Paper 54-Design of A Plastic Shredding Machine

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,

Vol. 12, No. 6, 2021

Design of a Plastic Shredding Machine to Obtain

Small Plastic Waste
Witman Alvarado-Diaz1, Jason Chicoma-Moreno2, Brian Meneses-Claudio3, Luis Nuñez-Tapia4
Image Processing Research Laboratory (INTI-Lab)
Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades
Lima, Perú

Abstract—One of the biggest environmental problems in the production [7], causing, in recent years, several districts such
world is the excess of plastic waste. Although it is true, around as Comas and San Martín de Porres were declared in sanitary
the world there are companies that are responsible for recycling emergency because their garbage collection systems collapsed
plastic waste, since 42% of plastics that are generated worldwide [8]. According to the ex-Minister of the Environment Muñoz
have a single utility. In Peru, the culture of recycling is not Fabiola, she indicated that in other countries there are no
promoted, each year approximately each person uses 30 kilos of sanitary landfills and that absolutely everything is valued [9].
plastic and that only in Metropolitan Lima and Callao 46% of
plastic waste is generated nationwide. In view of this problem, The quarantine generated by COVID-19 in the world
this article will design a plastic shredding machine to obtain presented positive effects at the environmental level:
small plastic waste to help people to be dedicated to the recycling improvements in water and air quality and less pollution of the
industry in an automated way, it would also generate jobs since it ozone layer [10]. The sanitary measures that are now being
requires a staff in charge of the machine and it will also be faced by the COVID-19 causes the index of plastic material to
extremely useful to reduce plastic pollution in the environment, increase the figure spontaneously. The plastics that stand out
which due to COVID-19 is increasing. Through the design of the the most for their use are gloves, masks, alcohol gel containers
plastic waste shredding machine, the plastic will be selected by and plastic bags; There are also the Polyethylene due to the
color and type of plastic composition, whether it is Polyethylene increase in delivery. There are no exact figures, but
Terephthalate (PET), High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Low
organizations estimate that household waste grew by 30% to
Density Polyethylene (LDPE), Polychloride vinyl (PVC) or
40% [11].
Others (Plastic Mix), then it will go through the shredding
process to become small plastic waste, which could be turned into In Peru, a biodegradable plastic is one that degrades to
filament for 3D printer. carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), methane (CH 4 ), water and biomass by
the action of microorganisms, contains a minimum of 50%
Keywords—Automation; pollution; filaments; recycling; plastic volatile solids, has limited concentrations of dangerous
waste chemicals and its degradation is carried out in a reasonable
I. INTRODUCTION time: 90% degradation in 6 months in the presence of oxygen
(O 2 ) and 2 months in the absence of O 2 [6]. These are the
One million plastic bottles are bought every minute and measures that are being taken in Peru to reduce plastic
500 billion bags are used per year. Eight million tons end up in pollution, but even so the culture of recycling is not a common
the oceans every year, threatening marine life [1]. The great measure that the Peruvian citizen has in mind, it is that only
problem of plastic is inherent to its usefulness: most of the 3% of Peruvians recycle the garbage they generated daily [12].
products made of this material have a very short useful life and
are usually easily disposed of [2], for this reason there are The objective of the research work is to design a plastic
many companies that are in charge of recycling plastic to give Plastic Shredding Machine to obtain small plastic waste, in
them different applications. 42% of the plastic used in the such a way that it allows people dedicated to the recycling
world is destined to the packaging of food and manufactured industry to obtain waste in an automated way and will also be
products. In other words, single-use plastics that barely spend a very useful to reduce plastic pollution in the environment. For
few minutes in the hands of consumers [3]. If no action is the development of the design, SolidWorks software was used
taken, by 2050 there will be about 12 billion tons of plastic for the mechanical part that makes up the Shredder machine
waste distributed in landfills and the ocean [4]. and an Arduino UNO programmable board that will allow the
machine to work in an automated way.
Plastic in Peru represents 10% of all the waste generated in
the country, since 2015 we have had a huge growth in plastic In section II, the methodology will indicate the mechanical,
[5]. On average in Peru, approximately 30 kilos of plastic are electronic and design of the Plastic Shredding Machine. In
used per year per citizen [6]. Each year, there are about 3 Section III, the mathematical calculations, the formulas that
billion plastic bags, almost 6 thousand bags per minute. In were considered for the design of the Plastic Shredding
Metropolitan Lima and Callao, 886 tons of plastic waste are Machine will be placed. In Section IV, the results that are
generated per day, representing 46% at the national level [6] generated according to the tests carried out on the design of the
due to the fact that the population in Peru grows towards the Shredder will be presented. In Section V the discussion will be
cities, 75% live in urban areas, and this means more garbage presented, where the importance of this work with respect to

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 6, 2021

other works carried out will be indicated. Finally, in Section • Aluminum

VI, the conclusion and recommendation of the design of the
Plastic Shredding Machine will be presented. • Stainless steel
• Close type pulley
Plastic waste shredding machines are of great importance • Bearings
as mentioned below in some studies. For example: In [13], the Aluminum will be used for the case of the Plastic
authors identified that when shredding disposable plastic, the Shredding Machine, which is also a lightweight and durable
small pieces can be used to make new plastic products, that is material. The blades of the plastic waste shredding machine
why they proposed the development of a plastic waste will be made of stainless steel to maintain the durability of the
shredding machine, likewise, the shredding machine was friction when making the cuts, the shaft that will hold the
designed with a traditional method of use scissors to cut blades will also be made of stainless steel, which will be
materials in a small way and from the scraping used by rabbits supported by rolling bearings for mobility shredding machine.
when digging, some of the blades have sharp curved edges to
attract the plastic towards the teeth of the cutting blades. The B. Electronic Part
performance of the machine is 27.3 kg/h and the efficiency is The electronic part is composed of a DC motor, which will
53% for all types of plastic and 95% for the type of polyvinyl be an important factor through of its force it will allow to crush
chloride plastic, concluding that the machine could be very the plastic waste that is placed in the machine, for this, the
useful in a situation in which considerable plastics have to be power of the motor must be considered. For this project, the
crushed and also efficient in the crushing of large sizes. DC motor that we will be using has GGM geared motors of the
In [14], the author identifies that the PUCP (Pontificia helical coaxial type in DC with powers from 120W M6 with
Universidad Católica del Perú) works with 3D printing 3.0 N.m (
technology in various areas of the University and that printed It will also have an Arduino UNO board to work together
material is increasing since it cannot be discarded because they with a driver module and be able to control the DC motor, in
are highly polluting, that is why they proposed the design of a such a way that the shredder has an automatic function.
recycling machine oriented to the production of ABS plastic
filaments for 3D printing in the PUCP, thus using an Arduino C. Design
UNO programmable board to control the DC motors, a servo To arrive at the result of the design that will be presented in
motor and a touch screen, it also uses the Autodesk Inventor the article, a preliminary study was made which consists of the
2017 software to design the mechanical part of the system. The durability of the product, its efficiency, and its sustainability
result was that the designed system has the capacity to produce over time. Mention will be made of the design of the different
at least 0.5kg of ABS per hour, concluding that, by having an parts that make up the crushing machine.
interchangeable nozzle extrusion system, a system is obtained
capable of manufacturing not only filaments of 1.75, 2.85 and The most important evaluation criteria for the "Crushing
3.00 mm in diameter as it was determined in the beginning, but and Classification" module were selected in the conceptual
also other variants that are in this range of values. phase, which were:

Finally, in [15], the authors identified that most of the PET • Ease of manufacture
bottles produced are not recycled, on the contrary, new bottles • Ease of assembly and disassembly
are produced every time, thus increasing waste, which is why
they proposed to carry out the design and construction of a • Reliability
plastic Shredder for the recycling and management of plastic
• Ease of maintenance
waste, generated in the area of the Petroleum Training Institute,
Effurun, Nigeria, thus using a crushing chamber made of a • Low noise and vibration level
rigid and thick 0.610mm steel plate, also a 0.22mm steel
hopper where plastic waste accumulates while shredding is • Inexpensive and affordable spare parts
carried out with a base of the shredder casing that has a wire • Recirculation of material
mesh used to regulate the type and size of the shredded plastic
waste. Obtaining as a result 98.44% of crushing efficiency, • Under weight
with a crushing rate of 0.575kg/s, concluding that the crushed
plastic waste has a size that ranges between 10mm and 20mm • Little wear on the cutting elements
and the results obtained reveal that the performance of the 1) Metal sieve or sieve in the shape of a half moon: The
machine it is satisfactory. classification of the material already crushed has the
III. METHODOLOGY appropriate size. To fulfill this function, a metal sieve or a
crescent-shaped sieve is used as shown in Fig. 1. Since, thanks
A. Mechanical Part to its geometric shape, it does not allow the accumulation or
Since the shredding machine will be in constant friction waste of plastic material at any point. Likewise, thanks to its
from the cuts of the plastic material, it must be made of a reduced distance to the cutting elements, it allows the
durable material. For this, suitable materials were chosen for
the mechanical assembly of the Shredder.

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 6, 2021

recirculation of material not conforming to the appropriate

size to reintegrate it in the crushing process.
2) Storage module: The most important evaluation criteria
for the "Storage" module, as shown in Fig. 2, were selected in
the conceptual phase, which are:
• High storage capacity
• Under weight
• Ease of Manufacturing Fig. 3. A) Staggered Blade Design B) Blade Design.
• Ease of downloading material
4) Crushing shaft design: In this section, the construction
• Ease of Installation of the crushed sleeper is carried out, which is subjected to
• Safety for the operator bending and torsion loads created by the power transmission
of the pulley, the cutting forces, and the weight of the
3) Shredding module: This module allows the size elements it contains, as shown in Fig. 4.
reduction process to be carried out through the cutting
elements, which reduce the plastic material that enters the feed
hopper to the appropriate size.
Off-center blades provide the optimal solution to "push"
parts into the cutting chamber in the same way that they allow
for return. This configuration allows for even distribution of
cutting force and simple scissor cutting for greater energy
savings, as well as quiet operation and high cutting
performance. The geometry of the cutter blades as shown in
Fig. 3, allows them to be changed without the need for
adjustments, in addition to reducing downtime due to blade
change problems.
Fig. 4. Isometric View of the Crushing Shaft.

The mechanical part is an important factor, because the

machine will be in constant friction that is why durable
materials should be considered as mentioned above, which
together with the electronic part manage to crush the plastic in
such a way that the machine is efficient and not present
complications in its operation.

Fig. 1. Half-Moon-Shaped Sieve for the “Crushing and Classification” A. Mathematical Calculations
Module”. To start the calculation and selection of the different
components of the crusher, it is necessary to know the
resistance to cutting of the plastics most used in industries.
Table I shows the tensile strength values of different materials.
It is also necessary to know the resistance to shear of the
selected materials, which through of a mathematical formula is
the values as shown in Table II.


Material kg/cm2
Polyethylene (PE) 110 – 375
Polypropylene (PP) 500
Fig. 2. Storage Module. Polystyrene (PS) 350 – 600

PVC 350 - 630

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Material kg/cm2

Polyethylene (PE) 88 – 330

Polypropylene (PP) 400

Polystyrene (PS) 280 – 480

PVC 280 - 504

With the values already exposed, the resistance to shear

cutting will be calculated, through of the following formula
𝜏= × 𝜎 (𝑘𝑔/𝑐𝑐𝑚𝑚2 ) (1)
Fig. 5. General Structure of Shear or Scissor-Type Cutting.
Based on Fig. 6, Newton's second law is implemented,
𝜏 = Resistance to shear cutting (kg/cm2).
which allows us to relate the movement of the body with the
𝜎 = Tensile strength (kg/cm2). forces acting on it through equations 3 and 4, which are written
in their tangential and normal components.
In Table III, the values of charpy impact resistance and
melting temperature are shown.


Charpy impact Melting temperature
resistance (kg/cm2) (°C)
PET 3.6 170 – 270
PVC 15 80
PP 4 – 20 160 – 270
PS 3 – 12 105 – 270
PE 18 70 – 120

As mentioned above, polypropylene was chosen, which has

higher impact resistance than other thermoplastic polymers. To
calculate the force required to generate the failure of the Fig. 6. Center of Mass of the Blade Holder.
polypropylene, the work required to perform the failure of the
material must first be calculated, which is calculated using ∑ 𝐹𝐹𝑡 = 𝑚𝑚 × 𝑎𝑎𝑡 (3)
Equation 2 [16]. ∑ 𝐹𝐹𝑛 = 𝑚𝑚 × 𝑎𝑎𝑛 (4)
𝜕𝜕𝑤 = 𝜕𝜕𝑊𝑊 𝑒𝑙 + 𝐺𝐺𝑐 × 𝑙𝑙 × 𝜕𝜕𝑎𝑎 (2) Where:
Where: 𝑚𝑚= Mass of the element (kg).
𝜕𝜕𝑊𝑊= Work required to break the material (Joule). 𝐹𝐹= Forces on the element (N).
𝜕𝜕𝑊𝑊𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑙= Elastic energy change (Joule). 𝑎𝑎𝑡𝑡= Tangential acceleration (𝑚𝑚/𝑠𝑠2).
𝐺𝐺𝑐𝑐= Energy absorbed per unit area (Joule/𝑚𝑚2). 𝑎𝑎𝑛𝑛= Normal Acceleration (𝑚𝑚/𝑠𝑠2).
𝑙𝑙 = Length of the material cut by the blade (length of the Tangential acceleration and normal acceleration are defined
cutting edge) (m). by equations 5 and 6.
𝜕𝜕𝑎𝑎= Advancement of the fracture during impact (m/s). 𝑎𝑎𝑡 = 𝑟𝑟 × 𝛼𝛼 (5)
Also, Fig. 5 shows how the material will be cut, the so- 𝑎𝑎𝑛 = 𝑟𝑟 × 𝜔𝜔2 (6)
called scissor cut, which is essentially a shear cut that offers
greater energy savings.

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𝑟𝑟= Radius (m).
𝛼𝛼= Angular Acceleration (𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑎𝑑𝑑/𝑠𝑠2).
𝜔𝜔= Angular speed (𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑎𝑑𝑑/𝑠𝑠).
And finally, Equation 7, which refers to the sum of the
moments around a point, will be applied to determine the
reactions and the angular speed of the body; it should be
considered that this is a non-centroid movement, since the axis
of rotation does not coincide with the center of mass of the
body, for this reason the system of external forces is not
reduced to a couple Ι𝛼𝛼, in the same way we consider that the
rotation is constant, therefore the angular speedy (𝜔𝜔) is
constant and the angular acceleration (𝛼𝛼) is zero. Fig. 8. Storage Module.

∑ 𝑀0 = 𝐼 × 𝛼𝛼 (7) In Fig. 9, the implementation of a plastic shedder machine

that generates filaments for 3D printers is observed, where the
Where: motor will help in the rotation of the blades and thus crush the
M0 = Moments of a point (Nm). plastic bottles with the help of an extruder generate filaments
that are used a lot in 3D printers. In addition, the power source
I = Moment of inertia (kg x m2) to feed the system is also identified in the lower part of the
Through equations 3 and 4 the force summations will be motor, so this would be a more complete project.
carried out.
In the article, a complete study was elaborated on the
efficiency of the plastic crushing machine that will have a
sustainability in time with the role that it is exercising. With
this, the purpose of reducing pollution by plastic waste would
be fulfilled, since it would fulfill its main role, which is to
obtain small plastic waste. Inside the shredding module, the
shaft formed by the blades is placed as shown in Fig. 7. The
container where the small parts of the plastic shredded by the
blades accumulate is shown in Fig. 8.
The design of the plastic waste shredding machine would
have an approximate efficiency of 85%, because it does fulfill Fig. 9. Plastic Shredding Machine that Generates Filaments for 3D Printers.
the main job that is shredding plastic, but that missing
percentage is since the blades are not strong enough for the VI. DISCUSSION
plastic bottles additionally. The articles made about shredding machines share the same
purpose, which is to reduce plastic waste that pollutes the
environment over the years. The design of a shedding machine
does not require a microcontroller as mentioned [13], since to
carry out the crushing function only a good mechanical part is
needed, that is why it adapts to the work carried out by [15],
since the machine when shredding plastic does not require any
programming. On the other hand [14], it indicates that it is
necessary to use an Arduino UNO since it will give one more
function to the shredding machine, therefore, it is necessary to
indicate what function it will perform the shredding. Although
it is true, each job has a specific efficiency, and they are of
great importance for those people who are dedicated to the
recycling business. It should be noted that these works serve as
a basis for other projects that are intended to be carried out.
It is concluded that the plastic crushing machine works
Fig. 7. Shredder Module. efficiently, this would confirm that the use of this system will
help reduce the pollution generated by the plastic, since by

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