयार करें।

निर्देश:- सारा कार्य सुंदर एवं शुद्ध वर्तनी के साथ करें।

विषय - हिंदी

कक्षा -छठी

1- सभी मात्राओं के दो दो शब्द लिखकर तथा उनके सुंदर चित्र बनाकर अथवा चिपकाकर एक

स्क्रैपबुक बनाए।

2 - दस सुविचार सुंदर लेख में A 4 शीट पर लिखें एवं याद करें।

3 - दस पृष्ठ सुलेख लिखिए।

4 - घर में उपलब्ध पत्रिकाओं एवं समाचार पत्रों को प्रतिदिन पढ़ें।

5 - पढ़ाए गए सभी पाठों की पुनरावृति करें तथा प्रश्न उत्तर याद करें।

6 - अपनी पाठयपुस्तक परिवेश की 'ओस' कविता को लिखते हुए उसका एक सुंदर सा पोस्टर

A 4 सीट पर तैयार करें।

निर्देश:- सारा कार्य सुंदर एवं शुद्ध वर्तनी के साथ करें।

संलग्न अभ्यास प्रपत्रों को उत्तर पुस्तिकाओं (हिंदी व्याकरण और पाठमाला) में करें।
1. Complete all the questions of the given sheet.
2. Do it neatly.
3. Do it in the practice notebook.
4. Learn tables 2 to 20

Question 1.
(i)Write the smallest three digit number whose value does not change on reversing its digits.
(ii)Write the greatest three digit number which does not change on reversing its digits.
(iii)What must be added to 203 to get a number whose digits are reversed of the given
Question 2.
Write the following in Roman numerals:
(a) 72(b) 38
Question 3.
(i)Write 438 in its expanded form.
(ii)Write the greatest five-digit number using the digits 4, 2 and 0.
Question 4.
The capacity of a water tank is 300 litres. Express its capacity in millilitres.
Question 5.
What is the successor of greatest 6-digit number?
Question 6.
What is the place value of 7 in 1743?

Short Answer Type

Question 7.
Of 7,12,540 and 71,25,400 which number is greater and by how much?
Question 8.
Write the smallest and the greatest 5-digit numbers using the digits 0,2,4,6,8 (Repetition of
digits is not allowed).
Question 9.
Estimate the following products:
(а) 86 x 316(b) 898 x 786 (c) 25,148 + 7394 + 9343 + 752
Question 10.
A student multiplied 3759 by 231 instead of multiplying by 213. How much was his product
greater than the correct product?

Question 11.
Write all the even numbers between 90 and 100 in Roman Numerals.
Long Answer Type

Question 12.
The distance between the school and Reena’s house is 1 km 480 m. Everyday she walks both
ways. What distance does she cover in 6 days of a week?
Question 13.
Simplify: 36 ÷ [5 + {4 x 5 ÷ 2}]
Question 14.
To stitch a pant 1 m 15 cm cloth is needed. Out of 36 m cloth, how many pants can be stitched
and how much cloth will remain?
Question 15.
Write each of the following numbers in figures:
(a) Eighty-one million four hundred twelve thousand six hundred fifty.
(b) Twenty million three hundred eighty thousand one hundred.
(c) Ninety million nine.
(d) Forty-nine million seven hundred eighty two thousand fifty eight.
(e) Six millions three hundred fifty-two thousand nine hundred forty-six.
(f) Seven crore twenty-three lakh eighty-six thousand, five hundred ninety-four.
(g) Fifty crore forty lakh sixty thousand nine.
(h) Nineteen crore, ninety lakh, fourteen thousand, six hundred eighty.
Question 16.
Write True/False for the following statements:
(a) Roman symbol X cannot be repeated more than three times
(b) VXXX = 25 …….. .
(c) Estimate value of274 rounding off to nearest hundreds = 200 …….
(d) I and X can repeat at the most three times …….
(e) V, L and D are neither, repeated nor written to the left of greater value symbol ……..
(f) There are six basic symbols in Roman Numeration system ……..

Question 17.
(i)Write the smallest whole number.
(ii)What is the predecessor of whole number 0?
Question 18.
Which property do the following statements hold?
(a) 6 + 4 = 4 + 6(b) 3 + 2 = whole number
Question 19.
Add the following in three ways. Indicate the property used.
(a) 25 + 36 + 15(b) 30 + 18 + 22
Question 20.
Using distributive property, solve the following:
(а) 360 x 102(b) 35 x 98

NOTE-Revise all the topics done in the class.



Topic-Sources of food

ACTIVITY-Collect various types of cereals, pulses and nuts(2-5 each)

1. Collect 2- 5 above food items which are available at home.
2. Put them in small transparent plastic pouch and paste them in scrap book.
3. Identify nutrients found in them in major amount and write it’s importance in
your diet.


Read about two scientist Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein and write the
contribution of them in the field of science in scrap book.




Q-1 State True or False

(a) Deficiency of Iron causes Anaemia( )
(b) Vitamin D helps in clotting of blood( )
(c) Deficiency of Vitamin C Causes Scurvy( )
(d) Carbohydrates and fats mainly provide energy to our body.( )
(e) Some nutrients get lost in the process of cooking( )
(f) Dietary fibres are also known as roughage( )
(g)Lack of nutrients leads to obesity.( )

Q-2 Fill in the Blank

1. Sea Food is a rich source of ______.
2. _______________helps in protecting our body against diseases.
3. A solution of _________ and Caustic Soda is used to detect the presence of
4. Food containing ______________ are often called the body building foods.
5. Mineral that ________keeps our bones healthy.
6. ___________ is essential for forming haemoglobin in the blood.
7. Wounds take longer time to heal when we have deficiency of vitamin____.
8. A diet that contains the proper amounts of each nutrient is called a
___________ diet.
Answer the following-
1.Name the ingredients in our food that are not obtained from plants and
2.Name two main sources of food ______________________
3.Name two edible roots that are used as vegetables.
4.Mention the ingredients of Mango shake
5.The first link of all the food chains is ___________________

Answer the following questions-

Q1- Will you remain healthy if you only drink milk?Why?

Q-2 It is not good to wash fruits and vegetables after cutting.Why ?

Q3-It is observed that constipation is common among people in western

countries who eat more meat and processed food than us . What can be the
reason for this?

Q-Why do organisms need food ?Write two reasons.


1.निम्नलिखित श्लोकों  को A-4 साइज की शीट पर अर्थ सहित लिखें और याद करें ।
(i) श्लोक-
असतो मा सद्गमय।तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय।मत्ृ योर्मामत
ृ ं गमय ॥ 
अर्थ - मझ
ु े असत्य से सत्य की ओर ले चलो।मझ
ु े अन्धकार से प्रकाश की ओर ले चलो।मझ
ु े
मत्ृ यु से अमरता की ओर ले चलो॥
(ii) श्लोक - 
सर्वे भवन्तु सखि
ु नः सर्वे सन्तु निरामया।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चित ् दःु खभाग ् भवेत ्।।
अर्थ- सभी सख
ु ी होवें , सभी रोगमक्
ु त रहें , सभी मंगलमय के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दःु ख
का भागी न बनना पड़े।
(iii) श्लोक-
गुरुर्ब्रह्मा ग्रुरुर्विष्णःु गुरुर्देवो महे श्वरः ।
गुरुः साक्षात ् परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः ॥
अर्थ - गुरु ब्रह्मा है , गुरु विष्णु है , गुरु हीं शिव है ; गुरु हीं साक्षात ् परब्रह्म है ; उन सद्गुरु को
प्रणाम है ।
(iv) श्लोक-
त्वमेव माता च पिता त्वमेव,
त्वमेव बन्धश्ु च सखा त्वमेव।
त्वमेव विद्या च द्रविणं त्वमेव,
त्वमेव सर्वम ् मम दे वदे वं ।।
अर्थ - ‘हे भगवान! तम्
ु हीं माता हो, तम्
ु हीं पिता, तम्
ु हीं बंध,ु तम्
ु हीं सखा हो। तम्
ु हीं विद्या हो,
ु हीं द्रव्य, तम्
ु हीं सब कुछ हो। तम
ु ही मेरे दे वता हो।’

(v)  शांति पाठ

ॐ द्यौः शान्तिरन्तरिक्षं शान्तिः
ृ वी शान्तिरापः शान्तिरोषधयः शान्तिः।
वनस्पतयः शान्तिर्विश्वेदेवाः शान्तिर्ब्रह्म शान्तिः
सर्वं शान्तिः शान्तिरे व शान्तिः सा मा शान्तिरे धि।।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः।। — यजर्वे
ु द
ू में शांति हो, अंतरिक्ष में शांति हो, पथ्
ृ वी शांत हो, जल शांत हो,
औषधियां और वनस्पतियां शांति दें । सभी पदार्थ सस
ु ंगत और शांतिपर्ण
ू हों,
ज्ञान में शांति हो, दनि
ु या में सब कुछ शांति से हो।
सर्वत्र शान्ति हो, मझ
ु े भी वह शान्ति मिले। 
2. पल्लि
ु ंग,स्त्रीलिंग और नपंस
ु कलिंग शब्दों को A-4 साइज शीट पर चित्र सहित लिखें।

3. अध्ययन किए हुए पाठों को याद करें ।.

Social Science:

Answer the following

questions in Very short


Q1) What is another name for the Milky Way

Q2) Name a
Q3) Name the celestial body nearest to
Q4)How many days does the moon takes to complete one
Q5) Name the planets with rings
around them.
Q6) What is another name for the
Pole Star? Answer:
Q7) For how many times in a month, Full Moon is
visible? Answer:
Q8) The planet that takes minimum days to revolve around the
sun is
. Answer:
Q9) The inner planets are demarcated from the outer planets by
Q10) Ursa Major is a
Q11) On new moon night, we can see
Q12) Name the planet with maximum number
of moons.
Q13) Name the life supporting gas in the air on
the earth.
Q14) When the meteor falls on the earth, they
Q15) Name some of the Indian satellites in
Q16) How can we know about the
Q17) Where did the early
people live?
Q18) What do you mean by the term ‘tributaries’?
Q19) Define in brief the word
Q20) Where are Garo hills are
Q21) Where are Vindhyas
Q22) What do scripts
consist of?
Q23) What is the full form of
Q24) What is the full form of
Q25) Name the leaf on which Manuscripts in ancient period were usually
Q26) Where did women and men first began to cultivate crops such
as wheat and barley?
Q27) Name the place where Sulaiman and Kirthar ranges
are located.


Make an information sheet (A4 Size) on any one historical monument from
Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya. Compare the two monuments on the
following attributes:-
•Name of the monument
•Materials used in the monument
•Who built it?
•When was it built?
•Place where it was built

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