Tawuniya's COVID-19 Travel Insurance - For Citizens: Direct Al Rashdia 20629559 24-11-2021 Al Driweesh Fahad Saad M
Tawuniya's COVID-19 Travel Insurance - For Citizens: Direct Al Rashdia 20629559 24-11-2021 Al Driweesh Fahad Saad M
Tawuniya's COVID-19 Travel Insurance - For Citizens: Direct Al Rashdia 20629559 24-11-2021 Al Driweesh Fahad Saad M
Geographical Limits : World Wide Cover excluding KSA and War & Sanction countries
Insured Persons:
Relation to Contribution Expiry
Name Date of Birth Passport No Policyholder SR Date
AL DRIWEESH FAHAD SAAD M 04-02-2015 x805130 Insured 231.52 27-12-2021
Excess The first SR 200 of each and every incident
per each insured person involved in the incident ( applicable for Section 5 & 7 only)
1. Duration of cover is 30 days effective from inception date of policy i.e. departure date of first trip from KSA.
2. For cancellation cover under section 5, the period of insurance begins on the date contribution has been paid & policy has
been issued or the date you booked your trip, whichever is later, and ends when your trip starts or policy duration completes
30 days whichever is earlier
3. The period of insurance for all other sections begins when your trip starts and ends when your trip ends or policy
duration completes 30 days whichever is earlier
4. All cover ends at 30th day being expiry date shown on the policy schedule unless specifically agreed otherwise.
5. Policy can be extended for 30 days at additional price maximum of two times only
This policy may be cancelled by you more than 6 hours prior to scheduled departure time of the first trip from KSA provided that
no claim has been made by you under this policy and we would refund the full contribution to you after deducting
admin fees (SR 25 + VAT), otherwise no refund contribution will be allowed.
Tax / VAT :
"The amounts stated in this policy and its endorsements have been charged VAT - where applicable - according
to the prevailing rate as per KSA VAT LAW"
Tawuniya VAT\Tax Registration No.300002788500003