Common Driving Test Questions
Common Driving Test Questions
Common Driving Test Questions
15. Lay-by sign is coloured in which colour?
A. Red B. Blue C. Green
17. When would one straddle broken yellow lines running along the side of a road outside town?
A. Overtaking slow moving traffic B. Overtaking traffic turning right
C. Overtaking animal drawn wagon
25. At an intersection with two (2) lanes, going straight you travel in which lane?
A. Left lane B. Right lane
11. What is the minimum legal age whereby someone can learn to drive?
A. 19 years B. 16 years C. Any age
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C. Rail level crossing with flashing warning lights
17. How far from a corner are you prohibited to park a car?
A. 30m B. 7m C. 7.5
19. What must you do when you are driving on a slippery road?
A. Engage high gears B. Pull up your hand brake C. Reduce your speed
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1. How many passengers is a motor cyclist allowed to carry?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 1
8. When travelling at 75km/h I must allow a gap between my vehicle and the car in front
A. 4 vehicle from B. 6 vehicle length C. 5 vehicle length
9. This sign is
A. Traffic lights signal
B. Danger warning sign
C. Informative sign
13. How far from a corner are you forbidden to park a vehicle?
A. 7m B. 7.5m C. 10m
14. To drive public service vehicle you must have reached the age of
A. Nineteen B. Twenty-five C. Eighteen
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15. This sign regulates that
A. Vehicles should give right of way to cyclists
B. Stop and give way to cyclists from the right
C. Cyclist should stop and give way to crossing traffic
16. Before driving a motor vehicle on public road it must have the following document
A. A certificate of fattiness, licence and route
B. A registration book, insurance and vehicle licence
C. A driver’s licence and registration book
17. When oncoming vehicle lights are on bright beam what do you do?
A. Pull down the sun visor B. Switch on your lights
C. Slow down and cast your eyes slightly to the left.
18 What are the directions given by a fixed of flashing amber robot at an intersection?
A. Give precedence to all crossing traffic B. Give precedence to vehicles coming from the right
C. Give precedence to vehicles coming from the left
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1. This diagram means?
A. Rail Level crossing
B. Traffic turning
C. You are entering into a town
A. Car B
B. Car C
C. Car A
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10. This sign means
A. No road
B. Previously imposed speed limit is cancelled
C. No through road
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20. A broken yellow line on the side of the road indicate
A. It may be straddled to overtake traffic which is turning to the right
B. May be straddled overtaking vehicles turning to the left
C. It may not be straddled
24. Direction arrows used in conjunction with longitudinal prohibition lines indicate that
A. They are in class A Danger warning signs
B. They are force of law and they guide your route
C. They are in class D traffic light signal
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8. How far from a corner are you forbidden to park your car?
A. 9m B. 7.5 C. 7m
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14. Which car goes first?
A. Car C
B. Car A
C. Car B
15. When travelling at 75km/h behind another vehicle which I do not intend to overtake
A. I will leave a gap of 5 cars B. I will leave a gap of 10 cars
C. I will leave a gap of 4 cars
22. In rural areas to which traffic must you give the right of way?
A. To traffic from all sides B. To traffic that has entered the junction before you
C. To traffic from my left
25 What do you call the process of holding the clutch and accelerator when beginning to move?
A. Balancing B. Change down C. Friction point
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13. Class (2) Driving students use which vehicles for a test?
A. Bedford trucks B. Mercedes Benz Trucks C. 5000kg/7m trucks
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15. Drivers medical certificate is valid for?
A. 12 months B. 24 months C. 36 months
17. It is legally permissible to carry a child under the age of ten years un-accompanied in a pick-up truck
which has a canopy on that portion where goods are normally carried?
A. True B. False
20. Tractor driver permit is only used when accompanied by a licenced driver?
A. True B. False
21. Tractor driver permit holders drive vehicles normally driven by class (5) licence Holders/vehicle
A. False B. True
22. Ambulances are fitted with safety belts before they are used?
A. True B. False
23. One wears safety belt as and when one wishes except for passengers or others carried?
A. Yes B. No
24. Ambulance drivers are required to wear safety belts each time they are driving an ambulance?
A. True B. False
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8. This sign I am
A. Permited to make a U-turn
B. Prohibited from making a U-turn
C. I can not turn right
22. A broken white line besides a continuous white line in the center of the road indicates that
A. I may overtake if the continuous line is on my side
B. I may overtake if the broken line is on my side C. I must keep well left
24. What must you do when meeting a motor displaying an “L” plate?
A. Hoot if the vehicle is blocking road B. Exercise extreme caution C. Flash my head lights
2. In a vehicle, if you are a learner, how many passengers are you allowed to carry?
A. None B. 2 C Only one
4. A holder of class five drivers’ licence can drive agricultural vehicle only
A. False B. Yes C. Even a lorry
5. A holder of class five driver’s permit is allowed to drive vehicles normally driven by class five drivers
A. No B. Yes C. Even Four
6. A person under the age of seventeen years is allowed to drive class two motor vehicles
A. No B. Yes C. Under supervision
9. A tractor driver’s permit is only used when the driver is accompanied by a licenced one
A. False B. True C. None
10. Ambulance vehicles must be fitted with safety belts before they are used
A. True B. False C. Only when the driver wishes
13. You check your view mirror and you see an airplane in the sky
A. Reduce speed and prepare to stop B. Adjust the mirror C. Slow down
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14. Which can an applicant apply for a duplication learner’s licence?
A. When the original is lost or default B. When you give your friend
C When the original is expired
15. An accident has just happened, you being the first at the scene what are you expected to do?
A. Render first aid and report to the nearest police B. Report to the hospital
C. Call the police
16. It is legally permissible to carry a child under the age of 10 years in a pick-up truck which has canopy
on that portion where goods are normally carried while not accompanied
A. No B. Yes C. None
17. At a Four way stop which car must you give the right of way when you intend to turn to the left?
A. The car which stops first B. The car from left C. Any car
24. Ambulance drivers are required to wear safety belts each time they are driving an ambulance
A. Yes B. True C. Only when they are travelling fast
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1. When do you overtake?
A. Only when running late B. When there are double lanes in the direction of my travel
C. When driving to the hospital
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A. It has the same use as the foot brake B. It is only used in emergence
C. To keep the vehicle stationary
14. A hooter is used…..
A. When frustrated by others B. When pedestrians are at the middle of the road
B. When attracting a friend’s attention
24. A red robot in conjunction with a green arrow pointing upwards means?
A. You may proceed straight ahead B. You must stop if going straight
C. The robot is malfunctioning
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3. When travelling at 75km/h I must allow a gap between my vehicle and the car in front
A. 4 vehicle front B. 6 vehicle length C. 5 vehicle length
4. This sign is
A. Traffic lights signal
B. Danger warning sign
C. Informative sign
14. When stopping a motor vehicle on a road except in traffic where will you stop?
A. On the extreme right of the road B. Stop on the middle if its safe to do so
C. On the extreme left of the road or in an authorized parking space
15. How far from a corner are you forbidden to park your vehicle?
A. 7m B. 7.5m C. 10m
16. When under the influence of drugs or alcohol what must you do?
A. Drive slowly to a safe place B. Stay off the road C. Drive on the extreme left of the road
19. What are the directions given by a fixed of flashing amber robot at an intersection?
A. Give precedence to all crossing traffic
B. Give precedence to vehicle coming from the right
C. Give precedence to vehicle coming from the left
23. Before driving a motor vehicle on a public road it must have the following documents
A. A certificate of fitness, licence and route
B. A registration book, insurance, vehicle licence
C. A driver’s licence and registration book
24. When oncoming vehicle lights are on bright beam what do you do?
A. Pull down the sun visor B. Switch on your lights
C. slow down and cast your eyes slightly to the left
25. To drive a public service vehicle you must have reached the age of
A. Nineteen B. Twenty-five C. Eighteen
[email protected]
1. Which car goes last?
A. Car C
B. Car A
C. Car B
9. When entering a robot controlled intersection and already crossed pedestrian crossing line:-
A. Stay where you are B. Turn to the left C. Reverse your vehicle
[email protected]
14. Which car gives the right of way?
A. Car B
B. Car C
C. Car A
22. How many reflecting triangles does a lorry carrying 2 trailers have?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 6
25. The broken white line in conjunction with continuous line has
A. Informative message B. Regulatory effect and drivers must obey
C. Danger warning sign
[email protected]
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l.Which car goes first?
2. ln a vehlcle,if you are a learner, how many passengers are you alloweeJ
to canry?
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6. A person under the age of seventeen yeas's is allowed to drive class two motor vehicles
E.At the age of sixteen year$ , a per$on can get a learners license in
Class 3gnd 4
9. A tractor dniver's permit is only used when the rJrivrer is aecompanied hy a lieerused
10. Ambulanee vehicles must be fitted with riafety belts before they are used.
13. YoU check your view mirror and you seq arl af,rplarle in the sl<V
14. Whlch can an applicant apply for a duplication learner's license
e Whcn the origina! is lost or default
15. An accident has just happened, you being the first at scene what at'e you
o Render first aid and neport to the nearerst police
16. 0t is legally permissible to carry a child un'd,er the age of 10 years in pickup
truck wtrich has canopy on that portion where goods are no mally carried
while not accompanied
17. At four way stop which ear rnust give the riuht of way when you intend to turn to the left?
o The car which stops first
24. Ambutance drivers are required to wear safety belts each time their driving and ambulance
I Yes
c, expecrctt to see road wonks aheac
10, Thss gign fegufates that
?l u'e Wfifd,timtt gE tris ry
b) epeed limit on thiC ioadlsE6ffih
c) speed llrnit on thie road is 40krn/h
'11,Which car rnovea tast at this intersestfion?
a) car B blcar C clcar A -JL-[m.B
'12. h vehicle should be fitted with efficient eflectors of what coloun?
a) amher at the frorrt and red at the bacl<
b) whlte at the front and amber at tfte bae k
c) white atthe front and red at tfie back
i 3. :Fh
ts:is-tgri WiatrS,iuslof
20" W&ricla car [IF]es firsfli
a)car A
QISSr B clcar G
24. when onconning vehicle lights ane on bright beam nrhat do you
a) pull down tfte sun visor
b) swltchbn yqfur flghte
25. To drive a puhllc soMce vehicre you must have reached the age of
a) nineben
b) twentv- five
c) eighteen
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I'AI)ER 13 -r-
1. Which car goes last?
a, C
6, How many reflecting triangles does a lorry carrying two trailers have?
a. 3 b.5 c. 6
9. When entering a robot controlled intersection and already crossed pedestrian crossing
a. Stay whene vou are.
b. Turn to the left.
c. Reverse your vehicle.
10. Which vehicle does nbt have a reverse gear?
a. Combine Harvester b. Motor CVcle
c. Tractor
14. Which car givers the right of lvay?
a. Car B b. Car C c. Car A
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1"6. []ow many classes of road sign do we have in Zimbab,"ve?
a. 50 b.s
c. 55
l"7, Which car gives rlght of way?
a, A b.E c. None
1B. lf you see an L-plate displayed on Vehicles in front of you what do!
a. lncrease speed and overtake
c. Put on your hazards
22. When travelling behind a vehicle you do not intend to overtake at 75km/h you leave a gap of
; a. 3 cars b.4 cars c, 5'cars
23. Jhe broken white line in conjunctirrn with continuous arrows has
a, lnformative message
b" Reeulatorv effect & driver must obev
c. Danger warning signs
24, When travelling,at 60km/h the reaction distance is
a, 27,7m b; 8;Q!B c. L6,7m
L-_ Wltich car gives right of rvuy?
gjl"1*A b) cnr B
A*,-- * Who has right of rvn.+"f
-l 'rP* u' CarA ' c' Car C c' car 13
r4. Symbol for Danger warning signs is?:
n. A lriarigle
b. cfircle
c. A rectangle
19. ,q*O Whlch car goes laet?
This sign 4reons?
a)-gsr4 b) Crrr B
a. F.oad closed'
tE ft g,sm t$girt{e,e -sfl e$-ro*d
c. I.ieith'0r A not B is aorrect
,( At arr lntersection with hvo (2) lancs, going strnlght you trovel in rvhich lane?
a. [,eft lane
b. Right lane
c. Centre lane
I When travelling at 60km/hryou
leave tfre gap of how many
b. Regulatory
11" When you see arnbulauce on potice sountling i{s device you
a. fncrease your speed
b. SIow down and rnove to the left
c, Slory down and move out olthe r.oad arrd prepare to stop
h. Car.r\
a" Nome ----_lEi r"
18. What is the speetl limit in Zimbabwe's highway for Iight motorvehicle?
a...t20bn/hr b.1O0km/hr c. No maxirnum specd
24. sign
When fat:ing this
fl.ffiutuu-uorr.ffirsr Iffiffi
e. Reduce speed and exdrcise [l
25. This sign means d,U,
;: ffiffii*li ff *tr*?ili llllll
c. Warning of school children
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