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Delta Electronics, Inc

InfraSuite Manager
Operation Edition

User’s Manual

Model: EMS3000
Doc. Version: v3.0
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 System Architecture ................................................................................................................ 4

2. Software Installation ................................................................................................................................. 7

2.1 Presentation Layer (Manager-Monitor) .................................................................................. 7

2.2 Web Monitoring ...................................................................................................................... 7

3. Presentation Layer (Manager-Monitor) .................................................................................................... 8

3.1 Program Startup ...................................................................................................................... 8

3.2 Main Screen ............................................................................................................................. 9

3.2.1 Component Operation in Layout Plan ............................................................................. 10

3.3 Menu ..................................................................................................................................... 11

3.3.1 System.................................................................................................................................. 11

3.3.2 Tool ....................................................................................................................................... 12

3.3.3 Help ....................................................................................................................................... 12

3.4 Module .................................................................................................................................. 12

3.5 Operation Module ................................................................................................................. 13

3.5.1 Workspace ........................................................................................................................... 13

3.5.2 Event Log ............................................................................................................................. 17

3.5.3 History Data ......................................................................................................................... 19

3.5.4 Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 21

3.5.5 Layout Plan Designer ......................................................................................................... 21

3.5.6 Command Template Designer .......................................................................................... 23

3.6 Report Module ...................................................................................................................... 23

3.6.1 File ........................................................................................................................................ 23

3.6.2 Report ................................................................................................................................... 23

3.6.3 Schedule .............................................................................................................................. 24

3.6.4 Template .............................................................................................................................. 26

3.7 Camera .................................................................................................................................. 28

3.7.1 Camera Monitoring ............................................................................................................. 28

3.7.2 Camera Log ......................................................................................................................... 28

3.8 Bulletin Board ........................................................................................................................ 29

3.9 Device List .............................................................................................................................. 30

3.10 License ................................................................................................................................... 30

4. Presentation Layer (Manager-ExtraMonitor) .......................................................................................... 32

4.1 Program Startup .................................................................................................................... 32

4.1.1 Slideshow............................................................................................................................... 33

4.1.2 Marquee ................................................................................................................................ 34

4.2 Slideshow............................................................................................................................... 36

4.3 Marquee ................................................................................................................................ 36

1. Introduction
Thank you for choosing InfraSuite Manager to manage your facilities in the datacenter.
InfraSuite Manager is designed to centralized monitoring and control a large number of
devices through the network. It can adjust its scale to meet the customer’s application and
has the ability to let you quickly and easily create a powerful, full-featured human-machine
interface (HMI) to manage all of the devices through the network. It allows you to observe
all of the device status at a glance and query the event log and history data in a easy and
quick way to help you to make the best management decisions.

1.1 System Architecture

InfraSuite Manager implements a 3-tiered design architecture, including the Data
Collection layer, Gateway layer and Presentation layer. The advantages of this kind
of design architecture are scalability, reliability, and diversity. Each layer represents an
independent application and only deal with its own job, the data exchange between
each layer through the network communication. These applications can be installed in
the same PC or in different PCs to meet the customer’s application.

Data Collection Layer: Program name Manager-DataCollect,

Design to communicate with the physical devices directly through the serial and
network interfaces, it collects all of the device data which is defined in the protocol
list then report it to Manager-Gateway.
If the environment needs to integrate with cameras then the
Manager-CameraCollect needs to be installed. We recommend to install
Manager-CameraCollect in another PC to take up most of the resources because
the real-time image processing, network traffic may be totally consumed by the
Camera Collector.
Gateway Layer: Program name Manager-Gateway, Manager-CameraGateway
Responsible for analyzing the received data, there are 3 major functions of the
Gateway layer which are database handling, reaction and reply the Presentation
layer query. Once the data feedback to the Gateway layer from the Data
Collection layer, the Gateway layer analyzes the data to decide to store in the
database or not. If there is an event occurs, it can sending the assigned
commands to other devices, keeps the event in the event log, sending e-mail
and/or SMS accordingly.
Manager-CameraGateway manages all of the Camera Collectors and
communicate with Manager-Gateway to achieve the purpose of single entry
Presentation Layer: Program name Manager-Monitor, Manager-ExtraMoitor
Design to display the user interface and restrict the user privileges. Furthermore,
the Manager-Monitor and web interface can display the historical data log and
event log.
One Manager-ExtraMonitor can communicate with multiple Manager-Gateway to
collect the layout plans and project them to the different video wall screens.
Project Configuration: Program name Manager-Configure
Besides to the 3 layers, the customer also needs to develop his own project.
InfraSuite Manager provides this application to create a project. The project
includes user profile, privilege, protocol, device, camera setup and layout
2. Software Installation
2.1 Presentation Layer (Manager-Monitor)
Hardware Requirement
CPU: >= 2G Hz
Memory: >= 4G
Software Requirement

OS: Windows 7, 8, 10, 2003, 2008, 2012

2.2 Web Monitoring

Customers can remotely from the web browser to monitor the InfraSuite

Manager without installing any application.

Hardware Requirement

CPU: >= 2G

Memory: >= 4G
Software Requirement

OS: Windows 7, 8, 10, 2003, 2008, 2012

Tablet OS: iOS5, Android 2.3 or above.

We recommended to use the following web browser and video player for

InfraSuite Manager.
Web Browser: IE11, Chrome30, Firefox23, Safari5.
3. Presentation Layer (Manager-Monitor)
The presentation layer (Manager-Monitor) is one of InfraSuite Manager user interfaces.
Users can not only watch all of the monitoring facilities status and value but also query the
event log and history data.

3.1 Program Startup

Select the Start > Program Files > InfraSuite Manager > Manager-Monitor >
Manager-Monitor to launch the Windows monitoring program. The connection dialog
box will be poped up at the startup, please fill in the IP address of Gateway layer
(Manager-Gateway) and the account and password then press the Login button to
establish the connection. If the Enable Auto Login is checked then next time the
Manager-Monitor will connect to the assigned IP address.

The connection status is indicated in the following table.

Connection Status
Status Description
Connected Connect to the Manager-Gateway successful.
Verify Pass The accout and password are matched.
Verify Faiure Either account nore password is matched. Please
contact your account manager.
Once you login to the system successfully, the presentation layer starts to download the
project files from Manager-Gateway. After all of the necessary files are downloaded, the
layout plan groups will be listed in the Select Group dialog box according to your login
account privilege. Please select one of the layout plan groups to enter this group.
As you can see from the above picture, there are 2 parts in the dialog box. They are
presentation screenshot area and selection group area.
Presentation Screenshot Area: Display the selected group main screenshot.
Selection Group Area: Use the left and right arrows to move the group items and click
on one of the items to select it or double click on the item to enter this group item.

3.2 Main Screen

There are 3 areas for the monitoring screen, they are
(1) Menu area, (2) Module button area and (3) Module functional area.

The manu area includes the menu bar(Left side), status panel(Middle) and the system
information(Right side).
Status Panel: Show the statistics of current

alarm in different levels. Moreover, press the (Full screen) button to extend the

Layout Plan area to the full screen, press the (Fix) button to show or hide the status
panel. If the status panel is hidden, move your mouse on the top of the status panel
docking position to show the panel again.
System Information: To show the login account anme and system time from the
Manager-Gateway. Click on the language selection list to switch the selected language
in Manager-Monitor. This will apply all the menus, buttons and dialog box text to the
selected language but does not affect to the designed plans. Moreover, press the status
button to pop up the service status windows to examine the related service programs
and their working status.

3.2.1 Component Operation in Layout Plan

The components design in layout plan can be easily operated by the mouse to view
the current device status, query event log and history data. The following table lists
the operation function for the general components:
Component Left Button Right Button
Layout Button Go into the assigned layout plan.
Physical Device Open the physical device detail Physical Device Menu
view. Content: Open the physical
devicecon figuration window to
observe the communication
parameters, protocol items.
Query Event Log: Pop up the event
log window to list the event log for the
Query History Data: Pop up the
history data window to show the brief
display items’ trend.
Preselection: Add or remove the
selected component in a temporary
memory then select the Query
History Data or Query Event Log.
Camera Open the camera live streaming
Value The same as Physical Device.
Status The same as Physical Device.
Trend Chart Trend Chart Menu
Query History Data: Pop up the
history data window to show the trend
of the protocol items in the
Save Data to File: Save the
currenttrend chard value in an
assigned CSV file.
Preselect: Add or remove the
selected item in a temporary memory
then select the Query History Data or
Query Event Log.

3.3 Menu

3.3.1 System
File Menu
Menu Item Description
Connect Gateway Connect to a Manager-Gateway.
Logout Log out from the connected Manager-Gateway.
Upload Project Upload the new project. (Only available for
Administrator account)
Download Project Download the current running project. (Only
available for Administrator account)
Exit Close the monitoring interface.

3.3.2 Tool
Tool Menu
Menu Item Description
Event Log Used to look up the event log in a period of time, display the event
frequency by a graph.
Event Ack. Used to record the device event is taking care or not by the related
device manager.
Event Mask Mask the assigned devices which we don’t want them to report any
History Data > Search Look up the history data from the database and display the graph
for the selected device elements.
History Data > Comapre Compare the different elements in the same period of time or
compare the same elements in different time.
Camera Display the camera live view.
Camera Log Look up the camera log then play the recorded vido file.
Door Access Log Look up the door access log.
Report Edit To edit your report by copy and paste the event log or history data.
Bulletin Board To add or delete the messages on bulletin board component.
Snapshot Display or hide the snapshot window.
Device List Display all of the physical devices in a list.

3.3.3 Help
Help Menu
Menu Item Description
License Setup the software license for the management system.
Log Data Used to record the device communication for debug.
About The software version.

3.4 Module
The module buttons will vary depending on the function module you have purchased.
Please refer to the following for the module buttons of base model.

The complete functional module buttons are as the following:

This manual only explains for the base model, please refer to the related manual for the
other modules.
3.5 Operation Module
In the operation module, there are serveral tabs for it:

3.5.1 Workspace
In the workspace, we can observe the designed layout plans. The layout group
tree , physical device list and virtual device list are on the left side. In the middle
area, there are layout plan and event list. Each tab can be drag to the other docking
position and remember it.
Layout Plan

This structure is designed by the project designer in the project file which is
configured by the Manager-Configure, users can select one of the layout plans
in the structure to jump to the plan directly. In general, the structure is divided
by location or function to help users to manage their facilities more intuitive.

Layout Plan Button

Select the layout plan group: Press this button to pop up the selectable
layout plan groups based on the login account. Users can switch to a
different layout group from here.

Layout plan self-adjust: Divided into 3 stages, the stage 1 is to display the
layout plan by it’s original dimension. The 2nd stage is to stretch the layout
plan and keep the ratio. The 3rd stage is to stretch to the disaply area.

Center: To place the plan centered.

Extend background color: Enable this option will set the same
background color with the layout plan.
Physical Device List

This tab lists all of the physical devices in the project which was designed by
the Manager-Configure. Users can press the right mouse button to pop up the
floating menu. Select one of the menu items of Classify By menu to change the
display sorting style. There are 6 additional items in the pop up menu to help
users to observe all of the monitoring devices:
Classify By: To classify the physical devices by layout plans where the device
component is placed.
Event Log: Open the event log for the selected device.
History Data: Open the history data graph for the selected device.
Real Time Data: Watch the real-time data graph, values and alarm.
Detail View: Observe the device in a detail dialog box.
Event Setting: Change the event definition of this device.
The Classify style lists in the following table.
Classify Style
Menu Item Description
In this sorting type, the physical devices are divided into 2 categories:
Event Device and No Event Device. The Event Device lists the devices
Event Status
which are currently alarming and the No Event Device lists the devices
which are running normally.
The physical devices are classified into several categories based on the
connection type: They are Serial, SNMP, Door Access and Modbus
Connection Type
TCP. The icon is used to indicate the alarm level for a device and the list
rule is from serious to normal.
Classify the physical device by the Data Collection Server. The icon for
D.C. Server each device is used to indicate the alarm level and the list rule is from
serious to normal.
Classify the devices by protocol. The icon for each device is used to
Protocol Type
indicate the alarm level and the list rule is from serious to normal.
Layout Classify the devices by layout plan where the physical device is placed.

Virtual Device List

This tab lists all of the virtual devices in the project which was designed by the
Manager-Configure. Double click on the virtual device to open the detail view
window or click on the right mouse button to pop up the floating menu to look
up the event log, history data, real-time data and detail view.
Event List

The event list shows the events whch are triggered and not recover yet.
When a large number of events occur, the search field can help user to filter the
events by the key word. Press the right mouse button to pop up the floating
Event List
Menu Item Description
Content Open the related device and protocol item to understand the
thresholds, Users can change the settings or disable the condition
Event Content Open the event content window.
Auto Pop-up Event Enable this option to pop up the event content window to notify
Window users.
Query Event Log To query the event log based on the event.
Query History Data To query the history data based on the event.
Preselection Add or remove the selected event in a temporary memory then
select the Query History Data or Query Event Log.

3.5.2 Event Log

InfraSuite Manager records the system, operator and device events in the
database, users can look up the event through the Event Log window by time,
event type, event level and devices.
Please follow the instructions:
1. Click on the Event Log tab.
2. Assign the period of time.
3. Select the event type, event level, users or devices.
Type Description
All Look up all event types.
Continue to select the event level and type.
System Look up the system type event.
Continue to select the event level.
Operator Look up the operator type event.
Continue to select the event level and user.
Device Look up the device type event include the physical device and virtual
Continue to select the event level and device.
4. Select the Event Level.
5. Connect Event Begin and End: There are 2 display types to organize the
event logs. One is Sequential type which lists the searched logs sequentially
by time. The other one is Combined type, it combines the start and end time
in a line for the users to easily identify when the event started and stopped.
6. Press the Submit button to search the event log.
The event log columns are related to the selected event type, please refer to
the following table.
Type All Device
System Operator
Column Sequential Combine Sequential Combine
Index V V V V V V
Event Type V V V V V V
Event Level V V V V V V
User V V V
Device Title V V V V
Event Time V V V V
Begin Time V V
End Time V V
Element Title V V V V
Description V V V V V V
Event Begin V V
Event End Value V V
Camera V V V V
Remark V V V V V V

Event Begin Value: If this event is triggered by the assigned protocol element
then InfraSuite Manager records the element value automatically with this event
log. If this event log is related to a virtual device then the value is its outline
Event End Value: InfraSuite Manager records the element value with the event
log. If this event log is related to a virtual device then the value is its outline
Once the event log is listed then we can continue to use the event log statistics
Statistics Category Description
Event Times The event count for each device in the assigned period of
If the period of time is between 2012-01-01 00:00:00 and
2012-01-01 23:59:59, the Data Format is set to Hour then the
result will show the event count for each device hourly.
Average Process Time The average recovery time of events for each device.
If the period of time is between 2012-01-01 00:00:00 and
2012-01-01 23:59:59, the Data Format is set to Hour then the
result will show the average recovery time to each device.
If the event begins on A period (e.g. 08:00) but ends on B
period (e.g. 10:00) then this average recovery time is drawed
on the A period.
If the event does not recover then the end time will use the
current system time.
Event Count

Event Process Time

3.5.3 History Data

InfraSuite Manager can query the history data from its database. Users can
select the Data Format from second to month to observe a trend in a long period
of time or to analyze data in a short period of time. Please note that the history
data is query from the database and if you select a long period of time with
Second Data Format then it will create a huge network packets to transmit the
data, to resolve this issue you can select the Hour Data Format to reduce the
network traffic and the system provides the maximum and minimum data lines to
observe the trend more preciously.
Query Instructions
1. Select the following menu Tools > History Data > Search to open the history
data search window.
2. Assign the period of time for the search.
3. Select the Data Format, there are Second, Minute, Hour, Day and Month.
4. Click on the Select Element to open the dialog box to choose the device
5. Click on the Submit button to start query.

Move your mouse over the graphical area and press on the right mouse button
to pop up the floating menu:

Besides to the history data query, users can grouping different device elements
then compare the selected groups by summary, average, maximum and
minimum or in different period of time. This function can be used to analyze the
datacenter environment temperature and humidity or rack power consumption to
improve the datacenter design.

Compare Instructions
1. Select the following menu Tools > History Data > Compare to open the
history data compare window.
2. Select the time period, it can be day, week, month, quarter, year and user
defined time.
3. Select the Compare By and Time parameters.
4. Select the pre-defined groups or click on the Select Element to open the
dialog box to choose the device elements.
5. Click on the Submit button to start compare.

3.5.4 Configuration
Please refer to the installation and configuration manual.

3.5.5 Layout Plan Designer

This tab is enabled according to the license, not for all projects. The layout plan
designer allows to add, modify and delete the plans online. Need not to upload
the project file and restart the Manager-Gateway service.
The layout plan list on the left side, the left bottom tabs are used to switch the
plan list and layout group. The Design and Preview area displays the plan per
customer’s selection in the plan list. During the design you can save this plan as
a Temporary Plan then next time you can open the temparory plan to continue
the design. After the design is finished, you can commit the new plan to the
project. To show the updated plan you have to refresh your project by click on
the layut group selection.
On the right side, the toolbox and properties resides. Toolbox lists the layout
components, the Properties lists the selected component parameters.

Open Running Plan: Open the selected plan selected from the left plan list.
Save to Running Plan: Commit the current design plan to the project.

Open Temporary Plan: Open the temparory plan.

Save to Temparory Plan: Save the current design plan as the temparory plan,
the temparory plan does not affect to the current project.
Remove Temporary Plan: Remove the temporary plan.
The general instructions are:
Open Running Plan [Modify] Save to Temporary Plan [Confirm] Save to Running

Plan Remove Temporary Plan

3.5.6 Command Template Designer
The command template designed is used to design the command dialog for the
Command Dialogue component.

3.6 Report Module

3.6.1 File
Users can search, preview and download the generated report. From the File
Search toolbox to assign the search period of time, the search result is placed
in the left bottom list. Click on one of the result list to preview the report in the
center area.

Double-click on the selected result list to download and open the report, click
on the right mouse button to pop up the floating menu, select Download menu
item to download the report or Remove to delete the report.

3.6.2 Report
First please determin the report period from the left top side then pick up a
report template from the Template toolbox (The report template can define by
yourself). The report template is divided into 3 catalogies: Protocol, Device and
Energy. After the template is selected, the data source will be changed
Press the submit button to start to generate the report manually in the HTML
format. This report will show in the center area after the system finish
generating it.

If you want to generate in the other format, please press the Save button to pop
up the following dialog box to choose one of the following format: Text, CSV,
Excel and HTML. If the Excel format is chose you can continue to assign a
password to let this report be protected as read only.

3.6.3 Schedule
In this tab, you can plan a schedule to generate the report from a reort
Press the Add button to pop up the following Report Schedule Wizard dialog

The parameters are:

Template Type: Protocol, Device or Energy.
Template: List the available report template based on the selected
template type.
Schedule Type: Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually.
Single Data Time Interval: The time period of time to calculate for one line.
File Type: The generated file format: Support Text, Csv, Excel and Html.
File Name: The file name for the generated report.
Send e-mail: Send the generated report to the assigned mail account.

3.6.4 Template
Users can create a customerized report template in this tab. The created
template will be listed in the schedule and manual report function.
Here list the Template functions:
Function Icon Description
File Picture Load the picture.

Save Save the content to .xls file format (Support

Office2007 and Office2010).
Table Size Modify the cell size.

Insert Column Insert a new column.

Row Insert a new row.
Delete Colmun Delete the current column.
Row Delete the current row.
Font Name Select the font name.
Size Select the font size.
Increase Increase the font size(The maximum font sizeis
72 pt).
Decrease Reduce the font size(The minimum font sizeis
Bold Change the text style to bold.

Italic Change the text style to italic.

Background Color Change the cell background color.

Foreground Color Change the text color.

Cell Style Vertical Top Set the vertical text alignment to top.
Alignment Center Set the vertical text alignment to center.
Bottom Set the vertical text alignment to bottom.

Horizont Left Set the horizontal text alignment to left.

Center Set the horizontal text alignment to center.

Right Set the horizontal text alignment to right.

Cell Style Left Draw the left border.

Border Right Draw the right border.

Top Draw the top border.

Bottom Draw the bottom border.

None Don’t draw the border.

Inner Draw the inner borders.

Outer Draw the outer border.

Full Draw all of the border.

Cell Style Merge None Merge the selected cells.

- Merge Restore None Restore the merged cells.
Clipboard Clipboard Open the clipboard window.

Report Edit Quick Shortcut Buttons

Button Description
Crtl+S Save Report
Crtl+C Copy
Crtl+V Paste
Delete Delete
Crtl+M Merge
Crtl+R Restore merge
Crtl+N,C New Column
Crtl+D,C Delete Colmun
Crtl+N,R New Row
Crtl+D,R Delete Row

3.7 Camera
Please install the IP camera which supports the RTSP or motion JPEG streaming for
InfraSuite Manager to integrate the video in the system. Users can watch the live image
in the real world to observe the device situation visually.
The live video is one of the layout components which can be embedded in the layout
plan, the device manager can just switch to the layout plan to watch the live video with
the device status components.
To adapt the most public network environment, the camera monitoring can receive the
camera video stream by direct or indirect connection. This feature is used for the users
to watch the video image in the local network or outside from the LAN, another benefit
is to keep flexibility for the network traffic and image quality.

3.7.1 Camera Monitoring

Select the Tools > Camera menu to open the Camera Monitor window.
The default connection is indirect mode, if you want to switch to the direct mode
then please refer to the following picture to select the Link to Camera menu
item. InfraSuite Manager will connect to the IP camera directly.

3.7.2 Camera Log

The camera can be triggered by any device event to record the video file and
each event can trigger more than one cameras. The project designer can
configure the event and camera by the Manager-Configure. Please select the
Tools > Camera Event Log to open the camera event log window, look up the
recorded video files, select one of the listed items and click on the Play button
to play the video file.

3.8 Bulletin Board

the layout plan designed a marquee component then the message can be add, edit and
delete from the bulletin board.
3.9 Device List
List all of the physical devices, users can sort by the Event Level, Device Name, Value
or Alarm.

3.10 License
You need to buy a license before running InfraSuite Manager, if the license is not
available then it is only a demo version. The demo version limits the monitoring device
number up to 10 and can only work in 30 days.
Please select the Help > License menu to open the license dialog box, check the
License Key Authentication Status for the license status.
Before the software is licensed, the Activation Key is empty or the License Key
Authentication Status is incorrect. Please follow the instructions to activate InfraSuite
1. The software generates a public key automatically in the Public Key text box.
2. If you bought InfraSuite Manager with an industrial computer then there is a serial
number(S/N) on the front panel of the EMS3000 computer.
3. If you only bought the software then you don’t need to provide the serial number.
4. Send this public key and/or the serial number(S/N) to the Delta contact window to
request for an Activation Key.
5. Fill in the Activation Key in the Update Activation Key text box then press the Update
button. The Activation Key Authentication Status should show “Correct” status. If it
shows “Incorrect”, please contact Delta again.
Please note that if the monitoring physical device number is greater than the license
authorized, the software will stop monitoring and wait for the user to update the
Activation Key or remove some of the physical devices.
4. Presentation Layer (Manager-ExtraMonitor)
The presentation layer (Manager-ExtraMonitor) is another user interface of InfraSuite
Manager. Users can play the slideshow and display message by Manager-ExtraMonitor.

4.1 Program Startup

Before using the Extra Monitor, you have to install the Manager-ExtraMonitor
application in a Windows computer. There is an Extra Monitor icon in the system tray as
the following screenshot:

The function is described in the following table:

Function Description
Start Start the Extran Monitor functions. If we only enable the
Slideshowfunction then only the slideshow function will be
performed on the screen.
Stop Stop the Extra Monitor functions.
Options Automatic startup If this option is enabled then the ExtraMonitor will be started
automatically next time when the OS startup.
Settings To open the Service Management dialog box to configure the Extra
Monitor, please refer to the following table.
Language Selection To select one of English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese
Download And Monitoring Download the settings which the project designer has designed for
the Extra Monitor.
Exit Exit from the system tray.

The following table describes the Servie Management dialog box.

Function Description
Gateway IP Address The Gateway IP address to connect.
Account The account to login to Manager-Gateway remotely.
Password The password to login to Manager-Gateway remotely.
Service List Slideshow To configure the slideshow function.
MarqueeLED To configure the marquee function.
4.1.1 Slideshow
Press the Edit button from the Slideshow Setting List to open the following
dialog box:

The configuration parameters are described in the following table:

Item Description
Title The title name of this slideshow.
Alternate Rate Time interval to change the layout plan.
Designated Screen The monitor screen number, you can observe the screen
number in the following picture.
Slideshow Order List the layout plans which we want to play on the designated
Up Move the selected layout plan forward.
Down Move the selected layout plan backward.
4.1.2 Marquee
The marquee works in an independent client window to display the alarm
and/or normal messages.

The followings are the configuration parameters description:

Item Description
Designated Screen Display the marquee on the assigned monitor screen.
Simulate Simulate the marquee display to check the font style
and size during design time.
Height The LED number in height.
Width The LED number in width.
Messages Interval(pt) To separate different messages by the assigned LED
Show Border Display the marquee border.
LED Style There are round and square types.
LED Radius The LED radius in pixel.
Opacity The transparent of marquee window, the higher value
the more transparent.
Display List List There are Normal and Alarm messages in the different
lines, use the Up and Down to switch the line position.
Test Text Text The simulate text string in the marquee.
Moving Freq.(Hz) Moving frequency of the text string.
Moving Moving LED distance per time.
There are alarm and normal messages in the Display List. Double click on the
Normal line to open the following Normal Message Setting dialog box.

There are Add, Edit and Remove buttons to maintain the normal messages:
Press the Add button to setup the normal messages, there are Value and
Custom types. The Value type is used to report the device protocol element
values which we care periodically, the Custom type is used to show the
assigned text message. Please refer to the following screenshots for more

Double click on the Alarm line in the Display List to open the following Alarm
Message Setting dialog box.
Please select the event levels and devices to report the alarm messages in the
marquee once the event triggers.

4.2 Slideshow
Please enable the Slideshow service in the Service Management dialog box then select
the Start menu item from the floating menu to start the slideshow.

Move your mouse to the left top corner on the screen, there will show a banner with 2
buttons to operate the slideshow window. One is Play and Stop, the other one is Full
Screen and Resize.

4.3 Marquee
Please enable the MarqueeLED service in the Service Management dialog box then
select the Start menu item to start the marquee.
Move your mouse to the left top corner on the screen to show a banner with buttons:
Play: To play the marquee.
Stop: To stop the marquee.
Configure: To configure the color, size, … of the marquee.

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