W2 D5 - Lesson PLan 8
W2 D5 - Lesson PLan 8
W2 D5 - Lesson PLan 8
Performance Standards:
The learner…
1.create appropriate festival attire with accessories based on authentic festival
2. create/ improvise appropriate sound, music, gesture, movements, and costume for a chosen
theatrical composition
Subject Matter: Theatrical Forms
8. Shadow Play/ Shadow Puppetry
9. Dance Drama
10. Comedia/Moro-moro
11. Cenaculo
12. zarzuela
Principles of Art:
12.. Rhythm, Movement
13. Balance
14. Emphasis
15. Harmony, Unity, Variety
ENGLISH - unlocking difficult terms /word meaning
History- understanding the historical background of the festival
Values - appreciating and valuing the importance of embracing different Filipino culture
Critical thinking – making inferences or logical reasoning about current events
I- ACTIVITY: Review:
What is a theater? What are the elements of a theater?
I B. ACTIVITY 2: Unlocking of Difficult Terms:
dance drama- a act performed through dance movements frequently with dialogues and sometimes, sometimes even singing.
Shadow Play – is an ancient art form that uses flat, cut-out figures which are held together with sticks and sometimes, thread
to create movement which are shown behind a thin layer of cloth or screen and a light source to create the shadows.
COMEDIA or Moro-moro – is the earliest known form of organized theater created by Spanish priests. It is
unique to the Philippines because there are no other that thought of or created the said drama. It is usually
performed during festivals or fiestas, and are performed in villages throughout the Philippines. each
performance of each village differ from another because of how it is treated through retelling, but all are
full of romance , melodrama and the highlight , which is the battle between the Christians and Muslims .
ZARZUELA /Sarswela- In the Philippines it is a play with song and dances usually written in prose, depicting the
peculiarity of romantic love among idealized Filipino characters that are often accompanied by topics of contemporary
social, political, economical or cultural issues for relevance and added interest. originating from Spanish form of musical
theater, the dramatic action is carried through the alternating combination of song and speech, and incorporates vocal
ensembles various types of folk music and dance.
SENAKULO- done during the Lenten season , this theater play depicts stories and events of the Old testaments related
to the life, sufferings and death of Jesus Christ. it takes at least 8 days to be performed, from Palm Sunday to
Easter Sunday , in different places, : on the streets, on stage, in a chapel or church.
II-ANALYSIS: Say Something: Five colored envelopes will be placed on a table. The teacher will ask a volunteer to
draw one envelop and be given 30 seconds to work on the activity/instruction drawn. Then they will be given 20-30
seconds to present and explain briefly his/her answer.
Red Envelope: Give a lover’s name or couple’s name who has a great love story known (Ex. Jack & Rose)
Green Envelope: Think of any dance that tells a story. (Ex. Sakuting)
Pink Envelope: Who is the Philippines Broadway Queen? Give example of her character played.
Blue Envelope: Who are the two bandits/robbers crucified with Jesus ? Who showed respect /dis respect
For Jesus?
Yellow Envelope: Demonstrate common body parts usually used in shadow play. (e.g. dog/crocodile)
III- ABSTRACTION: Video Viewing: Observe the art elements applied in the theatrical forms indicated and identify
the theatrical elements present. : Observe the different art principles (eg. Rhythm, Movement ,Balance Emphasis
Harmony, Unity, Variety ) and elements as applied in each theatrical forms (. (e.g. Sound and Music Gesture,
Movement and Dance Costume, Mask, Makeup and Accessories) you are about to watch. Be able to answer the
following guide questions afterwards.
Name of the Theatrical Form Historical Background (Internal- Theatrical Elements Visible in
Local) or External (abroad) influence the theater/play
dance drama
Shadow Puppetry
Activity 2:1. Based on the video of Komedya Moro-moro, how did the Komedya deliver their lines?
3. What are the theatrical elements present in a senakulo? What does it tell about?
4. Can you see yourself performing in a dance drama? Give at least 3 reasons :
V.ASSESSMENT: At present, we heard about conflicts between Christians and Muslims. Is it possible to promote
peace and stop the conflicts through a Komedya? EXPLAIN… (1/2 cw)
IDEA Ideas were expressed in Ideas were expressed in a Ideas were somewhat The letter seemed to be a
clear and organized pretty clear manner, but the organized, but were not collection of unrelated
fashion. It was easy to organization could have very clear. It took more sentences .It was very
figure out what the idea is been better. than one reading to figure difficult to figure out what
all about. out what the idea was all the idea was all about.
The entire explanation is
Most of the explanation is Some of the explanation is No attempt has been made
EXPLANATION related to the assigned related to the assigned related to the assigned to relate the explanation to
topic and allows the reader
topic .The story wanders topic, but a reader does not the assigned topic.
to understand much more off at one point, but the learn about the topic.
about the topic. reader san still learn
something about the topic.
GENERALIZATION: Who can wrap -up our lesson today? What have you learned in particular?
FESTIVAL /Theatrical PRESENTATION: (Group task with 8-10 members) Find time for thorough rehearsal/practice.
Choose any festival or theatrical form to be performed on the 2 nd Friday of the month. Integrate everything you have
learned in this unit from the topics discussed in Music, Art, PE and Health into one production to be performed as a Final
Performance output. You can choose to re- create a festival of Theater forms with themes/motifs based on the
following festivals: (Props, costume, accessories, music accompaniment, stage production)
ati-atihan Sinulog Kadayawan Other local festivals (Kaliga/Kagay-an
Sublian Moriones Ibalong
VI. Reflection: