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Cristal - College: Learning Task 4 Getting Acquainted With My Cooperating Teacher

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PPST Domain 6 Domain 6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement
Strand 6.4.1 Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of school policies
and procedures to foster harmonious relationship with the wider
school community.
Program Outcomes of Pursue lifelong and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the
Teacher Education local, national and global realities.
CFSAT (Competency J.1 Enhance public relations.
Framework for J.3 Share the responsibility of educating the community.
Southeast Asian
Teachers for 21st

I. Desired Learning Outcomes

 Get acquainted with cooperating teacher
 Listen and respond effectively to the expectations of my cooperating
 Enumerate my responsibilities based on the given expectations
 Demonstrate knowledge of policies and procedures that provide safe and secure
learning environment.

II. Essential Questions

 What is the role of the cooperating teacher in my internship program?
 What expectations of me are given by my cooperating teacher?
 How shall I respond effectively to these expectations?
 What are the policies and procedures given by my CT on providing safe and secure
learning environment?

III. Understandings
Name of Cooperating Teacher: Marchie C. Arado
Degree: Bacheor of Secondary Education major in MAPEH
Area of specialization: Music and Arts
Years of Teaching Experience: 3 years
The Cooperating Teacher plays a very vital role in the successful implementation of the
Teaching Internship Program.
The Cooperating Teacher (CT) is defined as a teacher with a minimum of three years of teaching
experience who acts as a mentor in the teaching internship program in the area in which the teaching intern is
earning her degree. The CT serves as a model in all aspects of teaching and learning.
He/She engages you to work collaboratively and productively to enrich your classroom activities.
He/She allows you to reflect critically and creatively on your learning experiences to ensure that you
accomplish more and do better in your future activities.
He/She shares interactive and innovative teaching strategies and methods you have not learned and
are not familiar with to make your classroom activities highly engaging.
He/She gives second advice about the good/best practice in teaching and learning.
He/She gives teaching tips and hoe to do things in the most effective and efficient ways.
He/She suggests instructional resources to make your classroom activities more meaningful and

Based on the orientation conducted by the Cooperating Teacher, complete the
matrix given below.
My cooperating teacher

Expectations My Responsibilities

As a student teacher at this school, I am expected to meet

Patience the expectations of my cooperating teacher, the students,
and the school. I need to remember all of my cooperating
Build Intrapersonal teacher's remarks and suggestions. When dealing with my
Relationship students, I must exercise patience. I need to think about the
different types of students. I also need to establish positive
relationships with my coworkers. I will posit honesty while
Employ honest all the times doing my part as a practicing teacher. So that by the end of
my experience teaching, I can confidently declare that I am
now prepared to teach professionally.

Integrate values in teaching

 What is the impact of these expectations?

As an intern, the impact of these expectations has forced me to become a master of time
management. I learnt that every minute counts while I operate in a fast-paced professional
atmosphere. I managed my time efficiently with the help of these requirements, which makes me a
good teacher. And it motivates me to always put up my best effort, even if the task at hand appears
to be minor and inconsequential. It will help you develop a strong work ethic, and others will notice
your efforts. No one like being criticized, and performance appraisals can be rather frightening.
You'll almost certainly make a few blunders and get constructive criticism from both your
colleagues and your supervisor regarding your job. Always keep in mind that it's not about you. It's
for your own welfare and growth, and it'll help you produce better work.
Cite the three (3) most important policies and procedures given by your CT to provide safe and
secure learning environments to your learners.
Policies and Procedures How do I respond to these? My plans of

On the top right corner of all assignments,

the student's first and last name, date, and
period must be included. The board lists all
of the assignments and their due dates. It is
Assignment Policy the obligation of the student to submit
assignments on time. All due assignments
should be deposited in the proper drawer in
the assignment corner.
Usually, I give the students at least 3 days to
comply with the activities or quizzes while I
give the students at least 5 days to comply
Late Assignment Policy
with relative to performances-based task.
An assignment will lose 10% off the earned
grade for each day that the assignment is
late. In order for students to be successful,
assignments will be given on a daily basis.
Most of the work students will be asked to
perform will be completed in class. If a child
does not complete classwork, it then
becomes homework. For practice of
remedial skills, students will occasionally be
asked to complete a homework assignment
that is not given in class. However, students
will never be given homework that covers
unfamiliar content. My plans to this policy
are to explain it well to my students so that
they can pass their assignment responsibly.

All handouts for the day will be placed in

the student’s mailbox if a student is absent
Absent Assignment Policy from class. If a student is absent on a day an
assignment is due and was present when the
assignment was given, that assignment must
be turned in once the student returns or the
late policy will begin to take effect. If a
student is absent on the day an assignment is
assigned, the student will have five school
days to turn in the assignment according to
school board policy before the late policy
will begin to take effect.

 What is the impact of these policies and procedures to student learning?

These policies and procedures have an impact on student learning since they assist a school in
establishing rules and procedures, as well as quality standards for learning and safety, as well as expectations
and accountability. Without these, schools would be unable to offer the structure and function required to meet
children' educational needs. Policies and procedures work together to produce a road map for day-to-day
operations. They guarantee that laws and regulations are followed, provide decision-making direction, and
streamline internal processes.

My cooperating teacher is my role model in the following virtue. Cite
and give situations on how these virtues are applied?

Kindness for a teacher is to be
friendly, approachable and nice to
the students. I know from my
experience in school that a teacher
who was kind and friendly made a
massive difference. No child wants
a grumpy, horrible teacher, nor do
Creative other teachers want to work with
Creativeness or innovativeness is Courageous
a great values for teachers. For I let my students in and allow him
example, teacher M is teaching to talk to me when he encounter Courage is a key in order to gain
piano, but he do not have a piano misunderstanding on the topic. respect from students. For
and so with the students. What he instance, teacher T is scolding
did was, he let all students to his students because they are late
make a cardboard piano in order and was not able to take the
to cover up. Allowing students to online quiz due to none valid
showcase their creativity. reasons. He brig the students for
counseling and reconciliation

As future teachers, forgiving is necessary.
We knew everyone commits mistakes and Honesty
failed. They said, do everything even
For instance, teacher S started the final if no one is watching. Is
examination inside the classroom, he left always true and right. For
on the classroom for some academic teachers honesty is the best
reports, but as he went back , he track one policy. For instance, teacher
students who had copied the answer key T admit that there was an
which iwas held on the table. After the error in his discussion. He did
exam, teacher S privately called the a review and correct the error
Courteous he had delivered.
students and talk with him. He give him
chance and provide the students important Courtesy is marked by respect
advices. for and consideration of others.
For example, one of teacher M's
students responsively answered
his question, though it is not
perfectly right. He consider it as
students ideas and personal
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Who is expected to act as a role model and serve as a mentor of student
A. Cooperating teacher
B. Cooperating principal
C. Practicum supervisor
D. Practicum Trainor
2. The cooperating teacher plays a crucial role in .

A. Stating instructional outcome

B. Providing classroom activity
C. Constructing modes of assessment
D. Ensuring the success of the internship program
3. Which are other activities that the CT can provide?

I. Visit other classes at the same level.

II. Got to know other teacher in the level.
III. Get to know the school staff and becomes familiar with the
school resources.
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I, II and III
4. Which is the most important area where my CT can be of help in my
internship program?

A. Honing my skills as a teacher

B. Ensuring good classroom management
C. Providing a safe and secure learning environment
D. Developing my personal and professional competencies

5. To assess my performance as an intern, my CT shall


I. Rate my teaching performance.

II. Evaluate my personal qualities.
III. Assess my communication skill.

A. I only
B. II only
D. None
Write a letter to your Cooperating Teacher.

Dear Maam Marchie,

Student teaching has been many things: enjoyable, hard,

hectic, crazy, full of meetings, teary eyes, long days, full
moons, happy days, lesson preparation, copying papers,
grading, and many memories made. Thank you for
allowing me to use your space. I understand that having an
extra person in your space, following you about, and
accompanying you to every appointment isn't always easy.
Thank you for allowing me to come in and for accepting
the position of student teacher. Thank you for giving me
the opportunity to meet, teach, and love everyone of your
students. They may have been shy when they first met me,
but after getting to know each of our students and teaching
them, I have grown to love them all. They've turned into
my own students. They are the students I will never forget
and will always remember when I host my first student
teacher in my online classroom years later. Thank you for
demonstrating the positive side of teaching by observing
our students' progress. Thank you for also showing me the
negative side. Every day classes do not go as planned, nor
does every child act appropriately. Many people believe
that our profession is always fun and filled with children,
but this is not the truth. Thank you for taking me in as a
special student and mentoring me to become the greatest
teacher I can be. You've signed a slew of attendance
sheets, completed numerous evaluations, and assisted me
in my professional development. I'm not sure how to
thank you.

Your Student Teacher,

Robenson Roa
 What is the impact of this letter to me as a teaching intern?
This letter has had an impact on me as a teaching intern because people like to be
recognized, and if they believe you notice the good thing they do for you, they're more likely to
do it again. Gratitude is a virtue that everyone should strive for. However, gratitude is useless
unless you have learned the art of expressing it. We should take advantage of every opportunity
to express our gratitude for those who love, support, and give to us. The thank you note is one of
the most common ways to express gratitude. Unfortunately, many of us nowadays utterly
disregard this component of etiquette, breaking the hearts of precious little grandmothers all
around the world. A thank you letter, or note, is a token of gratitude for a kind gesture, remark,
or present However, the formality of this approach might be frightening. Many individuals
believe that a thank you letter must be written perfectly, which causes them so much anxiety that
they never send it. Before you follow any of the other principles, keep in mind that an imperfect
letter written with heartfelt sentiment is preferable to a perfect one never written.

 What was the reaction of my CT to this letter? (You may ask him/her to
write on the space provided)

Indicators Meets Approaching Meets Does Not
Standard Standard of Excellence Acceptable Meet
Standard Acceptable
of Excellence Standard

Criteria 4 3 2 1

 Has all the  Has some aspects  Has minimal  No aspect of
aspects of of work that exceed aspects of work work
work that level of that meet level of meets
exceed level of expectation. expectation. level
expectation  Demonstrates solid  With some errors
 Shows performance and and MASTERY not
understanding thorough
 Has errors
e omissions

Assessme With 5 With 4 correct answers With 3 correct answers With less than 3
nt Tasks correct correct answers

Learnin The piece/s of The piece/s of evidence The piece/s of The piece/s of
g evidence of of learning is/are evidence of learning evidence
Artifac learning is/are aligned with SOME of is/are aligned with
ts aligned with the learning outcomes. ONE of the learning of learning is/are
learning outcomes outcomes. NOT aligned with
the learning
Creative The learning tasks The learning tasks are The learning tasks are The learning
are done done creatively and done quite creatively tasks are poorly
and very resourcefully. and resourcefully. done and
Resourcefulnes creatively
s need
and resourcefully. improvement
Submission The The assigned learning The assigned learning The
tasks are submitted a tasks are submitted 2
of assigned learning day after the deadline. days after the assigned learning
Requirements tasks are submitted deadline. tasks are
on or before the submitted 3 days
deadline. or more after the

Ronald C. Dollesin, LPT

Teaching Internship Supervisor/Instructor

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