Yugoshu: A-Z of Bujinkan Terms
Yugoshu: A-Z of Bujinkan Terms
Yugoshu: A-Z of Bujinkan Terms
Tip of the chin Kyusho Staff Warrior/Samurai Martial artist Organisation created Hatsumi sensei Kyusho Earth Earth form The Principles of Earth Type of roll Knee break Kyusho Sword kamae Sword kamae Large type of sword Book of techinques Earth Earth escapes Same as Ganseki Nage Low block
Goton no Ton Gata Gyaku Gyaku Te Dori Gyaku Te Take Ori Gyaku Ude Shimeru Hadome Hatsumi Masaaki Henka Hicho Hidari Hiden Hiza gyaku dori Hiza Ori Honshu (Torite) Goho Hoshi Ichi no Kamae Jakkin Jin Ryaku No Maki Jodan Kiri Jodan no kamae Jodan Tsuki Juji Ka Kaiten Katana Katate Katate gyaku nage Katate Nage Ken Kiai Kihon Happo Kinteki Koe Koho kaiten Kosshi Kihon Sanpo Kote Gaeshi
Bujinkan Lincoln Dojo (UK)
Five methods of excaping Lock/reverse Reverse hand capture Reverse hand Take Ori Reverse arm constriction, same as Musha Dori Kyusho Headmaster fo the Bujinkan Dojo Creator of the TCJRNM Variation Leaping Left Secret transmission Knee lock and capture Knee break Second level of the Kihon Happo Kyusho - star Same as Ichimonji no kamae Kyusho The Principles of Man Cut down with the sword Sword kamae Upper punch/thrust Ten cuts Fire Roll sword One hand One hand reverse throw One hand throw Fist Shout Eight basic forms Kyusho Kyusho Back roll First level of Kihon Happo Aikido version of Omote Gyaku
Ku Kuden Kumi Uchi Kuji Kuten Kyusho Mae Toda Metsubushi Migi Moku Mokuroku Mokuton Moguri Gata Mune Mute Muto Dori Nagare Ninja Ninpo Taijutsu Nio Ken
Sky Oral transmission Grappling Nine cuts Handsprings Weak/pressure points Front Teacher to Takamatsu Eye attacks Right Wood List of techniques Earth escapes crouching form Chest No hands Sword escapes To flow / Kyusho Spy Ninjas form of Jujutsu Type of Fudo Ken Same as Omote Gyaku Kyusho Same as Omote Gykau Cartwheel 6ft staff two hands Two hand collar grab Kyusho Triangle choke Rolls to left and right Type of Ichimonji no kamae, and sword kamae Throwing blade Meassure of length Kyusho Choke Choking technqiues
Omote Gyaku Ken Sabaki Kata Omote Kimon Omote Kote Kata Oten Rokushakubo Ryote Ryote Mune Dori Ryumon Sankaku Jime Sayu kaiten Seigan no kamae Senban Shuriken Shaku Shichibatsu Shime Shime waza
Bujinkan Lincoln Dojo (UK)
Shimeru Shizen Shoto Shuken Shuriken Sokuken Soto Sai Sui Suigetsu Suzu Taijutsu Takamatsu Taiken Ten Tsuki Ten Ryaku No Maki Teppan Tetsuban Tetsubishi Ude Ori Ura Gyaku Ura Kote Kata Uke Uke Nagashi Ukemi Uko Ura Gata Ushiro Waki Wakishita Yaku Yari Yoko Gaeshi Yoko keri Yugasumi Zenpo Kaiten Zenpo Ukemi
Bujinkan Lincoln Dojo (UK)
Strangling Natural Short sword Hand fist Throwing blade Leg as a fist Kyusho Water Kyusho Kyusho Form of Jujutsu Teacher to Hatsumi Masaaki Body as a fist Heaven/ Up To strike The Principles of Heaven Iron plates Iron throwing plates Caltrops Arm break Wrist lock Same as Ura Gyaku Attacker in the kata Type of block Break falls Kyusho Separate form from the main kata (Omote Gata) Back Kyusho Kyusho Kyusho Spear Side roll Side kick Kyusho Forwards roll Forwards breakfall