Performance of Thresher

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Misr J. Ag. Eng.

, 26(4): 1696 - 1709 FARM MACHINERY AND POWER



The objective of this paper is to study the feasibility of using locally made
threshing machine for dry bean( Giaz 6 seed) and selecting the optimum
conditions for operation. Threshing drum speeds tested were 11.72 ,
13.18 and 15.38 m/sec., feed rates 10, 15 and 20 kg /min and seed was
used at moisture contents of 13.56, 11.53 and 9.20 % . The obtained
results show that, the local threshing machine can be successfully used
for threshing bean under the following conditions : seed moisture
content 9.20 % drum speed 15.38 m / sec and feed rate 20 kg /min,
resulting in seed damage of 2.17 % and un-threshed seed of 1.48 %
,threshing efficiency of 98.52 % , consumed power 14.70 kW and
criterion cost of 143.20 L.E /ton including operation and losses.
( Phaseolus Vulgaris, L. ) bean is a favorite commodity for export and
local consumption . The successful production and good marketability of
this crop depend on both quantity and quality of the crop . To increase
seed production with good quality feasibility of threshing machine must
be for dry bean seed threshing and selecting the optimum operating
Up till now, the manual threshing of bean crop is still the common
practice followed by the majority of the farmers in Egypt .
Sharma and Devnanl (1980) dealt with the threshing of soybean and
cowpea. Threshing efficiency increased with the increase of cylinder
speed but decreased with the increase of feeding rate and concave
clearance. Energy consumption was directly proportional to cylinder
speed, feed rate and remained constant at selected concave clearance. At
higher speeds, the visible grain damage was 5% and the germination
percentage was low.
Lect., Agr. Eng. Dep., Fac. of Agr. Al-Azhar Univ.

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1696

Huynh et al.(1982) reported that the seed separation from the stalks and
passage of seed through the concave gate is a function of some variables
such as crop feed rate , threshing speed, concave length and cylinder
diameter and concave clearance.
These variables are also related to the threshing losses and seed
separation efficiency.
Anwar and Gopta(1990) reported that the percentage of grain damage
increased with on increase in cylinder speed for all feed rates and
concave combinations. The mean grain damage decreased with
increasing concave clearance and feed rate. The percentage of total
machine losses increased with cylinder speeds from 480 to 530 rpm. Abo
El-Khair (1991) concluded that the un-threshed seed losses decreased
with an increase in cylinder speed and with a decrease in cylinder-
concave clearance for two levels of moisture. In addition, the un-
threshed-seed losses increased with an increase in seed moisture level of
seed at all parameters of both cylinder speed and cylinder-concave
Ajayi(1991) indicated that the material capacity of a thresher is
influenced by speed of the threshing beater drum, the feed rate and the
moisture contents of material .At lower speeds of 300 and 500 rpm of
beater drum, the material at 13.3% moisture gave slight decrease in
capacity as the speed increased to 500 rpm .
The main objectives of this paper is to study the feasibility of using local
threshing machine for threshing dry bean seed and select the optimum
conditions of threshing : drum speed, feed rate and moisture content .
Field experiments were carried out for threshing bean crop ( Gize 6
variety ) in a private farm in EL- Ibrahimia village, Dosuq, Kafr El-
sheikh Governorate ( ‫ )األبراھيمي ة – دس وق – كفرالش يخ‬during season 2008 .
All experiments were conducted using a local threshing machine.
The specifications of these machines are shown as follows:
Threshing machine specifications:
Made: Local

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1697

Threshing drum:
Type: Spike tooth
Drum diameter: 70 cm.
Drum length : 120 cm.
Knives: 44 knives (30cm. long - 5cm. width- 0.7 cm. thick)
Type : Perforated sheet of 0.5 cm. thick .
Concave holes (No./ 100 cm2 ) 9
Concave hole diameter 2.2 cm. Used for Faba bean
The power was transmitted from tractor ( Nasr , four-stroke diesel engine
44.10 kW (60 Hp) to thresher machine by a pulley and belt.
The threshing machine performance was studied under the following
-Three different of feeding rates of 10, 15 and 20 kg/min.
- Three different of peripheral drum speeds of 11.72, 13.18 and 15.38
-Three different seed moisture contents of 13.56, 11.53 and 9.20 % (d.b)
at the optimum maturity of dry bean plant .The physical properties of
bean seed crop used in all experimental tests are shown in table (1).

Table (1) some physical properties of the dry bean plant.

Characteristics Average value
Stem length ,(mm) 492
Stem diameter ,(mm) 8.66
Number of branches/ plant, 14
Number of pods/ plant, 35.8
Pod dim. ( L x W x T ), mm 118x8.4x7.35
Seed dim. ( Lx W x T ), mm 15.27x7.46x6.29
Number of seeds /pod . 5

1- Productivity (kg/h) : machine productivity was calculated as follows:

P = w /t ( kg /h )
P = Machine productivity, kg/h

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1698

w = The mass of total yield, kg
t = The time consumed in threshing operation, h
2– Seed losses percentage ( % ): seed losses were calculated as follows:
- Un-threshed seeds = Uns / Ts x 100
Uns = Mass of un-threshed seed, kg
Ts = Total mass of seeds, kg
- Seed damage = Ds/ Ts x 100
Ds = Mass of damaged seeds kg
- Total losses = Uns + Ds
3- Threshing and cleaning efficiency:
The threshing efficiency was calculated according to the following
- Threshing efficiency = St/ Ts x 100
St = Mass threshing seeds. Kg
St = Mass of total seeds input per unit time – mass of un-threshed
seeds pre time.
- Seed output mass was measured using a spring balance of 50 kg
limit and 0.5 kg accuracy and time elapsed was measured using a stop
watch for 60 min. (0.1 sec. accuracy ).
- Threshing drum speeds (rpm): was measured using tachometer.
Peripheral speed was calculated as follows:
V = π ND/60
V = Rotational speed (rpm) D = Threshing drum diameter, m
- The seed moisture content was determined on dry basis using the oven
method at 105˚C for 24 hours.
- The cracked and damaged seeds were determined by hand collecting
and weighing from one kg of output seeds.
4- Power requirements:
To estimate the engine power during threshing operation, the decrease
in fuel level was accurately measured immediately after each treatment.

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1699

The following formula was used to estimate the corresponding used
engine power (EP) according to Hunt (1983).
EP = [ ƒ.c (1/3600 )PE x L.C.V x 427x ηthb x ηm x 1/75 x 1/1.36 ] kW
Where :
ƒ.c = The fuel consumption, (L/h)
PE = The density of fuel, (kg/L) ( 0.823 kg/L)
L.C.V = The lower calorific value of fuel, ( 11000 )
Ηthb = Thermal efficiency of the engine, ( 35 % for Diesel )
4277 = Thermo- mechanical equivalent, ( Kg.m/ )
ηm = Mechanical efficiency of the engine, ( 80 % for Diesel )
5- Threshing cost : was calculated according to the equation given by(
Awady,1978 ) which had the following form :
C = p/h { (1/a + i /2 + t + r) + ( 0.9 W .S.F ) + m /144}
Where :
C = Hourly cost, L.E/h p =Price of machine, L.E
h = Yearly working hours, h /year a = Life expectancy of the
machine, year
i = Interest rate/year. F = Fuel price, L.E / L.
t = Taxes and overheads rate, r = Repairs and maintenance ratio.
m = Monthly average wage, L.E 0.9 = Factor accounting for
W = Engine power, hp. S = Specific fuel consumption, L / hp.h.
144 = Reasonable estimation of monthly working hours .
The criterion function cost (Cf ) was calculated to determine the
optimum operating parameter for the used machine . This function can be
calculated as the sum of machine operation cost ( Uc, L.E/ ton ) plus the
losses cost ( Lc, L.E/ton) (Awady, 1982 and Helmy, 1988 ).
Cf = Uc + Lc
Lc= 10-2 Cpw x ( Unther. S + 0.33 TSD )
Cpw = Current price of one ton of bean seeds ( 5000 L.E/ton )
Unther.S = Un-threshed seed, %
TSD = Total seed damage, %.
* Current price of one ton of broken bean seeds = 0.33 Cpw .

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1700

Effect of threshing parameters on un-threshed seed
Fig. (1) indicated that, increasing the drum speed from 11.72 to 15.38
m/s decreased the un-threshed seed from 1.58 to 1.24, from 1.77 to 1.37
and from 1.87 to 1.48 % at different feed rates of 10, 15 and 20 kg/min
respectively and constant seed moisture content of 9.20 % , while
increasing the moisture content to 13.56 % increased the un-threshed
seed from 2.68 to 3.20 ,from 2.60 to 3.11 and from 2.55 to 3.00 % under
the same pervious conditions .
It is clear from data and figure that, increasing the drum speed decreased
the un-threshed seed. In addition, increasing the feed rate and the seed
moisture content increased the un-threshed seed.
Effect of threshing parameters on seed damage:-
Fig. ( 2 ) increasing the drum speed from 11.72 to 15.38 m/s increased
the seed damage from 2.40 to 2.90, from 1.95 to 2.51 and from 1.89 to
2.17 % at different feed rates of 10, 15 and 20 kg/min respectively and
constant seed moisture content of 9.20 %, while increasing the seed
moisture content to 13.56 % increased the seed damage from 1.92 to
2.43, from 1.67 to 2.10 and from 1.51 to 1.90 % under the same pervious
conditions. It is clear from data and figure that increasing the drum speed
increased the seed damage. In addition, increasing the feed rate and the
seed moisture content decreased the seed damage.
-Effect of threshing parameters on threshing efficiency:
From fig. (3) it is clear that increasing the drum speed from 11.72 to
15.38 m/s increased the threshing efficiency from 98.42 to 98.76, from
98.23 to 98.63 and from 98.13 to 98.52 % at feeding rates 10, 15 and 20
kg/min respectively and constant seed moisture content 9.20 %, while
increasing the seed moisture content to 13.56 % increased the threshing
efficiency from 97.32 to 97.45, from 97.00 to 97.25 and from 96.80 to
97.00 % under the same pervious conditions.
In all cases, threshing efficiency increased by increasing drum speed and
decreased by increasing seed moisture content and feed rate.
- Effect of threshing parameters on power :
Fig. (4 ) shown that increasing the drum speed from 11.72 to 15.38 m/s
increased the power from 12.29 to 13.99, from 12.61 to 14.38 and from

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1701

12.78 to 14.70 kW at different feed rates of 10,15 and 20 kg/min
respectively and constant seed moisture content of 9.20 %, while
increasing the seed moisture content to13.56 % increased the power from
12.67 to 14.35, from 12.92 to 14.79 and from 13.26 to 15.26 kW under
the same pervious conditions.
- Effect of threshing parameters on the operating and losses cost:
Criterion cost is considered the best method to determine the
optimum conditions of operation. The costs included the operating cost
and losses cost. The operating cost affected directly by the productivity.
From data, it is clear that increasing drum speed from 11.72 to 15.38 m/s
decreased un-threshed seed cost from 79 to 62, from 88.5 to 68.5 and
from 93.5 to 74 L.E/ton at feeding rates 10, 15, and 20 kg/min
respectively and constant seed moisture content 9.20 %, while increasing
the seed moisture content to 13.56 % decreased un-threshed seed cost
from 134 to 127, from 150 to 137.5 and from 160 to 150 L.E/ton under
the same pervious conditions. The operating cost decreased from 67 to
33.49 L.E/ton at feeding rates from 10 to 20 kg/min and consequently
criterion cost decreased from 158.17 to 143.29 L.E/ton recording the
lowest value of cost which was achieved at seed moisture content of 9.20
% feed rate 20 kg/min and drum speed 15.38 m/s.
From fig. ( 5 ) it is clear that increasing the feeding rates 10 to 20 kg/min
criterion cost decreased from 185 to158.17, from 176.21 to 150.32 and
from 176.85 to 143.29 L.E/ton at drum speed 11.72, 13.18 and 15.38 m/s
respectively and constant seed moisture content 9.20 %, while increasing
the seed moisture content to 13.56 % criterion cost decreased from
232.68 to 218, from 233.3 to 217.86 and from 234.50 to 214.84 L.E/ton
under the same pervious conditions.

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1702

MC.13.56 % MC. 11.53 % MC. 9.20 %


Unthreshed seed, %


0.5 10 kg/min
11.72 13.18 15.38
Drum speed, m /s

15 kg/min

20 kg/min

Fig. (1) Effect of drum speed and moisture content on un-threshed

seed at different feed rate.

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1703

MC.13.56 % MC. 11.53 % MC. 9.20 %


Seed damage, %


10 kg/min
11.72 13.18 15.38
Drum speed, m /s

S eed dam age, %


15 kg/min
11.72 13.18 15.38
Drum speed, m/s


S eed dam age, %


20 kg/min
11.72 13.18 15.38
Drum speed, m/s

Fig. (2 ) Effect of drum speed and moisture content on seed damage

at different feed rates.

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1704

MC.13.56 % MC. 11.53 % MC. 9.20 %

Threshing efficiency, %




10 kg/min
11.72 13.18 15.38
Drum speed, m /s


Threshing efficiency, %




15 kg/min
11.72 13.18 15.38
Drum speed, m/s


Threshing efficiency, %





20 kg/min
11.72 13.18 15.38
Drum speed, m/s

Fig (3) Effect of drum speed and moisture content on threshing

efficiency at different feed rates.

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1705

MC. 13.56 % MC. 11.53 % MC. 9.20 %


10 kg/min
11.72 13.18 15.38
Drum speed, m /s


Power, kW




12 15 kg/min
11.72 13.18 15.38
Drum speed, m/s



Power, kW




12 20 kg/min
11.72 13.18 15.38
Drum speed, m /s

Fig. (4) Effect of drum speed and moisture content on power at

different feed rates .

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1706

MC. 13.56 % MC. 11.53 % MC. 9.20 %

Criterion cost, L.E/ton




50 10 kg/min
11.72 13.18 15.38
Drum speed, m /s
Criterion cost,L.E /ton




15 kg/min
11.72 13.18 15.38
Drum speed, m/s
Criterion cost, L.E /ton




20 kg/min
11.72 13.18 15.38
Drum speed, m/s

Fig. (5 ) Effect of drum speed and moisture content on criterion cost at

different feed rates.

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1707


The results showed the following :

1- Increasing drum speed from 11.72 to 15.38 m/s decreased un-
threshed seed, while increasing seed damage.
2- Increasing feed rate from 10 to 20 kg/min increased un-threshed seed
, while decreasing seed damage
3- Increasing seed moisture content from 9.20 to 13.56 % increased un-
threshed seed , while decreasing seed damage .
4- The optimum condition for operating the threshing machine were at
seed moisture content of 9.20 %, drum speed of 15.38 m/s and feed rate
20 kg/min. resulting in seed damage of 2.17 %, un-threshed seed of 1.48
%,threshing efficiency of 98.52 %, consumed power 14.70 kW and
criterion cost of 143.29 L.E/ton.


Abo EL-kheir, M. M. (1991). Effect of some factor on threshing

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Anwar, M.T. and G. P. Gopta. (1990). Performance evaluation of chick
pea thresher in Pakistan AMA 21 (5) : 23-28Ajayi, O. A.
(1991).Design of threshing for locust bean ,AMA 22 (3) : 21-24.
Awady, M. N., Ghoniem, E. Y., and Hashish, A. I. (1982). A critical
comparison between wheat combine-harvesters under Egyptian
condition, Res. Bul. No. 1920, Fac. of Ag. Ain Shams Univ. : 13p.
Awady, M. N. (1987). Tractor and farm machinery . Textbook, Ag. Eng.
Dept. Fac. Of Ag. Ain Shams Univ. : 164-167.
Helmy, M. A. ( 1988 ). Threshing parameter affecting the performance
of local and foreign wheat threshing machine. Misr J.Ag. Eng.,5 ( 4 ):
Hunt, D. (1983). Farm power and machinery management. 8th Ed. Iowa
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Hunynh, V. M; Powell, T. and Siddal, J. N. (1982). Threshing and

separating process-A mathematical model. Trans. ASAE, 25 (1) : 62-

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1708

‫‪Sharma, K.D. and R.SA.Devananl (1980).Threshing studies on soybean‬‬
‫‪and cowpea. AMA 33 (2) 65-68.‬‬
‫الملخص العربي‬

‫تقييم أداء آلة محلية في دراس محصول الفاصوليا‬

‫أشرف كامل زعلوك‬

‫أجريت التجارب بقرية اإلبراھيمية مركز دسوق محافظ ة كف را لش يخ خ الل موس م ‪ ٢٠٠٨‬عل ي‬
‫دراس محصول الفاصوليا ) جيزة ‪ ( ٦‬بھ دف دراس ة أمكاني ة اس تخدام آل ة دراس القم ح محلي ة‬
‫الصنع في دراس الفاصوليا تحت ظروف التشغيل اآلتية ‪:‬‬
‫‪-١‬السرعة المحيطية لدرفيل الدراس ‪ ١٥.٣٨ – ١٣.١٨ – ١١.٧٢ :‬م‪/‬ث ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -٢‬معدل تغذية المحصول ‪ ٢٠ – ١٥ – ١٠ :‬كجم ‪ /‬دقيقة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -٣‬المحتوى الرطوبي ‪. % ١٣.٥٦ – ١١.٥٣ – ٩.٢٠ :‬‬
‫و تم دراسة ھذه المتغيرات علي ‪ :‬نسبة البذور التالفة – و غي ر المدروس ة– وكف اءة ال دراس –‬
‫وتكاليف التشغيل ‪.‬‬
‫أوضحت النتائج أن أفضل ظروف للتشغيل كانت عند سرعة ‪ 15.38‬م‪/‬ث ‪ ،‬ومعدل تغذية ‪20‬‬
‫ك ج‪ /‬دقيق ة ‪ ،‬و محت وي رط وبي ‪ % 9.20‬حي ث كان ت نس بة الب ذور التالف ة ‪ ، % 2.17‬والب ذور‬
‫غير المدروسة ‪ ، % 1.48‬و كف اءة ال دراس‪ ، % ٩٨.٥٢‬والق درة المس تھلكة ‪ ١٤.٧٠‬كيل ووات ‪،‬‬
‫و تكاليف التشغيل مضافا إليھا تكلفة الفاقد ‪ ١٤٣.٢٩‬جنية ‪ /‬طن ‪.‬‬

‫مدرس – قسم الھندسة الزراعية – كلية الزراعة – جامعة األزھر بالقاھرة‬

‫‪Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009‬‬ ‫‪1709‬‬

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