North Eastern Mindanao State University (Nemsu) : Section: HRM3C
North Eastern Mindanao State University (Nemsu) : Section: HRM3C
North Eastern Mindanao State University (Nemsu) : Section: HRM3C
a) Coverage
General Rule: all employees are covered.
o Exceptions: Art. 82 of the Labor Code
b) Hours of Work
Meal Periods - not less than 1 hour time-off for regular meals but
should not be less than 20 minutes
General Rule: not compensable
Exception: if the employee is required to work while eating,
he should be compensated
Rest periods or Coffee breaks are compensable and should only run
from 5-20 minutes
Weekly rest periods – not less than 24 consecutive hours after
every 6 consecutive normal work days
d) Overtime Work
Work rendered after or beyond the normal eight (8) hours of work
Undertime not offset by overtime
g) Holidays
Regular vs. Special
h) 13th Month Pay – Under the law, all employers are required to pay all their
rank-and-file employees, a 13th month pay not later than December 24 of
every year
a) Payment of Wages
b) Prohibition regarding wages
c) Non-Diminution of Benefits
RA No. 11210
“105-Day Expanded Maternity Leave Law”
All covered female employees (PUBLIC and PRIVATE Sector) regardless of civil
status, employment status and the legitimacy of her child;
105 days paid leave for live birth, regardless of mode of delivery;
60 days paid leave for miscarriage and emergency termination of pregnancy;
Additional 15 days paid leave if female worker is a solo parent;
c) Paternity Leave
a) SSS Law
b) GSIS Law
REFERENCE: Bar Reviewer on Labor Law, 2019 Fourth Revised Ed., by J.G. Chan