Build A 9 DB, 70cm, Collinear Antenna From Coax: by N1Hfx

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Build A 9 dB, 70cm, Collinear Antenna From Coax


Recently the RASON technical committee was hard at work at the repeater site repairing our 2 meter repeater
antenna. One of the members commented to me that I should write an article about collinear arrays so that we
could all build our own. While it is not always feasible to home-brew a commercial quality antenna designed to
take hurricane force winds, it is very feasible to built a collinear antenna for average use. This article describes a
collinear antenna made from very inexpensive RG58/U coaxial cable and encased in PVC pipe.

Before we start building we need to cover some ground about the characteristics of coaxial cable. First remember
that there is something called the velocity factor for coaxial cable. For RG58/U coax it is typically .66. This means
that when we calculate the length of ½ wavelength in free space we need to adjust its size by multiplying it by the
velocity factory. Simply put, RF slows down by the velocity factor when traveling through coaxial cable. All that
aside now, lets calculate the ½ wavelength of RG58/U coaxial cable with a frequency of 444 Megahertz:

½ wavelength of coax = 300 / F / 2 * V

Where F = Frequency in Megahertz

V = Velocity factory of Coax

300 / 444 / 2 * .66 = .2229 meters or 223 millimeters

To allow for cutting the ends of our coax, we will need to add 8 millimeters to each ½ wave length for a total of
231 millimeters.
NOTE: You need to add 8 mm to each end so the length has to increase by 16 mm
To get started, we will need 8 half wave lengths (231 millimeters) of RG58/U coaxial cable to be cut and
connected in the manner shown in Figure 1. First cut back 4 millimeters of the outer jacket, braid and dielectric
exposing the center conductor as in Figure 2. Now cut back the outer jacket another 4 millimeters to expose the
braid and push the braid back about a millimeter to prevent it from shorting with the center conductor. It is best to
lightly tin the braid with solder at this point. Now solder each half wavelength as shown in Figure 1. Attach a few
feet of RG58/U to the bottom of the array as in Figure 1 for feeding the antenna. 24/01/2008
Build A 9dB, 70cm Collinear Antenna Page 2 of 3

Now its time to add the additional elements to the top and bottom of the collinear array. First add a ¼ wave
element to the top of the antenna as shown in Figure 3. Use #16 solid wire or similar and solder it to the center
conductor only. The length of the ¼ wave element is calculated as follows:

1/4 wavelength radiator = 300 / F / 4

Where F = Frequency in Megahertz

300 / 444 / 4 = .1689 meters or 169 millimeters

At the bottom of the array we will slide a 5/16 inch aluminum tube over the coax and crimp it to the braid of the
antenna feed point only. If copper is used, it is okay to solder. The length of the tube is calculated as follows:

¼ wavelength of tubing = 300 / F / 4 * V

Where F = Frequency in Megahertz

V = Velocity factory of Tubing. (Use .95 for 5/16" tubing)

300 / 444 / 4 * .95 = .1604 meters or 160 millimeters

Because a collinear antenna is hot with RF along the shield of the coax, it is necessary to prevent the RF from
coming back through the coax. Slide three FT50-43 or almost any similar sized toroids over the bottom end of the
coax as shown in Figure 3. The toroids should be placed about ½ wave length from the bottom of the array. Use
the same formula for calculating a half wave length of coax. If you prefer, apply RF to the antenna at this point
and slide the toroids up and down until minimum SWR is found. Tape the toroids to the proper point on the coax
using electrical tape or similar means. 24/01/2008
Build A 9dB, 70cm Collinear Antenna Page 3 of 3

After completing the basic assembly of the collinear antenna, apply a small amount of RF with the antenna on the
floor or ground. Relatively low SWR should be observed at this point. The SWR will be much lower once the
antenna is mounted in the air. If the SWR is greater than 2 to 1 across the entire band, a connection may
separated or a short occurred. It will be necessary to correct the problem before proceeding. After good SWR is
obtained, place heat shrink tubing along all connections or wrap tightly with electrical tape.

For final mounting, attach the antenna to a ¼" wooden dowel using tie wraps about every 3 inches. It may not be
possible to obtain a wooden dowel for the complete length so attach two dowels together by using a 1 inch sleeve
of 5/16" tubing and crimping the tubing at each end. Check SWR again to insure that no connections have
separated or shorted. Carefully insert the coax and dowel assembly into several feet of ¾" PVC pipe for final
mounting. Because of the tie wraps, it is not necessary to use spacers but may be necessary if larger size piping
is used. Drill a hole for the coax at the bottom end cap and place an end cap on the top of the PVC. Do not
cement end caps until the SWR has been doubled checked. Cement end caps and water proof coax opening on
the bottom. Use whatever type of coaxial connector is desired on the bottom of the coax end but do not use
RG58/U for your complete feed line. Use a low loss coax such as RG8/U for the main feed line to the transceiver.
Don't forget to water proof all coax connectors.

If the eight ½ wave coaxial elements result in an antenna too long for your liking (over seven feet), then it is okay
to use four ½ wave coaxial elements but the SWR may be slightly higher (Attach four ¼ wave vertical ground
radials at the antenna feed point to help lower SWR.). If 9 dB gain is still not enough for you then increase the
number of coax elements from eight to sixteen. You will probably need to attach guy lines to the antenna.
Although only a 70 CM antenna was described in this article, the formulas can be easily calculated for the 6
meter, 2 meter or 1¼ meter bands. Millimeters were used for many of the measurements but can be converted to
inches by dividing millimeters by 25.4 for those who are not familiar with the metric system. After installing one of
these antennas, be prepared to hear stations and repeaters that you never heard before.


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