Bscrim 4B - Ceir 1 - Comprehensive Examination in Correctional Administration - Set A

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BSCrim 4B | CEIR 1 | Protection

It believes that punishment gives a lesson to the
Comprehensive offender, and that it holds crime commission in
check. *
Examination in
Correctional Deterrence

Administration | Set A Protection

Email * Atonement
He advocated the theory that punishment should
[email protected]
prevent others from committing like offenses and
FULL NAME (Last Name, Given Name M.I.) * should be in the degree of severity enough to deter
Capote, Roxan T. others. *

Student Number * Beccaria

0418-0160 Bentham

Multiple Response Lombroso

Direction: Provided below are the statements words to choose
from. Examine each and choose the BEST answer from each Ferri
item. Click the circle that corresponds to your answer of your
choice. GOOD LUCK!
A system of trial and punishment which is
reformatory in purpose. *
It is effected by the use of stocks and pillery,
docking stool, branding and shaving off the hair of Canonical Courts
the offender. *
Primitive justice

Public humiliation and shaming Judicial Individualization

Corporal punishment King’s Courts

Public humiliation
It resulted in class discrimination due to wide use of
discretion in imposing penalties. *
By this justification of punishment it resulted in Judicial Individualization
retaliation and unending vendetta between the
Primitive justice
offender and the victim. *
King’s Courts
Retribution Canonical Courts
Deterrence He made the first attempt to explain crime, wherein
he noted in his book “Nicomedian Ethics” that
punishment is a means of restoring balance
between pleasure and pain. *
An offense committed by a member against
another member arouses the condemnation of the Aristotle
whole group against the offender. *

Atonement Lombroso

Deterrence Hentig

Its main advantage was it was easy to administer
and eliminated arbitrary sentence. *

Classical School Elmira Reformatory

Neo-Classical School Borstal

Positivist School It is a training school type of institution program,

social case work and extensive use of parole. *
Modern Clinical School
It admits that minors and certain adults are Elmira Reformatory
incapable of committing crimes. *
Auburn System

Neo-Classical School Borstal

Positivist School Pennsylvania System

Modern Clinical School The first parole was passed in 1837, in: *

Classical School
It gave rise to exemption and mitigation of
Valencia, Spain
punishment. *
Neo-Classical School
Positivist School It was responsible for holding international penal
Modern Clinical School and penitentiary congress every 5 years and was
established in 1875. *
Classical School
Country which first established prison facilities. * IPPC

United States of America

Spain League of Nations

Human Rights Commission

A warden who limits his role to consider policy
matters and major problems, his responsibility is
System advocated by the Americans because it is
centered on: *
cheaper to maintain. *

Decision Making
Auburn System
Personnel Program
Pennsylvania System
Public Relations
Elmira Reformatory
Executive Leadership
A warden’s responsibility to provide leadership and
It abolished corporal punishment. *
assign responsibility for selection, training,
recruitment and supervision. *
Pennsylvania Reform Law of 1790

Sursis Personnel Program

League of Nations Public Relations

UN Standard Minimum Rules Executive Leadership

Its unique features of incarceration were adopted
Decision Making
by most European countries. *
During the primitive days, this punishment was
given to criminal offenders by means of flogging,
Pennsylvania System
mutilation, maiming, disfiguration: *
Auburn System

Corporal punishment Sir Walter Crofton

Death ZR Brockway

Public humiliation Manuel Montesinos

Shaming Chairman of the Director of Irish prisons, he

introduced the progressive system which attempted
Modern justification for punishment which
to place the responsibility for self improvement on
concludes that society will be best protected if
the prisoner himself through successive stages. *
criminal offenders are rehabilitated. *

Sir Walter Crofton

Domets of France
ZR Brockway
Manuel Montesinos
He introduced the Elmira, a new institutional
People would tend to believe that by putting the
program for boys from 16-30 years of age. This
offender in prison, society *
system was based on parole and indeterminate
sentence and referred to as the forerunner of
modern penology. *

Retribution ZR Brockway

Reformation Domets of France

He asserted that criminals are not free moral Manuel Montesinos
agents, but are products of traits and
Sir Walter Crofton
circumstances. *
For minimum security institution, the purpose of
fencing the surrounding is: *

Lombroso To keep away the civilian population from entering the

Becarria institution.

Ferri It is designed to prevent escapes.

He contributed to the progressive system by It is designed for agricultural purposes.

dividing prisoners into companies and appointed
It is designed to facilitate open view of the surrounding.
prisoners as petty officers in charge and prescribes
Inmates placed under a super security facility are
academic classes of one hour a day for inmates
considered as: *
under 20 years of age. *

all of these
Manuel Montesinos
Sir Walter Crofton
Escape artists
Domets of France
Chronic trouble makers
ZR Brockway
It is regarded as the most important program that
Established agricultural colonies for delinquent
aide in the rehabilitation of prisoners. *
boys and his reformation system is based on re-
education rather than force *
Educational program

Domets of France Employment of prisoners

Recreational program

Religious program Sir Walter Crofton

Minimum number of times in counting the inmates Zebulon Reed Brockway
on a daily basis. *

It prescribes the means to be utilized in carrying out
the treatment programs for convicted criminal
offenders. *

Five Admissions summary

Person who are deemed instrumental in the Admissions procedure

reformation of prisoners due to their daily contact Classification meeting
with the inmates. *
Case summary

Prison guards
Utilized as method in searching the prisoner for
possession of contrabands inside the prison cells
and compound. *
Greyhound operations
It is a continuing state of good order. * Body frisk

Body search
A person who is sentenced to serve imprisonment
communication for not more than six months. *
Municipal prisoner
It is a relationship in which one endeavors to help
another understand and solve his problems of City prisoner
adjustment. * Provincial prisoner

insular prisoner
Which among the following is not among the
Preventive Discipline
classification of prisoners under Presidential
communication Decree 29? *
all of these
Detention prisoners
It is a method of punishment resorted to in extreme
cases when lighter penalties are ineffectual. * Insular prisoners

Municipal Prisoners
Solitary Confinement
Provincial Prisoners
A person convicted to serve a sentence of 12 years
Close Confinement of imprisonment would be classified as what kind of
all of these prisoner? *
He opened the Borstal prison, considered as one of
National prisoners
the best reformatory institutions for young
offenders. * Municipal Prisoners

Provincial Prisoners
Sir Evelyn Ruggles Brise
Detention prisoners

What particular country utilized transportation of Prison Law

prisoners? *
Probation Law

Nobody can assume the suffering for a crime
committed by others. *

Portugal Personal

Spain Deterrence
It has been noted as the best reform institution for Expiation
young offenders? *
The most common problem for national
Borstal Institution
penitentiaries. *
Elmira Reformatory

Pennsylvania system Excessive number of inmates

Auburn System Lack of funding

It is given to prisoners who have returned to their Sex problems
places of confinement within 48 hours after a
Discipline of inmates
calamity. *
It is a primitive justification of punishment in the
sense that it is in the form of personal vengeance
Special time allowance
or putting the law into one's own hand. *
Good conduct time allowance

Visitation privilege Retribution

all of these Deterrence

It is an institution originally intended to detain or Expiation
house political offenders. *

San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm

This theory emphasized that punishment has a
redemptive purpose. *
Davao Penal Colony

Iwahig Penal Colony Judean Christian theory

Sablayan Prison and farm Classical theory

It is considered as the highest income earner Neo-Classical School of Thought
among the Philippine Correctional Institution. *
Positivist School of Thought

Davao Penal Colony

Who among the Italian advocates of the Positive
theory wrote the book " Theory of the Imputability
Iwahig Penal Colony
and Denial of the Free will". *
Sablayan Prison and farm

San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm Ferri

This states that incarceration should establish in Garofalo

the convicts the will to lead law abiding and self- Lombroso
supporting lives after their release in prison. *

United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the treatment It refers to anything which is against or contrary to
of prisoners. the rules and regulation of a prison or jail facility? *

Indeterminate sentence Law


Contrabands preference

Deadly weapons choice

Jewelry The Bureau of Corrections is under the-- *

Dangerous Drugs
Department of Justice
It is one of the forerunners of modern correctional
Department of Social Welfare and Development
systems wherein they confine the prisoners in
single cells at night but allow them to work in Department of the Interior and Local Government
congregate shops during the day? * Department of Health
Place wherein a newly convicted prisoner is housed
Auburn system
for at least a minimum period of five days for the
Pennsylvania system conduct of medical examination, vaccinations, X-
Elmira Reformatory ray to prevent physical contamination. *

All of the foregoing

Quarantine unit
It enables the prisoner to roam outside the prison
for a minimum period per day to make work out
arrangement for his release. * Reception diagnostic center

Medical center
Pre release leave
An advocate of the classical school of penology
Individual or group counseling who claimed that society must reward those who
Leave for work accept responsibility and punish those who do not.
Granting greater freedom
If the scientific method is utilized in segregation, Bentham
what is the method employed in the diagnosis and
treatment of the convicts? *
Casework method. Ferri
Individualized method It starts from the admissions report of individual
Scientific method inmates and serves as the basis in granting parole.
Individual therapy
Considered as the most persistent problem in Cumulative Case Summary
almost all prison facilities which contribute to failure
Misconduct Report
of the reformation programs. *
Admissions Summary
Idleness Behavior Report
Deplorable conditions Issued by the court to a correctional facility
Riots indicating the basis for the confinement of a
prisoner. *
All persons in custody shall, before final conviction,
be entitled to bail as a matter of______________. *
Detention order

right Bail

privilege Probation order


School of thought advocated by Dr. Lombroso, 1932

Ferri and Garofalo. * Year when the first International Prison Congress
was Held in London. *
Italian School

Modern clinical school 1872

Neo-Classical School of Thought 1876

Classical School of Thought 1880

School of thought advocated by Dr. Lombroso, 1870

Ferri and Garofalo. * It refers to an act of grace of the chief executive
which grants general pardon to certain class of
Italian School offenders, but requires concurrence of congress. *
Modern clinical school
Neo-Classical School of Thought
Classical School of Thought
Country wherein the last recorded burning at stake Commutation

was made. * Reprieve

The temporary stay in the execution of the court,
Germany ordered by the president verdict to enable review of
USA the merits of the case. *

A nation who pioneered banishment as a form of
punishment. * Commutation

England It is a change in the court’s verdict made by the
Spain president which lowers the degree of penalty
imposed by the court. *

France Commutation
A code which adopted the principle an eye for an
eye a tooth for a tooth. *

Hammurabi’s code Reprieve

Code of Kalantiaw Suspension of sentence of convict after serving the

minimum term of indeterminate penalty without
granting pardon. *
French Code
Year when the League of Nations adopted the Parole
“Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of
Prisoners.” *

1934 Reprieve
1936 It refers to a sentence of imprisonment for the
maximum period defined by law subject to the

termination by the parole board at anytime after Probation order

service of the minimum period. *
For a maximum security facility how high should the
Indeterminate sentence
walls be constructed? *
Good time conduct allowance

Parole 18 to 25 feet

Probation 18 to 20 feet
Deduction to the term of imprisonment due to the 8 to 12 feet
convict’s exemplary behavior while in prison. *
12 to 14 feet
This type of institution is usually constructed
Good time conduct allowance
without a fence? *

Probation Open Institution

Indeterminate sentence Minimum Security Institution

A law which mandated that offenders as Medium Security Institution
punishment would have served a portion of their
Maximum Security Institution
sentence in institutions and thereby released to
What is the main objective of segregation? *
undergo probation. *

Prevention of physical and moral contamination

Split Sentence Law
Diversification by Age
Indeterminate Sentence Law
Diversification by sex
PD 968
Diversification by degree of imprisonment
Huber Law
It is the original intention of imposing prison labor? *
A method undertaken to allow prisoners opportunity
for normal sex life. *

Conjugal visit Afflictive

Sodomy Reformatory

Visitation Business
It refers to the formulation for the tentative
rehabilitation program of the convict. *
Most common form of sexual perversion in prison
and jail facilities. *
Treatment Planning

Homosexuality Diagnosis

Sodomy Execution of Treatment Program

Masturbation Re-classification
It is mainly responsible for the implementation of a
Pseudo marriages
prisoner’s treatment program? *
A writ issued by the court ordering the confinement
of person so named in penal institutions. *
Classification committee

Commitment order All of the above

Detention order RDC


It is part of the classification wherein the prisoners 4 days

are examined and tests are administered to check
3 days
on the physical and mental condition of the
prisoners. * 2 days
Sometimes referred to as Case conference or
Diagnosis Guidance conference wherein the tentative
formulation of rehabilitation program is conducted
Execution of treatment program
with the inmate concerned. *

Treatment Planning Staff Conference

This forerunner of penology considered and made Admission Classification Meeting

emphasis on physical characteristics as basis for
Classification Meeting
atavism. *
Staff interview

Lombroso Calls the attention of inmates for certain

misconduct or positive traits manifested while
serving sentence. *

Garofalo Behavior report

What country popularized the use of prisons as Post sentence report

detention facilities? *
Misconduct report

United States of America Admissions summary

A written report detailing particular inmate and the
violations incurred with reference to the rule book. *

Spain Misconduct report

Credited for introducing the use of jails. * Post sentence report

Admissions summary
Behavior report
The most challenging problem that confronts the
Asians administrators of penal institution worldwide. *
Its main objective is to prevent unnecessary Sex problems

custodial risk and prevent physical and moral Lack of funding

contamination from one group to another. *
Unsanitary conditions

Segregation Over crowding

A means of social control. *

Discipline Penalty

Classification Punishment
Ideal number of days for an inmate to be placed in
the quarantine unit at the Reception and Diagnostic
Center. *
Group vengeance as a justification for imposition of
5 days punishment. *

Expiation Massachusetts

Deterrence Chicago

Protection England

Retribution Pennsylvania
Primitive punishment of the transgressor carried out The purpose of this meeting is to evaluate the
trough personal vengeance. * inmate’s readiness for early release. *

Retribution Pre-parole interview

Deterrence Pre-release treatment

Protection Classification meeting

Expiation Admissions meting

It paved the way for exempting law violators from A program specifically planned to prepare the
their criminal liability by reason of insanity. * offender prior to his release on parole. *

M’Naghtan Case (1843) Pre-release treatment

Furlough Classification meeting

Sursis Admissions meting

People Vs. Vera Pre-parole interview

When prisoners are used for repair of buildings,
roads, bridges and flood control, this type of prison
BSCrim 4B | CEIR 1 | labor is: *

Comprehensive Publics Works Systems

Examination in Public Account System

Correctional Lease System

Contract System
Administration | Set B Products made by prisoners are sold in the open
market. *
Email *

[email protected] Public Account System

FULL NAME (Last Name, Given Name M.I.) * Lease System

Capote, Roxan T. Contract System

Publics Works Systems

Student Number *
When a contractor merely engages prison labor
0418-0160 and the state retains control of the prisoner, the
MULTIPLE RESPONSE prison labor is classified as: *
Direction: Provided below are the statements words to choose
from. Examine each and choose the BEST answer from each
item. Click the circle that corresponds to your answer of your
Contract System
choice. GOOD LUCK!
Lease System
The first probation law was passed in the year Publics Works Systems
1878, in: *
Public Account System

Under this system, a contractor supplies raw Library service

materials and pays the state for the amount of work
Recreational program
or output produced by the prisoner. *
Sports Activities
Price-Piece System Arts and Crafts
Lease System Which among the following is not a part of an ideal
medical service in a prison facility? *
Contract System

Public Account System none of these

Ministration of the sick is an important function of
the: *
Chaplain medicine and surgery
Custodial officer A mild form of punishment which is enough
Medical officer
deterrence for prisoners with clean record who
wants to be considered for early release. *
It provides development and acquisition of skills Counsel and reprimand
necessary for successful work in a socially
Solitary confinement
accepted occupation while in prison. *
Loss of privilege
Vocational training program Loss of good time
Education program It is not to be considered as a punishment when
Work program
used to prevent an inmate from influencing
witnesses or of preventing injury to himself or
Prison labor
others. *
It provides an environment that will be conducive to
the mental and physical development of an inmate. Solitary confinement
Counsel and reprimand

Recreational program Loss of privilege

Education program Loss of good time

It aims to obtain clear case description and social
Work program
history as well as help in solving immediate family
Vocational training program
problems of the inmate. *
It is an integral part in prisoner’s rehabilitation
which serves as an outlet for human expression Casework
and a form of release from one’s inherent desire to
Case method
create. *
Arts and Crafts Individualized treatment
Drama and literary activities It provides extensive diagnosis and treatment to
discover the cause of a prisoner’s maladjustment
and improve his behavior. *
1It helps in the improvement of the prisoner in the Clinical services
cultural and practical aspect of social living. *

Individualized treatment Act No. 1533

Casework Act No. 3326

Serves primarily as a mechanical release of felt Indeterminate Sentence Law *
physical tension while in prison for male inmates, it
is based on is self gratification. * Act No. 4103

Act No. 1533

Act No. 3326
Conjugal Visit
Act No. 3316
Homosexuality Empowered by law to exercise supervision over
Sodomy jails by means of standard setting to promote
It provides some opportunities for inmates of a discipline of inmates and secure reformation and
normal sex life. * safe custody of prisoners of all classes. *

Bureau of Corrections
Conjugal Visit
Bureau of Prisons
Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
Commission on Human Rights
Inmates who have attained the status of Nature of conditional pardon given to inmates in
__________ is allowed by law to live with their which the recipient must accept it before it takes
families, it is a common * effect, and the pardonee is under obligations to
comply imposed therein. *
Act of Grace
both trustees and colonists
Referred to as the Law on Working Detention *
In the practice and procedure of probation, who is
Act No. 1533 considered as the most important person? *

Act No. 3316

Probation officer
Act No. 3326
Act No. 4103
Chief Probation Officer
Law on prescription of penalty *
Probation Aides
Act No. 3326 Unit within the probation office charged with the
Act No. 3316 task of selecting defendants for probation. *

Act No. 4103

Investigation division
Act No. 1533
Custodial division
Basis for granting good conduct time allowance for
inmates. * Supervision division

Act No. 3316 It pertains to information regarding significant
Act No. 4103 family, personal, economic factors of the offender’s
life. *

Social history Post Sentence investigation Report

Marital status Parole Referral Summary

Antecedent A parole officer undertakes what particular broad

function? *
Character and behavior
Primary basis in granting parole: *
Community protection and service to individuals

both response with correctional treatment and progress Community protection

within the correctional institution
Service to individuals
Response with correctional treatment
Supervision of parolee
Progress within the correctional institution This is a method of helping parolees by which the
Good behavior and rapport among inmates and prison
parole office performs referral services. *
Parole although not a form of executive clemency Executive technique

is: * Manipulative technique

Case work technique

Executive function
Guidance and counseling technique
Court function
Refers to a formal group or association organized
Legislative function to promote social or individual welfare. *
Judicial function
In the Philippines the members of the Board of Community agencies

Pardon and Parole is * Social service exchange

Family service agencies

Part time board
Full time board
A security facility, usually operated by the police for
Governmental agency temporary detention of persons held under
NGO custodial investigation. *
This is prepared by the prison’s classification
committee for the purpose of indicating what is Lock-up

essential for the best interest of the future parolee Work house jail
and contains an appraisal of the prisoner’s
Ordinary jail
personality and need for adjustment upon return to
Detention center
society. *
Frank an inmate is unable to sleep and eat while
Parole Referral Summary serving his sentence due to loneliness and despair
should undergo: *
Pre-Board Summary

Pre-release Progress Report Counseling

Post Sentence investigation Report Corrections

It is used by the parole board as a guide in Rehabilitation
determining the prisoner’s eligibility for parole and
preparing his parole program. *
RA 4225 created what particular government
Pre-release Progress Report agency? *

Pre-Board Summary

Board of Pardon and Parole 3 violations

Probation Office 2 violations

Bureau of Corrections 5 violations

Department of Justice 4 violations

Maximum term of office for those appointed as The merging of supervision of parole and probation
members of the Board of Pardon and Parole. * is mandated by what particular law? *

6 years Executive Order 292

5 years Executive Order 392

4 years PD 968

3 years RA 4221
Who is the granting authority in giving probation to Probation is a privilege granted to deserving and
qualified petitioners? * qualified petitioners, when does it become a matter
of right? *
When the convict files a petition for probation
When no appeal was undertaken.
Probation officer
When his probation is approved
Board of indeterminate sentence
Under the Indeterminate sentence law, who acts as After the submission of the PSIR
chairman of the board of pardon and paroles? * Under our laws when will probationer report to his
designated probation officer? *
DOJ Secretary
Within 72 hours after probation order has been granted
DILG Secretary
Upon the completion of the PSIR
PNP Chief
Upon court order
Chief Justice
Minimum period of probation provided for by law. * Upon initial interview
A US law which allowed convicts to be gainfully
2 years employed during the day while residing in prison. *
1 year
Huber Law
3 years
Harbard Law
4 years
It refers to the community’s reaction to convicted Split Sentence Law

offenders. * Furlough Law

It refers to the continuing relationship between the
Corrections probationer and the probation officer. *
Under rules and methods employed by probation, Post Sentence Investigation

what is the maximum number of minor violations Initial Interview

that would result in the revocation of the probation Before travel of probationer outside the jurisdiction
order? * of the City/Provincial Probation Office, application

for court approval should be filed within how many Petitioner can be treated well in an institution
days? *
Petitioner is a drug dependant

15 days Petitioner violates the condition

30 days Petitioner is a foreigner

45 days When will you close a probation case? *

5 days
When the termination order is approved
A French and Belgian innovation to probation which
When he incurred violations
requires no supervision on the condition that the
probationer would not commit an offense within a When there is recommendation for revocation
prescribed period. * When the probationer absconds the place
Under PD 603, should a juvenile offender become
incorrigible during his reformation period; he is
Furlough brought to the court for_. *
Pronouncement of judgment
Split Sentence
Within how many days should the request for
outside travel shall be filed by the probationer to the Probation
probation office, prior to the date of his intended Pardon
departure? * It refers to the relation between CPPO and the
SPPO and the Probationer. *
5 days

10 days Administrative supervision

15 days Executive supervision

30 days Courtesy supervision

It refers to the note given to police agencies which Supervision
signifies that the probationer is under the The probationer is not exempted from the legal
supervision of his designated probation officer. * effects of his punishment upon final discharge. *

Flash Sheet
Civil liability
Field Sheet
Criminal liability
Chrome Card
Kardex Card
The maximum period of probation when the The unprecedented achievement of martial law
sentence is not more than one year. * which transported the Philippine corrections toward
the modern system of convict rehabilitation. *
2 years

1 year Probation Law

4 years Infrastructure program

6 years Price control

When will the court deny application for probation
Peace and order
of a petitioner? *
Probation started in what particular country, in the
year 1841? *

England Executive order 292

France Probation Law

USA House Bill 393

Spain The preliminary form filed up by the probationer

Sponsored House Bill 393, “An Act establishing within 72 hours after the release of his probation
Adult Probation in the Philippines.” * order. *

Teodulo C. Natividad Work Sheet

Juan Ponce Enrile Filed notebook

Ferdinand E. Marcos Flash Sheet

Ramon Bagatsing Sr. Chrome Card

A procedure by which prisoners are selected for It is the supervision undertaken by other probation
release on the basis on individual response and office which is mot permanent in nature. *
progress. *
Courtesy Supervision

Parole Merging Supervision

Pardon Transfer Supervision

Amnesty Operational Supervision

Probation Brief of an investigation conducted by probation

The primary purpose of probation * officer not within the jurisdiction of the court. *

Welfare of the community Post Sentence Investigation Report

Rehabilitation Pre sentence investigation report

Courtesy investigation report

Initial Investigation report
Punitive sanction
Effect of executive Order 292. * It is a continuing state of good order. *

Merging Supervision
Board of Pardon and Parole
Courtesy Supervision
Administrative Supervision
This decree mandated the disqualification of the It is the alternative for jail confinement in modern
petitioner’s application for probation is an appeal is penology *
perfected. *

PD 1257 Parole

PD 1990 Pardon

PD 968 Amnesty
PD 603 It refers to a disposition after which the defendant
Created the Board of Pardons and Parole. * after conviction and sentence is released, subject
to the conditions imposed by the court. *
Indeterminate Sentence Law

Probation PD 603

Parole PD 923

Pardon PD 968

Amnesty PD 1202
It refers to a suspension of sentence after which the When shall probation order take effect? *
convict is released upon serving the minimum
sentence imposed by law and subject to his good Three days after issuance

behavior and positive reaction to rehabilitation Three days prior to issuance

programs. *
Upon its issuance

Parole Upon reporting to the probation officer

Mainly responsible for the implementation of a
prisoners treatment program? *

Probation Classification Committee

Refers to a mental condition of individuals or All of these

groups regarding courage, hope, zeal and
confidence in the present principles and way of life.
* Warden
Under Art. 8. Sec. 10, par (b) of the Philippine
Moral Constitution, pardoning power is vested with the: *

Positive Discipline
Chief executive
In determining whether a petitioner may be placed
on probation the court shall consider information Department of Justice

relative to which of the following? * A person placed under probation for the maximum
period imposed by law would have to report to his
All of these probation officer how many times per month? *

More than twice
Mental/physical condition of the offender
All of the these
For a convicted offender, probation is a form of
_________. * twice
It refers to a person placed under probation. *
Probation officer
The law that suspends the sentence of minor
offenders whose ages ranges from (9) years to After receiving the PSIR, within how many days
under (18) years and places them in rehabilitation must a judge decide whether to grant or deny
centers. * probation? *

15 days July 24, 1976

30 days August 7, 1935

60 days July 22, 1976

5 days July 23, 1976

Minimum number of days given to probation Celebrated case which paved the way for the
officers in accomplishing PSIR. * abolition of the first probation law. *

60 days People Vs. Vera, 37 O.G. 164

30 days People Vs. De Vera, 376 O.G. 16

90 days Vera Vs. People, 376 OG. 164

120 days De Vera Vs. People, 376 O.G. 164

It serves as the basis in granting probation for Formerly, pardon was applied to a member of the
qualified petitioners. * ________, who committed crimes and occasionally
to those convicted of offenses against the
Post Sentence investigation Report monarchy. *
Pre Sentence Investigation Report
Royal family
Admissions Summary
Rebellious family
Behavior Report
Maximum period of probation for a person Mendicant family

convicted to suffer prision correctional. * Indigent family

What particular law established probation in the
6 years Philippines for the first time? *
8 years
RA 4221
4 years
Act 4221
2 years
Maximum number of probationers under RA 968
supervision of a probation aide? * PD 968
In the year 1887, this former Boston Chief of Police
5 was appointed as the first probation officer in the
7 whole world. *
Edward Savage
Matthew Devenport Hill
Within how many days after verdict must a
petitioner file his application for probation? * Alexander Rice

John Augustus
15 days
86. A Boston shoe maker who advocated in behalf
10 days of alcoholics and youthful offenders and known as
30 days the father of probation. *
60 days
John Augustus
Historic signing of PD 968 which transported
Philippine Criminal Justice system to the 20th Matthew Devenport Hill

century. * Alexander Rice


Edward Savage ✓ CCJE-LSPU Los Banos Campus

He was referred to as the father of English CCJE-LSPU San Pablo City Campus
Probation. * Password *

Matthew Devenport Hill 1keytocriminologist


Edward Savage 1. The focus of behavior change effort for inmates

John Augustus is not criminality per se but the variety of problem
Signed into law R.A. 968, an Act establishing behavior surrounding criminal lifestyles. Which of
Probation in the Philippines. * the following IS NOT a problem behavior? *

Ferdinand E. Marcos a. ability to relate to others

Juan Ponce Enrile b. ability to control anger & frustration

Ramon Bagatsing Sr. c. ability to logically and rationally think

Teodulo C. Natividad d. deficiency in social skills

Regarded as the father of Philippine Probation. * 2. A probationer is allowed to do the following

Teodulo C. Natividad
a. go and play in a gambling den
Juan Ponce Enrile
b. make periodic office report
Ramon Bagatsing Sr.
c. stay away from bad associates
Ferdinand E. Marcos
d. work regularly to support his family
3. Which of the following are the major goals of
Part 1-CORRECTIONAL corrections? *

ADMINISTRATION (10%) a. retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, rehabilitation

READ THE FOLLOWING GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. a. punishment, confinement, retribution, treatment

Fill-up all the details needed below before starting. 2. Read
the Instructions for this Mockboard Examination.. 3. No c. deterrence, punishment, incapacitation, treatment
other things allowed on your tables except the digital
device during the Mockboard Exam 4. You may take the d. deterrence retribution, punishment, treatment
Mockaboard Exam even without joining the zoom. 5.
Screenshots, taking pictures, and any form to get a copy of 4. Sammy is convicted for a crime that carries a
this exam, and reproduce the same is prohibited. 6. No prison sentence of more than 8 years and 1 day.
one is allowed to spread the questions herein to other
sections and other students. 7. Any violation of numbers
Can Sammy avail of probation? *
3,5, and 6 will constitute nonfeasance, malfeasance, or
misfeasance as the case maybe, to be heard and disposed a. he will be pardoned
of the case in accordance with the internal rules of the
College. b. no

Email * c. he will serve ½ of the sentence in jail

[email protected] d. yes
5. Who among the following may have his penalty
Complete Name (Surname, Given Name, Middle
suspended under PD 603? *
Initial) *

Capote, Roxan T. a. Martin, a 10 year old

Click your respective school and campus * b. 25 years old Pablo


c. Juan who is 20 years old a. 2, 3 & 4

d. Pedro who is 19 years old b. 3, 4 & 1

6. What organizational principle should be adopted c. all of those listed
since no one person can exercise all the authority
d. 1, 2 & 3
in making decisions? *
11. The punishment which affords the society or the
individual who was wronged, the opportunity to
a. delegation of authority
impose upon the offender such suitable punishment
b. unity of command
as may be enforced *
c. span of control
a. reformation
d. line and staff work
7. A judicial action or legal disposition that allows b. expiation

the offender to remain in the community subject to c. deterrence

conditions imposed by court order *
d. retribution
12. Where shall Lario be confined of his sentence is
a. probation
6 months or less? *
b. commutation

c. parole a. national prison

d. reprieve b. municipal jail

8. Which agency performs the evaluation of c. penal farm

prisoner’s fitness and qualifications for the grant of
d. provincial jail
pardon or parole? *
13. What is the movement in 1790 which held that
offenders were out of touch with God thus, they
a. Board of Pardon and Parole
were given bibles and placed in isolation *
b. Department of Social Welfare and Development

c. National Bureau of Investigation a. Church Reform Movement

d. National Police Commission b. Quaker reform Movement

9. Which of the institutions is included under the c. Reformatory Movement

corrections sub-system? *
d. Crime Prevention Movement
14. Crimes with no complaining victims such as
a. police
prostitution, gambling, pornography and alcoholism
b. jails
are called *
c. drug rehabilitations
a. organized crimes
d. drug enforcement units
10. Who among the following prisoners shall not be b. victimless crimes

considered for communication of sentence? 1. of c. complex crimes

the prisoner is eligible for parole 2. if the prisoner
d. blue-collar crimes
had been sentenced to another prison term within 1
15. A married prisoner is visited by his wife and
year from the date of his last commitment to the jail
they are granted time for their martial sexual
or prison from where he escaped 3. if the prisoner
obligations. This privilege is called *
had violated any condition of his discharge on
parole or conditional pardon 4. if the prisoner is
a. conjugal partnership
suffering from a mental illness or disorder as
b. conjugal vacation
certified by a government psychiatrist *

c. conjugal visit c. good conduct shown

d. conjugal incentive d. old age provided that he was not yet 60 years old at the
16. The penal farm where political prisoners were time of his commitment to prison

confined way back in 1870 * 22. Which model emphasize the assumption that
criminal behavior is caused by biological or
a. Iwahig Penal Colony psychological conditions that required treatment? *
b. Davao Penal Colony
a. rehabilitation model
c. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
b. reform model
d. Sablyan Penal Colony
c. medical model
17. What is the legal process that results in the
removal of conviction from the official records? * d. community model
23. It was an age of response to the
a. restriction industrialization, urbanization, technological
b. exoneration
change, and advancement of science that had
revolutionized the landscape *
c. expungement

d. mitigation a. Age of Corrections

18. The judge’s bases of the grant of probation b. Age of Enlightenment
relies on the report of *
c. Age of Reform

a. prosecutor d. Age of Reason

b. Police officer
24. What document is issued to a parolee when
maximum period of his prison term has expired? *
c. Probation officer

d. Social worker a. Certificate of final release and discharge

19. An inmate in city/ municipal jails serve sentence b. Certificate of final discharge
of *
c. Certificate of prison term completion

a. not more than three years d. Certificate of final release

b. not more than one year 25. It is a correctional model wherein criminals are
punished because they have violated the rights of
c. not more than six months
others and security of the punishment should fit the
d. less than three years seriousness of the crime *
20. When can a drug users or one who is
possession of drugs be placed on probation? * a. Custodial Model

b. Just Desert Model

a. second time offender and less than 21 years old
c. Rehabilitation Model
b. first time offender and less than 21 years old
d. Benefit of the Clergy
c. second time offender
26. Arsenio was 17 years old when he was
d. first time offender convicted for the crime of theft. Can he apply for
21. Which of the following is considered is the grant probation under the Adult Probation System? *
of conditional pardon? *
a. No, because he is entitled for parole
a. discipline of the prisoner
b. No, because his crime is theft
b. length of time spent in prison
c. No, because he only 17 years old

d. No, because he is convicted of a crime 32. Which of the following organizations donated
27. An _________ program employs prisoners in the Half-Way House inside the compound of the
various product or good-producing tasks * Bureau of Corrections? *

a. operational a. United Nations Security Council

b. industrial b. Asia Crime Foundation

c. administrative c. Office of the President

d. agricultural d. Philippine Charity Sweepstakes

28. What is referred to as hustling inside the 33. To whom shall decision-making authority be
prison? * delegated? *

a. doing assigned prison assignment a. subordinates

b. befriending a prison guard b. all line and staff personnel at the management level

c. selling illegal commodities c. line supervisors

d. reporting illegal activities d. staff supervisors

29. All the statements EXCEPT ONE are incorrect * 34. Robin Padilla served his sentence at the New
Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa. Why was he
a. A parolee cannot transfer to a residence other than that photographed at the Reception and Diagnostic
indicated in the Release Document without the prior written Center? *
approval of the Board of Pardon and Parole

b. It is not mandatory for the parole to comply with the terms a. It is rare opportunity to have his photograph
and conditions appearing in the release document
b. To have a souvenir photo of the actor
c. Outside travel for a cumulative duration of more than 30
c. Photographing the inmate is part of the reception
days within a period of one year shall be considered
transfer of residence
d. He is an actor and photogenic
d. A parolee may be authorized by the Parole and Probation
Officer to travel outside his operation jurisdiction for a period 35. Detention prisoners who are awaiting or trial of
of more than 30 days their case are under the supervision and control of *
30. What institution conducts training program for
uniformed personnel of the Bureau of Jail a. Davao Penal Colony

Management and Penology? * b. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology

c. Bureau of Corrections
a. Fire Service Training Institute
d. Provincial Jails
b. maintain cdm to be updated until the tour of his duty.
36. One of the effects of social stigma maintained
c. PNP Training Center by an unforgiving society against criminals is *
d. PNP Academy
31. Clarita was required to provide financial a. worked out good relationship with community members

remuneration for the losses incurred by the victim. b. fostered friendship with co-prisoners
What is this type of sentence? *
c. responded well to rehabilitation programs

a. retribution d. difficulties on securing employment

37. A minimum and maximum amount of time to be
b. payment
served in prison is referred to as _____ *
c. fines

d. restitution a. a corporal punishment


b. a capital punishment 43. What was the system of money compensation

in which harm could be atoned for by a money
c. an indeterminate sentence
payment to the injured party? *
d. a determinate sentence
38. Who advocated the principle that the basis of all a. wergild
social actions must be the utilitarian conception of b. wite
the greatest happiness for the greatest number? *
c. fine

a. Jeremy Bentham d. lex taliones

b. George B. Vold 44. Who said that “criminal acts are signals of
distress, signals of failures, the spasm of struggles
c. John Howard
and convulsions of a sub marginal human being
d. Cesare Beccaria trying to make it in our complex society with
39. Which of the following strategies should be inadequate equipment and preparation? *
developed in order to enhance corrections in our
country? * a. Karl Menninger

b. Jeremy Bentham
a. Encouragement of private sector to assist corrections
c. James Wilson
b. Integration of correctional services
d. John Howard
c. Development of clear vision, mission and objectives
45. The Parole and Probation Administration
d. Management of correction efficiently administers a _________ corrections program *
40. Prison work assignments are usually given to
prisoners. * a. community-based

b. integrated
a. before sleeping hours
c. institutiona
b. during middle hours of the day
d. traditional
c. after recreational hours
46. Changing criminals through non-punitive means
d. at early morning hours is referred to as *
41. What is the right to be tried in an ecclesiastical
court during the middle ages? * a. reformation

b. restitution
a. inquisition
c. retribution
b. secular prosecution
d. rehabilitation
c. benefit of the clergy
47. Alberto Torres was sentenced to imprisonment
d. social contract on September 30, 2003. On October 20, 2003 the
42. An arrangement where a prisoner goes out of judge who promulgate the decision died. What is
the institution to attend educational classes * the effect of the judge’s death to the service of
Alberto’s sentence? *
a. work furlough

b. vocational program a. he will have to serve his sentence

c. study release b. his sentence will not be binding anymore

d. guidance counseling c. his sentence will be suspended

d. his sentence will be reduced


48. Protacio was convicted to a prison correctional. 52. One of the following criminologist espoused the
Will he qualify for probation? * idea that the certainty of punishment outweighs its
severity as a deterrent against crime *
a. No, sentence is more than 6 years and 1 day

b. No, his sentence is 6 years and 1 day a. William Sheldon

c. Yes, his sentence is less than 6 years and 1 day b. Cesare Beccaria

c. Jeremy Bentham
d. Yes, his sentence is 3 years and 1 day
49. Which of the following factors are considered in d. Charles Goring
petition for executive clemency? 1. age of the 53. Who was the Sheriff of Bedfordshire, England
petitioner 2. gravity of the offense 3. manner in whose writings served to bring about changes that
which offense was committed 4. petitioner’s in the development of the penitentiary? *
institutional conduct or behavior 5. previous
criminal record if any * a. Jeremy Bentham

b. Cesare Beccaria
a. 1, 2, 3 and 4
c. Cesare Lombroso
b. 3, 4, 5 and 1
d. John Howard
c. All of listed
54. Which of the following is encouraged to give the
d. 2, 3, 4 and 5 inmate a respite from the strain of prison life? *
50. Nina was convicted of the crime of theft at age
10. What law provides that she should be released a. Write his autobiography
to her family? * b. Perform prison assignments and works diligently to keep
him busy
a. PD 448
c. Maintain wholesome contact with friends and relatives
b. PD 968 through correspondence

c. PD 1184 d. Report unruly behavior of fellow

d. PD 603 55. Which of the following is exercised by executive

51. Who among the following prisoners is a national clemency with the concurrence of Congress? *
prisoner? 1. One who is sentenced to a maximum
term of imprisonment of more than 3 years or to a a. Amnesty

fire of more than 5,000 2. One sentenced to serve 2 b. Probation

or more prison sentences in the aggregate
c. parole
exceeding the period of 3 years 3. Regardless of
d. Pardon
length of sentenced for violation of Custom Law or
56. With respect to the UN Standard Minimum
other laws within the jurisdiction of the Bureau of
Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, which of the
Customs 4. Regardless of length of sentence, one
following should NOT be done to prisoners? *
sentenced for violation of Immigration Laws and
Election Law. *
a. Young offenders shall be kept separate from adult
a. all those listed
b. Mother prisoners shall be allowed to have her children
b. 2, 3 and 4
stay with her
c. 3, 4 and 1 c. Women prisoners shall be segregated and kept away
d. 1, 2 and 3 from male prisoners

d. Untried prisoners shall be kept separate from convicted


57. This theory in criminology states that criminals c. an inmate trustee delivers the letter to the addressee
are totally responsible for their behaviors and the
d. Inmates with letters are called to the Jail Warden’s Office
stress is more on the effect of their felonious act
62. Who introduced the Silent System in 1831 at
than upon the criminal himself *
the Auburn Prison? *
a. physiological theory
a. John Howards
b. positivist theory
b. Jeremy Bentham
c. biological theory
c. Elam Lynds
d. classical theory
d. James Wilson
58. What is the action of the court in case a
63. Which of the following is an example of
probationer violated his probation conditions? *
residential program? *
a. Court directs probationer to reapply for probation
a. alcohol treatment program
b. Court orders the continuation of the probation
b. furlough
c. Court releases the probationer to the community
c. home detention
d. Court revokes probation and probationer goes back to
d. work release
59. You are legislator who would like to help in the 64. The correctional principle that “the basis of all
resolution of the labeling problem of exconvicts. social action must be the utilitarian conception of
Which of the following is the best legislative the greatest happiness for the greatest number”
proposal to prepare? * was set forth by *

a. A bill that would penalize business establishments or a. Beccaria

offices which will not accept released prisoners as long as b. Locke
they qualify to the vacant position
c. Voltaire
b. A bill that would grant automatic absolute pardon to those
who have served at least 90% of their sentences d. Montesquieu

c. A bill that grant automatic parole to those who have

65. Female prison reform during the 19th century
served at least 80% of their sentence had the following principles EXCEPT *

d. A bill that would remove all criminal records pertaining to

a. suspension of sentence
all released prisoners
60. There are 4 concepts of lifestyle in prison. What b. provision for differential feminine care
concept is referred to when inmates aspire for c. control of women’s prison by female management and
leadership within the prison subculture and such staff
positions and power in the prison society? *
d. separation of women prisoners from men
66. How are inmates called when they are of low
a. doing time
intelligence or afflicted with psychological or
b. disorganized criminals physical disabilities and who have difficulty
c. pushing the men sufficiently to achieve maximum work functioning within the prison society? *

d. gleaning a. juvenile offenders

61. How do inmates know that they have letters? * b. psychotic criminals

c. disorganized criminals
a. a list of mails for inmates is posted
d. adult criminals
b. A jail guard delivers the letters personally

67. A prisoner is in a _____________ if he is a. A prisoner serving a term of three years and 1 day and
placed inside one cell alone and without anybody to up
talk to or be seen with. *
b. A prisoner serving a term below six years

a. individual confinement c. A prisoner serving a term of six months and 1 day to

three years
b. solitary confinement
d. A prisoner serving a term of six years and up
c. corporal punishment
73. What theory in criminology states that criminals
d. capital punishment are totally responsible for their behavior? The
68. After release from the jail or prison, when does stress is more in the effect of their felonious act
the parolee present himself to the Parole and than upon the criminal himself *
Probation Officer? *
a. biological theory
a. Within three months from release
b. physiological theory
b. Within the period prescribed in the Release Document
c. classical theory
c. At least one month from the release
d. positivist theory
d. At least three weeks from release 74. Which two of the following unusual offenders
69. One of the purposes of the Adult Probation Law should be under the close supervision of the jail
is to * physician? 1. mentally ill 2. sex deviates 3. infirm or
sick 4. escape-prone prisoners *
a. Foster closer relationship between the offender and the
judge who promulgated him with probation order a. 1 and 2
b. Promote the correction and rehabilitation of an offender b. 3 and 4
by providing him with personalized community-based
program c. 2 and 3

c. Coordinate the workings of the agencies of the criminal d. 1 and 3

system 75. Which model emphasize the assumption that
d. Place the offender outside the police power of the state criminal behavior is caused by biological or
psychological conditions that require treatment? *
70. Is Jose qualified for probation if his prison term
is arresto mayor? *
a. rehabilitation model

a. no, his sentence is 12 years b. reform model

b. yes, his sentence is 6 months c. medical model

c. no, his sentence is 8 years d. community model

d. yes, his sentence is less than 6 years and 1 day

76. Which office evaluates the prisoner’s fitness
and qualification for the grant of pardon and
71. Under this correctional goal, the criminal is
parole? *
rendered physically unable to commit crime in the
future *
a. National Prosecution Service

a. retribution b. Department of Justice

b. rehabilitation c. Parole and Probation Administration

c. incapacitation d. Board of Pardon and Parole

d. deterrence 77. Force is used only by correctional institutions to

72. Who among the following is a provincial
prisoner? *

a. show physical strength and power 83. This was the period when concepts of
liberalism, nationality, equality and individualism
b. enforce discipline
dominated social and political thinking in the 18th
c. perform assignments century in England *
d. exact respect
78. The Supreme Court automatically reviews the a. age of rehabilitation

cases of criminals convicted and meted out the b. age of discernment

penalty of * c. age of reason .

d. age of reform
a. death
84. What does the classical theory provides? *
b. 6 years I month and 1 day

c. life imprisonment a. the basis for criminal liability is human free will and the
purpose of penalty is retribution
d. 12 years 6 months and 1 day
79. Presidential Decree No. 968 established the b. criminal behavior is learned in interaction with other
persons in a process of communication
______________ System *
c. criminal behavior is inherited and therefore could be
a. Family Welfare controlled by regulating the reproduction of families

b. Civilian Police d. crime and delinquency are symptoms of social and

penalty disorders
c. Juvenile Justice System
85. What correctional goal is referred to when the
d. Adult probation offender is rendered physically unable to commit a
80. What correctional institution houses accused crime in the future? *
persons awaiting trial? *
a. retribution
a. prison
b. deterrence
b. jail
c. incapacitation
c. rehabilitation center
d. rehabilitation
d. half-way house 86. Under the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the
81. The following are identified as correctional Treatment of Prisoners, which of the following are
problems EXCEPT * two basic principles under rules of general
application to prisoners? 1. There shall be no
a. Government support for funding requirements discrimination on grounds of race, color, sex,
b. Inadequacy of correctional personnel language, religion political or other opinion, national
or social origin, birth or other status 2. It is
c. Unclear statement of correctional mission
necessary to respect the religious beliefs and moral
d. Ambivalent correctional strategies and techniques rule of the group to which a prisoner belong 3. The
82. The __________ theory in crime causation treatment of prisoner should emphasize not their
focuses on the criminal disorders, chromosomes exclusion from the community, but their continuing
irregularity, and abnormal brain activity * part in it 4. Unconvicted prisoners are presumed to
be innocent and shall be treated as such *
a. biological

b. psychological a. 4 and 1

c. sociological b. 3 and 4

d. political c. 1 and 2

d. 2 and 3

87. When does punishment have a deterrent 91. Which of the following is an open correctional
effect? * institution known to be best and “prison without
walls”? *
a. Punishment serves as an example to the public thus
discouraging the commission of offense a. Davao Penal Farm
b. A punishment reduces the capacity of an individual to b. Sablayan Penal Colony
commit a crime
c. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
c. Punishment is serious compared with the nature of
offense d. Iwahig Penal Colony
92. Among the following factors, which would best
d. Punishment disgraces the offender before the public
determine the extent to which prison functions are
88. Who espoused the idea that criminality
subdivided? *
increases in probation as one approaches the
equator? *
a. operating programs

a. Ferri b. adequacy of resources

b. Montesquieu c. number of prison staff

c. Lombroso d. inmates population and size of the prison/jail

93. Who espoused four correctional principles as
d. Garofalo
follows: security and sanitary structure, systematic
89. This is a investigation of behavior based on the
inspection, abolition of fees and a reformatory
subject’s responses to questions concerning
regimen? *
activities in which they have engaged *

a. Jeremy Bentham
a. social study
b. John Howard
b. self-report study
c. Cesare Beccaria
c. victimization study
d. James Wilson
d. criminological study
94. Aside from the name, offense committed and
90. Renato Santos was sentenced to serve a
the court imposing the sentence what information
maximum term of imprisonment of not more than
about an alien offender should be reported to the
six years. He applied for probation but his
Commissioner of Immigration? *
application will not be considered if 1. he was
convicted of subversion of any crime against
a. his educational background
national security or public order 2. he was
previously convicted by final judgment of an offense b. name of his wife and children

punished by imprisonment of not less than one c. his age, weight and height
month and one day and/or a fine of not less than
d. his national and number of his Alien Certificate of
200.00 ph 3. he was previously granted probation registration
4. he was previously granted parole * 95. What theory provides that criminal behavior is
learned in interaction with other persons in the
a. 1, 2 and 3
process of communication? *
b. 3, 4 and 1
a. Social Disorganization Theory
c. 2, 3 and 4
b. Strain Theory
d. any of those listed
c. Differential Association Theory

d. Psychoanalytic Theory
1. It is effected by the use of stocks and pillery, docking stool,
96. How are habitual offenders who have been
branding and shaving off the hair of the offender.
involved in prostitution, drugs, numbers and a. Corporal punishment c. Shaming
b. Public humiliation d. Both B and C
shoplifting called? *
2. By this justification of punishment it resulted in retaliation and
unending vendetta between the offender and the victim.
a. “cool” a. Retribution c. Protection
b. Expiation d. Deterrence
b. “the life” 3. An offense committed by a member against another member
arouses the condemnation of the whole group against the
c. “punk" offender.
a. Retribution c. Protection
d. “square” b. Atonement d. Deterrence
4. It believes that punishment gives a lesson to the offender, and
97. Who said that punishment should not be more
that it holds crime commission in check.
than necessary to deter cime because excessive a. Retribution b. Atonement c. Protection d. Deterrence
5. He advocated the theory that punishment should prevent
punishment is unjustified? *
others from committing like offenses and should be in the
degree of severity enough to deter others.
a. Rafaelli Garofalo a. Lombroso b. Bentham c. Becarria d. Ferri
6. A system of trial and punishment which is reformatory in
b. Charles Goring purpose.
a. Canonical Courts c. Primitive justice
c. Jeremy Bentham b. King’s Courts d. Judicial Individualization
7. He made the first attempt to explain crime, wherein he noted
d. Robert peel in his book “Nicomedian Ethics” that punishment is a means of
restoring balance between pleasure and pain.
98. what idea was advocated by John Howard? * a. Aristotle b. Becarria c. Lombroso d. Hentig
8. It resulted in class discrimination due to wide use of discretion
a. Corporal punishments more effective than any other in imposing penalties.
a. Canonical Courts c. Primitive Justice
b. King’s Courts d. Judicial Individualization
9. Its main advantage was it was easy to administer and
b. prisons should be under the control of the police
eliminated arbitrary sentence.
a. Classical School c. Positivist School
c. public labor by offenders should be abolished.
b. Neo-Classical School d. Modern Clinical School
d. reformation will not occur inside the penitentiaries. 10. It admits that minors and certain adults are incapable of
committing crimes.
99. When can some prisoners have disciplinary a. Classical School c. Positivist School
authority over their co-inmates? * b. Neo-Classical School d. Modern Clinical School
11. It gave rise to exemption and mitigation of punishment.
a. Classical School c. Positivist School
a. when they are senior age over those to be supervised. b. Neo-Classical School d. Modern Clinical School
12. Country which first established prison facilities.
b. when they are of good behavior, more technically skilled a. England c. United States of America
and properly trained. b. France d. Spain
13. System advocated by the Americans because it is cheaper to
c. When their length of actual prison stay is longer than the maintain.
others. a. Elmira Reformatory c. Auburn System
b. Borstal d. Pennsylvania System
d. when they show “macho” image. 14. It abolished corporal punishment.
a. UN Standard Minimum Rules
100. The first workhouse in England in 1557 to b. League of Nations
1576. * c. Pennsylvania Reform Law of 1790
d. Sursis
15. Its unique features of incarceration were adopted by most
a. Singsing prison European countries.
a. Elmira Reformatory c. Auburn System
b. Bridewell b. Borstal d. Pennsylvania System
16. It is a training school type of institution program, social case
c. Alcatraz work and extensive use of parole.
a. Elmira Reformatory c. Auburn System
d. Walnut Street Jail b. Borstal d. Pennsylvania System
17. The first parole was passed in 1837, in:
a. Valencia, Spain c. Massachusetts
b. Chicago d. Pennsylvania
CORRECTIONAL ADMINISTRATION I 18. It was responsible for holding international penal and
(JAIL AND PENAL MANAGEMENT) penitentiary congress every 5 years and was established in
a. IPPC c. UN
b. League of Nations d. Human Rights Commission a. Chaplain c. Psychologist
19. A warden who limits his role to consider policy matters and b. Warden d. Prison guards
major problems, his responsibility is centered on: 34. It is a continuing state of good order.
a. Decision Making c. Public Relations a. Discipline b. Morale c. Communication d. Loyalty
b. Personnel Program d. Executive Leadership 35. It is a relationship in which one endeavors to help another
20. A warden’s responsibility to provide leadership and assign understand and solve his problems of adjustment.
responsibility for selection, training, recruitment and a. Preventive Discipline c. Counseling
supervision. b. Communication d. All of the above
a. Decision Making c. Public Relations 36. It is a method of punishment resorted to in extreme cases
b. Personnel Program d. Executive Leadership when lighter penalties are ineffectual.
21. During the primitive days, this punishment was given to a. Bartolina c. Close confinement
criminal offenders by means of flogging, mutilation, maiming, b. Solitary Confinement d. All of the above
disfiguration: 37. He opened the Borstal prison, considered as one of the best
a. Corporal punishment c. Public humiliation reformatory institutions for young offenders.
b. Death d. Shaming a. Sir Evelyn Ruggles Brise c. Zebulon Reed Brockway
22. Modern justification for punishment which concludes that b. Sir Walter Crofton d. Macanochie
society will be best protected if criminal offenders are 38. It prescribes the means to be utilized in carrying out the
rehabilitated. treatment programs for convicted criminal offenders.
a. Reformation c. Expiation a. Admissions summary c. Classification meeting
b. Protection d. Retribution b. Admissions procedure d. Case summary
23. People would tend to believe that by putting the offender in 39. Utilized as method in searching the prisoner for possession of
prison, society is safeguarded from further criminal contrabands inside the prison cells and compound.
depredation. a. Frisking c. Greyhound operations
a. Reformation b. Protection c. Expiation d. Retribution b. Body search d. Body frisk
24. He asserted that criminals are not free moral agents, but are 40. A person who is sentenced to serve imprisonment for not
products of traits and circumstances. more than six months.
a. Ferri b. Garofalo c. Lombroso d. Becarria a. Municipal prisoner c. Provincial prisoner
25. He contributed to the progressive system by dividing prisoners b. City prisoner d. Insular prisoner
into companies and appointed prisoners as petty officers in 41. Which among the following is not among the classification of
charge and prescribes academic classes of one hour a day for prisoners under Presidential Decree 29?
inmates under 20 years of age. a. Municipal Prisoners c. Insular prisoners
a. Manuel Montesinos c. Domets of France b. Provincial Prisoners d. Detention prisoners
b. Sir Walter Crofton d. ZR Brockway 42. What particular country utilized transportation of prisoners?
26. Established agricultural colonies for delinquent boys and his a. Spain b. Portugal c. England d. France
reformation system is based on re-education rather than force. 43. It has been noted as the best reform institution for young
a. Manuel Montesinos c. Sir Walter Crofton offenders?
b. Domets of France d. ZR Brockway a. Pennsylvania system c. Elmira Reformatory
27. Chairman of the Director of Irish prisons, he introduced the b. Auburn System d. Borstal Institution
progressive system which attempted to place the responsibility 44. It is given to prisoners who have returned to their places of
for self improvement on the prisoner himself through confinement within 48 hours after a calamity.
successive stages. a. Good conduct time allowance c. Visitation privilege
a. Manuel Montesinos c. Sir Walter Crofton b. Special time allowance d. All of the above
b. Domets of France d. ZR Brockway 45. It is an institution originally intended to detain or house
28. He introduced the Elmira, a new institutional program for boys political offenders.
from 16-30 years of age. This system was based on parole and a. Iwahig Penal Colony
indeterminate sentence and referred to as the forerunner of b. Davao Penal Colony
modern penology. c. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
a. Manuel Montesinos c. Domets of France d. Sablayan Prison and farm
b. Sir Walter Crofton d. ZR Brockway 46. A person convicted to serve a sentence of 12 years of
29. For minimum security institution, the purpose of fencing the imprisonment would be classified as what kind of prisoner?
surrounding is: a. Municipal Prisoner c. National Prisoner
a. To keep away the civilian population from entering the b. Provincial Prisoner d. Detention Prisoner
institution. 47. It is considered as the highest income earner among the
b. It is designed to prevent escapes. Philippine Correctional Institution.
c. It is designed for agricultural purposes. a. Iwahig Penal Colony
d. It is designed to facilitate open view of the surrounding. b. Davao Penal Colony
30. Inmates placed under a super security facility are considered c. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
as: d. Sablayan Prison and Farm
a. Incorrigibles c. Escape artists 48. This states that incarceration should establish in the convicts
b. Chronic trouble makers d. All of the foregoing the will to lead law abiding and self-supporting lives after their
31. It is regarded as the most important program that aide in the release in prison.
rehabilitation of prisoners. a. United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the treatment
a. Recreational program c. Educational program of prisoners.
b. Religious program d. Employment of prisoners b. Indeterminate sentence Law
c. Prison Law
32. Minimum number of times in counting the inmates on a daily d. Probation Law
basis. 49. Nobody can assume the suffering for a crime committed by
a. Two b. Three c. Four d. Five others.
33. Person who are deemed instrumental in the reformation of a. Justice b. Expiation c. Deterrence d. Personal
prisoners due to their daily contact with the inmates. 50. The most common problem for national penitentiaries.
a. Excessive number of inmates c. Sex problems b. Italian school d. Classical School of Thought
b. Lack of funding d. Discipline of inmates 66. Country wherein the last recorded burning at stake was made.
51. It is a primitive justification of punishment in the sense that it a. Germany b. USA c. England d. France
is in the form of personal vengeance or putting the law into 67. A nation who pioneered banishment as a form of punishment.
one's own hand. a. England b. Spain c. France d. Rome
a. Retribution b. Deterrence c. Expiation d. Reformation 68. A code which adopted the principle an eye for an eye a tooth
52. This theory emphasized that punishment has a redemptive for a tooth.
purpose. a. Code of Kalantiaw c. Bible
a. Judean Christian theory b. Hammurabi’s code d. French Code
b. Classical theory 69. Year when the League of Nations adopted the “Standard
c. Neo-Classical School of Thought Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners.”
d. Positivist School of Thought a. 1932 b. 1934 c. 1936 d. 1938
53. Who among the Italian advocates of the Positive theory wrote 70. Year when the first International Prison Congress was Held in
the book " Theory of the Imputability and Denial of the Free London.
will". a. 1870 b. 1872 c. 1876 d. 1880
a. Ferri b. Garofalo c. Lombroso d. Becarria 71. It refers to an act of grace of the chief executive which grants
54. It refers to anything which is against or contrary to the rules general pardon to certain class of offenders, but requires
and regulation of a prison or jail facility? concurrence of congress.
a. Jewelry c. Deadly weapons a. Amnesty b. Pardon c. Commutation d. Reprieve
b. Dangerous Drugs d. Contrabands 72. The temporary stay in the execution of the court, ordered by
55. It is one of the forerunners of modern correctional systems the president verdict to enable review of the merits of the
wherein they confine the prisoners in single cells at night but case.
allow them to work in congregate shops during the day? a. Appeal b. Pardon c. Reprieve d. Commutation
a. Auburn system c. Elmira Reformatory 73. It is a change in the court’s verdict made by the president
b. Pennsylvania system d. All of the foregoing which lowers the degree of penalty imposed by the court.
56. It enables the prisoner to roam outside the prison for a a. Amnesty b. Pardon c. Commutation d. Reprieve
minimum period per day to make work out arrangement for 74. Suspension of sentence of convict after serving the minimum
his release. term of indeterminate penalty without granting pardon.
a. Pre release leave a. Parole b. Reprieve c. Commutation d. Fine
b. Individual or group counseling 75. It refers to a sentence of imprisonment for the maximum
c. Leave for work period defined by law subject to the termination by the parole
d. Granting greater freedom board at anytime after service of the minimum period.
57. If the scientific method is utilized in segregation, what is the a. Indeterminate sentence c. Parole
method employed in the diagnosis and treatment of the b. Good time conduct allowance d. Probation
convicts? 76. Deduction to the term of imprisonment due to the convict’s
a. Individualized method c. Scientific method exemplary behavior while in prison.
b. Casework method. d. Individual therapy a. Indeterminate sentence c. Parole
58. Considered as the most persistent problem in almost all prison b. Good time conduct allowance d. Probation
facilities which contribute to failure of the reformation 77. A law which mandated that offenders as punishment would
programs. have served a portion of their sentence in institutions and
a. Idleness b. Deplorable conditions c. Riots d. Escapes thereby released to undergo probation.
59. All persons in custody shall, before final conviction, be entitled a. Huber Law c. PD 968
to bail as a matter of______________. b. Split Sentence Law d. Indeterminate Sentence Law
a. Right b. Privilege c. Preference d. Choice 78. A method undertaken to allow prisoners opportunity for
60. The Bureau of Corrections is under the-- normal sex life.
a. Department of Social Welfare and Development a. Visitation c. Sodomy
b. Department of the Interior and Local Government b. Masturbation d. Conjugal visit
c. Department of Justice 79. Most common form of sexual perversion in prison and jail
d. Department of Health facilities.
61. Place wherein a newly convicted prisoner is housed for at least a. Homosexuality c. Pseudo marriages
a minimum period of five days for the conduct of medical b. Masturbation d. Sodomy
examination, vaccinations, X-ray to prevent physical 80. A writ issued by the court ordering the confinement of person
contamination. so named in penal institutions.
a. Reception diagnostic center c. Infirmary a. Probation order c. Detention order
b. Medical center d. Quarantine unit b. Bail d. Commitment order
62. An advocate of the classical school of penology who claimed 81. For a maximum security facility how high should the walls be
that society must reward those who accept responsibility and constructed?
punish those who do not. a. 8 to 12 feet c. 18 to 20 feet
a. Bentham b. Becarria c. Lombroso d. Ferri b. 12 to 14 feet d. 18 to 25 feet
82. This type of institution is usually constructed without a fence?
63. It starts from the admissions report of individual inmates and a. Minimum Security Institution
serves as the basis in granting parole. b. Medium Security Institution
a. Admissions Summary c. Misconduct Report c. Maximum Security Institution
b. Behavior Report d. Cumulative Case Summary d. Open Institution
64. Issued by the court to a correctional facility indicating the basis 83. What is the main objective of segregation?
for the confinement of a prisoner. a. Diversification by Age
a. Mittimus b. Detention order c. Bail d. Probation order b. Diversification by sex
65. School of thought advocated by Dr. Lombroso, Ferri and c. Diversification by degree of imprisonment
Garofalo. d. Prevention of physical and moral contamination
a. Modern clinical school c. Neo-Classical School of Thought 84. It is the original intention of imposing prison labor?
a. Punitive b. Afflictive c. Reformatory d. Business
85. It refers to the formulation for the tentative rehabilitation
program of the convict.
a. Diagnosis c. Execution of Treatment Program
b. Treatment Planning d. Re-classification
86. It is mainly responsible for the implementation of a prisoner’s
treatment program?
a. RDC c. Classification committee
b. Warden d. All of the above
87. It is part of the classification wherein the prisoners are
examined and tests are administered to check on the physical
and mental condition of the prisoners.
a. Diagnosis c. Execution of treatment program
b. Treatment Planning d. Re-classification
88. This forerunner of penology considered and made emphasis on
physical characteristics as basis for atavism.
a. Lombroso b. Becarria c. Ferri d. Garofalo
89. What country popularized the use of prisons as detention
a. United States of America b. England c. France d. Spain
90. Credited for introducing the use of jails.
a. Europeans b. Americans c. Asians d. Cavemen
91. Its main objective is to prevent unnecessary custodial risk and
prevent physical and moral contamination from one group to
a. Diversification c. Discipline
b. Segregation d. Classification
92. Ideal number of days for an inmate to be placed in the
quarantine unit at the Reception and Diagnostic Center.
a. 2 days b. 3 days c. 4 days d. 5 days
93. Sometimes referred to as Case conference or Guidance
conference wherein the tentative formulation of rehabilitation
program is conducted with the inmate concerned.
a. Staff Conference c. Classification Meeting
b. Admission Classification Meeting d. Staff interview
94. Calls the attention of inmates for certain misconduct or
positive traits manifested while serving sentence.
a. Post sentence report c. Misconduct report
b. Behavior report d. Admissions summary
95. A written report detailing particular inmate and the violations
incurred with reference to the rule book.
a. Post sentence report c. Misconduct report
b. Behavior report d. Admissions summary
96. The most challenging problem that confronts the
administrators of penal institution worldwide.
a. Over crowding c. Sex problems
b. Unsanitary conditions d. Lack of funding
97. A means of social control.
a. Penalty b. Punishment c. Retribution d. Atonement
98. Group vengeance as a justification for imposition of
a. Retribution b. Expiation c. Deterrence d. Protection
99. Primitive punishment of the transgressor carried out trough
personal vengeance.
a. Retribution b. Expiation c. Deterrence d. Protection
100.It paved the way for exempting law violators from their
criminal liability by reason of insanity.
a. People Vs. Vera c. Sursis
b. M’Naghtan Case (1843) d. Furlough


1. The first probation law was passed in the year 1878, in.
a. Chicago c. England
b. Massachusetts d. Pennsylvania
2. The purpose of this meeting is to evaluate the inmate’s readiness for early release.
a. Pre-release treatment c. Classification meeting
b. Pre-parole interview d. Admissions meting
3. A program specifically planned to prepare the offender prior to his release on parole.
a. Pre-release treatment c. Classification meeting
b. Pre-parole interview d. Admissions meting
4. When prisoners are used for repair of buildings, roads, bridges and flood control, this type of prison labor is:
a. Lease System c. Publics Works Systems
b. Contract System d. Public Account System
5. Products made by prisoners are sold in the open market.
a. Lease System c. Public Works System
b. Contract System d. Public Account System
6. Under this system, a contractor supplies raw materials and pays the state for the amount of work or output
produced by the prisoner.
a. Lease System c. Price-Piece System
b. Contract System d. Public Account System
7. When a contractor merely engages prison labor and the state retains control of the prisoner, the prison labor
is classified as:
a. Lease System c. Public Works System
b. Contract System d. Public Account System
8. Ministration of the sick is an important function of the:
a. Chaplain c. Medical officer
b. Custodial officer d. Psychiatrist
9. It provides development and acquisition of skills necessary for successful work in a socially accepted
occupation while in prison.
a. Vocational training program c. Work program
b. Education program d. Prison labor
10. It provides an environment that will be conducive to the mental and physical development of an inmate.
a. Vocational training program c. Recreational program
b. Work program d. Education program
11. It is an integral part in prisoner’s rehabilitation which serves as an outlet for human expression and a form of
release from one’s inherent desire to create.
a. Music c. Arts and Crafts
b. Sports d. Drama and literary activities
12. It helps in the improvement of the prisoner in the cultural and practical aspect of social living.
a. Recreational program c. Sports Activities
b. Arts and Crafts d. Library service
13. Which among the following is not a part of an ideal medical service in a prison facility?
a. Medicine and Surgery c. Dentistry
b. Psychiatry d. None of these
14. A mild form of punishment which is enough deterrence for prisoners with clean record who wants to be
considered for early release.
a. Counsel and reprimand c. Loss of privilege
b. Solitary confinement d. Loss of good time

15. It is not to be considered as a punishment when used to prevent an inmate from influencing witnesses or of
preventing injury to himself or others.
a. Counsel and reprimand c. Loss of privilege
b. Solitary confinement d. Loss of good time
16. It aims to obtain clear case description and social history as well as help in solving immediate family problems
of the inmate.
a. Casework c. Counseling
b. Case method d. Individualized treatment
17. It provides extensive diagnosis and treatment to discover the cause of a prisoner’s maladjustment and
improve his behavior.
a. Casework c. Counseling
b. Clinical services d. Individualized treatment
18. Serves primarily as a mechanical release of felt physical tension while in prison for male inmates, it is based on
is self gratification.
a. Homosexuality c. Masturbation
b. Sodomy d. Conjugal Visit
19. It provides some opportunities for inmates of a normal sex life.
a. Homosexuality c. Masturbation
b. Sodomy d. Conjugal Visit
20. Inmates who have attained the status of __________ is allowed by law to live with their families, it is a
common practice in Sablayan, Iwahig and Davao Prison and Penal Farm.
a. Trustees b. Colonists c. Parolees d. Both A and B
21. Referred to as the Law on Working Detention
a. Act No. 1533 c. Act No. 3326
b. Act No. 3316 d. Act No. 4103
22. Law on prescription of penalty
a. Act No. 1533 c. Act No. 3326
b. Act No. 3316 d. Act No. 4103
23. Basis for granting good conduct time allowance for inmates.
a. Act No. 1533 c. Act No. 3326
b. Act No. 3316 d. Act No. 4103
24. Indeterminate Sentence Law
a. Act No. 1533 c. Act No. 3326
b. Act No. 3316 d. Act No. 4103
25. Empowered by law to exercise supervision over jails by means of standard setting to promote discipline of
inmates and secure reformation and safe custody of prisoners of all classes.
a. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
b. Bureau of Prisons
c. Bureau of Corrections
d. Commission on Human Rights
26. Nature of conditional pardon given to inmates in which the recipient must accept it before it takes effect, and
the pardonee is under obligations to comply imposed therein.
a. Contract c. Punishment
b. Privilege d. Act of Grace
27. In the practice and procedure of probation, who is considered as the most important person?
a. Probationer c. Chief Probation Officer
b. Probation officer d. Probation Aides
28. Unit within the probation office charged with the task of selecting defendants for probation.
a. Investigation division c. Custodial division
b. Supervision division d. RDC
29. It pertains to information regarding significant family, personal, economic factors of the offender’s life.
a. Social history c. Antecedent
b. Marital status d. Character and behavior

30. Primary basis in granting parole:

a. Response with correctional treatment
b. Progress within the correctional institution
c. Good behavior and rapport among inmates and prison guards
d. Both a and b
31. Parole although not a form of executive clemency is:
a. Judicial function c. Legislative function
b. Executive function d. Court function
32. In the Philippines the members of the Board of Pardon and Parole is
a. Full time board c. Governmental agency
b. Part time board d. NGO
33. This is prepared by the prison’s classification committee for the purpose of indicating what is essential for the
best interest of the future parolee and contains an appraisal of the prisoner’s personality and need for
adjustment upon return to society.
a. Pre-release Progress Report
b. Pre-Board Summary
c. Parole Referral Summary
d. Post Sentence investigation Report
34. It is used by the parole board as a guide in determining the prisoner’s eligibility for parole and preparing his
parole program.
a. Pre-release Progress Report
b. Pre-Board Summary
c. Parole Referral Summary
d. Post Sentence investigation Report
35. A parole officer undertakes what particular broad function?
a. Community protection c. Supervision of parolee
b. Service to individuals d. Both a and b
36. This is a method of helping parolees by which the parole office performs referral services.
a. Manipulative technique
b. Executive technique
c. Case work technique
d. Guidance and counseling technique
37. Refers to a formal group or association organized to promote social or individual welfare.
a. Community agencies c. Family service agencies
b. Social service exchange d. NGO’s
38. A security facility, usually operated by the police for temporary detention of persons held under custodial
a. Lock-up c. Ordinary jail
b. Work house jail d. Detention center
39. Frank an inmate is unable to sleep and eat while serving his sentence due to loneliness and despair should
a. Rehabilitation c. Corrections
b. Guidance d. Counseling
40. RA 4225 created what particular government agency?
a. Department of Justice
b. Bureau of Corrections
c. Probation Office
d. Board of Pardon and Parole
41. Maximum term of office for those appointed as members of the Board of Pardon and Parole.
a. 3 years b. 4 years c. 5 years d. 6 years
42. Who is the granting authority in giving probation to qualified petitioners?
a. Court c. President
b. Probation officer d. Board of indeterminate sentence

43. Under the Indeterminate sentence law, who acts as chairman of the board of pardon and paroles?
a. DILG Secretary c. PNP Chief
b. DOJ Secretary d. Chief Justice
44. Minimum period of probation provided for by law.
a. 1 year b. 2 years c. 3 years d. 4 years
45. It refers to the community’s reaction to convicted offenders.
a. Corrections c. Rehabilitation
b. Probation d. Parole
46. Under rules and methods employed by probation, what is the maximum number of minor violations that
would result in the revocation of the probation order?
a. 5 violations c. 3 violations
b. 4 violations d. 2 violations
47. The merging of supervision of parole and probation is mandated by what particular law?
a. Executive Order 392 c. PD 968
b. Executive Order 292 d. RA 4221
48. Probation is a privilege granted to deserving and qualified petitioners, when does it become a matter of right?
a. After the submission of the PSIR
b. When the convict files a petition for probation
c. When no appeal was undertaken.
d. When his probation is approved
49. Under our laws when will probationer report to his designated probation officer?
a. Upon initial interview
b. Upon the completion of the PSIR
c. Upon court order
d. Within 72 hours after probation order has been granted
50. A US law which allowed convicts to be gainfully employed during the day while residing in prison.
a. Huber Law c. Split Sentence Law
b. Harbard Law d. Furlough Law
51. It refers to the continuing relationship between the probationer and the probation officer.
a. Initial Interview c. Supervision
b. Post Sentence Investigation d. Orientation
52. Before travel of probationer outside the jurisdiction of the City/Provincial Probation Office, application for
court approval should be filed within how many days?
a. 45 days b. 30 days c. 15 days d. 5 days
53. A French and Belgian innovation to probation which requires no supervision on the condition that the
probationer would not commit an offense within a prescribed period.
a. Split Sentence b. Sursis c. Furlough d. Parole
54. Within how many days should the request for outside travel shall be filed by the probationer to the probation
office, prior to the date of his intended departure?
a. 5 days b. 10 days c. 15 days d. 30 days
55. It refers to the note given to police agencies which signifies that the probationer is under the supervision of his
designated probation officer.
a. Chrome Card c. Flash Sheet
b. Kardex Card d. Field Sheet
56. The maximum period of probation when the sentence is not more than one year.
a. 6 years b. 4 years c. 2 years d. 1 years
57. When will the court deny application for probation of a petitioner?
a. Petitioner is a foreigner
b. Petitioner is a drug dependant
c. Petitioner violates the condition
d. Petitioner can be treated well in an institution
58. When will you close a probation case?
a. When the probationer absconds the place

b. When he incurred violations

c. When there is recommendation for revocation
d. When the termination order is approved
59. Under PD 603, should a juvenile offender become incorrigible during his reformation period; he is brought to
the court for_.
a. Release c. Probation
b. Pronouncement of judgment d. Pardon
60. It refers to the relation between CPPO and the SPPO and the Probationer.
a. Supervision c. Executive supervision
b. Courtesy supervision d. Administrative supervision
61. The probationer is not exempted from the legal effects of his punishment upon final discharge.
a. Penalty c. Civil liability
b. Fine d. Criminal liability
62. The unprecedented achievement of martial law which transported the Philippine corrections toward the
modern system of convict rehabilitation.
a. Price control c. Probation Law
b. Peace and order d. Infrastructure program
63. Probation started in what particular country, in the year 1841?
a. England b. France c. USA d. Spain
64. Sponsored House Bill 393, “An Act establishing Adult Probation in the Philippines.”
a. Juan Ponce Enrile c. Ferdinand E. Marcos
b. Teodulo C. Natividad d. Ramon Bagatsing Sr.

65. A procedure by which prisoners are selected for release on the basis on individual response and progress.
a. Probation b. Parole c. Pardon d. Amnesty
66. The primary purpose of probation
a. Rehabilitation c. Retribution
b. Welfare of the community d. Punitive sanction
67. Effect of executive Order 292.
a. Courtesy Supervision c. Board of Pardon and Parole
b. Administrative Supervision d. Merging Supervision
68. This decree mandated the disqualification of the petitioner’s application for probation is an appeal is
a. PD 603 b. PD 968 c. PD 1990 d. PD 1257
69. Created the Board of Pardons and Parole.
a. Indeterminate Sentence Law c. Probation Law
b. Executive order 292 d. House Bill 393
70. The preliminary form filed up by the probationer within 72 hours after the release of his probation order.
a. Work Sheet c. Flash Sheet
b. Filed notebook d. Chrome Card
71. It is the supervision undertaken by other probation office which is mot permanent in nature.
a. Merging Supervision c. Transfer Supervision
b. Courtesy Supervision d. Operational Supervision
72. Brief of an investigation conducted by probation officer not within the jurisdiction of the court.
a. Post Sentence Investigation Report
b. Pre sentence investigation report
c. Courtesy investigation report
d. Initial Investigation report
73. It is a continuing state of good order.
a. Discipline c. Communication
b. Morale d. Loyalty
74. It is the alternative for jail confinement in modern penology
a. Parole b. Probation c. Pardon d. Amnesty

75. Refers to a mental condition of individuals or groups regarding courage, hope, zeal and confidence in the
present principles and way of life.
a. Virtue b. Fortitude c. Moral d. Positive Discipline
76. In determining whether a petitioner may be placed on probation the court shall consider information relative
to which of the following?
a. Character
b. Antecedents/environment
c. Mental/physical condition of the offender
d. All of these
77. For a convicted offender, probation is a form of _________.
a. Punishment c. Treatment
b. Enjoyment d. Incarceration
78. The law that suspends the sentence of minor offenders whose ages ranges from (9) years to under (18) years
and places them in rehabilitation centers.
a. PD 603 b. PD 923 c. PD 968 d. PD 1202
79. When shall probation order take effect?
a. Three days after issuance
b. Three days prior to issuance
c. Upon its issuance
d. Upon reporting to the probation officer
80. Mainly responsible for the implementation of a prisoners treatment program?
a. RDC c. Classification Committee
b. Warden d. All of the above
81. Under Art. 8. Sec. 10, par (b) of the Philippine Constitution, pardoning power is vested with the:
a. Chief executive c. Legislature
b. Judiciary d. Department of Justice
82. It refers to a disposition after which the defendant after conviction and sentence is released, subject to the
conditions imposed by the court.
a. Parole b. Probation c. Pardon d. Amnesty

83. Regarded as the father of Philippine Probation.

a. Ramon Bagatsing Sr. c. Ferdinand E. Marcos
b. Teodulo C. Natividad d. Juan Ponce Enrile
84. Signed into law R.A. 968, an Act establishing Probation in the Philippines.
a. Ramon Bagatsing Sr. c. Ferdinand E. Marcos
b. Teodulo C. Natividad d. Juan Ponce Enrile
85. He was referred to as the father of English Probation.
a. Matthew Devenport Hill c. John Augustus
b. Edward Savage d. Alexander Rice
86. A Boston shoe maker who advocated in behalf of alcoholics and youthful offenders and known as the father of
a. Matthew Devenport Hill c. John Augustus
b. Edward Savage d. Alexander Rice
87. In the year 1887, this former Boston Chief of Police was appointed as the first probation officer in the whole
a. Matthew Devenport Hill c. Alexander Rice
b. Edward Savage d. John Augustus
88. What particular law established probation in the Philippines for the first time?
a. PD 968 b. RA 968 c. Act 4221 d. RA 4221
89. Formerly, pardon was applied to a member of the ________, who committed crimes and occasionally to those
convicted of offenses against the monarchy.
a. Rebellious family c. Mendicant family
b. Royal family d. Indigent family

90. Celebrated case which paved the way for the abolition of the first probation law.
a. People Vs. Vera, 37 O.G. 164
b. People Vs. De Vera, 376 O.G. 16
c. Vera Vs. People, 376 OG. 164
d. De Vera Vs. People, 376 O.G. 164
91. Historic signing of PD 968 which transported Philippine Criminal Justice system to the 20th century.
a. July 22, 1976 c. July 24, 1976
b. July 23, 1976 d. August 7, 1935
92. Within how many days after verdict must a petitioner file his application for probation?
a. 10 days b. 15 days c. 30 days d. 60 days
93. Maximum number of probationers under supervision of a probation aide?
a. 3 b. 5 c. 7 d. 9
94. Maximum period of probation for a person convicted to suffer prision correctional.
a. 2 years b. 4 years c. 6 years d. 8 years
95. It serves as the basis in granting probation for qualified petitioners.
a. Post Sentence investigation Report
b. Pre Sentence Investigation Report
c. Admissions Summary
d. Behavior Report
96. Minimum number of days given to probation officers in accomplishing PSIR.
a. 30 days b. 60 days c. 90 days d. 120 days
97. After receiving the PSIR, within how many days must a judge decide whether to grant or deny probation?
a. 5 days b. 15 days c. 30 days d. 60 days
98. It refers to a person placed under probation.
a. Petitioner c. Probation officer
b. Probationer d. Convict
99. It refers to a suspension of sentence after which the convict is released upon serving the minimum sentence
imposed by law and subject to his good behavior and positive reaction to rehabilitation programs.
a. Probation b. Pardon c. Parole d. Amnesty
100.A person placed under probation for the maximum period imposed by law would have to report to his
probation officer how many times per month?
a. Once b. Twice c. More than twice d. All of the above

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