Hazard and Operability Study With Quantitative Risk Assessment of Propane Yard
Hazard and Operability Study With Quantitative Risk Assessment of Propane Yard
Hazard and Operability Study With Quantitative Risk Assessment of Propane Yard
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
Hazard and operability study (HAZOP) is one of the safety management techniques and it is a qualitative study, quantitative risk
assessment (QRA) is the risk identification technique in the form of quantitative. In this study, the propane yard which is located
in TVS motor company is taken and studied. HAZOP study is to check the design, decide what is the safety equipment needed;
check running instructions, to improve the safety of existing facilities. The study is done by dividing the system into various nodes
and each node is analyzed with deviations, causes, and consequences of failure, and recommendations are given if needed to
improve the system. In case of accidental release of propane gas, there may be the chance for effects like Boiling Liquid
Expanding Vapor Explosion (BLEVE), jet fire, and pool fire as propane is high flammable liquid gas this study helps to prevent
this kind of effects. QRA analysis is done with a probability of occurrence, the severity of consequences, and risk assessment for
identifying the most risk that has taken place in the propane yard. Propane is used for the paint shop, decoding, cooking, and
boilers and it is the heart of TVSM. Based on the findings, several preventative and mitigating actions have been implemented to
lessen the severity of the consequences of accidents, therefore improving the safe environment.
Keywords: Probability, severity, HAZOP, QRA, recommendation, investigated.
One of the most thorough and rational qualitative hazard detection approaches is the HAZOP research. However, it necessitates
the use of multidisciplinary words and is a time-consuming and repetitive effort. [1] If in the design of the machine, a systematic
research approach that considers the operator's safety is proposed, it may add to the safety of the process plant if it is developed via
the follow-up investigations. [2] The incidence of accidents due to leakage, fire, explosion, and other causes has grown as the use
and complexity of natural gas pipelines have increased. they proposed a QRA simulation model for natural gas pipeline, combined
with a different level grid-based pre-warning model, based on (QRA) As a consequence, they may implement a targeted and firm
strategy in places where there are some possible flaws ahead of time, and even resurrect urban planning, reconstructing it to
eliminate the danger. [3] Hazard and Operability Study were used to identify the possibility of unintended mishaps in the oil
storage farm (HAZOP). Second, Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) was used to examine all of the detected dangers and successfully
identify the fundamental events (BES) that cause them. [4] Natural Gas must be in a liquid form for transportation, and liquefying
it necessitates lowering the temperature to a very less. This necessitates extreme temperatures and pressures. This article says a
risk assessment research on a Node in the Natural Gas Plant, which is a propane heat exchanging unit that progressively lowers the
temperature of the flow to remove heavy liquids at the start. HAZOP, DMRA, and LOPA are three risk assessment methodologies
that are used. [5] The dangers in a double-shell stainless-steel tank for high-level radioactive liquid waste storage were identified
using a hazard and operability (HAZOP) technique, and a risk matrix was utilized to estimate the risks caused by the hazard.
Relevant process parameters and guidewords were chosen to define the storage tank deviation, and the causes and likely
implications of deviations, as well as current protective mechanisms, were assessed during the HAZOP process. [6] This
information, when combined with the plant's operational, technical, and theoretical knowledge, permitted for the evaluation of
deviations for operational factors such as temperature, pressure, and level, among others, in identifying potential hazards
associated scenarios during anhydrous ammonia storage. To decrease or avoid accidents that hurt people, the ecosystem, or the
firm, suggestions were suggested based on the HAZOP study. The qualitative aberrations and variables that demand constant
monitoring and control for safe anhydrous ammonia storage are the subject of this study case. [7] The petroleum and chemical
industry is a tool for discovering safety hazards in existing facilities as well as those under development or construction. The risk
assessment approach used in this study was designed to underline the significance of safety when pipetting from the a tanker truck
to an underground tanks or from an underground tank to barrel filling equipment. Xylene is very flammable and may cause a
boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion, often known as a (BLEVE). We utilised the risk analysis (HAZOP) technique to
Table2. Severity
1 <83,960 NO HARMS
2 83,960 - 8,39,600 MINOR HARMS
3 8,39,600 – 83,96,000 SERIOUS HARMS
4 83,96,000 – 8,39,60,000 1 DEATH
5 >8,39,60,000 >1 DEATH
Table3. Risk assessment
Figure2. Flow chart for process
1.1 possible
increase of 1.1 limit switch
temperature in 1.2 level switch
water bath of interlock to open
vaporizer and solenoid valve
decreases of
1.3 flow
water level
resulting in
damage of transmitter
heater 1.4 Field
1. No flow of instrument 1. Review safeguard /
1.2. decrease
liquid propane in flow rate of 2.1 remote interlocks for flame off at user
from bullet to vapour operated valve end and also include re ignition
vaporizer propane interlock with sequence as of un burnt
indication alarm accumulation of propane
2. no flow of 1.3 flame off
liquid propane in user end 2.2 flow 2.provide RTD indication on
NO to vaporizer indication PLC and also add interlock to
FLOW 3 2.1 possible 2 6
FLOW due to solenoid transmitter trip heater when high
valve fail close flame off in temperature
burner in user 2.3 Pressure
3.no flow of end indication 3. Provide solenoid valve at
cooling water transmitter inlet PRS upstream of
to vaporizer 4 2.2 Increase of vaporizer and provide interlock
due to pump pressure 2.4 safety relief to close solenoid valve in
failure upstream of valve liquid trap.
solenoid valve
3.1 pump
3.1 no running
vaporization of indication
liquid propane 3.2 pressure
in vaporizer 4
resulting in
flow of liquid 3.3 field
propane to instrument
user leading to
fire explosion
1. Decrease
rate of
Low flow of vaporization
1. Field Provide solenoid valve at inlet
cooling water liquid at user
LOW instrument PRS upstream of vaporizer and
FLOW to vaporization 2 point 2 4
FLOW 2. pressure provide interlock to close
pump suction 2. Possible dry
gauge solenoid valve in liquid trap
strainer choke run of pump
leading to
Propane is stored in the form of liquid in the bullet which has the capacity of 72tons and is used as gas. This study used the
HAZOP and QRA techniques to Identify and analyze the propane-related operability hazards. vaporizer in TVSM, taking into
account operational, technical, and conceptual aspects. Based on the findings, several preventative and mitigating actions have
been implemented to lessen the severity of the consequences of accidents, therefore improving the safe environment.
We would like to thank the TVSM safety officers and the involvement of supporting staff for their support in conducting this
study successfully.