About The Infinite Way

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About The Infinite Way

The Infinite Way message was brought to this world through the spiritual revelations of Joel S.
Goldsmith. It is a mystical message that teaches spiritual principles to live by and practice for
harmonious living, and it is a blueprint for the attainment of God realization. Joel described The
Infinite Way this way:  
“Let me explain briefly what The Infinite Way is: It is a spiritual teaching consisting of principles
which anyone may follow and practice, irrespective of his religious affiliation. The Infinite Way
reveals the nature of God to be one infinite power, intelligence, and love; the nature of individual
being to be one with His qualities and character, expressed in infinite forms and variety; and the
nature of the discords of this world to be a misconception of God’s expression of Himself in His
universe. These are universal principles based on the message of the Master, Christ Jesus, who
taught that man can realize his oneness with God through conscious communion with God, thereby
bringing about peace on earth, harmony, and wholeness.”
(The Art of Spiritual Healing, Chapter 4, “The Language of Spiritual Healing”)
Joel Goldsmith first wrote about The Infinite Way message in his book The Infinite Way.  He
published the book himself, knowing that there might be no interest in the book, and that the copies
would remain in boxes under his bed gathering dust. However, the books sold out so quickly that a
Los Angeles publishing company asked Joel for permission to publish a second printing of the book
and give it a national debut in bookstores. Joel agreed, and The Infinite Way became the first
ambassador for the message of The Infinite Way.  Many more books followed.  Some were written
to illumine key aspects of the message; others compiled collections of Joel’s Monthly Letters  to his
worldwide body of students. 
Early in his teaching ministry, students asked Joel to tape record his classes. He agreed, making it
possible for even more students to learn from him.  In 1951, Joel established The Infinite Way
Office, where he kept all these original recordings, as well as his original book manuscripts and
writings.  Establishing the Office ensured that students would always have access to the authentic
Infinite Way materials. Seventy years later, this Office continues that same mission, preserving,
maintaining, and making available all of Joel’s original work so that students can be instructed by
this spiritual master himself.  
Joel lectured throughout the United States and around the world, but he went only where he was
invited, and he never advertised.  Even as Joel continued to author books and maintain a
demanding worldwide teaching schedule, he carried on an extensive healing and practitioner
ministry.  His healing ministry was a demonstration of the spiritual principles of The Infinite Way
message, and The Infinite Way name became and remains recognized around the world by the
sheer momentum of its spiritual application.
Joel S. Goldsmith had a deep respect for and an abiding confidence in the God in mankind.  He
knew that The Infinite Way message would find a home with those individuals who were meant to
begin a spiritual journey beyond words and thoughts, because he knew that it is the Father within us
who awakens us to seek Him aright.  The Infinite Way message is an individual experience. There
are Infinite Way students all over the world, and there are thousands of stories from students who
found this message in wonderfully timely and mystical ways.  The message instructs us to seek God
aright in the secret, sacred silence of our inner kingdom. While there are many of us all over the
world, we are not a congregation. Our bond comes from the shared desire to seek God aright and to
live in this world harmoniously; to be in the world, but not of it.
Q: I see others representing themselves as The Infinite Way or an Infinite Way activity. They even
use the trademark symbol "®". Are they associated with Joel's office of The Infinite Way®?
A: No. Joel S. Goldsmith established and authorized only this office to distribute his original work,
which we do directly and through our two authorized publishers, Acropolis Books and DeVorss &
Company. Joel’s purpose was to ensure that students would always have one reliable source for the
original message. Joel remains the best teacher of the Infinite Way message.
During his lifetime, Joel was very concerned about over-editing and about changes and revisions to
the message. He knew that in time, attempts would be made to change the message to make it
more commercially appealing, or even to abridge and reconstruct the text for other purposes. Joel
knew that the entire meaning of the message could become obsolete even with changing just a few
words. During his lifetime, Joel carefully supervised and reviewed all publications before they were
sent to the publishers, and he set forth specific instructions for the audio recording procedures. He
left further instructions regarding the fundamental emphasis on preserving the original text and audio
presentations, which are followed to this day.
In his classes and publications, Joel made clear that The Infinite Way was to have no organization
and no congregations. There are no fees or dues, and we do not advertise, solicit donations or
participants, or keep mailing lists of student names. We do not have fees for healing or practitioner
work.  We are not involved in social media chat rooms, discussions, or other such social media
activities. Joel felt that combining study with social activities could interfere with meaningful spiritual

Q: Why is there no Infinite Way organization?

A:  Joel insisted that The Infinite Way never be organized.  He saw that organization could “put the
veil” on a message of spiritual truth and obscure its original meaning.  He wanted no memberships,
obligations, dogma, or structured leadership, and he never tried to build a following or bind students
to The Infinite Way.  He respected the freedom of every student to follow their inner guidance. As he
“We continue to be unorganized and without memberships, so that students may come and students
may go in accord with their own spiritual light. There is never any tie binding anyone, except the
invisible tie of mutual interest, love, and help. Each student is free to study, to meditate, to unite with
us in our spiritual activities, and at any time that he discovers that this is not his way, he can leave
with blessings, with love, and with the same degree of friendship that we had while we were working
together because no ties have been broken.”
“The reason [for no organization] is that in every organization there is an authority, and instead of
going into your own consciousness, taking the books and the tapes into your own consciousness for
guidance, it becomes so easy to ask someone else. … Then you get an interpretation that does not
come from the source within you.”
Joel had another reason for no organization, too.
“Because the Infinite Way has no organization, those who adopt its principles do not have to change
their religious affiliation. It is surprising how many ministers of different denominations are studying
Infinite Way writings, and how many metaphysical practitioners of all schools are bringing this
message into their experience.”
Joel saw that ministers and laymen alike can embody The Infinite Way message in their individual
lives and still remain on whatever religious path they follow.  In this way, the principles of The Infinite
Way can be accepted as truth in many religions, and Joel felt that this potential for far-reaching
influence was far better than putting a barrier around the message through organization.
Since there is no organization, seekers find The Infinite Way the message on their own, often in
surprising or improbable ways.  While Infinite Way students might enjoy meeting in classes or in
tape groups, their core practice is individual study, meditation, and practicing the principles in daily
Q: What is meant by the "pure" message of The Infinite Way?
A: The “pure” message of The Infinite Way refers to the original message as given by Joel S.
Goldsmith in his classes and in his writings.  As with every spiritual master who has walked upon
this earth and left a spiritual message, people with good intentions think they can add to a
completed body of work. Over time, these subtle alterations that come from others’ interpretations of
the work dilute the message, and eventually it is lost.
Joel S. Goldsmith could read Greek, Aramaic, and Sanskrit. He traveled the world to read original
scriptures and discovered how wonderful spiritual passages had become diluted through subtle
changes made to the original content over time. The Infinite Way® Office remains the only source of
all of Joel’s original recordings, writings, essays, journals, and private writings.

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