Research Methods: University of Macau Faculty of Business Administration Department of Management and Marketing MGMT3004
Research Methods: University of Macau Faculty of Business Administration Department of Management and Marketing MGMT3004
Research Methods: University of Macau Faculty of Business Administration Department of Management and Marketing MGMT3004
NAME ___Lin Xiaowan (Lucy)___
Office: ___E22-2065____________
Tel no: ___8822-4713___________
E-mail: [email protected]
1. Students will be able to describe the hallmarks and steps of scientific research.
2. Students will be able to apply the concepts and theories to evaluate studies and
3. Students will be able to design research framework, execute research plans, test
hypotheses, and write up research report.
4. Students will be able to use the statistical software SPSS to edit and analyze data.
Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2020). Research methods for business: a skill-building
approach (8th edition). New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Other references relevant to this course will be suggested or distributed during class.
This course prepares students to understand the role and importance of research in
business. It also enables students to plan theoretically solid and methodologically sound
studies, to execute research plans, and to draw research conclusions. Instruction will include
lectures, class discussion, and workshops. Students will be assessed by tests, presentation, and
formal written research reports. Through the activities of this course, students are expected to
develop their basic research skills including research purpose and design, questionnaire
design and data collection, statistical hypothesis testing, research proposal and report writing.
Coursework 65%
- attendance and participation – 15%
- in-class assignments – 10%
- research proposal report and presentation (group) – 20%
- research findings report and presentation (group) – 20%
The course will involve many in-class exercises, group discussions, and case analyses,
as supplements to lectures. Students are encouraged to participate by asking and answering
questions, making constructive comments or suggestions, sharing relevant experiences with
classmates, and present discussion or analysis results. Students’ participation and contribution
will be recorded and credited.
Some in-class assignments will be scored and taken into account in the participation scores,
which will be done individually or in group.
Depending on the number of students in the class, 6-8 teams will be formed to work on two
group assignments.
Research proposal (20%): Each team will design a research study to address some research
problems you are interested in. Students are free to choose any topic (business-related topic is
preferred), target population, and research design. The proposal should include, but not limited
to, a clear purpose, objectives, some hypotheses, relevant theoretical frameworks and concepts,
proposed research design (sample, procedures, data collection methods, measurement),
potential implications of findings, and limitations of the project. A written proposal (not more
than 10 pages; double line spacing) should be submitted on March 25, 2021. The presentation
is expected to be about 10-15 minutes, followed by a 5-minute Q&A. Half of group members
present the contents of this research proposal, and the rest of members will make the next
presentation about research findings. You need to email me your presentation PowerPoint at
least one day before your presentation day.
Research findings (20%): Each team will present the findings of the research designed in your
research proposal. Implications and recommendations should be offered. A written report (not
more than 15 pages; double line spacing) should be submitted on May 07, 2021. Each of those
group members who do not make the first presentation should present part of the contents. The
presentation is expected to be 10-15 minutes, followed by a 5-minute Q&A. You need to email
me your presentation PowerPoint at least one day before your presentation day.
The assessment is group-based. However, Peer evaluation will be conducted, and individual
final grade will be adjusted based on his/her contribution to group.
Classroom Courtesy
1) Turn off cell phones and other electronic devices with sounds.
2) With diversity of background, there will undoubtedly be different opinions and
perspectives. You are not required to agree with your classmates. However, you are required
to treat your classmates and instructor with respect and courtesy.
3) Being punctual is a virtue.
4) Class time is important time and I believe that it deserves your full attention. Please do not
text message, use facebook, check email, carry on conversations, etc., while class is going on.
Everyone will benefit when we make the best possible use of our class time together.
5) Active participation is highly encouraged.
Academic Integrity (A Simple Reminder)
If you are found to have committed any act of academic dishonesty, your grade will be
severely affected. Other possible consequences include academic probation, a notation of
cheating on your university transcript, or dismissal from the university.
Promoting equal opportunity for persons with disabilities is a goal relevant to many
professional organisations. Student Disability Support Service is now available to
provide an equal opportunity to education, university life activities and services for all
students at UM. If you are a student with a physical, visual, hearing, learning or
psychological impairment, you are welcome to contact the Student Disability Support
Service for further information regarding documenting your permanent or temporary
disabilities. To learn more about the service, please contact the Student Affairs
Section at [email protected] or at 8397 4901 / 8397 4820 or visit the website at
Tentative Course Schedule
(Any modifications or changes to this schedule will be informed in class and posted on the