Working From Home Procedure: Scope
Working From Home Procedure: Scope
Working From Home Procedure: Scope
This procedure applies to professional staff, herein collectively referred to as ‘you’ for the purpose of this procedure.
Academic staff who work from home may request an OHS assessment of their home-based work site. Please contact your HR Business
For the purposes of this procedure, the Enterprise Agreement means the Monash University Enterprise Agreement (Academic &
Professional Staff) 2019 or the Trades and Services staff (Building and Metal Trades staff) 2009 or Trades and Services staff (Catering and
Retail, Cleaning and Caretaking, and Miscellaneous services staff) 2005 as applicable to you in accordance with your contract of
employment. Links to relevant clauses are included in the definitions of this procedure.
Monash assists staff to balance their responsibilities by offering ways to work flexibly. As part of this commitment, Monash (‘us’, ‘our’ or
‘we’) will consider applications from staff for the opportunity to work from home.
This procedure describes how to request, assess, implement and monitor a regular working from home agreement.
Process overview
To request a working from home (WFH) agreement, the following process should be followed:
1. Eligibility
1.1 All professional staff are eligible to request a regular WFH arrangement and will be considered on a case by case basis.
Important information
1.2 The occasional ad-hoc request should be managed at a local level between you and your supervisor.
1.3 When working from home, we require you to perform at the same standard as office based staff.
1.4 Your home based work site must be located at your usual place of residence. This is to ensure your safety and our compliance with
OHS standards.
1.5 We may also require access to your home based work site (including for OHS reasons, refer 6.6 below). Should we require access,
we will endeavour to provide you with 24 hours written notice).
1.6 A WFH request to work interstate or overseas will only be considered in exceptional circumstances by the Chief Human Resources
• Whether your role and working style is suited to WFH. For example:
• The hours and type of work to be performed from home. For example:
− the amount and type of work per week/fortnight that is suitable to be done from home;
− the number of hours you could work from home without impacting on service delivery or others' workloads;
− number of hours you could work with limited supervision; and
− number of hours you could motivate yourself to carry out your work.
Note: You are required to spend the majority of your working week at your normal place of work and requests to work more
than one day per week from home will not normally be approved.
• The equipment you need to perform the work, more specifically:
− The furniture required to ensure OHS compliance of your work site. You are normally responsible for these costs,
however, requests for reimbursement of furniture, equipment or utilities will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
− Esolutions approved or supplied IT facilities (including phone and internet) that you need to access to our network.
Note: Equipment supplied by us is for business use only. We will insure the equipment and it must be available to us upon
request and for repairs and maintenance.
• Additionally, you should discuss:
− methods for maintaining effective communication;
− managing performance (including output levels) whilst working from home; and
− methods for monitoring the agreement.
8. Breach of procedure
8.1 We treat any breach of our policies or procedures seriously. We encourage reporting of concerns about non-compliance and
manage compliance in accordance with the applicable Enterprise Agreement or contract terms.
Ad hoc working from home Working from home authorised by a supervisor, that does not occur on a regular basis or follow a
agreement regular pattern. Relevant terms, duties and responsibilities detailed in this procedure still apply to ad
hoc agreement s (e.g. the OHS duty of care is still applicable) however an OHS assessment is not
mandatory nor does a Working from Home Agreement need to be entered in to.
Child or children Children are under the age of 18 years and child has the related meaning.
Enterprise Agreement The Enterprise Agreement means the Monash University Enterprise Agreement (Academic & Professional
Staff) 2019 or the Trades and Services staff (Building and Metal Trades staff) 2009 or Trades and
Services staff (Catering and Retail, Cleaning and Caretaking, and Miscellaneous services staff) 2005 as
applicable to the staff member in accordance with their contract of employment. Clauses relating to this
procedure include:
Monash University Enterprise Agreement (Academic and Professional Staff) 2019
• Clause 37 – Requests for Flexible Work Arrangements
• Clause 71 – Performance Development
Home-based work site The area designated by the staff member to be used as the workplace when working from home.
HR Business Partner A member of the Monash HR community who operates as a strategic partner responsible for providing a
range of human resource services for an assigned Faculty or administrative Division.
myPlan An online performance planning tool that supports staff to manage the performance development cycle
in a timely and consistent way. It is a hosted, web-based product that is easy to use, offers a secure
repository for documentation and streamlines data entry.
Regular working from home Authorised working from home that occurs at least once each week/fortnight for more than two
agreement consecutive months.
Safety and Risk Analysis The University's online hazard and incident reporting tool. It provides staff, students and contractors
Hub (SARAH) with a user-friendly way to report occupational health and safety (OHS) related hazards, incidents and
allegations of unacceptable behaviour.
Staff member The professional staff member applying for and/or who has a working from home agreement.
Working from Home (WFH) An authorised voluntary and cooperative agreement made between a staff member and the University
for the performance of specified work during ordinary hours of duty at the staff member's home.
Working from Home A written and approved document (based on a template) that sets out the terms and conditions of the
Agreement working from home agreement.
Parent policy Employment conditions
Supporting schedules
Approval Chief Human Resources Officer as delegate of the Chief Operating Officer – 12 February 2020
Version 5