Corrosion: Galvanic Corrosion: Definition

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About SSINA Definition:
Members/Sponsors When two different metals or alloys are immersed in a corrosive solution or regularly connected
by moisture, each will develop a corrosion potential. If the conditions for galvanic corrosion are
News/Market Data present, the more noble metal will become the cathode and the more active metal will become
the anode. A measurable current may flow between the anode and the cathode. If this occurs, the
Innovations anode's rate of corrosion in the service environment will be increased while the cathode's
Stainless Steel Directory corrosion rate will decrease. The increased corrosion of the anode is called "galvanic corrosion".

Stainless Steel Overview Galvanic corrosion is sometimes used to extend the life of materials (i.e. zinc coatings on carbon
steel and zinc anodes in water heaters), but, if it is not considered and the right conditions exist, it
Composition/Properties can lead to unexpected failures.
Information Handbooks Requirements for Galvanic Corrosion:
Finishes In order for galvanic corrosion to occur, three elements are required.
1. Two metals with different corrosion potentials
Fabrication 2. Direct metal-to-metal electrical contact
3. A conductive electrolyte solution (e.g. water) must connect the two metals on
Structural Design a regular basis. The electrolyte solution creates a "conductive path". This
could occur when there is regular immersion, condensation, rain, fog
Fasteners exposure or other sources of moisture that dampen and connect the two
Life Cycle Costing metals.

Sustainability If any of these elements is missing, galvanic corrosion cannot occur. If, for example, the direct
contact between the two metals is prevented (plastic washer, paint film etc.) or if there is some
Training/Certification other interruption in the conductive path, there cannot be galvanic corrosion and each metal will
corrode at its normal rate in that service environment. Figure 1 shows examples of conditions that
Technical Assistance do not meet the all requirements for galvanic corrosion.
Conferences Figure 1: Examples of bi-metalic combinations when galvanic corrosion cannot occur

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When two different metals are coupled together in atmosphere or water, the likelihood of
developing galvanic corrosion can be predicted using a "galvanic series". In specialized
applications, such as when dissimilar metals are embedded in concrete, corrosion data for that
specific environment should be used.

Figure 2 shows the galvanic series measured in seawater for some common metals and alloys.
When two metals are further apart in the list (e.g. a larger difference between the two numbers),
the driving force for galvanic corrosion is increased. The most anodic (active) metals are at the
top and most cathodic (noble) at the bottom. Both solid and hollow bars are shown for the
stainless steels. The hollow bars represent actively corroding stainless steel, which has a
different potential then passive (not corroding) stainless steel. In most applications, where
dissimilar metals are combined, the passive (solid) bar should be used to determine the position
of the stainless steel.

For example, if zinc (think galvanized steel) which is an active material and near the top of the list
and stainless steel, a noble metal and near the bottom of the list were in direct contact and in the
presence of an electrolyte (water), galvanic corrosion will occur if they are regularly exposed to an

Figure 2: Galvanic Series in Seawater (insert galvanic series image.gif) 22-9-2016
SSINA: Stainless Steel: Corrosion Page 3 of 4

Relative Surface Area

In addition to the three elements sighted above, the relative surface area (not mass) of each of
the exposed metals is also an important factor. (See Figure 3). If the area of the cathode (noble
metal) is very large, and the anode (active metal) is very small, the current produced is likely to
be very high and the anode will corrode quickly.

For example, if a window frame made of stainless steel and it is attached with carbon steel
screws, the screws will probably corrode at an accelerated rate. If the area of the cathode (noble
metal – stainless steel) is very small, and the anode (active metal – carbon steel) is very large,
the current produced will be very low and the corrosion rate of the anode may not be affected. If
the window frame is made of carbon steel and it is attached with stainless steel screws there will
be very little, if any, galvanic corrosion.

Figure 3A shows the galvanic corrosion of carbon steel bolts used to secure a stainless steel
structural railing support on a bridge. The small surface area of the active bolts results in an
undesirable galvanic couple and they are exhibiting an accelerated corrosion rate. Image 3B
shows stainless steel fasteners used to secure a carbon steel tread plate. The relatively small
surface area of the stainless steel fasteners means that they have essentially no galvanic effect
on the corrosion rate of the carbon steel plate.

Figure 3: Examples of good and bad galvanic corrosion ratios 22-9-2016
SSINA: Stainless Steel: Corrosion Page 4 of 4

A: photograph courtesy of GKD, B: photograph courtesy of TMR Consulting)

Dissimilar metal combinations should be avoided in areas where moisture is likely to accumulate
and remain for long periods. In well-drained exterior applications, dissimilar metals can be used
together if favorable surface ratios exist, but the best solution is to electrically insulate one from
the other. When painted carbon steel and stainless steel are welded together, the welded joint
should be painted. Stainless steel fasteners with neoprene or other inert washers are regularly
used with other metals.

Metal Combination Examples

The Statue of Liberty (completed in 1886) is one of the highest profile examples of the damage
that galvanic corrosion can cause. The original design used a copper exterior skin (large cathodic
or noble surface area) supported by a cast iron structural frame (small anodic or active surface
area) with the metals separated by wool felt which eventually failed. In 1984, it was closed to the
public due to significant corrosion of the cast iron frame. It was rebuilt using a duplex stainless
steel structural frame. Copper alloys and stainless steels are quite close in the galvanic series
with the duplex being more cathodic which is appropriate since it has the smaller surface area

Aluminum adjoins zinc in the galvanic series. Decision makers are often aware that aluminum's
corrosion rate in atmosphere is between that of carbon steel and stainless steel, but, when it is
directly coupled to another metal and an electrolyte is present on a regular basis, it becomes very
anodic (active) and it will corrode at a higher rate than either carbon steel or stainless steel which
are both more cathodic (noble). For that reason, if aluminum structural framing is used to support
sheets of stainless steel and they are in direct contact with moisture present, the aluminum's
corrosion rate can be accelerated.

When multiple metals must be combined in direct contact and an electrolyte is likely to be
present, the fasteners should always be specified to match the most noble of the metals being

Not all environments produce the same galvanic results. Research has shown that galvanic
corrosion is not a concern between stainless and carbon steel in concrete.

Additional Information
For technical help, go to the SSINA KnowledgeBase. The Nickel Institute brochure Stainless
Steels in Architecture, Building and Construction Guidelines for Corrosion Prevention also
provides information on this topic. 22-9-2016

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