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On the 31st of January 1718 the tsarevich reached

Egypt, where a discredited khedive had to be deposed, trouble

for the purpose of adding them to any spirit to fraudulently

In July 1852 the committee of the Kew Observatory resolved

indeed, lacks nothing but its roof, owing its preservation

Haigh's Attic Theatre, and Gardner and Jevons' Manual of Greek

1279. During the wars between the English and the French

correspondance inedite (Paris, 1901); Joseph de Maistre,

pape sous le nom de Sylvestre II. (Paris, 1867); Histoire

Riffelthor (Kaprun to Heiligenblut), snow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,010

successor, Clement XII. (elected 1730), named him legate of

since republished in volume form; Helen Zimmern, ``L.

See the Vita Alredi in John of Tynemouth's Nova Legenda

1668-1701). Aimoin's third work was the composition of books

in conjunction with Sir Andrew Noble he carried out one of

on the upper Niger, a considerable distance above Timbuktu,

numbers. From $4.28 in 1880, the average farm price of hogs

7. These attempts at the unification of algebra, and its

this seems to be the only place in Africa where they were

purposes. Sulphuretted hydrogen, which is invariably present

connexion, as a Phoenician settlement ``separated'' from the

every man has different perceptions, and, further, arranges

Problem of aesthetic effect.

of stone more recent than the auriferous gravels, show him

qualified praise as a writer of epics. All that remains of

conditions of their cultivation accordingly. In the British

amount of engineering skill in the construction of roads, of

until they are superseded by efficient flying machines. (See

cup. This bullet was used in the Enfield rifle introduced into

was destroyed; Norwich and Thetford in 1004. No effectual

that of the medium. To the aggregate of such forms, both

other than charity lands. Its administration was first given

improvements in the city of Rome, restoring and building

spirits has been observed. It was, however, well known that

and the country was on the eve of the catastrophe of foreign

outer slopes of the East African highlands, the last named

from a resolution of the creditors or where no composition

death, induced Abu-Bekr to see to their preservation in a written

see no reason for believing it, but, on the other hand,

was the presentation in 1616 to the vicarage of Cranbrook in

of their arrival in the Balkan Peninsula. They are probably

reappearing above it), finds a parallel in the story of Tammuz

identified with Zeus probably through his similarity to

conglomerate which closely resembles the boulder bed near the

Erected on the plans of Robert de Luzarches, chiefly between

account of its treatment of the sexual problem, had for the

productions. In none of these cases is there any indication

Exeter. Here Alfred blockaded them, and a relieving fleet

an unostentatious scale, Allingham produced much excellent

Orthodox Church has metropolitans at Prizren, Durazzo, Berat,

word adam designated man as a species; with the article

magnum opus, his History of Music, which was published

K.C.V.O. Knight Commander of the Victorian Order.

Guinea. German factories were dotted all along the coast in

of Greek origin. However this may be, it is certain that

is intellectual--e.g. in the perception of the relations

successfully applied to the synthesis of acids. Thus primary

this to some extent, and despite the distance of the city

established to guard the rear of Vicksburg. In November Grant,

provisions relating to trade and navigation, providing, inter

of which a third edition appeared in 1821. A collection

series of crags and untraversable mountain ridges, is lost on

chemical works employing many hands. In the days of wooden

peoples, who ranged in prehistoric times across the northern

became the chief entrepot of the trade between Europe and

named in honour of Sir Harry Smith, governor of Cape Colony

cannot. be gainsaid that it has opened the way to fraud.

conception of negative quantities. The development of symbolic

grandeur, not so much of the American landscape, as of wild

In Abyssinia a troop of dog-faced baboons was observed by W. T.

purgatory, from which rose perpetually the groans of tortured

and in the manifesto announcing his accession to the throne

five granite arches, each 75 ft. in span, and was built in

AMES, a city of Story county, Iowa, U.S.A., about 35 m. N.

hymns, chants and anthems was used in hundreds of churches

battlefield, and after a great three days' battle, the Army of

undertaking by introducing in the bill of lading certain

assassinated by the Romans, who objected to his growing power.

railway. Pop. of urban district (1901) 17,505. It lies at a

Amphibia, as a class of the Vertebrata, co-ordinate with

allowance of it are desertion and such conduct as would amount

government and the remainder was derived from societies,

Castellina, is sent to Florence for figure-sculpture, whilst

central parts likewise tends to prevent condensation. In

oak, pine, chestnut, cork and ilex, especially on the sides

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