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Promises and Challenges of Pervasive Home-Care Systems For The Elderly People

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Promises and Challenges of Pervasive Home-Care Systems for the Elderly People

Hong Sun
University of Antwerp PATS Research Group Antwerp, Belgium IBBT Ghent, Belgium hong.sun@ua.ac.be

Vincenzo de Florio
University of Antwerp PATS Research Group Antwerp, Belgium IBBT Ghent, Belgium vincenzo.deflorio@ua.ac.be

Ning Gui
University of Antwerp PATS Research Group Antwerp, Belgium IBBT Ghent, Belgium ning.gui@ua.ac.be

Chris Blondia
University of Antwerp PATS Research Group Antwerp, Belgium IBBT Ghent, Belgium chris.blondia@ua.ac.be

AbstractThe population of elderly people keeps increasing rapidly, which becomes a predominant aspect of our societies. As such, solutions both efficacious and cost-effective need to be sought. Pervasive computing technologies are widely used to integrate many assistive devices and sensors around the elderly people, help building safety environments which recognize and respond to their statuses or actions. Such an approach is normally referred to as Ambient Intelligence, and most research efforts towards assisting the elderly people followed this direction. However, there are still many fundamental issues in this domain that remain open. This paper briefly reviews the current status of researches on pervasive computing in home-care environments, discusses the promises and possible advantages, and also indicates the challenges we must meet in order to develop practical and efficient pervasive home-care systems for our elderly people. Finally we propose an approach to construct effective pervasive home-care system for the elderly people. Keywords-Pervasive computing; Ambient Assisted Living; Human Centered Computing; Intelligent Home Environment

environment [5] [6] in an invisible way, is now widely applied to construct homecare environments to assist the elderly to live independently and guarantee their safety. Building upon pervasive computing, the concept of Ambient Intelligence was proposed by the European Unions Information Society Technology Program Advisory Group (ISTAG), which describes a vision where People will be surrounded by intelligent and intuitive interfaces embedded in everyday objects around us and an environment recognizing and responding to the presence of individuals in an invisible way[7]. In order to use these advanced technologies to assist the elderly people aging well, the European Union launched the Ambient Assisted Living Program, which aims at extending the time elderly people can live in their home environment by increasing their autonomy and assisting them in carrying out activities of daily living by the use of intelligent products and the provision of remote services including care services. Most efforts towards building ambient assisted living systems for the elderly people are based on developing pervasive devices and use Ambient Intelligence to integrate these devices together to construct a high-safety environment. Such efforts aim at building electronic systems that provide services in a sensitive and responsive way to the presences of people, and unobtrusively integrated into our daily environment [8] [9]. Many living assistance systems and assistive devices are thus developed to facilitate the daily lives of elderly people. These technologies promised to help the elderly people living independently in comfortable ways. However, their limitation is that these efforts still did not fully express the power of human being, and the importance of social connections and social activities are less notified. In this paper, we take a much broader view on building pervasive home-care systems for elderly people. We have seen the promise that the pervasive home assistance systems developed under the Ambient Intelligence could bring a safety environment around the elderly people. However, we also argue that the current solution overemphasized the importance of smart devices while either neglecting or lacking of real implementations exploiting human interaction and human power. In what follows we suggest combining the machinery



As well known, the proportion of elderly people keeps increasing since the end of last century. The European overview report of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) investigated this trend [1]. The studies of EUROSTAT [2] indicated that the share of the total European population (EU 15) older than 65 is set to increase from 16.3% in 2000 to 22% by 2025 and 27.5% by 2050, while that over 80 (3.6% in 2000) is expected to reach 6% by 2025 and 10% by 2050. Studies of Counsel and Care in UK found out that elderly people would prefer to live in their own house rather than in nursing homes, thus they need support to remain independent at their home [3]. And researches also proved that remote clinical therapy at home will not bring negative effect to the therapy process [4]. In order to improve the quality of life for the elderly people, it is important that their safety be guaranteed when they are living in their own apartments alone It is also important to guarantee that assistances or services to those people are timely arranged in case of need. Pervasive computing, which aims at combining many available computational devices throughout a physical

power from assistive devices with the human power from social computing, seamlessly integrated together, which timely provides the needed services, and effectively utilizes the social resources. The idea is not only to focus on keeping elderly people physically healthy, but also to take their other daily requirements into consideration and best improve their quality of lives. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 reviews the work of building pervasive home-care systems for the elderly people. Section 3 discusses the main challenges and required works in developing pervasive home-care services with human participation. Section 4 discusses a possible approach to construct effective pervasive home-care systems for the elderly people. Conclusions will be given in Section 5.
Figure 1. Side Effect of Over-Using Assistive Devices [14]



Since the concept of pervasive computing firstly proposed by Weiser in 1991, many intelligent devices have been invented, which make it possible to build up home environments more intelligent than those of some twenty years ago. Much research is being carried out on building intelligent pervasive home-care environments around people with these assistive devices, such as Aware Home [10] and I-Living [11]. These researches on smart houses improved the independence of the elderly people, and reduced the required manual work. Devices such as RFID, motion detectors, etc. are used to assist the daily lives of the elderly people. The Aware Home project built up a living lab, in which they tested the users acceptance of technology, building up a bridging framework for universal device interoperability in pervasive system. Their researches also include discovering devices in pervasive computing environment, medical monitoring, and human computer interaction interfaces. The mission of Smart in Home is similar to that of Aware Home, to develop an assisted-living supportive software infrastructure that allows disparate technologies, software components, and wireless devices to work together. Tasks provided in I-Living are such as activity reminding, health monitoring, personal belonging localization, emergency detection, and so on. The above mentioned projects and many similar ones aim at providing assistive services in pervasive environment, construct a better environment and provide people with better lives. Services provided by those projects are promising to help the elderly people to ease their lives and keep them in safe by monitoring some of their health status. However, the available services provided in those projects are still limited. The scenarios in these projects are still not complete enough to meet elderly peoples needs in their daily lives to help them maintain independent living. Another limitation in the above mentioned projects is that the usage of assistive devices helps to transfer the dependence from human side to machinery side, thus establishing some degree of independence. However, the dependence on the assistive devices unconsciously reduced the social connections of the assisted people. Without the communications with the outside world, elderly people cared by those assistive devices are only guaranteed of safely surviving. Figure 1 shows the

possible side-effect of over-using technology without proper human participation. Although the effect is exaggerated, the picture reminds us that we should be cautious not to leave the elderly people only with assistive devices, but also with our compassions and communications. Theoretically, pervasive computing itself aims at meeting the above mentioned challenges. One significant feature of pervasive computing, as Weiser defined, is to make the computers effectively invisible to the users [6]. He also envisioned that the pervasive computing environment should be able to support hundreds of different devices in one room. However, the current implementations can still meet such goals. But there are still efforts towards this goal and promising results are being achieved. The Amigo project [12], though not specifically designed for assisting the elderly people, investigated ambient intelligence for the networked home environment to provide attractive user services and improving end-user usability. Pervasive devices are managed in the Amigo project in an adaptive, context-aware and autonomous way. The system combines researches in home automation, consumer electronics, mobile communications and PC technology together to deliver services in a user centric way. The scenario of the project proved that the system is able to provide customized services to the user to high quality services. The applications are not restricted in home environment, but extended to connect work environment through mobile devices, and it is also able to connect family members together. The Amigo project is a huge step towards general introduction of the networked home and towards Ambient Intelligence by enlarging the usability of a networked home system. The achievements made in the Amigo project could be applied in Ambient Assisted Living for the elderly people to provide services by advanced ICT technology. However, as the Amigo project is not specifically designed to assist the elderly people independently, there are challenges existing to fully express the potential of adopting those technologies to assist the elderly people independently living. Solutions of Amigo lack of human participation and the communication between the assisted people and the community out of their family, which inherently limits the service exploration, and may isolate the user from the outside world. Keeping the

elderly people physically healthy is crucial, but helping them live in a normal and comfortable way is also important, and the communications between other people is indispensable to meet this goal. In the AAL country report of Finland, it was remarked that the (assistive) devices are not useful if not combined with services and formal or informal support and help [13]. We share this view and deem informal cares from relatives, friends and neighbouring people as indispensable when constructing timely and cost-effectively services to assist the elderly people. We deem that when building pervasive homecare environment for the elderly people, we should not only focus on using the assistive but also take into consideration the services from human beings. The latter services can help us meet the above challenges: Firstly, the services from the human beings could greatly diversify the available services for the elderly people; secondly, the presence of people may help to remove the sense of obtrusion, maintain the social connection, and create a harmony environment. All the above are examples showing some current efforts to assist the elderly people living independently in their own houses. We have already seen that the advanced Ambient Intelligence technology is able to construct safety pervasive home-care environments around the elderly people, provide them with customized services, and improve their quality of lives. However, we also find that the above mentioned solutions are mainly focused on technological aspects and still can not guarantee, in an efficient way, the quality of experience required by the elderly people. We argue that effective and efficient solutions to meet the above challenges should combine the forces from both technological part and the societal ones. The participations of human beings could help to fully express the potential of smart devices, diversify the service categories, and maintain the social awareness of the elderly people; the usage of advanced ICT technology could better connect the elderly people together, organizing community activities. In the following sessions, we firstly discuss the challenges of developing pervasive home-care services with human participation, and then we propose a possible approach to construct such a system. III. CHALLENGES IN DEVELOPING PERVASIVE HOME-CARE SERVICES WITH HUMAN PARTICIPATION

they are also naturally very dynamic: the availabilities of these services are continuously changing. How to compute this dynamicity becomes a big challenge. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) could be a good approach to cope with the above mentioned dynamicity. SOA is a flexible, standardized architecture that support the connection of various services, and is an ideal tool to tackle the dynamicity problem. The application of SOA, such as OSGI platform [15] can also help to establish a framework that various smart devices could be integrated together and could be automatically called, started or stopped. The regulated service format will also help the process of service matching. Research efforts of using OSGI to build safety home environment is also reported in [16] There are many researches towards integrating people activities with the service oriented approach. These efforts could be found in two specifications launched in the summer of 2007: WS-BPEL Extension for People (BPEL4People) [17] and Web Services Human Task (WS-HumanTask) [18]. The WS-HumanTask targets on the integration of human beings in service oriented applications. It provides a notation, state diagram and API for human tasks, as well as a coordination protocol that allows interaction with human tasks in a serviceoriented fashion and at the same time controls tasks autonomy. A people activity (service) could be described as human tasks in the WS-HumanTask specification. The specification of BPEL4People supports a broad range of scenarios that involve people within business processes, using human tasks defined in the WS-HumanTask specification. These two specifications could help to meet the challenges of integrating human services in the SOA framework of the proposed mutual assistance community. Challenge 2. Service Mapping How to let the computer automatically map the available/requested services is a big challenge in pervasive home-care system. The foundation work of service mapping is service description. A Semantic Knowledge Base is required to correctly describe the advertised services. In order to efficiently match the services, OWL ontology knowledge base describing the domain knowledge of the home-care environment should be developed with the collaboration of the researchers in this domain, and it is an urgent task now. With such domain knowledge, OWL-S [19] is able to provide a framework for semantically describing web services from several perspectives, for instance, service inquiry, invocation, composition. There are some service matching tools developed for matching OWL-S services, such as OWL-S Matcher [20], OWL-S UDDI/Matchmaker [21], and OWLS-MX Matchmaker [22]. The drawback of the first two is that the matching process takes a long time, and the drawback of the later one is it is memory intensive [23]. These tools serve as good start point to investigate the web service matching, and more elegant matching engine should be developed. We have made some preliminary tests of service matching in home-care service matching, details could be found in our paper [24].

The previous sections stated the promising approaches to help the elderly people living safely and independently in their own house. We also proposed to integrate the human services into the pervasive home-care environment to enrich the available services and create a less intrusive environment. However, there are still many challenges towards the implementation of such an environment. In this section, we will discuss those we deem to be the main challenges, the necessary steps, and some possible solutions to construct the proposed pervasive home-care system with human participation. Challenge 1. Dynamic of service availability Although the informal caregiver may help to reduce the needed social resources, and increase the social connections,

Figure 2. Organization of Mutual Assistance Community

Challenge 3. Peoples Willingness Peoples willingness to participate in pervasive home-care system needs to be investigated and encouraged how to encourage people join the mutual assistance community is a big challenge. The success of a home-care system is firstly based on peoples willingness to provide help to those in need. In order to encourage more people make contribution to pervasive home-care system, we need to understand their drives to provide help to others, and stay active in the community. The main drive for people to help others is not only for money, but also includes moral duty and their social image. One main reason that people keep active in the online community is to build up good images for their avatars and win respect from other community residents. A home-care system with informal care-giver could also reward the informal caregiver in this way, in addition, due to inter-reality between online and real community, respects also not only come from online, but also in real-life, bringing better satisfaction for those who help others. Social studies to stimulate people work as volunteers in mutual assistance community should be thoroughly studied. Besides the willingness to help others in the mutual assistance community, elderly peoples willingness to use this system to assist their daily lives also needs to be studied and encouraged. We would ascribe the elderly peoples unwillingness to use this system from two folds, psychologically and technologically. Now we introduce these two aspects in details and explain how we made our efforts to relief this unwillingness: Psychological Frustration: When people are getting old, a relevant source of frustration comes from losing physical strength, but what torches them most lies in psychology: they are becoming passive consumers of the societal services rather than active creators. In the process, they lose their self-esteem. Almost all the AAL systems for the elderly people consider their users as people who are weak and passively assisted by others. For the designers of such systems, being able to maintain some degree

of independence without bringing too much burden to our society appears as an already ambitious goal. However, those systems neglect the fact that the elderly people can still make their contributions to our society through their valuable experiences. A home-care system with human participation could help encourage the elderly people to actively participate in group activities as peer participants, and possibly even to use their experience to help the younger generations solve, e.g., some of their work and school problems [25]. Such possibilities will be discussed in more details in the following section. Technological Frustration: Elderly people are usually scared by the application of new technology. In order to help them get used to the ambient assistive devices, we should construct user friendly interfaces, and also provide appropriate trainings to them. Developing adaptive, natural, and multimodal human computer interface are the challenges of future interfaces in assisted living [26]. It is also suggested to get people involved in how to use the assistive devices before they really need it [27]. In our proposed solution, elderly people do not only benefit from keeping connected with other people, but also are provided chances to make contributions to society, to feel that they are still useful, and to live in an active way with selfesteem. Such benefits could provide our elderly people stimulations to break the technical barrier. IV. PERVASIVE HOME-CARE SYSTEM WITH HUMAN PARTICIPATION A POSSIBLE APPROACH

The previous section discussed the challenges of developing pervasive home-care services with human participation. In this section, we propose to construct a socalled mutual assistance community to bring services from human side into pervasive home-care environments. Such a system will integrate the services from human beings with the applications provided by the devices, and best utilize the available resources and provide services to the people in need in an effective way [28] [29] [30]. Figure 2 shows the

organization of our mutual assistance community. Assistive devices will be deployed to construct a smart house environment managed by a local coordinator to build up a safety environment around the assisted people. The Sixties motto power to the people symbolized societal contrasts; ours, power is the people, means the opposite societal harmony. The most important asset integrated in our community is indeed the people themselves. Our proposed community allows disparate technologies and people working together to help people who suffer from aging or disabilities. People who are able to provide services are encouraged to do so and assist the requesting people as informal caregivers. Elderly people are also encouraged to participate in the group activities, which not only helps to maintain physical and psychological health but also reduces the requests of professional medical resources. Professional caregivers (such as doctors, specialists etc.) are included in the community to provide emergency and professional medical service. Commercial vendors are also included, which brings convenience to the user and diversifies the service type, at the same time laying the foundation for economical exploitation. In fact, the importance of the informal caregiver are also notified by the reviewed projects in this paper, such as the Aware Home pointed out that the technology should support the network of formal and informal caregiver, and the scenario of Amigo project also shows informal caregiver could help to provide first-aid help to neighbouring people. However, the link between the informal caregiver and the elderly people are statically fixed there. Our proposed community could flexibly connect the needed help and available informal caregiver service through web service publication, matching and binding. The elderly people can also use this approach to initialize and join group activities, and inter-generational activities could also be carried out in this way. During the inter-generational activities, the younger generation could help the elderly ones on physical strength demanding tasks as informal caregivers. Though physically weak, the elderly people accumulated valuable experiences and knowledge during their lives. They may use such knowledge to assist the younger generation solve their problems in works and studies. During this process, not only the younger generation gets their needed answer, the elder generation also finds an access to make their contribution to our society. The elderly people may find themselves still useful, stand with more active living attitude, thus avoiding the frustration of being useless. The interactions between the assistive devices, human services, and end users, under the coordination of service oriented management layer, are shown in Fig. 3. Assistive devices and human services will interactively work together to express potentials from both sides providing high quality services to the people in need. Both assistive devices and human services will subscribe their availability through a service oriented management framework. Requested and available services will be reasoned in the framework, and matched available service will be invocated. End users will interact with the framework through human computer interface. In the proposed mutual assistance community, a user could be registered as a service consumer and a service provider at the same time, based on the type of services. For instance, an

Figure 3. Service Organization

elderly people could request physical challenging services, while providing knowledge/experience based advisory/ consulting services. Simulation results demonstrate that the presence of informal caregivers helps to reduce the social resources and provide daily assistance timely [28]; and when the elderly people are actively participating group activities, the dependence on social resources are further reduced, while their social connections are kept and even strengthened [29]. V. CONCLUSION

This paper discussed the current issues of building pervasive home-care systems for elderly people. We have seen the research efforts of building pervasive home-care environments with advanced Ambient Intelligence, which promises to provide safety environments around the elderly people in their own houses. However, we also foresee some challenges of such solutions: we consider a concrete threat the possible social isolation due to the over-use of technology and lack of the communication between the assisted people and the outside community. We believe effective and efficient solutions to assist the elderly people independently and actively living should leverage the efforts from both technical side and social side. We deem that human participation is an important approach to meet challenges of building efficient and effective pervasive home-care environment: to alleviate the sense of intrusion, to diversify the service categories, to explore the potential of the assistive devices, and also provide the elderly people chances to serve our society and keep active living. Mutual assistance community, where people mutually assist each other, is recommended as a possible approach to bring human services into pervasive home-care environment. Smart devices can still be used in such a community to guarantee the safety of elderly people. Elderly people can also actively maintain their social networks, and regain their selfesteem. We are convinced that bringing the people in homecare environment is both efficacious and effective in saving the social resources, providing timely services and helping the elderly people live in an active way.

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