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Computers: Inventor of Computer

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A computer is a device that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical
operations automatically via computer programming. Modern computers have the ability to
follow generalized sets of operations, called programs. These programs enable computers to
perform an extremely wide range of tasks.

Inventor of computer

John Mauchly

Charles Babbage

Alan Turing

Konrad Zuse

John Vincent Atanasoff

Douglas Engelbart
A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. It has the ability to
store, retrieve, and process data. You may already know that you can use a computer to type
documents, send email, play games, and browse the Web.

An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to
instructions given to it in a variable program.

A computer is a device that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical
operations automatically via computer programming. Modern computers have the ability to
follow generalized sets of operations, called programs. These programs enable computers to
perform an extremely wide range of tasks.

What is a computer?

 1 Objective
 2 What is a Computer?
 3 Keyboard (not all are the same)
 4 Computer Case
 5 Monitor
 6 Computer System
 7 See Also
 8 References

Subject classification: this is an information

technology resource.

Educational level: this is a secondary education


Type classification: this is a lesson resource.

Completion status: this resource has reached a

high level of completion.
This is a lesson in the course Introduction to Computers, which is a part of The School
of Computer Science
Introduction to Computers

1. What is a computer?
2. Hardware
3. Numeral systems
4. Data sizes and speeds
5. Data Coding and Information Decoding
6. Types of computers
7. What is a motherboard?
8. Computer networks
9. Software
10. Information technology

Familiarize the student with the basics of computers. This should give the student a stepping
stone to use when learning more specific details about computer hardware.

What is a Computer?
A computer is an electronic device that takes input or output such as numbers, text, sound,
image, animations, video, etc., processes it, and converts it into meaningful information that
could be understood, presenting the changed input (processed input) as output. All numbers, text,
sound, images, animations, and video used as input are called data, and all numbers, text, sound,
images, animations, and video returned as output are called information. Input is the raw data
entered into the computer by using input devices.

 The data consists of numbers, text, sound, images, animations, and video.
 The process converts numbers, text, sound, images, animations, and video (data) into
usable data, which is called information.
 The information consists of numbers, text, sound, images, animations, and video that has
been converted by the process.

 The data is inserted using an input device.

 The central processing unit (CPU) converts data to information.
 The information is put on an output device.
A storage device is an apparatus for storing data and information. A basic computer consists of
four components: an input device, a CPU, output devices, and memory.

 One of the most common input devices is the keyboard, used to enter text.

 This has many software that is used to operate computer such as: application software
and system software.

Keyboard (not all are the same)

Keyboard with a Swedish layout

Keyboard with Danish layout

Optimus-113 keyboard with color screens in each key

Apple keyboard with German layout

Symbolics space-cadet keyboard

 A computer will process data differently based on the kind of data being handled, using a
set of instructions called a program or routine.
 A keyboard is also used to give commands to the operating system of a computer, such as
Windows' Control-Alt-Delete combination, which brings up the system security options
screen. A command-line interface is a type of user interface navigated entirely using a
keyboard, or some other similar device that does the job of one.

Computer Case
The CPU, motherboard, memory and any internal components are typically put into a computer

Macintosh Performa 6400

Power Macintosh 7600

Power Macintosh 8100

Power Macintosh 8200

Fujitsu-Siemens Celvin-1

 Power-Macintosh-8400-90av

 The control unit, ALU, and registers are collectively known as a central processing unit
(CPU). Early CPUs were composed of many separate components but since the mid-
1970s CPUs have typically been constructed on a single integrated circuit called a

• A computer monitor is the most commonly used graphical output device, for the information
processed by the CPU.

A Fujitsu computer monitor

A CRT computer monitor

KDS XFlat monitor, screen

LCD, SyncMaster 710

Computer System

The minimum requirements for a functional computer system include; a keyboard, a case/
housing containing a CPU and memory (although the case itself isn't strictly necessary), and a
monitor. The data is usually entered via the keyboard and the information is usually presented
through a screen; however, information can also be presented through speakers, braille displays,
or any other output devices.

The way components inside a computer fit together helps describe how the computer works.

Data comes in through an Input Device, and is sent to the CPU by Memory.
The CPU processes the data, based on the input data and the program which is
installed in the computer memory.
When the CPU has finished processing the data, it is presented through the
output device as information.
The information can be stored in the computer memory or presented through an
Output Device.
Types of Computers

I, Computer: Definition

A computer is a machine that can be programmed to manipulate symbols. Its principal

characteristics are:

 It responds to a specific set of instructions in a well-defined manner.

 It can execute a prerecorded list of instructions (a program).
 It can quickly store and retrieve large amounts of data.

Therefore computers can perform complex and repetitive procedures quickly, precisely and
reliably. Modern computers are electronic and digital. The actual machinery (wires, transistors,
and circuits) is called hardware; the instructions and data are called software. All general-
purpose computers require the following hardware components:

 Central processing unit (CPU): The heart of the computer, this is the component that actually
executes instructions organized in programs ("software") which tell the computer what to do.
 Memory (fast, expensive, short-term memory): Enables a computer to store, at least
temporarily, data, programs, and intermediate results.
 Mass storage device (slower, cheaper, long-term memory): Allows a computer to permanently
retain large amounts of data and programs between jobs. Common mass storage devices
include disk drives and tape drives.
 Input device: Usually a keyboard and mouse, the input device is the conduit through which data
and instructions enter a computer.
 Output device: A display screen, printer, or other device that lets you see what the computer
has accomplished.

In addition to these components, many others make it possible for the basic components to work
together efficiently. For example, every computer requires a bus that transmits data from one part
of the computer to another.

II, Computer sizes and power

Computers can be generally classified by size and power as follows, though there is considerable

 Personal computer: A small, single-user computer based on a microprocessor.

 Workstation: A powerful, single-user computer. A workstation is like a personal computer, but it
has a more powerful microprocessor and, in general, a higher-quality monitor.
 Minicomputer: A multi-user computer capable of supporting up to hundreds of users
 Mainframe: A powerful multi-user computer capable of supporting many hundreds or
thousands of users simultaneously.
 Supercomputer: An extremely fast computer that can perform hundreds of millions of
instructions per second.

Supercomputer and Mainframe

Supercomputer is a broad term for one of the fastest computers currently available.
Supercomputers are very expensive and are employed for specialized applications that require
immense amounts of mathematical calculations (number crunching). For example, weather
forecasting requires a supercomputer. Other uses of supercomputers scientific simulations,
(animated) graphics, fluid dynamic calculations, nuclear energy research, electronic design, and
analysis of geological data (e.g. in petrochemical prospecting). Perhaps the best known
supercomputer manufacturer is Cray Research.

Mainframe was a term originally referring to the cabinet containing the central processor unit or
"main frame" of a room-filling Stone Age batch machine. After the emergence of smaller
"minicomputer" designs in the early 1970s, the traditional big iron machines were described as
"mainframe computers" and eventually just as mainframes. Nowadays a Mainframe is a very
large and expensive computer capable of supporting hundreds, or even thousands, of users
simultaneously. The chief difference between a supercomputer and a mainframe is that a
supercomputer channels all its power into executing a few programs as fast as possible, whereas
a mainframe uses its power to execute many programs concurrently. In some ways, mainframes
are more powerful than supercomputers because they support more simultaneous programs. But
supercomputers can execute a single program faster than a mainframe. The distinction between
small mainframes and minicomputers is vague, depending really on how the manufacturer wants
to market its machines.


It is a midsize computer. In the past decade, the distinction between large minicomputers and
small mainframes has blurred, however, as has the distinction between small minicomputers and
workstations. But in general, a minicomputer is a multiprocessing system capable of supporting
from up to 200 users simultaneously.

It is a type of computer used for engineering applications (CAD/CAM), desktop publishing,

software development, and other types of applications that require a moderate amount of
computing power and relatively high quality graphics capabilities. Workstations generally come
with a large, high-resolution graphics screen, at large amount of RAM, built-in network support,
and a graphical user interface. Most workstations also have a mass storage device such as a disk
drive, but a special type of workstation, called a diskless workstation, comes without a disk
drive. The most common operating systems for workstations are UNIX and Windows NT. Like
personal computers, most workstations are single-user computers. However, workstations are
typically linked together to form a local-area network, although they can also be used as stand-
alone systems.

N.B.: In networking, workstation refers to any computer connected to a local-area network. It

could be a workstation or a personal computer.

Personal computer:

It can be defined as a small, relatively inexpensive computer designed for an individual user. In
price, personal computers range anywhere from a few hundred pounds to over five thousand
pounds. All are based on the microprocessor technology that enables manufacturers to put an
entire CPU on one chip. Businesses use personal computers for word processing, accounting,
desktop publishing, and for running spreadsheet and database management applications. At
home, the most popular use for personal computers is for playing games and recently for surfing
the Internet.

Personal computers first appeared in the late 1970s. One of the first and most popular personal
computers was the Apple II, introduced in 1977 by Apple Computer. During the late 1970s and
early 1980s, new models and competing operating systems seemed to appear daily. Then, in
1981, IBM entered the fray with its first personal computer, known as the IBM PC. The IBM PC
quickly became the personal computer of choice, and most other personal computer
manufacturers fell by the wayside. P.C. is short for personal computer or IBM PC. One of the
few companies to survive IBM's onslaught was Apple Computer, which remains a major player
in the personal computer marketplace. Other companies adjusted to IBM's dominance by
building IBM clones, computers that were internally almost the same as the IBM PC, but that
cost less. Because IBM clones used the same microprocessors as IBM PCs, they were capable of
running the same software. Over the years, IBM has lost much of its influence in directing the
evolution of PCs. Therefore after the release of the first PC by IBM the term PC increasingly
came to mean IBM or IBM-compatible personal computers, to the exclusion of other types of
personal computers, such as Macintoshes. In recent years, the term PC has become more and
more difficult to pin down. In general, though, it applies to any personal computer based on an
Intel microprocessor, or on an Intel-compatible microprocessor. For nearly every other
component, including the operating system, there are several options, all of which fall under the
rubric of PC

Today, the world of personal computers is basically divided between Apple Macintoshes and
PCs. The principal characteristics of personal computers are that they are single-user systems and
are based on microprocessors. However, although personal computers are designed as single-
user systems, it is common to link them together to form a network. In terms of power, there is
great variety. At the high end, the distinction between personal computers and workstations has
faded. High-end models of the Macintosh and PC offer the same computing power and graphics
capability as low-end workstations by Sun Microsystems, Hewlett-Packard, and DEC.

III, Personal Computer Types

Actual personal computers can be generally classified by size and chassis / case. The chassis or
case is the metal frame that serves as the structural support for electronic components. Every
computer system requires at least one chassis to house the circuit boards and wiring. The chassis
also contains slots for expansion boards. If you want to insert more boards than there are slots,
you will need an expansion chassis, which provides additional slots. There are two basic flavors
of chassis designs–desktop models and tower models–but there are many variations on these two
basic types. Then come the portable computers that are computers small enough to carry.
Portable computers include notebook and subnotebook computers, hand-held computers,
palmtops, and PDAs.

Tower model

The term refers to a computer in which the power supply, motherboard, and mass storage devices
are stacked on top of each other in a cabinet. This is in contrast to desktop models, in which
these components are housed in a more compact box. The main advantage of tower models is
that there are fewer space constraints, which makes installation of additional storage devices

Desktop model

A computer designed to fit comfortably on top of a desk, typically with the monitor sitting on top
of the computer. Desktop model computers are broad and low, whereas tower model computers
are narrow and tall. Because of their shape, desktop model computers are generally limited to
three internal mass storage devices. Desktop models designed to be very small are sometimes
referred to as slimline models.
Notebook computer

An extremely lightweight personal computer. Notebook computers typically weigh less than 6
pounds and are small enough to fit easily in a briefcase. Aside from size, the principal difference
between a notebook computer and a personal computer is the display screen. Notebook
computers use a variety of techniques, known as flat-panel technologies, to produce a
lightweight and non-bulky display screen. The quality of notebook display screens varies
considerably. In terms of computing power, modern notebook computers are nearly equivalent to
personal computers. They have the same CPUs, memory capacity, and disk drives. However, all
this power in a small package is expensive. Notebook computers cost about twice as much as
equivalent regular-sized computers. Notebook computers come with battery packs that enable
you to run them without plugging them in. However, the batteries need to be recharged every
few hours.

Laptop computer

A small, portable computer -- small enough that it can sit on your lap. Nowadays, laptop
computers are more frequently called notebook computers.

Subnotebook computer

A portable computer that is slightly lighter and smaller than a full-sized notebook computer.
Typically, subnotebook computers have a smaller keyboard and screen, but are otherwise
equivalent to notebook computers.

Hand-held computer

A portable computer that is small enough to be held in one’s hand. Although extremely
convenient to carry, handheld computers have not replaced notebook computers because of their
small keyboards and screens. The most popular hand-held computers are those that are
specifically designed to provide PIM (personal information manager) functions, such as a
calendar and address book. Some manufacturers are trying to solve the small keyboard problem
by replacing the keyboard with an electronic pen. However, these pen-based devices rely on
handwriting recognition technologies, which are still in their infancy. Hand-held computers are
also called PDAs, palmtops and pocket computers.


A small computer that literally fits in your palm. Compared to full-size computers, palmtops are
severely limited, but they are practical for certain functions such as phone books and calendars.
Palmtops that use a pen rather than a keyboard for input are often called hand-held computers or
PDAs. Because of their small size, most palmtop computers do not include disk drives. However,
many contain PCMCIA slots in which you can insert disk drives, modems, memory, and other
devices. Palmtops are also called PDAs, hand-held computers and pocket computers.


Short for personal digital assistant, a handheld device that combines computing, telephone/fax,
and networking features. A typical PDA can function as a cellular phone, fax sender, and
personal organizer. Unlike portable computers, most PDAs are pen-based, using a stylus rather
than a keyboard for input. This means that they also incorporate handwriting recognition
features. Some PDAs can also react to voice input by using voice recognition technologies. The
field of PDA was pioneered by Apple Computer, which introduced the Newton MessagePad in
1993. Shortly thereafter, several other manufacturers offered similar products. To date, PDAs
have had only modest success in the marketplace, due to their high price tags and limited
applications. However, many experts believe that PDAs will eventually become common

PDAs are also called palmtops, hand-held computers and pocket computers.
Computer Hardware
Computer hardware includes the physical, tangible parts or components of a computer, such as
the central processing unit, monitor, keyboard, computer data storage, graphic card, sound card,
speakers and motherboard. By contrast, software is instructions that can be stored and run by

Hardware and software of computer

Microsoft Windows


Windows 10


Windows 7

Windows XP
In information technology, hardware is the physical aspect of computers, telecommunications,
and other devices. The term arose as a way to distinguish the "box" and the electronic circuitry
and components of a computer from the program you put in it to make it do things.
Computer Software
Computer software, or simply software, is a collection of data or computer instructions that tell
the computer how to work. This is in contrast to physical hardware, from which the system is
built and actually performs the work.

Examples of system software

Microsoft Windows



Microsoft Word


Systems software includes the operating system and all the utilities that enable the computer
to function. Applications software includes programs that do real work for users. For example,
word processors, spreadsheets, and database management systems fall under the category of
applications software.
Operating System (OS)
Definition - What does Operating System (OS) mean?
An operating system (OS), in its most general sense, is software that allows a user to run other
applications on a computing device. While it is possible for a software application to interface
directly with hardware, the vast majority of applications are written for an OS, which allows
them to take advantage of common libraries and not worry about specific hardware details.

The operating system manages a computer's hardware resources, including:

 Input devices such as a keyboard and mouse

 Output devices such as display monitors, printers and scanners
 Network devices such as modems, routers and network connections
 Storage devices such as internal and external drives

The OS also provides services to facilitate the efficient execution and management of, and
memory allocations for, any additional installed software application programs.

Techopedia explains Operating System (OS)

Some operating systems were developed in the 1950s, when computers could only execute one
program at a time. Later in the decade, computers included many software programs, sometimes
called libraries, which were linked together to create the beginning of today's operating systems.

The OS consists of many components and features. Which features are defined as part of the OS
vary with each OS. However, the three most easily defined components are:

 Kernel: This provides basic-level control over all of the computer hardware devices.
Main roles include reading data from memory and writing data to memory, processing
execution orders, determining how data is received and sent by devices such as the
monitor, keyboard and mouse, and determining how to interpret data received from
 User Interface: This component allows interaction with the user, which may occur
through graphical icons and a desktop or through a command line.
 Application Programming Interfaces: This component allows application developers to
write modular code.

Examples for OSs include Android, iOS, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows and Linux.
Types of Operating System

Operating systems are there from the very first computer generation and they keep evolving with
time. In this chapter, we will discuss some of the important types of operating systems which are
most commonly used.

Batch operating system

The users of a batch operating system do not interact with the computer directly. Each user
prepares his job on an off-line device like punch cards and submits it to the computer operator.
To speed up processing, jobs with similar needs are batched together and run as a group. The
programmers leave their programs with the operator and the operator then sorts the programs
with similar requirements into batches.

The problems with Batch Systems are as follows −

 Lack of interaction between the user and the job.

 CPU is often idle, because the speed of the mechanical I/O devices is slower than the CPU.
 Difficult to provide the desired priority.

Time-sharing operating systems

Time-sharing is a technique which enables many people, located at various terminals, to use a
particular computer system at the same time. Time-sharing or multitasking is a logical extension
of multiprogramming. Processor's time which is shared among multiple users simultaneously is
termed as time-sharing.

The main difference between Multiprogrammed Batch Systems and Time-Sharing Systems is
that in case of Multiprogrammed batch systems, the objective is to maximize processor use,
whereas in Time-Sharing Systems, the objective is to minimize response time.

Multiple jobs are executed by the CPU by switching between them, but the switches occur so
frequently. Thus, the user can receive an immediate response. For example, in a transaction
processing, the processor executes each user program in a short burst or quantum of
computation. That is, if n users are present, then each user can get a time quantum. When the
user submits the command, the response time is in few seconds at most.
The operating system uses CPU scheduling and multiprogramming to provide each user with a
small portion of a time. Computer systems that were designed primarily as batch systems have
been modified to time-sharing systems.

Advantages of Timesharing operating systems are as follows −

 Provides the advantage of quick response.

 Avoids duplication of software.
 Reduces CPU idle time.

Disadvantages of Time-sharing operating systems are as follows −

 Problem of reliability.
 Question of security and integrity of user programs and data.
 Problem of data communication.

Distributed operating System

Distributed systems use multiple central processors to serve multiple real-time applications and
multiple users. Data processing jobs are distributed among the processors accordingly.

The processors communicate with one another through various communication lines (such as
high-speed buses or telephone lines). These are referred as loosely coupled systems or
distributed systems. Processors in a distributed system may vary in size and function. These
processors are referred as sites, nodes, computers, and so on.

The advantages of distributed systems are as follows −

 With resource sharing facility, a user at one site may be able to use the resources available at
 Speedup the exchange of data with one another via electronic mail.
 If one site fails in a distributed system, the remaining sites can potentially continue operating.
 Better service to the customers.
 Reduction of the load on the host computer.
 Reduction of delays in data processing.

Network operating System

A Network Operating System runs on a server and provides the server the capability to manage
data, users, groups, security, applications, and other networking functions. The primary purpose
of the network operating system is to allow shared file and printer access among multiple
computers in a network, typically a local area network (LAN), a private network or to other

Examples of network operating systems include Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft
Windows Server 2008, UNIX, Linux, Mac OS X, Novell NetWare, and BSD.

The advantages of network operating systems are as follows −

 Centralized servers are highly stable.

 Security is server managed.
 Upgrades to new technologies and hardware can be easily integrated into the system.
 Remote access to servers is possible from different locations and types of systems.

The disadvantages of network operating systems are as follows −

 High cost of buying and running a server.

 Dependency on a central location for most operations.
 Regular maintenance and updates are required.

Real Time operating System

A real-time system is defined as a data processing system in which the time interval required to
process and respond to inputs is so small that it controls the environment. The time taken by the
system to respond to an input and display of required updated information is termed as the
response time. So in this method, the response time is very less as compared to online

Real-time systems are used when there are rigid time requirements on the operation of a
processor or the flow of data and real-time systems can be used as a control device in a dedicated
application. A real-time operating system must have well-defined, fixed time constraints,
otherwise the system will fail. For example, Scientific experiments, medical imaging systems,
industrial control systems, weapon systems, robots, air traffic control systems, etc.

There are two types of real-time operating systems.

Hard real-time systems

Hard real-time systems guarantee that critical tasks complete on time. In hard real-time systems,
secondary storage is limited or missing and the data is stored in ROM. In these systems, virtual
memory is almost never found.
Soft real-time systems

Soft real-time systems are less restrictive. A critical real-time task gets priority over other tasks
and retains the priority until it completes. Soft real-time systems have limited utility than hard
real-time systems. For example, multimedia, virtual reality, Advanced Scientific Projects like
undersea exploration and planetary rovers, etc.
Cloud computing is shared pools of configurable computer system resources and higher-level
services that can be rapidly provisioned with minimal management effort, often over the
Internet. Cloud computing relies on sharing of resources to achieve coherence and economies
of scale, similar to a public utility.

Cloud software

Google Cloud Platform

Google Drive

Microsoft Azure


Cloud Foundry
Adobe Creative Cloud

When tech companies say your data is in the cloud, or that you can work in the
cloud, it has nothing to do with white fluffy things in the sky.

The definition for the cloud can seem murky, but essentially, it is a term used to describe a
global network of servers, each with a unique function. The cloud is not a physical entity, but
instead is a vast network of remote servers around the globe which are hooked together and
meant to operate as a single ecosystem.

The term "cloud computing" is everywhere. In the simplest terms, cloud computing means
storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer's hard
drive. The cloud is just a metaphor for the Internet. ... Storing data on a home or office network
does not count as utilizing the cloud.

Web Application

A web application is a computer program that utilizes web browsers and web technology to
perform tasks over the Internet.


Millions of businesses use the Internet as a cost-effective communications channel. It lets them
exchange information with their target market and make fast, secure transactions. However,
effective engagement is only possible when the business is able to capture and store all the
necessary data, and have a means of processing this information and presenting the results to the

Web applications use a combination of server-side scripts (PHP and ASP) to handle the storage
and retrieval of the information, and client-side scripts (JavaScript and HTML) to present
information to users. This allows users to interact with the company using online forms, content
management systems, shopping carts and more. In addition, the applications allow employees to
create documents, share information, collaborate on projects, and work on common documents
regardless of location or device.

How a Web Application Works

Web applications are usually coded in browser-supported language such as JavaScript and
HTML as these languages rely on the browser to render the program executable. Some of the
applications are dynamic, requiring server-side processing. Others are completely static with no
processing required at the server.

The web application requires a web server to manage requests from the client, an application
server to perform the tasks requested, and, sometimes, a database to store the information.
Application server technology ranges from ASP.NET, ASP and ColdFusion, to PHP and JSP.
Here’s what a typical web application flow looks like:

1. User triggers a request to the web server over the Internet, either through a web browser or the
application’s user interface

2. Web server forwards this request to the appropriate web application server

3. Web application server performs the requested task – such as querying the database or
processing the data – then generates the results of the requested data

4. Web application server sends results to the web server with the requested information or
processed data

5. Web server responds back to the client with the requested information that then appears on the
user’s display

Example of a Web Application

Web applications include online forms, shopping carts, word processors, spreadsheets, video and
photo editing, file conversion, file scanning, and email programs such as Gmail, Yahoo and
AOL. Popular applications include Google Apps and Microsoft 365.

Google Apps for Work has Gmail, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, online storage
and more. Other functionalities include online sharing of documents and calendars. This lets all
team members access the same version of a document simultaneously.

Benefits of a Web Application

* Web applications run on multiple platforms regardless of OS or device as long as the browser
is compatible

* All users access the same version, eliminating any compatibility issues

* They are not installed on the hard drive, thus eliminating space limitations

* They reduce software piracy in subscription-based web applications (i.e. SaaS)

* They reduce costs for both the business and end user as there is less support and maintenance
required by the business and lower requirements for the end user’s computer


Increased Internet usage among companies and individuals has influenced the way businesses are
run. This has led to the widespread adoption of web applications as companies shift from
traditional models to cloud-based and grid models. Web applications give businesses the ability
to streamline their operations, increase efficiency, and reduce costs.

These online apps such as email clients, word processors, spreadsheets, and other programs
provide the same functionality as the desktop versions. However, they have an added advantage
of working across multiple platforms, having a broader reach, and being easily accessible from

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