D&D 5e Alyth's Blueprints For Home & Business.

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Table of Contents A Word from Lady Alyth

Tales of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.
Chapter 1: Brick-by-Brick Building .............. 3 That’s right. It’s me—Lady Alyth Elendara, proprietor
Chapter 2: Locations ................................................... 7 and bartender of the Elfsong Tavern in Baldur’s Gate.
Location Options ........................................................................7 My son Alan has just been tending the bar while I’ve
Secondary Features .................................................................. 9 been gone.
I see you’ve come to talk, and about proprietorship no
Chapter 3: Construction ......................................11 less? Very interesting. Well, you’ve come to the right
Building Materials ...................................................................11 place. It’s a tough business in a tough town. I’ve seen
Construction Costs ..................................................................11 plenty of taverns, inns, shops—you name it—come and
Construction Time .................................................................. 13 go in my time. But not the Elfsong Tavern, oh no. She’s
Buildings Under Siege ...........................................................14 stood the test of time.
Chapter 4: Furnishings .......................................... 15 First thing’s first. Location, location, location. Make
Furnishing Options ................................................................. 15 the place yours. My regulars pass half a dozen other
taverns before they get to mine. But what other tavern
Chapter 5: Hiring Staff .......................................... 27 proprietor in this sprawling city had the guts to build on
Staff Options ............................................................................. 27 top of a haunted stretch of ground people avoided? But
Chapter 6: Home and Business ....................... 32 now people come from miles to hear the singing ghost.
Establishment Scores ............................................................32 You might start small, but start with a strong
Payday ..........................................................................................32 foundation. You can’t build upward on a bed of sand. Do
Repel .............................................................................................33 you understand what I’m telling you? Get the best
materials, best people, best ales from the get-go, and
Appendix A ............................................................................. 35 people will remember you.
Elfsong Tavern .......................................................................... 35 Oh, and don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty. Cut
Low Lanten ................................................................................36 costs by breaking a sweat. I mixed cement, hammered
Public Bathhouse .................................................................... 37 nails, rolled barrels in and out of here. You think it’s all
Vanthampur Villa .....................................................................38 glamor and barking orders? It’s not, especially not at
Animated Armor ...................................................................... 39 first. Employees work hard when they see you working
Half-Ogre .................................................................................... 40 hard. But now I’ve got time to slow down and talk to
engaging people like yourself. It’s because I worked up to
Appendix B ............................................................................. 41 this.
Apprentice Wizard .................................................................. 41 And surround yourself with good people. You do that
Archer .......................................................................................... 42 by paying an honest day’s wage for an honest day’s work.
Bard .............................................................................................. 43 Cutting wages is just asking for a knife in the back from
Master Sage ...............................................................................44 a mutineer of your own making.
Sage ..............................................................................................45 Speaking of which, I can see Falten and Yimiur
Ceremony ................................................................................... 46 sweating from here. Gotta go. It’s hopping tonight!
Establishment Sheet ..................................................47
Hey, good luck with the new establishment! Come by
anytime you want to talk shop!
Credits Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,
Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon
ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast
Writing and Layout product names, and their respective logos are
Adam Hancock | @AdamMakesTTRPG trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and
other countries.
Editing This work contains material that is copyright Wizards
Bum Lee | https://bumlee.com/games of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used
with permission under the Community Content
Art Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Adobe stock art, DMs Guild creator resources, Fat All other original material in this work is copyright
Goblin Games 2021 by Adam Hancock and published under the
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters

Chapter 1: Brick-by-Brick Building

our first step in creating an establishment     Throughout this chapter, we use the term
or homestead in a Dungeons & Dragons establishment sheet to mean whatever you use to track
game is to plan and construct a building. your building, whether it’s the establishment sheet at the
Your building is a combination of end of this book, some form of digital record, or a piece
construction materials, furniture and decor, of notebook paper. The establishment sheet provided in
hired staff, and your imagination. You this book is a fine place to start until you know what
choose the location and room dimensions, information you need and how to use it during the game.
pay for materials and labor, hire employees, and move in.
You can also invent the appearance, ambiance, and Building the Elfsong Tavern
personality of your building. Once constructed, your Each step of building construction includes an example
building can provide income, benefits, and housing for of that step, with a character named Lady Alyth building
your character in the game. her establishment, the Elfsong Tavern.
Before you dive into step 1 below, think about the kind
of building you want to construct. You might build a
guildhouse, a cottage, a tavern, a noble estate, an inn, a
1. Choose a Location
shop, a shrine, a farm, a tower, and more! If you don’t Every building is built in a specific location, one with its
know where to begin, take a look through this book to own traits and environment. The most common places
see which options catch your interest. to build are cities, towns, villages, and roadsides, though
Once you have a building in mind, follow these steps some buildings exist even in remote wildernesses. Some
in order, making decisions that reflect the establishment locations have secondary traits, such as coastal, forested,
or homestead you want. Your conception of your or swampy. The next chapter provides more information
building might evolve with each choice you make. What’s about these locations.
important is that, when your character spies it on the The location you choose contributes to your building’s
horizon after a long adventuring arc, they feel like identity in an important way, by establishing a potential
they’ve come home. clientele (if any) and the features of the surrounding
region. Your building’s location grants particular
landscape traits, such as cost adjustments for building
materials, decor and staff options, or increases to
establishment scores (more on establishment scores in
step 5) . For example, a highway tavern in a wooded
region might provide abundant timber for construction
but also experience staffing issues due to its remote
Record the traits granted by your location on your
establishment sheet.
Your location also increases one or more of your
establishment scores, which you determine in step 5.
Note these increases and remember to apply them later.
Building the Elfsong Tavern, Step 1
Lady Alyth is getting ready to construct her building.
She decides that a tavern built on the site of an ancient
elven burial ground in Baldur’s Gate would be quite a
novelty. She notes all the traits of a metropolis on her
establishment sheet, which include establishment score
increases (+1 Security, +1 Renown) and cost

Lady Alyth’s player notes that a wood building costs
2. Planning and 30 gp per square. The total construction costs would be
3,540 gp, but Alyth is building in a metropolis where
Construction building materials and labor are pricey. So those costs
Once you’ve chosen a location, it’s time to draw up a are going up by 25 percent to 4,425 gp. Lady Alyth
building plan. Start by determining the dimensions of decides to pay for all the materials and labor rather than
each room of your planned building. A room can take do any work herself. Since it takes 1 day per 150 gp of
any shape you desire. What’s important are its the construction cost, the wooden taproom is
dimensions, measured in squares that are each 5 feet to constructed in about 30 days.
a side. Alyth has plans to add a kitchen in the back,
Count the number of 5-foot squares your building will storerooms, a private dining room, lounges, and guest
cover. Each 5-foot square has a cost associated with the rooms on a second story. But for now she’s off to a good
primary material used in construction. These costs are start.
listed in the Construction Costs table in chapter 3. Each
square that contains or borders the perimeter of a room 3. Furnishings
is considered a wall or doorway square. A building Four walls, a floor, and a roof just make an empty room.
square with a wall or doorway in it costs double the You fill it by buying furnishings. Furnishings is a
amount listed in the Construction Costs table. shorthand term to describe the furniture, decor, look,
Once you know the cost of each room of your building, and function of a room. For example, you can buy
add them up to calculate the grand total. This is the “bedroom furnishings” to fill a room with a four-poster
amount you need to pay for the materials, which bed, a footlocker or chest, a bearskin rug, and a wash
includes the wages of the architect, foreperson, and basin and pitcher. Or you can buy “shrine furnishings” to
builders. instead fill the same room with an altar or statue, a few
Most laborers are accustomed to being paid in pews, a washing font, and songbooks and liturgical texts.
installments, but the building is incomplete and
uninhabitable until the total cost is paid in full. See Building the Elfsong Tavern, Step 3
chapter 3 for more information about constructing a Once construction is done, Lady Alyth purchases
building. “barroom furnishings,” filling her single-room building
with a bar and barstools, kegs of spirits and ale, a small
Additions performance stage, tables and chairs, and a large
You can, if you have the money to front the cost, fireplace. This purchase is the right kind of investment
construct the building with more than one room and to get patrons frequenting the tavern.
even more than one floor (depending on the primary Because basic barroom furnishings cost 10 gp per
building material). However, most buildings start with a square, Lady Alyth must pay 840 gp to properly furnish
single room. For example, a new tavern might start with her tavern.
only a taproom where patrons drink and socialize. A
religious building might start as a simple shrine with a
few pews arranged around a single altar or relic.
4. Hiring Staff
No matter the size of an existing building, you can If you’re a recluse hoping for a hideaway home or a solo
always add one or more rooms by constructing an entrepreneur running a one-person business, you might
addition to the building. The costs are exactly the same, skip this step. Otherwise, you'll want a retinue of
but remember that each 5-foot square of a second floor employees to help manage or operate the house or
or higher level doubles the cost, and some materials, like establishment. You might want bouncers for your tavern,
straw, cannot support more than one floor. apprentices in your tower, a kitchen staff for your inn,
shopkeepers for your store, or a butler for your manor.
Building the Elfsong Tavern, Step 2 You determine the type and size of your staff, paying
Lady Alyth wants the Elfsong Tavern to be a two-story them a regular wage out of the establishment’s profits or
building someday, but she starts with a single room on your own pocket.
ground level: the barroom.
Alyth decides to make her tavern out of wood, with the Building the Elfsong Tavern, Step 4
barroom measuring 50 feet (10 five-foot squares) by 40 Lady Alyth has big plans for her tavern. She wants to
feet (8 squares). After adding a small entrance hire cooks, bouncers, and domestics, but for now she
measuring 10 feet on a side (4 squares), that’s a total of just needs someone to tend the bar when she’s away.
84 squares. Thirty-four of those squares border or She hires two waitstaff employees to start, young men
contain a wall or door, so they cost double. That’s the named Falten and Yimiur. Labor is cheaper in a
equivalent of 118 squares. metropolis, so their monthly wage is 4 gp and 5 sp each.
Lady Alyth decides to tend the bar herself.

    Now that her barroom is staffed, her tavern’s
Profitability score increases by 3 (2 for Falten and
Yimiur, and another 1 for herself).

5. Tally Establishment Establishment Score Summary

Scores Profitability
Much of what your building can do in the game depends Measures: Income versus expenses and upkeep

on its three scores: Profitability, Security, and Renown. A

score is a number you record on your establishment Improved by: Furnishing and staffing a barroom,
sheet. baths, a bedroom, a conservatory, a gallery, a kitchen,
The three scores and their use in the game are a lounge, an office, a shop, a theater, or a workshop.
described in chapter 6. The Establishment Score
Summary table below provides a quick reference for Security
what qualities are measured by each score and the Measures: Guards, defenses, and sturdiness of
options that increase each score. construction

Each of the building’s establishment scores begins by

default at 1, with an accompanying −5 modifier.

Improved by: Building in a city, metropolis,

Building the Elfsong Tavern, Step 5 wilderness, or swamp; constructing with wood, clay
Lady Alyth’s player records a 1 for each of her tavern’s and brick, or stone; hiring guards; and building a
establishment scores. After applying the increases from barracks, jail, or treasury.
hiring staff and building in a metropolis, the Elfsong Renown
Tavern has establishment scores and modifiers that look
like this: Profitability 4 (−3), Security 2 (−4), Renown 2 Measures: Fame, word of mouth, appearance


Improved by: Building in a coastal, metropolis, or

roadside location; furnishing baths, a gallery, a
meeting hall, or a theater; upgrading to an opulent
barroom, crypt, lounge, office, shop, treasury, or
workshop; and hiring courtiers, performers, or skilled
6. Open for Business Expansion
Once you have a location picked out, one or more rooms As your character goes on adventures and overcomes
built, decor purchased, and staff (if any) employed, you challenges, they discover or earn money. And as their
can open for business or move into your new home. If purse starts to bulge with coin, they can use it to expand
you seek patrons or customers, set an opening date, their business or homestead. A building can be
which is the cue for folks to walk in and see what you physically extended by enlarging rooms, building
have to offer them. adjoining rooms, or adding upper stories. You can also
You determine what is to be done with your building add employees to the staff, upgrade the decor, rebuild
while you are away. You can either hang a “Closed” sign existing rooms with new materials, and more!
in the window or designate a staff member to run things
until you return. If you serve a role in the establishment
yourself, be prepared to lose the revenue you would’ve
generated while you’re away.

Chapter 2: Locations

he architecture of any one of the great Cities and towns are the most common locations to
cities in the worlds of Dungeons & construct a building, a place to live and work with urban
Dragons—bloody Baldur’s Gate, famed comforts and conveniences. A metropolis might also be
Waterdeep, Ravnica’s City of Guilds, or a choice location, though space to build is at a premium
Sharn the City of Towers—awes and and competition is fierce. Villages, highways, and
amazes. Soaring spires, lofty towers, wildernesses are also viable options, each presenting its
castle walls, noble manors, seaside own challenges.
taverns, and cozy inns. The smell of restaurant fare, the
smiles of patrons walking into their favorite taphouse, Locations
the weary traveler finding their bed in their own home. Choose one from among the following six location
Perhaps there is an empty lot among the established options:
homes and shops of one of these fair cities. Was it
destroyed by an earthquake, a storm, arson, or dragon Wilderness
fire? No matter. It’s empty now and the perfect place to An uninhabited, trackless place

build a bookshop, a smithy, an alchemist lab, a tavern, or Payday DC: 19

a house in the middle of the city.

Then again, maybe a quiet village is more to your Windswept dunes, trackless forests, neverending
liking. Yours might be the only shop in town, with a grasslands, and empty beaches are but a few of the
small but faithful clientele in a tight-knit community countless wildernesses in the world. These varied
where everyone knows your name. Or a highway inn landscapes have only one thing in common: no people.
might be just the spot—far from city life but bustling with
a constant stream of travelers from far-off places. If you Wilderness Establishment Features
are especially brave or reclusive, you might find the A wilderness establishment has the following traits due
remote wilderness to be the perfect place to put down to its location:
roots and build a home. After all, if people can’t find you, Establishment Score Increase. You’ve picked a spot
they can’t bother you. Where you choose to build is up to so remote that the only immediate threat is the
you. occasional marauding beast or monster. Your building’s
Security score increases by 2.
Choosing a Location Lonely Place. Convincing anyone to live far from all
For the purposes of constructing a building, the local family and friends is difficult. Because of your building’s
population size (if any) is the most important feature of remote location, the cost of staff wages is doubled.
any construction site. Every location has a different Nature’s Abundance. Rock, lumber, and other natural
Payday DC, used to determine whether your building resources are yours for the taking. Construction costs
turns a profit by making a Payday check (explained in here decrease by 25 percent.
chapter 6). The more populous an area, the easier it is to Roadside
make a profit. In addition, secondary features include An otherwise uninhabited stretch of highway

the terrain and natural resources in the region. Features Payday DC: 13

may have accompanying bonuses and material cost

increases or bargains. Between settlements span roads and highways. Some

Location Features are built to facilitate trade and travel. Others are simply
earth packed hard smoothed by the weight of a thousand
Wilderness No traffic and uninhabited feet and wagon wheels. Merchants, caravaneers,
Roadside Traffic but uninhabited adventurers, travelers, and diplomats are the road’s
regular users.
Village Up to 1,000 inhabitants
Roadside Establishment Features
Town 1,000 to 6,000 inhabitants
A roadside establishment has the following traits due to
City 6,000 to 25,000 inhabitants its location:
Metropolis Over 25,000 inhabitants

    Establishment Score Increase. Because your
location attracts travelers who can spread word of your
establishment, your building’s Renown score increases
by 1.
Nature’s Abundance. Rock, lumber, and other natural     Help Wanted. Since so few people live nearby, it’s
resources are yours for the taking. Construction costs hard to find good help. Increase the cost of staff wages
here decrease by 25 percent. by 25 percent.
Way Station. Employees are hard to come by, aside Nature’s Abundance. Rock, lumber, and other natural
from road-weary or broke travelers whom you can resources are just a stone’s throw away. Construction
convince to stay on for a time. The cost of staff wages costs here decrease by 10 percent.
increases by 50 percent.
Village Settlement of between 1,000 and 6,000 inhabitants

Settlement of up to 1,000 inhabitants

Payday DC: 12

Payday DC: 14

A town sprawls across several blocks and may have
Villages range in size from a handful of buildings, distinct neighborhoods or districts. Each town has
clustered around a square or straddling the sides of a developed its own unique culture and prizes its
road, to a growing settlement comprising a few blocks of traditions and distinctness.
buildings. Everyone in a village is a familiar face, and A town may have allied villages in the vicinity that
newcomers tend to be viewed with open curiosity or supply much of its food. Trade with other settlements is
suspicion. robust. A merchant class with a variety of guilds begins
Villages are usually surrounded by large tracts of rural to appear.
or empty land. Villagers are farmers, adventurers,
refugees, pioneers, frontierspeople, or one large Town Establishment Features
extended family. A building constructed in a town has no traits due to its
Village Establishment Features location.
A building constructed in a village has the following
traits due to its location:
Settlement of between 6,000 and 25,000 inhabitants
Secondary Features
Payday DC: 10

Some locations have a secondary feature, or tag, that

describes the terrain and natural resources of the region

Cities have several wards or districts, each with its it’s located in. These secondary features may grant
own distinct flavor. Cities are few and far between. Only additional benefits or limitations.
a few dozen cities might be found on an entire continent. Although cities and metropolises may be found in
Society in a city tends to become stratified into these areas, they don’t grant the benefits of secondary
various socioeconomic classes, unless checks are put in features. These settlements are so urban that
place to stop it. An aristocracy rises and tries to gain constructed features have replaced natural features and
favor with the city’s rulers. The unique culture of a city the nearby natural resources have been virtually
spreads far and wide, so that its influence is felt in exhausted.
neighboring towns and villages throughout the region.
City Establishment Features
A building constructed in a city has the following traits
due to its location:
Establishment Score Increase. There is safety in
numbers, and the local inhabitants may even have
invested in a city watch. Your building’s Security score
increases by 1.
Material Scarcity. Rock quarries, felled trees, and
other natural resources are hard to come by in a city.
Construction costs here increase by 10 percent.
Settlement of 25,000 inhabitants or more

Payday DC: 8

Metropolises are composed of numerous districts, each

the size of a smaller settlement, and may even have
vertical levels sprawling toward the sky. These centers of
population are so rare that there may be only a handful
of them in the world. They attract the attention of
celestials, fiends, and demigods. A metropolis often has
subterranean levels beneath it as vast as a city. Anything
can be bought or sold in a metropolis. Its influence can
be felt throughout the continent and beyond.
Metropolis Establishment Features
A building constructed in a metropolis has the following
traits due to its location:
Establishment Score Increase. Because of the
safety in numbers and possibly even a city watch, your
building’s Security score increases by 1. In addition, by
sheer dint of being in a famous city, your building’s
Renown score increases by 1.
Looking for Work. On any given day, you can find a
new employee. Because of competition among potential
employees, the cost of staff wages decreases by 25
Material Scarcity. Rock quarries, felled trees, and
other natural resources are hard to come by in a
metropolis. Construction costs here increase by 25
Your building is near a sea, lake, or wide river. Because
of the local ferry or maritime travel, your establishment’s
Payday DC decreases by 1 or its Renown increases by 1
(your choice).
Your building is in a hot, arid place. The construction
costs of wattle and daub buildings and clay and brick
buildings decrease by 10 percent.
Prerequisite: wilderness, roadside, village
Your building stands among the trees of a forest or
jungle. The construction costs of wood buildings
decrease by 25 percent.
Prerequisite: wilderness, roadside, village, town
Any uncultivated earth around your building is
covered in tall, wild grass. The construction costs of
straw and cob buildings decrease by 10 percent.
Your building is surrounded by rolling hills littered with
stones or rocky ridges. The construction costs of stone
buildings decrease by 10 percent.
Your building stands on the slope of a mountain. The
construction costs of stone buildings decrease by 25
Prerequisite: wilderness, village
The terrain around your building is water-logged and
considered difficult terrain. Your building’s Security
score increases by 2, but its Payday DC increases by 1.
Your building lies under the surface of the earth. The
construction costs of stone buildings decrease by 25
Your building lies wholly underwater. It is always full of
water, and all your visitors must be water-breathing or
require no air at all. Your building material options are
limited to stone.
Chapter 3: Construction

soaring stone tower reaching toward the     Wood. Whether you’re working with logs or a timber
heavens, a sturdy and sprawling wood framework, wood is a durable building material. In log
tavern smelling of spices and sausage, a construction, corners are fitted as joints with squared off
simple straw cottage deep in the woods, a log ends. Timber-frame construction creates a skeleton
brick shrine to the patron deity of industry, of the building that is later filled with insulating material
or a simple cob house you call your home. and then covered. Wood buildings are resistant to
Buildings come in all shapes and sizes, piercing damage but vulnerable to fire damage.
and there are half a dozen construction materials to Your establishment’s Security score increases by 1 for
choose from. every 100 squares containing wood walls.
Once you’ve chosen a location, it’s time to draw up a Clay and Brick. Brick is a long-lasting and strong
building plan. Start by determining the dimensions of building material. Clay is molded into a block shape,
each room of your planned building. A room can take then fired in a kiln. The blocks are then laid or stacked,
any shape you desire. What’s important are its with mortar holding them together. A clay and brick
dimensions, measured in squares that are each 5 feet to building is resistant to fire and piercing damage.
a side. Your establishment’s Security score increases by 1 for
Construction requires labor, which you can either do every 50 squares containing clay and brick walls.
yourself or hire someone else to perform. To determine Stone. Stone is the strongest and most resistant
how much the construction will cost, you need to decide building material. The most common types of stone in
the size of your building and which building material you construction are granite, limestone, marble, slate, and
want to make it with. sandstone. Stone blocks can be stacked, sometimes
being chiseled into the right shape, and affixed with
Building Materials mortar. A stone building is resistant to fire, piercing, and
slashing damage.
A building can be built of one or more different Your establishment’s Security score increases by 1 for
materials, since each room can be made of the same or every 25 squares containing stone walls.
a different material as an adjoining room. For example,
an inn might have a taproom with stone walls while the Construction Costs
guest rooms next to it are each made of wood.
Each room of your building can be built with any one The bigger and stronger the building, the more
of the following materials: expensive it is. To determine the exact cost of
Straw. Rectangular straw bales are stacked atop each construction, count the number of 5-foot squares the
other to form walls supported by a lightweight wooden planned building will occupy, including squares the
frame. Straw buildings are resistant to bludgeoning and building only partly covers. Then consult the
piercing damage but vulnerable to fire damage. Construction Costs table to choose a building material
Wattle and Daub. Wattle is woven material made of and multiply the number of squares by the number listed
wooden strips or branches, and daub is a kind of mortar in the Construction Cost per Square column. The
consisting of soil, clay, sand, and straw. The daub is Construction Cost per Square includes materials and
applied to the wattle lattice to form walls that are labor.
supported by a light frame and are often topped with a Also be sure to consult the Construction Cost
thatched roof. Wattle and daub buildings are resistant to Multipliers table. For each square that is not ground-
piercing damage. level or that contains or borders a wall or door, the
Cob. A natural building material, cob is a mixture of construction cost for that square is multiplied by 2
clay, dirt, water, straw, and often lime. After mixing, the before any other calculation is made.
cob must be churned by foot or hoof, layered to form Construction costs and multipliers are the same
walls, and then left to dry. Buildings made of cob have whether you are constructing a new building or making
characteristically thick walls and deep-set windows. Cob additions to an existing one.
buildings are resistant to fire, piercing, and slashing

    Maximum Stories. Upward is the only way to expand
on a small lot of land. Some building materials lend
themselves to great heights, such as brick or stone,
while others are too flimsy to rise above a single story.
    For example, let’s say you plan to build a simple 10-by- Consult the Max. Stories column in the Construction
10-foot straw hut. While the hut has a total of four Costs table to see how tall a building of the listed
squares, each of those squares contains or is bordered material can be. A rooftop or attic that is built as an
by a wall or door, so you multiply 4 by 2 to get 8. Then accessible and serviceable space (e.g. for storage) counts
you consult the table to see that a straw building costs 5 as a floor above ground level.
gp per square, so you multiply 8 by 5. Your simple straw The maximum height of buildings consisting of more
hut costs 40 gp to construct. than one construction material depends on the order of
construction. A building with ground-level walls made of
Construction Costs stone can have another story of any construction
material built on top of it. But a building with ground-
Building Construction Cost per Max.
level walls made of wood cannot ever rise higher than
Material Square Stories three stories. Furthermore, a new story cannot rest atop
Straw 5 gp 1 a level with walls made of a weaker material. The
building materials are listed in order on the
Wattle and
10 gp 1 Construction Costs table, from weakest to strongest.
daub Walls and Doors. Each square that contains or
Cob 20 gp 2 borders a wall or door is twice as expensive as normal. A
wall or door is any vertical or near-vertical structure that
Wood 30 gp 3 could either provide cover or help hold up a roof or
Clay and
upper level. Examples include a wall, door, gate, window,
50 gp 4 portal, or rampart.
Non-Ground Level. Each square that is not on ground
Stone 75 gp — level is twice as expensive as normal. This includes
second-story and higher levels, as well as subterranean
Construction Cost Multipliers levels, such as cellars or dungeons.
Square Borders or Contains a Square Is Not
Wall or Door Ground-Level
×2 ×2
    If a square contains or borders a wall and it is not on To minimize expenses, the party decides to perform
ground level, apply both multipliers. For example, if you the labor themselves. By chance, each member of the
are adding a 5-by-5-foot (1 square) stone cellar to your party is proficient in carpenter’s or woodcarver’s tools,
tavern, you apply both multipliers to determine its cost— so they together subtract 10 gp from the total
effectively a multiplier of x4. Your stone cellar costs 300 construction cost each day. If they do all the work
gp to construct. themselves, it takes 216 days to construct their taproom.
That’s much longer than the 14 days required by a hired
Construction Time construction crew, but the party hasn’t spent a single
coin. If they instead decide to pay half the total
It’s sometimes important to know how much time a construction cost in coin, they pay 1,080 gp to have their
building takes to construct. It takes one day for every taproom finished in 115 days instead (7 days for the paid
150 gp of the building’s total construction cost. For labor + 108 days of their labor).
example, the aforementioned 10-by-10-foot straw hut If none of the party members have a relevant tool
takes only a day to construct since its total cost is less proficiency, the same wood taproom would take almost
than 150 gp. Meanwhile, an abbey whose construction 6 years of daily labor to complete by themselves! If you
cost is 50,000 gp takes 333 days to construct. want something done right, pay other people a decent
Construction can be paid for in installments. As long wage.
as you have paid up front for at least the next day’s Remember that you can receive training in a tool, thus
materials and labor (150 gp), the work continues. acquiring a new tool proficiency, which can be worth it in
Otherwise, the laborers abandon the construction site the long run. The training process typically takes 10
until pay resumes. workweeks, but this time is reduced by a number of
workweeks equal to the character’s Intelligence modifier
Building It Yourself (an Intelligence penalty doesn’t increase the time
If you choose to construct the building yourself, you can needed). Training costs 25 gp per workweek.
save money at the expense of lengthening the Constructing by Spellcasting
construction time. By doing the labor yourself, you can
forgo any amount of the construction cost of your choice. If you cast the move earth spell or the mold earth cantrip
The labor involves harvesting building material, on a plot of land during construction, you can aid in the
transporting it to the construction site, and the actual on- construction of a wattle and daub or cob building. Each
site labor. casting of the move earth spell replaces one full day of
For every day you or a volunteer spends working on labor, reducing the total construction cost by 150 gp.
construction, subtract 2 sp from the total construction Each casting of the mold earth cantrip replaces one
cost. With certain tool proficiencies, your labor might be untrained laborer’s day of work, reducing the total
worth more. (See the Construction Cost Labor construction cost by 2 sp.
Equivalent table below.) Once you have logged in labor The wall of stone spell is a very effective way of
the equivalent of the construction costs, your building is quickly and costlessly constructing stone walls. You can
finished. create 100 feet or 200 feet of stone wall per casting.
Since wall of stone cannot create a roof or floor, casting
Construction Cost Labor Equivalent this spell only waives the ×2 multiplier to the cost of
Tool squares that contain or border a wall or door.
Proficiency Benefit
Cutting Corners
Reduce the cost of wood building
construction by 2 gp per day of labor If you’re pressed for time, coin, or both, you may opt to
instead of 2 sp cut some corners. Doing so allows you to complete your
building for half the standard construction cost, and
Reduce the cost of stone building therefore, half the amount of time it would normally
construction by 2 gp per day of labor take. However, a building made in this fashion is not as
instead of 2 sp durable or pleasant to be in.
Reduce the cost of wood building
construction by 2 gp per day of labor
instead of 2 sp

For example, a party of five adventurers decides to

construct their own wood taproom measuring 30 feet by
40 feet, or 48 five-foot squares. Twenty-four of those
squares border a wall or door, so they are multiplied by
2, for an equivalent of 72 squares total. Each square
costs 30 gp, so the total construction cost is 2,160 gp. 13
Building AC and Hit Points
Damage Hit
Material AC Threshold Points Resistances
Straw* 11 3 15
Wattle and
12 5 17 Piercing
    A poorly constructed building suffers a −2 penalty to daub
each of its Establishment scores (to a minimum of 1)
and a −2 penalty to its AC. It has half the normal damage Cob 13 5 20
Fire, piercing,
threshold and hit points (both rounded up). In addition, it slashing
lacks any resistances to bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, Wood* 15 10 22 Piercing
or fire damage (straw and wood buildings are still
vulnerable to fire damage). Clay and
16 10 27 Fire, piercing
Buildings Under Siege Stone 17 20 27
Fire, piercing,
However unlikely, your home, shop, or other
establishment itself may come under siege in a combat *Straw and wood buildings are vulnerable to fire damage. They are
encounter. (This is separate from the abstracted rules considered flammable and will ignite when affected by certain spells,
for combat involving an establishment found in chapter such as fireball, fire bolt, or flame storm.
6.) If your building is targeted by an attack, consult the
Building AC and Hit Points table to determine what it Damage Threshold. Buildings have extra resilience
takes to destroy a 5-foot section of wall or floor. Any represented by a damage threshold. A section of wall or
building, in whole and in part, is immune to poison and floor has immunity to all damage unless it takes an
psychic damage. amount of damage from a single attack or effect equal to
or greater than its damage threshold, in which case it
takes damage as normal. Any damage that fails to meet
or exceed the building section’s damage threshold is
considered superficial and doesn’t reduce the section’s
hit points.
Chapter 4: Furnishings

n one room, an unlocked chest lies at the foot of Suggested Additions and Staff
a four-poster bed with a draped canopy. In If you’re looking to expand your establishment or hire
another, round tables with wooden chairs and a staff, each type of furnishing includes recommendations
long wooden bar lined with barstools provide for additions and staff. These are optional, but some
seating for dozens. Still another room is furnishings require staff to make full use of their
surrounded by glass walls and filled with green, benefits.
fragrant plants and diverse flowers in bloom. Some furnished rooms need to also be staffed to grant
The furnishings make the room, and make the activities the listed benefit. Scan the entry for the word “staffed.” If
that go on inside it possible. it’s there, look at the Suggested Staff listed and the
Once construction is complete, you must fill those corresponding entry in the next chapter. If more than
finished empty rooms with furnishings. Furnishings is a one staff is listed, the corresponding entry will clarify
catch-all phrase that describes the furniture, decor, and which kind is needed to make full use of the furnishings’
anything else that isn’t integral to the building’s benefits.
structure. They describe the room’s function and
ambiance. Room Size and Benefits
The cost of furnishings depends on the quality (basic, Some of the furnished rooms in this supplement do not
fine, and opulent) and quantity (varying by room size). specify a minimum room size. But that doesn’t mean a
Each of the furnishings entries has the following traits. room of any size necessarily grants the listed benefits.
Cost There are too many corner cases to cover. For example,
Most furnishings list three costs, from lowest to highest. an adventurer who builds a throne room that measures
These correspond to the quality descriptors: basic, fine, only 5 feet by 10 feet might make the would-be monarch
and opulent. You must pay the cost per square to receive a laughingstock. But it’s perfectly suitable if their court is
the associated benefit. For example, if you’ve built a composed of Tiny fey creatures. Similarly, a bedroom
simple 4-by-4–square chalet (16 squares total) and wish meant to accommodate a giant has to be much bigger
to furnish it as a basic bedroom, you must pay 5 gp per than a person requires. Work with your DM and use
square, or 80 gp. your best judgment when determining the minimum size
needed to grant the furnishing benefits.
Benefits Repurposing
When you furnish a room, you also choose the quality of You can repurpose a room by removing its furnishings
the furnishings. You can choose basic, fine, or opulent. and buying new ones. The cost for the new furnishings is
The better the furnishings, the greater the benefits, the same as normal, plus any labor costs for the removal
since a higher quality grants benefits that are cumulative of the old ones, as determined by the DM.
with lower qualities. For example, opulent furnishings
grant the benefits of both basic and fine furnishings of
the same kind. You can, at any time, upgrade the Furnishing Options
furnishings in a room by paying the difference in the cost Choose one from the following options for each room in
per square between the current quality and the desired your establishment. The default, if no option is chosen,
one. is a basic storeroom.
Any unfurnished room can function as a basic
storeroom until it is furnished. (See the Storeroom entry Ballroom
below.) Cost: 15/25/100 gp per square
Furnishing the Elfsong Tavern Tall mirrors, green potted plants with delicate fronds, a
Lady Alyth furnishes her establishment’s largest room glistening central chandelier, and cushioned seating
with basic barroom furnishings. She pays the 10 gp per facing the expansive dance floor are some of the
square and picks up the increase to her establishment’s furnishings of a ballroom. This room might also be
Profitability score, provided she also hires sufficient called a dance hall or dance floor.
waitstaff. At a later date, Alyth may decide to upgrade
the barroom furnishings to fine. When she pays the 10
gp-per-square difference, her establishment gains the
additional increase to its Profitability score.

Benefit Barracks
    Basic. As the owner of the establishment, you can Cost: 5/15/30 gp per square
spend 10 gp per ballroom square to host a ball. For the A barracks is any room or building designed to house
next month after the ball, you gain a +1 bonus per 500 soldiers or guards. Rows of beds with footlockers, wash
gp spent on Charisma checks made to interact with basins or baths, tables for eating, and a place to stow
other people throughout the entire region. (This bonus arms and armor are some of the furnishings of a
stacks with the benefit of any throne room you may barracks. The room might be called a guardhouse,
have.) garrison, fort, quarters, or camp.
Fine. You can spend 25 gp per ballroom square to
host a ball. For the next month after the ball, you gain a Benefit
+1 bonus per 500 gp spent on Charisma checks made to     Basic. You can indefinitely house one guard for every
interact with other people throughout the entire region. 3 barracks squares you build.
(This bonus stacks with the benefit of any throne room Fine. The Security score increase granted by your
you may have.) employed guards is doubled.
Opulent. You can spend 50 gp per ballroom square to Opulent. The Security score increase granted by your
host a ball. For the next month after the ball, you gain a employed guards is tripled instead of doubled.
+1 bonus per 500 gp spent on Charisma checks made to
interact with other people throughout the entire region. Suggested Additions
(This bonus stacks with the benefit of any throne room You can keep the troops happy and well-fed with a
you may have.) kitchen, maintain their arms and armor with a smithy, or
Suggested Additions
provide horses with a stable.
You can maximize your ballroom benefit by building a Suggested Staff
throne room, or make a noble manor by adding Guards
bedrooms, a gallery, lounges, and a kitchen.
Suggested Staff Cost: 10/20/50 gp per square
Courtiers, guards, performers
A bar and barstools, kegs or spirits and ale, a small
performance stage, tables and chairs, and a large
fireplace are some of the furnishings of a barroom. The
room might be called a taphouse, restaurant, pub,
tavern, or bar.
    Basic. Your establishment’s Profitability score
increases by 1 for every 25 barroom squares staffed with

                        Fine. Your establishment’s Profitability

                       score increases by 1 for every 25 barroom

                       squares staffed with waitstaff.

                       Opulent. Your establishment’s Renown

                       score increases by 1, and its Profitability

                       score increases by 1 for every 25 barroom

                       squares staffed with waitstaff.

   Suggested Additions
        You can turn your establishment into a tavern by

         adding an adjoining room and furnishing it as a

    Suggested Staff
           Performers, waitstaff
Baths Suggested Additions
Cost: 25/50/100 gp per square You can turn your establishment into an inn by adding
Hot and cold pools are the essential furnishings of a an adjoining room and furnishing it as a barroom.
public bath or private spa. Some believe them to be
therapeutic while others use them as good places to Suggested Staff
socialize. The room might be called a spa or hot springs. Domestics
Benefit Belfry
    Basic. Your establishment’s Renown score increases Cost: 50/100/200 gp per square
by 1 for every 25 squares of baths, and its Profitability The belfry is furnished with a single item: a large metal
score increases by 1 as well if they are staffed with bell with a clapper and rope attached to it. The belfry
domestics. might also be called a bell tower. A belfry must be at
Fine. Your establishment’s Renown score increases by least 10 feet to a side and constructed above the ground
1 for every 25 squares of baths, and its Profitability floor to grant any benefits.
score increases by 1 as well if they are staffed with
domestics. Benefit
Opulent. Your establishment’s Renown score     Basic. The bell in your belfry can be heard up to 6
increases by 2 for every 25 squares of baths, and its miles away under favorable conditions.
Profitability score increases by 1 as well if they are Fine. The bell is carefully tuned to a distinctive chord
staffed with domestics. of notes. When rung, it calls 1 person per square of your
Suggested Additions establishment. At the time of the belfry’s construction,
Baths can be part of a noble estate, so you might build you can designate the type of person that the belfry calls
an adjoining ballroom, theater, bedrooms, and more. (e.g. “anyone,” “members of the queen’s guard,” or “my
personal acquaintances”). If the designated targets are
Suggested Staff within range, they arrive in 10 + 1d10 minutes.
Domestics Opulent. The bell can be heard on one parallel plane
(such as the Border Ethereal, the Feywild, or the
Bedroom Shadowfell). When the bell is rung, it can call a creature
Cost: 5/20/75 gp per square of challenge rating 4 or lower that is native to one of
those planes. The creature appears inside your
A bed, foot locker or chest, wardrobe, bearskin or woven establishment and remains on the Material Plane for 1
rug, and wash basin are some of the furnishings of a hour. It is friendly to you and your companions for the
bedroom. The room might be called a dormitory, duration.
bedchamber, guest room, nursery, or boudoir. Suggested Additions
Benefit A belfry is usually built above a room furnished as a
    Basic. You can indefinitely house one person for every shrine or meeting hall.
4 bedroom squares you build. Your establishment’s Suggested Staff
Profitability score increases by 1 for every 25 bedroom
squares staffed with domestics. Anyone can ring a bell.
Fine. Your establishment’s Profitability score
increases by 1 for every 25 bedroom squares staffed Classroom
with domestics. Cost: 5/20/75 gp per square
Opulent. Your establishment’s Profitability score A classroom is for education, instruction, and practice. It
increases by 1 for every 25 bedroom squares staffed can be furnished with desks or tables, a stage and
with domestics. seating, or simply a dummy for target practice. A
classroom may be called a magic room, choral room,
conservatory, schoolroom, or rehearsal room.
    Basic. The cost of training to learn a new proficiency
or language or to gain a level is halved if the instruction
takes place in a classroom staffed with at least one

    Fine. There is no cost for training to learn a new Crenellated Rooftop
proficiency or language or to gain a level if the Cost: 50/75/125 gp per square on the room’s periphery
instruction takes place in a classroom staffed with at
least one teacher. A rooftop typically fends off rain, snow, and scorching
Opulent. The time required to learn a new proficiency heat. But a crenellated rooftop also protects those on the
or language or to gain a level is halved if the instruction roof from ranged attack. Crenels are indentations in the
takes place in a classroom staffed with at least one battlements of a fort or castle, used to provide cover
teacher. while shooting or launching missiles. Like a
Suggested Additions
conservatory, the listed costs for a crenellated rooftop
include the costs of both the construction and
A classroom usually adjoins a room furnished as a furnishings. A crenellated rooftop must not be on the
library. ground floor and can’t have any room built above it.
Suggested Staff Benefit
Teachers     Basic. Medium or smaller creatures on the rooftop
have half cover from ranged attacks from outside the
Conservatory establishment.
Cost: 50/75/100 gp per square Fine. Medium or smaller creatures on the rooftop
A conservatory has glass walls and a ceiling in a metal have three-quarters cover from ranged attacks from
frame. The listed costs include the costs of both the outside the establishment.
construction and furnishings. Squares that contain a Opulent. Creatures on the rooftop take no damage
wall or door require double the listed cost. from magic missile attacks and have advantage on
Conservatories must be built on the ground floor. A free- saving throws against ranged spell attacks from outside
standing conservatory might be called a greenhouse, the establishment.
hothouse, or glasshouse. Suggested Additions
Benefit A crenellated rooftop usually sits atop a room furnished
    Basic. You can sell plants in the community for a as a barracks or an establishment that also has a throne
profit. Your establishment’s Profitability score increases room.
by 1 for every 25 conservatory squares staffed with Suggested Staff
gardeners. Guards
Fine. For every 9 conservatory squares that are
staffed with gardeners, a Large or smaller plant of
challenge rating 1/2 or lower, such as an awakened
shrub, takes up residence in your conservatory. It is
friendly to you and your companions.
Opulent. For every 12 conservatory squares that are
staffed with gardeners, a Huge or smaller plant of
challenge rating 2 or lower, such as an awakened tree,
takes up residence in your conservatory. It is friendly to
you and your companions.
This stacks with the benefit of a fine conservatory.
Suggested Additions
A conservatory usually adjoins a room furnished as a
bedroom, lounge, library, or other room commonly
found in a noble estate.
Suggested Staff

Suggested Staff
Cost: 25/50/100 gp per square
Any long room or passage might be called a gallery, but
here we refer to those filled with sumptuous works of

art—sculpture, paintings, drawings, ceramics, coats of

arms, taxidermied animals, and more—and seating
areas for viewing them. Some owners like to collect fine
things for preservation or aesthetics while others merely
want to impress guests. The room might be called a
museum, antechamber, lobby, or entrance hall.
Crypt Benefit
Cost: 25/50/100 gp per square     Basic. Your establishment’s Renown score increases
Coffins, sarcophagi, and funereal relics are some of the by 1 for every 25 gallery squares, and your Profitability
furnishings of a crypt. Underground crypts might be score increases by 1 as well if they are staffed with
called catacombs or tombs. A ground-level crypt might curators.
be called a mausoleum, sepulcher, or ossuary. The fallen Fine. Your establishment’s Renown score increases by
have miraculously risen from the dead in some 1 for every 25 gallery squares, and your Profitability
legendary crypts. score increases by 1 as well if they are staffed with
Benefit Opulent. Your establishment’s Renown score
    Basic. You can inter one corpse for every 4 crypt increases by 2 for every 25 gallery squares, and your
squares you build. A corpse laid to rest here can’t be Profitability score increases by 1 as well if they are
turned into an undead creature unless it is first removed staffed with curators.
from the crypt. Suggested Additions
Fine. A corpse laid to rest here is perpetually under
the effects of the gentle repose spell, even if it is later A gallery is usually a wing of a museum, noble estate, or
removed from the crypt. royal palace. Consider adding a throne room, ballroom,
Opulent. Your establishment’s Renown score or library.
increases by 1 for every 16 crypt squares you build. In Suggested Staff
addition, a corpse laid to rest in the crypt that has died
of anything but old age or natural causes within the last Curators, guards
hour can be returned to life as if with the revivify spell.
Once this feature is used, it cannot be used again for 1 Jail
month. Cost: 5/10/15 gp per square
Suggested Additions Jails are sparsely furnished with metal bars, cots or
A crypt usually adjoins a room furnished as a shrine. bunks, and chamber pots. The room might be called a
cell, cage, prison, or dungeon.

Benefit Benefit
    Basic. Your establishment’s Security score increases     Basic. A kitchen of 16 squares or more that is staffed
by 2. You can indefinitely house one person for every 4 with cooks provides food for an entire adventuring party.
jail squares you build. The locks and manacles here In addition, your establishment’s Profitability score
require a DC 12 Dexterity check with thieves’ tools to be increases by 1 for every 16 kitchen squares that are
picked. staffed with cooks.
Fine. Your establishment’s Security score increases Fine. Your establishment’s Profitability score
by 1. The DC of the Dexterity check with thieves’ tools increases by 1 for every 16 kitchen squares that are
increases to 15. staffed with cooks.
Opulent. Your establishment’s Security score Opulent. Your establishment’s Profitability score
increases by 1. The DC of the Dexterity check with increases by 1 for every 16 kitchen squares that are
thieves’ tools increases to 20. staffed with cooks.
Suggested Additions Suggested Additions
You can turn a jail into a proper prison with around-the- You can turn your establishment into a tavern by adding
clock security by adding an adjoining room and an adjoining room and furnishing it as a barroom.
furnishing it as a barracks.
Suggested Staff
Suggested Staff Cooks, waitstaff
Kitchen Cost: 10/20/50 gp per square
Cost: 5/25/50 gp per square
A room dedicated to study is furnished with thick
A wood-burning stove and oven, tables, fresh or potted carpets, desks, globes and orreries, maps and diagrams,
herbs at every window, knives and cutlery, woodpiles, and, of course, stacks and shelves of books. The room
and meat hung on hooks are some of the furnishings of might be called archives or a study.
a kitchen. The room might be called a scullery, cookery,
or galley. A kitchen is different from a workshop that
makes food, such as a bakery, because a kitchen makes
food for immediate consumption whereas a workshop
makes items to be sold.
    Basic. After an hour or more of study in a library
staffed with librarians, you gain a cumulative +1 bonus
on Intelligence ability checks for every 4 library squares.
Fine. Each month, there is a cumulative 1% chance
for each staffed library square that a valuable book or
scroll is discovered in the library. Roll on the Discovery
table below.
Opulent. Each month, there is a cumulative 5%
chance, instead of a 1% chance, for each staffed library
square that a valuable book or scroll is discovered in the
library. Roll on the Discovery table below.
   d100    Discovery
A rare book worth 100 gp × your character
A spell scroll of a spell whose level is equal
to one less than your highest spell slot
A spell scroll of a spell whose level is equal
to your highest spell slot
A spellbook containing four cantrips, four
1st-level spells, three 2nd-level spells, three
3rd-level spells, and one spell whose level is
equal to the highest you can cast

Suggested Additions
You can turn a library into a proper school by adding an
adjoining room or two and furnishing them as
classrooms. A wizard might benefit from an adjoining
room furnished as an observatory.
Suggested Staff
Cost: 10/20/50 gp per square
True to their name, lounge furnishings are made for
relaxation. Comfortable chairs, side tables, and coffee
tables are standard fare. Finer lounges serve drinks and
refreshments. Some rooms are designated for smoking,
playing cards or billiards, reading, or conversation. The Suggested Additions
room might be called a drawing room, common room, You can make your establishment a proper restaurant by
sitting room, gambling hall, parlor, or living room. adding a room and furnishing it as a kitchen.
Benefit Suggested Staff
    Basic. A creature resting in this room gains the Domestics, waitstaff
benefit of a short rest in half the normal time.
Fine. Your establishment’s Profitability score Meeting Hall
increases by 1 for every 49 lounge squares that are Cost: 10/20/50 gp per square
staffed with waitstaff.
Opulent. Your establishment’s Renown score A central firepit next to a podium or rostrum can be
increases by 1 for every 49 lounge squares that are found in a meeting hall. But the predominant furnishings
staffed with waitstaff. are rows and rows of seating. The room might be called
a moot hall, auditorium, gathering place, or town hall.
Benefit Suggested Staff
    Basic. Your establishment’s Renown score increases Clerks, curators
by 1 for every 25 meeting hall squares. As the owner of
the establishment, you roll with advantage on Charisma Office
(Persuasion) checks made to convince a group of 12 Cost: 15/30/45 gp per square
people or more who are in the room. Desks covered with ink bottles and stacks of parchment
Fine. Your establishment’s Renown score increases by or paper, shelves filled with books and ledgers, and well-
1 for every 25 meeting hall squares. As the owner of the worn wooden chairs are some of the furnishings of an
establishment, you roll with advantage on all Charisma office. The room might be part of an organization,
checks made to interact with a group of 12 people or business, bureau, or firm.
more who are in the room.
Opulent. Your establishment’s Renown score Benefit
increases by 1 for every 25 meeting hall squares. As the
owner of the establishment, you can discern the general     Basic. Your establishment’s Profitability score
mood and surface thoughts of a crowd of 12 people or increases by 1 for every 16 office squares that are
more—what is most on their minds at that moment. staffed with clerks.
Fine. Your establishment’s Profitability score
Suggested Additions increases by 1 for every 16 office squares that are
Adding an upper room and furnishing it as a belfry staffed with clerks.
would aid in calling people for meetings. Offices might Opulent. Your establishment’s Renown score
also be useful if the establishment is used for increases by 1, and its Profitability score increases by 1
administrative purposes. for every 16 office squares that are staffed with clerks.
Suggested Staff Suggested Additions
Clerks You can turn your establishment into an administrative
building by constructing an adjoining meeting hall.
Cost: 50/100/200 gp per square Suggested Staff
Desks, tables, astrolabes, star charts, ledgers, and more
are common furnishings in an observatory. But they are
all secondary to the telescope. An observatory might
also be called an observation tower. For an observatory
to grant any benefits, it must be constructed above the
ground floor and have no room built above it.
    Basic. Studying the stars teaches you their secrets. As
long as your observatory stands, you know the guidance
or true strike cantrip (your choice).
Fine. Each month, there is a cumulative 1% chance of
making an astounding observation among the stars. Roll
1d100 to determine if a discovery is made. On a success,
you learn a divination spell of a level equal to your
highest spell slot minus 1d4. It is a class spell for you.
Opulent. Each month, there is a cumulative 5%
chance, instead of a 1% chance, of making an
astounding observation among the stars. Roll 1d100

to determine if a discovery is made. On a success,

you learn a divination spell of a level equal to your

highest spell slot. It is a class spell for you.
Suggested Additions
An observatory is usually built above a room

furnished as a library or classroom.

Suggested Additions
You can combine your shop with a living space by
building an addition and furnishing it as a bedroom. You
can also produce your wares on-site by building an
addition and furnishing it as a workshop.
Suggested Staff
Guards, shopkeepers
Cost: 25/50/100 gp per square
A room dedicated to religious purposes is furnished with
an altar or statue, pews or prayer rugs, a washing font,
and songbooks or liturgical texts. The room might be
called a shrine, prayer room, sanctum, temple,
synagogue, mosque, or chapel.
    Basic. As the owner of the establishment, you can
cast the ceremony spell as a ritual while you are in the
room, even if it is not on your spell list or you are not a
Fine. The room gains the first effect of the hallow
Opulent. The room is hallowed and gains all the
effects of the hallow spell.
Suggested Additions
Clergy need a place to prepare for their services or
sacraments. Consider building a small room to the side
furnished as a storeroom or library to serve as a vestry.
Suggested Staff
Cost: 10/20/50 gp per square
Shop Stables are built for the keeping and care of horses and
Cost: 10/20/50 gp per square other mounts. Animals are kept in separate stalls with a
Display cases, shelves, and wares are some of the store of feed held in a loft above. A stable can be
furnishings of a shopfront. The room might be called a attached to a larger structure or be free-standing. It
store, boutique, or mart. might be called a barn or stalls.
Benefit Benefit
    Basic. Your establishment’s Profitability score     Basic. You can house and feed one Large mount of
increases by 1 for every 25 shop squares that are staffed challenge rating 1/4 or lower, such as a draft horse, for
with shopkeepers. every 6 squares of stables that are staffed with
Fine. Your establishment’s Profitability score stablehands. (A smaller mount, such as a mastiff,
increases by 1 for every 25 shop squares that are staffed requires only 4 squares per mount.)
with shopkeepers. Fine. You can house and feed one Large mount of
Opulent. Your establishment’s Renown score challenge rating 1/2 or lower, such as a warhorse, for
increases by 1, and its Profitability score increases by 1 every 6 squares of stables that are staffed with
for every 25 shop squares that are staffed with stablehands. (A smaller mount, such as a black bear,
shopkeepers. requires only 4 squares per mount.)

    Opulent. You can house and feed one Large mount of
challenge rating 2 or lower, such as a griffon, for every 6
squares of stables that are staffed with stablehands. (A
smaller mount, such as a deinonychus, requires only 4
squares per mount.)
Suggested Additions
Stables are a good addition to any roadside inn, which
might also have bedrooms, a barroom, and a kitchen.
With stables, a barracks can become fit to house a
cavalry unit.
Suggested Staff
Cost: 0/10/25 gp per square
Suits of armor, rows of upright polearms and lances, and
cases of swords, daggers, and axes line the walls of an
armory. Meanwhile, goods for sale are stacked high in a
warehouse, and crops from the recent harvest fill up a
barn or granary. What a storeroom is called depends on
what’s stored there.

Storeroom Name Storage Additions Theater
Cost: 25/50/100 gp per square
Armory, arsenal,
ammunition, Barracks A curtained stage and rows of seating with balconies are
weapons some of the furnishings of a theater. The room might be
called an opera house, playhouse, or auditorium. A
Barn, cellar, granary,
Grain, harvested
Shop roofless theater that is open to the sky might be called
silo crop an amphitheater or coliseum.
Closet, wardrobe Clothing Bedroom Benefit
Prepared food     Basic. Your establishment’s Profitability and Renown
Larder, pantry
and drink
Kitchen scores each increase by 1 for every 25 theater squares
that are staffed with performers.
Depot, repository,
Trade goods Shop Fine. Your establishment’s Profitability and Renown
stockroom, warehouse scores each increase by 1 for every 25 theater squares
that are staffed with performers.
Benefit Opulent. Your establishment’s Profitability and
    Basic. You can store items up to a combined weight of Renown scores each increase by 1 for every 25 theater
250 pounds per square. squares that are staffed with performers.
Fine. With shelving, you can store additional items up Suggested Additions
to a combined weight of 250 pounds per square.
Opulent. With reinforced shelving, you can store You might provide lodging for the performers and
additional items up to a combined weight of 500 pounds yourselves by building adjoining rooms and furnishing
per square. them as bedrooms. Or you can entertain guests between
or after performances by building an adjoining room and
Suggested Staff furnishing it as a lounge or barroom.
Domestics Suggested Staff

Throne Room
Cost: 25/50/200 gp per square
One or two raised thrones often under a canopy, a coat
of arms or other royal symbol, and works of art that
convey power and glory are some of the furnishings of a
throne room. The room might be called a royal court or
audience chamber.

Benefit Suggested

    Basic. As the owner of the establishment, you gain a Staff

+1 bonus on Charisma checks made to interact with
other people throughout the region. (This bonus stacks Guards
with the benefit of any ballroom you may have.) In Treasury
addition, you have advantage on Charisma checks while Cost: 5/20/40 gp per square
you are in this room.
Fine. You gain an additional +1 bonus on Charisma Treasuries are only sparsely furnished, until the loot
checks made to interact with other people throughout arrives. They come in many different shapes, but one
the region. (This bonus stacks with the benefit of a thing they do have in common is a door with
ballroom.) mechanisms to keep intruders out. The room might be
Opulent. You gain an additional +2 bonus on called a vault, safe, or depository.
Charisma checks made to interact with other people
throughout the region. (This bonus stacks with the Benefit
benefit of a ballroom.)     Basic. You can store items up to a combined weight of
Suggested Additions 250 pounds per square. Your establishment’s Security
score increases by 1. The locks on the doors and
You can protect your royal self by adding a barracks or windows require a DC 12 Dexterity check with thieves’
entertain guests with lavish parties in a ballroom. tools to be picked.
Suggested Staff
Fine. With shelving, you can store additional items up
to a combined weight of 250 pounds per square. Your
Courtiers, guards, performers establishment’s Security score increases by 1.
Opulent. With reinforced shelving, you can store
additional items up to a combined weight of 500 pounds
Cost: 50/100/200 gp per square per square. Your establishment’s Security and Renown
This seemingly innocuous room or hallway is furnished scores each increase by 1.
with deadly hidden traps, such as a collapsing roof, Suggested Additions
falling net, or fire-breathing statue. The room might
appear as any other room of the same quality level, Keep your treasury close to home by building an
though it only grants the benefits listed below. adjoining bedroom. Or turn your establishment into a
proper bank by constructing adjoining offices and a
Benefit gallery.
    Basic. In a square of your choosing, you can install a Suggested Staff
falling net, hidden pit, poison darts, or poison needle
trap. (See chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.) Guards
Fine. In a square of your choosing, you can install any Workshop
mechanical trap listed in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Cost: 10/20/30 gp per square
Master’s Guide.
Opulent. In a square of your choosing, you can install A cauldron, mortar and pestle, and various bottled
any magic or mechanical trap listed in chapter 5 of the remedies adorn an apothecary. A stone grinder and
Dungeon Master’s Guide. sacks waiting to be filled with flour can be found in a
Suggested Additions
mill. Tables or workbenches covered with tools and
wondrous inventions furnish a tinker’s shop. The
You probably have something worth protecting, so you furnishings and name of a workshop vary depending on
might build an adjoining room furnished as a treasury. what’s being crafted or repaired.

Workshop Name Wares Workshop Name Wares
Apothecary, herbalist’s Tailor’s shop Clothes
Tinker’s shop Clockwork, inventions
Bakery Bread
Wainwright Wagon
Bookbinder’s, publisher Books
Wheeler’s shop Wheels
Brewery Beer
Carpenter’s shop, wood-
carver’s shop
Furniture, wooden goods     Basic. Your establishment’s Profitability score
increases by 1 for every 25 workshop squares that are
Chandler Candles staffed with craftspeople.
Cobbler Shoes Fine. Your establishment’s Profitability score
increases by 1 for every 25 workshop squares that are
Cooper’s shop Barrels, casks staffed with craftspeople.
Fletcher Bows and arrows Opulent. Your establishment’s Renown score
increases by 1, and its Profitability score increases by 1
Glassworks Glass for every 25 workshop squares that are staffed with
Jeweler’s shop Jewelry
Leatherworker’s shop Leather goods Suggested Additions
You can combine your workshop with a living space by
Loom, weaver’s shop Fabric, textiles building an addition and furnishing it as a bedroom. Or
Mill Flour you can combine it with a storefront for your wares by
building an addition and furnishing it as a shop.
Potter’s shop Pottery
Smithy Metalwork Suggested Staff
Studio Art
Chapter 5: Hiring Staff

bartender wipes down the bar while Staff Options
making idle conversation with the regulars.
A pile of wood shavings collects in a pile on Clerks
the ground as a carpenter smooths slats Monthly Wage: 6/60 gp per employee
for a treasure chest. A gardener’s eyes
grow wide with delight at seeing new green Clerks make records, keep accounts, take meeting
growth in the conservatory. A priest greets minutes, and perform other administrative or clerical
her congregation with a bawdy joke before tasks. Most clerks are commoners, though anyone with
administering the holy rites. People make an an Intelligence score of 10 or higher can take the job.
establishment come alive with activity. Clerks are sometimes called bookkeepers, scribes, or
Once you’ve furnished your rooms, you have the scriveners. Clerks typically take levels in the expert
option to employ staff to work in them: clerks in offices, sidekick class (see appendix A).
guards in barracks, performers in theaters, teachers in In order to staff an office, you need at least one clerk
classrooms, and so on. Hiring staff is completely for every 16 office squares.
optional. If you value privacy or wish to be self-sufficient,
you can skip this chapter entirely. Just remember that Skilled
you can’t turn a profit or get the full benefits of many of A skilled clerk is efficient and knowledgeable, with a
the furnished room options without employees. mind like a steel trap and excellent penmanship. They
You can fill one staff position yourself, as can each add the following feature to their stat block:
member of your adventuring party. That might keep Everything in Its Place. The clerk always knows
costs down while your establishment gets going. But you where any given item is in your establishment. In
forfeit any revenue you might have generated for any addition, the clerk can retrieve any requested item as an
month you spend away from your establishment. A good action, provided the item is in the same room.
rule of thumb is that you need to spend 20 days working
in a month to generate revenue. Cooks
Each staff entry has the following details. Monthly Wage: 6/60 gp per employee
Monthly Wage Cooks shop for or order food, prepare it, and pass it
along to the waitstaff who serve it to the guests. Most
The listed wages are the minimum you can pay to keep cooks are commoners, but anybody with an eye for
your current employees. Attempting to pay any less than ingredients, knack for flavors, and stamina for the job
the listed wages results in your employees refusing to can fill the position.
work, going on strike, or simply quitting to seek other Cooks are sometimes called chefs, culinarians, or
opportunities. food handlers. Cooks typically take levels in the expert
sidekick class (see appendix A).
Skilled In order to staff a kitchen, you need at least one cook
With experience or training, employees can become for every 16 kitchen squares.
skilled at their jobs. Once a staff member has been Skilled
under your employ for 12 months or more, they can
become skilled. Skilled employees earn the higher of the A skilled cook turns a meal into an experience. The
two listed monthly wages (or go on to seek better flavors and textures of their craft keep customers
employment elsewhere), but each skilled employee’s coming back for more. They add the following feature to
efficiency and influence increase your establishment’s their stat block:
Renown score by 1. A player character serving as a staff Feasting. If an ally of the cook spends a short rest
member is always skilled. eating a meal the cook has prepared and expends any
Hit Dice to regain hit points, the creature regains an
Sidekicks additional 1d6 hit points. The cook can gain the same
If an employee ever accepts your invitation to benefit as well.
accompany the party on your adventures, the staff
member can potentially earn experience points. When
an employee earns enough XP to take a level, choose
one for them from the sidekick classes in appendix A.
Each staff entry below suggests an appropriate sidekick
Courtiers Skilled
Monthly Wage: 60/120 gp per employee A skilled craftsperson creates masterwork items. These
Broadly speaking, a courtier is anyone who is part of a are items that fetch ten times the average market price
monarch or other royal personage’s court. Undoubtedly, at market and may even become collectibles. A skilled
courtiers would rankle at the notion that they are hired craftsperson adds the following features to their stat
employees, but the monarch does pay them an annuity block:
for services rendered, usually companionship or counsel. Masterwork. When practicing their trade, the
Though anyone born or elevated to the position can be a craftsperson makes items of rare quality that
courtier, most are nobles. demonstrate tremendous skill. Any such item sells for 10
Courtiers are sometimes called attendants, times the typical market price. In addition, the 25
companions, cupbearers, ladies-in-waiting, pages, workshop squares the craftsperson works in are treated
retainers, or squires. Courtiers typically take levels in as one step higher in quality (basic to fine, fine to
the expert sidekick class, though some take warrior opulent). A skilled craftsperson working in an opulent
levels instead (see appendix A). workshop increases the establishment’s Profitability
Your establishment’s Renown score increases by 1 for score by 1.
every hired courtier. Trick of the Trade. Choose an artisan’s tool the
craftsperson is proficient with. The craftsperson has
Skilled advantage on any skill check using this kind of tool.
A skilled courtier always wears the latest fashion or sets Curators
their own trends, knows court intrigue and every
influential person in the region, and gives excellent Monthly Wage: 30/120 gp per employee
advice. They grant double the Renown of a normal Curators maintain and curate a collection in an
courtier, and they add the following feature to their stat institution, such as a museum or library. Though

block: anyone with an Intelligence of 12 or higher can

Advisor. Choose one from among Intelligence, be a curator, most use the apprentice wizard or

Wisdom, and Charisma. The courtier has advantage on sage stat block, except skilled curators who are

skill checks that use this ability. usually master sages.

Monthly Wage: 6/60 gp per employee
Craftspeople include anyone who makes or creates
something, whether it’s a tool, work of art, wagon wheel,
fresh-baked bread, or pottery. Most craftspeople are
commoners or anyone with a proficiency in one or more
artisan’s tools.
Craftspeople are called a variety of titles, depending
on what they make. Several are listed on the table below.
Craftspeople typically take levels in the expert sidekick
class (see appendix A).
In order to staff a workshop, you need at least one
craftsperson for every 25 workshop squares.
Craftsperson Definition
Carpenter a worker in wood
Cooper a maker of casks and barrels
Smith a worker in metal
Tailor a maker of fitted clothes
Tanner a person who tans animal hides
Wainwright a wagon-builder
Weaver a maker of woven fabric
Wheelwright a maker of wooden wheels

    Curators are sometimes called archivists, custodians,
librarians, or keepers. Curators typically take levels in Skilled
the expert sidekick class (see appendix A). A skilled domestic is good with the guests, remembers
A gallery or library is considered staffed when it has at their preferences and peeves, and makes everyone feel
least one hired curator per 25 squares. perfectly at home. They add the following feature to their
stat block:
Skilled Walls Have Ears. Most guests have the unfortunate
A skilled curator knows the collection and its contents habit of talking a little too freely in the presence of
like the back of their hand. They add the following domestics. The domestic automatically succeeds on
feature to their stat block: Charisma (Persuasion) checks made to gather and sift
Knowledgeable. The curator has advantage on through rumors.
Intelligence skill checks.
Domestics Monthly Wage: 6/60 gp per employee
Monthly Wage: 6/60 gp per employee
Gardeners plant, water, fertilize, and otherwise care for
Domestic servants clean and tidy rooms, launder and green and growing things. Most gardeners are
press clothes, and do bed-making and other household commoners while a skilled gardener might be a druid.
tasks. Most domestics are commoners, but anybody But anybody with proficiency in the Nature skill can fill
with the skills and stamina for the job can fill the the job.
position. Gardeners are sometimes called greenskeepers,
Domestics are sometimes called cleaners, groundskeepers, or landscapers. Gardeners typically
housekeepers, or maids. Domestics typically take levels take levels in the expert sidekick class, though some take
in the expert sidekick class (see appendix A). spellcaster levels instead (see appendix A).
You need domestic servants to staff baths, bedroom, In order to staff a conservatory, you need at least one
and lounge squares. gardener for every 36 conservatory squares.
A skilled gardener has a green thumb, coaxing even the
most temperamental plants to grow and thrive. Long
experience has taught them what different plants need.
They add the following feature to their stat block:
Symbiotic. Plant creatures have a starting attitude of
indifferent toward the gardener. A plant creature will not
attack the gardener unless the gardener or their allies
threaten or harm the plant.
Monthly Wage: 6/60 gp per employee
Guards provide security for your establishment. Though
anyone with martial prowess can be a guard, most use
the guard stat block, except skilled guards who are
usually archers or veterans.
Guards are sometimes called bouncers or
bodyguards. Guards typically take levels in the warrior
sidekick class (see appendix A).
Guards require sleeping accommodations to provide
around-the-clock security. You can either provide a
bedroom or build the more economical barracks.
Your establishment’s Security score increases by 1 for
every hired guard who has on-site sleep
accommodations, or for every three hired guards who
sleep off-site.

Skilled Priests
A skilled guard is vigilant and willing to put their own Monthly Wage: 6/60 gp per employee
safety on the line. They add the following reaction to A priest maintains a shrine or church, leading religious
their stat block: services and serving their congregation. Though anyone
Protection. The guard imposes disadvantage on the who can prepare cleric or paladin spells can be a priest,
attack roll of a creature within 5 feet of them whose most are acolytes, except skilled priests who usually use
target isn’t the guard. The guard must be able to see the the priest stat block.
attacker. Priests are sometimes called pastors, imams, rabbis,
or ministers. Priests typically take levels in the
Performers spellcaster sidekick class.
Monthly Wage: 60 gp per employee Each hired priest has the Divine Intervention cleric
Performers entertain you and your guests with physical feature while they stand in a shrine you own. If you are a
feats, instruments, storytelling, singing, acting, or even cleric of 10th level or higher, each hired priest also
gladiatorial fighting. Most performers are bards, but grants you a +1 cumulative bonus to the percentile dice
anybody who has proficiency in the Acrobatics or roll when you use Divine Intervention to implore your
Performance skill, is proficient with a musical deity’s aid.
instrument, or can prepare at least one bard spell can Skilled
have the job. A skilled priest is devout and exemplifies the deity or
Performers are sometimes called entertainers or are power they worship. They add the following action to
known by their particular talent: comedian, dancer, their stat block:
singer, etc. Performers typically take levels in the expert Lay on Hands (Recharges After a Short or Long
spellcaster class, though some take expert levels instead Rest). With their blessed touch, the priest can heal
(see appendix A). wounds or afflictions. As an action, the priest can touch
Increase your establishment’s Renown score by 1 for a creature and restore a number of hit points to it equal
every hired performer. to their Wisdom modifier × 5, neutralize one poison
Skilled affecting it, or cast lesser restoration on it.
All hired performers are skilled employees (because Shopkeepers
nobody is entertained by an unskilled one). Monthly Wage: 6/60 gp per employee
Shopkeepers maintain a shopfront, cleaning it and
stocking it with wares, as well as answering customer
questions and finalizing purchases. Most shopkeepers
are commoners, but anybody with attention to detail
and knowledge about your inventory can fill the job.
Shopkeepers are sometimes called salespeople,
retailers, traders, or vendors. Shopkeepers typically take
levels in the expert sidekick class (see appendix A).
In order to staff a shop, you need at least one
shopkeeper for every 50 shop squares.
A skilled shopkeeper is on good terms with regular
customers, knows the location and characteristics of
every item in the shop, and is an expert at closing sales.
They add the following feature to their stat block:
     Acumen. Choose one from among Dexterity,

     Intelligence, and Charisma. The shopkeeper has

     advantage on skill checks that use this ability.

Monthly Wage: 6/60 gp per employee
Stablehands feed and care for mounts, muck out stalls,
and provide first aid. Most stablehands are commoners,
but anybody who loves animals and doesn’t mind the
manual labor can fill the job.
Stablehands are sometimes called equerries, grooms,
or hostlers. Stablehands typically take levels in the
expert sidekick class, though some take levels in
spellcaster instead (see appendix A).
Each stablehand can care for up to 15 mounts housed
in stables.
A skilled stablehand is excellent with animals,
encyclopedic in their knowledge about their care, and
instinctively knows what each mount needs. They add
the following feature to their stat block:
Animal Whisperer. The stablehand gains proficiency
in the Animal Handling skill. In addition, whenever the
stablehand makes a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check,
they can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.
Monthly Wage: 6/60 gp per employee
Teachers have only one thing in common: specialized
knowledge or skill in their field. Many teachers are
commoners, but they can also be apprentice wizards,
bards, druids, sages, and more. Anyone fluent in a
language, proficient with a skill or tool, or having
vocational experience can be a teacher.
A teacher is sometimes called a guide, instructor,
mentor, professor, or tutor. Teachers typically take levels
in the expert sidekick class, though some take levels in
spellcaster instead (see appendix A).
In order to staff a classroom, you need at least one
teacher for every 15 students.
A skilled teacher is peerless in their field, gifted at seeing

and fostering potential, and tireless in their devotion to     They are sometimes called waiters, servers, or
education. They add the following feature to their stat bartenders. Waitstaff typically take levels in the expert
block: sidekick class (see appendix A).
Tutelage. As an action, the teacher chooses one skill In order to staff a barroom or lounge, you need at least
or tool. For 10 minutes, the teacher’s allies within 30 feet one waitstaff employee for every 50 squares.
have proficiency with the chosen skill or tool.
Waitstaff A skilled waitstaff employee is good with the patrons,
Monthly Wage: 6/60 gp per employee never mixes up orders, and knows the names and
Waitstaff take orders and serve food and drinks. Most favorite beverages of your regular customers. They add
waitstaff are commoners, but anybody with the patience the following feature to their stat block:
and stamina for the job can fill the position. Indispensable. Choose one from among Strength,
Dexterity, and Charisma. The waitstaff employee has
advantage on skill checks that use this ability.

Chapter 6: Home and Business

ou’ve scouted your location, finished Or perhaps your establishment is under threat of
construction, furnished all the rooms, and destruction by a fire raging through town. The DM could
hired your staff. If you’ve constructed a set the DC at 15 and ask you to roll a Security check. If
home—a place to just sleep, eat, relax, and you match or exceed the DC after adding your Security
keep your stuff—you’re all set. Skip reading modifier, your loyal employees or the sturdy walls of
this chapter and go enjoy the fruits of your your establishment repel the fire. If not, the fire might do
labor. But if you’ve got loot to secure, a some damage or raze the building entirely, depending on
business to run, or fame and fortune to win by way of how low you rolled.
your establishment, keep reading. Your establishment is Anything like these contests or checks are fair game.
just getting started. Feel free to get creative with how you use these scores.
There are some checks that come up time and again
Establishment Scores when playing with establishments. As a result, the three
most common types of establishment checks are
Three scores provide a quick description of every detailed here.
establishment’s characteristics:
Profitability measures revenue-generating potential If it’s been at least one month (30 days) since the last
Security measures sturdiness and defenses payday, you can make a Payday check. Roll a d20 and
Renown measures fame and appearance add the establishment’s Profitability modifier. Your
Is your building filled with customers and staff to establishment earns a profit if it equals or exceeds the
serve them? Is it made of stone and brimming with DC, which is determined by the location upon which
guards? Have people heard of it before? (Did Volo write your establishment stands (see the Payday DC table
about it?) Establishment scores define these qualities— below). If it fails, the establishment earns no profit and
an establishment’s assets and advantages as well as its you must pay staff wages out of your own pocket. Each
weaknesses. The main rolls used in this supplement rely time you refuse to pay staff wages, your current staff
on these three establishment scores. If you’re familiar members quit and your establishment suffers a
with Dungeons & Dragons, you’re already familiar with permanent −1 penalty to its Renown score. The rooms
the basic rule behind these rolls: roll a d20, add a of your establishment lose any benefits they granted for
modifier derived from one of the scores, and compare being staffed until you hire new employees to replace the
the total to a target number. A roll can have advantage or ones who left.
The modifiers are the same for establishment scores
as they are for your ability scores. A score of 1
corresponds to a −5 modifier, 10 to a +0, and 20 to a +5.
The only difference here is that an establishment isn’t
bound to a maximum score of 20. Establishments can
have an establishment score of up to 30 with a
corresponding +10 modifier. And unlike your character,
establishments do not have a proficiency bonus.
Checks and Contests
When you make a roll, add the relevant establishment
modifier, and then compare the result to a static number
or an opposing roll.
For example, if the owner of a rival tavern gets into an
argument with you about which of your establishments
is better, you can easily simulate the result of a test of
customer loyalty. Roll a d20 and add your Renown
modifier while the DM does the same for the opposing
tavern. Compare the two rolls. Whoever has the higher
result wins in a “Best in Town” contest, perhaps
sparking the anger of the other establishment owner.

Payday DC
Population DC
Wilderness 19
Roadside 13
Village 14
Town 12
City 10
Metropolis 8

When your establishment successfully earns a profit,

you roll a d100 to determine the payout. You earn a
number of gold pieces equal to the result multiplied by
your establishment’s Renown score. For example, if your
establishment’s Renown score is 5 and you roll a 60 on
the d100, you earn 300 gp this month. After paying all
staff wages, you pocket any money that’s left.
If the d20 roll for a payday is a 1, your establishment
fails to earn a profit regardless of any modifiers or the
payday DC.
If the d20 roll for a payday is a 20, your establishment
turns a profit regardless of any modifiers or the payday
DC. Rolling a 20 on a Payday check is called a bonanza.
If you score a bonanza, you earn a number of platinum
pieces, instead of gold pieces, equal to the result of a
1d100 roll multiplied by your establishment’s Renown
Running the Elfsong Tavern
Let’s use the Elfsong Tavern as an example. When it first
opened, it had a Profitability score of 6 (−2) and a
Renown score of 2 (−4). After a month of hard work with
her two servers, Falten and Yimiur, Lady Alyth is ready
for payday. Her player rolls a 10 on the d20. After
subtracting the Profitability modifier, the result is an 8.
That’s just enough to earn a profit in a metropolis.
Lady Alyth’s player rolls a d100 to see how much
profit she earned. This time the roll is a 51. She
multiplies this number by her establishment’s Renown
score, for a total of 102 gp earned. After paying her
waitstaff (4 gp, 5 sp each), she pockets the remaining 93
gp. That’s a tidy sum, but the Elfsong Tavern is just
getting started!
Another establishment check that may come into play is
Repel, used to repel an intruding force. This is an
optional check, since you can instead run a combat as
you normally would, rolling initiative and letting each
combatant take a turn. In normal combat, each guard or
other staff member in the fight can be controlled by
either you or the DM or as an ally of the adventuring
    However, if you want to keep the spotlight on the
adventuring party, you can simply add the Security Defending the Elfsong Tavern
modifier to your attack rolls and AC while you’re inside Let’s say the Elfsong Tavern comes under attack by two
the establishment. This is due to your “home field members of a local thieves’ guild (bandits) while Lady
advantage” and represents help from the staff and the Alyth is away. Falten and Yimiur are loyal employees,
fortifications offered by the establishment, such as willing to fight for their workplace. The combat can take
locked doors, traps, makeshift defenses, and knowledge place normally, with Alyth’s player rolling initiative,
of the building layout. If the modifier is a negative attack and damage for Falten and Yimiur using the
number, it represents the extra effort and caution you commoner stat block, since the employees are unskilled
must exercise to protect the establishment and its staff waitstaff.
while fighting off the intruders. The other option is to use the more abstracted rules
Finally, if you’re away from the establishment when it instead. The Elfsong Tavern has a Security modifier of
comes under attack, you can run the combat as normal, −4, so Alyth’s player rolls d20 − 4 when the
taking on the roles of the employees defending the establishment makes an attack. That means Alyth’s
establishment as they take actions and making attack player needs to roll a 16 or higher on the die to succeed,
and damage rolls. Or you can use the following, more since bandits have an AC of 12. She rolls until the
abstracted rules: Elfsong Tavern accumulates three successes or three
The establishment itself acts as one unit and makes a failures.
number of attacks against the intruders. To make an The odds are against the Elfsong Tavern, and after a
attack with the establishment, you roll a d20 and add the tense but short battle, Falten and Yimiur must
establishment’s Security modifier to the roll. Compare surrender. When Lady Alyth returns, they relate the bad
the result to the intruders’ Armor Class. If the intruders news to her: the month’s earnings have been stolen. She
have various ACs, take the average by adding them all resolves to hire two bouncers at the earliest opportunity,
together and dividing the total by the number of but for now, she’s going to visit the thieves’ guild. It’s
intruders. payback time!
If the attack hits, it counts as one success, or two
successes on a roll of 20 on the d20. If the attack misses,
it counts as one failure. If an attack misses with a roll of
1 on the d20, the intruding force has a creature with the
Siege Monster feature, or the intruding force has more
than 4 times as many creatures as the number of rooms
in your establishment, it counts as two failures instead.
Do not track hit points or roll attacks for the intruders.
Instead, you alone roll, tracking the establishment’s
successes and failures.
A success or failure has no effect by itself. On your
establishment’s third success, the intruding force is
expelled from the premises and immediately disbands.
On its third failure, the intruding force can do one of the
following (DM’s choice):
Deal a permanent −1 penalty to the establishment’s
Renown score
Occupy the establishment, forcing the player
characters to take it back
Steal a month’s profits, forcing you to skip the next
Payday check (though wages must still be paid to
keep your staff)
Steal the contents of a treasury room
Release any prisoners in a jail room
The successes and failures don’t need to be
consecutive; keep track of both until you have three
successes or three failures. The number of both is reset
to zero at the end of the combat.

Appendix A: Sample Establishments
and Staff
Sample Establishments
The following Baldur’s Gate buildings show the variety Elfsong Tavern
of establishments possible with this supplement. 2-story, 19-room metropolis establishment

Elfsong Tavern Owner Lady Alyth Elendara

The Elfsong Tavern is among the most well-known Payday DC 8
Staff Wages 211 gp, 5 sp
establishments in town. It gets its name from the
mysterious singing voice of an elven spirit said to haunt
12 (+1) 5 (−3) 7 (−2)

Looking for Work. The cost of staff wages

decreases by 25% (included in the stat block).
Lounges. A creature resting in a lounge gains the
benefit of a short rest in half the normal time.
Storerooms. The Elfsong Tavern has enough
storeroom squares to store 3000 pounds.
2 cooks, 2 domestics, 2 guards (Klank, Skoona),
6 waitstaff (Alyth, Falten, Yimiur, and three
barroom (80 basic), bedroom (33 basic, 24
fine), kitchen (33 basic), lounge (148 fine),
storeroom (12 basic)

Low Lantern
The Low Lantern is an aging, three-masted merchant Low Lantern
ship permanently docked on the east side of the harbor 4-story, 10-room metropolis establishment
of Baldur’s Gate. Far past the point of being seaworthy,
the vessel was converted into a tavern and gambling
house that is open day and night. Owner Captain Laraelra Thundreth
Payday DC 8
Staff Wages 112 gp, 5 sp


4 (−3) 5 (−3) 2 (−4)

Looking for Work. The cost of staff wages

decreases by 25% (included in the stat block).
Lounges. A creature resting in a lounge gains the
benefit of a short rest in half the normal time.
1 domestic, 18 guards (bouncer thugs), 6
waitstaff (kenku bartenders)
barroom (58 basic), bedroom (41 basic), lounge
(71 basic)


Public Bathhouse
1-story, 3-room metropolis establishment

Owner Duke Thalamra Vanthampur

Payday DC 8
Staff Wages 148 gp, 5 sp


4 (−3) 6 (−2) 9 (−1)

Looking for Work. The cost of staff wages

decreases by 25% (included in the stat block).
Lounges. A creature resting in a lounge gains the
benefit of a short rest in half the normal time.
2 domestics (Jabaz, Qurmilah), 4 guards (a
necromite of Myrkul and three others)
baths (42 opulent), lounge (12 opulent)

Public Bathhouse
Not many people know it, but the public bathhouse of
Baldur’s Gate is a front for the Vanthampur family’s
shady operations. A wall in the north massage room
swings inward to reveal steps that lead down into an
ancient dungeon, which is separate from the bathhouse.
Vanthampur Villa
Home to the devil-worshipping Vanthampur family, Vanthampur Villa
Vanthampur Villa is a stately stone edifice with a 4-story, 19-room metropolis establishment
detached stable house. Both buildings have sloped
rooftops covered with red clay tiles. The villa includes a
cellar and wine cellar but excludes the sewers Owner Duke Thalamra Vanthampur
surrounding them. Payday DC 8
Staff Wages 567 gp


6 (−2) 9 (−1) 15 (+2)

Crenellated Rooftop. Medium or smaller creatures

on the balcony have three-quarters cover from
ranged attacks from outside the villa.
Jail. The locks and manacles in the villa require a
DC 15 Dexterity check with thieves’ tools to be
Looking for Work. The cost of staff wages
decreases by 25% (included in the stat block).
Lounges. A creature resting in a lounge gains the
benefit of a short rest in half the normal time.
Stables. The villa can house and feed four Large
mounts of challenge rating 1/2 or lower.
Storerooms. Vanthampur Villa has enough
storeroom squares to store 26,500 pounds.
1 cook (Gabourey D’Vaelan), 1 domestic (Ambra
Fallwater), 14 guards, 1 stablehand (Sarvinder
Peck), 1 waitstaff (Fendrick Gray)
bedroom (56 opulent, 31 fine), crenellated
rooftop (12 fine), gallery (72 opulent), jail (16
fine), kitchen (33 fine), library (16 opulent),
lounge (78 opulent), stables (12 fine),
storeroom (22 fine, 62 basic)

An optional rule is to have staff members take levels in
sidekick classes so they increase in power as you do.
They can even accompany you on your adventures if you
Untrained Animated
What follows are adapted stat blocks for creatures Armor
that might not otherwise qualify to be sidekicks due to 1st-level Medium construct
their CR 1/2 or lower prerequisite. You can find the
rules for sidekicks and the expert, spellcaster, and
warrior sidekick classes in chapter 4 of Tasha’s Cauldron Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
of Everything. Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3)
    The sidekick’s proficiency bonus is always based on Speed 25 ft.
their total character level, not their level in a particular
class. For example, if your sidekick is a half-ogre STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
2/spellcaster 3, they have a proficiency bonus of +3 of a
5th-level sidekick. 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 1 (−5) 3 (−4) 1 (−5)

Animated Armor Damage Resistances poison, psychic

Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
Lady Alyth employs a suit of animated armor called exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified,
Klank as a bouncer. poisoned
If you want a suit of animated armor on your staff, use Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
the untrained animated armor stat block. The sidekick passive Perception 6
can take up to three animated armor sidekick levels, Languages —
then multiclass by taking levels in the expert, spellcaster, Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
or warrior sidekick class.
Antimagic Susceptibility. The armor is
The Animated Armor incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic
Level Proficiency Bonus Features field. If targeted by dispel magic, the armor must
succeed on a Constitution saving throw against
1st +2 Repair Kit
the caster’s spell save DC or fall unconscious for
2nd +2 — 1 minute.
3rd +2 Obdurate False Appearance. While the armor remains
motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal
Repair Kit suit of armor.
1st-level animated armor feature Imperfect Immortality. The armor cannot die and
The armor has gathered materials and tools to assemble does not sleep. But it gains no benefit from a
a repair kit. As long as the kit is in its possession and the short or long rest. Furthermore, healing spells
armor has more than 0 hit points, the armor can regain and magic items, such as cure wounds or
hit points normally during a short or long rest. potions of healing have no effect on it, though
An ally can also use the repair kit on the armor in the the mending cantrip restores 1 hit point to the
same way, whether or not the armor is stunned. armor. When the armor is reduced to 0 hit
Repairing the armor is considered light activity. points, it falls prone and is stunned, but it isn’t
rendered unconscious.
3rd-level animated armor feature Actions
The armor gains resistance to piercing and slashing Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5
damage from nonmagical attacks that aren’t ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning
adamantine. damage.

Half-Ogre Brute
Lady Alyth employs a gruff half-ogre named Skoona as a 2nd-level half-ogre feature
bouncer. A melee weapon wielded by the half-ogre deals one extra
If you want a half-ogre on your staff, use the following die of its damage. In addition, the half-ogre’s Strength
adolescent half-ogre stat block and take up to two half- score increases by 2.
ogre sidekick levels. Afterwards, multiclass the half-ogre
by taking levels in the expert, spellcaster, or warrior
sidekick class.



1st-level Medium giant

Armor Class 12 (hide armor)

Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 30 ft.


15 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 7 (−2) 9 (−1) 10 (+0)

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9

Languages Common, Giant
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing
damage, or 7 (1d10 + 2) slashing damage if used
with two hands.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

The Half-Ogre
Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +2 Growth Spurt
2nd +2 Brute

Growth Spurt
1st-level half-ogre feature
The half-ogre grows, becoming a Large giant. The half-
ogre’s Hit Dice are now d10s. In addition, the half-ogre’s
Constitution score increases by 1.

Appendix B: NPCs and Spells

tat blocks and spells that are not in the Basic
Rules, but are mentioned in this rules
supplement, are reprinted here for your
convenience. Some stat blocks have minor
Apprentice Wizard
Medium humanoid (any race)
alterations for ease of use.
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Speed 30 ft.


10 10 10 14 10 11
(+0) (+0) (+0) (+2) (+0) (+0)

Skills Arcana +4, History +4

Senses passive Perception 10
Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Fire Bolt (Cantrip). Ranged Spell Attack: +4 to hit,
120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) fire damage.
Burning Hands (1st-Level Spell; 1/Day). The
apprentice creates a thin sheet of flames. Each
creature in a 15-foot cone must make a DC 12
Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 10
(3d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one. The fire
ignites any flammable objects in the area that
aren’t being worn or carried.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit:
2 (1d4) piercing damage.
Spellcasting. The apprentice casts one of the
following spells, using Intelligence as the
spellcasting ability (save DC 12):
At will: mending, prestidigitation

1/day: disguise self

Shield (1st-Level Spell; 1/Day). When the
apprentice is hit by an attack or targeted by a
magic missile spell, they call forth an invisible
barrier of magical force that protects them. Until
the start of their next turn, the apprentice has a
+5 bonus to AC, including against the triggering
attack, and they take no damage from magic

Medium humanoid (any race)

Armor Class 16 (studded leather)

Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30)
Speed 30 ft.


11 18 16 11 13 10
(+0) (+4) (+3) (+0) (+1) (+0)

Skills Acrobatics +6, Perception +5

Senses passive Perception 15
Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Archer’s Eye (3/Day). As a bonus action, the

archer can add 1d10 to their next attack or
damage roll with a longbow or shortbow.

Multiattack. The archer makes two attacks with
their longbow.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4)
piercing damage.

Bard them), it must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving
Medium humanoid (any race) throw or take 2 (1d4) psychic damage and have
disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before
Armor Class 15 (chain shirt)
the end of its next turn.
Hit Points 44 (8d8 + 8) Shatter (2nd-Level Spell; 1/Day). Each creature in a
Speed 30 ft. 10-foot-radius sphere centered on a point up to 60
feet away from the bard must make a DC 12
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 13
(3d8) thunder damage on a failed save, or half as
11 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) much damage on a successful one. A creature
made of inorganic material such as stone, crystal, or
Saving Throws Dex +4, Wis +3 metal has disadvantage on this saving throw. A
Skills Acrobatics +4, Perception +5, Performance +6 nonmagical object that isn’t being worn or carried
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages any two languages
also takes the damage if it’s in the spell’s area.
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Thunderwave (2nd-Level Spell; 1/Day). Each creature
in a 15-foot cube originating from the bard must
Healing Word (1st-Level Spell; 1/Day). As a bonus make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a
action, the bard chooses a creature they can see failed save, a creature takes 9 (2d8) thunder
within 60 feet. The target regains 1d4 + 2 hit damage and is pushed 10 feet away from the bard.
points, unless it’s a construct or undead. On a successful save, the creature takes half as
much damage and isn’t pushed. In addition,
Song of Rest. The bard can perform a song while
unsecured objects that are completely within the
taking a short rest. Any ally who hears the song
area of effect are automatically pushed 10 feet
regains an extra 1d6 hit points if it spends any Hit
away from the bard by the spell’s effect, and the
Dice to regain hit points at the end of that rest. The
spell emits a thunderous boom audible out to 300
bard can confer this benefit on themself as well.
Taunt (2/Day). The bard can use a bonus action on
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
their turn to target one creature within 30 feet of
5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
them. If the target can hear the bard, the target
must succeed on a DC 12 Charisma saving throw Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
or have disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing
and saving throws until the start of the bard’s next damage.
turn. Spellcasting. The bard casts one of the following
Actions spells, using Charisma as the spellcasting ability
(save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks):
Vicious Mockery (Cantrip). The bard unleashes a
string of insults laced with subtle enchantments at At will: friends, mage hand

a creature they can see within 60 feet. If the target 1/day each: charm person, heroism, invisibility,

can hear the bard (though it need not understand     sleep

Master Sage foot-radius sphere centered on that point must
Medium humanoid (any race) make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 28
(8d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much
Armor Class 10 (13 with mage armor)
damage on a successful one. The fire spreads
Hit Points 54 (12d8) around corners and ignites flammable objects in
Speed 30 ft. the area that aren’t being worn or carried.
Spellcasting. The sage casts one of the following
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA spells, using Intelligence as the spellcasting ability
(save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks):
8 (−1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 11 (+0)
At will: light, mage hand, mending, prestidigitation

Skills Arcana +11, History +11, Insight +7, Investigation 3/day each: comprehend languages, detect magic,

+11, Medicine +10, Nature +11, Religion +11     dispel magic, identify, levitate, locate object,

Senses passive Perception 14     Tenser’s floating disk, unseen servant

Languages Common plus any five languages 1/day each: banishment, contact other plane,

Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3     Drawmij’s instant summons, legend lore, locate

    creature, planar binding, polymorph, protection

Actions     from evil and good, scrying, sending, true seeing

Shocking Grasp (Cantrip). Melee Spell Attack: +8 to Reactions
hit (with advantage if the target is wearing armor
Shield (1st-Level Spell; 3/Day). When the sage is hit
made of metal), reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 13
by an attack or targeted by a magic missile spell,
(3d8) lightning damage, and the target can’t take
they call forth an invisible barrier of magical force
reactions until the start of its next turn.
that protects them. Until the start of their next turn,
Fireball (3rd-Level Spell; 3/Day). The sage creates a the sage has a +5 bonus to AC, including against
fiery explosion centered on a point they can see the triggering attack, and they take no damage from
within 150 feet of them. Each creature in a 20- magic missile.

Medium humanoid (any race)

Armor Class 10 (13 with mage armor)

Hit Points 22 (5d8)
Speed 30 ft.


8 (−1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 11 (+0)

Skills Arcana +8, History +8, Insight +4, Investigation

+8, Medicine +6, Nature +8, Religion +8
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common plus any four languages
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficienc Bonus +2

Shocking Grasp (Cantrip). Melee Spell Attack: +6
to hit (with advantage if the target is wearing
made of metal), reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 9
(2d8) lightning damage, and the target can’t take
reactions until the start of its next turn.
Spellcasting. The sage casts one of the following
spells, using Intelligence as the spellcasting
ability (save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks):
At will: light, mage hand, mending

3/day each: comprehend languages, detect



1/day each: dispel magic, levitate, locate object,

    see invisibility, sending, tongues, unseen

Shield (1st-Level Spell; 3/Day). When the sage is
hit by an attack or targeted by a magic missile
spell, they call forth an invisible barrier of
magical force that protects them. Until the start
of their next turn, the sage has a +5 bonus to AC,
including against the triggering attack, and they
take no damage from magic missile.

1st-level abjuration (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (25 gp worth of powdered silver,
which the spell consumes)
Duration: Instantaneous
You perform a special religious ceremony that is infused
with magic. When you cast the spell, choose one of the
following rites, the target of which must be within 10
feet of you throughout the casting.
Atonement. You touch one willing creature whose
alignment has changed, and you make a DC 20 Wisdom
(Insight) check. On a successful check, you restore the
target to its original alignment.
Bless Water. You touch one vial of water and cause it
to become holy water.
Coming of Age. You touch one humanoid who is a
young adult. For the next 24 hours, whenever the target
makes an ability check, it can roll a d4 and add the
number rolled to the ability check. A creature can benefit
from this rite only once.
Dedication. You touch one humanoid who wishes to
be dedicated to your god’s service. For the next 24
hours, whenever the target makes a saving throw, it can
roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the save. A
creature can benefit from this rite only once.
Funeral Rite. You touch one corpse, and for the next
7 days, the target can’t become undead by any means
short of a wish spell.
Wedding. You touch adult humanoids willing to be
bonded together in marriage. For the next 7 days, each
target gains a +2 bonus to AC while they are within 30
feet of each other. A creature can benefit from this rite
again only if widowed.


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