Every Witch Way - Ellen Dugan, Tess Whitehurst
Every Witch Way - Ellen Dugan, Tess Whitehurst
Every Witch Way - Ellen Dugan, Tess Whitehurst
Prosperity Spells
Tapping into the Universal Flow—Tess
Advanced Prosperity Spell—Ellen
Protection Spells
Protection Prerequisites—Tess
Big Guns Protection Spell—Ellen
Love Spells
An Attraction Ritual—Tess
Love Magick for a Family—Ellen
Glamour Spells
Fun with Glamoury—Tess
The Magick of Blending In—Ellen
Banishing Spells
Banishing Unwanted Patterns with the Akashic Field—
Saturn’s Day Banishing Spell—Ellen
Full Moon Rituals
Basic Full Moon Ritual—Tess
Full Moon Rededication Ritual—Ellen
“On the Fly” Spells
Four Fast Spells—Tess
Magick at Your Fingertips—Ellen
Every Witch Way: Two Very Different
Witches Give You
the Lowdown on the Craft as They Know It
Clutter Clearing—Tess
Light a white candle and repeat the following charm. Allow
the candle to burn out in a safe place.
The kitchen is my home’s beating heart,
From here I work my magickal art.
Conjuring with spices and herbs and love to share,
This space is blessed by water, earth, fire, and air.
Mood Lighting
Lighting that’s warm and cozy is ideal, but you also want
to make sure that you can see what you’re doing. One
design feature that I highly recommend is lighting beneath
the cupboards and over the counter. This illuminates the
dark spaces in an attractive way and sheds light on your
workspace without blasting excessively harsh light all over
everything. If you don’t have the time, money, or inclination
to pay for recessed lighting in this area, you might discreetly
tack a strand of white twinkle lights beneath the cupboards,
and then simply plug them in when you’re preparing food or
anytime you’d like to create a soothing and uplifting
Divine Design
To enhance the magickal vibration in your kitchen—and,
subsequently, your food—choose décor imagery that brings
the sacred front and center in your awareness, particularly
sacred imagery that’s aligned with earthy nurturing and
sustenance. There are a number of types of images that
could fit these parameters, but here are a few examples to
give you an idea; choose from these images or come up with
your own.
Conscious Preparation
Saint Therese of Lisieux said, “We cannot all do great
things, but we can do small things with great love.” Similarly,
I don’t usually prepare anything too fancy, but I do prepare
simple beverages, snacks, and meals with consciousness
and great love. I also like to be aware of the magickal and
metaphysical properties of the ingredients I use, so that I
can awaken their intrinsic magick while also letting it fuel the
tide of my intention. For example, when I pour boiling water
over black tea, I like to be aware of the rush of energy that
moves through the water like a powerful little explosion of
light. Or when I sprinkle cinnamon on my oatmeal, I like to be
aware of the grounding, sustaining energy of the oats being
activated and enhanced by the wealth and luxury-drawing
herb. And while baking, I like to burn a natural, unscented
candle to symbolize spirit merging with the physical and
infusing my cookies or muffins with divine positivity and
Then, of course, there is the simple blessing of the food
during or after preparation. For this, I might simply place my
palms on either side of it and direct a feeling of love and a
visualization of light toward the food, thinking or saying
something like this:
Great Goddess, thank you for this food. Please bless it
with love.
May I/we absorb its nutrients and positive energy
thoroughly and well.
Physical Fitness = Magickal Fitness
I was raised a meat eater, but now I’m vegan for a lot of
reasons. First, because I love animals, so naturally, given the
choice, I prefer not to eat them or use them for food in any
way. Second, I love the planet, so naturally I prefer to
choose foods that are more sustainable. Animal agriculture
consumes vastly more water and land than agriculture for
plant-based foods; did you know that by some calculations,
not eating a quarter pounder saves as much water as not
taking a shower for a year? And third, it’s just plain better
for you. In study after study (including the well-respected
China Study and Oxford Vegetarian Study), vegetarians, and
especially vegans, live longer, healthier lives. Perhaps this
shouldn’t be surprising since our closest relatives, other
primates, usually survive mostly on leaves and other plant
Now, all of that aside, I think the bottom line for me is
that I would never personally kill an animal for food. I know
that I don’t have it in me. And if I wouldn’t personally kill an
animal for food, how does it morally make sense for me to
pay someone else to do it for me? Interestingly, a lot of
people are surprised to learn that I understand and forgive
hunters more than I understand and forgive the average
meat eater. Because I am convinced that the vast majority of
people who eat meat would almost rather die than slaughter
a pig or a cow or chop the head off a chicken. Not to
mention, the animal who is killed by a hunter got to live most
of his or her life out in the wild, whereas most animals who
are killed in slaughterhouses live their entire lives in mind-
bogglingly cramped dark cages or crates.
So, consider this: if you knew someone who raised a
chicken from a chick by cutting off her beak and keeping her
in a tiny, cramped box where she couldn’t stretch out her
wings for her entire life, you would be pretty sure that
person was a psychopath. But the everyday person who
eats chicken not only pays someone to do this once, but
hundreds and even thousands of times. Similarly, would you
ever in a million years watch a baby chick hatch and then
throw him directly into a wood chipper simply because he
was male? If you buy eggs—even organic ones—you are
funding hatcheries that do exactly that. Or would you deliver
a calf and then rip her away, crying, from her wailing and
grieving mother again and again and again throughout that
mother’s lifetime so that you could drain her of her milk? If
you buy milk products—even organic products—you are
funding dairies that do exactly that.
In our consumer culture, we are taught not to think
about these things. In many circles, simply bringing them up
is seen as rude. It’s even become something of a trend to
share Facebook and Twitter posts about how hilarious it is
to eat bacon. But as Pagans who honor the
interconnectedness of all, it’s our job to reclaim our
conscious awareness of the repercussions of everything
that we do, from the water we drink to the products we
purchase to the foods we eat. Part of this is honoring other
species as our equals, and certainly not knowingly or
unnecessarily harming them. Another part of this is being
stewards of the earth and behaving in a way that will help
her to survive and thrive. Veganism is a way to do all of
these things at once. More than just a super healthy diet, it’s
a spiritual practice.
Additionally, as a sensitive person, I have found it quite
a relief to no longer be consuming the energy of fear, pain,
torture, and imprisonment. The moment that I went vegan
was quite an energetic turning point for me. It was right
around the time that I read Karen Kingston’s book Clear
Your Clutter with Feng Shui and cleared a whole lot of stuff
out of my apartment. Letting go of meat, dairy, and eggs was
an extension of the clutter-clearing process when I cut away
the things that were weighing me down, clouding my mind,
and congesting my energetic flow. Very shortly after, I
realized that I wanted to go to feng shui school and began
my sacred career path, for which I still feel grateful every
Honestly, I understand wholeheartedly why it seems so
difficult for people to make the jump into veganism: it is a
really challenging path—not nutritionally (that part is
actually pretty easy) but philosophically. Once you get
honest with yourself about the lives of animals that are killed
for food, living in a world that is largely unconscious about
the origins of its food is hard. Knowing that the people you
love would never choose to torture or imprison animals but
then watching them put tortured and imprisoned animal flesh
into their mouths is something you never completely get
used to. Speaking up about the way things are and then
being ridiculed or shushed is also not an easy thing to live
At one time, keeping human slaves or not keeping
human slaves was seen as a matter of opinion. There was
also a time when you might say that you sided with the
Nazis and not be ostracized from polite society. What
changed these conditions was that a minority of brave
people had the courage to speak up and say, “No, that’s not
okay.” As Pagans, who are adept at seeing truths that other
people might not yet see and who profess to view animals as
our brothers and sisters, we have the opportunity to be
those brave people when it comes to animal rights, as many
of us already are. I know that no one can live a life that really
and truly harms none (for example, I kill insects with my car
quite frequently), but considering that witches only have
one rule—do what thou wilt, harm none—we may as well do
our very best to follow it to the letter.
Angelic Bodyguards
If at any time I find myself in a situation where I feel
physically unsafe, I immediately call on Archangel Michael,
but sometimes I call on all five of the elemental angels to
surround me and protect me: Archangel Raphael (the air
element), Archangel Michael (the fire element), Archangel
Gabriel (the water element), Archangel Uriel (the earth
element), and Archangel Metatron (the fire element). I then
sense and imagine these angels walking around me like a
team of extremely intimidating and expert bodyguards. As
you might imagine, this helps me to feel safer right away.
I’ve found it to be quite effective.
Mirrored Sphere
Occasionally when I’m out in the world, I wish I were
invisible, or at least I wish I didn’t feel so self-conscious.
This feeling often arises when I feel especially aware of
someone watching me, but it often appears when I’m just
feeling more sensitive and introverted than usual. In these
cases, I’ll often envision a sphere of mirrors completely
surrounding me, reflecting all energy and attention right
back to its source. This way, I feel completely insulated from
any and all glances, including lecherous ones. When I’m in
bright sunlight (as I often am in Los Angeles), I can also
sense that on an energetic level, this creates a blinding ball
of light that causes onlookers to avert their eyes.
Black Tourmaline
Sometimes drama happens, and you might feel like the
negative thoughts and feelings of a certain person or group
are pummeling you from afar. Over time, this can be very
draining. If these thoughts and feelings are warranted, of
course, you might need to make amends with the person or
group, but if they aren’t and you’d prefer not to interact with
them anyway, you might simply need to protect yourself
from the relentless onslaught of challenging vibes. The way
I like to do this is by sleeping with a black tourmaline. It
neutralizes and mitigates the effects of negativity so that I
can recharge and renew in peace. If you’d like to try this,
first find a black tourmaline that feels good to you. Cleanse it
by running it under cool water, smudging it in white sage
smoke, and setting it in sunlight for at least five or ten
minutes. Then hold it in your right hand and charge it with
the intention to absorb, neutralize, and transmute negativity.
Then simply sleep with it under your pillow, on your
nightstand, or in your hand. Once a week or so, cleanse it
quickly by simply running it under cold water or setting it in
bright sunlight for a few minutes.
Secondhand Silk
As a vegan, I make a habit of avoiding animal products
of all kinds, except in the case of reclaimed, or secondhand,
silk. Thanks to Ellen, who taught me about silk’s protective
properties, I began wrapping myself in it for extra psychic
and emotional protection, especially in situations that in the
past were all but impossible for me to withstand from an
energetic perspective, namely concerts and other crowded
events. (Empaths are famous for their inability to abide
crowds.) By covering my heart, sacral, and solar plexus
chakras, it mutes all the harsh vibrations and energies,
allowing me to feel my own emotions and no one else’s.
Before I tried this, concerts would literally reduce me to
tears; now I can hang out like a normal person and enjoy the
show. (Thanks again, Ellen!)
Can You Be a Christian Witch?
Go Carefully, My Friend—Ellen
If you’ve ever met me, it’s likely you’ve noticed that I’m part
faerie. When I encounter psychics and energy healers, the
first words out of their mouths are often, “You have a strong
connection to the faeries…” (And I’m like, “You don’t say!”)
Indeed, although I’ve been obsessed with any reference to
faeries for as long as I can remember, it was the springtime of
my fourteenth or fifteenth year that I first consciously felt
their call. I think it was the wildflowers in the vacant lot
behind my apartment building that communicated my
alignment with the realm of the fae. The message came
through as an intense interest in the subject, and I went to
the library and checked out every book about faeries that I
could find. At Halloween of that same year, I found some
faerie wings in a drugstore and wore them to school every
day for some time (even for my junior year class photo).
When I discovered my fascination, my mom expressed
that she had always been interested in faeries as well. A tiny
woman of Irish and English descent with huge dark eyes and
long black hair, my mom inherited her love of wildflowers
and herbs from her Irish father, who was a gardener by trade.
All of this contributes to my belief that I am, in fact,
descended from the faerie people. This isn’t quite as
farfetched as it may sound. In Ireland and England, for quite
some time, it was understood that the faeries were a race of
magickal folk who may or may not have been human. (They
may have been the Picts, the Tuatha de Danaan, or simply
those who still followed the old religion of nature.) For
centuries, certain families were believed to literally have
faerie ancestry somewhere in their family tree.
Nevertheless, if you research faeries in a well-rounded
way, you’ll find that there is simply no ultimate authority on
what they are exactly or precisely how one might go about
working magick with them—and that’s just the way they like
it. Like the butterflies and dragonflies with whom they
sometimes cavort, they really aren’t fond of being pinned
down. Still, over the years I’ve developed certain
“faelosophies”—nothing set in stone, mind you, just
general feelings and impressions about the fae and how we
as Witches can interact with them.
Showing up in some capacity in ancient cosmologies
across the globe, faeries may be thought of as the aliveness
and consciousness of nature. This includes the plants,
flowers, trees, air, wind, sunlight, fire, rain, snow, lakes,
rivers, oceans, animals, and the earth beneath our feet. And
as far as we may have culturally diverged from the
awareness of this, we are, in fact, a part of nature as well. So
this jives with the concept that faeries are mythical
humanlike beings, first because everything does have a
consciousness, just like we do, so (for example) thinking of
the consciousness of the air as tiny winged humanoids isn’t
too far off, especially as reality is a lot more fluid than
modern sensibilities tend to recognize (but also because this
psychologically reminds us of our true kinship with the
wind). Second, because there was a time when humans were
just as natural, free, and aligned with the wisdom and power
of the earth as wild animals are today. As this shifted into a
more separate existence, it makes sense that the actual
humans of the olden times may be present in the cultural
consciousness as something akin to mythical faerie beings.
Of course, we Witches of today engage in practices that
realign us with these ancient ways of wildness and wisdom.
So, in a sense, all magick is faerie magick in that it’s a
rekindling of our ancient relationship with the aliveness of
each aspect of nature as well as the unified consciousness
of all nature, of which we are a part. Still, specifically calling
upon and working with the faeries adds a certain flavor to
one’s magick, not to mention that this is what modern
Witches generally mean when they talk about “faerie
Here are some of the practical ways that I like to work
with the realm of the fae.
Flower Communication
When I wrote The Magic of Flowers, I spent a good
amount of time outside, simply listening to the wisdom of
flowers. And I still love to do this! It tunes me right in to the
conscious, living wisdom of blossoms and the entire natural
world, and it is as if faeries are whispering to me and filling
me with healing energy and love. To communicate with a
blossom, simply go outside, stand or sit near a blossom,
relax your body, and simply gaze at the blossom with a
relaxed openness. While it’s ideal to leave space in your
mind and body for the wisdom of the blossom to make itself
known to you, it’s also ideal to do this with a very relaxed
attention and expectation. Just like faeries themselves (or
like dolphins or dogs or cats), the wisdom will be much more
likely to be drawn to you if you are not pursuing it but rather
are sitting in receptive appreciation.
Butterfly Dance
As natural winged creatures of beauty and
transformation, butterflies are literally faeries. Already twice
this year, a butterfly has chosen to flit around me as I took a
walk. And when this happened, both times, I spontaneously
felt like dancing to the rhythm of his flutter. Try this if you’re
ever in a similar situation and notice the glimmering faerie
energy it confers.
Cat Worship
We all know that the Egyptians worshipped actual cats.
But did you also know that in many parts of Britain, cats
were considered actual emissaries of the faerie realm?
Indeed, if you take a moment to tune in to your feline friend,
you will notice that this wild spirit of nature’s decision to
live indoors with humans has not diminished her wildness or
her power one bit. As devotees of our cats (and let’s not
deceive ourselves, that’s certainly what we are! Owners?
Pshaw!), we can honor this wildness and power, and help
realign ourselves with it, by tuning in deeply with what our
cat most desires, from a pet to a treat to a good brushing,
and then giving it to her. And then doing this again and
again, every single day, like good little devotees.
If You Call Them, They Will Come—Ellen
Matches or lighter
a coordinating candleholder
lighter or matches
Arrange the candle in its holder. Pour a thin line of
magnetic sand in a circle around the candleholder. Note:
Magnetic sand is super fine and can be messy should
curious cats decide to explore your altar while your spell is
working. So if you would prefer, sprinkle the magnetic sand
in the bottom of your candleholder.
Arrange your lodestones, chosen herbs, and the Ace of
Pentacles card in a manner you find pleasing around the
candle. Take a moment to ground and center. Put your mind
in a proper mood; focus on prosperity and how you will be
successful. Do not focus on want or need—trust me. Keep
your emotions upbeat, and your prosperity magick will
Then, when you are focused and calm, light the spell
candle and repeat the following verse:
Green candle that burns with its flame so bright,
I call for prosperity on this night.
By the power in these stones, send abundance true,
May these herbs grant good fortune in all that I do.
The Ace of Pentacles shall be for me
A sign of abundant prosperity.
Now golden sand and lodestones draw money straight
to me,
For the good of all, as I will it, so mote it be!
Protection Prerequisites—Tess
When I was a kid, someone (I don’t remember who) told
me that if I ever felt afraid while out in the world, I should
not cower or tiptoe but walk like I was the most confident
person in the world. This way, I would be less likely to
attract predatory behavior because I would not be behaving
like prey. What this person didn’t tell me, but what I learned
on my own, was that faking it actually helps you make it:
when you move like you’re confident, your brain believes
that you are confident, and then—guess what? You are
confident. (Or at least you’re more so than you were before.)
Similarly, when you feel fearful, it’s important to
transform the inner fearful conditions into inner confident
ones ASAP. This is because fear vibrates at a level that is
more open to negativity and is not protective. Now, this
might seem like a little mind trap or a slippery slope; after all,
if you’re already afraid, won’t knowing this make you even
more afraid? Perhaps, but not if you remember to stop the
cycle by immediately enlisting divine help. To do this, you
might call on Archangel Michael or the goddess Kali or
whatever divine being or name feels most protective and
effective for you. Then, once you ask for help (inwardly or
aloud), know in your heart—or at least behave as if you
know in your heart (faking it helps you make it, remember?)
—that your help has arrived and that it’s already begun to
protect you in a most powerful and potent way. For example,
if I’m walking in a scary alley, I might call on angelic
bodyguards to flank me on all sides; then I’ll continue
walking with utter faith in their competence. Or if I feel
myself slipping into a sketchy and anxious mindset, I’ll
replace my fearful monologue with an angelic invocation and
visualization for as long as it takes to reprogram my pattern
and feel my confidence return.
Another prerequisite to holistic protection is grounding:
connecting your personal energy with the energy at the core
of the earth. This helps you feel anchored in a power that is
greater than that within your little human energy field and
aligns you with a greater and more expansive wisdom. I find
that I feel best when I ground my energy daily as a part of
my morning meditation, and I refresh my grounding anytime
I begin to feel scattered, fearful, or spacey.
You may have already found your favorite way to
ground your energy, but in case you haven’t, my favorite is
relaxing my body, with my spine straight, and sending roots
of light deep into the core of the earth, then drawing golden-
white earth light up from the core and into my root chakra.
Then I see and feel this light moving up through my chakras
and out through the crown of my head. Sometimes I reach
branches high into the sky and bring cosmic light down from
above, and other times I let my branches kiss the sky and
then curl down back to earth like a weeping willow. Other
methods include sending a “pranic tube” of light down into
the earth to draw up the earth energy or sending a golden
anchor deep down into the core of the earth in order to
connect yourself to the core like a plug connects with an
Work this particular spell during the last of the waning
moon phase (those final days before the new moon, when
the moon is barely visible in the sky).
Work this spell at sunset on a Saturday (Saturn’s day).
This is very important. Check your astrological calendar and
time it correctly. This specific lunar phase, day of the week,
and time of day will help to banish any obstacles to the
criminal being caught. Consider that this is both the close of
the week and the end of the daylight hours; that is a
powerful combination.
a coordinating candleholder
lighter or matches
an item in sympathy with the event (for example, if
your car or house was vandalized or robbed,
then a photo of your house or car, a copy of
the police report, and so forth)
Enemy mine, you have been warned: turn back from this
Or you’ll face my magick and the dark goddess’s wrath.
The dark goddess protects me in my hour of need,
For I shall always defend me and mine if needs be.
Your power over me fades as this candle burns away,
By your own actions you’ll be caught, and justice will
hold sway.
Any crimes and misdeeds against me/us will now come
to light
As I work this protection spell on the darkest of nights.
By all the power of three times three,
As I will it, then so shall it be!
An Attraction Ritual—Tess
Focus on You
Along the same lines, no matter what your intention
when it comes to love magic, it’s generally a good idea to
focus on yourself rather than others. Of course you never,
ever, ever want to do a love spell on someone else, as
messing with someone else’s free will will not result in a
positive outcome for anyone, especially you. But because
like attracts like (see above), if you cast a spell to make
yourself attractive and magnetic, you will naturally attract
and magnetize someone with similar qualities. Or, if you want
to create relationship harmony, you might cast a spell to
establish harmony within yourself.
Attract What You Need, not What (You Think) You Want
Magically attracting love is not like ordering takeout; it’s
much more mysterious. An ideal love match is one that
continually challenges you, teaches you, opens your heart,
and breaks down your defenses. In short, it might not
actually look the way you think you want it to look. In fact, it
probably won’t. So, for example, if you do it right, a spell to
attract your ideal partner will possibly result in attracting
someone you didn’t exactly expect. All I’m saying here is to
be open to that. We don’t want you turning down the
potential love of your life just because he doesn’t, I don’t
know, teach yoga or look exactly like George Clooney.
Speaking of which, I don’t recommend doing a love spell
to attract a yoga teacher who looks like George Clooney.
Don’t limit the universe like that. Instead, you might do a
love spell to attract your most ideal partner. Sure, add in a
few deal breakers like someone with a positive mindset,
healthy habits, and a career path that inspires him (or her),
but let the universe surprise you when it comes to the
minutiae. Like most magical intentions, love-related
intentions are best when they’re focused in their scope but
not overly specific when it comes to the details.
Petals from two red roses
Rosewater in a mister
Work this particular spell during the waxing moon phase.
As the moon increases, so will the bond of your family.
Opportune days of the week include Friday (love) and
Wednesday (communication).
A coordinating candleholder
Lighter or matches
Set up the candle in its holder and arrange the photo/s of
your family and the Ten of Pentacles tarot card on either side
of the candle. Take a moment to ground and center. As you
do, focus on happy memories and your family’s loving bond.
When you are ready, light the candle and repeat the
following spell verse:
Love of our family and home is strong and true,
May the gods watch over us in all that we do.
By the powers of earth, air, fire, and water,
Our legacies are taught by mother to daughter
Strengthened by every passing dusk and dawn,
Heritage is passed on from father to son.
Ten pentacles to show a wealth of love,
May we all be blessed by the gods above.
A mister of rosewater
A small moonstone
A pink candle
Sea salt
Now that you’ve written your script, relax again and take
three deep breaths. Then tap your thymus (located at your
upper chest, halfway between the center of your sternum
and the center of your throat) lightly with your right hand as
you powerfully and purposefully recite the script that you
just wrote.
Finish by thanking Archangel Metatron and thanking
yourself. Allow the candle to continue to burn at least until
the incense burns all the way down. Then flush the salt
down the toilet and wash the plate thoroughly. (It’s okay to
use the candle again in the future.)
A quick caveat: be ready for things to shift. Working on
such a deep level might cause things to seem a little chaotic
at first as your life becomes accustomed to the new patterns,
but hang in there— you’ll experience desirable results.
Saturn’s Day Banishing Spell—Ellen
A sprig of rosemary
A white rose
Notebook or paper
To begin, I would take a ritual bath or shower. Put on
your ritual wear or clean clothes. Don’t just schlepp around
in your pajamas! Wear something nice, as if you were going
on a date. If you can, and the temperature allows for it, go
Perform this at moonrise on the night of a full moon. If
weather permits, I would work this ritual outdoors or, if you
must, stand by a window and allow the moon’s light to wash
over you and your work area.
A coordinating candleholder
Lighter or matches
As you set up your work area, take a few moments to
ground and center. Arrange the candle, stone, incense
holder, flowers, cup of wine/juice, and your jewelry in a
manner you find pleasing. If you like, cover the altar with a
pretty piece of cloth. Make this as simple or as elaborate as
your personal taste dictates.
Now, take a good look at your rededication altar. You
have all of four of the elements represented. The tumbled
moonstone for earth, the (soon to be) candle flame for fire,
the incense smoke for air, and the water in the flower vase
for—well, water! The white flowers represent new
beginnings and celebrations. If you chose carnations, they
represent practicality, energy, and vitality. If you chose
roses, you have added the energies of tradition, emotions,
and love. If you chose lilies, then you have passion and
enchantment added to your ritual. Once you are all set up,
focus on why you are here and the reaffirmation to the gods
and goddesses that you are about to undertake. Be joyful
and reverent.
Light the incense and place it in the holder. Allow the
scented smoke to waft over you and your work surface.
Hold up the jewelry and allow it to be blessed by the incense
smoke too. When finished, set your piece of jewelry back
down next to the unlit candle. When you are ready to begin
the rededication, light the candle and repeat the following
spell verse:
Under an enchanted full moon of white,
I cast important magick here tonight.
I call on the earth, fire, water, and wind,
Let my Witch’s lunar magick begin.
May the Old Ones bless my magickal path,
And bless me with a wisdom that will last.
To bring love, comfort, to protect and heal,
With these rhyming words, my vow will now seal.
I’ve been living in—and navigating—Los Angeles for a
good long percentage of my life now, and this little traffic
trick is one of the lessons this city has motivated me to
learn. Because let’s face it: if you let it, traffic can pack a
pretty negative punch. Not only can it make you late, it can
also (perhaps more alarmingly) make you stressed! And
what’s worse for your health and the quality of your life than
stress? Not much.
So here’s what you do: you decide to love the traffic.
You change your inner monologue from one of dismay and
frustration to one of gratitude and love. Even if you feel like
you’re faking or forcing it at first, keep at it—because, after
all, your frustration is not going to change the situation; it’s
only going to exacerbate your unpleasant experience. If
you’re going to be late, you’re going to be late whether or
not you berate the situation. Not only that, but a New Agey
phrase that I have found to be quite accurate is what we
resist persists. So when we take the resistance away and
begin to honestly accept what’s happening, the traffic
congestion often seems to magically dissipate right along
with your stressful thoughts about it.
To give you an example, this is how my inner monologue
might go when I begin to work this little charm:
“Wow, the sunshine is so gorgeous reflecting off those
windshields. This really is a pretty freeway, I’m so glad I get
a chance to really soak it in. Look at that hawk! And those
purple blossoms in the distance are just gorgeous. You
know, my car is really great. I’m so lucky to have a car that
runs so well. Oh, I love this song. And now I have time to
actually listen to it intently! This is just getting better and
better. I could honestly sit here all day.”
It is hilarious how quickly traffic picks up once I really
begin to get into the enjoyment of it all.
Blessed be,
Ellen and Tess
Ellen’s Bibliography