OF of Stellar Spectra: Application Dicyanin

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By Paul W. Merrill

I. Introduction 487
1. Advantages of photography in spectroscopy 487
2 Historical 488
3 Purpose of this investigation 490
, II. Observations '
1. The instrument 490
Photographic processes
2. 491
3. Spectroscopic results
, 492
III. General discussion 501
1. Identification of band at wave length .760/x 501
2. Distribution of energy in stellar spectra 502
IV. Summary 504

It has become almost axiomatic in modern spectroscopy that
photography should be applied wherever possible. This is particu-
larly true in astrophysics, since the observational conditions give
photography especially great advantages. It is a mistake to
suppose that these advantages are limited to the more refrangible
portions of the spectrum. In the spectral region to which the
eye is most sensitive, namely, near wave length .56/1 (yellow-
green), a rather long exposure is required to show photographic-
ally the faintest details seen by a skillful observer, but even here
it is only under special conditions that visual results are of great

value as compared with a photographic record.

The visibility of radiation * falls rapidly on either side of X56, 2
being equal to 1 per cent of the maximum at X40 (violet) and at
* Dicyanin, a synthetic dye used for sensitizing photographic plates.
Coblcntz and Emerson, this Bulletin, 14, p. 167; 1917.
2 Throughout this paper X will be used as an abbreviation for wave length.
In referring to wave lengths
between 0.3 and
m (3000 and 10 000 angstroms) two or more significant figures will be given without
decimal points or units. Thus, X 56 is to be understood as wave length 0.56 m (5600 angstroms); X 560 or
X5600 would refer to the same wave length, but would indicate greater accuracy.
488 Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards \Voi. 14

X69 (red) From X69 on toward longer waves this value is halved

every 100 angstroms, so that to produce a given sensation of vision

5000 times as much energy is required at X75 as at X56. The
inefficiency of the eye for the red rays is, perhaps, not generally
recognized, since it has not been emphasized so greatly as in the
case of the violet rays by the success of photography.
To the eye a continuous spectrum is usually terminated at the
red end, not by the lack of energy but by the ineffectiveness of
the longer waves in producing vision.
This fact has been known, as far as the solar spectrum is con-
cerned, since the days of the elder Herschel, and has for many
years been inferred to hold true in stellar spectra from the assump-
tion that the spectral -energy curve is comparable with that of a
black body. Nichols's observations in 1900 showed the exist-
ence of considerable infra-red energy, at least for the star Arc-
turus. "The ratio greater than 2 to 1, of the total radiation of
Arcturus to that of Vega (stars which by most observers are
estimated to be of nearly equal photometric magnitude) indi-
cates a proportionately more intense infra-red spectrum for the
former than for the letter star." 3 By observations of stars with
and without a water screen Coblentz 4 has recently proved that a
large fraction of the energy in stellar spectra is of greater wave
length than 1.4^ (14 000 angstroms).
The results obtained in the infra-red by the use of radiometric
instruments are of the utmost value, and these methods are indis-
pensable for energy measurements, but for mapping spectral
detail there is no question that photography, where it can be
applied, is far superior both in refinement of observation and in
ease of manipulation.
From general considerations, therefore, it would seem to be
important to extend the application of photography toward the
infra-red, as well as toward the ultra-violet.


Modern commercial photographic plates are comparatively

insensitivebeyond about X50. For longer wave lengths specially
prepared emulsions have been used with some success, but in
order to obtain any considerable extension into the red there
has been more activity of recent years, in sensitizing ordinary
dry plates by means of certain dyes. The literature on this sub-
Nichols, Astrophysical Journal, 13. p. 135; 1901. 4
This Bulletin, 11, p. 646; 1915.

Merrill] Dicyanin in Stellar Spectroscopy 489

ject has become so extensive that it can not be reviewed here. 5

The dyes which have been most used in astronomical spectroscopy
seem to be erythrosin, pinacyanol, and a combination of homocol,
pinaverdol, and pinacyanol recommended by Wallace. 6 By the
use of pinacyanol, stellar spectra have been quite widely observed
in the Hen (X6563) region, and have been pushed as far as X71, but
are poorly observed at this extreme wave length because of the
rapid decrease in sensitivity. Dicyanin has been tried by several
astronomers, 7 but except in a few instances the limit has not been
greatly extended beyond X71. Dr. SHpher has kindly furnished
photographic prints of the originals of the illustrations of stellar
spectra in the Encyclopedia Brittannica. These spectra extend
well into the red; the A line appears in several, being most
distinctly shown in a. Orionis.
In view of the favorable results at wave lengths greater than
71 obtained at the Bureau of Standards with dicyanin, it seemed
that the full value of the dye had never been realized in astro-

physics,and that further trials might be profitable. In 191 2 Dr.

Burns had expressed the opinion 8 that with existing instruments
it would be possible to photograph the spectra of bright stars as

far as X80.
Lack of complete success heretofore can probably be traced to
one or more of the following causes (a) Deterioration of the dye

(b) failure of the staining process employed to give sufficient sen-

sitivity; or (c) ignorance of the spectral region in which dicyanin

ismost valuable.
(a) It is an unfortunate fact that dicyanin can not be depended

upon to preserve its useful properties indefinitely under ordinary

conditions; some chemical change takes place which destroys
wholly or in part its sensitizing value. It appears quite probable
that numerous tests of dicyanin have been made using samples
which were no longer in good condition. The deterioration can
be retarded and perhaps nearly eliminated by proper precautions.
(b) The sensitivity of the dyed plate depends on the composi-

tion of the staining bath and on the details of the manipulation.

Various processes have been recommended by the makers of the
6 Eder and Valenta, Beitrage Zur Photochemie und Speetralanalyse, Wien,
1904; Wallace, Astro-
physical Journal, 26, p. 311, 1907; Baly, Spectroscopy, Chap. XI, London, 1912; and Eder, Photograph-
sche Korrespondenz, September, 1915.
6 Astrophysical Journal, 26, p. 311; 1907.
V. M. Slipher, Astrophysical Journal, 28 ,p. 400, 190S; Enc. Brit., nth ed., 21, p. 717, 19x0-11; Bosler,
Comptes Rendus, 160, p. 124, 1915.
8 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 24, p. 251; 1912.

490 Bulletin offhe Bureau of Standards Woi.14

dye and others; some of these processes probably would not give
sufficientspeed for exposures on faint sources.
(c) Some experimenters have possibly not realized at what wave

lengths dicyanin has its greatest value, namely, those greater than
68. Pinacyanol is superior in speed up to about X68, but for
continuous and absorption spectra, dicyanin is probably to be pre-
ferred even at this point on account of its flatter sensitivity curve.


The general aim of the investigation reported upon in this paper
was to ascertain whether stellar spectra are sufficiently intense in
the region of wave length 0.80/1 (8000A) to allow these wave
lengths to be photographed with moderate exposure times by
means of dicyanin. If this proved to be the case, it was hoped
that the observations might indicate something of the value of
this part of the spectrum to astronomers and physicists.

By an arrangement with Director Pickering, of the Harvard Col-
lege Observatory, the 24-inch reflector of the observatory was used

p IG> X- —Schematic diagram of optical system of 24-inch reflector with objective prism

L, L, Light rays from star; A, prism P, refracting angle 6°, aperture 24 inches (circular); or A prism

D, refracting angle 15°, aperture 9 by n

inches; B, concave mirror, aperture 24 inches, focal length ix
feet; C, plane mirror; S — S, spectrum.

during the month of February, 191 7, to make the tests referred to

in the above paragraph. The reflector is of the Newtonian type,
with an aperture of 24 inches and a focal length of 1 1 feet. The
spectra were formed by an objective prism placed at the upper
end of the tube above the secondary mirror. This arrangement,
due to Prof. Pickering, combining as it does great light-gathering
power with achromatism, was obviously well suited to the problem
in hand. Two prisms were used: Prism P, circular, aperture 24
inches, angle about 6°; Prism D, nearly rectangular, 9 by 11
inches, angle about 15 The latter prism was placed eccentrically
: :

Merrill] Dicyanin in Stellar Spectroscopy 491

at the mouth of the tube in order that the secondary mirror might
not occult too much of the light Thus, practically the whole
aperture of the prism was made use of. (See Fig. 1 .) The linear
dispersions yielded by the prisms are as follows

Linear Dispersion

He to H0 H/3 to Ha

mm mm
Prism P 1. 7 \ 1.4
Prism D 15.8 12.3

The telescope is equipped with electric drive and pendulum

control which afforded great convenience in obtaining any desired
departure from sidereal rate.

The exact action of the dye in sensitizing plates is so little
understood, and the subject is so complex, that in spite of the
large amount of research any statements made at this
upon it,

time in regard to the best procedure must be regarded as provi-

sional, as they are more than likely to be revised by subsequent
experience. Similarly, certain precautions mentioned below may
later be shown to be unnecessary.
Both dicyanin and a more recent product, dicyanin A, were
tried at Harvard. The difference in the action of the two dyes is
not very marked, dicyanin A, perhaps, being better for the very
long waves. The dyes should be obtained as soon after manu-
facture as possible and should be kept cool and free from moisture.
The stock solution should be made in the ratio 1 1000 or 1 2000 : :

in the highest grade of absolute ethyl alcohol. The best results

obtained by the writer have been with the following procedure

1 Staining Solution
Distilled water 140
Ethyl alcohol 120
Dicyanin A (1: 2000) 18
Or dicyanin 1 1000 :
Ammonia, 26 degrees 9

Directions for Sensitizing. —Mix the water and alcohol thoroughly

and allow to stand. After adding the dye allow several minutes
before the ammonia is put in and again an interval before staining.
Bathe the plates 4K minutes at 20 C (68° F) Place for about 40 .

seconds in a bath of pure alcohol at the same temperature, remove,

492 Bulletin oj the Bureau of Stand.: [Vol. 14

and dry in a current of air.

Avoid high temperatures at any
point of the process.
The bath can be used repeatedly if 3 or 4 c c of ammonia is
added each time. The dye and all solutions should be protected
from light. In packing the plates after staining do not allow the
film to come in contact with any solid object, even glass or another
film. The stained plates deteriorate rather quickly; if placed in
an ice box, they will keep fairly well for a few days, but it is advis-
able to sensitize them as shortly before using as convenient. Use
any clear working developer
a few degrees cooler than usual.10

The fact that dicyanin does not sensitize the plates to green
and yellow light is made apparent by the appearance of the photo-
graphed spectra. As the illustrations show, the blue and red
portions of the spectra are usually separated by a gap representing
the insensitive region. A
more nearly uniform spectrum can un-
doubtedly be obtained by the addition of pinaverdol u to the
staining bath.
Between February 4 and March 1, 191 7, 67 stellar spectrograms
were secured on 14 nights. Those of interest are included in the
following list: Columns one to seven require no explanation. In
the eighth column, "Exposure," c indicates that the observation
was interfered with by clouds; in the ninth column, "Prism," P
denotes the 24-inch 6° prism; D denotes the 9 by 11 inch 15
prism; in the tenth column, "Emulsion," HS indicates Hammer
Special, 27 indicates Seed 27; in the last column, "Dye," D and
DA signify dicyanin and dicyanin A, respectively.

Journal of Observations

Star Mag. Class

Plate Date, Ex- Prism Emul- Dye
H 1917 posure sion

72 5
12 .8 9.1 Pa 1794 Feb. 11 62 HS DA
1800 Feb. 12 72 HS DA
23° 4553 6 50 23.8 6.6 Ob 1790 Feb. 10 36 HS DA
1795 Feb. 11 62 HS D
1796 ..do 42 HS D
Orionis 5 6.0 2.9 Oe 1821 Feb. 18 74 HS DA
Pleiades 3 24. B 1783 Feb. 6 10 !
1784 ..do 10 HS D
The above procedure is much the same as that recommended by Wallace for his three-dye stain. Astro-
physical Journal, 26, p. 311 ; 1

(1 part to 16 parts of water), as recommended by Prof. King, was

10 In this investigation pararnidophenol

used and seemed satisfactory fur the dicyanin plates.

B Possibly also erythrosin or orthochrome T or other dyes could be used, but they have not been actually
in combination with dicyanin by the writer. Dicyanin and pinaverdol have been used together
many times at the Bureau of Standards in photographing laboratory spectra.
Merrill] Dicyanin in Stellar Spectroscopy 493
Journal of Observations — Continued
Plate Date, Ex-
Prism Emul-
Star a.
i Class
H 1917 posure sion

h m min.
§ Orionis 5 10 -8°. 3 0.3 B8 1787 Feb. 10 14 P HS D
« Draconis 12 29 + 70.3 3.9 B5P 1813 Feb. 16 54c D 27 DA
Lyrae 18 46 +33.2 ( ) B? 1829 Feb. 18 25c D HS D
1844 Feb. 24 38 D HS DA
P Cygni 20 15 +37.7 4.9 Blp 1845 ...do 20c D HS DA
a Can. Mai 6 41 -16.6 -1.6 Ao 1791 Feb. 10 16 D HS D
1810 Feb. 16 42c P 27 DA
1822 Feb. 18 39 P HS DA
1839 Feb. 24 60 P HS D
aBootis 14 11 + 19.7 0.2 Ko 1815 Feb. 16 56c P HS DA
a. Urs. Maj 10 58 +62.3 2.0 Ko 1825 Feb. 18 37 P HS DA
a Tauri 4 30 +16.3 1.1 K5 1785 Feb. 6 5 D HS D
1807 Feb. 14 35c P HS DA
a. Orionis 5 50 + 7.4 0.9 Ma 1789 Feb. 10 17 P HS DA
1809 Feb* 16 24c D 27 DA
1832 Feb. 21 75 D HS D
X Draconis 11 26 +69.9 4.1 Ma 1793 Feb. 10 24c P HS DA
1834 Feb. 21 65 D HS D
a Herculis 17 10 + 14.5 3.5 Mb 1817 Feb. 16 7 D HS DA
1828 Feb. 18 38c D HS D
1837 Feb. 22 22c D HS D
1843 Feb. 24 52 D HS DA
1849 Feb. 28 23c P 27 DA
ty Virginis 12 51 - 9.0 4.9 M(b) 1814 Feb. 16 66c D 27 DA
HR 5589 14 56 +66.3 4.9 Mb 1842 Feb. 24 30 D HS DA
1847 Feb. 28 41c P 27 DA
40 Com. Ber 13 2 + 23.2 5.9 Mbp 1841 Feb. 24 72 D HS DA
o Ceti 2 14 - 3.4 (5.7) Md9 1831 Feb. 21 68 D HS D
(5.8) 1838 Feb. 24 72 D HS D
R Leo. Min 9 39 +35.0 (7.8) Md8 1797 Feb. 11 32 P KS D
(7.8) 1804 Feb. 12 62 P HS DA
(7.9) 1824 Feb. 18 43 D KS D
(7.9) 1830 Feb. 20 112c D HS D
UHydrae 10 33 — 12.8 (5-4) N 1792 Feb. 10 22c? P HS D
(5.4) 179S Feb. 11 24 P HS D
(5.4) 1812 Feb. 16 50c D 27 DA
DM+38°1539 6 30 +38. 5 6.3 N 1802 Feb. 12 71 P HS DA
1811 Feb. 16 49c D 27 DA
1833 Feb. 21 72 D HS D
Y Hydrae 9 46 — 22.6 (6.7) Np 1840 Feb. 24 78c? D HS DA
(6.8) 1846 Feb. 28 46c P 27 DA
DM+61° 667 3 57 +61.5 7.9 N 1799 Feb. 12 16 P HS DA
DM+14°1283 6 20 + 14.8 6.5 N 1801 ...do 72 P HS DA
DM+46° 817 12 40 + 46.0 ( ) N 1827 Feb. 18 54c D HS D
DM+68° 617 10 38 +67.9 ( ) N 1826 ...do 70 D HS D
DM-24°12084 15 22 -24.8 7.4 R 1305 Feb. 12 16 P HS DA
DM+42°2811 17 13 +42.2 7.3 R 1848 Feb. 28 41c P HS DA

Description of the spectra obtained will now be taken up in the

order of the Harvard classification. 12
Wave lengths were deter-
12 Annals Harvard College Observatory, 2S, p. 140; 56, p. 66.
2 .

494 Bulletin of the Bureau of StayidarJs [iw. /«

mined or identified by micrometer measurement of the photo-

graphs. Those given in italics are the results as measured. The
accuracy of the various measurements is indicated by the number
of figures given in stating the wave Jengths. The units will be
omitted, since be understood that all wave lengths referred
it will

to lie between 3000 and 10 000 angstroms (0.3 and 1.0/z). The
accuracy attained is not great, and the plates probably fail to
show many of the finer details of the spectra. This brief study is
therefore in the nature of a reconnoissance. The results indicate
the desirability of future observations in the extreme red and infra-
red regions with both objective-prism and slit spectroscopes.

DM-12 1 1~ Spectral Class Pa. In the spectrum of this —
interesting planetary nebula the following emission lines, all
previously observed, are shown: 3728 (nebular), HS, H7, H/3,
Ha. Ha is the strongest line, 3728 next. There is a suggestion
of an emission line of somewhat shorter wave length than Ha,
and on one plate a faint trace of an emission line at about 714.
Ha has been observed visually by Campbell 13 and photographi-
cally by Bosler. 14 Campbell remarked that Ha was "very diffi-
cult.'" This is in striking contrast with my photographs on which
Ha is the strongest line of all.

DM — 21° 4533. Emission lines — only were observed in this

Wolf-Rayet star as follows:

4059 Wolf-Rayet line
453 H 7 ? '

46S6 Wolf-Ravet line

Line near D 3


The numbers above, as also those shown on succeed-

ing pages of this paper, are wave lengths as measured. The
identifications assumed for the other lines depend also upon
measurements. The strongest line in the spectrum is 4686; 348
is a distinct, well-marked line on two plates. It may have the

11 Astronomy an i . 1894. 14 Comptes Rendus, 160, p. ::;; 1913.

Merriii] Dicyanin in Stellar Spectroscopy 495

same origin as a line in about this position observed by Palmer 15

in Nova Persei and in two planetary nebulae N. G. C. 6741 and
N. G. C. 6886, but the identification is doubtful. The wave
lengths of 702 from different plates are not accordant, but the
line looks real. Lines at 691 and 711 have been observed by
Bosler 16
in other Wolf-Rayet stars. He did not observe this star.
Ha was the only line in the red seen by Campbell. 17
t Orionis

Spectral Class Oe. —
The terrestrial atmospheric absorp-
tion lines B a, and A axe the only details observed in the red.

Ha is lost by overexposure. In the microscope of power 10 the

spectrum can be seen to about 796. With the naked eye it can
be traced, perhaps, 200 angstroms farther. Unless otherwise
specified, the limits mentioned for other stars refer to the appear-
ance of the spectrum in the microscope. With dicyanin the spec-
trum shades off gradually, so that these limits are indefinite, but
care has been taken not to overestimate them.
Stars of Class B. —
On account of the limited time at my dis-
posal only a few spectra of the earlier classes were obtained. In
Class B no new features were discovered. The characteristic
intensity curve is well shown by the plate of the Pleiades, Fig. 6.
It is interesting to compare the relative intensities of the two
portions of the spectrum with the intensities shown by stars of
other classes. The differences are so great that the class could
be determined fairly well from an image so weak or so poorly
defined that no lines are visible.
Bright-Line Spectra of Class B. —
Several spectra of this type
were photographed, including /cDraconis, jSLyrae, and PCygni.
Ha is a strong emission line in all these spectra. The photo-
graphs of /3Lyrae and of PCygni were taken under poor conditions
and hence are not so valuable as they might otherwise be. Besides
D 3 and Ha several emission lines of greater wave length are seen
with low power. These probably include 6678 and 7065 of
helium. The spectra extend to about 75.

aCanis Majoris Spectral Class. Ao. The plate of low disper- —
sion is overexposed in the stronger portions of the spectrum.
The following features have been measured in the less refrangible
part: 627, slight maximum in continuous spectrum; 650, mini-
mum in continuous spectrum; 693, center of strong broad maxi-
mum; 727, drop in intensity; 87-89, end.
Lick Observatory Bulletins, 2, p. 46; 1902.
Comptes Rendus, 160, p. 124; 191 5.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2, p. 456; 1S94.

496 Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards Yd i4

The longer spectra show the absorption lines Ha, B, a. A. A is

strong and conspicuous. There is a decided suggestion of an

absorption line at about Si. The spectrum extends faintly to 84.
(See Fig. 2.)
— —
aBobtis Spectral Class Ko. The features measured include
A", H, g, absorption band head at 5166, A, band head (?) at 808 ',

end of spectrum 854.

— —
otUfsak Maioris Spectral Class Ko. This spectrum, which is
not so strongly exposed as that of aBootis, shows K, H, g, band
head at 51 66, D, B, A. In both spectra there is apparently some
faint detail beyond A, but it is too poorly shown to be interpreted.
— —
aTauri Spectral Class K5. The spectrum taken with the 6°
prism is too short to allow many features in the red to be distin-
guished. There is a broad maximum at 70, while the spectrum
ends about 82. An absorption line (probably A) beyond the
maximum is seen with low power. (See Fig. 7.)
The longer spectrum, which is not strongly exposed in the red,
shows D, Ha, B, a, A. There is a broad maximum of the con-
tinuous spectrum between B and a.
— —
aOrionis Spectral Class Ma. On the small dispersion plate
K, H, g, A, and a slight maximum at yg, were measured in addi-
tion to heads of absorption bands at 4760, 4955, 5166, 5862, 6156,
and 7054. These bands all head toward shorter wave lengths,
and are well known in Class M spectra. The spectrum extends
to 85.
The following features were measured in the longer spectra
it,H, g, D, B, A, and band heads at 4955. 5166, 6156, 7054. The
end of the spectrum as measured on the two plates falls at 833
and £74. (See Fig. 3.)
On all the plates of a Orionis there is apparently an absorption
band with its head (toward the violet) nearly coincident with A.
It probably represents the early stage of a band which develops
to great prominence in Mb and Md spectra. In common with
many other bands in the spectrum of a Orionis, this new band is
almost undoubtedly to be ascribed to titanium oxide. The
identification will be discussed later in this paper.
— —
\Draconis Spectral Class Ma. The bands are not so pro-
nounced as in a Orionis. A is well shown on the high dispersion
plate, but the band having its head at that point is not in evidence.
— —
aHerculis Spectral Class Mb. This star has a spectrum which
is rendered very striking by the strong fiutings found throughout

a long range of wave lengths. The plate of small dispersion shows




Merriii] Dicyanin in Stellar Spectroscopy 497

the following features: K, H, A, and band heads at 4760, 4955,


5166, 5862, 6156, 6652, 706, 760. There is a distinct maximum at

808, perhaps indicating an absorption band beginning at a some-
what greater wave length. The spectrum is observed to 83.
With higher dispersion the spectrum contains so much detail
that an adequate description is difficult. The chief features are
shown in Fig. 4. The measurements include settings on g, B, A,
and band heads at 476, 4955, 5763, 5815, 585, 6156, 706, 760.
On the best plate the band head at 706 is distinctly triple.
Assuming the first component to lie at 7054, the wave lengths of
the second and third were measured as jog and 713. These are
well-known titanium oxide bands observed in the laboratory by
Fowler, 18 and by Hale and Adams 19 in both laboratory and sun-
spot spectra. Referring to stellar spectra, these bands have been
observed in a Orionis by Newall and Cookson, 20 and by Slipher. 21
The latter observed them, partially, in the spectrum of Ceti. 22
On two plates there is seen what may be the head of a rather weak
absorption band at 811. This agrees with the appearance of the
short spectrum as described above. The settings on the end of
the spectrum range on different plates from 825 to 836. A faint
continuation is visible without magnification to a considerably
greater wave length. As this is true in the spectra of other stars
also, it is worth noting because it indicates that the sensitivity
curve of the dicyanin plate does not drop abruptly, and that
greater effective exposures will record stellar spectra to even longer
wave lengths than those obtained in this investigation.
The absorption band beginning sharply near A and shading off
toward longer waves is strongly dfcgef|>ped, and with the fluting
at 706 gives the extreme red portiorrof the spectrum a remarka-
ble appearance. The spectrum here might conveniently be de-
scribed as consisting of two emission bands sharply cut off at 706
and 760, and gradually weakening toward the violet. As these
features of the spectrum seem to vary considerably from star to
star, it is not improbable that they may be useful in distinguishing
the subdivisions of Class M. The band of greater wave length
seems to become intensified with advance in spectral type.
\p Virginis— Spectral Class M{b). —
Although classified as Mb this
spectrum resembles that of X Draconis more than that of a Herculis.
It does not appear to be more advanced than a Orionis. A single
Monthly Notices, R. A. S.| 69, p. 508; 1909.
Astrophysical Journal, 25, p. 77; 1907.
20 Monthly Notices, R. A. S., 67, p. 4S2; 1907.
21 Monthly Notices, R. A. S., 69, p. 510; 1909.
22 Astrophysical Journal, 25, p. 236; 1907.
498 Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards [r,./. i 4

truni of \p Yirginis was secured mid its quality is only fair, but
the appearance of the bands in the red favors the classification
Ma rather than Mb.
HR 3380 —Spectral Class Ml>. — This appears to be a typical Mb
Spectrum, On Plata Hi 847 (small dispersion) the following fea-
tures were measured: A', H, g,A, band heads at 4760, 4955, 5166,
586, 6156, 6652, 706, 76. The spectrum ends more abruptly than
usual at 83. (See Fig. 8.)

40 Conuc Boenicis —Spectral Class Mb. —This spectrum is sim-

ilar to HR 5589.
Ccti — Spectral Class Md 9. —The characteristics distinguishing
Class Mb from Class Ma are stillmore pronounced in this Md spec-
trum. The absorption in the flutings is more nearly complete,
giving the spectrum a curiously disconnected appearance. By far
the most conspicuous feat rues of the whole spectrum, as seen on
these plates, Fig. 5, are the two (apparently) emission flutings at
706 and 760. While these are probably the unshaded portions of
continuous spectrum between absorption bands, the maxima are
much stronger than anything else seen in the spectrum. The
measurements include B, A, end of spectrum at 837, and band
heads at 4505, 4626, 476, 4955, 5^43 61 56, 636, 663 ± 706, 760, and
, ,

possibly one between 81 and 82. H 5 and H 7 are seen as emission

lines, the former being the stronger.
R Leonis Minoris —Spectral Class Md — In the short spectra

the following were observed: H (and K), emission H 6, trace of

emission H7, maximum at 814 ± end
, 83, bands at 4760, 4955,
5862, 6156, 6652, 706, 760 (reinforced by A).
In the longer spectra, which are both underexposed, the stronger
bands and emission HS are seen. As in o Ceti the portions of con-
tinuous spectrum about 69 and about 74 are the most striking
features of the spectrum. Bright HS is very strong.
Stars of Class N. — The spectra of Class N as shown on these
plates contain considerable detail, but most of it is of such a char-
acter that can not be measured with accuracy. AYhile no pre-

cision can be claimed for the wave-length determinations, they

are sufficient to identify the main features and to furnish a fairly
definite description of what is seen on the photographs. (See
Fig. 9-)
In the following tabulations of measurements the terms "rise"
and drop " refer to changes in the intensity curve when proceed-

ing toward longer waves, "pr" indicates present.

Bulletin Bureau of Standards, Vol. 14


Fig. 5.—o Ceti. Class Mdg. Plate H1831

Fig, 6. Atlas and Pleione. Class B. Plate H1783


Bulletin Bureau of Standards, Vol. 14


Fig. 7. a Tauri. Class A'5. Plate HlfS$

Fig. S.—II. R. 55S9. Class Mb. Plate II 1847


Merrill Dicyanin in Stellar Spectroscopy 499

Stars of Class N

TJ Hydrae
+38° 1539, + 14° 1283,
Description H 1802 H 1801
H1792 H1798

Absorption line 437 436* Swan band?

Absorption 454-474 pr pr pr Swan band
Rise 517 Do
Rise 564 pr pr pr Do
Absorption line 591 pr pr pr Cyanogen band?
Broad maximum 681 682 683

Absorption line? 731 Do

Narrow absorption line . 758 Probably A
Drop 786

Narrow absorption line?. (802)

Absorption line? (90) (91) .



D M+38° 1539
U Hydrae, DM+46"
Description H 1812 817, H 1827 Identification
H1811 H1833

5597 Detached portion of

Swan band
Do 5643 5645 5630
5805 5810
5876 5909 Do
687 687
691 691 693°

692 Do
Do 707 708 709* 707 Do
Do 722 724 Do
A pr pr pr
End 79+ 821 795

Loiv dispersion —Prism P. —At 682 there is a strong broad

maximum in the continuous spectrum. It rises so abruptly on the
side of shorterwave length, at about 67, as to give the impression
that an absorption band terminates here, but the higher dispersion
does not bear out that interpretation. This maximum may arise
from a combination of the intensity curve of the star and of the
dispersion of the prism, which condenses a considerable amount of
energy in a comparatively narrow space. The change with wave
length of the sensitivity of the emulsion of course adds its effect.
These considerations will be briefly discussed later in this paper.
The absorption line measured at 73, as shown by the longer
spectra, is in reality an absorption band with its head at 72.

500 Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards [iw. :4

Beyond So the spectra are very weak in fact almost invisible —

but an indication of an absorption line at a great wave length,
approximately 90, was measured on three plates. The realitv of
this line on any one plate is so doubtful that the measurements
would not be recorded here except for the circumstance that all
three yield the same wave length as closely as could be expected
in the case of an actual line. This, however, does not prove the
existence of the line (or band), which must be left to future
observations to decide. If the line is real, it should be clearlv

shown by effective exposures two or three times as long as those

received by these plates. Such exposures are not out of the
The stars Y Hydrae and D M~6i c 667 appear with small dis-
persion to be similar to U Hydrae.
High dispersion — —
Prism D. Very
little is seen in the ordinarv

photographic region in these high-dispersion spectra owing to under-

exposure, and the other portions are not so strong as is desirable.
Nevertheless, several new features are clearly indicated. The most
important of these are the absorption bands beginning at 692, 70S,
72 ; and degenerating toward the red. They face in the opposite
direction from the strong bands of shorter wave length characteristic
of Class N. Several of the new features seem to correspond with
cyanogen bands as listed by Kayser , and since other cyanogen bands
have previously been found in similar stars 2t this identification is
suggested for them. Unfortunately, this identification is little more
than formal, as we are not certain of the origin of these bands.
Certain "cyanogen" bands have been observed in the spectrum
of a copper arc burning in nitrogen. 25 The writer is not informed
as to whether or not this applies to all of what is ordinarily called
the cyanogen spectrum, but we can no longer accept the designa-
tion cyanogen at its face value. If we reject the connection

between "cyanogen" flutings and a carbon source, it seems a

remarkable thing that two sets of bands ordinarily associated
with carbon, namely, the Swan spectrum and the cyanogen
spectrum should appear together in a stellar source, as they do in
the spectrum of a carbon arc. It is impossible, however, to press
this argument to a conclusion because of incomplete data. The
need for further laboratory research upon banded spectra, particu-
Handbuch der Specti
Kale. Ellerman. and 1 .:blications of the Yerkes Observatory, 2. p. 115; 1903.

s Utter and Patterson. Astrophysical Journal, 42, p.. ibo Grotian and Runge, Physikaliscfae
Zeitschriit, 15, p. 543
Metrth) Dicyanin in Stellar Spectroscopy 501

larly in the red, is emphasized; and it is not unlikely that stellar

spectra of Class N, when more completely observed, will be of
value to the laboratory physicist.
Hydrae and D M
+ 68° 617, as judged by one underexposed
plate of each, possess spectra which seem to be essentially similar
to U Hydrae and D M + 38 1539-
Stars of Class R. —
Two spectra of Class R, D — 24 12084 M
and DM
+ 42 281 1, were photographed. The plates are not of
the best quality, the details not being well shown, but the great
departure from Class N in the matter of spectral distribution of
energy is evident at a glance. In the Class R spectra the blue
and red portions are of approximately equal intensity, more or
less as in Class K, and decidedly at variance with Class N. Taking
the central portion of the spectrum, say about 48, as a standard
of comparison, the violet rays are stronger and the red rays
weaker than in Class N. These observations are in harmony
with and extend the Harvard descriptions of Class R and support
in an interesting way the analogy between the sequences G, K, M,
and G, R, N, as set forth by Dr. Rufus. 26 The spectral distri-
bution of intensity in stars of various classes will be further
discussed later in this paper.



As previously described, an absorption band with its head at

X760, about coincident with Fraunhofer A, and extending toward
longer wave lengths, has been observed in spectra belonging to
various subdivisions of class M. This band appears to increase in
strength with advancing spectral type. Since it occurs in spectra
in which other bands, also heading toward shorter wave lengths,
are known to be due to titanium oxide, it was natural to suppose
that this might have the same origin. There are several published
descriptions and illustrations of the titanium oxide spectrum, but
none that the writer has seen refers to wave lengths as great as
760. Hence this portion of the spectrum was photographed by
him since returning to Washington. The arc formed between
electrodes of metallic titanium was projected upon the slit of the
spectroscope. The arc burned brilliantly at 2 or 3 amperes, but
displayed an annoying tendency to wander about over the elec-
28 Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Michigan, 2, p. 103; 1916.

110990°— 19 2
502 Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards [Vol. 14

trodes. 27Since the banded spectrum is stronger in the outer

envelope of the arc an attempt was made to observe this part of it,
but the position of the image of the arc upon the slit could not be
satisfactorily controlled for reasons just referred to. Neverthe-
less, photographs were obtained in which the flutings stand out
quite prominently, and as was anticipated, a band at about X760
is present. An illustration (Fig. 10) shows this new band as it
appears in a one-prism spectroscope. Photographs with a 2 1 -foot
grating (Fig. 11) show that it is multiple, the first head being near
X7590 with others toward longer waves following at intervals of
30 to 40 angstroms, one of the most pronounced being at X766.
Traces of the multiple character are seen on a few of the stellar


When solar or stellar spectra are photographed with a prism

spectroscope on red sensitive plates there is usually found to be

a decided maximum of intensity at some point in the red. With

pinacyanol it occurs at X66-67, with dicyanin near X70, but this
does not necessarily imply real maxima either in the stellar spectra
or in the sensitizing power of the dyes. The opacity of the photo-
graphic emulsion at different points in a spectrum depends upon
many factors, the three most important being (1) spectral intensity
of the source (energy per angstrom) ; (2) dispersion of the spectro-
scope (angstroms per millimeter) ; and (3) sensitivity of the photo-
graphic emulsion (darkening per unit of incident energy) . Neglect-
ing many complications, the ordinates of the opacity curve are
found by multiplying together the corresponding ordinates of the
curves (1), (2), and (3). Now, even though the intensity and the
sensitivity steadily decrease toward the red, it may happen that
at a certain point the condensation of energy due to the dispersion
curve will cause an increase in the photographic action, while a
little farther along the spectrum this is overbalanced again by

smaller values of intensity and sensitivity. These considerations

may explain certain maxima so commonly shown in stellar spectra,
particularly in the red. If so, no great importance is to be attached
to them.
While actual spectral-energy curves can not be drawn from the
data at hand, the great differences between those of various types
Bars or rods of metallic titanium were not obtainable at this time, hence it was necessary to use pieces
of irregular shape.

Bulletin Bureau of Standards, Vol. 14

s io <o
1 7 1

Fig. 9.— D M + 38 1539. Class N. Plate H1802

Fig. 10. Titanium arc; one-prism spectrograph




Merrill] Dicyanin in Stellar Spectroscopy 503

of stars have been emphasized by the photographs taken during

this investigation.
Nearly all stellar spectra taken with moderate exposures on
dicyanin plates appear in two parts, there being a gap in the yel-
low-green, due to the insensitiveness of the emulsion. It is in-
structive to observe the steady shift of energy from the blue to
the red side of this gap in passing from early to late types of
spectra. For classes B and A the blue portion is much the
stronger; at class K
the two parts are about equal; while for
classes M and N the red portion is stronger. The great contrast
in energy distribution in the different classes is clearly shown in
the illustrations. It has been determined, roughly, in a numerical
way by estimating the relative amounts of photographic action
in the two portions of nearly 100 spectra appearing on the plates
of small dispersion. The table shows the ratio of the red to the
blue portion. At my request Dr. Burns made independent esti-

mates of the same stars. The two series agree well where the
and in other cases do not differ
ratio is near unity, more than
might be expected from the uncertainties in estimates of this
Ratio of Red to Blue Light —Average Values
Class Bums Merrill

B, A 0.1 0.2
F, G .4 .5
K 1.2 1.2
M 1.3 1.3
N 4.1 3.6
R 9 .9 .8

It is somewhat surprising to find so small a difference between

Classes K and M. This does not necessarily contradict the belief
that stars of Class M are considerably redder than those of Class K,
for these spectra refer in part to waves too long to affect the eye,
and it is probably at great wave lengths that the strong absorption
bands of titanium oxide partly compensate the increasing redness.
The ratio B and A to N is 41 according to Burns's estimates
and 18 according to the writer's, 28 corresponding to magnitude
differences of 4.0 and 3.1, respectively. This would undoubtedly
be considerably increased if we could compare wave lengths
shorter than 40 with those longer than 65.
Burns's estimates are evidently on a more extended scale than the writer's and probably more nearly
correspond to the actual energy ratios.
504 Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards [voi.i 4

Only two Class R stars are included, but the results are ot
special interest. The estimates are as follows:

Ratio of Red to Elue Light— Class R


J 3

Mean ...

These numbers show in a definite way the wide divergence from

Class X and the similarity to Class K, as referred to previously in
this article. The correspondence of these two stars is apparently
to an early rather than to a late subdivision of Class K.

1. A band (wave length 0.760/1) and a considerable
region of greater wave length have been photographed in numerous
stellar spectra by means of plates sensitized with dicyanin.
2. A strong band at 0.760^, nearly coincident with .4, has been

discovered in spectra of Class M. It is very marked in Mb and

Md spectra, and may be useful for purposes of classification.
3. The titanium arc shows flutings near this wave length, which

probably correspond to the stellar bands.

4. In spectra of Class X, bands at 0.692/i, 0.708/x (0.723/1) have
been observed, which may be identical in origin with bands in
the so-called cyanogen spectrum.
5. On dicyanin plates, spectra of Class R are strikingly dis-

similar to those of Class N in spectral distribution of energy.

6. The greatest wave lengths observed appear by extrapolation
to be about 0.87^.
7. General conclusions may be stated as follows: (a) Mam-
stellar spectra possess sufficient intensity in the region of wave
length o.&OfjL (infra-red) to enable this portion of the spectrum to
be photographed on plates sensitized with dicyanin (6) in favor- ;

able instances stellar spectra can be well observed to 0.85/i, or

possibly to even greater wave lengths; (c) the region of stellar
spectra of greater wave length than 0.70^ contains features of
importance, especially in the case of the later types.
Merriii] Dicyanin in Stellar Spectroscopy 505

Acknowledgment is hereby made of the courtesy of Director

Pickering, of the Harvard College Observatory, in making this
investigation possible, and of the aid rendered by him, by Prof.
King, Miss Cannon, and other members of the staff during the
progress of the observations.

Washington, April 12, 191 7.

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