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Color Based Object Sorting Machine: International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 08 Issue: 02 | Feb 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Mr.V.A.AHER1, Mayur Dukre2, Ganesh Abhang3, Trupti Thorat4

1Prof. Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Pravara Rural Engineering college, Loni, India
2,3,4Students, Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Pravara Rural Engineering college, Loni, India
Abstract - -Sorting is a process in which two or more objects automation. The Sorting of objects based on color is
of similar, yet different characteristics are arranged in a very difficult task. This project gives us an idea about
systematic order. This is generally carried through manually automatic color sorting. Here we are designing and
or by using sensors in automation. Automatic color sorting is
implementing an efficient color sorting using color
very much convenient in industry. Color and size are the most
sensor TCS3200 based on ARM7. This project gives
important features for accurate classification and sorting of
high accuracy and performance. Easy to operate and
product which can be done by using some optical sensors or
construct which reduces human errors. Existing sorting
analyzing their pictures. Color sorting machines are machines
that are used on the production lines in bulk food processing method uses a set of inductive, capacitive and optical
and other industries. They separate items by their colors, sensors do differentiate object color.
detecting the colors if things that pass before them and using
The ability to differentiate colors is essential for
mechanical or pneumatic ejection devices to divert items
human’s life as it gives us the awareness about the
whose colors do not fall within the acceptable range. The Color
sorting machine using microcontroller is a fascinating and changes in surrounding through our vision. Moreover,

renowned project for techies, who would like to combine by exploiting the ability of color capture, intelligent
electronics, machine building and programming. The Color machine gains the function to differentiate, sort and
Sorting Machine is used for sorting mainly RGB colors. A organize. The project consist of sensors that detect
simple robot arm is used to apply a color sorting to a physical object color after that sends the information to ARM7
system. The objects are placed to the conveyor belt using robot which in turn adjusts the DC motor which located just
arm with servo motors. One conveyor belt is used, which is
below the object slider to move it left and right also
controlled by DC motors
remaining carries as it is straight. Based upon the color
Key Words: Color Sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, ARM7 detected and motor will movers clockwise or
LPC2148, LCD Display, DC Motors, Conveyor Belt. anticlockwise depend on color of object. The stations
are in red, green and blue respectively. After every
object placement, the slide will go back to its default
Now a day’s industrial area requires demand for
angle position, awaiting the next color object.
automation. Due to automation human efforts are goes
Throughout the years, many people tried to use various
on decreasing since last decade. The object sorting
ways to programme and create intelligence robot in
based on color is difficult task in recent days. In
various ways to have respective function or achieving
industry there is rapidly increasing demands for
goals. Some of the claims made have contributed

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 477
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 02 | Feb 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

directly or indirectly to the project. This project is mainly beneficial for sorting the yields in the industry
developed with the purpose of minimizing the cost, definitely large scale industries where mass production
optimizing the productivity and reducing human is carried out. The machine also lessens the hard work
mistakes. of the workers by decreasing the time spent for
material handling. The tender area of this machine is
large in industries everywhere automation is made.

Rucha Kulkarni et al. [1] described PLC Based Object Rahul sonas et al.[4] Object Sorting using Image
Sorting Automation. They have tried to create a setup Processing described the proposed system has a
that will decrease human effort and succeeded to an conveyor belt which runs with the help of stepper
extent by using the low cost automation system (LAC) motors and corresponding pulleys at the motor and its
to avoid risk, improve precision, rise speed of opposite ends which frequently run at a desirable
manufacture and decrease the cycle time. Restrictions speed. The stepper motors are initialized to run the
will be there due to the practical complications in conveyor belt.
programming of the project according the availability
Himanshu Patel et al. [5] IOT Color Based Object
of the resources and apparatuses. This setup can be
Sorting Machine described Objects which are to be
further improved to a sorting system that sorts the
separated are fed in tube. A color sensor senses the
items based on the other various sensors. In
items coming in its sight and code for the same is coded
production it can be used for sorting of several objects,
in arduino in such a way that only the desired object
tools, with high degree of precision and superiority
colors are sensed and collected in the bins at the end
with an automation.
using servo motors.
A. P. Shinde et al. [2] described Sorting of Objects Based
on Color, Weight and Type on A Conveyor Line Using
PLC. They have proposed a system which would For sorting mechanisms to work, an ARM7
increase the production rate and accuracy of material programmed is written to carry out the color sensing
handling systems. The system would separate out and recognizing task correctly. The program has to be
objects based on their form i.e. metal or non-metal, tested and simulation has to be carried out. After the
weight and color as required by the consumer. Usage of design has been confirmed, the materials can be
PLC with the frame of logic gates will make program purchased.
alteration easy and thus, we can modify the system
according to the requirement.

Rohan Prakash Chumble et al. [3] described Automatic

Sorting Machine Using Conveyor Belt. The
programmed sorting machine using conveyor belt is

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 478
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 02 | Feb 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

by connecting all wires to connect up ARM7 which act

as ARM7, batteries, servo motor as well as the color
sensor. The sorting system is monitored and checked if
there is any error during the testing. Once the
combination between the hardware and software has
some error of fault, either one or both of the parts will
need to be modified.

A. ARM7 LPC2148 microcontroller:

The LPC2141/42/44/46/48 microcontrollers are

based on a 16-bit/32-bit ARM7TDMI-S CPU with real-
time emulation and embedded trace support, that
Fig 1: Block Diagram of System combine the microcontroller with embedded high-
speed flash memory ranging from 32 kB to 512 kB. A
There are various ways of doing simulation which by
128-bit wide memory interface and unique accelerator
using software in computer and simulation on a
architecture enable 32-bit code execution at the
breadboard. The breadboard simulation has to be done
maximum clock rate. For critical code size applications,
with real components. It is important to ensure there
the alternative 16-bit Thumb mode reduces code by
are no faulty on the components and the board after
more than 30 % with minimal performance penalty.
the circuit has been powered up with voltage and
Due to their tiny size and low power consumption,
LPC2141/42/44/46/48 are ideal for applications
If the program is not functioning during the test or where miniaturization is a key requirement, such as
simulation, then troubleshooting process is essential. access control and point-of-sale.
The next step is to analyze the program and
understand the code function. This is an important
process until the best code has been simulated. The
balls are tested on the circuits which are connected on
a breadboard to make sure the code is right before all
the parts are assembled to become a robot. For the
hardware, a suitable plastic material is used as the
body of the robot and compartment to place all the
Fig -2: ARM7 LPC2148
materials. After placing together both software and
hardware, the robot is basically formed. The RGB (Red,
Green, and Blue) values taken from the sensor will then
send signal to ARM7 to process. The connection is done

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 479
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 02 | Feb 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

B. Color sensor (TCS3200): Typically, a microcontroller is used for communication

with an ultrasonic sensor. To begin measuring the
TCS3200 Color Sensor is a complete color detector, distance, the microcontroller sends a trigger signal to
including a TAOS TCS3200 RGB sensor chip and 4 the ultrasonic sensor. The duty cycle of this trigger
white LEDs. The TCS3200 can detect and measure a signal is 10µS for the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor. When
nearly limitless range of visible colors. Applications triggered, the ultrasonic sensor generates eight
include test strip reading, sorting by color, ambient acoustic (ultrasonic) wave bursts and initiates a time
light sensing and calibration, and color matching, to counter. As soon as the reflected (echo) signal is
name just a few. received, the timer stops. The output of the ultrasonic
sensor is a high pulse with the same duration as the
The TCS3200 has an array of photo detectors, each
time difference between transmitted ultrasonic bursts
with either a red, green, or blue filter, or no filter
and the received echo signal.
(clear). The filters of each color are distributed evenly
throughout the array to eliminate location bias among
the colors. Internal to the device is an oscillator which
produces a square-wave output whose frequency is
proportional to the intensity of the chosen color.

Fig -4: Ultrasonic Sensor

D. Relay Driver Circuit:

A relay driver circuit is a circuit which can drive, or

operate, a relay so that it can function appropriately in
a circuit. The driven relay can then operate as a switch
Fig -3: Color Sensor
in the circuit which can open or close, according to the
C. Ultrasonic Sensor: needs of the circuit and its operation. Since DC and AC
voltages operate differently, to build relay drivers for
Ultrasonic sensors work by sending out a sound wave
them requires slightly different setup. We will also go
at a frequency above the range of human hearing. The
over a generic relay driver which can operate from
transducer of the sensor acts as a microphone to
either AC or DC voltage and operate both AC and DC
receive and send the ultrasonic sound. Our ultrasonic
relays. Now that we're using a transistor to drive the
sensors, like many others, use a single transducer to
relay, we can use considerably less power to get the
send a pulse and to receive the echo.
relay driven. Because a transistor is an amplifier, we
just have to make sure that the base lead gets enough

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 480
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 02 | Feb 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

current to cause a larger current to flow from the

emitter of the transistor to the collector. Once the base
receives sufficient power, the transistor will conduct
from emitter to collector and power the relay.

Fig -6 LCD display

F. DC Motor:

A DC motor is an electrical machine which converts

electrical energy into mechanical energy. The basic
working principle of the DC motor is that whenever a
current carrying conductor places in the magnetic field,
it experiences a mechanical force. DC motor used for
various applications like robotics, momentary projects
Fig -5: Relay Driver Circuit
etc. The output shaft has a hold for best mounting for
E. LCD display: wheels and pulleys.

A 16x2 LCD means it can display 16 characters per

line and there are 2 such lines. In this LCD each
character is displayed in 5x7 pixel matrix. This LCD has
two registers, namely, Command and Data.
The command register stores the command
instructions given to the LCD. A command is an
instruction given to LCD to do a predefined task like
initializing it, clearing its screen, setting the cursor Fig -7 DC Motor
position, controlling display etc. The data register
stores the data to be displayed on the LCD.
The fully automatic system outlined above provides
cost effective, low time consuming and technically
simple approach for sorting of objects. This system
uses C programming which makes the model easy to
use and more efficient. Generally, sensing the color of

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 481
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 02 | Feb 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

the object is a big challenge as there is a chance of high 12625/07/$25.00 ©2007 IEEE, IEEE SENSORS 2007

uncertainty due to the external lighting conditions. Conference.

Similarly while collecting the objects from conveyor by

[5] Sahu, S., Lenka, P.; Kumari, S.; Sahu, K.B.; Mallick, B.;
using a linear actuator system. This project of
―Design a colour sensor: Application to robot handling
automatic color sorting is excellent one because of its radiation work‖, Vol. 56, No.
working principle and wide implementation. By
applying the idea of this project an industry can easily
sort the required product according to its color. [7] www.google.com/microepsilon.com/catcolorsensor—e
Through it has some limitation, but by having done
some modification this concept can be implemented in
wide range of application. The authors can conclude
that time and human effort can be reduced by
implementing such project in industries like chemical,
food, chip manufacturing and so on.


[1] AdityaDeshpande, RuchaKulkarni, RuchaMoghe “PLC

Based Object Sorting Automation” International Research
Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol 03, no.07 July-
2016, PP.103-108.

[2] S. V. Rautu, A. P. Shinde, N. R. Darda, A. V.Vaghule, C.

B.Meshram, S.S.Sarawade "Sorting of Objects Based on
Colour, Weight and Type on A Conveyor Line Using PLC”
IOSR,vol.04, no 06, March 2017,PP.4-7.

[3] Sanjay PrakashDabadea, RohanPrakashChumble

“Automatic Sorting Machine Using Conveyor Belt”
International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research
in Engineering.Vol 2, no 5, Sept-2015, PP.66-71.

[4] Alessandro Golfarelli, RossanoCodeluppi and Marco

Tartagni, ― A SelfLearning Multi-Sensing Selection Process:
Measuring Objects One by One by‖, ARCES – LYRAS LAB
University of Bologna, Campus of Forlì, 1-4244-

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 482

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