Neral Rules
Neral Rules
Neral Rules
Art. 10 The section Festival Previews is a series of important new feature films that are expected to shortly open in Belgian/Benelux cinemas and receive their first Belgian preview at the festival. Art. 11 The Memory of Film is the festival's retrospective section in which classics from the history of cinema are shown, either merely chronologically or focusing on a certain theme, genre, era or person. This section can be divided in: Art. 11.a a Focus with a survey of recent and new productions, which draws special attention to film production in a certain country or region. The Focus can, however, also deal with a certain theme. Art. 11.b The festival can also organize tributes to prominent personalities from the world of international cinema, including a retrospective of their work. Art. 12 The festival also organizes special events including concerts of film music, presentations of films in unusual locations, seminars and exhibitions. 4. Organisation and procedures Art. 13 The participating films (35 mm, HDCam, DCP (Jpeg2000), DVCam or Betacam SP or Digital Pal or NTSC) must have been viewed completely or partially by at least one member of the executive committee. They can be submitted by means of sending a screener (a zone free DVD) with an entry form (can be downloaded from the festivals website) press book, biography of filmmakers and a CD with soundtrack before 1 August 2011. The materials will not be returned. All screeners will be destroyed within a month after the end of the festival. Art. 14 After the festival board confirms the films selection, the participant will be invited to return the entry form before 25 August 2011 together with: a screener and English or French dialogue list (for electronic subtitling during screening), a Betacam SP/Pal or digital/Pal tape with trailer and/or film clips for televised promotion; 10 (copyright free) photos (can be digital if high resolution), 20 press books (can be digital), 2 CDs with film soundtrack, 10 posters and a (copyright free) photo of the director. The participant is to guarantee correct delivery of publicity materials. Non - or insufficient - delivery of these materials before 25 August 2011 can result in withdrawal of the film from the programme. Art. 15 - For competing films, the participant is to make available a print with English subtitles for the entire period of the festival. Art. 16 - By returning the entry form, the participant commits himself to present his film at the festival and he implies knowledge and acceptance of these regulations. 5. Rules for participation Art. 17 Film prints are to be sent to the festival under permanent import upon the festivals written request to the following address: Ghent International Film Festival - Print Office Leeuwstraat 40b - B-9000 Ghent (Belgium) Films from abroad must be in Belgium by 6 October 2011. Shipment to the festival is at the festival's charge, provided the film is sent through the festival's transport agent FEDEX (our account number is: 13003936-7). The festival will not accept shipment charges of prints sent through other carriers or by mail. Unless written instructions are given by the producer or his representative (before 10 October), the prints will be returned to the sender's address no later than 30 October 2011 at the festival's charge. Prints are forwarded to other destinations (festivals or events) only after receipt of the participant's written instructions and the addressee's written confirmation that he will take charge of that shipment. Prints brought hand-carried to the festival are only accepted in very exceptional circumstances and by no means oblige the festival to cover the carrier's travel expenses. Once a print has arrived at the festival, it is not sent forth and back to other festivals or events. If late arrival due to late delivery by sender of a print causes a screening to be cancelled, the cost of transportation of that print will be at the sender's charge. Art. 18 The festival will insure all films from their departure to Belgium until their final delivery to the sender. In case of loss or damage, the insurance policy provides for the reimbursement of the cost of replacing the lost or damaged material to the producer, in the country of production, upon presentation of the invoice (print value as mentioned on the entry form), on the basis of the current lab rates. If no print value is mentioned on the entry form, the minimum value assumed by Belgian labs will be considered the standard. The festival is not responsible for late arrival of a print during the transport to and from Belgium. Art. 19 Each film is shown a maximum of three times to the public. In addition the festival may decide to organise one press screening. For each extra screening, the festival will send a written request to the producer. All films will receive equal treatment. The festival will not apply any
censorship in any shape or form. Art. 20 The festival pledges not to screen a film before the official screening or before any general presentation to the press, unless the producer's explicit permission is first obtained. The festival guarantees top quality organisation as well as the best possible technical equipment and accessories for screening. 6. Miscellaneous matters Art. 21 The organisers will publish an illustrated catalogue of the complete festival programme. It will indicate name and address of the production and export company as well as of the Belgian distributor, if there is one. The festival also publishes its programme (with synopsis, credits and stills) on an internet website. Art. 22 To better accommodate both local and foreign buyers, programmers and sales agents during their stay at the festival, the organisers will make the films also available on video. Before including a film in this video library, the organisers will request the producer's authorisation in the entry form or through a separate mailing. Art. 23 The organisers will not allow print material to be used for televised promotion. In the event Betacam SP/Pal or digital/Pal excerpts are unavailable, the festival will request the producer's authorisation to tape several sets of four excerpts of a maximum length of three minutes each under its supervision. For short films, the length of these excerpts will not exceed 10% of the film's total duration. The producer's authorisation is requested in the entry form. Art. 24 The English, French and Dutch versions of these regulations are applicable. All correspondence regarding these regulations must be in writing. Art. 25 The executive committee will settle all cases not covered in these regulations in accordance with the international FIAPF-regulations. The Committee will motivate its decisions if requested by the producer.
GHENT INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Leeuwstraat 40b - B-9000 GHENT (Belgium) Tel. +32 (0)9 242 80 60 Fax +32 (0)9 221 90 74 E-mail: - website:
Update : 17.12.2010