Project Report Gulahmed (GATM) - Sales Management

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2) SHAN MUHAMMAD (46766)
4) FARIHA (55894)
6) SALMAN AHMED (41301)

22nd January 2022


Executive Summary

The story of textiles in the subcontinent is the story of Gul Ahmed. The group began trading in

textiles in the early 1900s. The group entered in the field of manufacturing with the

establishment of today’s iconic name of Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Ltd in the year 1953. Since its

listing on the Karachi Stock Exchange in 1970, the company has been making rapid progress and

enjoying a leading position in the world of textiles with an installed capacity of more than 51,840

spindles, 300 state-of-the-art weaving machines, and most modern yarn dyeing, processing &

stitching units, Gul Ahmed is a composite unit – making everything from cotton yarn to finished

products. Gul Ahmed has its captive power plant comprising of gas engines, gas & steam

turbines, and backup diesel engines. Believing in playing its role in protecting the environment,

Gul Ahmed has also set up a wastewater treatment plant to treat 100% of its effluent, bringing it

to NEQS levels. The Gul Ahmed is playing a vital role not only as a textile giant but has its

strong presence in the retail business as well. The opening of its flagship store – Ideas by Gul

Ahmed– marked the group’s entry into the retail business. Starting from Karachi, Gul Ahmed

now has an extensive chain of more than 40 retail stores across the country, offering a diverse

range of products from home accessories to fashion clothing. More than 50 years since its

inception, the name Gul Ahmed is still globally synonymous with quality, innovation &


Table of Contents

Executive Summary...................................................................................................................................2
1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................5
1.1. Vision..........................................................................................................................................6
1.2. Mission........................................................................................................................................6
1.3. Objectives...................................................................................................................................6
1.4. Corporate - Business Activities.................................................................................................7
1.5. Membership of Trade and Organization.................................................................................7
1.6 Organizational Design...............................................................................................................8
1.7 Company Operations (Production and Distribution)...........................................................10
Operations – Spinning.....................................................................................................................11
Operations – Weaving.....................................................................................................................12
Operations – Pretreatment, Printing, Dyeing, Finishing..............................................................12
Operations – Design & Styling........................................................................................................13
Operations – Hemming - House Hold Textile................................................................................14
Operations – Quality Control.........................................................................................................14
2. Market Analysis:..........................................................................................................................15
2.1 Market Share of GulAhmed:........................................................................................................15
3. Competitive Sales Strategies:......................................................................................................16
4. Sales Strategies with the Targeted Audiences:..........................................................................17
5. Competitor Analysis:...................................................................................................................17
5.1 Al-Karam and GulAhmed:...........................................................................................................17
5.2 J. and GulAhmed:..........................................................................................................................18
6. Sales Forecasting Report (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually and annually):........................20
6.1 Quarterly Basis (3M Data Progress for the Year 2021)..............................................................20
6.2 Quarterly Basis (6M Data Progress for the Year 2021)..............................................................21
6.3 Quarterly Basis (9M Data Progress for the Year 2021)..............................................................21
6.4 Quarterly Basis (12M Data Progress for the Year 2021)............................................................22

6.5 Yearly Financial Comparison Analysis from the Year (2017-2021)..........................................23
6.6 Balance Sheet from the Year (2017-2021):...................................................................................24
7. Cost Analysis and Financials:.....................................................................................................24
8. Conversion Rate:.............................................................................................................................25
8.1 Sales promotion:............................................................................................................................25
8.2 Measurement of Media Campaigns:............................................................................................26
8.3 Sales Force Management:.............................................................................................................26
9. Developing budgets..........................................................................................................................28
10. Tell about their team, and apart from Sales Management what other secondary services they
can provide...........................................................................................................................................28
10.1 Delivery Solution:........................................................................................................................30
10.2 Customer Service:........................................................................................................................31
10.3 Key Performing Indicators (KPI’s):...........................................................................................32

1. Introduction

The group began trading in textiles in the early 1900’s. With all its know-how and experience.

Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Ltd. was incorporated as a private limited company, in the year

1953. In 1972 it was subsequently listed on the Karachi Stock Exchange. Since then, the

company has been making rapid progress and is one of the best composite textile houses in

the world. The mill is presently composite on 8 units in Karachi with an installed capacity of

approximately 130,296 spindles, 223 wide width air jet looms, and a state-of-the-art wet

processing and finishing unit.

Gul Ahmed’s fine textile products represent a unique fusion of the century old traditions of the

east and the latest textile technology of the west. The purest of cotton fibers, produced from

the fertile lands of the Indus Valley, are spun, woven and processed into the finest quality

cotton and blended products through a combination of latest technology, skills and

craftsmanship of this traditional industry.

In recognition of Gul Ahmed commitment towards the safety of their processes and products,

Gul Ahmed textiles have been awarded Oeko–Tex Certification. The management system

of Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Ltd. has been assigned and certified as meeting the requirements

of SA (social accountability) 8000:2001”.

1.1. Vision

Setting trends globally in the textile industry. Responsibly delivering the products and services

to our partners.

1.2. Mission

To deliver value to our partners through innovative technology and teamwork. Fulfilling our

social and environmental responsibilities.

1.3. Objectives

We are committed to delivering sustainable excellence in business performance by focusing

on the following:

⮚ Be the textile industry leader of the Country.

⮚ Be the trend setter.
⮚ Be innovative in Fashion.

⮚ Maintain and make Gul Ahmed’s position stronger as the number one local brand in
fabrics, apparel and home textile.
⮚ Manufacture premium products to meet the customer requirements.
⮚ Maintain operational, technological and managerial excellence.
⮚ Be an environment friendly and socially responsible company.
⮚ Provide benefits to our Shareholders.

1.4. Corporate - Business Activities


In the textile field, activities start from the spinning of cotton as well as manmade fibers and

extend to weaving, processing and finishing of all types of cotton and blended fabrics, bed

linen, home furnishings, garment manufacturing, etc.


Management of the group is professionally qualified and broadly experienced. The directors

have held top positions in various textile bodies, export committees and have also assisted

the Government of Pakistan in some of the major trade talks with EC and USA authorities.

1.5. Membership of Trade and Organization

List of Membership of Trade Bodies and Organization

⮚ The Karachi Stock Exchange (Guarantee) Limited.

⮚ Lahore Stock Exchange (Guarantee) Limited.
⮚ All Pakistan Textile Mills Association.
⮚ Pakistan Cotton Fashion Apparel Manufacturers & Exporters Association.
⮚ All Pakistan Bed sheets & Upholstery Manufacturers Association.
⮚ Karachi Cotton Association.

⮚ Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Karachi.
⮚ Employees Federation of Pakistan.
⮚ All Pakistan Textile Processing Mills Association

1.6 Organizational Design

Organizational Design may define in different ways;

➢ More specifically, Organization Design is a formal, guided process for integrating the
people, information and technology of an organization. It is used to match the form of
the organization as closely as possible to the purpose(s) the organization seeks to
➢ "Organization design" can be defined narrowly, as the process of
➢ Reshaping organization structure and roles, or it can more effectively be defined as the
alignment of structure, process, rewards, metrics and talent with the strategy of the
➢ The design of an organization is much more than the boxes on an
➢ Organization chart and the lines that connect them. It's the systems, structures, and
processes by which work gets done, and it has immense potential to influence
organizational behavior and drive results.

Board of Directors of GulAhmed:

Mr. Mohamed Bashir joined the Board of Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited in 1982. He is a
fellow member of Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), United Kingdom.

Vice Chairman/Executive Director:

Mr. Zain Bashir joined the Board in May 1997. He is also the Vice Chairman of the Company
and is a certified director from the Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance (PICG).

Chief Executive Officer:

Mr. Mohammed Zaki Bashir joined Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited in 2005 and subsequently
joined the Board in 2008. He is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Gul Ahmed Textile
Mills Limited.

Independent Board of Directors:

Ms. Zeeba Ansar joined the Board as an independent non-executive director in April 2020. She
has over 28 years of private and corporate banking experience.

Other GulAhmed Employees

GulAhmed Employees Designation

Abdul Sattar Shaikh Chief Financial Officer
Ahsan Bari General Manager Supply Chain
Manzar Abidi General Manager Security
Mohammad Ahsan Deputy Manager HR
Nabeel Malik Deputy General Manager Planning


1.7 Company Operations (Production and Distribution)

Gul Ahmed is a network of composite mills which manufacture goods from yarn to finished

products. In order to achieve and maintain high quality control and to retain strict focus on

specialization, the production units have been decentralized into the following units:

⮚ Spinning

⮚ Weaving

⮚ Pretreatment, Printing, Dyeing, Finishing

⮚ Design & Style

⮚ Hemming – House Hold Textile

⮚ Quality Control

Operations – Spinning


Gul Ahmed has two spinning units. The machinery used in these units is made in the U.K.,

Japan, Germany & the U.S.A.

Ring Spinning

The ring spinning operation comprises of a total of 130,296 spindles. A wide range of yarns are

produced in these units: 100% cotton from 50 NM for knitting and weaving, up to 135 NM for

light weight dress fabrics. Poly Cotton, Poly viscose and 100% viscose yarns are also produced

from 7 Ne to 100 counts.

Operations – Weaving

The units have 223 air jet looms. The air jet looms

come from Tsudakoma of Japan. The latest installation

of air jet looms operates in a new custom-built weaving

facility supported by the most modern yarn preparation

equipment and are comparable with the finest available

yarn preparation equipment anywhere in the world.

These units produce fine quality lawns, sheeting’s, twills, drills, dobbies, satins, and other fancy

fabrics with a width of up to 330 CMS.

Operations – Pretreatment, Printing, Dyeing, Finishing

The wet processing unit is equipped with a wide range of state-of-the-art machines which gives

Gul Ahmed a flexible processing possibility and an edge over its competitors.

Gul Ahmed has 4 sophisticated rotary printing machines Capable of printing up to 21 colors on

fabrics as wide as 320 cm.

Processing and Finishing Machinery

⮚ Computerized Color Kitchen

⮚ Calendar
⮚ CAD/CAM System
⮚ Color Scanner
⮚ Dyeing Range
⮚ Embroidery Machine (20 head 9 color)
⮚ Film Plotter
⮚ Laser Engraver
⮚ Mercerizing
⮚ Rotary Printing including 21 colors & up-to 280 cm width
⮚ Singeing & De-sizing
⮚ Stentor
⮚ Sulfurizing
⮚ Washing and Drying Range
⮚ Wax Engraver

The first installation of a laser engraver, wax engraver, film plotter, color scanner, &

CAD/CAM system in Pakistan was made at Gul Ahmed. Gul Ahmed places great emphasis on

innovation and implements the latest technology available. It is dedicated to computerization in

aspects of design reproduction.

In the finishing section, modern standers are fitted with the most sophisticated electronic weft

straighteners which achieve perfect finishes. Final touch to the fabrics is given on different

calendars according to the requirements of the buyers.

An automated and computerized color kitchen enables production of exact color shades each

time from the use of recipes which are stored in the computer's memory station.

Operations – Design & Styling

Gul Ahmed's design studios are staffed with experienced artists with capabilities to meet the

most stringent requirements in design and to adapt to different colorways to meet the

requirements of each individual country. The company also employs leading European

designers who constantly develop new designs for specific geographical areas. A top French

designer works full time for Gul Ahmed and spends 2 months in Pakistan and 2 months in Paris

on a rotational basis throughout the year. The designing team visits major international

exhibitions to keep abreast of current market trends.

Operations – Hemming - House Hold Textile

These units, equipped with high-speed stitching machines and an intensive labor force, are

capable of making all of the different product size and style requirements of each individual


Operations – Quality Control

Quality Control

Gul Ahmed maintains strict quality control and possesses computerized testing for strength of

yarn, density of cloth and fastness of colors. Fully equipped labs are installed separately in

areas of spinning, weaving and wet processing.

The quality control personnel conduct pre-inspection of goods at different stages to maintain

international standards and to ensure customer satisfaction on a regular basis.

Quality Policy

We at Gul Ahmed Textile Mills want to maintain our position as one of the finest quality-

managed companies capable of meeting the requirements of our external & internal customers.

Our culture stresses employee participation & innovative technology application to achieve

continuous improvement. Our efforts towards improvement of our quality system, based on the

guidelines of ISO 9000 series of standards is a journey towards excellence.

2. Market Analysis:
Gul Ahmed has segmented the market on multiple bases. It geographically caters to local
demand, US, European Union countries and China mainly. Demographically, it caters to urban
households belonging to upper and upper middle income strata. It looks into the psychographics
of the market and caters to the luxury oriented lifestyle and self-expressive personalities.
Behaviorally, it exhibits benefit segmentation as it provides quality and exclusive designs and
situational/occasional segmentation is present as it targets occasions like ‘Eid, Christmas,
weddings etc.

2.1 Market Share of GulAhmed:

Gul Ahmed textile Mills is Pakistan’s is the first textile manufacturing company in the textile
sector. It has always been the leading force in the market. Gul Ahmed acquire the largest market
share in the related product market and usually leads the competitor companies in their new
product innovations.
As we monitor the market analysis and trends that are followed from the previous years, it is
analyzed that GulAhmed has made a remarkable growth from 2017 to 2021 by being as the
largest exporters with approximate share of 1.9% of the total share of textile growth and have
gained their market value per share and “Ideas By GulAhmed” has been as the largest retail
brand as compared to their competitor rivalries operating in the similar textile sector.

3. Competitive Sales Strategies:
● GulAhmed is only textile mill which has its power age. The company has always selected
“leader strategy”
● They have a firm believer in research and development and have team which always find
new ways to improve the product and a very latest example will be of the new curtains that
that is coated to block rays of sun.
● Another move was the opening of his retail store “Ideas” in Karachi that sells all the products
of Gul Ahmed manufactured products.
● Despite of these changes Gul Ahmed has always experienced competition like Al-Karam
group, Junaid Jamshed and Chen One

ATTACK STRATEGY: Gul Ahmed attack their competitors through by pass attack. They
exceed their enemy by not taking part in the competition instead they should opt to improve the
product quality of their existing products or they opt for related or unrelated market variation
which again both in the short and long run joins their position as a market leader and which also
supports their main competitive strategy that is the “market leader strategy”.

An example from their past practice when in they start losing the market in 2002 to alkaram then
they launched women’s matching purses which was the reason to comeback in the market. They
believe in launching new and innovative product to expand their products.

DEFENSE STRATEGY: Gul Ahmed follows position defense strategy in case of assaults
which favors for Gul Ahmed as they already have a good brand so that is the reason they play
around more with their brand image

4. Sales Strategies with the Targeted Audiences:

Gul Ahmed strategy is different from other top brands as it follows the trend and update their
fashion and is affordable for everyone. It targets the customers who are looking for high quality
products in affordable prices so everyone can afford it. Gul Ahmed always tried to satisfy their
customers. But over some years Brand chose to be premium and start offering higher prices in
launching their new collections. Brand targeted youngsters and trend followers or fashion freaks
by offering them premium pret wear. besides this the brand has always tried to cater the most of
it by offering products or unstitched clothes at a price level that is easy and compatible to
everyone and is also available on online stores through shipping for international consumers .Gul
Ahmed has always tried his level best to make a good reputation in market.

GulAhmed uses its sales strategy to first clear the pipeline stock available by giving their
seasonal promotional sales offers which include spring summer collection clearance sales and
winter clearance sales on a discount of up to 70% off on semi-annually basis where the major
chunk of profitability in terms of revenue is achieved.

5. Competitor Analysis:
5.1 Al-Karam and GulAhmed:

Al-Karam Studio is considered as one of the competitors of Gul Ahmed. As both are the top
sellers of stitched and un-stitched clothes and fabrics. Al-Karam deals with the retail business.
They usually deal with three categories; Men, Women and Kids wear. In women’s category there
is a ratio of 70-30. Here 70% is un-stitched fabrics and 30 is stitched. As here in Pakistan, people

prefer to get their suit stitched by their choice that’s why un-stitched fabrics sale is high. Every
year they introduce several collections according to the seasons and trends. For that they use a
strategy that in each collection they present different designs and each design contains 30, 50 to
100 packs. Each collection is valid for 2 months and sale is monitored on that basis.

Al-Karam focuses on main occasions like marriage seasons, women’s day, Independence Day,
Pakistan day, Mother’s Day etc. and they offer sale on these occasions. They acquire 100% -
200% increase in footfall. Because marketing team tries to attract more and more people
meanwhile sales team tries to captures all the visitors and convert them into sale.

In distribution they prefer their own distribution model. In early days they used to hire big
wholesalers, which is now decreased to 5-10%. Now they use self-owned shops strategy and
contains almost 45-50 outlets in all over Pakistan. Their sales forecasting is done by their Supply
Chain department depending on Weather forecasting and seasonal effects.

They use branding in big malls to attract more and more customers and keep them reminding in
different ways like elevator branding, big posters in Malls, Wall branding at their outlets. They
also focus on Digital Marketing and E-Commerce. Through E-Commerce they capture their 20%
markets also. They introduce their collections usually on Televisions (which is some costly).
They also use SMS marketing by using the data of numbers they get while billing and surveys.

5.2 J. and GulAhmed: also another competitor of GulAhmed in terms of retail fashion brand. J. unique
philosophy to revive the country's cultural heritage and make eastern trend famous
in the fashion industry more common. The brand J. started its retail business in
2002 and now became the popular brand in South Asia with total 100+ outlets
nationwide and abroad. J. deals with different product category textures like silk,
chiffon, cotton, cambric, lawn and fabrics which are liked by customers as per the
on-going trends and seasonal desires.

J. make their annual sales from promotional offers on national holidays where they
give their discounted offers to attract the customers and hence draw more traffic of

people ultimately generating more revenues for the company. J. fragrances are
widely loved by all J. lovers and they have the long lasting, aesthetic fragrance of
their perfume collections widely sold in the market.

J. marketing is mostly done by branding on different venues and their launching of

fragrance and new collections are done by doing the BTL activation which acquire
the major share of 60%. Recently their perfume collection SMASH by Sania Mirza
and ALL ROUNDER by Shoaib Malik was launched by J. which gained high
reviews and are effectively sold in the market. Also J. operate on SMS marketing
and ATL marketing for their sales and marketing mediums.

6. Sales Forecasting Report (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually and
A sales forecasting is a prediction of future upcoming sales revenues for a company. Sales
forecasts are generally based on historical data, industry trends, and the current market norms
along with the sales pipeline. Companies that consist of small and large businesses use the sales
forecast to estimate their sales revenues on weekly, monthly, semi-annually or on yearly basis for
a better growth and profitability to achieve company’s target and goals.

6.1 Quarterly Basis (3M Data Progress for the Year 2021)

Quarterly Financials

Income Statement
In Thousands (,000)

YEAR / 2021 / CHANGE 2022 / 2021 / CHANGE

2022 / 3M
QUARTER 3M % Q1 Q1 %

Sales 24,348,653 19,658,208 23.86% 24,348,653 19,658,208 23.86%

Cost Of Sales 19,470,758 16,134,718 20.68% 19,470,758 16,134,718 20.68%

Gross Profit 4,877,895 3,523,490 38.44% 4,877,895 3,523,490 38.44%

Profit 2,511,974 1,748,550 43.66% 2,511,974 1,748,550 43.66%
Income -122,263 -200,464 39.01% -122,263 -200,464 39.01%

Finance Cost 661,792 597,731 10.72% 661,792 597,731 10.72%

Profit Before
Tax 1,525,030 840,846 81.37% 1,525,030 840,846 81.37%

Taxation 418,130 241,427 73.19% 418,130 241,427 73.19%

Profit After
Tax 1,106,900 599,419 84.66% 1,106,900 599,419 8466.00%

6.2 Quarterly Basis (6M Data Progress for the Year 2021)

Quarterly Financials

Income Statement
In Thousands (,000)

YEAR / 2022 / CHANGE 2022 / CHANGE

2021 / 6M 2021 / Q2

Sales 0 41,595,533 0.00% 0 21,937,325 0.00%

Cost Of Sales 0 34,012,020 0.00% 0 17,877,302 0.00%

Gross Profit 0 7,583,513 0.00% 0 4,060,023 0.00%

Operating Profit 0 3,128,536 0.00% 0 1,379,986 0.00%

Other Income 0 433,245 0.00% 0 633,709 0.00%

Finance Cost 0 1,157,916 0.00% 0 560,185 0.00%

Profit Before
Tax 0 2,403,865 0.00% 0 1,563,019 0.00%

Taxation 0 637,621 0.00% 0 396,194 0.00%

Profit After Tax 0 1,766,244 0.00% 0 1,166,825 0.00%

6.3 Quarterly Basis (9M Data Progress for the Year 2021)

Quarterly Financials

Income Statement
In Thousands (,000)

YEAR / 2022 / CHANGE 2022 / CHANGE

2021 / 9M 2021 / Q3

Sales 0 63,567,362 0.00% 0 21,971,829 0.00%

Cost Of Sales 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

51,267,055 17,255,035

Gross Profit 0 12,300,307 0.00% 0 4,716,794 0.00%

Operating Profit 0 5,487,121 0.00% 0 2,358,585 0.00%

Other Income 0 531,212 0.00% 0 97,967 0.00%

Finance Cost 0 1,546,940 0.00% 0 389,024 0.00%

Profit Before
Tax 0 4,471,393 0.00% 0 2,067,528 0.00%

Taxation 0 1,013,506 0.00% 0 375,885 0.00%

Profit After Tax 0 3,457,887 0.00% 0 1,691,643 0.00%

6.4 Quarterly Basis (12M Data Progress for the Year 2021)

Quarterly Financials

Income Statement
In Thousands (,000)

YEAR / 2022 / 2021 / CHANGE 2022 / CHANGE

2021 / Q4
QUARTER 12M 12M % Q4 %

Sales 0 86,424,480 0.00% 0 22,857,118 0.00%

Cost Of Sales 0 69,541,627 0.00% 0 18,274,572 0.00%

Gross Profit 0 16,882,853 0.00% 0 4,582,546 0.00%

Operating Profit 0 8,156,586 0.00% 0 2,669,465 0.00%

Other Income 0 883,716 0.00% 0 352,504 0.00%

Finance Cost 0 2,341,076 0.00% 0 794,136 0.00%

Profit Before
Tax 0 6,117,382 0.00% 0 1,645,989 0.00%
Taxation 0 0.00% 0 -29,040 0.00%


Profit After Tax 0 5,132,916 0.00% 0 1,675,029 0.00%

6.5 Yearly Financial Comparison Analysis from the Year (2017-2021)

Yearly Financials

Income Statement
In Thousands (,000)

YEAR 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Sales 86,424,480 53,941,017 57,287,837 45,625,872 39,904,322  

Cost Of
Sales 69,541,627 44,871,541 45,305,673 36,049,884 32,858,482  

Gross Profit 16,882,853 9,069,476 11,982,164 9,575,988 7,045,840  

Profit 8,156,586 16,310,878 4,656,539 3,324,911 1,686,179  
Income 883,716 367,679 1,137,104 198,601 487,338  

Finance Cost 2,341,076 2,007,673 1,473,407 987,076 877,417  

Profit Before
Tax 6,117,382 (76,112) 4,008,453 2,328,393 808,762  

Taxation 984,466 403,253 399,233 253,420 9,660  

Profit After
Tax 5,132,916 (479,365) 3,609,220 2,074,973 818,422  

6.6 Balance Sheet from the Year (2017-2021):
In Thousands (,000)

YEAR 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 CHART

Cash 673,958 488,884 491,964 470,250 269,882  

Inventory 30,921,200 25,829,952 21,369,532 16,143,933 12,469,962  

Asset 52,283,573 39,519,947 34,921,711 26,836,418 20,380,509  

Investments 2,423,450 2,423,450 63,343 58,450 58,450  

Fixed Asset 37,268,573 29,201,248 19,530,496 16,427,027 16,338,163  

Total Assets 89,552,146 68,721,195 54,452,207 43,263,445 36,718,672  

Liability 47,397,065 38,913,545 30,104,048 23,643,992 18,336,130  
Liability 23,469,145 15,844,450 9,014,948 6,998,726 7,468,625  
Liabilities 70,866,210 54,757,995 39,118,996 30,642,718 25,804,755  
Paid Up
Capital 5,133,535 4,277,946 4,277,946 3,564,955 3,564,955  

Total Equity 18,685,936 13,963,200 15,333,213 12,620,727 10,913,917  

7. Cost Analysis and Financials:


8. Conversion Rate:

8.1 Sales promotion:

Gul Ahmed does this by a home card that offer clients 10 percent off on the buying of Rs 5000.
Here I would suggest that GulAhmed should focus on the product quality and keeps sales
promotion to min level which represent decline in product quality as Gul Ahmed main goal is to
gain customer through good quality feature.

Alternate ways to develop the promoting effort can be done through advertising. They can go for
catalog marketing by have catalogs for diff product lines. GulAhmed should go to marketing
public relations to straight forwardly uphold corporate. The old name was publicity done to
create hype about the product However MPR goes beyond simple publicity and plays an
important role in the following tasks:

1. Helping in launching of new products
2. Aiding in re- positioning a mature product
3. Building interest in a product category
4. Influencing specific target groups
5. Guarding products that have encountered public problems
6. Building the corporate image in a way that reflects favorably on its products

By using these methods Gul Ahmed can upgrade itself by building awareness and knowledge of
the brand for new and old products, and can also be used to communicate to specific groups and
locals in low cost.
Gul Ahmed takes its social responsibility towards the environment these actions can be used to
build a strong brand image Hence it should be told to the customers.

Finally, they can also go for arranging exhibitions at hotels or fashion shows

8.2 Measurement of Media Campaigns:

The campaign accomplish must be evaluated so that mistakes are not there. This can be done by
either of the two methods communication effect research or sales effect research
All the marketing Campaigns and Sales promotion offers are launched by the company
GulAhmed and the marketing is done on BTL and ATL platforms to convert them into maturity
sales and hit the targeted audience to create brand awareness and knowledge and to divert their
shopping interest towards GulAhmed.

8.3 Sales Force Management:

GulAhmed arranges the training sessions for their sales reps at their retails Ideas. The basic
principles are followed by each employees it will be a value addition for the employee and the
company itself. Improving sales effectiveness involves the following steps that are followed by

1. Training in selling techniques and sales professionalism:

Gul Ahmed can use an approach which is customer oriented in which training is done to
solve customer queries. The Sales Representative learn to listen to the customer and try to
find their need and then come up with the solution.

2. Prospecting and qualifying: Recognize potentials and opportunities which should be done
by the all over company rather than the that they can know how far they go for

3. Approach:
The sales representative must greet the customers on a positive level the opening line should
be “Aslam –u-u alaikum if you really want my assistance or are searching for anything then
don’t hesitate to ask”.

4. Presentation and demonstration: Many salesmen waste time by highlighting on the

importance of the product features rather than the product benefits e.g. he can emphasize on
the quality of Gul Ahmed rather than the product. Here the need satisfaction approach can be
used in which the customer’s real need is identified e.g. save money

5. Closing: Should have the option to perceive end signs including comments and questions

6. Follow- up: It is important to know that is the customer satisfied or not e.g. sending a post
purchase thank you card

Gul Ahmed should follow these steps. And they only have one outlet with trained rep. other
stores of Gul Ahmed product line could be provided with trained rep so to become more
competitive and to provide more excellent service to customers.

9. Developing budgets
Sales Budget

Budgeted Sales 21,606

Selling price per unit 4000

Total Revenue 86,424,480

The budgeted sales for the year 20121 according to Gul Ahmed were 21,606 units approx. The
average selling price of all its products is almost Rs. 4000 making the budgeted revenue for a
year turns out be to be Rs. 86,424,480

10. Tell about their team, and apart from Sales Management what other
secondary services they can provide.

About GulAhmed Team:

GulAhmed not only depends on individuals but emphasize them to work collectively together as
dynamic teams to deliver excellence within the organization. Take along every individual on the
same page, the company behaves as an equal opportunity employer, hire workforce and are
committed to provide equal access to all, regardless of race, religion, gender, nationality or any

Secondary Services of GulAhmed (GATM):

GulAhmed also have its footprints into different categories that include health and safety and
also reach out into different segments of the community that makes GulAhmed a success story.
GulAhmed remains dedicated in working for their development and takes initiative steps that
make a difference. Some of the initiatives that are taken by GATM in collaboration with their
regional companies are as follows.

1. Development of Roads
2. Installation of Street Lights

3. Construction of Prayer Areas

GulAhmed has the vision to be a green company that is environmental friendly and is committed
towards adopting the best practices necessary to ensure a greener society. Some of the key
projects undertaken as part of the scheme by GulAhmed are highlighted as under:

Liquid Effluent Gaseous Emissions

1. Effluent Treatment Plant Installed in 1. Cycle gas turbine, installed in

May 2007 December 2006, generates 10 MW
2. Treated 1 million gallons per day of
waste water within NEQS limits 2. Exhaust flue gases fed to HRSG to
generate steam, installed in May 2007
3. On-going projects to recycle waste
water. 3. First combined cycle power plant in
textile industry

4. Reduced heat content of flue gases

going into the atmosphere

Solid Waste

1. Mills generate non-hazardous waste only

10.1 Delivery Solution:

Domestic Shipping

In Pakistan GulAhmed gives the advantage to their customers to enjoy FREE Shipping on orders
above PKR 2,000 and a flat fee of PKR 100 is charged on orders worth less than PKR 2,000.

The customer receives its delivery by 3-5 business days after the order has been shipped out.
After the payment is authorized, it can take up to 2 days for order processing and shipping.
Gulahmed do not ship to P.O Boxes and delivery of GulAhmed can take longer in remote areas
in Pakistan.

“Cash on Delivery” orders will be processed after successful telephonic verification. However,
Gul Ahmed holds the right to process “Cash on Delivery” orders without telephonic verification
for verified customers and/or during a period of high volume that includes sale, season launches,
and other promotions.

International Shipping

All international orders of customers are shipped via DHL and are delivered in 8-10 business
days after the order has been shipped from GATM. After the payment is authorized, it can take
us up to 2 days to process your order and ship the package. This is only estimated and does not
include weekends and holidays. 

Free international shipping is on orders above $400 on regular (non-sales) days. GulAhmed do

not provide free shipping facility during Customs, Duties and Taxes.

10.2 Customer Service:
Return and Exchange Policy:

All the products purchased from GulAhmed in-store outlets or online can be exchanged within
30 days’ time span.

● The item(s) is defective or has missing accessories, wrong size/order/article issue at the
time of delivery.  
● Customer must notify us within 3 days of delivery of order. Customer will be required to
fill the form available on the website

Product ordered via online medium can be exchanged at any “Gul Ahmed Exclusive” or

“Ideas” outlet nationwide. Tag/label must be available on the items that need to be exchanged at
time of exchange.

There are some situations where it is difficult for GulAhmed to consider the exchanges. Such
scenarios include, but are not limited to the following: 

● Exchange request is made outside the specified time frame. 

● Product colors may vary slightly due to the photographic lighting source or the screen,
thus the product is not eligible for exchange for this particular reason.  
● Product is damaged because of use. 
● Product has been tampered. 

● Anything is missing from the package including price tags, labels, original packing and
order invoice.  
● Do not accept the parcel if it’s damage or seal opened. GulAhmed will not be responsible
for such exchanges.  
● Any excess fabric or embellishment utilized during shoots will not be provided with the
product unless mentioned on the website. 
● GulAhmed doesn’t take responsibility for items purchased from any unauthorized sellers
and individuals.  


Gul Ahmed does not offer a “cash refund” for the items purchased once.

● Refund is only issued on credit/debit card order, when the customer cancels the order

before Gul Ahmed starts processing the shipment. Or in case if any item is found to be
defective during Quality Control and being the only piece available it is removed
automatically from the order processing.

Order Cancellation:

● Customer may cancel the order at any time before the order has been processed.  
● Gul Ahmed has the right to cancel orders for reasons such as - item is out of
stock, pricing errors, article found as defective in Quality Control or the card payment
declined by the bank.

10.3 Key Performing Indicators (KPI’s):

1. Internal Efficiency and Effectiveness
● Compliance with Local Laws
● Compliance with policies and procedures
2. Long-Term Development and Innovation
● Product development and diversification
3. Increase in the Export Sales
4. Save the Resource Allocation

The Gul Ahmed has the potential to square out among the most important fashion brand in
Pakistan. The scope of textile sector in Pakistan is rising so there's a high probability that the
group magnifies its business further by taking advantage of the opportunities it's hence
improving the economy sector of Pakistani marketplace.
The Gul Ahmed industry is flourishing at an excellent pace. It used the newest computerized

technology in its manufacturing units.
This era levels from the employment of rather automatic air looms to graphical designs within
the production subsequently contributing in growing excellent and throughput additionally to in
reducing the load of personnel. The agency has room for development in some
areas like promoting for Ideas and growing sewing units that are especially for women’s apparel.
The corporate desires to line up an information warehouse for reports era, future planning and
predictions purposes.
On the entire, the Gul Ahmed group of textile industry is one in all the foremost successful and
established industries and they can also grow more by working hard on its sales, marketing and
production strategies.


4. Junaid Jamshed Data Received from Marketing Assistant = Kanza Sheikh (J. Head office


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