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The Laryngoscope

© 2020 The Authors. The Laryngoscope

published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on
behalf of The American Laryngological,
Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc.

EAT-10 Scores and Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing

in Head and Neck Cancer Patients

Michelle Florie, MD ; Walmari Pilz, MSc, PhD; Bernd Kremer, MD, PhD; Femke Verhees, MD;
Ghislaine Waltman, MD; Bjorn Winkens, PhD; Naomi Winter, MD; Laura Baijens, MD, PhD

Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between patient-reported symptoms of
oropharyngeal dysphagia (OD) using the Eating Assessment Tool (EAT)-10 and the swallowing function using a standardized
fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) protocol in head and neck cancer (HNC) patients with confirmed OD.
Methods: Fifty-seven dysphagic HNC patients completed the EAT-10 and a FEES. Two blinded clinicians scored the ran-
domized FEES examinations. Exclusion criteria consisted of presenting with a concurrent neurological disease, scoring below
23 on a Mini-Mental State Examination, being older than 85 years, having undergone a total laryngectomy, and being illiterate
or blind. Descriptive statistics, linear regression, sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values were calculated.
Results: The majority of the dysphagic patients (N = 38; 66.7%) aspirated after swallowing thin liquid consistency. A large
number of patients showed postswallow pharyngeal residue while swallowing thick liquid consistency. More specifically,
42 (73.0%) patients presented postswallow vallecular residue, and 39 (67.9%) patients presented postswallow pyriform sinus
residue. All dysphagic patients had an EAT-10 score ≥ 3. Linear regression analyses showed significant differences in mean
EAT-10 scores between the dichotomized categories (abnormal vs. normal) of postswallow vallecular (P = .037) and pyriform
sinus residue (P = .013). No statistically significant difference in mean EAT-10 scores between the dichotomized categories of
penetration or aspiration was found (P = .966).
Conclusion: The EAT-10 questionnaire seems to have an indicative value for the presence of postswallow pharyngeal res-
idue in dysphagic HNC patients, and a value of 19 points turned out to be useful as a cutoff point for the presence of pharyn-
geal residue in this study population.
Level of Evidence: 2b
Key Words: Dysphagia, deglutition, deglutition disorders, EAT-10, head and neck cancer.
Laryngoscope, 00:1–7, 2020

INTRODUCTION more severe expression of OD has been reported up to

Despite the development of organ-saving therapies 45% in this population and is accompanied by a higher
for head and neck cancer (HNC), early and late toxicities risk of grave consequences such as aspiration pneumonia,
of (chemo)radiotherapy or surgery cannot be avoided, and malnutrition, dehydration, and death.12,13 The high prev-
full function preservation of the upper aerodigestive tract alence of OD and its consequences on health-related qual-
is usually not possible.1–6 Oropharyngeal dysphagia ity of life in this population asks for early detection of
(OD) is a common symptom after HNC treatment and it this condition in order to facilitate early implementation
is often chronic in nature, with a prevalence ranging from of swallowing rehabilitation and nutritional support.14–16
23% to 100%, whereas tube-feeding dependency ranges Often, it remains unclear which patients should be
from 5% to 60%.6–11 Furthermore, silent aspiration as a monitored for OD and at what time points.17 It can be
expected that fewer complications of OD will arise if the
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative
nature of OD and the nutrition status are systematically
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distri- monitored during the HNC follow-up visits.18–20 A reli-
bution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is able tool to identify and assess OD, which can be easily
properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
From the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck implemented in daily clinical practice, can help monitor-
Surgery (M.F., W.P., B.K., F.V., G.W., N.W., L.B.), Maastricht University ing OD in HNC patients.
Medical Center, Maastricht, The Netherlands; GROW-School for Oncology The Eating Assessment Tool-10 (EAT-10) is a patient
and Developmental Biology (W.P., B.K., L.B.), Maastricht University Medical
Center Maastricht, Maastricht, The Netherlands; and the CAPHRI - Care self-report questionnaire that documents a symptom-
and Public Health Research Institute, Department of Methodology and specific outcome for OD. It was developed to report the ini-
Statistics (B.W.), Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
tial dysphagia severity based on clinically relevant OD
Editor’s Note: This Manuscript was accepted for publication on
March 02, 2020. symptoms and is also used to monitor treatment response
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict in patients with a variety of swallowing disorders due to,
of interest.
Send correspondence to Michelle Florie, MD, Department of Otorhi-
for example, HNC, esophageal abnormalities, and neurode-
nolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Maastricht University Medical generative diseases.21 The EAT-10 questionnaire is com-
Center, PO Box 5800, 6202 AZ Maastricht, the Netherlands. E-mail: monly used in daily clinical practice for various OD
michelle.fl[email protected]
etiologies and it has a high test–retest reliability.21 The
DOI: 10.1002/lary.28626 purpose of this study was to determine the relationship

Laryngoscope 00: 2020 Florie et al.: EAT-10 Scores and Fees in HNC Patients
between patient-reported symptoms of OD using the EAT- Germany). Neither a nasal vasoconstrictor nor a topical anes-
10 and the swallowing function using a standardized thetic was administered.
fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) pro-
tocol in dysphagic HNC patients. In other words: can the
EAT-10 be used as an indicator of the nature or phenotype
of OD in dysphagic HNC patients? FEES Outcome Variables
Three reliable visuoperceptual ordinal variables were scored
as described in previous studies: penetration or aspiration,
postswallow vallecular residue, and postswallow pyriform sinus
residue (Table I).29,32,33 Aspiration was defined as bolus passing
Patients below the level of the vocal folds entering the trachea or bolus on
For this cross-sectional cohort study, dysphagic HNC the true vocal folds secondarily leaking in the trachea. Three-point
patients were recruited from the outpatient clinic for OD of the ordinal scales (range 0–2), based on a visuoperceptual estimate of
department of otorhinolaryngology at a tertiary university refer- the amount of the bolus in the valleculae and/or pyriform sinuses,
ral hospital between 2013 and 2016. Individuals were enrolled in were used to capture residue severity. The term residue was
the study if they had completed the HNC treatment at least defined as the amount of bolus remaining in the valleculae and/or
6 months prior to recruitment and their disease was in a stable pyriform sinuses after spontaneous clearing swallows.29,32 Severe
period (total remission, absence of radiation mucositis). The residue in the valleculae means residue up to the free edge of the
exclusion criteria were presenting with a concurrent neurological epiglottis. For pyriform sinus residue, severe residue was up to
disease (e.g. stroke, Parkinson disease), scoring below 23 on a the level of the arytenoids. All variables were scored for each
Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE),22 being older than FEES swallow at varying speed (slow motion, normal speed, and
85 years, having undergone a total laryngectomy, having recur- up to frame-by-frame). Before assessment of the swallows, two
rent HNC or a second primary head-and-neck tumor, having observers underwent consensus training for these measurements,
osteoradionecrosis of the maxilla or mandible (severe pain), and as described in previous studies.29,30,32 The observers were blinded
being illiterate or blind. Cancer staging was performed according to patient identity and medical history and to each other’s scores.
to the tumor, nodes, and metastasis (TNM) classification sys- To determine interobserver agreement, 20% of the FEES swallows
tem.23 Informed consent was obtained from all participants, and were rated twice (repeated measurements). All three swallow tri-
the study protocol was approved as non-wet maatschappelijke als of both consistencies were rated to forestall an underestima-
ondersteuning (WMO) research by the institutional medical tion of the outcome.32
ethics committee in compliance with the WMO Medical Research Due to several patient characteristics, such as extreme
Involving Human Subjects Act.24 postradiation xerostomia, oropharyngeal tissue fibrosis, or severe
OD for specific consistencies (severe aspiration for thin liquid
with increased pulmonary risk), not all patients were able to
complete all swallow trials.
Swallowing Protocol
All patients underwent a standardized examination proto-
col used in daily clinical practice. The protocol consisted of a TABLE I.
clinical ear, nose, and throat examination, including integrity of Frequency Distribution of HNC Patients per Category of the
cranial nerves performed by a laryngologist, body mass index Different FEES Variables Given as Absolute Numbers and
(BMI) measurement, FEES examination,25 the Functional Oral Percentages.
Intake Scale (FOIS),26 and the EAT-10 questionnaire.
No. of No. of
FOIS scores range from 1 to 7, where 1 corresponds to no Patients Patients
† ‡
oral diet, and 7 corresponds to total oral diet with no restrictions. FEES Variable (%) Dichotomized Outcome (%)
The Dutch translated version of the EAT-10 was used in this
study.27,28 Similar to the English version, the Dutch translation Postswallow Postswallow vallecular
vallecular residue§ residue§
consists of a 10-item questionnaire with a maximum total score
of 40 points. All items are rated on a 5-point scale in which 0 indi- Category 0 9 (18%) Category 0: “normal” 9 (18%)
cates no problem, and 4 indicates a severe problem in swallowing Category 1 28 (55%) Category 1: “abnormal” 42 (82%)
function. An EAT-10 score of ≥ 3 is abnormal and indicates a Category 2 14 (28%)
higher self-perception of the presence of OD.21 In the present
Postswallow pyriform Postswallow pyriform sinus
study, the EAT-10 questionnaire was not used as a screening tool sinus residuek residuek
because the HNC population was already diagnosed with OD.
Category 0 23 (46%) Category 0: “normal” 23 (46%)
During FEES examination, patients were offered three tri-
Category 1 17 (34%) Category 1: “abnormal” 27 (54%)
als of thin and three trials of thick liquid. Each trial contained
10 cc of water (thin) or applesauce (One 2 fruit, van Oordt, Oud- Category 2 10 (20%)
Beijerland) (thick) dyed with 5% methylene blue.29,30 The viscos- Penetration/ Penetration/aspirationk
ity of the bolus consistencies was measured at 25  C and 50 s-1 aspirationk
of shear rate resulting in 1 mPa.s for thin liquid and 1,200 mPa.s Category 0 12 (24%) Category 0: “normal” 12 (24%)
for thick liquid. Following the flow test instructions, thick liquid Category 1 11 (22%) Category 1: “abnormal” 38 (76%)
met the criteria for moderately thick according to the Interna-
Category 2 27 (54%)
tional Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI).31 The
tip of the flexible fiberoptic endoscope Pentax FNL-10RP3 †
Fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing.

(Pentax Canada Inc., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) was posi- Lower scores refer to normal functioning; higher scores refer to more
tioned just above the epiglottis in what is called the high posi- severe disability.
Six patients (10.5%) had a missing value.
tion.25 FEES images were obtained with a Xion SD camera, k
Seven patients (12.3%) had a missing value.
XionEndoSTROBE camera control unit (PAL 25 fps), and Matrix FEES = fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing; HNS = head
DS datastation with DIVAS software (Xion Medical, Berlin, and neck cancer.

Laryngoscope 00: 2020 Florie et al.: EAT-10 Scores and Fees in HNC Patients
Fig. 1. Association between FEES outcome variables and EAT-10
scores in means and 95% CI and maximum spread of EAT-10
scores for the FEES variable postswallow vallecular residue
(n = 48). CI = confidence interval; EAT = Eating Assessment Tool;
FEES = fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing. [Color fig-
ure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at www.]

Fig. 4. ROC curve of the EAT-10 outcome score. AUC (AUC 0.719,
95% CI 0.641, 0.797) of the mathematically composed FEES vari-
able postswallow pharyngeal residue at any location (= postswallow
vallecular and/or pyriform sinus residue). AUC = area under the
curve; CI = confidence interval; EAT = Eating Assessment Tool;
FEES = fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing; ROC =
receiver operating characteristic. [Color figure can be viewed in the
online issue, which is available at]

Fig. 2. Association between FEES outcome variables and EAT-10 Statistical Analysis
scores in means and 95% CI and maximum spread of EAT-10 Numerical variables were reported in terms of mean with
scores for the FEES variable postswallow pyriform sinus residue standard deviation (SD) or median with interquartile range
(n = 47). CI = confidence interval; EAT = Eating Assessment Tool; where appropriate. The categorical variables were presented by
FEES = fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing. [Color fig- number and percentage. The intra- and interobserver agreement
ure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at www.
was determined using a linearly weighted kappa coefficient of]
agreement (κ) for all visuoperceptual ordinal FEES variables.34
The maximum score (indicating more severe impairment) of each
FEES variable, independent of the consistency, was used in the
statistical analysis. The given scores for postswallow vallecular
and pyriform sinus residue, as well as for the variable penetra-
tion and/or aspiration, were subsequently dichotomized as nor-
mal function if the given score was 0 and as abnormal function if
the scoring was ≥ 1. Dichotomization was carried out following
the observer agreement analysis and was done to increase the
small group sizes if possible (Table I). To evaluate the relation-
ship between the outcome of the EAT-10 questionnaire and the
scored FEES variables, linear regression analyses were per-
formed. All assumptions of linear regression analysis were
checked using histograms, residual plots, and Cook’s distances
(> 1 indicates influential outlier). Two-sided P values ≤ .05 were
considered to be statistically significant. In addition, the effect of
the mathematically composed variable postswallow pharyngeal
residue (= postswallow vallecular residue and/or postswallow
Fig. 3. Association between FEES outcome variables and EAT-10
pyriform sinus residue) on the EAT-10 outcome was assessed to
scores in means and 95% CI and maximum spread of EAT-10 scores
for the FEES variable penetration/aspiration (n = 47). CI = confidence evaluate the impact of the presence of postswallow pharyngeal
interval; EAT = Eating Assessment Tool; FEES = fiberoptic endo- residue on EAT-10 scores. The same procedure was done to
scopic evaluation of swallowing. [Color figure can be viewed in the determine the effect of the FEES variable penetration or aspira-
online issue, which is available at] tion on the EAT-10 outcome. Subsequent statistical correction for

Laryngoscope 00: 2020 Florie et al.: EAT-10 Scores and Fees in HNC Patients
TABLE II. residue location (vallecula vs. pyriform sinus) and variable pene-
Frequency Distribution of HNC Patient Characteristics tration/aspiration was performed. The (adjusted) differences in
(Total Number of Patients = 57). means with corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) and
P values were reported. The means and 95% CI were also plotted
Number of to visualize the association between the FEES outcome variables
Characteristic Patients (%)
and the EAT-10 scores (Figs. 1–3). All dysphagic HNC patients
Gender scored more than 3 points on the EAT-10 questionnaire; there-
fore, the cutoff value of 3 was not specifically used in the linear
Male 39 (68)
regression model.21 Instead, the whole range of scores (0–40
Female 18 (32) points) on the EAT-10 was used to explore the entire severity
T classification†,‡ range of patient-reported OD symptoms. The diagnostic values
Tis 1 (2) (sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, and area under the
T1 8 (17) receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve) of the EAT-10 for
postswallow pharyngeal residue at any location were calculated
T2 16 (35)
using the cutoff point derived from the ROC curve, which
T3 10 (22) ensured a sensitivity ≥ 0.90 (Fig. 4). The Youden index for com-
T4 10 (22) puting the optimal EAT-10 cutoff point for the sensitivity and
Tx 1 (2) specificity of postswallow pharyngeal residue was explored, but
N classification†,‡ this technique was not chosen to forestall an underestimation of
the presence of residue in the present dysphagic HNC
N0 24 (52)
N1 6 (13) Statistical analyses were conducted using IBM SPSS Sta-
N2 15 (33) tistics for Windows, version 21.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY).
N3 1 (2)
Definitive radiotherapy 20 (36) RESULTS
Definitive chemoradiotherapy 10 (18)
Surgery 8 (15)
Fifty-seven patients were enrolled in this study. The
Surgery and adjuvant radiotherapy 16 (29) mean (SD) age of the patients was 64.8 (10.8) years, and
Surgery and adjuvant chemoradiotherapy 1 (2) the FOIS showed a modified texture diet for all patients.
Type of surgeryk The mean (SD) score of the EAT-10 and BMI was 22.2
Local resection primary tumor 7 (28) (9.3) and 24.9 (4.9), respectively. Patient characteristics
Local resection primary tumor with neck 13 (52) are presented in Table II.
Local resection primary tumor, neck dissection, and 4 (16)
free flap reconstruction
FEES Variables
Neck dissection 1 (4)

The intra- and interobserver agreement levels were
Tumor location
substantial-to-almost perfect for all FEES variables
Nasopharynx 4 (7) (i.e., κ ≥ 0.7) (Table III).34 All patients showed an
Oropharynx 13 (23) impaired swallowing function during the FEES exami-
Hypopharynx 2 (4) nation. Of all patients presenting postswallow vallecu-
Larynx 20 (36) lar residue, 31 (54.4%) patients presented penetration
Oral cavity 9 (16) and/or aspiration. Of the patients presenting postswallow
Nasal (sinus) cavity 1 (2) pyriform sinus residue, 23 (40.4%) showed penetration
Other (skin cancer with head and neck treatment, 7 (13) and/or aspiration. A large number of patients showed
salivary gland cancer) postswallow pharyngeal residue while swallowing thick
Tumor histopathology# liquid consistency, that is, postswallow vallecular residue
Squamous cell carcinoma 40 (83) in 42 (73.0%) patients and postswallow pyriform sinus res-
Adenocarcinoma 2 (4) idue in 39 patients (67.9%), respectively. The majority of
Verrucous carcinoma 1 (2)
the patients (38; 66.7%) aspirated while swallowing thin
liquid consistency.
Other 5 (10)

(Primary) tumor and node classification (TNM Classification of Malig-
nant Tumours 7th edition).

Eleven patients (19%) had a missing value.
Swallowing Function and EAT-10 Outcome
Two patients (4%) had a missing value. Linear regression analyses showed significant differ-
Two patients (4%) had a missing value. ences in mean EAT-10 scores between the dichotomized

One patient (2%) had a missing value.
Nine patients (16%) had a missing value. categories (presence vs. absence) of postswallow vallecu-
FEES = fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing; HNS = head lar residue (difference 6.4, 95% CI 0.4, 12.4; P = .037
and neck cancer; TNM = tumor, node, metastasis. [n = 48]) and postswallow pyriform sinus residue

Laryngoscope 00: 2020 Florie et al.: EAT-10 Scores and Fees in HNC Patients
Description and Observer Agreement Levels for the FEES Outcome Variables.
Intraobserver Agreement (Linearly
FEES† Ordinal Interobserver Agreement Weighted Kappa)‡ (Observer 1;
Outcome Variable Definition Ordinal Scale (Linearly Weighted Kappa)‡ Observer 2)

Postswallow Residue in the valleculae 3-point scale (0–2) 0.73 0.76; 0.87
vallecular after the swallow
0 = no residue
1 = mild to intermediate residue
2 = severe residue up to complete
filling of the valleculae
Postswallow Residue in the pyriform 3-point scale (0–2) 0.71 0.81; 0.84
pyriform sinus sinuses after
0 = no residue
residue the swallow
1 = mild to intermediate residue
2 = severe residue up to complete
filling of the sinuses (up to the
level of the arytenoids)
Penetration/ Penetration or aspiration 3-point scale (0–2) 0.76 0.81; 0.71
aspiration 0 = normal (no penetration/
1 = penetration with bolus in the
larynx above the level of the
vocal folds
2 = aspiration with bolus on and
below the level of the vocal folds

Fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing.

Kappa agreement (linearly weighted kappa coefficient of agreement.
<0 less than chance agreement. 0.01–0.20 slight agreement. 0.21–0.40 fair agreement. 0.41–0.60 moderate agreement. 0.61–0.80 substantial agreement.
0.81–0.99 almost perfect agreement.
FEES = fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing.

TABLE IV. fair test for the discrimination between the presence or
Assessment of the Diagnostic Accuracy of the EAT-10 absence of postswallow pharyngeal residue.36
Questionnaire for Postswallow Pharyngeal Residue at Any Location Based on the ROC curve, an EAT-10 cutoff point of
(Yes/No), Where EAT-10 ≥ 19 is Considered as an Increased 19 was determined. This cutoff value clearly demon-
Symptom-Specific Outcome for OD.
strated the presence of postswallow pharyngeal residue
Pharyngeal Residue No Pharyngeal Residue Total considering that a higher sensitivity (≥ 0.90) of the EAT-
EAT-10 ≥ 19 15 (a) 20 (b) 35
10 is more desirable than a higher specificity to forestall
an underestimation of postswallow pharyngeal residue
EAT-10 < 19 1 (c) 13 (d) 14
and its potential related risk of secondary aspiration.37
Total 16 33 49
For this EAT-10 cutoff point 19, the sensitivity was 93.9%
Values represent number of patients. Sensitivity: 100%*a / (a + c) = (95% CI 0.68, 0.99); the specificity was 39.4% (95% CI
93.8%. Specificity: 100%*d / (b + d) = 39.4%. Positive predictive value: 0.23, 0.58); the positive predictive value was 42.9% (95%
100%*a / (a + b) = 42.9%. Negative predictive value: 100%*d / (c + d) = 92.9%.
EAT = Eating Assessment Tool; OD = oropharyngeal dysphagia.
CI 0.27, 0.60); and the negative predictive value was
92.9% (95% CI 0.64, 0.99). The mean (SD) EAT-10 score
of the patients with postswallow pharyngeal residue ver-
(difference 8.5, 95% CI 1.9, 15.0; P = .013 [n = 47]). Con- sus patients without pharyngeal residue was 28.1 (7.6)
trarily, there was no statistically significant difference in and 19.2 (8.9), respectively.
mean EAT-10 scores between the dichotomized outcomes
scores of aspiration (difference −0.1, 95% CI −5.9, 5.7;
P = .966, [n = 47]). The mean EAT-10 score was signifi- DISCUSSION
cantly higher for patients with postswallow pharyngeal In this cross-sectional observational study, the rela-
residue compared to those without any residue (difference tionship between the OD-symptom-specific questionnaire
8.9, 95% CI 3.7, 14.3; P = .001 [n = 49]), which remained EAT-10 and the characteristics of OD identified using
significant after correction for aspiration in the regression FEES in dysphagic HNC patients was described. There is
models (adjusted difference 9.5, 95% CI 3.8, 15.3; P = .002 a growing need to have an easy-to-use OD assessment tool
[n = 47]). Also, subsequent correction for residue location that is not only measuring OD-burden but that can also
(vallecula vs. pyriform sinus) showed no difference in the disclose information on the nature or phenotype of OD in
significant relationship between postswallow pharyngeal dysphagic HNC patients. FEES was selected as instrumen-
residue and the EAT-10 scores. tal swallowing assessment tool because it enables an exten-
The diagnostic values (sensitivity, specificity, predic- sive evaluation of the pharyngeal phase of swallowing,
tive values, and area under the ROC curve) of the EAT- which is often compromised following HNC treatment.38
10 for postswallow pharyngeal residue were calculated FEES is a safe, widely used, and well-known instrument
(Table IV). The area under the ROC curve showed a to diagnose OD, and because there is no exposure to radia-
result of 0.76 (95% CI 0.71, 0.82), which is considered a tion, it is highly recommended for this already intensively

Laryngoscope 00: 2020 Florie et al.: EAT-10 Scores and Fees in HNC Patients
radiation exposed group of patients.39 However, a carefully underestimation of the presence of OD in the EAT-10
conducted FEES examination takes time, which makes its scores.
implementation in the regular and busy HNC outpatient In conclusion, the preliminary data of the present
clinic very difficult. Therefore, a reliable self-report assess- study suggests that the EAT-10 questionnaire seems to
ment tool for OD can help clinicians to quickly identify the have an indicative value for the presence of the OD
nature of OD complaints and indicate which patient would phenotype postswallow pharyngeal residue in dysphagic
benefit from a more extensive swallowing evaluation. HNC patients.
The preliminary data show that the EAT-10 ques-
tionnaire seems to have an indicative value at a score of
19 points to demonstrate the presence of postswallow Limitations of the Study
pharyngeal residue as a dominant OD phenotype in Stratification of the data for tumor subsites, oncologi-
HNC. This finding encourages further research to confirm cal treatment modalities, time after treatment, and tumor
that an EAT-10 cutoff point can be used to better charac- characteristics was not possible due to the limited sample
terize the nature of OD in HNC patients during their size. Due to the limited sample size and the lack of
oncological follow-up visits. matching healthy control subjects or nondysphagic HNC
Although several studies reported the relation- patients with a similar TNM classification and oncological
ship between the EAT-10 score and the presence of treatment history, it is not possible to compute an EAT-10
OD, only two studies investigated this relationship in cutoff point that can be used for OD assessment in the
HNC patients; of these, neither used FEES to evalu- general HNC population. In addition, in an advanced
ated swallowing. 40–47 TNM stage, the majority of the patients will have OD,
Arrese et al. enrolled 44 HNC patients and compared especially following multimodality HNC treatment.
the EAT-10 scores with the presence of OD using
videofluoroscopie (VFS) examination.46 OD was deter-
mined using the penetration-aspiration scale and the mod-
ified barium swallow impairment profile. The results CONCLUSION
showed a significant relationship between the EAT-10 The preliminary results of the present study showed
score and the presence of OD in the group comprising that the EAT-10 questionnaire seems to have an indica-
patients in the period pretreatment up to 1 year post-HNC tive value (cutoff point) for the presence of the OD pheno-
treatment. No significant relationship was found in the type postswallow pharyngeal residue in dysphagic HNC
groups comprising patients longer than 1 year post-HNC patients. However, for the time being it remains rec-
treatment. The mean EAT-10 score (24.4, SD 8.3) of the ommended to perform a multidimensional swallowing
patients who aspirated in this study, is comparable to the assessment in HNC patients with OD complaints or at
mean EAT-10 score (24.0, SD 9.3) of the patients who aspi- risk for OD until the generalization of the results can be
rated in the present study. confirmed.
Cheney et al. studied 360 dysphagic patients with
different OD etiologies who underwent VFS.47 Of this
population, 79 (22%) patients developed OD following ACKNOWLEDGMENT
radiotherapy, and 32 (9%) patients were classified as Ethical approval: All procedures performed in studies
other etiologies of OD, including among others postsurgi- involving human participants were in accordance with
cal HNC patients. The mean (SD) EAT-10 score was the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national
16.1 (10.2) for nonaspirators and 23.2 (10.9) for aspira- research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declara-
tors, similar to the values from the present study. Fur- tion and its later amendments or comparable ethical
thermore, Cheney et al. found a statistically significant standards.
correlation between the EAT-10 scores on the one hand
and the risk of aspiration and a prolonged total pharyn-
geal transit time on the other hand. Patients with an BIBLIOGRAPHY
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