Rda Excel Assesment Question
Rda Excel Assesment Question
Rda Excel Assesment Question
INSTRUCTION: Identify your answer by bolding, Italicize and increasing the right
answer to font 16 Cooper black
1. ____ appear at the bottom of the Excel window.
(A) Title bar (B) Formula bar (C) Work sheet tabs (D) Name box
2. What are the basic rectangular building blocks of a spreadsheet?
(A) Cells (B) Zoom slider (C) Help button (D) All of these
3. Which of the following is not a term pertaining to spreadsheets?
(A) Cell (B) Character (C) Browser (D) Formula
4. Another name for a pre-programmed formula in Excel is
(A) Cell (B) Graph (C) Function (D) Range
5. Excel is a program that is used to prepare a
(A) Slide presentation (B) Spreadsheet (C) Text document (D) Database
6. In which tab wrap text feature is present in MS Excel 2007?
(A) Formulas (B) View (C) Insert (D) Home
7. Which of the following identifies a cell in Excel?
(A) Address (B) Formula (C) Name (D) Label
8. Which term is used to join the selected cells in to one cell?
(A) Filter (B) Wrap (C) Pivot (D) Merge
9. Which of the following Excel charts represents only one value for each variable?
(A) Bar (B) Pie (C) Line (D) Function
10. A formula in Excel always begins with an ____
(A) Equal sign (B) Colon (C) Comma (D) Space
11. When the CPU detects an interrupt, then it saves its
(A) Previous state (B) Next state (C) Current state (D) All of the above
12. A(n) ____ is a series of two or more adjacent cells in a column or row or
rectangular group of cells.
(A) List (B) Section (C) Range (D) Area
13. What is the extension of saved file in MS Excel?
(A) .xls (B) .xks (C) .xos (D) .xbs
14. Which command is used to close the window of Excel?
(A) Alt+ F4 (B) Ctrl + W (C) Ctrl +R (D) Ctrl+ C
15. What is the total region surrounding the chart?
(A) Chart area (B) legend (C) Clipart area (D) Plot area
16. Which bar show the used formula of selected active cell?
(A) Formula bar (B) Ribbon (C) Menu bar (D) Scroll bar
17. Typed text showed in active cell and also in ___
(A) Formula bar (B) Ribbon (C) Title bar (D) Scroll bar
18. ____ is a powerful tool used to create and format spreadsheets.
(A) Adobe Photoshop CS (B) Mozilla Firefox (C) Microsoft Office PowerPoint
(D) Microsoft Office Excel
19. Workbook is a collection of
(A) Worksheets (B) Page set-up (C) Buttons (D) Diagrams
20. The worksheet names appear on tabs at the ____ of the workbook window.
(A) Bottom right (B) Bottom left (C) Top left (D) Top right
21. The result of a formula in a cell is the
(A) Displayed value (B) Range (C) Value (D) Label
22. ____ is the intersection of a row with a column.
(A) Cell B) Row (C) Column (D) All of these
23. Press ______ to saves the active file with its current file name, location,
and file format.
(A) Ctrl + S (B) Alt + S (C) Ctrl + Alt + Esc (D) Alt + Tab + Esc
24. What is the pictorial representation of worksheet data?
(A) Chart (B) Clipart (C) WordArt (D) All of these
25. To displays the open dialog box to open or find a file, press
(A) Alt + O (B) Ctrl + O (C) Esc + O (D) Tab + O
42. A number of letter that appears little below the normal text is called -
A. Subscript
B. Superscript
C. Supertext
D. Toptext
43. We can insert a page number at
A. Footer
B. Header
C. Both A and B
D. None
44. We can change the thickness of a line from -
A. Line Thick
B. Line Height
C. Line width
D. Line Style
45. Color and pattern used to fill a closed shape is called -
A. Fill Style
B. WordArt
C. Shape
D. Fill Back
46. Where footnotes appear in a document
A. Bottom of a Page
B. End of document
C. End of Heading
D. None
47. Which is the default alignment in word?
A. Right
B. Left
C. Centre
D. Justify
48. The shortcut command of ‘save’ in MS- WORD is -
A. Ctrl + C
B. Ctrl + V
C. Ctrl + S
D. Ctrl + A
49. Microsoft Word is a -
A. Presentation programme
B. Word Processing programme
C. Spreadsheet programme
D. None of these
50. MS OFFICE Is Application Software
A. True
B. False