2.me 8462-Mt-II Lab Manual
2.me 8462-Mt-II Lab Manual
2.me 8462-Mt-II Lab Manual
ME 8462
4. Syllabus 4
7. Safety Measures
List of Experiments
Contour milling using vertical milling machine
1. 1
Cylindrical grinding
M1: To impart quality technical education by providing state-of-art infrastructure with dedicated faculty.
M2: To provide contemporary technical education for facing the needs and challenges of industries and research
establishment at global level.
M3: To effect socio-economic transformation of society by inculcating human values and social responsibilities.
Imparting innovative higher education with greater accentuation on high value systems shaping personnel
for nation-building.
Producing competent mechanical engineers by imparting quality education blended with human
values to cater to the growing industrial and societal demands.
M1: To provide quality education and learning environment to the students through the state- of- the- art
infrastructure in mechanical engineering.
M2: To develop collaborations with various Research & Development organizations and industry for
excellence in research and consultancy practices.
M3: To empower our students to gain experience in team work and leadership qualities.
M4: To inculcate entrepreneurial skills, strong ethical values and professionalism among students for
contributing towards upliftment of the society.
PEO1: Graduates will have successful careers in the Mechanical Engineering or allied industries.
PEO2: Graduates will demonstrate their skills in solving challenging problems in Mechanical Engineering
and its allied areas.
PEO3: Graduates will exhibit leadership skills to adapt for the changing global scenario.
PEO4: Graduates will have good professional traits and ethical values to lead as responsible citizens.
PO2: Problem analysis: Identity, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics,
natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling to complex engineering
activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6: The engineer and society: Apply to reason informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need
for sustainable development
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities
and norms of the engineering practice.
PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s work, as a member and leader
in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PSO1: Our graduates will be able to apply knowledge of Design, Manufacturing, Thermal and Materials
engineering to solve complex problems in mechanical engineering and its allied areas.
PSO2: Our graduates will be able to analyze, design and simulate mechanical engineering problems with the help
of modern CAD/CAM/CAE tools while ensuring best engineering practices.
1. Contour milling using vertical milling machine
2. Spur gear cutting in milling machine
3. Helical Gear Cutting in milling machine
4. Gear generation in hobbing machine
5. Gear generation in gear shaping machine
6. Plain Surface grinding
7. Cylindrical grinding
8. Tool angle grinding with tool and Cutter Grinder
9. Measurement of cutting forces in Milling / Turning Process
10. CNC Part Programming
Upon the completion of this course the students will be able
to CO1 Use different machine tools to manufacturing gears
CO2 Ability to use different machine tools to manufacturing gears.
CO3 Ability to use different machine tools for finishing operations
CO4 Ability to manufacture tools using cutter grinder
CO5 Develop CNC part programming
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO 1
1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - 3 -
CO 1
2 1 1 - - - - - - - - - 3 -
CO 1
3 2 1 - - - - - - - - - 3 -
CO 1
4 1 1 - - - - - - - - - 3 -
CO 1
5 2 1 - - - - - - - - - 3 -
Ex.No Name of the Experiment Hour Relevance to PAGE
s CO’s NO
Contour milling using vertical milling 4 CO1 8
4 CO1 10
2 Spur gear cutting in milling machine
Helical Gear Cutting in milling machine 4 CO2 12
Viva 56 To 59
Milling is the name given to the machining process in which the removal of metal
takes place due to cutting action of a revolving cutter when the work is fed past it. The
revolving cutter is held on a spindle and the work, clamped on the machine table, fed past the
same. Milling is the cutting operation that removes metal by feeding the work against a
rotating, cutter having single or multiple cutting edges. Flat or curved surfaces of many
shapes can be machined by milling with good finish and accuracy. A milling machine may
also be used for drilling, slotting, making a circular profile and gear cutting by having
These machines are all general purpose machines and have a single spindle only. They
are further classified asfollows:
These machines, in comparison to the column and knee type, are more sturdy and rigid,
and heavier in weight and larger in size. Their further classification is as follows:
They are used for heavy work. Up to a maximum of four tool heads can be mounted over
it, which can be adjusted vertically and transverse directions. It has a robust and massive
construction like a planar.
They are also manufacturing machines but differ from the above described machines in
that they do not have a fixed bed. They include following machines:
These machines are designed to perform a specific type of operation only. They include
following machines:
The vertical column serves as a housing for electrical, the main drive, spindle bearings,
etc. The knee acts as support for the saddle, worktable and other accessories like indexing
head, etc. Over arm provides support for the yoke which in turn, supports the free end of the
arbor. The arbor carrying the cutter rotates about a horizontal axis. The table can be given
straight motions in three directions; longitudinal, cross, vertical. For giving vertical
movement to the table the knee it, together with the whole unit above it, slides up and down
along the ways provide in front of the column. A brace is employed to provide additional
support and rigidity to the arbor when a long arbor is used. Both hand power and power feeds
can be employed for thework.
It derives its name from the vertical position of the spindle. This is available in both
types; the fixed bed type as type as well as column and knee type. It carries a vertical column
on a heavy base. The over arm in this machine is made integral with the column and carries a
housing at its front. This housing called head can be of fixed type .In fixed type, the spindle
always remains vertical and can be adjusted up and down.
The knee carries an enclosed screw jack, by means of which it is moved up and down
along the parallel vertical guide ways provided on the front side of the column. The saddle is
mounted on the knee and can be moved, along the horizontal guide ways provided on the
knee, towards or away from the column. This enables the table to move in cross direction.
The work gets up and down movement by the knee, cross movement by saddle and
longitudinal movement by thetable.
Main parts of the milling machines are similar; all these machine essentials consist of the
following main parts:
1. BASE:
It is a heavy casting provided at the bottom of the machine. It is accurately
machined on both the top and bottom surfaces. It actually acts as a load bearing
member for all other parts of the machine. Also it carries the screw jack which
supports and moves the knee. In addition to this it also serves as reservoir for the
It is a very prominent part of the milling machine and is produced with enough
care. On the front face of the column are made the vertical parallel ways in which the
knee slides up and down. It carries the enclosed motor drive. Top of the column
carries dovetail horizontal ways for the over arm.
It is the intermediate part between the knee and the table and acts as a support for
the latter. It can be adjusted crosswise, along the ways provided on the top of the
knee, to provide cross feed to the table. As its top, it carries horizontal ways, along
which moves the table during longitudinaltraverse.
It acts as a support for the work. It is made of cast iron, with its top surface
accurately machined. Its top carries longitudinal cross T-slots to accommodate the
clamping bolts for fixing the work or securing the fixtures. Also, the cutting fluid,
after it is used, drains back to the reservoir through these slots and then the pipe fitted
for this purpose. Longitudinal feed is provided to it by means of hand wheel fitted on
one side of the feed screw. Cross feed is provided by moving the saddle and vertical
feed by rising or lowering theknee.
It is the heavy support provided on the top of both plain and universal milling
machine. It can slide horizontally, along the ways provided on the top of the column,
and adjusted to a desired position in order to provide support to the projecting arbor
by accommodating its free end in theyoke.
To machine a groove in the given work piece using vertical milling machine.
1. Millingmachine
2. Vernier caliper
3. Steelrule
4. Machinevice
5. Centrepunch
Thus the vertical milling operation was performed on the given work piece
using vertical millingmachine.
To machine gear to the given module and number of teeth in the given work piece.
1. Millingmachine
2. Vernier caliper
3. Mandrel.
Indexing calculation
2. The dividing head and the tail stock are bolted on the machine table. Their axis
must be set parallel to the machinetable.
3. The gear blank is held between the dividing head and tailstock using a mandrel.
The mandrel is connected with the spindle of dividing head by a carrier and catch
4. The cutter is mounted on the arbor. The cutter is centered accurately with the
5. Set the speed and feed formachining.
6. For giving depth of cut, the table is raised till the periphery of the gear blank
just touches thecutter.
7. The micrometer dial of vertical feed screw is set to zero in thisposition.
8. Then the table is raised further to give the required depth ofcut.
9. The machine is started and feed is given to the table to cut the first groove of
the blank.
10. After the cut, the table is brought back to the startingposition.
11. Then the gear blank is indexed for the next toothspace.
12. This is continued till all the gear teeth arecut.
Z = No.ofteeth = 23
m = module = 2 mm
BlankDiameter = (Z + 2) *m
= (23 + 2) *2
= 50 mm
ToothDepth = 2.25m
= 2.25 *2
= 4.5 mm
Indexing Calculation
= 40 / Z
= 40 / 23
= 1.739
Thus the required gear is machined using the milling machine to the required
number of teeth
1. Turningtool
2. Milling cutter (2mmmodule)
3. Vernier caliper(0-150mm)
4. Drilling tool Ф 10mm,Ф20mm
5. MandrelФ20mm
6. Spanner
7. Gear toothVernier
No ofteeth(z) =30
Module(m) =2mm
External dia.ofblank =(z+2)*m
= (30+2)*2=64
Depthofcut =2.25*m
The indexing crank rotation = one complete rotation and move arm holes in 33
concentric circle.
Thus the spur gear has made by using milling machine to the required size.
Gear Hobbing is a continuous generative process in which the tooth flanks of the
constantly moving work piece are formed by equally spaced cutting edges of the hob. The
profile produced on the gear is a curve comprising of a number of flats, varying with the
number of flutes in the hob which pass a given tooth during the generative movement. Every
hob tooth which contacts the gear along line of action produces one enveloping cut. Like the
straight flank of the hob tooth, the individual cut is straight and in tangent plane to the
involutes of the tooth flanking.
HOB Nomenclature
1. It is a faster and continues process. Hence, quite economical as compared to
other generativeprocesses
2. It enables a high rate of production.
3. The gear teeth generated through this process are veryaccurate.
4. The process can be adopted with equal advantage for both medium and large
batch productions.
5. Hobbing machines, their setting and operation aresimpler.
To generate a spur gear using Gear Hobbing machine to the given dimensions.
1. Vernier caliper
2. Mandrel
3. Drill bitø25mm
To study the working of gear shaping machine
A gear shaper is a machine tool for cutting the teeth of internal or external gears. The
name shaper relates to the fact that the cutter engages the part on the forward stroke and pulls
away from the part on the return stroke, just like the clapper box on a planer shaper.
The cutting tool is also gear shaped having the same pitch as the gear to be cut.
However number of cutting teeth must be less than that of the gear to be cut for internal
gears. For external gears the number of teeth on the cutter is limited only by the size of the
shaping machine. For larger gears the blank is sometimes gashed to the rough shape to make
The principal motions involved in rotary gear shaper cutting are of the following
1. Cutting Motion: The downward linear motion of the cutter spindle together with the
2. Return Stroke: The upward linear travel of the spindle and cutter to withdraw the
latter to its startingposition.
3. Indexing Motion: Slow speed continuous rotation of the cutter spindle and work
spindle to provide circular feed, the two speeds being regulated through the change
gears such that against each rotation of the cutter the gear blank revolves through n/N
revolution, where "n" is the number of teeth of the cutter, and "N" is the number of
teeth to be cut on theblank.
4. Completion of Cutting Operation: The indexing and reciprocating motions continue
until the required number of teeth to the required depth are cut all along the periphery
of the gearblank
Gear shaping is similar to the rack type cutting process, excepting that, the linear type
rack cutter is replaced by a circular cutter as indicated in figure, where both the cutter and the
blank rotate as a pair of spur gears in addition to the reciprocation of the cutter Generation
method is characterized by automatic indexing and ability of a single cutter to cover the
entire range of number of teeth for a given combination of module and pressure angle and
hence provides high productivity andeconomy.
The gear type cutter is made of HSS and possesses proper rake and clearanceangles. The
additional advantages of gear shaping over rack type cutting are:
Thus the working of gear shaping machine has been studied
1. Vernier caliper
2. Mandrel
3. Drill bitø25mm
The grinding machine consists of a power driven grinding wheel spinning at the
required speed and a bed with a fixture to guide and hold the work-piece. The grinding head
can be controlled to travel across a fixed work piece or the work piece can be moved whilst
the grind head stays in a fixed position. Very fine control of the grinding head or table
position is possible using a Vernier calibrated hand wheel, or using the features of numerical
controls. Grinding machines remove material from the work piece by abrasion, which can
generate substantial amounts of heat; they therefore incorporate a coolant to cool the work
piece so that it does not overheat and go outside its tolerance. The coolant also benefits the
machinist as the heat generated may cause burns in some cases.
This is concerned with producing good surface finish and high degree of accuracy.
Yarn wheel or work both are guided in precise paths.
Centre less grinding is a method of grinding exterior cylindrical tapered and formed
surfaces on work pieces that are not held and rotated on centres. The principle elements of an
external centre less grinder are the grinding wheel, regulating or back up wheel and the work
rest. Both wheels are rotated in the same direction. The work rest is located between the
wheels. The work is placed upon the work rest and the latter together with the regulating
wheel, is fed forward forcing the work against the grinding wheel. Centre less grinding may
be done in one of the three ways
a) Throughfeed
b) Infeed
c) Endfeed
Surface grinding machines are employed to finish planes on flat surfaces. They are
also capable of grinding irregular, curved, convex and concave surfaces. Conventional
surface grinders may be divided into two classes: one class has reciprocating tables for work
ground along straight lines, while the other covers the machines with rotating work tables
continuous rapid grinding. Surface grinders may also are classified according to whether they
have horizontal or vertical grinding wheelspindles.
To finish the surface of the given specimen using surface grinding machine
1. Magnetic power machinetable
2. Vernier caliper(0-150mm)
3. Micrometer(0-25mm)
4. Aluminum oxide grindingwheel.
1. Check the dimensions of the givenflat.
2. Mark the dimensions as per the given drawing using steel rule andscriber.
3. Clamp the work piece by means of a magneticchuck.
4. Then start the machine with slowspeed
5. The table is started toReciprocate.
6. Then feed is given with minimum depth of cut.
7. Remove the job and check thedimensions.
8. Continue the steps to achieve the requireddimensions.
Thus the surface grinding operation is performed on the work piece.
To grind a given cylindrical work piece by using cylindrical grinding machine as per
dimensions in the drawing
1. Dogcarrier
2. Vernier caliper
3. Vernier heightgauge
4. Chuck key
5. Double endedspanner
6. V-block
7. Punch andHammer
1. Check the dimensions of the given workpiece.
2. Mark the dimensions as per the given drawing using steel rule andscriber.
3. Make drilling on both side of the markedcenter.
4. Hold the job in dog carrier and between the centers to remove the excess material
from the workpiece.
5. Grind the work piece of givendimension.
6. Check the dimension of thejob.
Thus the cylindrical grinding is operation performed on the work piece.
To perform the angle grinding with tool and cutter grinder on the given work
piece for the given dimensions.
1. Tool GrindingMachine
2. Work Piece
3. GrindingWheel
To Study about the angle grinding with tool and cutter grinder on the
given work piece for the given dimensions.
To measure the cutting forces for the given cutting conditions
1. Lathe
2. Lathe ToolDynamometer
1. Pz – the main or tangential component, determines the torque on main drive mechanism,
the deflection of the tool and the required power. This component acts in the direction of the
2. Px – the axial component, acts in the direction of the tool traverse and it is at right angles
to Pz. It contributes very little to the power consumption.
3. Py – the radial component, acts along the tool shank and perpendicular to the other two
components. It has no share in the powerconsumption
3. 0.75
Thus the cutting forces are measured for different depth of cuts
The part program is a sequence of instructions, which describe the work, which has to
be done on a part, in the form required by a computer under the control of a numerical control
computer program. It is the task of preparing a program sheet from a drawing sheet. All data
is fed into the numerical control system using a standardized format. Programming is where
all the machining data are compiled and where the data are translated into a language which
can be understood by the control system of the machinetool.
The machining data is as follows
(a) Machining sequence classification of process, tool start up point, cutting depth, toolpath,
(b) Cutting conditions, spindle speed, feed rate, coolant,etc.
(c) Selection of cuttingtools.
(a) Determine the startup procedure, which includes the extraction of dimensional data
from part drawings and data regarding surface quality requirements on the
(b) Select the tool and determine the tooloffset.
(c) Set up the zero position for the workpiece.
(d) Select the speed and rotation of thespindle.
(e) Set up the tool motions according to the profilerequired.
(f) Return the cutting tool to the reference point after completion ofwork.
(g) End the program by stopping the spindle andcoolant.
The part programming contains the list of coordinate values along the X, Y and Z directions of
the entire tool path to finish the component. The program should also contain information,
such as feed and speed. Each of the necessary instructions for a particular operation given in
the part program is known as an NC word. A group of such NC words constitutes a complete
NC instruction, known as block. The commonly used words are N, G, F, S, T, and M. The
same is explained later on through examples.
Hence the methods of part programming can be of two types depending upon the
two techniques as below
Over the past years, lot of effort is devoted to automate the part programme
generation. With the development of the CAD (Computer Aided Design)/CAM (Computer
Aided Manufacturing) system, interactive graphic system is integrated with the NC part
programming. Graphic based software using menu driven technique improves the user
friendliness. The part programmer can create the geometrical model in the CAM package or
directly extract the geometrical model from the CAD/CAM database. Built in tool motion
commands can assist the part programmer to calculate the tool paths automatically. The
programmer can verify the tool paths through the graphic display using the animation
function of the CAM system. It greatly enhances the speed and accuracy in tool path
G21 G98
G28 U0 W0
M06 T3
M03 S1500
G00 X28 Z1
G94 X0 Z-0.5
F80 Z-1
G00 X32 Z1
G90 X28 Z-50 F100
G28 U0
W0 M05
Thus the given work piece was machined for the required dimensions.
mm Material -
To machine a given work piece for given dimension using step turning operations.
Z75 N10 G21
G98 N20 G28 U0
W0 N30 M06 T1
N40 M03 S1500
N50 G00 Z2
N60 G00 X28
N70 G94 X-1Z-.5F1.2 FACING
N90 G71 P100 Q140 U0.1 W0.1F100
N100 G01X20 Z0 CYCLE
START N110 G01 X20 Z-25
N120 G01 X25 Z-
25 N130 G01
N140 G01X28 Z-50 CYCLE END
N150 G28 U0 W0
N160 M05
N170 M30
To machine a given work piece for given dimension using taper turning operations.
Z75 N10 G21
G98 N20 G28 U0
W0 N30 M06 T1
N40 M03 S1500
N50 G00 Z2
N60 G00 X28
N70 G94 X-1Z-.5F100 FACING
N90 G71 P100 Q120 U0.1 W0.1F100
N100 G01 X20 Z0
N110 G01 X20 Z-25
N120 G01 X28 Z-50
N130 G28 U0 W0
N140 M05
N150 M30
To machine a given work piece for the given dimension using contour milling
Example:1 Example :2
[BILLET X100 Y100 Z10 G17 G71 G90 G94 G54; (Parameters
[EDGE MOVE X-50 Y-50 Setting)
[TOOL DEF T1 D6 T2 L90; (Home position)
G21 G94 G00 D2 Z50 M3 S700 X10 Y-25;
G91 G28 Z0 (Position of tool)
G28 X0 Y0 G01 Z-1.5; (Position of cut)
M06 T01 G01 X4 F100 M8;
M03 S1500 (Cuttingslat)
G90 G00 X-25 Y-25 Z5 G00 Z100 M9; (Final position of tool)
G01 Z-1 F30 M30; (Main programme end)
G01 X25 Y-25
G01 X25 Y15
G03 X15 Y25
R10 G01 X-
G02 X-25 Y15 R10
G01 X-25 Y-25
G00 Z5
G91 G28
Z0 G28 X0
Y0 M05
www.vidyarthiplus.com www.veltechengg.com
The work
piece is
as per the
Pinion type cutter (Generating): Here the tool is also a gear made of hard steels, (Used as
cutter). The job is not indexed for every tooth. The cutter as well as the blank rotates simultaneously
meshing with each other.
7. What are the advantages of gear shaping over the other methods?
The advantages are:
8. Specific types of gears that could be formed specifically by gear shaping process?
Shaping process can operate on classes of gearing outside the capacity of other methods.
Example is: a) Internal gears with or without back shroud, b) Cluster gears.
www.vidyarthiplus.com www.veltechengg.com