Every Witch Way - Ellen Dugan, Tess Whitehurst

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Every Witch Way

Ellen Dugan & Tess Whitehurst

Every Witch Way: Spells and Advice from Two Very Different

Copyright © Ellen Dugan and Tess Whitehurst, 2014

Edited by Rebecca Zins
Cover art designed by Kyle Hallemeier
Stock Image: dimdimich, © istockphoto.com, 16217408
Table of Contents


Part 1: Living the Magickal Life

House Clearing and Cleansing

Clutter Clearing—Tess
House Cleansing and Ghosts—Ellen
Kitchen Witchery
Celebrating the Kitchen Witch Tradition—Ellen
Kitchen Magick—Tess
Physical Fitness = Magickal Fitness
The Fit Witch—Ellen
Love Your Body, Live Your Beauty—Tess
The Magickal Diet
Vegan, Vegetarian, or Carnivore—Tess
The Omnivorous Diet—Ellen
Psychic and Energetic Protection
“Out There” vs. “In Here”—Ellen
Psychic and Energetic Protection—Tess
Can You Be a Christian Witch?
Angels and Magick
Go Carefully, My Friend—Ellen
Angel Magick in the City of Angels—Tess
Faerie Magick
Working with the Fae—Tess
If You Call Them, They Will Come—Ellen

Part II: Spells, Enchantments, and Charms

Prosperity Spells
Tapping into the Universal Flow—Tess
Advanced Prosperity Spell—Ellen
Protection Spells
Protection Prerequisites—Tess
Big Guns Protection Spell—Ellen
Love Spells
An Attraction Ritual—Tess
Love Magick for a Family—Ellen
Glamour Spells
Fun with Glamoury—Tess
The Magick of Blending In—Ellen
Banishing Spells
Banishing Unwanted Patterns with the Akashic Field—
Saturn’s Day Banishing Spell—Ellen
Full Moon Rituals
Basic Full Moon Ritual—Tess
Full Moon Rededication Ritual—Ellen
“On the Fly” Spells
Four Fast Spells—Tess
Magick at Your Fingertips—Ellen

Every Witch Way: Two Very Different
Witches Give You
the Lowdown on the Craft as They Know It


You have your way. I have my way.

As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way,
it does not exist.
—Friedrich Nietzsche
Not only was this magickal book written by two witches, it
was written together by two friends. And, as is the case with
many friends, while we agree on numerous important things
and have some hobbies in common, our lives, magickal
viewpoints, and style of doing things tend to be vastly
different. That’s what makes it interesting!
The first time I met Tess in person was at the
International New Age Trade Show in Denver. We had
corresponded via email for several months after she had
asked me to give her a blurb for her first book, Magical
Housekeeping. As I adored the book and always enjoy
meeting fellow authors, I was tickled to discover that we
would both be attending the same trade show and
promoting our new books. We exchanged phone numbers,
and I gave her a call and suggested a few practical things for
her to bring along, as I had been to the trade show before.
Her voice was bubbly as we chatted on the phone, and her
laugh was infectious.
When I was finally introduced to her at our publishing
company’s booth, my first thought was that I felt like a
valkyrie standing next to a petite, gorgeous faerie. We
looked like polar opposites as we stood there. My voice
carries, and hers is soft; I am tall and curvy, she is petite and
slender. At the time, I was blond; her hair was dark. It was
like night and day! Excited to finally meet face to face, we
started chatting and didn’t stop. Later, when we had a break
in our schedules, I suggested that we grab lunch. She said
that she hoped they had a vegan menu at the trade show
because she was a whole food vegan. That tickled my
admittedly warped sense of humor so, in jest, I asked her
straight-faced if that meant she ate the whole cow.
Bless her heart, she never even blinked, nor was she
offended. She laughed and explained to me what her diet
entailed, and as we walked toward the lunch area I remember
thinking that if she passed out from hunger later, I could
probably pick her up with one arm. But tiny or not, she held
her own. She was clever, creative, and had a fine sense of
humor—the very traits that I consider necessary in a good
friend, as well as traits I admire in a Witch. Tess and I stayed
in touch after the trade show and have become good friends.
It is great to have another witchy writer to bounce ideas off
of and talk about magickal gardens and flower folklore with,
or just to commiserate with. I have come to value her opinion
on both magick and energy work. Even though she and I are
very different people and lead very different lives, we do
share core magickal values.
Last year Tess and I were both presenters at a big
outdoor author event in Florida, and we were roommates.
While we sat inside our cabin talking one rainy night, we
hatched the idea of writing a book together. At first we
laughed because we kicked around the idea of a sweet
Witch/snarky Witch theme. We argued over who would get
to be the snarky Witch because honestly it was a toss-up as
to who was the most sarcastic. Then we stopped laughing
and realized what a unique opportunity this could be. Forget
the sweet versus snarky—this was a chance to do
something more spiritual and go deeper. We got down to
business and started brainstorming about how we could
write a book together that would tackle common questions
and concerns about the Craft and address the topic of living
a magickal life from both our points of view.
That conversation on a rainy night planted a seed; a few
months later the idea sprouted, and then it began to grow.
The information presented here is drawn from our own
experiences as witches and from the wisdom gained while
walking our individual magickal paths, thereby giving
readers two different viewpoints for each topic. This has
allowed for healthy debate that we hope will expand your
horizons and help you gain both insight and knowledge of
the magickal path you have chosen to walk.

Each tradition (expression)…whether passed down or

intuitively performed, is akin to a petal of a flower. No one
petal constitutes the whole; all are necessary to the flower’s
—Scott Cunningham
I first read one of Ellen’s books when I was looking for a
publisher for my first book. When you’re writing a book
proposal, you’re always supposed to do a section on books
that are similar to your book so that you can differentiate
and compare. So I tracked down a copy of Cottage Witchery,
and—after reading a number of other books on the topic
with which I was less than impressed—I was delighted to
discover that it was excellent. While similar in topic to my
book, it was also quite different in a complementary way.
Once Magical Housekeeping found a publisher (which just
happened to be the same as Ellen’s), I asked her if she would
endorse it. She said yes, and a friendship was born.
In a lot of ways, Ellen and I appear to be vastly different.
I’m a decidedly New Agey, Californian, solitude-relishing
Witch, while Ellen is more of a pragmatic, Midwestern,
community-fostering coven high priestess. I’m known for
espousing the joy of affirmations, white light, and positive
thinking, while Ellen is famous for her feistiness, irreverence,
and snarky sense of humor. She prefers the tarot; I prefer the
I Ching. I do yoga; she lifts weights. I lean toward
minimalism; she is the queen of holiday decorations. (And
so on—you get the picture.)
Still, as we’ve gotten to know each other, we’ve learned
that we’re actually not that different. For example, while I
know that Ellen will protest me telling the world about this,
she is actually one of the kindest people you will ever meet.
(Just a heads-up: she doesn’t realize that her sweetness is
actually obvious, so don’t tell her.) On the other hand, as
Ellen (and pretty much everyone else who knows me) can
heartily attest, I can be quite snarky myself, and in many
cases “snarky” would be a kind euphemism.
Additionally, while at first glance some of our spiritual
and magickal practices seem to be contradictory, we’ve
discovered that, at the base of it all, we speak the same
language. In other words, from an intuitive and energetic
perspective, we generally come from the same place, even if
our practice takes different forms and some of our opinions
diverge. And it’s the way we’re similar, rather than the way
we’re different, that I find so exciting about this book—
because when we all recognize that we are drawing on the
same invisible magickal and spiritual power that underlies
and characterizes all things, we can fully celebrate our
diversity while also delving deeper into our craft. After all,
just like snowflakes, no two Witches are alike. We find our
greatest power when we allow ourselves to be ourselves,
and to freely and creatively express our uniqueness through
our magickal and spiritual practice.
Not only that, but (as my friendship with Ellen
demonstrates to me again and again), when we share what
makes us unique with each other, we can benefit from the
other’s viewpoint. Perhaps it will change the way we do
things, perhaps not. But regardless, it will add dimension
and depth to our knowledge, wisdom, and experience, while
inspiring us with expansive ways of working magick and
communing with the Divine.
It is our sincere wish that the various perspectives and
practices in this book, presented concurrently, will provide
insight into what makes you and your spiritual practice
unique, and give you the courage to live that distinctive
brand of magick every day—not just through your rituals
but also through your relationships, your career, your art,
and every single thing that you do. Because there is no
Witch in the world just like you. It is only by being true to
your most personal and authentic vision—while
simultaneously celebrating the diversity that characterizes
our planet and our human family—that you can heal and
bless the world in the way only you can. Yes, it takes a
healthy dose of both positivity and chutzpah, but believe
us: it’s worth it.
Part 1: Living the Magickal Life
Of course there must be lots of Magic in the world,
but people don't know what it is like or how to make it.
—Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden
House Clearing and Cleansing

Clutter Clearing—Tess

I firmly believe that a bit about clutter clearing belongs near

the beginning of any book about magic. Setting the table for
a romantic dinner just won’t feel right if we don’t clear the
junk off of it first. The dance floor at a party is never going
to get rolling if it’s hidden under a mess of tables and chairs.
And how on earth would we expect to play a good chess
game if we don’t first reset the board and start anew?
An ancient and oft-quoted principle of magick is “as
above, so below,” which you might say can be defined as
meaning “the inner world reflects the outer world and vice
versa” or that “form is a physical representation of spirit,
just as spirit is a nonphysical representation of form.” With
this in mind, consider that the junk in our physical
environment—the stuff that we don’t love, don’t use, and
don’t need—represents junk in our nonphysical
environment, or stagnant and stuck energy in our magical
Now, for witches who are concerned with manifesting
positive life conditions in every area of our lives, this simply
will not do. Working magick in the most harmonious
possible way, after all, is a holistic science. Yes, you can do
the equivalent of a magical shot of espresso and activate a
certain intention in a pinch, but the kind of magick that
brings holistic success—ongoing, sustained positivity to
every life area—is a habitual lifestyle rather than a one-time
An important aspect of cultivating a magical mindset is
thinking about everything in terms of energy, and I mean
everything: thoughts, emotions, people, rocks, trees,
houses, cities, groups, garbage, art, knick-knacks, sounds,
everything. This means that you are a pattern of energy, and
the pattern of energy that is you has a natural and ideal
expression—a way that it wants to manifest and be
expressed, just like a river, a sunrise, or a tree. What’s more,
your true desires are not outside of this expression but are
rather an aspect of it. When you get in touch with what you
really want (rather than what you think you should want, for
whatever reason), you get in touch with your true
expression. And when you release what is not a part of your
true expression—i.e., stagnation in your energetic flow,
which is always mirrored in the physical world as some sort
of clutter or excess baggage—you make room for your ideal
essence to be expressed. In other words, in large part,
magick isn’t about conjuring things up or tacking things on
but rather about getting the junk out of the way so that the
blessings and harmonious conditions that are a natural
aspect of your life expression can naturally flow and
manifest into form.
Energy is movement, and movement has momentum.
Once you get into this harmonious momentum, everything in
your life becomes easier, including magic. So instead of
fighting against the current, you’re flowing with it—and the
things that you desire naturally flow into your life experience
as a matter of course. This will not only minimize the effort
required to live the magical life, it will also be pleasant and
enjoyable in and of itself. When you are in this state of ideal
flow and momentum, you are moving with the universe or
the Divine or All That Is (or whatever you want to call it): its
energy is flowing through you, and you are embracing your
true identity as a finite, temporary expression of the infinite
and eternal. Co-creating with All That Is and working with
an awareness and respect of the singular
interconnectedness of everything, all power is available to
Now that I’ve gotten so lofty, it’s kind of hard to believe
that clearing the junk out of your house can really do all this,
isn’t it? But it can, and it will! Because form mirrors spirit and
spirit mirrors form, releasing things in your home that no
longer serve you will not fail to precipitate the release of
things in your mind, body, and emotions that no longer
serve you. That’s why, if there is clutter anywhere in your
life—in your home, your car, your storage space, or your
work area—drop everything and clear it now.
I’ve done so many workshops on clearing clutter that I
know what a lot of you are thinking. Here are some of the
challenges and questions that I get a lot, along with my

“I couldn’t possibly clear it; I just haven’t got the time.”

Well, guess what? That’s because your life is
overpopulated with stuff that you don’t love, and your
schedule is a mirror of this. So stop the vicious circle and
clear out that stagnant stuff! Turn that momentum around,
align with the Divine, and make way for the magick to flow.
“How do I tell if it’s clutter?”
Try holding it or touching it. Is it giving you energy or
taking energy away? Is it giving you thoughts and feelings
of positivity and empowerment or is it overwhelming you
with thoughts and feelings of negativity and
disempowerment? If it’s neutral, does it make sense for you
to hold on to it? Does it serve you in some way? Is it worth
the real estate it’s taking up in your home and your life?

“My partner has a problem with clutter, but I don’t.”

If you have any clutter anywhere—the glove
compartment, a box in your closet, your email inbox—clear it
out. Then continue clearing whatever clutter you have
jurisdiction over until there really and truly isn’t anything
else for you to clear. This will often magically inspire your
partner to clear—or at least will inspire you so much that
your partner’s clutter won’t affect your mindset quite as
much as it once did.

“Where and how do I begin?”

If you’re overwhelmed, just pick a small, doable area—
one drawer, one shelf, or one section of the room—and clear
that. Often the energy that flows to you after you clear away
the stagnation will fuel your ongoing efforts. But if it
doesn’t, just stop when you’re done with the single area,
and repeat the process again tomorrow…and the next day,
and the next…until the energy is flowing like a sparkling
mountain stream in sunlight.

P.S. Dirt and sticky stuff count as clutter, so be sure to

clean too! And note that it’s always a little more fun if you
bless your cleaning supplies with magical energy by
visualizing them being filled with bright white light. You can
also add essential oils or flower essences if you’d like to
infuse your home with their aromatherapeutic and
vibrational benefits. For example, a couple drops of white
chestnut essence in an all-purpose cleaner or floor wash will
help create a quiet and serene vibe, while honeysuckle
essence will help get stuck energy moving. And essential
oils like peppermint, rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus, cedar,
and lemon are all wonderfully purifying and uplifting scents.
House Cleansing and Ghosts—Ellen

For those of you who want to know the basic lowdown on

ghosts, here you go. Keep in mind that often when folks are
convinced they have a haunting, what they are actually
experiencing is old, stale energy and trapped memories in the
home. Read over this information with an open mind, and
see what you can discover.
To begin with, often a house that seems haunted is
simply a home filled with negativity or discordant energy. If
you think you are dealing with a haunted location, your first
order of business is to have the homeowners clean the
house. Seriously. Stale energy is trapped energy. Dust, dirt,
neglect, and clutter create a residual energy and give all that
old emotional residue nooks and crannies to hide in. Bless
the home with salt, water, and sunlight. Fill the home with
love and laughter. These simple yet powerful ingredients
often banish any lingering negativity. They are simple fixes,
true, and they work very well indeed.
Discordant Energy. Easy definition: “bad vibes.” This
occurs when unbalanced or negative energy builds up in a
location. Simple cures include cleaning house, utilizing feng
shui, and family counseling. Encourage the home’s
occupants to clear the air—to calmly discuss their feelings
and work together to change the atmosphere of their home
to a positive and healthy one. Now, discordant energy can
be triggered by hoarding and unbalanced emotions. The
buildup of discordant or negative energy hangs heavy in the
air and creates a sense of being watched. Also, if the
occupants have any psychic talent and are suppressing
their anger, it may cause manifestations of minor violence
such as objects falling and breaking.
Poltergeists. A “haunting” where objects move about
violently. Traditionally these events focus on a teenager or
pre-teen with latent psychic talent. The manifestation is not
truly a spirit; instead, it is a combination of the youngster’s
burgeoning, uncontrolled energy and psychic talents.
Etheric imprints. These are like faint echoes of the past.
When strong experiences occur, the energy gets “imprinted”
on the vibes of a place; these can be positive or negative
vibrations. They are usually minor, but the imprint may be
noticeable to a sensitive person.
Etheric recordings (also called residual hauntings).
Sometimes the etheric imprints go deeper and are not only
the emotions and feelings of a time but are actual events that
are recorded. For example, hearing footsteps walking down
the stairs or seeing a figure in the same spot doing the same
thing over and over are residual hauntings. Though they
appear to be “ghosts,” there is no consciousness,
personality, or individuality in the experience. These are
merely echoes of the past, aka etheric recordings, that have
been recorded and are stuck on the playback here on our
plane, or physical reality, for all to see.
Disembodied dead (or a traditional haunting). This
occurs when the spirit of the departed does not cross over
for some reason. Some spirits are shy, quiet, and confused—
and some are royally pissed off and do not understand what
has happened. Their own intense emotions keep them
bound to the physical world.
The two most impressive styles of haunts would be a
residual-style haunt and an intelligent, or interactive, haunt.
A residual haunt is believed to be activity of reoccurring or
traumatic actions from past events that leave an imprint on
the environment. This type is probably the most common
type of haunting. Because its characteristics are similar to
the intelligent haunting, people often mistake it for an
intelligent, or traditional, haunting.
Like intelligent haunts, some examples of activity are
phantom footsteps, sounds, images, and scents. Major
differences between this haunting and the
intelligent/traditional haunting are that this type of haunting
is not considered to be that of a ghost and there is no
interaction with the living. One theory as to why this occurs
is that the energy is stored or absorbed by the site due to
repetitive or traumatic events of the energy expended while
such actions were performed. Similar to a tape player, the
energy is stuck in the current environment. Over time, that
energy builds up and is discharged, showing a replay of the
event, and then the cycle starts again. Some suggest that
atmospheric conditions such as storms may initiate the
ghostly playback.
Secondly, we have the intelligent, or interactive-style,
hauntings. This type of haunting is what most people think
of when they hear the word ghost. An intelligent or
traditional ghost may interact with people. The most
common belief is that the ghost is connected to the place or
its people in some way. Here are the traditional reasons that
a ghost may be tied to the location or to the folks who
inhabit the site:

The spirit may have died suddenly and not realized

that he or she died.

The living loved ones are so emotionally distraught

that they can’t let go.

The spirit is emotionally connected to or very

protective of their living loved ones.

The ghost may have some unfinished business.

The ghost’s death was a result of a traumatic event

(murder, car accident, etc.).

They cannot rest due to an injustice done to them

such as disturbing their graves or remains.

Fear of the other side or judgment.

These ghostly reasons are generally associated with

voices, sounds, and physical activity such as slamming,
opening, closing, or unlocking doors and windows. A
strong presence, a scent, or a touch may also be
experienced. People sometimes see a manifestation of the
ghost in the form of an apparition or a mist. In my case, I see
a person just standing there smiling at me—who then
disappears in front of my eyes.
Here are some things to consider when dealing with a

If you are naturally empathic or psychic or are a

magickal practitioner, well, then, wake up!
You’ve been working to become more sensitive
to the astral plane… guess what comes along
with that? You little ghost magnet, you.

Psychic sensitives: be smart and don’t overreact to

hauntings. It is the way you are, so learn to deal
with it. As a psychic sensitive, you will always
get a front-row seat to the show of a residual-
style haunt because you will keep sensing,
hearing, or seeing the playback.

If you are a psychic sensitive or a clairvoyant, then

you need to work on desensitizing yourself to
the particular problem area in your (or someone
else’s) home. Try acknowledging the memory.
Say something out loud like this: “I
acknowledge your memories. Go find peace and
be at rest.”

Nobody panic. Be cool. When you are confronted

by this type of situation, you should react in a
calm and controlled way—especially if you are
a Witch or a paranormal investigator. People
around you will take their cues from you and
react accordingly. If the Witch is standing
strong and confidently while everyone else is
panicking over a manifestation, it makes other
folks wind down.

Finally, consider this: as psychics and Witches, this

paranormal scene is a part of our world. Not every Witch is a
ghost buster, but if you choose to be a paranormal
investigator, then be a voice of calm reason during
investigations, and show others there is nothing to fear. You
are a role model. So do your homework, study up, and act
accordingly. One of the best books I have found on this
topic is The Ghost Hunter’s Survival Guide by Michelle
You may also find it helpful while dealing with a
“haunting” to cleanse the home by working my banishing
spell in part II.
Kitchen Witchery

Celebrating the Kitchen Witch Tradition—Ellen

The term Kitchen Witch has undergone a transformation in

the past few decades. Calling oneself a Kitchen Witch back
in the ’90s meant that the individual was a hearth-and-home
practitioner—a Witch who used household tools and quietly
worked magick primarily with herbs and spices found in the
kitchen cupboard. Kitchen Witchery also encompassed a
style of culinary magick where the magick was added to
dishes and food for family and friends. It was a simple and
useful style of witchery that was respected and used
practically every day. Fast forward to today, and the term
Kitchen Witch can have a vastly different meaning.
Recently I have noticed the term being used as a sort of
sad code for individuals who have had to go underground,
hiding their magickal practice from family and friends. I
overheard someone say, “Sally went underground. Her
partner found out about the big W and freaked, so she went
Kitchen Witch.” This comment was whispered in a
conspirator’s tone to another woman, and her response was
a sad sigh and an “oh, poor thing” comment.
This got me to thinking. I started asking about the term
and people’s definitions of it at various festivals that I
attended in different parts of the country. To my surprise,
the term was considered outdated and used almost as if to
denote a sort of second-class magickal citizen. Seriously? I
find that to be a little disappointing. Let’s be honest here:
most of us are found whipping up a little magick in the
kitchen from time to time. Throughout history, the kitchen
held a place of honor in the home. Today the kitchen is the
heart of the home, and one of the most popular rooms in the
house. We gather around the table to eat and for family
meetings, and at a party everyone gravitates to the kitchen.
We all have sat down at the kitchen table to pay the bills,
and our kids do their homework seated at the same kitchen
table or perched on stools at the breakfast bar.
I think the time has come to reclaim this title as one of
honor. After all, a Kitchen Witch is a down-to-earth style of
magickal practitioner—one who works their magick in a
practical way with the herbs, spices, supplies, and tools that
they have on hand. What many folks do not realize is that
this is a traditional form of the Craft. Back in the day,
practitioners of the Craft kept a very low profile. They
quietly went about their business of tending a home,
growing their kitchen gardens, caring for their animals, and
raising a family. Spirituality was earthy, natural, and a part of
their everyday life. The use of everyday items as magickal
tools was both clever and practical.
For example, the one good kitchen knife was also the
magickal knife. The broom that was used to sweep the floors
clean also swept out negativity and could double as the
ceremonial staff. The cauldron used for cooking stews,
soups, and meals was also the magickal cauldron for brews
and potions. The herbs drying from the beams in the ceiling,
the flowers and plants growing in the garden—everything
this practical Witch put their hands on with intention was
magick. This is what we used to call Kitchen Witchery. It’s
the practical, natural magick of hearth and home.
Truthfully, there are a lot more of these types of home-
based Witches out there than you’d think. Modern Kitchen
Witches are mysterious, adaptable creatures. They are
whispered to be domestic goddesses or gods, as in they live
their magickal lives quietly, raise their families, maintain
charming homes, and have successful jobs. These Witches
are simply regular folks who practice the Craft in a matter-of-
fact, discreet, and practical way. And what, may I ask, is so
ghastly about that? Haven’t we all grown up enough as a
community to embrace the idea of diversity? Being a real
Witch does not require a lot of drama or intrigue—or a black
velvet cape.
Today Witches can be whoever they want to be. They
may identify themselves by many different titles and practice
whatever form of magick they prefer. Truthfully, Kitchen
Witches are natural Witches who live their lives by quietly
observing the magick of the natural world. They tune in to
and experience the energies of the changing seasons. They
tend and care for their families, pets, gardens, and homes
with power, flair, and—most importantly—with an incredible
type of practical, magickal intention.
No matter how you choose to identify yourself, the truth
is you should just go about your life practicing your Craft
and walking your own individual path in the best way that
you can. For some folks, the focus of their magick is going
to be in the heart of the home. Witches are walkers between
the worlds. Is it so hard to imagine that they would quietly
go about their business without a lot of fuss or drawing
attention? That only shows how adept they are. Sometimes
the most magickal thing you can do is to go about your life
quietly, making a difference just because you can.

Light a white candle and repeat the following charm. Allow
the candle to burn out in a safe place.
The kitchen is my home’s beating heart,
From here I work my magickal art.
Conjuring with spices and herbs and love to share,
This space is blessed by water, earth, fire, and air.

For more spells, charms and correspondences on the

topic of Kitchen Witchery, please read the “Kitchen
Cupboard Conjuring” chapter in my book Cottage Witchery:
Natural Magick for Hearth & Home.
Kitchen Magick—Tess

Lovelock’s Gaia Theory provides a scientific model for what

many of the ancients knew to be true: the earth (along with
everything on it) is, in fact, a single self-regulating organism.
Indeed, as components of this organism, we owe our
continued daily survival to countless natural conditions,
beings, and ecosystems, from the plants, sunlight, soil, and
rain to the people who drive the produce trucks and stock
the grocery store. Remembering this interconnection
regularly and acting with an awareness of it keeps us in a
state of grateful awe, which in turn lends itself to earth-
loving choices and a general feeling of harmonious well-
being. And what more literal, constant reminder of earthly
interconnection is there than the food we eat?
With all of that in mind, let’s explore some magickal,
earth-loving ways of approaching the preparation and
consumption of food.

Sacred (Counter) Space

As I’m constantly telling my feng shui clients, if you
want to experience something, first create the space for it to
occur. For our present purposes, this means that if you want
to work magick in the kitchen, you must first create a
magickal kitchen! Start by clearing out all the extras (see the
previous section on clutter clearing) and cleaning. The
stove, in particular, symbolizes the wealth and sustenance of
the household, so make it sparkle and shine! And you’ll also
want to give yourself every possible inch of that much-
coveted counter space. A good rule of thumb is that if you
don’t use it every day (or almost every day), store it
somewhere other than the counter.

Mood Lighting
Lighting that’s warm and cozy is ideal, but you also want
to make sure that you can see what you’re doing. One
design feature that I highly recommend is lighting beneath
the cupboards and over the counter. This illuminates the
dark spaces in an attractive way and sheds light on your
workspace without blasting excessively harsh light all over
everything. If you don’t have the time, money, or inclination
to pay for recessed lighting in this area, you might discreetly
tack a strand of white twinkle lights beneath the cupboards,
and then simply plug them in when you’re preparing food or
anytime you’d like to create a soothing and uplifting

Divine Design
To enhance the magickal vibration in your kitchen—and,
subsequently, your food—choose décor imagery that brings
the sacred front and center in your awareness, particularly
sacred imagery that’s aligned with earthy nurturing and
sustenance. There are a number of types of images that
could fit these parameters, but here are a few examples to
give you an idea; choose from these images or come up with
your own.

Sunflowers, which are aligned with the life-giving

sun as well as prosperity and sustenance.
They’re also the source of nutritious seeds and
cooking oil!

An orchard in fruit, which is aligned with the

Roman goddess Pomona and provides a
reminder of the sweet, abundant blessings of
the earth.

An earth goddess such as Gaia (the primordial

earth goddess of Greek mythology) or Ceres
(Roman goddess of the grain and agriculture) to
remind us to be grateful that we are so perfectly
loved and perfectly provided for, and to keep
our prosperity flowing.

Gathering with Love

For the overwhelming percentage of the time that our
species has been present on earth, whether cultivated or
wildcrafted, we have gathered our food directly from the
earth herself. Almost all of our ancestors (albeit not usually
our most recent ones) knew exactly where and how their
food grew. Since their food was actually their neighbor, they
didn’t have to consciously cultivate an awareness of
interconnection: it was naturally built-in. Now, of course,
while some of us lucky people grow at least some of our own
food, most of us rely on other people to grow, pick,
transport, prepare, and package the majority of the food we
Once we’re mindful of this disconnect, we can
consciously build a bridge back to our food by simply taking
a moment to consider where it came from and how it was
raised, and by seeking out food that was grown and treated
with the highest possible respect for the earth. This means
buying local and organic whenever possible (possibly from
farmers’ markets), as well as looking on labels to make sure
that we’re not purchasing GMOs (genetically modified
organisms), which are potentially dangerous to the planet
and our health.
As a bonus method of honoring our beloved Mother
Earth (and all the sustenance she provides for us) and
fostering a healthy relationship with the food that we eat, we
can educate ourselves about how produce is grown, what is
best for our bodies, and what petitions to sign and causes to
support. There are a number of excellent documentaries on
this subject, including Food, Inc., Forks Over Knives, and
GMO OMG. Additionally, the last section in the book The
Botany of Desire (the section on the potato) also provides
useful insight to the frighteningly widespread practice of
genetic engineering.

Conscious Preparation
Saint Therese of Lisieux said, “We cannot all do great
things, but we can do small things with great love.” Similarly,
I don’t usually prepare anything too fancy, but I do prepare
simple beverages, snacks, and meals with consciousness
and great love. I also like to be aware of the magickal and
metaphysical properties of the ingredients I use, so that I
can awaken their intrinsic magick while also letting it fuel the
tide of my intention. For example, when I pour boiling water
over black tea, I like to be aware of the rush of energy that
moves through the water like a powerful little explosion of
light. Or when I sprinkle cinnamon on my oatmeal, I like to be
aware of the grounding, sustaining energy of the oats being
activated and enhanced by the wealth and luxury-drawing
herb. And while baking, I like to burn a natural, unscented
candle to symbolize spirit merging with the physical and
infusing my cookies or muffins with divine positivity and
Then, of course, there is the simple blessing of the food
during or after preparation. For this, I might simply place my
palms on either side of it and direct a feeling of love and a
visualization of light toward the food, thinking or saying
something like this:
Great Goddess, thank you for this food. Please bless it
with love.
May I/we absorb its nutrients and positive energy
thoroughly and well.
Physical Fitness = Magickal Fitness

The Fit Witch—Ellen

A little over a year ago, I joined a gym. Like most middle-

aged women, I was dealing with the dreaded menopause
weight gain, and I had decided that the gym held all the
answers to easy weight loss. I invested in a trainer, so I
could learn how to use all that shiny equipment and safely
learn how to lift weights. I figured in six months I would be a
totally different woman and have to buy a whole new
wardrobe due to my amazing thinness. Then I got a wakeup
My trainer looked me in the eye and announced, “Brace
yourself: we are going to be doing strength training.”
I admit, I had no freaking idea what “strength training”
entailed, and as my trainer continued his speech about
adding more protein in my diet, my current body shape, and
how my body would change, he then dropped a bomb and
told me straight out: “Ignore the damn scale. This is strength
training. Your weight will change slightly, but you are going
to add muscle—and Ellen, muscle weighs more than fat.”
Yeah, okay…internally I thought pfffft! What does some
twenty-year-old know anyway? I would work out so hard on
my own between my sessions with him that I would lose a
ton of weight. I’d show him. So I smiled, I nodded, and I
threw myself into the experience in typical Virgo fashion. In
other words, I obsessed about the gym and working out.
I overdid my workouts. I strained my knees. I fought
back from that injury, and then I became addicted to the
endorphin rush. I exercised way too often and for too long. I
knew I could lose more weight—what did that “elite status”
trainer know, anyway? Then, after a few months of agony, I
confessed to my trainer the extent of the muscle pain I was
in, which was severe.
After a blistering lecture from my trainer—seems I never
gave my muscles time to rebuild or recover…who knew—I
started over and cut back on the speed and frequency of my
workouts. For a few weeks, every time I entered the gym all
the other trainers were giving me the hairy eyeball. Damn,
they were watching and reporting back to my trainer. It was
like the gym police! So I swallowed my pride and behaved
myself. In a few weeks, the pain I had been living with began
to subside, and I was rewarded by my trainer with learning
how to deadlift. What a rush! Slowly, as I began to strength-
train smarter, I started to notice new muscles showing up in
my arms, back, abdomen, and legs. It was then I realized why
folks say that fit and healthy is the goal, not skinny. It is so
But an interesting thing happened during this past year
of learning the correct, or maybe I should say saner, way to
work out. As my body shape radically changed and my
muscles began to tone, I not only became physically
stronger, but my magick grew stronger as well. My spellwork
became more streamlined and more powerful. Now when I
worked my spells, I got better, more robust results. Also,
since I felt better, I was more relaxed and focused when it
came time to work my magick. This was awesome!
I started talking to other Witches about the results I was
experiencing—not the body-shape results, the magickal
results. To my surprise, I met with a lot of resistance and
condescension. Yes, Pagans and Witches tend to be a full-
figured community; however, the minute any Witch starts
talking about weight loss or physical fitness, folks pucker
up. Seems like there was a reverse prejudice going on. How
dare a Witch focus on losing weight or talk about getting in
shape? A bit of recreational tai chi or a smidgen of yoga here
and there, walking around the festival grounds or the
occasional celebratory belly-dancing around a bonfire
seemed to be considered an “acceptable” form of Pagan
exercise, but going to a gym regularly, lifting weights, and
hiring a trainer? Scandalous.
Why is that, do you wonder? Look, it’s not about
looking like a runway model, it’s about becoming healthier
and stronger, no matter what your age. Truth be told, a fit
Witch is less prone to psychic attack or any baneful spells
cast against them. First off, it’s much harder to hit a moving
target; secondly, the stronger you are, the less chances that
attacking energy can actually get in and do damage.
Physical fitness builds confidence. A confident Witch is
going to cast confident spells that will manifest quickly and
create the changes they were designed for in a spectacular
fashion. You get out of magick what you are willing to put
into it energetically. Imagine what you could accomplish if
you were in the best shape of your life while casting your
Think about what type of exercise would be the most
complementary for you. You could join a local gym, start a
walking club, or take up jogging. Sign up for a martial arts
class and dare to learn new things about chi (energy) and
how to direct and focus it; as a magickal person that would
be so interesting to explore. Learn belly dance and embrace
it for the exercise that it is. Do you honestly think that the
women who perform just practice for an hour a week? Ah,
no. They are dedicated to their dance and take it very
seriously. Also, if you are going to do yoga, then
understand it for the discipline and spiritual practice that it
is. The folks I know who are serious about yoga are
amazingly toned, flexible, and strong.
Bottom line: no matter how you choose to work on your
own physical fitness, don’t play at it. Get out there, embrace
change, and make yourself into a stronger, happier, and
healthier Witch. The truth is, if you decide to become more
physically fit, then good for you! It’s not just about wanting
to look good. Once you realize what it feels like to be strong,
there is no turning back. So embrace fitness and explore all
the opportunities for self-improvement. Become a fit Witch
and live a long, healthy, and happier magickal life!
Love Your Body, Live Your Beauty—Tess

Like the proverbial temple, your body is a place where form

meets spirit. Without form, you’d be a ghost. Without spirit,
you’d be a slab of meat. Together, form and spirit synthesize
to create the unique energetic being that is you. And
everything is energy: your body may seem solid and
enduring when, in fact, it’s composed of vibrating energy
that, at its most fundamental level, is mostly composed of
space. This means that you are literally a pattern of energy,
and that within this pattern, body, mind, and spirit are
inextricably interwoven.
In this day and age, even the most mainstream and
scientifically minded among us know that exercising the
body is one of the very best things we can do, not just for
our physical health but for our emotional and spiritual health
as well. From a magickal perspective, you might say that this
is because it stimulates, calibrates, and decongests the
energetic pattern that is our being. For example, a good brisk
walk outside gets your blood pumping and your limbs
moving. It fills your lungs with fresh air and brings you into
contact with the sky, the earth, the plants, and the birds. As
you can see, this doesn’t just lower your blood pressure and
burn fat; it actually activates your entire energetic being:
mind, body, and spirit. With a clear mind, a radiant body, and
an effervescent spirit, you are primed and ready to work
powerful and effective magick.

It’s About the Journey

My personal relationship with exercise has gone through
a lot of phases, each of which has taught me important
lessons that apply to my magickal and spiritual path. When I
was a kid, I was a competitive gymnast and worked out for
about fifteen hours per week. Although I didn’t realize it at
the time, this gave me a good experiential understanding of
the principles of sacred geometry. On the other hand, it was
a pretty harsh discipline for a little girl. I got a lot of injuries,
and I often felt pretty bad about myself: as hard as I worked,
I always felt like someone was better than I was, and it drove
me crazy. And even though I was skinny, I often thought I
was fat. In retrospect, although I appreciate the coordination
and work ethic it taught me, it also reinforced a lot of limiting
beliefs and perspectives about competition and
perfectionism. Then again, perhaps the experience also
helped me learn how to override these limiting beliefs more
strongly than I otherwise would have.
In my twenties I was a compulsive gym rat. Although I
went through brief phases of balance with regards to my
body image, I now realize that I was often working out with
the underlying intention to punish myself for my lack of
perfection and force myself to fit into a cookie-cutter
standard of beauty. Once, the day after bingeing on
chocolate cake, I even worked out so hard that I drove
myself to tears. I think this subtle subconscious motivation
(self-punishment/perfectionism)—effectively a form of self-
flagellation—is what keeps a lot of people from working out,
actually. Who wants to punish herself every day? What a
total drag. Unfortunately, this mindset seems to be subtly
and overtly reinforced through ads and other media
Finally, I seem to have gotten the message: my body is
great exactly how it is right now. Still, it feels great to work
out and be in shape! It’s that old spiritual paradox:
everything is already perfect while at the same time we are
called to actively affect positive change. It’s a paradox that’s
born out of the illusion of time; outside of the illusion (which
is the truer truth), there is no separation of all that is, was,
and will be. That is perfection. Within the illusion of time, we
feel motivated to create change; that is perfection too.
Although there might be changes that we desire to make in
our habits or our health, the present is perfection, the future
is perfection, and the time in between is perfection. A
popular way that this is phrased is that “it’s about the
journey, not the destination” or “the journey is the
destination.” When I work out with this mindset, I feel good
immediately, and that’s ultimately the best motivation.

Nourished and Natural

While in the past my ideal was to be slim and trim no
matter what the cost, these days I think of my ideal as being
nourished and natural. I like this because rather than
driving me to extremes, it reminds me to listen to my body
and tune into my holistic wellness. If I eat too much for my
body to digest, eat too little for my body to comfortably live
on, don’t work out at all, or work out until I cry, I’m not
nourished or natural. Rather, the ideal of “nourished and
natural” supports me in eating healthy amounts of healthy
foods that replenish me and working out regularly in a way
that I like and that feels good to my body.
In addition to its obvious benefits, maintaining a healthy
relationship with food and exercise is an enriching magickal
practice in and of itself. Magick, after all, is about being
awake and alert to subtle energies and creating and
maintaining positive life conditions all while being aware and
respectful of the fact that everything is always changing.
Maintaining a healthy relationship with food and exercise
gives us a reason to practice this type of consciousness
every single day. And because it counsels us to stay in
communication with our body—that sacred temple that
brings together the worlds of form and spirit—we stay
grounded in the physical world as well as in the space
between the worlds, where all magick happens.

A Few Tips and Tricks

Here are some of my favorite tips and tricks that may
inspire you to nourish yourself and stay in the momentum of
your natural well-being:

If you get bored with a certain exercise regimen or

you never liked it to begin with, try something
Starting is often the hardest part. If you can just
convince yourself to put your sneakers on and
go outside (for example), the momentum is in
motion, and it will feel more natural to continue.

Doing something (even five minutes of exercise)

almost daily is always, always, always better
than doing nothing, plus it helps keep you in
the habit.

When it comes to dietary priorities, think veggies

and fruit first, then nuts, seeds, beans, legumes,
and grains.

To encourage water drinking, get a water bottle that

you love.
The Magickal Diet

Vegan, Vegetarian, or Carnivore—Tess

I was raised a meat eater, but now I’m vegan for a lot of
reasons. First, because I love animals, so naturally, given the
choice, I prefer not to eat them or use them for food in any
way. Second, I love the planet, so naturally I prefer to
choose foods that are more sustainable. Animal agriculture
consumes vastly more water and land than agriculture for
plant-based foods; did you know that by some calculations,
not eating a quarter pounder saves as much water as not
taking a shower for a year? And third, it’s just plain better
for you. In study after study (including the well-respected
China Study and Oxford Vegetarian Study), vegetarians, and
especially vegans, live longer, healthier lives. Perhaps this
shouldn’t be surprising since our closest relatives, other
primates, usually survive mostly on leaves and other plant
Now, all of that aside, I think the bottom line for me is
that I would never personally kill an animal for food. I know
that I don’t have it in me. And if I wouldn’t personally kill an
animal for food, how does it morally make sense for me to
pay someone else to do it for me? Interestingly, a lot of
people are surprised to learn that I understand and forgive
hunters more than I understand and forgive the average
meat eater. Because I am convinced that the vast majority of
people who eat meat would almost rather die than slaughter
a pig or a cow or chop the head off a chicken. Not to
mention, the animal who is killed by a hunter got to live most
of his or her life out in the wild, whereas most animals who
are killed in slaughterhouses live their entire lives in mind-
bogglingly cramped dark cages or crates.
So, consider this: if you knew someone who raised a
chicken from a chick by cutting off her beak and keeping her
in a tiny, cramped box where she couldn’t stretch out her
wings for her entire life, you would be pretty sure that
person was a psychopath. But the everyday person who
eats chicken not only pays someone to do this once, but
hundreds and even thousands of times. Similarly, would you
ever in a million years watch a baby chick hatch and then
throw him directly into a wood chipper simply because he
was male? If you buy eggs—even organic ones—you are
funding hatcheries that do exactly that. Or would you deliver
a calf and then rip her away, crying, from her wailing and
grieving mother again and again and again throughout that
mother’s lifetime so that you could drain her of her milk? If
you buy milk products—even organic products—you are
funding dairies that do exactly that.
In our consumer culture, we are taught not to think
about these things. In many circles, simply bringing them up
is seen as rude. It’s even become something of a trend to
share Facebook and Twitter posts about how hilarious it is
to eat bacon. But as Pagans who honor the
interconnectedness of all, it’s our job to reclaim our
conscious awareness of the repercussions of everything
that we do, from the water we drink to the products we
purchase to the foods we eat. Part of this is honoring other
species as our equals, and certainly not knowingly or
unnecessarily harming them. Another part of this is being
stewards of the earth and behaving in a way that will help
her to survive and thrive. Veganism is a way to do all of
these things at once. More than just a super healthy diet, it’s
a spiritual practice.
Additionally, as a sensitive person, I have found it quite
a relief to no longer be consuming the energy of fear, pain,
torture, and imprisonment. The moment that I went vegan
was quite an energetic turning point for me. It was right
around the time that I read Karen Kingston’s book Clear
Your Clutter with Feng Shui and cleared a whole lot of stuff
out of my apartment. Letting go of meat, dairy, and eggs was
an extension of the clutter-clearing process when I cut away
the things that were weighing me down, clouding my mind,
and congesting my energetic flow. Very shortly after, I
realized that I wanted to go to feng shui school and began
my sacred career path, for which I still feel grateful every
Honestly, I understand wholeheartedly why it seems so
difficult for people to make the jump into veganism: it is a
really challenging path—not nutritionally (that part is
actually pretty easy) but philosophically. Once you get
honest with yourself about the lives of animals that are killed
for food, living in a world that is largely unconscious about
the origins of its food is hard. Knowing that the people you
love would never choose to torture or imprison animals but
then watching them put tortured and imprisoned animal flesh
into their mouths is something you never completely get
used to. Speaking up about the way things are and then
being ridiculed or shushed is also not an easy thing to live
At one time, keeping human slaves or not keeping
human slaves was seen as a matter of opinion. There was
also a time when you might say that you sided with the
Nazis and not be ostracized from polite society. What
changed these conditions was that a minority of brave
people had the courage to speak up and say, “No, that’s not
okay.” As Pagans, who are adept at seeing truths that other
people might not yet see and who profess to view animals as
our brothers and sisters, we have the opportunity to be
those brave people when it comes to animal rights, as many
of us already are. I know that no one can live a life that really
and truly harms none (for example, I kill insects with my car
quite frequently), but considering that witches only have
one rule—do what thou wilt, harm none—we may as well do
our very best to follow it to the letter.

If you’d like to learn more about the health benefits of

veganism, I highly recommend the documentary Forks Over
Knives. To shed light on the realities of factory farming and
the fallacy of species-centrism, check out the films
Earthlings and Speciesism. And even if you don’t think you
want to go vegan, being informed never hurts!
The Omnivorous Diet—Ellen

It was Erma Bombeck who said, “I didn’t work this hard to

get to the top of the food chain to become a vegetarian.”
That quote makes me giggle every time I read it. No, I am not
a vegetarian, nor am I vegan. Technically I am an omnivore,
meaning I choose to have both meat and vegetables in my
diet. As humans, we do need to consume lean proteins in
order to stay healthy and for our bodies to function at
optimum levels. How you choose to ingest those proteins is
completely up to you. There may be many factors to
consider. For example, for folks who have soy or nut
allergies, getting their protein solely from nuts is not an
option. Also, you need to realize that not everyone has a
vegan-friendly restaurant or specialty grocery store in their
area. Many of us have to rely on what typical items are
affordable and available at our local grocery stores or
whatever we can grow, harvest, or hunt for ourselves.
It was once thought that eating the flesh of an animal
that was harvested respectfully would help you to gain the
strength, power, and spiritual qualities of that animal. For
example, eggs have long been consumed, and the egg is a
magickal item indeed. A perfect symbol of creation, the egg
is revered as a symbol of new life and magick. Fish have
been feeding humankind since ancient times, and the fish
has many ties to the mythology and magick of just about
every culture. Food, in all its wondrous variety, is magick.
Think of the time and energy it takes to plant, raise, and
harvest vegetables in your own yard. Consider the time and
care a farmer lavishes on his crops. It takes effort, skill,
cunning, working with the elements and the seasons, and a
bit of luck to successfully harvest our foodstuffs. Food is
energy and divine magick all rolled into one.
Everyone has a strong opinion on the magickal diet. It all
comes down to a personal preference. As to why I will
continue to eat meat, I have personally found that eating
lean meat after I have worked intense magick or performed
many hours of psychic readings helps to ground me. It
works every time, and the protein from the lean meat helps
raise my blood sugar levels and keep them on an even keel.
As I have been actively working on strength training for the
past year, I have chosen to continue to include lean protein
in my diet. Protein builds muscles, and as I have a nut
sensitivity, I’m all about the poultry these days.
Also, I discovered years ago that having meat in my
system does help me build and maintain stronger emotional
and energetic boundaries. For those who bemoan the fact
that I am cutting off my psychic sensitivity by consuming
meat, my argument is this: I prefer to keep grounded.
Seriously, I’m sensitive enough psychically as it is. I don’t
need to be wide open to every bit of psychic energy that is
out there. Yikes!
However, no matter what choice you make with your
diet, you have the right to choose for yourself, and so does
everyone else. I will confess that it drives me up the wall to
hear someone pontificate about how they are so fabulous
because they chose to give up gluten or meat or dairy.
That’s nice. Maybe you should just be thankful that you
have the choice to decide what you wish to eat. Food
allergies and other sensitivities such as lactose or gluten can
limit your dietary choices. Many folks with severe allergies
don’t have your options. You don’t hear a lactose-intolerant
person bragging that it’s been five years since they gave up
ice cream…they are usually too busy searching for a tummy-
friendly alternative.
As Witches, we are supposed to be tolerant. We should
support each other in our dietary choices and restrictions
even if they don’t match up to our own. I’ve been out with
vegan friends at restaurants and watched (and helped) them
carefully choose items in a place where the waitress didn’t
even know what being vegan meant! (Tess and I still laugh
about that.) Also, it’s always a thrill to be at a gathering or
eating out at a restaurant and then breaking out in hives,
making you rush for the Benadryl—or, heaven forbid, have
to use an epi-pen because there was an allergen hidden
within your dish. That will make you aware of food allergens
and become a label reader on a whole new level.
The magickal diet is all about choice and perspective. So
let’s get some perspective, shall we? Let’s all decide to
respect the rights of individuals to choose their diet,
whether they are omnivores, pescetarian (meaning they will
eat fish or seafood but not other animals), vegetarian, or
vegan. All I am saying is that I don’t want to be lectured or
glared at if I enjoy some grilled chicken. I certainly don’t roll
my eyes when my vegetarian friends choose a salad or
eggplant parmesan. Maybe instead of picking at each other
so much, we as a community should stand together. It
certainly wouldn’t hurt any of us if at the end of the day we
could all learn to support, relax a bit, and laugh together.
Now somebody pass the fruit salad. There aren’t any
nuts in it, are there?
Psychic and Energetic Protection

“Out There” vs. “In Here”—Ellen

Have you ever considered just how deeply your physical

health affects your personal psychic protection? Today it is
safe to say that, as a society, we all have stress; however,
being in a constant state of high stress is exhausting.
Furthermore, when people are under pressure, fatigued,
upset, or just plain angry, they become more vulnerable to
psychic attack from others. The reasons why may surprise
you. We become more vulnerable because our aura gets
worn down from the inside out. The aura—the personal
energetic shield that is around the body—gets worn away
by the constant internal bombardment of our own negative
Lots of Witches make the mistake of thinking only to
protect themselves from what is “out there,” yet they never
stop to consider that what’s inside of themselves may, in
fact, be an even bigger problem. Look to your health, and
you will be stronger psychically and physically.
So many of us have major stress in our lives. The
hormone called cortisol, which the body produces when it is
under pressure, can affect us in many ways. Cortisol is
produced by the adrenal gland. Its main function is to
increase blood sugar and aid in the metabolism of fat,
protein, and carbohydrates. When the constant effects of
stress and the accompanying cortisol production overwhelm
you, it makes you feel poorly. Now, cortisol can only be
counteracted in two ways. One is good; the other, not so
Here is the good way to counteract cortisol: exercising
(hooray!). The endorphins that your body naturally creates
when you work out counteract the cortisol, neutralizing it.
So hit the gym or lace up your shoes and go for a walk.
Sidewalks are free, baby! Get out there and move! Walking is
one of the smartest things you can do to burn off calories,
stress, and all that extra cortisol. Plus you’ll feel great from
the endorphins that your body made while you exercised.
Sayonara, stress!
Here is the bad way to counteract cortisol: the
consumption of sugar. Sugar is a poor option because it
masks cortisol’s effect, which explains why we tend to turn
to “comfort food” when we are stressed out. If you do
indulge in sweets to soothe your stress, it may feel like the
stress goes away—but in reality it’s still there. Sugar does
not “fix” anything; it only masks the stress hormone.
You should know that the overproduction of cortisol
(from your stress) makes you crave even more sugar and
sweets. But that sugar you consume only feeds the cortisol,
giving it and you a bigger “appetite” for even more sugar. So
it’s a catch-22. If you are stressed out all the time, then you
have an overabundance of cortisol in your system, which
can lead to major imbalances on both physical and psychic
Continuing to focus on the “in here” angle, there is a link
to your blood sugar levels, psychic work, and magick. What
I find very interesting is that the symptoms of a blood sugar
crash (low blood sugar) are very similar to magickal overload
and psychic distress. The symptoms include confusion,
feeling dizzy, lightheadedness, nausea, headaches, and
Something I discovered by accident years ago is that
working powerful magick or performing many psychic
readings in one day can cost you physically. For example,
after doing intense readings for six hours at an event a few
years ago, I was staggering. Even my publicist at the time
noticed. She reached in, grabbed me by the arm, and told me
I was finished for the day. She ordered me to take a break.
Once I was on my feet, I realized that I had really overdone
the medium-style readings; I was staggering and a little
punch-drunk. The price of all those back-to-back readings
was psychic distress. I squinted at the seemingly now too-
bright light in the room, and it felt like everyone was
shouting mentally. I picked up on everything and everyone
around me whether I wanted to or not. To someone unaware
of what was happening, it would seem as if they were under
psychic attack, when instead what was actually being
experienced was a psychic overwhelm accompanied by low
blood sugar.
Hey, live and learn—or, in my case, live and relearn. I had
to laugh at the irony that a non-magickal person had
identified a psychic problem when I had not. I was too
caught up in my readings to notice. (A little dose of humility
for yours truly.) So I relaxed for an hour and ate a protein bar.
Later, my publicist brought me an apple and sternly told me
to drink some more water. I smiled and let her fuss at me.
However, after my time-out I felt much better and got
through the rest of the day only feeling tired instead of
So the next time you feel like you are having psychic
overwhelm or a magickal hangover and you feel goofy, weak,
and have the symptoms of low blood sugar, do not reach for
the sweets. Go for protein and complex carbohydrates; those
are the answer. Think bean burrito, not chocolate ice cream.
The first food, with its protein and carbs, will raise your
blood sugar levels safely and maintain them long term. The
other food will spike your blood sugar, giving you a
temporary high, but then in an hour or so you will crash
again even harder, leaving you wide open and vulnerable on
a psychic level. All of that is completely avoidable if you
focus on your own body and your well-being.
Many practitioners are too focused on psychic
protection from outside forces or a possible unknown
assailant when instead they should be focused on what is
going on inside their own bodies. The truth is that we all
need to remember to look within as well as without.
Psychic and Energetic Protection—Tess

I absolutely, positively have to protect myself psychically

and energetically on a daily basis. Indeed, as an extremely
empathic Witch who lives in an urban area, beginning to do
this was a turning point for me. Before I regularly began
practicing what I call “magical hygiene,” I was quite
susceptible to a spiritual sort of depression: an unease and
energetic heaviness that would seem to arise out of
nowhere, attach itself to me, and negatively effect my mood,
self-esteem, relationships, and energy level. After I got in
the habit, while I still have my challenges and funks, of
course, I am generally quite possibly one of the happiest
and most enthusiastic people you will ever meet. Now when
I feel my mood begin to flag, it feels like it’s actually me, not
some mysterious energy, that’s causing that experience.
Being more of a known entity, these natural fluctuations in
mood feel much more endurable. They feel more like
interesting opportunities to explore or take a break or look at
things from a new angle and less like proof that the world is
a hostile, creepy, confusing, or otherwise negative place.
My Go-To Basics
What does my magical hygiene practice entail? First and
foremost, it involves working with my favorite protective
ally, Archangel Michael (more about him in the angel section
below), but it involves some other steps too. I like to switch
it up sometimes to keep it fresh, but my magical hygiene
practice will pretty much always involve the following steps:
Calling on Archangel Michael.
Asking Michael to vacuum my aura and to cut and
remove any and all cords of fear and attachment, which are
challenging, draining energetic relationships with people or
Asking Michael to surround me in very bright white
light, then very bright indigo light, “in which only love
remains, through which only love may enter.”
Sending visualized roots from my tailbone deep into the
core of the earth, drawing golden-white earth light up from
the core and sending it throughout my body and aura.
When I do this, I feel myself nestling down on the surface of
the earth, almost as if this light is magnetically pulling me
Sending a visualized trunk and branches from the crown
of my head up out of the atmosphere and into the infinite,
glittering cosmos, drawing clear light with rainbow sparkles
down from the heavens and sending it throughout my body
and aura.
Feeling and sensing all this light as a bright sphere of
positivity that completely surrounds and encompasses me,
and sending it spinning gently in a clockwise direction in
order to seal it into my energy field (sort of like turning a

Angelic Bodyguards
If at any time I find myself in a situation where I feel
physically unsafe, I immediately call on Archangel Michael,
but sometimes I call on all five of the elemental angels to
surround me and protect me: Archangel Raphael (the air
element), Archangel Michael (the fire element), Archangel
Gabriel (the water element), Archangel Uriel (the earth
element), and Archangel Metatron (the fire element). I then
sense and imagine these angels walking around me like a
team of extremely intimidating and expert bodyguards. As
you might imagine, this helps me to feel safer right away.
I’ve found it to be quite effective.
Mirrored Sphere
Occasionally when I’m out in the world, I wish I were
invisible, or at least I wish I didn’t feel so self-conscious.
This feeling often arises when I feel especially aware of
someone watching me, but it often appears when I’m just
feeling more sensitive and introverted than usual. In these
cases, I’ll often envision a sphere of mirrors completely
surrounding me, reflecting all energy and attention right
back to its source. This way, I feel completely insulated from
any and all glances, including lecherous ones. When I’m in
bright sunlight (as I often am in Los Angeles), I can also
sense that on an energetic level, this creates a blinding ball
of light that causes onlookers to avert their eyes.

Black Tourmaline
Sometimes drama happens, and you might feel like the
negative thoughts and feelings of a certain person or group
are pummeling you from afar. Over time, this can be very
draining. If these thoughts and feelings are warranted, of
course, you might need to make amends with the person or
group, but if they aren’t and you’d prefer not to interact with
them anyway, you might simply need to protect yourself
from the relentless onslaught of challenging vibes. The way
I like to do this is by sleeping with a black tourmaline. It
neutralizes and mitigates the effects of negativity so that I
can recharge and renew in peace. If you’d like to try this,
first find a black tourmaline that feels good to you. Cleanse it
by running it under cool water, smudging it in white sage
smoke, and setting it in sunlight for at least five or ten
minutes. Then hold it in your right hand and charge it with
the intention to absorb, neutralize, and transmute negativity.
Then simply sleep with it under your pillow, on your
nightstand, or in your hand. Once a week or so, cleanse it
quickly by simply running it under cold water or setting it in
bright sunlight for a few minutes.

Secondhand Silk
As a vegan, I make a habit of avoiding animal products
of all kinds, except in the case of reclaimed, or secondhand,
silk. Thanks to Ellen, who taught me about silk’s protective
properties, I began wrapping myself in it for extra psychic
and emotional protection, especially in situations that in the
past were all but impossible for me to withstand from an
energetic perspective, namely concerts and other crowded
events. (Empaths are famous for their inability to abide
crowds.) By covering my heart, sacral, and solar plexus
chakras, it mutes all the harsh vibrations and energies,
allowing me to feel my own emotions and no one else’s.
Before I tried this, concerts would literally reduce me to
tears; now I can hang out like a normal person and enjoy the
show. (Thanks again, Ellen!)
Can You Be a Christian Witch?


I am often asked about this controversial topic while I am at

an author event, teaching a class, or speaking at festivals.
At first I could not figure out what the fascination was with
my answer, but as my quick, snarky answer never changes,
and the reaction is always gales of laughter, I began to
realize that folks just enjoyed hearing me say it. Can you be
a Christian Witch? My standard answer is, “Can you be a
Baptist Jew? No, you can’t. So get off the fence—it’s one or
the other.”
Oh my, I have probably just offended someone. Well, I
get offended when some chick in a white eyelet sundress
wearing Halloween-costume fairy wings and sporting a big
crucifix around her neck stands there simpering at me,
wanting me to assure her that she won’t go to hell just
because she is dabbling with a bit of Witchcraft. After all,
she just loves faeries and magick. It’s all so pretty…but she
can still be a Christian, right? Don’t forget, she has lots of
magickal books; they are so cool. Plus she has seen every
episode of Charmed. Good grief.
In my opinion, no, you cannot be a Christian Witch.
Why? Because Witches are following a polytheistic religion.
We believe in and worship more than one god; we believe in
the god and the goddess and the many faces thereof. We
believe in karma, in reincarnation, and that our actions in this
life are important. We are not “forgiven” for any misdeed;
instead, we know that we are responsible. Witches work
hard on maintaining their magickal neutrality. We embrace
the sacredness of life and of nature, communing with spirits
and believing that prophecy and visions are, in fact, not
only real but a part of our spiritual rights as humans. Also,
Witches do not believe in proselytizing; we do not recruit or
convert others.
There is no fear in the Craft, but it seems to me there is a
very real fear at the core of Christianity—the fear of divine
retribution from an angry, jealous, and vengeful god. Before
someone accuses me of Christian bashing, I invite you to
research the history of the church’s conversion of the
masses. Countries, territories, and entire races of people
were converted by force or they died. Anyone who was
different or worshipped differently was branded a heretic
and met with an unfortunate end. There is a long, bloody,
and violent history to Christianity. Even the crucifix is a
symbol of torture and suffering. Roman Christian soldiers
emblazoned it on their shields and banners as they moved
into and conquered new territories. This was a way to
advertise just what would happen to the people if they did
not fall into line. Let’s be honest here, in ancient times the
common folk could not read, but they understood what that
symbol meant when they saw it: death by crucifixion.
And don’t get me started on the burning times, also
known as the women’s holocaust. While the numbers of the
victims vary from several hundred thousand to millions,
depending on who you ask, it is true that across Europe
many lost their lives from being accused of practicing
Witchcraft. The bottom line is those atrocities were real. The
torture and murder of women, men, and children all to save
their souls in the name of Christianity is sickening.
Still think you can be a Christian Witch? Then again, I
invite you to take a realistic and honest look at the
guidelines of Christianity. Divination, visions, a belief in
reincarnation, communing with spirits, any sort of magick,
and, of course, the belief in more than one god and/or a
divine feminine is frowned upon most strongly, which is a
nice way of say it is forbidden. There, in a nutshell, is your
answer. You cannot claim to be both a Christian and a Witch
when these two belief systems are in such direct theoretical
opposition from one another.
I do respect other spiritual paths. We could all stand to
have an open, honest dialogue with each other. However, I
am standing by—and standing up—for my spiritual beliefs.
As an author, I am in the unique position of having had the
opportunity to meet different sorts of magickal folks from all
over North America. That whole wanna-be-Witch-chick-in-
the-white-sundress scenario really happened, and I get hit
up with variations of this question almost daily. How would
you feel if you were confronted with that on a regular basis?
While I appreciate that Witches are so popular in our
culture, thanks to television and fiction, the truth is that
Witchcraft is a spiritual practice—and one that should be
respected, not played with. There is nothing more
dangerous than a magickal dabbler. People who play with
the Craft because they think it’s romantic or cool typically
cause chaos. It annoys me to no end for folks to take my
religious practices and turn them into what they imagine is a
sort of fun hobby because they are looking for a thrill.
You do not get to have this both ways. Embrace the
spirituality of the Witch wholeheartedly or stick with your
own religion and stop playing with the Craft. Witches know
that our spiritual path is not for everyone, nor should it be.

Here’s why I believe that you can indeed be a Christian

Witch: when it comes to spirituality, I absolutely refuse to
subscribe to rules regarding what names you can and can’t
call yourself, and what those names may or may not mean to
the world. I belive we’ve had quite enough of that as a
culture. Not to mention, there are as many ways to be a
Witch as there are Witches. And since spirituality is an
utterly, utterly personal thing, I believe that there are also as
many ways to be a Christian as there are Christians.
Joseph Campbell said, “Every religion is true one way or
another. It is true when understood metaphorically. But
when it gets stuck in its own metaphors, interpreting them as
facts, then you are in trouble.”
By “trouble,” I assume that he means everything from
petty squabbles to discrimination to violence and even war
and murder, which are all ridiculous ways to behave when
what you’re really at odds about is a metaphor for the
Divine. And the way I see it, saying you can be this but then
you can’t be that is a symptom of getting stuck in
metaphors and interpreting them as facts.
And so, yes, by many conventional definitions of the
words “Christian” and “Witch” (of which there are many), I
understand that it might not make sense to say that you’re
both at the same time. But I am not interested in
conventional definitions. I am interested in creative
spirituality: in finding what inspires you personally and not
what someone else told you should inspire you or what a
narrow definition dictates. What’s more, when we’re talking
about the Great Mystery (one of my favorite names for
God/dess), we are, to quote Joseph Campbell again, talking
about “that which transcends all levels of rational thought.”
So by its very definition, if we are actually talking about the
Great Mystery or any way that we may interpret or celebrate
the Great Mystery, it will almost definitely not make any
rational “sense.” (If it did, it would not be the Great Mystery.
Consequently, we would be talking about something else
Now that my philosophical rant is out of the way, I’d
also like to point out that where I live (California), because of
the large Mexican population, there are plenty of Catholic
practitioners of something that may not always be called
Witchcraft but looks pretty much like the same thing from
where I’m standing. I first learned about this from my visits
to botanicas. Have you ever been to one? We have them in
or near just about every town, regardless of size. California
towns that have no New Age bookstore will quite often
have at least one botanica. If you ever get the opportunity
to go to one, do! They’re magical! Perhaps the first thing
you’ll notice is every kind of tall jar candle you can think of,
from Catholic saints to Yoruban orishas to magical intention
candles of countless varieties. (Please be advised that many
of these candles, like “Come to Me Lover” and “Shut Your
Mouth,” do not honor the free will law and will come back
to bite you in the butt if you burn them with the intention to
manipulate another. I, uh, guarantee it…yup, definitely won’t
ever do that again. Honestly, I’m lucky I survived my baby
Witch years relatively intact.) You’ll also find herbs, statues,
incense, candles, soap, rosary beads, scented waters, and
pretty much any variety of spiritual or magickal supply you
might need in a pinch. Often the owner of the botanica (or
someone who works there) will also offer alternative healing
work of some kind.
If you examine the roots of this Catholic/Yoruban/folk
mixture, you’ll see that, like many ancient and indigenous
spiritualities during times of Christian conversion, South
American folk beliefs were not completely eradicated but
rather assimilated and syncretized to Christianity—in this
case (because South America was colonized by Spain),
Catholicism. And so, in much the same way that the
goddess Brighid in Ireland is said to have become Saint
Bridget and Avalon became Glastonbury, the Great Goddess
of the Americas became Mother Mary and folk remedies and
practices became infused with Christian iconography. The
African influence found its way in into the mix too (via the
Carribean), hence the orisha candles.
All of this just goes to show that as comforting as it may
be to imagine that there are cleanly drawn lines between
what constitutes a “Christian,” what constitutes a “Witch,”
and what constitutes any other name you might have for
any particular spirituality or cosmology, this is simply not
the case. You might as well say that all Christians have to
stop having Christmas trees or burning Yule logs in
December, as these traditions are derived from ancient Pagan
customs. You might also say that I have to stop calling on
Saint Francis of Assisi every day to watch over my cats,
which is something that I am absolutely not willing to do.
(Incidentally, Saint Francis might be called something of a
Christian Witch, although if he had declared such a thing
during his lifetime, it would certainly not have gone well for
him. He talked to the birds and wrote poems about the sun,
moon, stars, and elements, after all.) Spirituality is fluid,
words are just words, and we are all one big human family.
You could get hung up on distinctions, but why?
Call yourself what you want to be called, just don’t get
stuck on your chosen label(s). Interweave whatever inspires
you into your spiritual path, and allow others to do the
same. Do what thou wilt. Harm none.
Angels and Magick

Go Carefully, My Friend—Ellen

When it comes to working magick with the angels, I

approach it the same way I would handle a stick of sweating
dynamite: with extreme caution and considerable care. I have
cultivated this magickal point of view because over the
years I have witnessed many folks who get into angel
magick (usually because they figure it’s somehow safer than
Witchcraft)—and then I have witnessed the chaos and
destruction that careless angel magick can wreak. Truthfully,
angels are not the cute, cuddly, naked babies popular culture
has made them out to be. They are not ethereal romantic
women with long hair and a lilting Irish brogue who help you
with your love life, either. Angels are another type of entity
altogether, and only the foolhardy decide to work angel
magick without respect and restraint. If there was ever a time
for wisdom and personal control, it is now, as we
contemplate the topic of angel magick.
I once literally broke a sweat when I overheard some
romantic New Ager gushing over how much fun it is to work
with angels: They’re just so beautiful and loving. I feel so
safe; why, it’s like a hug from heaven. Oh, and I think The
Metatron is my personal guardian angel!
By the gods, I’m starting to get a little tick under my left
eye even recalling that comment. Just in case you didn’t
know, “The Metatron” (capital T, capital M) is the head
angel. He is the voice of God and is associated with the top
of the Tree of Life. A few of his many titles are the “King of
Angels” and the “All Knowing”—he’s like a super angel.
The Metatron is definitely not a warm and fuzzy “personal
angel,” which explains my twitching over the previous
statement. According to angelic lore, The Metatron is
thought to manifest as a pillar of fire and is brighter than the
sun. Wow. A personal guardian angel? I really don’t think
so... 100,000 SPF sunscreen anyone?
As a practicing Witch for over thirty years, I consider
angel magick to be in the category of theurgy. Theurgy is
defined as rituals that are designed to align oneself with the
Divine, or the angelic realms; in other words, high magick. I
have carefully researched, written about, and worked
respectfully with the planetary archangels and their
coordinating flowers and herbs. But are you noticing
something about my descriptions? The adverbs carefully
and respectfully. Angels are an incredible power source, and
one that is nondenominational. They do not care what
religion you are, and if you call them correctly, they come.
Here is the minimum of what you need to know about the
four more commonly known archangels. I have also included
the magickal correspondences that I employ.

Magickal Correspondences for the Four Archangels

Raphael. You may call for the archangel Raphael’s
assistance with matters of healing, personal power,
information, and communication, plus the cunning and
determination to make your dreams come true. This
archangel has a radiating sort of energy that manifests
differently for everyone, so be aware and take note on how
you experience his presence. Element: air. Season: spring.
Day of the week: Wednesday. Astrological association:
Mercury. Tarot cards: Ace of Swords and the Magician.
Color: purple. Flowers and herbs: iris and lavender.
Michael. You may call upon the archangel Michael for
strength, courage, physical protection, psychic protection,
truth, and divine illumination. Just a quick note here: he has
a warrior’s spirit and a ferocious energy. Be respectful and
consider any requests made of Michael with the utmost of
care. Element: fire. Season: summer. Day of the week:
Sunday. Astrological association: Sun. Tarot cards: Ace of
Wands, the Sun, and Strength. Colors: red and gold.
Flowers and herbs: marigold and sunflower.
Gabriel. Request Gabriel’s assistance to make your
dreams come true. She is the angel of magick, clairvoyance,
and visions. She also assists with issues of fertility, birth,
and children. Gabriel can help you to overcome your deepest
fears. Keep in mind that she is not always gentle with
washing away your fears either. Like the element she is
associated with, water has many moods. Element: water.
Season: fall. Day of the week: Monday. Astrological
association: Moon. Tarot cards: Ace of Cups and Queen of
Cups. Colors: blue and white. Flowers and herbs: white rose
and honesty (moonwort).
Uriel. Appeal for the archangel Uriel’s assistance
regarding practical matters of prosperity, the harvest, and
gardening. Uriel is sometimes called the earth angel, and as
such he is linked to the faeries and the elemental kingdoms.
There is quite a debate with magicians concerning this
particular archangel, so you may see a variation on the
spelling of the name (Auriel) as well as a difference of
opinions on the correspondences. The following are the
ones I have successfully used in the past. Element: earth.
Season: winter. Day of the week: Saturday. Astrological
association: Saturn. Tarot card: Ace of Pentacles and Nine of
Pentacles. Colors: green and brown. Flowers and herbs:
honeysuckle, tulip, wheat, and corn.

Although it is not a personal practice of mine, it is not

uncommon for Witches to work with four of the archangels
when a magick circle is cast and the four quarters are called.
Generally this would be Raphael in the east, Michael in the
south, Gabriel in the west, and Uriel in the north. Also, we
should consider the classic Lesser Banishing Ritual of the
Pentagram, where the four archangels are called, one at each
of the cardinal points, or directions. I have always found this
to be a lovely and quietly intense magickal working. The
LBRP is a powerful ritual for ceremonial magicians as well as
Witches, and it is to be approached with reverence and used
only as needed, not for every little hiccup that you
encounter along your life’s path.
When it comes down to it, it is your own personal
preference that will dictate whether or not you work magick
with the angelic realms. If you are mindful of their powers
and thoughtful and considerate in how you approach their
magick, you should see great results. Just remember to
always give them the respect that they deserve.
Angel Magick in the City of Angels—Tess

When I began to work with angels on a daily basis as a part

of my spiritual and magickal practice, it was a major turning
point for me. After hearing about Ellen’s experience with
angels being like “a stick of dynamite,” I realized that my
perhaps uncommonly intense reliance on the angelic realm
probably has something to do with the fact that I live in Los
Angeles, the city of angels. Let me explain.
Los Angeles is where I found my magick when I was
eighteen. I had just moved here from a small town to go to
acting school, and I suddenly had access to magick books
and all the occult wisdom and energy that was swirling
around everywhere. Unfortunately, opening up to and
practicing spells right away without a physical teacher or a
mentor of any kind sent me into a state of treacherous
openness to all forms of negativity. I had no real idea how to
shield or protect myself. While I was ecstatic to discover
that I was a Witch and to begin to practice the Craft, I found
myself spiraling into unstable and dark times. In time, I
dropped out of acting school, got in a kind of scary car
accident, experienced high drama of many varieties, and
generally had a pretty bad time of it.
In fact, it wasn’t until I moved to the Grand Canyon a
year or so later that I began to balance out and find harmony
and joy again. During my stay at the canyon I spent time
detoxifying in the sunshine, gazing into the silent emptiness,
gathering desert sage, smudging, saying affirmations, and
soaking in herbal and sea salt baths to cleanse my aura.
Then I moved back to Los Angeles, and wham! After
just a few months, I was down in the dumps again, beaten
down and downtrodden, negativity surrounding me like a
murky cloud and following me wherever I went. I’d have
times when I felt a little bit better—maybe after a sea salt
bath or a workout—but then I’d find my stomach full of
knots and my mood would sink back down into the depths.
It actually wasn’t until I started working with angels on a
regular basis that this pattern turned around for good. Every
day, to this day, I call on Archangel Michael to cleanse and
shield me, my home, my car, and my loved ones. I also call
on a group of angels to surround my home—also every
single day—and I call on other angels as necessary
throughout the day for protection, healing, and all number of
things. As a matter of fact, I don’t sit down to write without
very respectfully calling on Archangel Metatron for help
with organization and laser-focused magical expression.
What does all of this have to do with Los Angeles? In
feng shui, the realm of heaven (which is one and the same
with the angelic realm) is also associated with
transportation, the metal element, and yang
(masculine/bright/fast/hot/dry/loud) energy. Seriously, can
you think of a city that is more yang than Los Angeles?
There are five-lane freeways in every quarter of the huge,
sprawling, hot, blindingly sunny city, filled with fast-moving
(or jammed and honking) vehicles. People, buildings, and
noise are everywhere. This excessive yang energy, I believe,
is what makes Los Angeles such a tricky and hard-to-master
town for so many people. The energy is the opposite of
mellow: it’s like standing in the middle of a busy and fast-
moving freeway at noon in July. You’ve got to be literally
quick, on pointe, and on your guard—and from an energetic
perspective, especially if you’re sensitive, you’ve got to be
very grounded and very shielded in order not to literally go
crazy. (Believe me.)
Furthermore, the brightest light casts the darkest
shadow. This is true in both the physical and spiritual sense.
Los Angeles is the bright, sunshiny city of dreams: if you
can conceive of something, you can probably create it here,
whether it’s a movie, a career, an invention, a business, a
relationship, or a nonprofit organization. And very bright
spiritual energy abounds in the form of gurus, healers,
yogis, and spiritual locations such as Lake Shrine, the
Pacific Ocean, and the Santa Monica Mountains. On the
other hand, very dark energies swirl around here as well:
broken dreams, earthbound spirits, cult leaders, predatory
humans, exploitative business models, and pretty much any
variety of juju you can think of.
The word angel literally means “messenger.” As the
entertainment capital of the world, it is literally the business
of the city to broadcast messages throughout the entire
planet. Is this city aptly named or what?
So, in the case of Los Angeles (which, obviously, is very
different than many other parts of the world), the angelic
realm is just the magical stick of dynamite you (or at least I)
need in order to survive and thrive. Yes, angelic energy
might be intense, but so is the city outside my door and
under my very floorboards.
I know I’ve touched on some of my daily practices
already, but for practical purposes, you’ll find a brief
overview of the way I personally work with the angelic realm
I call on Archangel Michael daily for help clearing and
shielding me, my house, my car, and my loved ones. I also
call on him for extra help throughout the day for protective
I call on Archangel Metatron for help with magical
expression, organization, and clarity.
I call on Archangel Jophiel when it comes to being a
devotee of the spiritual aspects of aesthetic beauty (when it
comes to my home, body, and art projects, for example).
I call on Archangel Raphael for help with physical
I call on angels (of any identity) to surround my home
with a circle of protection daily and to watch over my and
my boyfriend’s cars. (Cars and transportation are in
alignment with the angelic/heavenly realm in feng shui.)

Here’s an example. I once called on Archangel Michael

and his band of mercy to walk beside me as bodyguards
when I found myself in an empty alley behind my apartment
building, walking by a seemingly violent man yelling to
himself and explosively punching trashcans. On my way
back home, a police car drove slowly by (which I had never
seen before in that area) just at the exact same moment and
point in space that I discovered the man crouched behind a
car, apparently waiting for me to pass back by so that he
could pounce. The cop glared at the man, and the man
slumped dejectedly and walked away as I let myself safely
back into my apartment complex. I was like, “Wow, thank
you, Michael!” (Archangel Michael is the patron saint of
police officers, in case you didn’t know.)
Faerie Magick

Working with the Fae—Tess

If you’ve ever met me, it’s likely you’ve noticed that I’m part
faerie. When I encounter psychics and energy healers, the
first words out of their mouths are often, “You have a strong
connection to the faeries…” (And I’m like, “You don’t say!”)
Indeed, although I’ve been obsessed with any reference to
faeries for as long as I can remember, it was the springtime of
my fourteenth or fifteenth year that I first consciously felt
their call. I think it was the wildflowers in the vacant lot
behind my apartment building that communicated my
alignment with the realm of the fae. The message came
through as an intense interest in the subject, and I went to
the library and checked out every book about faeries that I
could find. At Halloween of that same year, I found some
faerie wings in a drugstore and wore them to school every
day for some time (even for my junior year class photo).
When I discovered my fascination, my mom expressed
that she had always been interested in faeries as well. A tiny
woman of Irish and English descent with huge dark eyes and
long black hair, my mom inherited her love of wildflowers
and herbs from her Irish father, who was a gardener by trade.
All of this contributes to my belief that I am, in fact,
descended from the faerie people. This isn’t quite as
farfetched as it may sound. In Ireland and England, for quite
some time, it was understood that the faeries were a race of
magickal folk who may or may not have been human. (They
may have been the Picts, the Tuatha de Danaan, or simply
those who still followed the old religion of nature.) For
centuries, certain families were believed to literally have
faerie ancestry somewhere in their family tree.
Nevertheless, if you research faeries in a well-rounded
way, you’ll find that there is simply no ultimate authority on
what they are exactly or precisely how one might go about
working magick with them—and that’s just the way they like
it. Like the butterflies and dragonflies with whom they
sometimes cavort, they really aren’t fond of being pinned
down. Still, over the years I’ve developed certain
“faelosophies”—nothing set in stone, mind you, just
general feelings and impressions about the fae and how we
as Witches can interact with them.
Showing up in some capacity in ancient cosmologies
across the globe, faeries may be thought of as the aliveness
and consciousness of nature. This includes the plants,
flowers, trees, air, wind, sunlight, fire, rain, snow, lakes,
rivers, oceans, animals, and the earth beneath our feet. And
as far as we may have culturally diverged from the
awareness of this, we are, in fact, a part of nature as well. So
this jives with the concept that faeries are mythical
humanlike beings, first because everything does have a
consciousness, just like we do, so (for example) thinking of
the consciousness of the air as tiny winged humanoids isn’t
too far off, especially as reality is a lot more fluid than
modern sensibilities tend to recognize (but also because this
psychologically reminds us of our true kinship with the
wind). Second, because there was a time when humans were
just as natural, free, and aligned with the wisdom and power
of the earth as wild animals are today. As this shifted into a
more separate existence, it makes sense that the actual
humans of the olden times may be present in the cultural
consciousness as something akin to mythical faerie beings.
Of course, we Witches of today engage in practices that
realign us with these ancient ways of wildness and wisdom.
So, in a sense, all magick is faerie magick in that it’s a
rekindling of our ancient relationship with the aliveness of
each aspect of nature as well as the unified consciousness
of all nature, of which we are a part. Still, specifically calling
upon and working with the faeries adds a certain flavor to
one’s magick, not to mention that this is what modern
Witches generally mean when they talk about “faerie
Here are some of the practical ways that I like to work
with the realm of the fae.

Flower Communication
When I wrote The Magic of Flowers, I spent a good
amount of time outside, simply listening to the wisdom of
flowers. And I still love to do this! It tunes me right in to the
conscious, living wisdom of blossoms and the entire natural
world, and it is as if faeries are whispering to me and filling
me with healing energy and love. To communicate with a
blossom, simply go outside, stand or sit near a blossom,
relax your body, and simply gaze at the blossom with a
relaxed openness. While it’s ideal to leave space in your
mind and body for the wisdom of the blossom to make itself
known to you, it’s also ideal to do this with a very relaxed
attention and expectation. Just like faeries themselves (or
like dolphins or dogs or cats), the wisdom will be much more
likely to be drawn to you if you are not pursuing it but rather
are sitting in receptive appreciation.

Butterfly Dance
As natural winged creatures of beauty and
transformation, butterflies are literally faeries. Already twice
this year, a butterfly has chosen to flit around me as I took a
walk. And when this happened, both times, I spontaneously
felt like dancing to the rhythm of his flutter. Try this if you’re
ever in a similar situation and notice the glimmering faerie
energy it confers.

Cat Worship
We all know that the Egyptians worshipped actual cats.
But did you also know that in many parts of Britain, cats
were considered actual emissaries of the faerie realm?
Indeed, if you take a moment to tune in to your feline friend,
you will notice that this wild spirit of nature’s decision to
live indoors with humans has not diminished her wildness or
her power one bit. As devotees of our cats (and let’s not
deceive ourselves, that’s certainly what we are! Owners?
Pshaw!), we can honor this wildness and power, and help
realign ourselves with it, by tuning in deeply with what our
cat most desires, from a pet to a treat to a good brushing,
and then giving it to her. And then doing this again and
again, every single day, like good little devotees.
If You Call Them, They Will Come—Ellen

The topic of faerie magick is a popular one with Witches.

Typically the individuals who work most often with the
elemental realms and the Fae are earth Witches, but anyone
who practices garden magick, herbalism, or who grows a
garden learns to develop an appreciation for the nature
spirits. Faeries are wildly popular with children, and often
folks mistakenly assume that faerie magick is safe to teach to
their kids. I have found from personal experience that this is
actually the exact opposite. Back in the day when my
children were small I taught my youngest, my daughter,
faerie magick. Wow. We had some crazy goings-on until I
realized my mistake, sat down with my daughter, and
explained to her why faerie magick has to be respected. Then
it took time and effort to encourage the Fae out into the
garden and not to run amok inside of our home. (After all, I
had called them in, so I had to be the one to encourage them
to go back outside.)
Over the past thirty years I have heard similar stories,
typically when Witches sit down and start trading war
stories of spells gone awry or magickal lessons learned. I
once had someone approach me who was absolutely
convinced that she had malevolent spirits in her home. As
she described the problems, I worked hard to keep a straight
face. It wasn’t that I thought she was joking, but because
what she described was similar to what I had encountered
myself as a young Witch when I had invited faeries inside of
my own home. Long story short, those little buggers
wreaked havoc, and it was a hell of a learning experience for
me. Twenty years later, the story is very amusing; at the time
we experienced all of the trouble, it definitely was not!
So I finally asked her if she had taught her little ones
faerie magick; she admitted that she had. I asked her if she
had considered the possibility that a faerie infestation, not
angry ghosts, was causing a ruckus in the home. I gently
pointed out that if she was working with the elemental forces
and had taught the kids how to call on the faeries, maybe
she needed to think about this from a whole different angle.
After all, if you keep calling the faeries and elementals in
during rituals, eventually somebody will take you up on the

Faerie Infestation: Things to Watch For

Missing everyday small objects—as in you just put
it down, turn around, and the object disappears,
only to show up someplace else in a very
unusual spot. (Such as keys, coins, and small
pieces of jewelry.) If you find yourself laughing
and wondering “what in the world?”—that’s a
big clue!

A sense of mischief and laughter in the air when

you realize that the everyday objects are

A house that never feels at rest, even after the kids

are down for the night.

Pets that happily chase “nothing” all over the

house or who play with something that you
cannot see.

A baby or toddler that laughs at nothing and seems

entertained by something only they can see.
(There will be a feeling of sweetness around the
child if the Fae are nearby; they enjoy watching
over children.)
If you or guests see movement out of the corner of
your eye that is low to the ground. We are
talking broad daylight here, with all pets
accounted for.

Hearing booms and crashes, walking into the room

where the sound came from, and finding
nothing out of place at all. Then the noise is in
another part of the house, and the more you
look, the less you find. You may feel like you
are being tricked or teased, but you will not feel

Mushroom circles growing on your property on a

regular basis. Not once a year, but all the time.

Unusual growing patterns in your garden plants

such as plants blooming out of season, blooms
that morph double, or flowers that change color
for no reason.

These may be signs that faeries are involved. Remember,

faeries and nature spirits are attracted to magick users,
children, nature, gardens, and pets, so you may be a magnet
for them. If your kids practice magick, be sure they are not
calling the faeries in “just for fun.” I have seen it happen
many times.
If you feel you need to calm things down in your home,
or if things get out of control, then leave some gifts out in
the garden for the faeries and invite them to move outdoors,
where they belong. Even if you live in the city and do not
have a garden, leave a token for the Fae outside. Plant some
pots of flowers or herbs and invite the faeries outdoors to
guard over them. The Fae will be happy to tend the plants
outdoors and watch over your home from the outside. (For
more information on dealing with faeries in the home, check
out my book Garden Witchery.)
My best advice for faerie infestations is to laugh, smile,
and relax. Make sure to tell the nature spirits that you
appreciate all their work protecting the home and family, and
then politely but firmly encourage them to go outdoors. Here
is a spell to help you do just that.


Gather together some pretty baubles that you are willing to
leave outside forever. Once you gift them to the faeries, you
cannot take them back. Items that the faeries appreciate
include crystal points, shells, smooth beach pebbles,
decorative garden stakes, and, of course, flowering plants in
the garden or containers. Take the gifts to the garden and
display them on a little stepping stone or tucked into a
container of flowers. Then, at a ’tween time (sunrise, noon,
sunset, or midnight), repeat the following verse:
Elementals, Fae, and faeries dear,
Yes, it is true I have called you here.
Return all my missing items by the end of the day,
I offer prettier gifts that are only for your play.
I ask you to return to the garden where you belong,
I make this request with respect, as I wish you no harm.

Work this magick with love and respect, and remember to

thank the faeries and elementals for their time and attention.
That should fix you right up in a twinkling!
Part II: Spells, Enchantments, and Charms
“What you dream, you can grow.”
—Alice Hoffman, Green Witch
Prosperity Spells

Tapping into the Universal Flow—Tess

Mother Earth is naturally suited to amply provide for

everyone’s needs. But let’s face it: our current economic
setup leaves much to be desired. Built into our money
system is the idea that natural resources and even our
precious everyday moments must be transformed into
products and sold. What’s more, while this is an abundant
and generous universe and we are by nature a
compassionate species, our mainstream cultural beliefs
surrounding money are based around wastefulness,
exploitation, and the idea that more for you means less for
me (and vice versa).
I only point all of this out because in order to overcome
the pervasive limiting beliefs that stem from our present
cultural climate, we must first recognize and acknowledge
them. Once we do that, we can work magick that helps us
transcend them. Doing so not only helps transform our own
expectations and experiences but also, on a vibrational and
energetic level, subtly yet palpably helps to transform the
very fabric of our culture’s prosperity consciousness, and
this helps everybody. Because one of the core principles of
magick is “what we send out [energetically] comes back to
us multiplied,” magick performed on this global level reaps
personal benefits that are exceptionally powerful and long
With all of this in mind, the following extra-strength
prosperity spell works by shifting your perspective and
vibrational set point from one of fear and lack into one of
love and gratitude. By concentrating on your generosity and
sending it out in all directions like an expansive fountain of
love, you activate the generosity of the
God/Goddess/Universe, who multiples the positivity you
have launched and sends it back to you in a Niagara-sized
waterfall of blessings and wealth.



14 one-dollar bills that have been cleansed in

sunlight (expose each side for five minutes)

A clean glass bottle or jar of clear water with lid

An empty glass Mason jar with lid

Essential oil of peppermint, spearmint, or

eucalyptus (or incense with holder)

3 votive candles and holders: one blue, one green,

and one white

Matches or lighter

On the morning or evening of a new moon, arrange the

three candles on your altar or a clear, flat surface. Place the
empty jar and the water behind them. Sit or stand in front of
the candles with your spine straight. Close your eyes, take
some deep breaths, and consciously relax your body. As a
preliminary preparation, call on a helper or helpers of your
choice (such as Archangel Michael or the God and
Goddess) to vacuum away all negativity and stuck energy
around you, and to surround you and your magical
workspace in a sphere of bright white light in which only
love remains and through which only love may enter.
Light the blue candle and say, “The planet prospers.”
Light the green candle and say, “My fellow humans
prosper.” Light the white candle and say, “I prosper.”
Anoint one of the dollar bills with the oil as you inwardly
bless and give thanks for the wealth you already have. (If
your skin is extremely sensitive to oils, light a stick of mint or
eucalyptus incense and waft the smoke around the dollar.)
Then place it between your two palms so that your hands
are in prayer pose.
With your hands still in prayer pose, rest your thumbs
against your forehead. Conjure up all your most positive
wishes for the entire planet. Visualize great abundance and
blessings for all plants, animals, and people. See the rivers
filled with clear, rushing water. Envision healthy and happy
animals and vibrant, lush forests. Feel that everything is in
harmony, in a mutually beneficial symbiosis. Send the
energy of sustainable prosperity everywhere like flowing,
sparkling blue light.
Now move your hands, still in prayer pose, until your
thumbs are resting against your sternum. From your heart
center and on the wings of love, send well wishes to all your
fellow humans. Wish for and visualize continued abundance
for all people: young, old, middle-aged, wealthy, poor, and
middle class. See people of every nationality and on every
continent smiling and happy, giving what they can and
receiving what they need, with plenty of money and
resources to spare and share. Send this loving energy to the
hearts of all humans like flowing emerald green light.
Place your hands now, still in prayer pose, so that your
thumbs are resting against your lower belly. Now remind
yourself that “everyone deserves abundance, including me”
and also “I am now willing to receive the abundant wealth
that the universe desires to continually bestow upon me.”
Knowing that you are a beloved child of the
God/Goddess/Universe, accept and acknowledge that
receiving a generous flow of wealth and resources is your
divine right and natural state. With the same love and
compassion that you wish for others to thrive, wish and
visualize this for yourself. See and feel yourself bathed in
the glorious, infinite white light of abundance that moves
through you continually like a fountain. Draw this cool,
flowing, bubbling light up from a deep, endless well within
the earth; also draw it down like a funnel from a cache of
endless light above the earth’s atmosphere, high above you
in the cosmos. Know that doors of opportunity and luck are
now energetically opening for you everywhere. Be willing to
receive these blessings.
When this feels complete, say, “Thank you, thank you,
thank you. Blessed be. And so it is.” Then place the dollar
into the empty jar.
Repeat this process every day until the full moon. Then,
on the day of the full moon, with great love and generosity,
and with great confidence in your own abundance, donate
the $14 to a charity of your choosing. You can send it in the
mail anonymously, place it in a donation jar at a business, or
deliver it to the charity personally. Also on the day of the
full moon, release the water into a body of water such as a
lake, stream, or ocean. (If you’re in a dry area or city, you
might release it into a public water feature such as a
fountain.) With each of these actions, understand that by
contributing energy to the universal flow in the form of
intentions and resources, you are tapping into your natural,
endless flow of wealth.
Then, as with any wealth/prosperity ritual, follow your
intuition and the natural flow of your joy when it comes to
taking action in the physical world. This is not to say that
unexpected windfalls won’t fall in your lap, it’s just to say
that this will be exponentially less likely to occur if you are
not simultaneously taking concrete, proactive steps toward
improving your financial situation.
Advanced Prosperity Spell—Ellen

Prosperity spells are a type of magick that all of us find

ourselves needing from time to time. No matter who you are,
we all desire to feel prosperous and successful. Whether
you are trying to catch up on the bills, saving for a better car
or a home, or dealing with an unexpected expense does not
matter. At the end of the day, we all need to cover our
expenses and plan for the future.
Prosperity magick can be tricky. After researching the
topic in depth a few years ago and writing a book on the
subject, I have to admit that this type of magick is more
complex and advanced than most folks realize. In truth, for
effective prosperity magick, it all comes down to your mood
and the state of mind that you are in when you cast any
spells calling for healthy abundance and prosperity.
The following spell relies heavily on props and
accessories, the idea behind this being that the more items
you have in sympathy (that are associated or correspond
with your magickal intention), the more focused you will be
while casting the spell. This, then, will allow for truer and
more robust magickal results.
Work this particular spell during a waxing moon for
increase (the waxing moon is anytime between when the
moon is in its new and full phases).
Work this spell on a Thursday (Jupiter’s day) for
prosperity or a Sunday (the sun’s day) for success and
riches. Timing is very important. Check your astrological
calendar, and time this spell correctly. The waxing lunar
phase and your chosen coordinating day of the week will
add extra punch and power to the spellwork.


a green or gold votive or taper candle (to draw

wealth, success, and prosperity)—use a gold
candle if you cast on a Sunday and a green
candle if you cast on a Thursday

a coordinating candleholder

a pair of lodestones (to attract wealth)

golden magnetic sand (to draw prosperity to you)

the Ace of Pentacles from a tarot deck (my Witches

Tarot deck shows blooming honeysuckle on
this particular card)

lighter or matches

a safe, flat work surface away from curious pets or

small children

Also choose one or all three of the following

prosperity-associated herbs:
High John the Conqueror root: the classic
herbal accessory for prosperity magick
Mint: an herb associated with wealth and riches
Honeysuckle: this blooming vine is an herb
associated with money and prosperity

Arrange the candle in its holder. Pour a thin line of
magnetic sand in a circle around the candleholder. Note:
Magnetic sand is super fine and can be messy should
curious cats decide to explore your altar while your spell is
working. So if you would prefer, sprinkle the magnetic sand
in the bottom of your candleholder.
Arrange your lodestones, chosen herbs, and the Ace of
Pentacles card in a manner you find pleasing around the
candle. Take a moment to ground and center. Put your mind
in a proper mood; focus on prosperity and how you will be
successful. Do not focus on want or need—trust me. Keep
your emotions upbeat, and your prosperity magick will
Then, when you are focused and calm, light the spell
candle and repeat the following verse:
Green candle that burns with its flame so bright,
I call for prosperity on this night.
By the power in these stones, send abundance true,
May these herbs grant good fortune in all that I do.
The Ace of Pentacles shall be for me
A sign of abundant prosperity.
Now golden sand and lodestones draw money straight
to me,
For the good of all, as I will it, so mote it be!

Allow the candle to burn out in a safe place on its

own. You can leave the herbs and tarot card in place for a
few days, so long as they are safe from little hands and
curious paws.
For more spells, charms, and information on the topic
of prosperity magick, please refer to my book Practical
Prosperity Magick.
Protection Spells

Protection Prerequisites—Tess

Effective spiritual and energetic protection begins with a

state of mind. And, like exercising or cultivating an artistic
skill, this increases in depth and effectiveness over time with
vigilant, regular upkeep. (I call it “magical hygiene.”) So
before we get to the spells, let’s look at some of the positive
habits that can contribute to experiencing reliable, lasting
psychic protection on a daily basis.

When I was a kid, someone (I don’t remember who) told
me that if I ever felt afraid while out in the world, I should
not cower or tiptoe but walk like I was the most confident
person in the world. This way, I would be less likely to
attract predatory behavior because I would not be behaving
like prey. What this person didn’t tell me, but what I learned
on my own, was that faking it actually helps you make it:
when you move like you’re confident, your brain believes
that you are confident, and then—guess what? You are
confident. (Or at least you’re more so than you were before.)
Similarly, when you feel fearful, it’s important to
transform the inner fearful conditions into inner confident
ones ASAP. This is because fear vibrates at a level that is
more open to negativity and is not protective. Now, this
might seem like a little mind trap or a slippery slope; after all,
if you’re already afraid, won’t knowing this make you even
more afraid? Perhaps, but not if you remember to stop the
cycle by immediately enlisting divine help. To do this, you
might call on Archangel Michael or the goddess Kali or
whatever divine being or name feels most protective and
effective for you. Then, once you ask for help (inwardly or
aloud), know in your heart—or at least behave as if you
know in your heart (faking it helps you make it, remember?)
—that your help has arrived and that it’s already begun to
protect you in a most powerful and potent way. For example,
if I’m walking in a scary alley, I might call on angelic
bodyguards to flank me on all sides; then I’ll continue
walking with utter faith in their competence. Or if I feel
myself slipping into a sketchy and anxious mindset, I’ll
replace my fearful monologue with an angelic invocation and
visualization for as long as it takes to reprogram my pattern
and feel my confidence return.

Another prerequisite to holistic protection is grounding:
connecting your personal energy with the energy at the core
of the earth. This helps you feel anchored in a power that is
greater than that within your little human energy field and
aligns you with a greater and more expansive wisdom. I find
that I feel best when I ground my energy daily as a part of
my morning meditation, and I refresh my grounding anytime
I begin to feel scattered, fearful, or spacey.
You may have already found your favorite way to
ground your energy, but in case you haven’t, my favorite is
relaxing my body, with my spine straight, and sending roots
of light deep into the core of the earth, then drawing golden-
white earth light up from the core and into my root chakra.
Then I see and feel this light moving up through my chakras
and out through the crown of my head. Sometimes I reach
branches high into the sky and bring cosmic light down from
above, and other times I let my branches kiss the sky and
then curl down back to earth like a weeping willow. Other
methods include sending a “pranic tube” of light down into
the earth to draw up the earth energy or sending a golden
anchor deep down into the core of the earth in order to
connect yourself to the core like a plug connects with an

Clearing and Shielding

The final protection prerequisite is a daily clearing and
shielding. You can do this as part of a morning meditation
and anytime you’d like an extra boost of protection. Clearing
is important because like attracts like: if your energy is not
clear and positive, it will be more likely to attract energy that
is not clear and positive. Shielding is especially important for
sensitive people because it helps us to refrain from picking
up any energetic patterns that are from people, events, and
conditions that have nothing to do with us.
Perhaps the simplest way to clear and shield is to
request divine assistance in a way that feels powerful for
you, and then to request a divine clearing of your personal
energy field. You might visualize a glowing vacuum tube of
light moving through your body and the sphere of space
around you, powerfully removing cords of attachment,
stagnant energy, and the energy of fear. Then request and
visualize a sphere of golden white light. Set the intention
that within this light only love remains, and through this
light only love may enter.


Once you’ve got all of the above things working on your
behalf, if you still feel that you could use an extra dose of
protection, I have personally always found that nothing
protects as reliably or completely as good old-fashioned
For example, once you empower the garlic (whether it’s a
clove, a head, a wreath or other arrangement, powder, or a
supplement) in bright sunlight for at least five minutes (or by
candlelight or fire if it’s nighttime or it’s cloudy out and
you’re in a pinch), and infuse the garlic with your clear
intention to protect you from all negativity and ill will,
perform any of the following garlic protection practices
according to your situation and desire.

Carry a clove of garlic as a protection amulet (I like

to wrap one in cloth and safety-pin it under the
front of my bra).
Hang a garlic wreath or arrangement on your front
door or in a central location in your home.

Sprinkle garlic powder across your threshold or

around the perimeter of your lot.

Take garlic supplements or cut a clove of garlic into

small pieces and swallow them one at a time like
pills to strengthen your personal energy field
and keep negativity at bay.

Add fresh garlic or garlic powder to food.

For extra-strength home protection, for each door

to the outside, pierce a clove of garlic with two
pins so that they are crossing each other, tie in
a red cotton pouch with hemp twine, and hang
on the outside of each door.
Big Guns Protection Spell—Ellen

When it comes to protection magick, there are some days

when a Witch has to call in the big guns. When would such
a spell be necessary? Well, I hope you never find yourself in
any of the following situations, but these are examples of
what would make me call in the big guns: if your property
had been vandalized or your car broken into; if you (or your
loved ones) have a creeper or a stalker or, heaven forbid,
were assaulted; if your home or business were robbed; if
your reputation or honor has been called into question and
it could affect your job and your children, and you are
innocent of any wrongdoing, then here you go.
First things first. If you are the victim of a crime, then
contact the authorities and get the wheels rolling on the
mundane level. Report the crime, file a restraining order, and
do whatever you have to do. Magick should work hand in
hand with the mundane world.
Furthermore, I must caution you that this is not the spell
for when you have had a bad day at work dealing with office
politics. If you had an argument with someone and they
turned things around on you, and then made you seem like
the villain, this is not the spell for you. (Hint: If those last
two examples happened, then you need to work on
communication magick, not protection magick.) The
following is the type of spell that you save for a disaster and
hope you will never have to use it.
I will warn you again that, should you try working this
spell when you yourself are the instigator—if you are doing
anything illegal, morally unethical, or acting in a
dishonorable fashion—then this magick will rebound right
onto you. Protection magick can be tricky, and—juast as
with any other magick—you must have your emotions in
check and yourself under control. Otherwise, all you will do
is breed chaos and cause even more problems. After all
having a tantrum and throwing magick around only causes
more turmoil. What you need to do is stand tall, calmly
defend yourself, and work magick for a resolution.
Look at the words in this spell. You are basically asking
the dark goddess to assist the miscreant to “fall by their own
hand”—in other words, that their own behavior and actions
will trip them up and tip off the authorities. This is the dark-
goddess-will-make-sure-that-karma-will-find-you type of
working. Also, you do not have to name the criminal,
especially if you are not sure who they are. Just leave that to
the dark goddess. Trust me, she can find them.

Work this particular spell during the last of the waning
moon phase (those final days before the new moon, when
the moon is barely visible in the sky).
Work this spell at sunset on a Saturday (Saturn’s day).
This is very important. Check your astrological calendar and
time it correctly. This specific lunar phase, day of the week,
and time of day will help to banish any obstacles to the
criminal being caught. Consider that this is both the close of
the week and the end of the daylight hours; that is a
powerful combination.


a black votive or taper candle (to banish negativity

and remove any emotional hold they or the
event may have on you)

a coordinating candleholder

lighter or matches
an item in sympathy with the event (for example, if
your car or house was vandalized or robbed,
then a photo of your house or car, a copy of
the police report, and so forth)

a safe, flat work surface

Enemy mine, you have been warned: turn back from this
Or you’ll face my magick and the dark goddess’s wrath.
The dark goddess protects me in my hour of need,
For I shall always defend me and mine if needs be.
Your power over me fades as this candle burns away,
By your own actions you’ll be caught, and justice will
hold sway.
Any crimes and misdeeds against me/us will now come
to light
As I work this protection spell on the darkest of nights.
By all the power of three times three,
As I will it, then so shall it be!

Allow the candle to burn out in a safe place on its

own. When the new waxing crescent appears in the western
sky at sunset in a few days, begin work for healing and
For more information on the topic of protection
magick, please refer to my book Practical Protection
Love Spells

An Attraction Ritual—Tess

Many people are initially attracted to practicing magick

because they want to do a love spell. When we’re rookies,
most of us have a romanticized, cinematic idea of how love
spells will work: we’ll drink the potion and everyone will love
us, or we’ll put powdered magnolia blossoms in someone’s
shoes and then he’ll be perfectly faithful for the remainder of
his days, or (who knows!) our perfect partner might even
materialize before our eyes in a puff of rose-scented smoke.
And then, of course, we become more seasoned, and we
realize that, in fact, it’s a bit more complex than that. There
are unmistakable underlying principles that dictate how our
results will play out. Once we become aware of these
principles, a lot of the magick works itself before we even
crack a spell book or light a single candle. Not only that, but
when we do decide to work a little love magic, we do it in a
way that is exponentially wiser and more effective.
For example, below you’ll find some of the main love
magick principles I’ve noticed during my years of work in
the field.

Like Attracts Like

If you’re looking for a happy, stable, successful partner
who has done a lot of inner work and is ready for a healthy,
long-term relationship, or if you want your current partner to
more closely resemble this description—and if these
qualities don’t even come close to describing you—sorry,
honey, but it isn’t going to happen. Until, of course, these
qualities do describe you, in which case, sure! So get to
work on cultivating these qualities within yourself. And if
you’d like to attract a partner in the meantime, perhaps
change your intention to attracting someone who is in a
positive momentum and with whom you can harmoniously
move toward these qualities together.
Similarly, if you do a lot of self-work and greatly improve
your personal vibration, and the person that you are with
does not have an interest in doing so, this relationship may
naturally fall away so that you can attract someone who
more closely matches you energetically.

Focus on You
Along the same lines, no matter what your intention
when it comes to love magic, it’s generally a good idea to
focus on yourself rather than others. Of course you never,
ever, ever want to do a love spell on someone else, as
messing with someone else’s free will will not result in a
positive outcome for anyone, especially you. But because
like attracts like (see above), if you cast a spell to make
yourself attractive and magnetic, you will naturally attract
and magnetize someone with similar qualities. Or, if you want
to create relationship harmony, you might cast a spell to
establish harmony within yourself.

Attract What You Need, not What (You Think) You Want
Magically attracting love is not like ordering takeout; it’s
much more mysterious. An ideal love match is one that
continually challenges you, teaches you, opens your heart,
and breaks down your defenses. In short, it might not
actually look the way you think you want it to look. In fact, it
probably won’t. So, for example, if you do it right, a spell to
attract your ideal partner will possibly result in attracting
someone you didn’t exactly expect. All I’m saying here is to
be open to that. We don’t want you turning down the
potential love of your life just because he doesn’t, I don’t
know, teach yoga or look exactly like George Clooney.
Speaking of which, I don’t recommend doing a love spell
to attract a yoga teacher who looks like George Clooney.
Don’t limit the universe like that. Instead, you might do a
love spell to attract your most ideal partner. Sure, add in a
few deal breakers like someone with a positive mindset,
healthy habits, and a career path that inspires him (or her),
but let the universe surprise you when it comes to the
minutiae. Like most magical intentions, love-related
intentions are best when they’re focused in their scope but
not overly specific when it comes to the details.

Okay, now that you’ve been primed in some of the

underlying mechanisms of love magic, on with the spell.
This ritual works by making you so magnetic that you send
smoke signals of irresistible attraction out into the ether.
Expect plenty of interest and invitations in the days and
weeks to follow.


Petals from two red roses

One red candle

Other candles as necessary for a romantic ambiance

Rosewater in a mister

1 to 3 sticks of rose incense and incense holder

Wine and chocolate (or another sensual snack such

as strawberries)

On a Friday evening when the moon is between new and

full, draw a warm bath. Add the rose petals from two red
roses. Light a red candle and a stick of rose incense, then
soak for at least twenty minutes. Ideally by candlelight, dry
off and mist yourself with rosewater from head to toe, then
smudge yourself with the rose incense. Now, still nude,
move yourself and the incense to an area of your home
where you can dance. (Light an additional stick of incense if
necessary.) Light candles and play seductive music that
makes your body want to move.
I am divinely magnetic,
and I now attract a partner that is ideal for me in every

Revel in the sensuality of the moment as you let your

body dance slowly and hypnotically. Feel that the smoke
from the incense is moving high into the sky, sending out
your magnetic attractiveness in all directions. Make sure to
light another stick if the first one burns all the way down and
you still feel like dancing. When this feels complete, hold
your hands up over your head and say:
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Blessed be. And so it is.

Place your palms on the ground and send any excess

energy you may have generated deep into the earth. Then
turn the lights on, dress in evening wear that you feel great
in, and have a glass of wine and some chocolate or another
sensual treat.
Love Magick for a Family—Ellen

Love comes in a wondrous variety of forms. I thought it

might be fun to do something a little different when it comes
to love and spellwork. This spell was inspired by the
illustration on the Ten of Pentacles card from my Witches
Tarot deck. In my deck, this particular card shows a
grandfather passing his magick to a new baby while the
baby’s parents look on from behind. A pretty house on the
hill is in the background, and a loving, adorable dog sits by
the grandfather’s feet. This scene speaks of family strength,
love, support, and of magickal legacies passed along to the
next generation. It is a great focal point for this spell.
I have been asked many times how one builds a family
legacy or tradition of magick. Well, the simple answer is that
you live your magick every day, and you teach by example
and share this spiritual lifestyle with your kids. My kids are
all grown now, with homes and lives of their own. These
days especially I see the influence that being raised by a
Witch and a Witch-friendly father has had on them.
For example, it makes me proud that my oldest son put in
a vegetable garden at his new house as soon as he could.
Then he called his father and me to double check on the care
of the lawn and the plants in the established garden that he
inherited when he purchased the house. It warms my heart
to know that all of my kids can identify plants, and each has
a fine working knowledge of gardening from me and DIY
experience, hunting, and fishing knowledge from their father.
Also, I find it sweetly amusing to have my sons and
daughter whip out their own copies of my tarot deck and do
a reading for themselves when they want to double check
something—especially when they call to discuss their
interpretation of the reading with me.
There is more to teaching your kids to appreciate the
earth, Pagan values, and magick than just plopping a spell
book down in front of them or dragging them off to yon local
pride day. To be a good Pagan parent means you get
involved with your kids. You love them, set boundaries, and
teach them how to be exceptional people. As Witch and
Pagan parents, we must realize that it is not just the spells
we pass on; it’s many other things as well.
Share with them things that many people have forgotten
in this technology-driven age. Teach your kids how to hunt
and fish. Get them involved in conservation and the care of
the land. Teach them how to grow a garden and to raise
flowers, herbs, and vegetables. Then go a step further and
teach them how to cook. (Their future partner will thank you
for that.) Do arts and crafts, home maintenance, repairs, and
decorating projects together.
While you are spending quality time with them as they
grow, also be sure to teach them to be open-minded, hard
working, loyal, truthful, and kind. These qualities will be a
great boon to them as they become adults and go out in the
world to make their own home and eventually raise their own
family someday. Sure, it’s a lot of work, but it is also a lot of
Here is a spell to reinforce your heritage and the
magickal legacy that you are working towards building with
the people you call family.

Work this particular spell during the waxing moon phase.
As the moon increases, so will the bond of your family.
Opportune days of the week include Friday (love) and
Wednesday (communication).

A brown votive or taper candle (to represent hearth

and home)

A coordinating candleholder

Lighter or matches

Ten of Pentacles tarot card

A photo or photos of your family

A safe, flat work surface

Set up the candle in its holder and arrange the photo/s of
your family and the Ten of Pentacles tarot card on either side
of the candle. Take a moment to ground and center. As you
do, focus on happy memories and your family’s loving bond.
When you are ready, light the candle and repeat the
following spell verse:
Love of our family and home is strong and true,
May the gods watch over us in all that we do.
By the powers of earth, air, fire, and water,
Our legacies are taught by mother to daughter
Strengthened by every passing dusk and dawn,
Heritage is passed on from father to son.
Ten pentacles to show a wealth of love,
May we all be blessed by the gods above.

Allow the candle to burn out in a safe place. Keep

the photo/s and the tarot card together until the day after
the full moon to help reinforce the magick. If you like, this
spell verse also makes for a nice magickal prayer. Blessed be
to you and yours!
Glamour Spells

Fun with Glamoury—Tess

Glamoury is a way of casting an aura within and around

oneself in order to make one’s presence felt and perceived in
a specific way. This type of magick is usually practiced for
the purpose of affecting others in ways that help to draw a
desired quality or condition such as influence, authority, or
success in a particular endeavor. While at first glance this
might sound like a way of manipulating others and
overriding their free will, when done correctly, it actually
isn’t. Rather, while others may react differently because of
your magical efforts, glamour spells focus on creating
changes within and around you. You might think of it as an
invisible, energetic costume or accessory that you’re
wearing. So just as wearing a sexy dress would not be seen
as affecting someone else’s free will but rather as a personal
choice that will affect the way you are perceived in a
particular way, glamoury wouldn’t either. In other words,
while you are creating changes to your own personal energy
in the hopes that others will react in a certain way, the way
they actually react is still up to them.
All that being said, sometimes you might like to cast a
glamour spell just for fun. After all, what Witch doesn’t like
to have a little fun with her magical abilities every now and
The two glamour spells below will give you a couple of
options for various moods and intentions.



A necklace or bracelet with an acorn charm

A bundle of dried white sage

A large red candle

A stick of cinnamon incense with holder

You know those people who just seem to ooze the

energy of success? Those charismatic men and women who
waltz into a room and everyone starts trying to hire them or
impress them or just figure out their secret? Because
naturally, just like the old saying “the rich get richer,”
success—or even just an aura of success—draws more
success. Perform this ritual once, and you’ll have a success
charm for a lifetime. Just wear it anytime you’d like to be that
person who dances through the world, attracting more and
more of the dazzling success that it seems like she already
First, take your time and acquire an attractive necklace or
bracelet that features a single charm that resembles an acorn:
a symbol of great luck, power, and promise. You might check
etsy.com or, if you’re crafty, you can make it yourself. Wait
until you find or make something that feels really right to
you for the purpose.
Next, on the day of the full moon (or a day or two
before), safely bathe your jewelry in white sage smoke for at
least two minutes, and then place it on a white cloth in bright
sunlight for at least five minutes. That evening, as the moon
is bright in the sky, light a large red candle and a stick of
cinnamon incense on your altar or a flat surface.
Holding the necklace in your right palm, face east. Say, “I
call on Archangel Raphael and the element of air.”
Face south and say, “I call on Archangel Michael and
the element of fire.”
Face west and say, “I call on Archangel Gabriel and the
element of water.”
Face north and say, “I call on Archangel Uriel and the
element of earth.”
Face the candle and incense and say, “I call on
Archangel Metatron and the element of spirit.”
Now hold the jewelry in your open right palm, cupping
your left palm beneath it. Say the following:
By the power of earth, air, fire, and water,
By the power of the archangels,
I now bless this charm with the energy of success.
When I wear it, I feel success.
When I wear it, I attract success.
When I wear it, I am Success personified.
All doors open for me.
All opportunities are irresistibly magnetized to me.
I am blessed with luck and prosperity beyond my
fondest imaginings.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Blessed be. And so it

Visualize yourself being cloaked in a bright, sunny

sphere of successful light whenever you wear the charm.
Then place the charm on your neck or wrist.
Now face north and say, “Uriel and the element of earth,
I thank you.”
Face west and say, “Gabriel and the element of water, I
thank you.”
Face south and say, “Michael and the element of fire, I
thank you.”
Face east and say, “Raphael and the element of air, I
thank you.”
Face the candle and say, “Metatron and the element of
spirit, I thank you.”
Extinguish the candle and let the incense continue to
burn all the way down. Save the charm to wear on those
days that you need an extra kick of luck and success. (If you
wear it constantly it will lose its potency over time, but if
you save it for special days you will recharge it every time
you wear it.)



An image of Venus or Aphrodite

A mister of rosewater

A splash of witch hazel extract

A small moonstone

A pink candle

A stick of vanilla incense and holder

This mist potion will cloak you in a glamour of

irresistibility, pure and simple. This can come in handy for a
number of reasons, among them seduction, beauty, and
On a Friday when the moon is between new and full,
place an image of Venus or Aphrodite on your altar or
another flat surface, along with a pink candle and a stick of
vanilla incense. Light the candle and incense and call on the
goddess of love. Bathe the moonstone in the incense smoke
and mentally infuse it with the energy of charm and
irresistibility. See this energy as white light containing pale
pink sparkles. When this feels complete, place it in the mister
of rose water. Add a splash of witch hazel, close the mister,
and shake.
While holding it in both hands, visualize this white light
with pale pink sparkles coming down from above, entering
the crown of your head, moving into your heart, down your
arms, and into the liquid. See and feel the liquid pulsating
with this light.
Say, “When I’m cloaked in this mist, no one can resist.”
Then spray yourself and your aura generously with the
mist. Thank the goddess of love, set the mister by the candle
and incense, and allow the incense to burn all the way
down; then extinguish the candle. Generously mist yourself
before any occasion when you want to turn on the charm.
The Magick of Blending In—Ellen

A glamourie is the purposeful change of your appearance on

both a physical and metaphysical level by the use of magick.
When cast correctly, it is powerful magick indeed, as it gives
the caster an advantage over a situation or another person,
which is why some folks consider them to be unethical.
Personally, I believe that a glamour-type of spell would fall in
the area of grey magick. Glamouries—like any other magick
—are neutral. Honestly, it all boils down to how you cast
them. If you are casting a glamour on yourself to smooth
your way or bring peace to a tough situation, then that is a
very clever bit of magick indeed. Every once in a while you
can find yourself in a situation where people do not react
well once they realize you are a Witch. It may be the area in
which you live or it may be a circumstance where you simply
do not fit their idea of what a Witch is, and that blows their
mind. So they get nervous, suspicious, and then hostile.
I have been out in the open about my practice for twenty
years, and as a well-known Witch I really had not
experienced any serious problems because of my beliefs in
quite some time. Then a family member ended up in the
hospital for several days, and I watched with surprise, then
consternation, at the reactions and questions my family
member received about me—first with the medical staff at
the hospital, then at the new doctor’s office for follow-up
visits. During this time I had also started to see a new
doctor, and people reacted in various degrees to the fact that
the nice middle-aged lady who seemed pretty normal was, in
fact, wearing a pentagram. It was an eye opener.
I admit, it took me a bit to figure out what was going on. I
try to be friendly and polite to everybody, and it was
concerning to see people recoil, become afraid, act
suspicious, or become openly hostile to my presence.
Sometimes people’s reactions were comical, like a sit-com
overreaction of their own nervousness, and other times it
was really bad, and I was confronted with out-and-out
hostility and anger.
It made me sit down and ask myself what my best course
of action would be. I realized that it was the fact that the
confident, nicely dressed, normal-looking lady with
successful adult kids was openly wearing a small silver
pentagram that caused such severe reactions with new
people I encountered. I was the last thing they expected.
Sure, if I were some emo kid running around all dressed in
black, nobody would flinch. But a seemingly typical fifty-
year-old woman they could not handle. After so many years
of being open about my faith and being a known author on
Witchcraft with no negative reactions, the climate in my part
of the country had suddenly changed.
Over the years, folks had often asked me if I had
problems being a well-known Witch while living in the
Midwest. My answer had always been no. Now, suddenly, I
discovered firsthand how many other Witches and Pagans
across the country were treated if they were open about
their faith. And like it or not, I needed to reasses and make
some changes unless I wanted to keep dealing with more
So I tackled the problem like the practical Witch that I
am. I decided to start by making an effort to blend in a bit
more while I was out in public or in any new mundane
environment. For example, I toned down the magickal
jewelry. I made a real effort to not wear so many black
clothes. (Show me a Witch who doesn’t have a closet full of
black clothing!) I compromised and added more colorful
accessories to my midnight-colored wardrobe: jewel tones
and pops of bright colors worked well with the black pieces
of clothing that I had, and it did help. Changing out some
accessories and jewelry began to work really quickly—the
magick of fashion at its best! I also made a promise to myself
to not let this experience sour me, and I tried to keep a sense
of humor and just go about my business the best I could.
Also, on the morning after a full moon before the moon
set—while both the moon and the sun were in the sky—I
worked a glamour to soften people’s negative reactions to
me and smooth my way around new mundane people in
present and future everyday situations.
Here is a spell that calls on the constantly changing
energy of the moon. This is a glamour-type of color magick
that will help you blend in and go unnoticed in sticky
situations. Work this spell the morning after a full moon. If
things are especially intense, then I suggest wearing lunar-
associated colors such as silver, soft grey, white, and the
palest blues, or just add some jewel tones or pops of bright
colors to your witchy black wardrobe. Before you head out
for the day, enchant your outfit so you can go about your
business quietly, without a fuss.
This spell helps to smooth out obstacles that are in your
way. It also encourages people to react to you in a more
positive way and calm frayed tempers. Once you are dressed
and ready to go, stand in front of a mirror, look yourself in
the eye, and then cast the glamour on yourself.
The lunar shades of magick are white, blue, and silvery,
Concealment and illusion they’ll grant softly to me.
There will be soft light and harmony all around me,
I’ll move through the shadows, embracing the
A touch of color on witchy black creates a bit of pop,
All unkind and negative reactions to me now will stop.
Now smooth all obstacles that are in my way,
Peace and quiet are the order of the day.
By the power of color, this glamour is cast,
Swirl around me now and make the magick last.

Now go about your day and be at peace. Blessed be.

Banishing Spells

Banishing Unwanted Patterns with the Akashic Field—


Everything is energy. You might think of your life as a song

or a geometrical pattern—a distinctive swirl of energy. Not
only does the song or pattern that is you contain a bunch of
smaller and more intricate songs and patterns, but it is also a
component of the even larger song or pattern that is
everything. When we banish, what we are essentially doing
is reaching into the energetic reality and pulling out a
particular pattern that we no longer desire. It’s like removing
a certain melody from a musical songbook or unraveling a
certain motif from a tapestry.
The famed psychic Edgar Cayce—and, more recently,
the philosopher and integral theorist Ervin Laszlo—referred
to the underlying energetic reality as the Akashic Field and
the patterns that define one’s life experience as his or her
Akashic Record. Consequently, these terms have become
quite popular in New Age circles.
And since I often like to throw some of my New Agey
sensibilities into my magical mix, the following ritual draws
upon the awareness of the Akashic Field in order to banish
old patterns for good. It works by first clearing these
patterns, then rewriting them. I’ve found it to be extremely





White candle on plate

Sea salt

Frankincense or cedar incense and holder


This ritual is good to perform anytime you notice a

pattern in your life that you’d like to remove. For example,
this pattern may be a challenge such as a fender bender, a
health condition, or a financial situation that seems to recur
in a number of guises and incarnations, a harmful habit such
as smoking or drinking, or even an ongoing relationship with
someone whom you know you’d prefer not to see anymore
but for whatever reason haven’t been able to kick out the
First, notice the pattern and write it down in a journal or
notebook, using a word or short phrase. For example, you
might write something like:
Car troubles
Weakened immune system
Financial worries
Smoking habit
Relationship with _______.

Once you’ve done this, set a white candle on a plate,

surround it with a ring of sea salt, and place it on your altar.
Light the candle along with a stick of frankincense or cedar
incense. Call on Archangel Metatron, who is one of the
keepers of the Akashic Records, to assist you in this
Sit comfortably in front of your altar. Take some deep
breaths and consciously relax every muscle in your body.
When you feel relaxed and centered, gaze at your notebook
and consider what you’ve written down. Now ask yourself:
is there a fear that I associate with this pattern? If so, what is
it? Write it down. For example, you might write something
Fear of strength
Fear of weakness
Fear of poverty
Fear of success
Fear of loneliness

For whatever you wrote down, now write down a word

that is the opposite and that feels very empowering and
positive for you. For each of the following, for example, you
might write a dash and then write:
Comfort with strength
Comfort with success
Loving support
Now ask yourself: is there a belief that might be
underlying this pattern? If so, what is it? Again, write it
down. It might be something like:
I am unsafe.
I am unworthy.
If I speak my truth, no one will like me.
If I only hang out with emotionally healthy people, no
one will need me.

Consider a new, more empowering belief that you’d like

to replace this one with. For the above, you might write:
I am safe.
I am worthy.
When I speak my truth, I love myself. When I love myself,
I attract love.
I love being in relationships with emotionally healthy
people, and I feel treasured and respected by them in the
most positive of ways.

Please note: it’s a good idea to be open to your fear and

your belief possibly not making obvious sense, at least at
first. Really take your time and find what feels true to you
and what resonates with your soul.
Now you’re going to write a banishment script and a
script to rewrite the Akashic Records. It’s going to go like

With the help of my divine self and Archangel Metatron,

I now choose to release the pattern of [first thing you
wrote] from my Akashic Records. I now release it in all
directions of time and all dimensions of reality. I now
cancel, clear, and delete it so that it is no longer present in
any capacity.
I now choose to release the fear of [second thing you
wrote] from my Akashic Records. I release it in all
directions of time and all dimensions of reality. I now
cancel, clear, and delete it so that it is no longer present in
any capacity. I now rewrite it with the energy of [third
thing you wrote], which is now present in all directions of
time and all dimensions of reality.
I now choose to release the belief of [fourth thing you
wrote] from my Akashic Records. I release it in all
directions of time and all dimensions of reality. I now
cancel, clear, and delete it so that it is no longer present in
any capacity. I now rewrite it with the belief of [fifth thing
you wrote], which is now present in all directions of time
and all dimensions of reality.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Blessed be. And so it

Now that you’ve written your script, relax again and take
three deep breaths. Then tap your thymus (located at your
upper chest, halfway between the center of your sternum
and the center of your throat) lightly with your right hand as
you powerfully and purposefully recite the script that you
just wrote.
Finish by thanking Archangel Metatron and thanking
yourself. Allow the candle to continue to burn at least until
the incense burns all the way down. Then flush the salt
down the toilet and wash the plate thoroughly. (It’s okay to
use the candle again in the future.)
A quick caveat: be ready for things to shift. Working on
such a deep level might cause things to seem a little chaotic
at first as your life becomes accustomed to the new patterns,
but hang in there— you’ll experience desirable results.
Saturn’s Day Banishing Spell—Ellen

Banishing spells are tricky little buggers—not because they

are difficult to perform but because, honestly, it is hard to tell
whether you need to work one or not. In my opinion, a
banishing spell is more effective than, say, a binding spell.
Why? Because with a binding spell you often inadvertently
end up binding the problem person or negative situation
even closer to you! When you work a binding spell, you
need to be extremely careful with your phrasing. This is why
I prefer banishing spells.
A banishing spell is best performed when there is an
energy or situation that needs to be removed from your life.
How will you know when you need to perform a banishing?
If you feel anxious for no real reason, when things feel
magickally “off,” or you feel that you are being worn down
by negativity in your own home. And if you are concerned
that you may be the target of negative emotions such as
jealousy or anger from another, it’s time to work a banishing.
Banishings are best performed in your own home
because…wait for it…this is where you live, sleep, love,
work your magick, and (hopefully) relax. Your home is
probably the spot where your magickal power is the most
centered. Since it is the place where you relax and sleep on a
regular basis, it is often the place where you can be the most
vulnerable magickally, for the simple reason that when you
are home, you feel that you can be yourself and feel safe. So
this is where you should target your efforts to banish
unwanted energies and spells.
Also, I would like you to consider that if you are
experiencing energetic problems in your home, it could be
lingering magick of your own that is floating around and not
the attacking energies of another. Stray bits of your own
magick can build up over time in your home and cause
chaos, especially if you do not purposefully clear it out on a
regular basis.
Let’s clean house! If you ever have wondered what you
would use a ritual broom for, then this is your answer. To
start the process of this banishing spell, take a critical look
at your home. Seriously, look at your corners, and get rid of
any cobwebs, dust, and dirt! This is the perfect way to
banish negativity and clean up any stray vibes from old
spells. Remove all junk and clutter that has accumulated.
Recycle what you can, and donate unused items to charity.
Clean everything. We are talking hardcore cleaning here,
folks. Scrub, mop, dust, sweep, and vacuum. Clean out the
closets, wash the windows, change the sheets on the bed,
and again: remove clutter! Clutter, dust, and dirt hold onto
negative emotions and stagnant energy. Get them out of
your house!
To make the big energetic cleanup a magickal act, employ
some magickal timing. For best results, I suggest working
this on a Saturday, either at sunset or in a waning moon
phase. By timing your work when you have the decreasing
energies of a waning moon, the closing energies of the end
of the day (sunset), and the final day of the week, you are
working things to your own advantage. Plus, there are the
planetary energies of Saturn, which include karma and
banishing to work with.


To begin, I suggest burning your favorite cleansing incense
(sandalwood is a good choice) while you physically dust,
sweep, vacuum, and pick up. Be ruthless! And do not let
boxes full of items you no longer use sit by your front door,
either! Load them up in the car and move them out.
Once you have your home cleared of junk and clutter,
and when everything is all cleaned and sparkling, then light
a white votive candle and place it in a holder. Place it in the
center of your home. Hold your hands up and on either side
of the candle flame. Visualize that the light from the flame
illuminates your very core. Now repeat the following spell
By the power of Saturn’s day and the closing week,
All negative energy and bad vibes now must leave.
My magickal home is now clean, cleared, and refreshed,
So this new magick can come in and work with zest!
Depart, old spells and stray, worn-out charms,
Now dissolve benignly and cause no harm.
This spell candle will draw in all negativity,
Like a moth to a flame, to be burned off completely
By all the power of hearth and home,
This house is cleared as my charm is sung!

Take your ritual or household broom and seal this spell

by ritually sweeping the main thresholds clean. The
threshold is any main entrance into your home; you
probably have more than one. For example, in my home there
is the front door, the back door, and the garage door. Go to
the thresholds one at a time and make three big sweeps with
your broom across the threshold. As you do, say these
A sweep for the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone,
Triple Goddess, seal this spell and protect my home.

Repeat these two lines at each threshold. Then go back

to where the candle is burning, and ground and center. After
you have finished, put your broom away. Move the white
votive spell candle and incense (if you have any still
burning) to a safe place, and let them burn out. Votive
candles can take six to eight hours to burn out. It’s important
to let this particular candle burn out until it is gone. Look at
the spell verse—you announced that as it burns away, the
candle will draw negativity straight into it and remove it, or
burn it off.
Wash the votive cup with salted water after the candle is
gone. Announce over the now clean and empty votive cup,
“By salt and water, this vessel is cleansed of all negativity
and leftover magick.” Put the clean votive candle cup away.
Finally, to keep the energies of your home on track, I would
perform a big cleansing once a month. Try this just once,
and you will be a believer.
Full Moon Rituals

Basic Full Moon Ritual—Tess

While each phase of the moon possesses its own vital

magical qualities, when the moon is full, magical energies are
at a peak. Intentions set into motion since the most recent
new moon gain energetic momentum, and our metaphysical
work is amplified and intensified. As such, rituals performed
when the full moon appears in the sky just feel right.
Consciously experiencing the energetic fullness that
characterizes this time and then releasing this energy with
positive, focused intent allows you to ride the natural tide of
energy. This not only lets a Witch nourish her goals, desires,
and the most positive conditions of her life with a burst of
magical energy, but it also helps reduce her everyday anxiety
and stress by relieving the buildup of energy that naturally
accumulates around magically sensitive people as the moon
waxes to full.
While no two full moon rituals of mine have ever been
exactly alike (because of various intentions, moods,
astrological factors, etc.), below you’ll find a sample solitary
ritual. Feel free to adapt or riff on it according to your



2 tablespoons sea salt

A sprig of rosemary

A white rose

Frankincense or nag champa incense and holder

Small sage bundle (with jar and lid)

White candle and holder

Notebook or paper


In the evening when you won’t be disturbed, draw a

warm bath to prepare yourself energetically and get into the
magical mindset. Add 2 tablespoons of sea salt, a sprig of
rosemary, and the petals of one white rose. Light a white
candle and soak by candlelight for at least twenty minutes.
(If you don’t have a bathtub, just shower.) Dry off and dress
in really luxurious and comfy clothes or eveningwear or go
skyclad (nude).
Set a magical atmosphere by lighting candles on your
altar and around the room, as well as a stick of frankincense
or nag champa incense. Light a small bundle of dried white
sage and smudge the room, then extinguish by sealing in a
jar. You might also play relaxing, uplifting, or entrancing
instrumental music.
Now, making sure to have your notebook, pen, candle,
and lighter nearby, cast a circle around yourself. (If you’re
not familiar with this practice, simply stand in a central
location with your wand or index finger extended as if you’re
pointing at the floor. Imagine a laser beam of highly
protective white light extending out from the end of your
wand or index finger, and draw a circle approximately 5 or 6
feet in diameter around yourself while slowly turning in a
clockwise direction. When this is complete, feel and know
that you are completely safe and protected within this circle.
As a focusing aid before casting a circle, some people like to
draw an actual circle with chalk or use a round rug or
demarcate a circle with scarves or string.)
Standing in the center of the circle, face east. Say, “I call
on the element of air.” Feel a breeze whipping around your
body and envision wind rushing through trees.
Face south. Say, “I call on the element of fire.” Feel
yourself being cleansed in a fiery inferno of light and
envision crackling flames.
Face west. Say, “I call on the element of water.” Feel a
wave of cool ocean water rushing around you and envision
roaring, frothy blue waves.
Face north. Say, “I call on the element of earth.” Feel as if
you’re buried up to your neck in fragrant, moist, fertile soil.
Inhale the scent and solidity of the earth as you allow your
body to relax and be nourished.
Still facing north, say, “I call on the element of spirit.”
Feel/imagine/sense a column of vibrant white light
completely encompassing you and your circle, connecting
with the earth below, and reaching high up into the cosmos.
See this pillar grow deep roots that connect you with the
core of the earth, and see the top of this pillar go up and up,
out of the earth’s atmosphere, until it connects with the
Infinite. Draw earth energy up and cosmic energy down to
meet within your heart.
Now sit in the center of the circle facing any of the four
cardinal directions (choose the direction that feels most
powerful for you).
Light the candle. With notebook and pen in hand, make a
list of all the things you’d like to nourish and bless in your
life, as well as all the energies and conditions that you’d like
to draw in. State the things you’d like to summon in the
present tense, as if they’re already true. For example, you
might write:
I bless my relationship with ______.
I bless this home.
I bless my career.
I nourish my health.
I nourish my friendships.
I receive generous financial windfalls.
I receive wonderful opportunities from expected and
unexpected sources.
I am totally open and receptive to all the love and
abundance of the universe.

When this is complete, write: Thank you, thank you,

thank you. Blessed be. And so it is. Then sign and date the
Now read your list aloud, finishing with “Thank you,
thank you, thank you. Blessed be. And so it is.” Know that
as you do so, the full moon and the elements fully support
your intentions in all ways. Fold the paper into quarters,
making sure to fold it toward yourself each time. Then place
it under the lit candle. Sit for a moment basking in the
confident inner knowing that your ritual has been a success.
Then, with the candle still lit, face west and say,
“Element of water, you were here, and I thank you.”
Face south and say, “Element of fire, you were here, and
I thank you.”
Face east and say, “Element of air, you were here, and I
thank you.”
Face north and say, “Element of earth, you were here,
and I thank you.”
Still facing north, say, “Element of spirit, you were here,
and I thank you.”
Hold your arms over your head as if opening up in
wonder to the sky and say, “Thank you, thank you, thank
you. Blessed be. And so it is.”
To release the energy further, spin in a circle
counterclockwise and then fling your arms up as if you’re
flinging rose petals to the sky.
Finally, earth the power by placing your palms on the
floor or lying flat on your back, envisioning any excess
energy you may still have in your aura dripping into the
earth, leaving you with a perfectly balanced, harmonious,
and grounded energetic field.
Full Moon Rededication Ritual—Ellen

At various points in our lives, we all need to refresh and

reaffirm our initiatory vows as Witches, which is known as a
rededication. Perhaps you have had a major change in your
life: marriage, divorce, leaving a coven or finding a new one.
Perhaps you finished school or started a new career. Maybe
you moved to a new area or you just became a parent or you
are now a crone or sage. The reasons for wanting to
rededicate, reconnect, and to restate your vows are as
numerous as the stars in the sky. It is not to be done lightly.
I know some Witches who perform a rededication once a
year, on the anniversary of their first initiation into the Craft.
At the end of the day, realize that this is a personal decision;
I think a private full moon ritual is just the ticket in which to
do this.

To begin, I would take a ritual bath or shower. Put on
your ritual wear or clean clothes. Don’t just schlepp around
in your pajamas! Wear something nice, as if you were going
on a date. If you can, and the temperature allows for it, go

Perform this at moonrise on the night of a full moon. If
weather permits, I would work this ritual outdoors or, if you
must, stand by a window and allow the moon’s light to wash
over you and your work area.


A white votive or taper candle (white is an all-

purpose color and a good choice for new

A coordinating candleholder

A piece of tumbled moonstone

Fresh white roses, white lilies, or white carnations

in a vase of clean water (see below for flower

Your favorite incense and a holder

Lighter or matches

An item in sympathy with the event: your special

piece of magickal jewelry (we all have one) such
as a ring, a significant necklace, or your
pentagram pendant

A safe, flat work surface

A cup of juice or wine

As you set up your work area, take a few moments to
ground and center. Arrange the candle, stone, incense
holder, flowers, cup of wine/juice, and your jewelry in a
manner you find pleasing. If you like, cover the altar with a
pretty piece of cloth. Make this as simple or as elaborate as
your personal taste dictates.
Now, take a good look at your rededication altar. You
have all of four of the elements represented. The tumbled
moonstone for earth, the (soon to be) candle flame for fire,
the incense smoke for air, and the water in the flower vase
for—well, water! The white flowers represent new
beginnings and celebrations. If you chose carnations, they
represent practicality, energy, and vitality. If you chose
roses, you have added the energies of tradition, emotions,
and love. If you chose lilies, then you have passion and
enchantment added to your ritual. Once you are all set up,
focus on why you are here and the reaffirmation to the gods
and goddesses that you are about to undertake. Be joyful
and reverent.
Light the incense and place it in the holder. Allow the
scented smoke to waft over you and your work surface.
Hold up the jewelry and allow it to be blessed by the incense
smoke too. When finished, set your piece of jewelry back
down next to the unlit candle. When you are ready to begin
the rededication, light the candle and repeat the following
spell verse:
Under an enchanted full moon of white,
I cast important magick here tonight.
I call on the earth, fire, water, and wind,
Let my Witch’s lunar magick begin.
May the Old Ones bless my magickal path,
And bless me with a wisdom that will last.
To bring love, comfort, to protect and heal,
With these rhyming words, my vow will now seal.

Pick up your jewelry and hold it up to the light of the

moon for a few moments. Now put it back on. Pick up your
glass of juice or wine, toast the moon, and speak to the Old
Ones in your own words. Relax and enjoy the moment and
the magickal atmosphere that you have created. Now close
the ritual with the following lines:
By all the powers of three times three,
As I will it, then so shall it be!

Pour a little of the juice or wine on the ground as an

offering. Take one of the white flowers and leave it in the
garden as an offering to the gods. Now you can sit under
the moon and meditate if you choose. Take this opportunity
to note this occasion down in your personal Book of
Shadows. Note any dreams you have upon awakening the
next morning; they may be especially significant.
Allow the candle to burn out in a safe place. If you need
to move it inside where you can keep it attended, do so. If
you had to work your ritual indoors, then pour a little bit of
the wine or juice down the drain, where it will eventually
make its way to the earth.
Clean up your supplies. Keep the moonstone with you
as a token of your rededication. The rest of the fresh flowers
should be displayed someplace prominent in your home
until they begin to fade, then return them neatly to nature by
recycling them with your yard waste or adding them to your
compost. Wash the vase and save it for another time.
Enjoy the rest of your evening. Congratulations on your
rededication, and blessed be!
“On the Fly” Spells

Four Fast Spells—Tess

Sometimes you’re out in the world and something needs to

be dealt with right away. You can’t take the time to gather
spell ingredients, take a bath, or even light a candle! Case in
point: once Ellen and I were sharing a hotel room in
Washington, DC, for an author event, and I realized that I
had left my Kindle on the plane. When I started to go into
loosely disguised panic mode, Ellen calmly taught me one of
her favorite “find it” charms (see below). I promptly recited
the words and did the visualization as per her instructions,
and voila! Not only did I feel better right away, but after
filing a lost and found report with the airline, within a week
or two my Kindle arrived in my mailbox, safe and sound.
(Thanks again, Ellen! And God/dess! And American
Here are some other useful, discreet little tricks you can
store up your sleeve just in case you ever need them.


Relax and strongly envision the object you desire to find.
Imagine circling it in a silver cord and then tugging it toward
you via the cord as you chant, “What was lost now is found
as my magick circles round.” Repeat two more times (for a
total of three times), then relax in the confidence that the
item is on its way back to you.

I’ve been living in—and navigating—Los Angeles for a
good long percentage of my life now, and this little traffic
trick is one of the lessons this city has motivated me to
learn. Because let’s face it: if you let it, traffic can pack a
pretty negative punch. Not only can it make you late, it can
also (perhaps more alarmingly) make you stressed! And
what’s worse for your health and the quality of your life than
stress? Not much.
So here’s what you do: you decide to love the traffic.
You change your inner monologue from one of dismay and
frustration to one of gratitude and love. Even if you feel like
you’re faking or forcing it at first, keep at it—because, after
all, your frustration is not going to change the situation; it’s
only going to exacerbate your unpleasant experience. If
you’re going to be late, you’re going to be late whether or
not you berate the situation. Not only that, but a New Agey
phrase that I have found to be quite accurate is what we
resist persists. So when we take the resistance away and
begin to honestly accept what’s happening, the traffic
congestion often seems to magically dissipate right along
with your stressful thoughts about it.
To give you an example, this is how my inner monologue
might go when I begin to work this little charm:
“Wow, the sunshine is so gorgeous reflecting off those
windshields. This really is a pretty freeway, I’m so glad I get
a chance to really soak it in. Look at that hawk! And those
purple blossoms in the distance are just gorgeous. You
know, my car is really great. I’m so lucky to have a car that
runs so well. Oh, I love this song. And now I have time to
actually listen to it intently! This is just getting better and
better. I could honestly sit here all day.”
It is hilarious how quickly traffic picks up once I really
begin to get into the enjoyment of it all.


If you wish you had a magick potion for any purpose at all,
just send the vibration of your intention into the water, and
guess what? You’ve got one. Homeopathic remedies such as
flower and gem essences draw upon the principle that liquid
stores vibration, and that imbibing that vibration can shift
your personal energy in a subtle yet very powerful way. And
just like flowers and gems, our thoughts, feelings, and
intentions possess very distinct vibratory qualities.
So, let’s say you’d like a potion to help you focus on a
test. In this case, you might hold your water bottle or a glass
of water in both hands and visualize very bright white light
coming down from above, entering the crown of your head,
and moving down to your heart and out through your
hands, into the water. Then conjure up a feeling and sense
of extreme mental clarity. In any way that feels powerful for
you, ask the Divine to help you channel the energies and
qualities of focus, attention, memory, and alertness into the
water. Feel and sense your hands and the bottle pulsating
intensely with this energy. Thank your divine helper and
drink the water or sip it throughout the test.


Perhaps you’re trying to decide whether to purchase the
ginger tea or the peppermint tea, or maybe you’re wondering
whether you should go with the red shoes or the cheetah-
print shoes. In either case, hold the first item in your hands.
Relax, breathe, and notice your energy. How vibrant do you
feel? How strong do you feel? How exhilarated and
empowered do you feel? Then do the same with the second
item. Which one gives you a greater sense of well-being?
Which one sparks your inspiration and your joy more
intensely? Obviously, that’s the one.
Magick At Your Fingertips—Ellen

I love the idea of magick on the fly—spontaneous spells

that require nothing but the sound of your voice, your
knowledge, and, of course, your magickal intention to create
a positive change. As Witches and magicians, we spend a
lot of time discussing timing and lunar phases, but we are
not always able to wait for the “perfect” moon phase or day
of the week. Sometimes you have to take action right now!
So what is a Witch to do? Well, I have always felt it
important to have a basic working knowledge of the days of
the week and their magickal attributes. That way, you know
what is in play energetically each and every day and you
can then use this information to your benefit. One of the first
lessons you probably learned as a Witch was that if the
moon is waxing (from new to full), then you work for
increase. On the other hand, if the moon is waning (the day
after the full moon to the day of the new moon), then you
should work to decrease.
For those of you who don’t have your basics memorized,
check out the following correspondences. Just memorize the
basics, and you are good to go: day of the week and its
magickal associations—Sunday, Sun, success, for example.
Keep it simple and make it fun! That way you will
memorize it faster. So then, when it comes to making magick
on the fly, having that basic knowledge memorized and at
your fingertips can make the difference between your spells
sputtering and stalling or really taking off and manifesting


Sunday: Sunday corresponds to the sun, our closest
star. This day is for success, wealth, and fame. Sundays are
for personal achievements of any kind such as working
toward a promotion at your job, seeking fame and wealth, or
being acknowledged for a job well done. Keywords: Sunday,
Sun, success/wealth.
Monday: This day of the week is dedicated to the moon
and all of her magick and mystery. Mondays are for women’s
mysteries, goddess magick, illusion, glamoury, prophetic
dreaming, emotions, safe travel, and fertility. Keywords:
Monday, moon, goddess/glamoury.
Tuesday: Tuesday is a Mars day, and just like the god of
war, this is the time to tap into magick that calls for victory,
strength, and courage, or if you are facing a challenge of any
kind. This day of the week is for rebels and warriors.
Keywords: Tuesday, Mars, strength/courage.
Wednesday: Wednesdays are wild and wacky days.
They are for communication, change, cunning, and the arts.
This is a Mercury day, and just like its patron god, this day
is full of contradictions, change, good luck, and excitement.
Keywords: Wednesday, Mercury, change/communication.
Thursday: Thursday is a Jupiter day. This is the day of
the week for prosperity, abundance, and good health.
Thursday is “Thor’s day.” This Norse god gave the day his
name and many of his attributes, including strength and
abundance. Keywords: Thursday, Jupiter, prosperity/health.
Friday: Friday belongs to Venus, both the planet and its
namesake Roman goddess of love. This day is sacred to
many other god/desses of love such as the Norse goddess
who gave the day its name, Freya. This day of the week is
for magickal topics such as love in all of its forms, birth,
fertility, beauty, and romance. Keywords: Friday, Venus,
Saturday: This day of the week got its name from the
god of karma and time, Saturn. Traditionally Saturdays are
great days for protection or banishing a negative situation,
and they are generally a good time to clean up any magickal
messes that you have been ignoring. Keywords: Saturday,
Saturn, protection/banishing.


Here is a “magick on the fly” charm verse that you can
personalize for whatever your specific magickal need. In
other words, you can turn this verse into an all-purpose
Focus on whatever day of the week you happen to be in.
Remember its qualities, focus on the keywords, and then be
sure to know if the moon is waxing or waning. What do you
need to increase or decrease? Consider your options, and
choose your best magickal course of action. Now visualize
what it is you are working toward, raise up your personal
magickal energy/personal power, and send out a little
energetic nudge into the universe. The repeat the following
charm while you release that energy:
This type of magick is called “on the fly”
My instant spell will now soar to the sky.
This personal magickal energy I do now release
May my spell manifest correctly, with all possible speed!

Now take a moment and ground yourself. Draw a deep

breath in through your nose and blow it slowly out through
your mouth. Relax. Now go about your business, and enjoy
the rest of your day.

The truth is we need to embrace the things we have in

common as a community of magickal and metaphysical folks
while at the same time respecting and enjoying the ideas,
opinions, and qualities that make us different. When you
look at a garden, you enjoy the overall scene; rarely do you
focus only on one flowering plant. It is the mixture—the
blending—of those colors, scents, heights, and textures.
Diversity is what makes a garden enchanting, healing,
nourishing, and beautiful. It even supports the natural
health of the garden, as all the various plants work in
harmony to repel harmful insects, draw pollinators, and
replenish the soil. Diversity is complementary.
The same goes for our metaphysical and magickal
community. When you approach differing opinions with an
open mind, they aren’t walls or roadblocks. They’re
opportunities to expand our horizons and see things we
otherwise may have missed. Indeed, over the years we both
have learned so much from other Witches and magick-
minded folks. Exchanging ideas, trading stories, and sharing
our personal experiences is the best way to grow, blossom,
and thrive. This is true personally, but the same is true for
our covens and spiritual circles, our greater spiritual
community, and our planet. Let’s just admit it, shall we? We
need each other.
There are many magickal options and many paths to
explore on your life’s journey. You don’t have to restrict
yourself to one magickal style or path to learn something
new. Look around every Witch way, be yourself, laugh, learn,
and—most of all—follow your heart.

Blessed be,
Ellen and Tess
Ellen’s Bibliography

Belanger, Michelle. Ghost Hunter’s Survival Guide.

Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn, 2009.
Cunningham, Scott. Wicca in the Kitchen. St. Paul, MN:
Llewellyn, 2005.
Dugan, Ellen. Book of Witchery. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn,
———. Cottage Witchery: Natural Magick for Hearth &
Home. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn, 2005.
———. Garden Witchery. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn, 2003.
———. How to Enchant a Man. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn,
———. Natural Witchery. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn, 2007.
———. Practical Prosperity Magick. Woodbury, MN:
Llewellyn, 2011.
———. Practical Protection Magick. Woodbury, MN:
Llewellyn, 2014.
———. Witches Tarot Companion. Woodbury, MN:
Llewellyn, 2012.
Moorey, Theresa. Working with Psychic Protection. New
York: Sterling Publishing Company, 2007.
Whitehurst, Tess. Magical Housekeeping. Woodbury, MN:
Llewellyn, 2010.
Tess’s Bibliography

Campbell, Joseph. The Hero with a Thousand Faces (The

Collected Works of Joseph Campbell). Novato, CA: New
World Library, 2008.
Campbell, T. Colin and Thomas M. Campbell III. The China
Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition
Ever Conducted and The Startling Implications for Diet,
Weight Loss, and Long Term Health. Dallas: Benbella
Books, 2005.
Collins, Terah Kathryn. The Western Guide to Feng Shui:
Creating Balance, Harmony, and Prosperity in Your
Environment. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, 1996.
Devries, Mark, dir. Speciesism: The Movie. 2013. Film.
Eisenstien, Charles. Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and
Society in the Age of Transition. Berkeley, CA: Evolver
Editions, 2011.
Fulkerson, Lee, dir. Forks Over Knives. Monica Beach
Media, 2011. Film.
Illes, Judika. The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft: The
Complete A-Z for the Entire Magical World. London:
HarperElement, 2010.
Laszlo, Ervin. Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral
Theory of Everything. Rochester, Vermont: Inner
Traditions, 2004.
Linn, Denise. Soul Coaching: 28 Days to Discover Your
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