Votive Mass IN Honor of The

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The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


"the hands of the lord feeds us

and he answers all our needs"

july 21, 2021 | 2:00 pm


When the people are gathered, the Priest approaches the altar while the Entrance Chant is sung. When he has

arrived at the altar, after making a profound bow, the priest venerates the altar. Then, he goes to the chair.

Laudate Dominum


Laudate Dominum! Laudate Dominum!

Omnes Gentes! Alleluia!

Purihin ang ating Diyos! Purihin ang ating Diyos!

Lahat ng Tao! Aleluya!

When the Entrance Chant is concluded, the Priest and the faithful, standing, sign themselves with the Sign of

the Cross, while the Priest, facing the people, says:

Priest: + In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and

of the Holy Spirit.

People: Amen

Then the Priest, extending his hands, greets the people, saying:

Priest: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the

love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you


People: And with your Spirit

Then follows the Penitential Act, to which the Priest invites the faithful, saying:

Penitential Act (A)

Priest: Brothers and sisters, let us acknowledge our

weaknesses and sinfulness and ask the Lord for his healing

and mercy

a brief pause of silence follows

All: I confess to almighty God

and to you, my brothers and sisters,

that I have greatly sinned,

in my thoughts and in my words,

in what I have done and in what I have failed

to do,

And, striking their breast, they say:

All: through my fault, through my fault,

through my most grievous fault;

Then they continue:

All: therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin,

all the Angels and Saints,

and you, my brothers and sisters,

to pray for me to the Lord our God.

The absolution of the Priest follows:

May Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive


us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life.

People: Amen

The Kyrie invocations follow.

Panginoon Maawa Ka (Misang Pilipino)

Eduardo Hontiveros SJ

Kyrie Eleison! Kyrie Eleison!

(KEER-ee-ay il-AY-iss-on )

Kyrie Eleison!

Christe Eleison! Christe Eleison!

Christe, Christe Eleison!

Kyrie Eleison! Kyrie Eleison!

Kyrie Eleison! Kyrie Eleison!

The Gloria is sung.

Luwalhati sa Diyos (SVD)

Nicolas Singson SVD

Luwalhati sa Diyos sa kaitaasan

Kaloob sa lupa ay kapayapaan

Pinupuri Ka't ipinagdarangal

Sinasamba Ka dahil sa dakila Mong kaluwalhatian!

Panginoon naming Diyos Hari ng Langit

Amang Makapangyarihan

Panginoong Hesu-Kristo

Bugtong na Anak ng Diyos

Kordero ng Ama

Ikaw na nag-aalis ng mga kasalanan ng sanlibutan

Tanggapin Mo ang aming kahilingan

Ikaw na naluluklok sa Kanan ng Ama

Maawa Ka sa amin

Ikaw lamang ang Banal

Panginoong Hesu-Kristo

Kasama ng Espiritu

Sa luwalhati ng Ama

Amen! Amen! Amen!


Then the Priest, with hands joined, says:

Let us pray.

And all pray in silence with the Priest for a while.

Then the Priest, with hands extended, says:

O God, protector of those who hope in you,

without whom nothing has firm foundation, nothing is holy,

bestow in abundance your mercy upon us

and grant that, with you as our ruler and guide,

we may use the good things that pass,

in such a way as to hold fast even now,

to those that ever endure.

Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.

People: Amen


A reading from the Second Book of Kings

A man came from Baal-shalishah bringing to Elisha, the man of God,

twenty barley loaves made from the firstfruits,

and fresh grain in the ear.

Elisha said, “Give it to the people to eat.”

But his servant objected,

“How can I set this before a hundred people?”

Elisha insisted, “Give it to the people to eat.”

“For thus says the LORD,

‘They shall eat and there shall be some left over.’”

And when they had eaten, there was some left over,

as the LORD had said.

The Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God

RESPONSORIAL PSALM (PS 145: 10-11, 15-16, 17-18)

R) The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs.

Let all your works give you thanks, O LORD,

and let your faithful ones bless you.

Let them discourse of the glory of your kingdom

and speak of your might.

R) The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs.

The eyes of all look hopefully to you,

and you give them their food in due season;

you open your hand

and satisfy the desire of every living thing.

The LORD is just in all his ways

and holy in all his works.

The LORD is near to all who call upon him,

to all who call upon him in truth.

R) The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs.


A reading from a letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians

Brothers and sisters:

I, a prisoner for the Lord,

urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received,

with all humility and gentleness, with patience,

bearing with one another through love,

striving to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace:

one body and one Spirit,

as you were also called to the one hope of your call;

one Lord, one faith, one baptism;

one God and Father of all,

who is over all and through all and in all.

The Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God


Aleluya (Himig II)

Aklat ng Pagmimisa sa Roma

Aleluya! Aleluya!

Narito at dumating na

isang dakilang propeta

sugo ang D’yos sa bayan n’ya.

Aleluya! Aleluya!
GOSPEL ( JOHN 6:1-15)

The Lord be with you.


People: And with your Spirit

A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John.


People: (+) Glory to you O Lord.

Priest: Jesus went across the Sea of Galilee.

A large crowd followed him,

because they saw the signs he was performing on the sick.

Jesus went up on the mountain,

and there he sat down with his disciples.

The Jewish feast of Passover was near.

When Jesus raised his eyes

and saw that a large crowd was coming to him,

he said to Philip,

“Where can we buy enough food for them to eat?”

He said this to test him,

because he himself knew what he was going to do.

Philip answered him,

“Two hundred days’ wages worth of food would not be enough

for each of them to have a little.”

One of his disciples,

Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, said to him,

“There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish;

but what good are these for so many?”

Jesus said, “Have the people recline.”

Now there was a great deal of grass in that place.

So the men reclined, about five thousand in number.

Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks,

and distributed them to those who were reclining,

and also as much of the fish as they wanted.

When they had had their fill, he said to his disciples,

“Gather the fragments left over,

so that nothing will be wasted.”

So they collected them,

and filled twelve wicker baskets with fragments

from the five barley loaves

that had been more than they could eat.

When the people saw the sign he had done, they said,

“This is truly the Prophet, the one who is to come into the


Since Jesus knew that they were going to come and carry him


to make him king,

he withdrew again to the mountain alone.

The Gospel of the Lord.


People: Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ.


After the Homily has been said, a few moments of silence is observed.

The priest then leads the Prayer of Blessing for our graduates:

Profession of Faith

At the end of the Homily, the Symbol or Profession of Faith or Creed is said:

All: I believe in one God,

the Father almighty,

maker of heaven and earth,

of all things visible and invisible

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,

the Only Begotten Son of God,

born of the Father before all ages.

God from God, Light from Light,

true God from true God,

begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;

through him all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation

he came down from heaven,

At the words that follow up to and including and became man, all bow.

and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,

and became man

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,

he suffered death and was buried,

and rose again on the third day

in accordance with the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory

to judge the living and the dead

and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,

who proceeds from the Father and the Son,

who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,

who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins

and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead

and the life of the world to come. Amen

Universal Prayer

Then follows the Universal Prayer, that is, the Prayer of the Faithful.

God, in his great love continues to nourish those who hope in


him, filled with child-like faith and trust, we turn to the Lord

and say:

For the Church, that she may listen to the voices of those who

feel excluded whithin her very walls. May she be more

focused on efforts of building bridges and lines of dialogue

rather than foster division and exclusion.


For our consecrated brothers and sisters, that they may work

tirelessly in bringing God's love to those who hunger and long

for it, may they minister to all without judgement and



For our Government, that it may see its constituents as

humans and not mere numbers, May they realize that actual

and real lives are affected by every decision they make.


For our Country, that it may realize and acknowledge their

political and human rights, may it use these to foster a society

built on equality, mercy, justice, freedom and love.


For the peacemakers and those who fight for justice may they

never tire in working for a society that never ceases to care

for the least of its members.


For all countries, that they may help each other fight the

pandemic. May all work together to ensure that all nations,

whether rich or poor, are getting the aid they need.


for medical workers and those in the frontlines, may they

find hope in Christ who never ceases to nourish the weary

heart. May you give them the necessary strength and rest to

continue in their service.


For the Sick and the dying, those who are victims of this virus,

may they find comfort and strength in Christ, the Divine

Physician, who would never forsake them in their hour of



For those who struggle with mental health, may you give them

the patience necessary to their situation. May they never fear

reaching out to people for help and may they always be

assured of your abiding presence.


For those discriminated because of their skin, their

appearance, their sexuality, their identity, their race and their

creed. For those treated unequally. May they find comfort in

the all-loving and accepted and be aware of their inherent


For the poor and those who are financially affected by the

pandemic, May you show yourself as you have one as a

gracious provider, a mother who never abandons her children

to distress.


For the peacemakers and those who fight for justice may they

never tire in working for a society that never ceases to care

for the least of its members.


for all families of every kind, broken or whole, conventional

or not, that they may strive in mirroring their families in the

image of the Trinity by rooting it in generosity and fraternal



For the Youth, that, like the boy with the five loaves and two

fishes, they may be filled with courage to respond to the call

of Christ to radical service. May they willingly give their five

loaves and two fishes with full trust and confidence as a

response of love .


For our friends and all dear and near to us, may they

continuously experience Christ's generous love in their day to

day encounters.

For the people we find difficult to love and embrace, people

who do not share our forms of expression and thought, may

they find joy and companionship in the heart of Christ.


For our beloved dead, those beloved to us, those near to those

we know, those who have been forgotten, may they enjoy the

company of Christ in the eternal banquet of Heaven.


For the prayers hidden in the silence of our hearts...

God our Father, hear the prayers of your children who hunger

and long for you, give them the bread of heaven as a sign of

your aid and abiding love. We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Preparation of the Altar and the Gifts

When all this has been done, the Offertory Chant begins. Meanwhile, the ministers place the corporal, the

purificator, the chalice, the pall, and the Missal on the altar.

Nada te Turbe (Taize)

St. Teresa of Avila

Nothing can trouble, nothing can frighten.

those who seek God shall never go wanting

Nothing can trouble, nothing can frighten.

God alone, fills us

Nada te turbe, nada te_espante;

quien a Dios tiene, nada le falta

Nada te turbe, nada te_espante;

solo Dios basta.

It is desirable that the faithful express their participation by making an offering, bringing forward bread and

wine for the celebration of the Eucharist and perhaps other gifts to relieve the needs of the Church and of the


The Priest, standing at the altar, takes the paten with the bread and holds it slightly raised above the altar with

both hands, saying in a low voice:

Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation,


for through your goodness we have received

the bread we offer you:

fruit of the earth and work of human hands,

it will become for us the bread of life.

Blessed be God forever!

Then he places the paten with the bread on the corporal.

The Deacon, or the Priest, pours wine and a little water into the chalice, saying quietly:

By the mystery of this water and wine

may we come to share in the divinity of Christ

who humbled himself to share in our humanity.

The Priest then takes the chalice and holds it slightly raised above the altar with both hands, saying in a low

Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation, for through your

goodness we have received the wine we offer you: fruit of the

vine and work of human hands, it will become for us our

spiritual drink.

Blessed be God forever!

Then he places the chalice on the corporal.

After this, the Priest, bowing profoundly, says quietly:

With humble spirit and contrite heart may we be accepted by

you, O Lord, and may our sacrifice in your sight this day be

pleasing to you, Lord God.

If appropriate, he also incenses the offerings, the cross, and the altar. A Deacon or other minister then incenses

the Priest and the people.

Then the Priest, standing at the side of the altar, washes his hands, saying quietly:

Wash me, O Lord, from my iniquity and cleanse me from my


Standing at the middle of the altar, facing the people, extending and then joining his hands, he says:

Pray, brothers and sisters, that my sacrifice and yours may be


acceptable to God, the almighty Father.

People: May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your

hands for the praise and glory of his name,

for our good and the good of all his holy


Prayer Over the Offerings

Then the Priest, with hands extended, says the Prayer over the Offerings

Accept, O Lord, we pray, the offerings


which we bring from the abundance of your gifts,

that through the powerful working of your grace

these most sacred mysteries may sanctify our present way of

life and lead us to eternal gladness.

Through Christ our Lord.

People: Amen
Eucharistic Prayer IV

The Lord be with you.


People: And with your spirit.

Lift up your hearts


People: We lift them up to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord.


People: It is right and just.

It is truly right to give you thanks,


truly just to give you glory, Father most holy,

for you are the one God living and true,

existing before all ages and abiding for all eternity,

dwelling in unapproachable light;

yet you, who alone are good, the source of life,

have made all that is,

so that you might fill your creatures with blessings

and bring joy to many of them by the glory of your light.

And so, in your presence are countless hosts of Angels,

who serve you day and night

and, gazing upon the glory of your face,

glorify you without ceasing.

With them we, too, confess your name in exultation, giving

voice to every creature under heaven, as we acclaim:

Holy (Light from Light)

Manoling Francisco SJ

Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus

Dominus Deus Sabaoth.

Pleni sunt cæli et terra

gloria tua!

Hosanna in excelsis! Hosanna in excelsis!

Benedictus qui venit

in nomine Domini.

Hosanna in excelsis! Hosanna in excelsis!

Hosanna in excelsis! Hosanna in excelsis.!

The Priest, with hands extended, says:

We give you praise, Father most holy,

for you are great

and you have fashioned all your works

in wisdom and in love.

You formed man in your own image

and entrusted the whole world to his care,

so that in serving you alone, the Creator,

he might have dominion over all creatures.

And when through disobedience he had lost your friendship,

you did not abandon him to the domain of death.

For you came in mercy to the aid of all,

so that those who seek might find you.

Time and again you offered them covenants

and through the prophets

taught them to look forward to salvation.

And you so loved the world, Father most holy,

that in the fullness of time

you sent your Only Begotten Son to be our Savior.

Made incarnate by the Holy Spirit

and born of the Virgin Mary,

he shared our human nature

in all things but sin.

To the poor he proclaimed the good news of salvation,

to prisoners, freedom,

and to the sorrowful of heart, joy.

To accomplish your plan,

he gave himself up to death,

and, rising from the dead,

he destroyed death and restored life.

And that we might live no longer for ourselves

but for him who died and rose again for us,

he sent the Holy Spirit from you, Father,

as the first fruits for those who believe,

so that, bringing to perfection his work in the world,

he might sanctify creation to the full.

He joins his hands and, holding them extended over the offerings, says:

Therefore, O Lord, we pray:

may this same Holy Spirit

graciously sanctify these offerings,

He joins his hands and makes the Sign of the Cross once over the bread and chalice together, saying:

that they may become

the Body and + Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ

He joins his hands.

for the celebration of this great mystery,

which he himself left us

as an eternal covenant.

In the formulas that follow, the words of the Lord should be pronounced clearly and distinctly, as the nature of

these words requires.

For when the hour had come

for him to be glorified by you, Father most holy,

having loved his own who were in the world,

he loved them to the end:

and while they were at supper,

He takes the bread and, holding it slightly raised above the altar, continues:

he took bread, blessed and broke it,

and gave it to his disciples, saying,

He bows slightly.




He shows the consecrated host to the people, places it again on the paten, and genuflects in adoration.

After this, he continues:

In a similar way,

He takes the chalice and, holding it slightly raised above the altar, continues:

taking the chalice filled with the fruit of the vine,

he gave thanks,

and gave the chalice to his disciples, saying:

He bows slightly.










He shows the chalice to the people, places it on the corporal, and genuflects in adoration.

Then he says:

The mystery of faith.

And the people continue, acclaiming:

Si Kristo ay Namatay

Gene Pastidio | Cielo Almazan

Salvátor Mundi!

Salva nos!

qui per crucem et resurrectiónem

tuam liberasti nos!

Then, with hands extended, the Priest says:

Therefore, O Lord,

as we now celebrate the memorial of our redemption,

we remember Christ’s Death

and his descent to the realm of the dead,

we proclaim his Resurrection

and his Ascension to your right hand,

and, as we await his coming in glory,

we offer you his Body and Blood,

the sacrifice acceptable to you

which brings salvation to the whole world.

Look, O Lord, upon the Sacrifice

which you yourself have provided for your Church,

and grant in your loving kindness

to all who partake of this one Bread and one Chalice

that, gathered into one body by the Holy Spirit,

they may truly become a living sacrifice in Christ

to the praise of your glory.

Therefore, Lord, remember now

all for whom we offer this sacrifice:

especially your servant Francis our Pope,

Honesto our Bishop,

and the whole Order of Bishops,

all the clergy,

those who take part in this offering,

those gathered here before you,

your entire people,

and all who seek you with a sincere heart.

Remember also

those who have died in the peace of your Christ

and all the dead,

whose faith you alone have known.

To all of us, your children,

grant, O merciful Father,

that we may enter into a heavenly inheritance

with the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God,

with blessed Joseph, her Spouse

and with your Apostles and Saints in your kingdom.

with St. James the Great, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Therese of

Lisieux and Blessed Carlo Acutis,

There, with the whole of creation,

freed from the corruption of sin and death,

may we glorify you through Christ our Lord,

He joins his hands.

through whom you bestow on the world all that is good.

He takes the chalice and the paten with the host and, raising both, he says:

Dakilang Amen (Misang Pilipino)

Manoling Francisco SJ

Sa pamamagitan ni Kristo,

Kasama Niya at sa Kanya

Ang lahat ng parangal at papuri

Ay sa Iyo, Diyos Amang


Kasama ng Espiritu Santo

Magpasawalang hanggan

The people acclaim:

Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Aleluya!

Omawon ang Dios! (Bikolano)

Pagdaygon ang Dios! (Sugbuanong Binisaya)

Amen! Aleluya!

Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Aleluya!

Then follows the Communion Rite.

The Communion Rite

After the chalice and paten have been set down, the Priest, with hands joined, says:

Priest: At the Saviour’s command and formed by divine teaching, we

dare to say:

He extends his hands and, together with the people, continues:

Ama Namin (Misang Pilipino)

Eduardo Hontiveros SJ

Ama namin, sumasalangit Ka.

Sambahin ang ngalan mo.

Mapasaamin ang kaharian mo

Sundin ang loob mo

dito sa lupa para nang sa langit.

Bigyan mo kami ngayon ng aming kakanin sa araw-araw

At patawarin mo ang aming mga sala

Para nang pagpapatawad namin

sa nagkakasala sa amin.

At huwag mo kaming ipahintulot sa tukso

At iadya mo kami sa lahat ng masama

With hands extended, the Priest alone continues, saying:

Priest: Deliver us, Lord, we pray, from every evil,

graciously grant peace in our days,

that, by the help of your mercy,

we may be always free from sin

and safe from all distress,

as we await the blessed hope

and the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

He joins his hands.

The people conclude the prayer, acclaiming:

People: For the kingdom,

the power and the glory are yours

now and for ever.

Then the Priest, with hands extended, says aloud:

Priest: Lord Jesus Christ,

who said to your Apostles:

Peace I leave you, my peace I give you;

look not on our sins,

but on the faith of your Church,

and graciously grant her peace and unity

in accordance with your will.

He joins his hands.

Who live and reign for ever and ever.

People: Amen.

The Priest, turned towards the people, extending and then joining his hands, adds:

Priest: The peace of the Lord be with you always.

People: And with your spirit.

Priest: Let us offer each other the sign of peace.

And all offer one another a sign, in keeping with local customs, that expresses peace, communion, and charity.

The Priest gives the sign of peace to a Deacon or minister.

Then he takes the Host, breaks it over the paten, and places a small piece in the chalice, saying quietly:

Priest: May this mingling of the Body and Blood

of our Lord Jesus Christ

bring eternal life to us who receive it.

Meanwhile the following is sung.

Kordero ng Diyos (Misang Pilipino)

Manoling Francisco SJ

Kordero ng Diyos na nag-aalis ng mga kasalanan ng

sanlibutan! maawa Ka!

Kordero ng Diyos na nag-aalis ng mga kasalanan ng

sanlibutan! maawa Ka!

Kordero ng Diyos na nag-aalis ng mga kasalanan ng

sanlibutan! Ipagkaloob Mo sa amin ang kapayapaan!

Then the Priest, with hands joined, says quietly:

Priest: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God,

who, by the will of the Father

and the work of the Holy Spirit,

through your Death gave life to the world,

free me by this, your most holy Body and Blood,

from all my sins and from every evil;

keep me always faithful to your commandments,

and never let me be parted from you.


Priest: May the receiving of your Body and Blood,

Lord Jesus Christ,

not bring me to judgment and condemnation,

but through your loving mercy

be for me protection in mind and body

and a healing remedy.

The Priest genuflects, takes the host and, holding it slightly raised above the paten or above the chalice, while

facing the people, says aloud:

Priest: Behold the Lamb of God,

behold him who takes away the sins of the world.

Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.

People: Lord, I am not worthy

that you should enter under my roof,

but only say the word

and my soul shall be healed.

The Priest, facing the altar, says quietly:

Priest: May the Body of Christ

keep me safe for eternal life.

And he reverently consumes the Body of Christ.

Then he takes the chalice and says quietly:

Priest: May the Blood of Christ

keep me safe for eternal life.

And he reverently consumes the Blood of Christ.

After this, he takes the paten or ciborium and approaches the communicants. The Priest raises a host slightly

and shows it to each of the communicants, saying:

Priest: The Body of Christ.

People: Amen

While the Priest is receiving the Body of Christ, the Communion Chant begins.

Sa Dapit- Hapon

Eduardo Hintiveros SJ | Bienvenida Tabuena

T’wing dakong dapit-hapon, minamasdan kong lagi.

Ang paglubog ng araw, hudyat ng takipsilim.

Ganyan ang aking buhay, kung may dilim ang buwan.

Hihiwat sa baybayin sa pagsapit ng dilim.

Kung magawa ko lamang, ang hangin ay mapigil

At ang dilim ng hatinggabi'y wag sanang magmamaliw

Upang ang palakaya ay laging masagana

Sa tangan kong liwanag ang kawa'y lalapit


Nang dakong dapit-hapon, piging ng Panginoon

Sa mga kaibiga'y ay mag huling hapunan

Sa bagong salu-salo, nagdiriwang ang bayan

Ang tanging kanyang hain ay sarili N'yang buhay

When the distribution of Communion is over, the Priest or a Deacon or an acolyte purifies the paten over the

chalice and also the chalice itself.

While he carries out the purification, the Priest says quietly:

Priest: What has passed our lips as food, O Lord,

may we possess in purity of heart,

that what has been given to us in time

may be our healing for eternity.

Then the Priest may return to the chair. If appropriate, a sacred silence may be observed for a while, or a psalm

or other canticle of praise or a hymn may be sung.

Communion Prayer

Then, standing at the altar or at the chair and facing the people, with hands joined, the Priest says:

Priest: Let us pray.

All pray in silence with the Priest for a while, unless silence has just been observed. Then the Priest, with hands

extended, says the Prayer after Communion:

Priest: We have consumed, O Lord, this Divine Sacrament,

the perpetual memorial of the Passion of your Son;

grant we pray, that this gift,

which he himself gave us with love beyond all telling,

may profit us for salvation.

Through Christ our Lord.

People: Amen

A Hymn to the Blessed Virgin Mary is sung.

Salve Regina


Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiæ,

vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve.

Ad te clamamus exsules filii Hevæ,

Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes

in hac lacrimarum valle.

Eia, ergo, advocata nostra, illos tuos

misericordes oculos ad nos converte;

Et Jesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui,

nobis post hoc exsilium ostende.

O clemens, O pia, O dulcis Virgo Maria.


Maria, Rayna sa Pilipinas

Narcisa Fernandez, FMA

O Maria, Rayna sa Pilipinas,

panalipdi kami sa mga katalagman,

Agaka kami ngadto sa Manluluwas.

Si Kristo nga Anak mo ug ang among kagawasan.


The priest extending his hand over the celebrant says

Birthday Blessing by St. Clare of Assisi

Priest: What you hold may you always hold,

What you love may you always love,

What you do may you always do and never abandon,

but with swift pace, light step, unswerving feet,

so that even your steps stir up no dust,

may you go forward securely

joyfully and swiftly,

on the path of prudent happiness and so,

May almighty God bless you,

May he look upon you with the eyes of his mercy and give you

his peace.

May he pour forth his graces on you abundantly,

And in heaven, may he place you among his saints.

The dismissal immediately follows


The Priest, facing the people and extending his hands, says:

Priest: The Lord be with you.

People: And with your spirit.

The Priest blesses the people, saying:

Priest: May almighty God bless you,

the Father, and the Son, + and the Holy Spirit.

People: Amen.

Then the Deacon, or the Priest himself, with hands joined and facing the people, says:

Priest: Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God.

Then the Priest venerates the altar as usual with a kiss, as at the beginning. After making a profound bow with

the ministers, he withdraws.

If any liturgical action follows immediately, the rites of dismissal are omitted.

A hymn maybe sung

Battle Hymn of the Republic

Julia Ward Howe

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord

He is trapling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored

He has loosed the fateful lightening of his terrible swift sword

His truth is marching on

Glory, Glory halleluhjah!

Glory, Glory halleluhjah!

Glory, Glory halleluhjah!

His truth is marching on!

I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnish'd rows of steel

As ye deal with my condemners so with you my grace shall deal

Let the Savior, born of Mary, crush the serpent with his heel

His truth is marching on

Glory, Glory halleluhjah!

Glory, Glory halleluhjah!

Glory, Glory halleluhjah!

His truth is marching on!

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea

With a glory in his bosom that transfigures you and me

As he died to make men holy, let us die to make men free

His love is marching on

Glory, Glory halleluhjah!

Glory, Glory halleluhjah!

Glory, Glory halleluhjah!

His love is marching on!

Glory, Glory halleluhjah!

Glory, Glory halleluhjah!

Glory, Glory halleluhjah!

His love is marching on!

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