A Study of Consumers Behaviour Related To KTM

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A Study of Consumers Behaviour Retated to Ktm Brand Bike Special Reference In

Coimbatore City

Article · May 2021


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1 author:

Dr R.Sridevi
Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science


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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 5, May -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com

A Study of Consumers Behaviour Retated to Ktm Brand

Bike Special Reference In Coimbatore City
Dr. R. Sri Devi1, Praveashakhashan .KM2
Asst. Prof., Department of B COM (P.A), Sri Ramakrishna College Of Arts and Science, Coimbatore
Final year student, Department of B Com (P.A), Sri Ramakrishna College Of Arts And Science, Coimbatore



The data were collected from 102 respondents from city of Coimbatore. This study is based to identify the factors
that influence the consumer buying behaviour of the two wheeler bikes at Coimbatore, cities of Tamil Nadu. The
survey is mainly focused on the buying behaviour of the consumers that motivates them to purchases the two

The marketing philosophy of business assumes that an organization can best serve prosper and attain profit by
identifying and satisfying the needs of its customers. This however is a recent thinking various definitions of
marketing have been given from different perspective exchanges and utility being the two important once. The
current millennium has unfolded new business rules the most significant of them being that past or experience in a
given product market is no indicator for future success.

This study analyses the marketable study of A Study Of Consumers Behaviour Retated To Ktm Brand Bike.


KTM is a Austrian Motorcycle and sports car Manufactured owned Mobility and Indian Manufactured Bajaj Auto. It was
formed in 1992 but traces its foundation to as in 1934. Today, KTM is the parent company of the KTM Group of , consiting
of a number of Motorcycle brands. It is specially made for OFF-ROAD – Motorcycle, since the late 1990s it has expanded
into street motorcycle production and developing sports cars –namely X- bow. In 2015 KTM sold almost as many street as
off-road bikes. Since 2012, KTM has been the largest motorcycle manufacturer in Europe for four consecutive years.
Globally, the company is among the leading off-road motorcycle manufacturers. In 2016, KTM sold 203,423 motor
vehicles worldwide. In 1934, an Austrian engineer Johann (Hans) Trunkenpolz set up a fitter's and car repair
shop in Mattighofen. In 1937, he started selling DKW motorcycles, and Opel cars the following year. His shop was known
as Kraftfahrzeug Trunkenpolz Mattighofen, but the name was unregistered. During the Second World War, his wife took
care of the business which was thriving mainly on account of diesel engine repairs.

After the war, demand for repair works fell sharply and Trunkenpolz started thinking about producing his own motorcycles.
The prototype of his first motorcycle, the R100, was built in 1951. The components of the motorcycle were produced in
house, except for the Rotax engines which were made by Fichtel & Sachs. Serial production of the R100 started in 1953.
With just 20 employees, motorcycles were built at a rate of three per day.

Consumer Response:
Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) is a joint trade and industry body working towards making the grocery sector as whole
more responsive to consumer demand and promote the removal of unnecessary costs from the supply chain.

There are focus areas under ECR demand management, supply management, enables and integrators, which are intended to
be addressed as an integrated set. These form the basis of the ECR Global Scorecard.

Ecr Europ
ECR Europe was launched in 1994.With its headquarters in Brusels, the organization works in co-operation with national
ECR initiatives in most European countries. Participations in project at European and national level is open to companies in
the grocery and fast moving consumer sectors, including retailers, wholesalers, manufacture, suppliers ,brokers and thirty
service provide such as logistics operators.

IJARESM Publication, India >>>> www.ijaresm.com Page 3709

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 5, May -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com

Every year ECR organize projects where companies from Europe explore new areas of working together. The results of
these projects are published and there is Annual ECR Europe conferences.

Consumers Response Marketing (CRM) is a full service Canadian Marketing fulfillment company that delivers that
delivers a wide variety of service for business to business (B2B) and Business to consumers
(B2C) direct response programs.

Objectives Of The Study :

1. To know about the factors of influencing the customers the customers decisions of purchasing KTM bike.
2. To know about the respondents problems towards KTM vehicle.
3. To analyze the impact of behavioral factors of consumers on choosing particulars brand of motor bikes.


Leslie Lazar And Schiffam: The authors suggested consumer behavior as individual differ as from group. The family
decision for a purchase decision is entirely different from individual decision. The authors discussed various variables that
affect consumer purchase decision. The book focused on family life cycle needs of consumer during different life stages.
The family decision making process as a group making is elaborated and it is recommended to segment the market
according to family need hierarchy.

Bitta And Della: The author proposed that consumer behavior studies play an important role in deciding marketing
segments and marketing strategies. The author recommended that consumer is often studied because certain discussion are
significantly affected by their behavior or expected actions. For his reason such consumer behavior is said to be an applied
discipline. Such application can exists at two levels of analysis. Market segmentation, consumer decisions making and
buying behavior is considered as core marketing activities in designing effective marketing strategies.

KARUNIK and SCHIFFMAN: The book highlights dynamic business environment is turbulent as never before and the
service industry as promising as never before. In this era of intense competition companies understand the customer is the
king in the market and success depends a lot on the efficiency of the manager in delivering the promised product or
services. The responsibility lies on the organizations to develop a culture, ethics, responsibility, value and quality services
should be offered to achieve higher level of customer satisfaction. Dynamic consumer behaviour is required to analyses
various factors affecting consumer purchase decisions directly or indirectly.

Batra S.K & Kazmi: The book has described consumer decisions making process, buyer’s black box and important of
consumer behavior studies for marketers in order to understand what satisfy the ultimate consumer.

The book described vital characteristics of Indian consumer and competitive advantages in Indian context for the marketers.
The decision process, buying roles and consumer black box are discussed in detail.
The various steps evolving consumer decisions making are linked with life stages. Young buyers, women and children
considered as uprising groups as a part of competitive market situations.

Joseph Sarkis, (2007) Green supply chain management: pressures, practice and performance within the Chinese
automobile industry this study examines the Chinese automobile supply chain managers to consider and initiate
implementation of green supply chain management (GSCM)practice to improve both their economic and environmental

Anna. S. Mattila, (2011) The impact of other customers on customers experiences this research examines how other
customer elicited response jointly affect the overall customer experience.

Niocosia Model, It was developed b Francesco M. Nicosia (1966). He was one of the first consumer behaviour modelers to
shift focus from the act of purchase itself to the more complex decision process that consumers engage in about products
and its potential consumer. It is interactive in design the firm tries to influence consumer and the consumers by their action
(or inactions) influence the firm.

Howard-Sheth Model, Howard and sheth (1969) propounded this model of buying behaviour. It is a major revision of an
earlier systematic to develop a comprehensive theory of consumers’ decisions making. It covers both industrial and
ultimate users. This model gives emphasis or rational activities and its distinguishes three stages of decision making.

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 5, May -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com

Engel Kollat Blackwell Model, This model is also known as the Engle-Blackwell-Miniard model (1968) of consumer
behaviour. It has gone through numerous revisions from time to time. Later it was revised by the greatest contribution of
Miniard. This ,

Sheth Family Decision Model, The sheth family decision making model (1981) considered the family as the appropriate
consumers’ decisions making unit and its suggest that joint decision making tends to prevail in families that are middle
class newly married and close knit with few prescribed family roles. In terms of product specific factors, it suggest that
joint decision making is more prevalent in situations of high perceived risk of uncertainty, when the purchase decisions is
considered is considered to be important and when there is sufficient time to make a decisions.

Bettman’s Information Processing Model, Bettman’s model (1993)of consumers choice portrays the consumer as
processing a limited capacity for processing information. According to this model, the consumer rarely (if ever) undertakes
very complex analysis of available alternatives and employs simple decision strategies when with a choice.

Sheth-Newman-Gross Model, The sheth-Newman-gross model (1991) of consumption values recently developed to
explain why consumers make the choice they do? This model concentrates on accessing consumption relevant values that
explain why consumer choose one product type over another and to consumers choice involving a full range (consumers
non-durables, industrial goods and services).

Research Methodology :
SAMPLE SIZE : 101 Respondents
SAMPLE DESIGN : Convenient Sample
AREA : Coimbatore
TOOLS USED : (1) Percentage tool
(2) Chi-Square test

Limitations Of The Study :

1. Due to limited availability of time the respondents from the city of Coimbatore is selected, thus it cannot be claimed to be
a comprehensive study of the population.
2. The sample size is restricted to 101 respondents.

Analysis And Interpretation

Social Economic Factors :


Gender No of Respondents Percentage

Male 60 58.82%

Female 42 41.18%

Total 102 100%

The above table revels that out of 102 respondents, 58.82%people are male and 41.18% are female.
Majority (58.82%) Of The People Are Male

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 5, May -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com


Marital Status No of respondents Percentage

Married 39 38.23%

Unmarried 63 61.77%

Total 102 100%


Occupation No of respondents Percentage

Private Employed 60 59%

Government Employee 21 20.59%

Self Employee 11 10.79%

Part Time Worker 10 9.62%

Total 102 100%

The above table revels that out of 102 respondents, 59% people are private employee, 20.59% people are government
employee, 10.79% people are self employee,9.62%ppeople are part time workers.

Majority (59%) Of The People Are Private Employee


Income No of respondent Percentage

0 To 10000 17 16.67%

10000 To 20000 13 12.76%

20000 To 30000 16 15.67%

Above 30000 56 54.9%

Total 102 100%

The above table revels that out 102 respondents 16.67%of people get 0 to 10000 income group, 12.76% of people get
10000 to 20000 income group,15.67% of people get 20000 to 30000 income group and 54.9% of people get above 30000
income group.

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 5, May -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com

Majority (54.9%) Of The People Get Above 30000 Income Group

Reason to purchase KTM Bike

Reasons No of respondent Percentage

Mileage 1 0.98%

Brand Name 80 78.44%

Price 1 0.98%

Low maintenance 10 9.80%

Wide range of products 10 9.80%

Total 102 100%

The above table revels that out of 102 respondents 0.98% of people choose mileage, 78.44% of people choose for brand
name, 0.98% of people choose for price, 9.80% of people choose for low maintenance and 9.80% of people choose for wide
range of products.

Majority (78.44%) Of People Are Choosing Brand Name .

Bike that you like most

Reasons No of respondents Percentages

KTM Duke 49 45.09%

KTM RC 20 19.60%

KTM Rc8 21 20.59%

KTM Adventure 15 14.72%

Total 102 100%

The above table revels that out of 102 respondents 45.09% of people like KTM Duke, 19.60% of people like KTM RC,
20.59% of people like KTM Rc8, and 14.72% of people like KTM Adventure.

Majority (45.09%) Of The People Like Ktm Duke .

Quality of ABS Dual channel Breaking system

Reasons No of respondents Percentages

Outstanding 49 48%

Bad perform 32 31.41%

Poor 21 20.59%

IJARESM Publication, India >>>> www.ijaresm.com Page 3713

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 5, May -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com

Total 102 100

The above table revels that out of 102 respondents 48% of people say’s outstanding performance of ABS Break, 31.41% of
people say’s bad perform of ABS break, and 20.59% of people say’s poor perform of ABS break.

Majority (48%) Of People Say’s Outstanding Of Abs Breaking System.

High power and torque in KTM Bike

Response No of respondents Percentage

KTM Duke 40 41.18%

62 58.82%
102 100%

The above table revels that out of 102 respondents 41.18% of people say’s KTM Duke has high power and torque, 58.82%
of people say’s KTM RC has high power and torque .

Majority (58.82%) Pf People Say’s That Ktm Rc Has High Power And Torque.

Chi-Square Spss-1
There is no significant different between brand name, maintenance, price, and wide range products of KTM Bike.

Brand Name Bike Name% Maintenence Price Wide Range Total

KTM RC125 0.16 0.54 0.3 0.03 1.16

KTM RC 200 0.12 4.41 0.36 0.06 5.5

KTM DUKE 0.57 0.02 1.02 3.23

200 0.17
KTM DUKE 0.2 0.13 0.09 1.53 3.63
TOTAL 1.05 5.25 0.76 2.63 13.52

Source: Primary Data

From the calculation it is found the table value is less than the calculated value, thus it can be concluded that bike name,
maintenance , price , wide range products of KTM bikes is not differ significantly.

Weighted Average Method

Name Of The Bike Mean Weighted Average Rank

KTM Duke 125 30 0.15% 5
KTM Duke 200 15 0.075% 4
KTM Duke 250 10 0.05% 6
KTM Duke 390 25 0.125% 6
KTM RC 125 10 0.05% 3
KTM RC 200 45 0.225% 2
KTM RC 390 65 0.325% 1

IJARESM Publication, India >>>> www.ijaresm.com Page 3714

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 5, May -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com

Total 200 100 % 07

Source: Primary Data

Interpetation:From the above table we can understood KTM RC 390 is most preferred type of bike by the respondents ,
KTM RC 200 is most preferred bike the respondents , and KTM duke 390 is most preferred bike by the respondents .


 Most of the people choose KTM brand bike for the out-look and built type of the bike. Most of the people choose for the
out-look and price of bike.
 Majority of the respondents are satisfied with the KTM Bike of models available.
 Most of the respondents are collected from owned KTM bikers already.
 The more respondents are highly satisfied with service and dual channel AB’s breaking system.
 Majority of the respondents are satisfied with price, mileage, fuel and efficiency of the bike.
 Majority of people say’s that KTM RC has high power and torque comparing to KTM duke.
 Most of the people use the bike only for long ride and one hand person is preferred to maintaining of Engine.
 Majority of the people avoid city ride and off-road ride in this brand bike because of drop of mileage.
 Most of the people say’s instantaneous throttle response and the best power-to-weight ratio in the motocross segment
has been the calling card for 2 stroke fans for year.
 Majority of the street racers say’s this bike comfortable for stunting and track ridings.


This study is based on the customer of KTM brand bike. Favorites of bike, findings of bike and suggestion of customers has
been found through the data collected with KTM users and future prediction from KTM bike favorites persons by preparing
proper questionnaires of KTM bikes, the questionnaires is based on the observation done in the organization. I hope this
study will help the organization in the general to improve the customer responses in the company for longer period. I
concluded this report as been prepared completely based on my own knowledge.


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