Modern App Development With Dart and Flutter 2 - A Comprehensive Introduction To Flutter
Modern App Development With Dart and Flutter 2 - A Comprehensive Introduction To Flutter
Modern App Development With Dart and Flutter 2 - A Comprehensive Introduction To Flutter
Programming in C
Xingni Zhou, Qiguang Miao, Lei Feng, 2020
Volume 1 Basic Data Structures and Program Statements
ISBN 978-3-11-069117-7, e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-069232-7,
e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-069249-5
Modern App
Development with
Dart and Flutter 2
A Comprehensive Introduction to Flutter
Dieter Meiller was born in 1970 in Amberg, Germany. He holds a doctorate in natural sciences from
the FernUniversität in Hagen, as well as a master’s degree in computer science and a diploma in
communication design from the Technical University of Nuremberg Georg Simon Ohm. For several
years, he worked as a media designer and software developer for various companies, partially on
a freelance basis. Since 2008 he is professor for media informatics at the East Bavarian Technical
University Amberg-Weiden.
His interests in research and teaching are information visualization, data science, machine learning,
human-machine interaction, usability and accessibility, interaction design, web technologies, pro-
gramming languages for media and computer art.
ISBN 978-3-11-072127-0
e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-072133-1
e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-072160-7
My special thanks go to my family, my dear wife Magdalena for her active support and
to my children Pauline and Leo. I also thank my colleague Dominik Gruntz from the
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland for his expertise
and corrections.
At the end of 2018 a new technology was born: Google released Flutter in version 1.0, a
new framework to program cross-platform apps for Android and iOS. It seems that it
could have a similar impact on the digital world as Java technology at the time.
The development should be easier and faster than before. In addition, the apps
should have better performance than previous solutions thanks to the integrated render
engine Skia. Google also announced that it is developing a new operating system in ad-
dition to Android that will support new types of devices. The application development
for this is expected be done with Flutter.
Although there are many tutorials and code examples on the web, a more struc-
tured explanation of the topic should not be missed. It is time to introduce the app
programming with Flutter and the programming language Dart to interested developers
in book form. I would be pleased to receive feedback and suggestions and wish all
readers many interesting insights while reading this book and much fun and success
while developing!
Dieter Meiller
Thanks | V
Preface | VII
1 Introduction | 1
1.1 Cross-Platform Development | 1
1.2 Motivation | 2
1.3 Target Group | 3
1.4 Structure and Aim of the Book | 3
Part I: Foundations
2 Foundations of Dart | 7
2.1 The Dart Language | 7
2.1.1 Mobile and Web | 8
2.1.2 Installation | 8
2.2 Dart Syntax | 9
2.2.1 Start Program | 9
2.2.2 Data Types | 9
2.2.3 Control Flow | 14
2.2.4 Exception Handling | 17
2.2.5 Object-oriented Programming | 19
2.2.6 Shorter Spellings | 20
2.2.7 Named Constructors, Optional Parameters, Fat-Arrow | 22
2.2.8 Immutable, Annotations | 24
2.2.9 Packages and Dependencies | 25
2.2.10 Factory Constructor and Initialization List | 27
2.2.11 Inheritance, Mixins and Interfaces | 28
2.2.12 Dynamic Extension of Types | 30
2.2.13 Generic Classes | 31
2.2.14 Asynchronous Operations | 33
2.2.15 Generators: Iterators and Streams | 35
2.2.16 Null-Safety | 38
3 Tools | 41
3.1 Installation | 41
3.1.1 Additional Software | 42
3.1.2 Free Software, Resources and Licenses | 42
X | Contents
4 Fundamentals of Flutter | 59
4.1 Why Flutter? | 59
4.2 Material Design + | 60
4.3 Flutter Layouts | 61
4.3.1 Everything is a Widget | 62
4.3.2 Layout Example without State | 63
4.3.3 The Navigator | 68
4.3.4 A Layout with State | 72
4.4 Flutter Packages | 78
4.4.1 Map Extensions | 80
4.4.2 How to program Flutter Extensions | 84
4.4.3 Simple Animations | 86
4.4.4 Animations with Nima and Rive | 89
4.4.5 An animated Backdrop Component | 93
4.5 Automated Tests | 98
8 Deployment | 218
8.1 Releases | 218
8.1.1 Create Icons | 218
8.1.2 Signing for Android | 219
8.1.3 Build Process for Android | 219
8.2 Google Play Management | 221
8.2.1 Signing in the Play Store | 221
8.2.2 Store Entry | 224
9 Summary | 226
9.1 Outlook | 226
Bibliography | 229
Index | 235
1 Introduction
This book deals with a specific innovative technology for the efficient development
of apps for mobile devices. Consequently, it is possible to realize native apps cross-
platform in only one programming language. Various practical examples introduce a
new technology called “Flutter.” The main part of this book is the description of a more
complex app, a 2D game called “Chicken Maze.” The goal of the game is to navigate a
chicken through several levels, where it earns points and fights enemies.
When Steve Jobs presented the iPhone at the beginning of 2007, it was a turning point
in the digital world. He also demonstrated a new type of software that can be run on
the new device, the so-called apps, which is an abbreviation for “Applications.” The
abbreviation was probably intended to suggest that these are smaller programs. The
first apps were smaller gadgets, for example, the beer-drinker app: You could put the
phone to your mouth and tilt it, a beer level that could be seen on the display slowly
decreased, and in the end, you heard a burping sound. The amazing thing was that
the beer level always remained horizontal, as the program could determine the angle
of the device using a built-in sensor. The app is available from the App Store, Apple’s
cloud-based software sales platform, revolutionary for its time and exclusive to Apple’s
mobile devices.
People stood in line at Apple stores to buy an iPhone and expected new apps. De-
velopers also started rushing for the new device; it was a kind of new gold rush. In 2008
the first competing mobile phone with an Android operating system was launched.
The operating system was mainly developed by Google. Google gave the manufacturers
of mobile devices a ready-made system software. A store, the Google Play-Store, was
also integrated there. For a short time, there were other competing systems such as
Windows Mobile or webOS, but these were unable to establish themselves and eventu-
ally disappeared. What remained are iOS and Android, so today’s development tools
concentrate exclusively on these two. The gold rush is long gone, and meanwhile, you
have to do a lot of work as a developer to have commercial success by developing apps.
Apps are often developed twice and individually ported to the respective platform. Na-
tive Apps¹ for the iOS environment, i.e., for Apple mobile devices, are programmed using
the programming languages Objective-C or Swift and Apple’s frameworks. Android
apps, on the other hand, are usually based on the Java platform with the programming
languages Java or Kotlin. If you want to work with the in-house technology of compet-
2 | 1 Introduction
ing companies, you have to laboriously translate the code into the other languages
by hand. The need for a cross-platform solution, therefore soon came up and various
technologies were developed. Basically, we can distinguish between two approaches:
On the one hand, there are frameworks that work with web technologies. However,
this should not be confused with web apps. These are merely web pages that adapt as
well as possible to the mobile device. For app development, there is the procedure of
embedding web pages into the app and presenting them via a browser component that
fills the entire screen. Your own code is programmed in JavaScript. Via an API, you can
talk to native components, which can then address the specific hardware of the device.
This approach has two disadvantages: You can only use features that are available on
both platforms. Furthermore, the performance is limited because, in the end, you are
dealing with a browser application. The advantage is that web developers can also
attempt app programming. Well-known frameworks of this kind are React Native from
Facebook and Apache Cordova (formerly PhoneGap from Adobe).
The other approach is the following: You program with platform-unspecific lan-
guages and frameworks, which are then cross-compiled into the desired environment
and therefore have a better performance. A well-known representative of this tech-
nology is Xamarin from Microsoft. There, programming is done with C#. The Flutter
framework with the programming language Dart also belongs to this category.
1.2 Motivation
The hype about Flutter started in 2018 when it became known that Google was working
on a new operating system called Fuchsia, and there was the rumor that this new oper-
ating system should replace Android. Meanwhile, Google denied this and announced
that the new operating system would be used on new types of devices in the future.
Fuchsia is open source and freely available, it can be tested and installed [35]. Flutter
is used for the user interface programming. The book does not discuss Fuchsia itself,
but you can use the knowledge taught in the book to develop applications for Fuchsia.
The graphical user interface is displayed with a render engine called Skia, which is
used in Flutter. The framework was in the alpha and beta phase after the first release
and allowed the programming of native apps for iOS and Android systems. In addition,
Google recommended that you should better realize your apps with Flutter, as it realizes
the Google material design. The interest in Flutter was then awakened in the author,
who was planning a course for media computer scientists on app programming at that
1.3 Target Group | 3
This book targets app developers who are interested in developing new cross-platform
apps. These can be professional programmers or students of courses in computer
science or media-related studies.
All such persons should have some basic knowledge of programming. The book
does not provide a basic introduction to programming. It does not discuss the meaning
of variables, loops and control structures. Although the syntax of these structures in
the Dart language is also explained, the meaning of the constructs should be clear.
The reader should also have some knowledge of object-oriented programming. Ideally,
readers should also have already dealt with program libraries and the command line.
Knowledge of Java, C#, JavaScript or C++ as first the programming language would be
The book points out the pitfalls that you inevitably run into when you take on the
adventure of learning a new programming language and a new framework. The book
is divided into two parts: a fundamental section and a practical section. The first part
explains the most important constructs of the Dart language. This is followed by an
introduction to app programming with Flutter. Simple examples are shown there. In
the second section, which is the practical part, more sophisticated examples follow,
starting with a messenger app that demonstrates how the app connects to the cloud. A
more complex application follows, a 2D game called “Chicken Maze,” where a chicken
is the game character. The game is not too complex, but is more than a demo app.
It contains features that professional applications need. The code of the examples
is explained in detail and specific programming techniques of Flutter and Dart are
Part I: Foundations
In the first part, the syntax and the special features of the programming language Dart is
discussed. Then the Flutter framework is introduced with its philosophy, conventions and
2 Foundations of Dart
In the following, the language Dart is briefly introduced and a complete introduction to
the programming language given. However, the basics of programming are not taught
here. Basic skills in imperative and object-oriented programming are expected. The
chapter tries to teach special features of the language in comparison to other languages
and basics, which are important to understand how to use the Flutter-Framework. It
deals with Dart in version 2.12
The extended Backus Naur Form (BNF), a meta syntax, is used to explain parts of the
syntax. However, this does not provide a completely correct description of the Dart
language, as it would be necessary for compilers or standards. Some non-terminals are
also not further resolved. It should be clear what is meant by <condition> (a boolean
expression), for example.
8 | 2 Foundations of Dart
Dart is being developed by Google since 2013. It is available in version 2.12 (stable) at the time of
writing this book. There is the ECMA standard: ECMA-408.
Dart is mainly available for three types of platforms: Mobile devices, the console and
the web [14]. The way it is executed on the three platforms is different. For mobile
devices, you can run Dart in a virtual machine (VM) with a just-in-time compiler, which
is used in development with Dart and Flutter. Flutter has the “Hot-Reload” feature. You
can make changes to the code while the application is running. This is done by running
it from the VM. When the app is released, the code is compiled to the native ARM code,
which is the second form of execution, i.e., compiling with an Ahead-of-Time compiler
and executing the native code.
Additionally, there is the web environment, where the dart code is compiled to
JavaScript. An interesting framework for the web environment is AngularDart [4], a dart
version of Angular. Although the web version is not part of the book, it is certainly good
to know that you are learning a language that has other target platforms. Furthermore,
you can run Dart as interpreted or compiled language on your PC or server.
2.1.2 Installation
If you want to program mobile apps with Flutter, it is not necessary to install the Dart
SDK and the Runtime contained in it separately, you rather need to install Flutter,
which contains Dart.
Dart also runs on ARM systems like the Raspberry PI. You can get the SDK by using these commands:
1 wget
2 unzip
Listing 2.2 shows the usual hello “world program” in Dart: The entry function is like in
C: main(). As line 2 shows the similarity to other typed languages of the C family, the
for loop is exactly as you would expect. The print in line 3 outputs a string.
You can start the program from the console with dart helloWorld.dart. Also, you can
compile the source code first with dart2aot helloWorld.dart helloWorld.aot into
native code and then start it with dartaotruntime helloWorld.aot. Source code files
must have the extension “.dart.”
1 void main() {
2 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
3 print('hello ${i + 1}');
4 }
5 }
Dart allows the use of static and dynamic typing. There is also type inference. Types
are permanently assigned to constants.
10 | 2 Foundations of Dart
In Dart, there are three types for numbers: int for integers and double for real numbers. Both are
subtypes of num.
2.2 Dart Syntax | 11
Attention: All types get the default value zero if the variables have only been declared
and have not yet been assigned a value. Thus, a declared bool variable initially has the
value null, and null is not equal to false, which can be a problem in comparisons.²
Therefore, there is a dart-specific conditional assignment operator ??= for initial-
ization: This says that if the variable has the value zero, the expression on the right is
All declared variables get the default value null. Each variable can also be given the value null. From
version 2.12 Dart becomes null-safe, which means that all variables must be initialized and cannot be
assigned with the value null. Non-null-safe code as used in this book is incompatible with null-safe
code and must be rewritten (more about null-safety see 2.2.16).
In Dart, strings can be written with single and double quotes. Variables with $ characters will be
evaluated in the string, regardless if it was enclosed with single or double quotes.
There is also a type of symbols that stand for themselves. Symbols are marked with a
hash (#) (see line 10). However, there are also enums for similar purposes (line 38): A
variable of type Direction can only take the four listed values here.
As usual in most modern programming languages, functions have a special status
and can be defined and processed in different ways. There is the classic definition, with
the return value, function name, parameter list, and function body with the return
value (lines 35-37).
There is also the lambda notation, which can be used to assign an unnamed
function object to a variable, as in lines 11 and 12. In line 11 there is a one-line short
notation similar to JavaScript, the fat arrow ³, which you can use if the function value
2 There is even the type Null, but a variable of type Null can only contain the value null.
3 FART: Fat-Arrow-(Term?)
12 | 2 Foundations of Dart
can be expressed in a term to the right of the arrow. If you need more than one row,
you have to create a body of curly brackets instead of the arrow and return the value
with the command return (lines 12-16).
Lambda expressions have the form (<Parameter>) => <Expression> in Dart, if the function can be
written in a single line. With the form (<Parameter>) {<Code lines> return <Expression>;}, you
can include several lines of code in the function.
In addition, you can specify the type of a function object more precisely than just
the general type Function. To do this, you must define a new type using the keyword
typedef by specifying the signature, which is the return value, and the parameter
types of the function. You can then use this new type to typify variables that store
corresponding function objects (lines 30-34). Moreover, named functions, unlike in
many other languages, can contain further function definitions within their body, since
they are also function objects.
There are two important types of collections in Dart: maps and lists with several
elements. Line 17 shows the definition of an untyped list containing numbers and a
string. The values are given in square brackets, separated by commas. The type that is
displayed here in line 19 is, therefore, List<Object>. You can also create lists constantly
(line 18). Here, all values of the list are constant. If, on the contrary, only the variable
list2 ⁴ had been specified as const, the list would be constant, but not its contents.
Here you can also see that type inference is at work, and the keyword var would
actually suggest that no type is specified. However, the type was determined and set
for the variable list1. Thus, you cannot assign values other than lists to the variable,
list = 23; would cause an error in the static type checking. On the other hand, if you
only declare a variable and do not assign an initial value to it, as with var a;, then you
can store any value in the variable. Its type is then dynamic. You can also specify this
type explicitly: dynamic x = 42;. This means that Dart has static and dynamic typing.
You can also specify the type of the list in pointed brackets: in line 20, only double
values are allowed in the list. The comma at the end of the list is allowed and common
in Dart: this notation has been established especially for Flutter.
A dictionary type with key-value pairs is also available: Map, starting at line 21. You
can specify key : value pairs here, in curly brackets. Of course, you can mix maps and
lists to create a structure reminiscent of JSON objects [12].
1 void main() {
2 int aNumber = 4;
3 double otherNumber = 4.0;
4 bool isTrue = true;
5 String hallo = '''
6 Multiline
7 String
8 Nummer: ${aNumber + 1}
9 ''';
10 Symbol sym = #metoo;
11 Function foo = (double x) => x*x;
12 Function bar = (x) {
13 assert(x is double);
14 double val = x*x;
15 return val;
16 };
17 var list1 = [1,2,3, 'Foo'];
18 var list2 = const [1, 2, 'Hello'];
19 print(list1.runtimeType);
20 List<double> list3 = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0,];
21 Map map1 = {
22 'name': 'Hans',
23 'alter': 33,
24 'square': (x) => x*x,
25 };
26 print(map1["square"](3.0));
27 print(map1.runtimeType);
28 }
As collection types, there are in Dart Lists [...] where you separate the values with commas, and
there are Maps {K:V} with keys and values.
A special feature of handling the initialization of lists and other collections is that you
can write for loops and if conditions directly in the parenthesis term of the list. Listing
2.4 produces the output [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9], i.e., a list of the numbers 0-9,
without the number 5. In the language Python, this is known as “List-Comprehensions.”
Note that the loop and the if must not have a body in curly brackets: otherwise, it would
be interpreted as a map.
1 void main() {
2 var numbers = [
3 for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
4 if (i != 5) i
5 ];
6 print (numbers);
7 }
The basic options for controlling the program flow are listed here. These are based on
the usual C syntax. Loops
The following example loops (listing 2.5) output the numbers from 1-10. Line 4 shows the
classic for-count loop. In the round brackets after the for comes first the initialization
part, where variables can be initialized. After the semicolon comes the condition part,
where a boolean expression should be placed. As long as this expression is true, another
loop run is executed. After the second semicolon comes the update area, all statements
there are executed after the loop pass. With Dart, as in other C-like languages, you can
write several expressions in the areas in the round brackets, separated by a comma.
However, it is recommended to avoid such expressions for readability reasons. After
the round brackets, the body follows, i.e., a loop block in curly brackets or a single
In line 8, you can see the above-explained list initialization using a for loop. The list
then contains the numbers 1-10.
In line 10, you see a for-in loop. The variable i takes every value in the list lst. An
alternative is the .forEach(...) method. All lists have this method. You use a lambda
2.2 Dart Syntax | 15
function as parameter, this is called for every value in the list and gets the current value
as parameter.
In lines 18 and 19, you can see another possibility for iteration of lists. All lists
have an iterator. Its method .moveNext() lets a pointer move to the first or next entry.
If there is no more iteration, the method returns false, otherwise true. The .current
attribute then returns the entry at the current pointer. The while loop runs as long as
the condition in the round brackets is true.
Lines 23-27 then show the do-while variant for the sake of completeness. Here the
block of the loop is executed at least once and repeated until the condition is false.
Dart loops:
Counting loop: for (<Init>;<Condition>;<Update>) <Body>,
Do-While loop: do <Body> while (<Condition>),
While loop: while (<Condition>) <Body>,
For-In loop: for (<Variable> in <list>) <Body>,
Foreach method: <List>.forEach(<Lambda function>). Branches
Now we come to conditional execution of program code: Here we have the classic if-else
statement, as usual. The if block is only executed if the condition in the brackets is
true, otherwise, the else-block is executed.
From line 37 on, you see a switch-case statement. There are a few small special
features of Dart to notice. switch-case can check several cases of a variable (here rand)
and then jump to the respective case branch. A break statement ends the switch block.
The default:-label is jumped to if the parameter variable does not match any of the
cases. So far, everything is similar to other C-like languages. In Dart, however, you
cannot omit the break to fall through to the next case block, as would be possible in
C or Java. However, unlike other languages, you can define your own labels (line 47:
onefour) and jump to them with a continue command. You can also end the statement
with an exception handling, i.e. with throw or rethrow. You can call the statement with
all kinds of variables with discrete types, i.e., int, enums or symbols. It is not possible
to call the statement with variables of type bool and double.
Dart branches:
If-Else: if (<condition>) <Body> [ else <Body> ]
Switch case: switch (<Condition>) { <Case-List> [ [<Label>:] default: <Statements> ]}
with <Case-List> ::= <Case-Line> | <Case-Line> <Case-List>
and <Case-Line> ::= [<Label>:] case <Value>: <Statements> break;
16 | 2 Foundations of Dart
1 import 'dart:math';
3 void main() {
4 for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
5 print(i);
6 }
14 lst.forEach((i) {
15 print(i);
16 });
18 var it = lst.iterator;
19 while (it.moveNext()) {
20 print(it.current);
21 }
23 it = lst.iterator;
24 it.moveNext();
25 do {
26 print(it.current);
27 } while (it.moveNext());
31 if (rand < 5) {
32 print("smaller 5");
33 } else {
34 print("greater 5");
35 }
37 switch (rand) {
38 case 0:
39 print("null");
40 break;
2.2 Dart Syntax | 17
41 case 1:
42 print("one");
43 continue onefour;
44 case 2:
45 print("two");
46 break;
47 onefour:
48 case 4:
49 print("1 or 4");
50 break;
51 default:
52 print("none");
53 }
54 }
In Dart, there are several ways to react to errors that may occur during the runtime of
the program. Try-Catch
In the code example 2.6 you can see how the exception handling is done in Dart with
try-catch. A variable i is initialized with 0, a string s with a character “2,” another
int-variable is also initialized with 0. In the try block, an attempt is made to convert the
string into a number and then divide it by the contents of the variable d⁵. Depending
on the variable assignments, two problems can occur: The string s contains characters
that cannot be interpreted as numbers. Or the divisor d contains a 0, by which it is not
allowed to divide.
After the try block in line 10, the first exception is handled by a catch block when a
format exception occurs, to it is then jumped to. The output of the parameter e provides
further information about the exception. If the second problem occurs, the system
jumps to the second catch block. The optional finally block is always executed, even
if no error occurs. The difference to exception handling in other languages is small:
The type of error is specified after the on keyword. The sense of this modification is
as follows: You do not necessarily have to receive the parameter with catch(e). So, it
would be possible to catch the parameter with on SomeException { ... } to catch an
exception SomeException. In addition, you can also omit the on ... clause and catch
5 “~/” is the division operator for integer numbers without remainder. In contrast to “%,”, this is the
modulo operator, i.e., the remainder of the division.
18 | 2 Foundations of Dart
unspecified errors with a pure catch(e). Such statement would be useful if all errors
are to be caught. It should be placed before the finally block and after all named error
types have been handled.
1 void main() {
2 int i = 0;
3 String s = "1";
4 int d = 3;
5 try {
6 i = int.parse(s) ~/ d;
7 if (i < 0) {
8 throw new TooSmallException();
9 }
10 } on FormatException catch (e) {
11 print(e.runtimeType);
12 } on IntegerDivisionByZeroException {
13 print("Division by Zero!");
14 rethrow;
15 } catch(e) {
2.2 Dart Syntax | 19
16 rethrow;
17 } finally {
18 print("Ready.");
19 }
20 }
The entry into the programming language Dart is easy for Java or C# experienced
programmers. Google intends to keep the hurdles for the change as low as possible. In
Listing 2.7, you can see the definition of a class Person. Listing 2.8 imports the class
file, creates an object and calls its method info(). The code is directly readable for the
mentioned programmers; with minor deviations, the code would also be immediately
executable in the mentioned languages.
The class definition (Listing 2.7) is identical to a definition in Java. Lines 2-4 declare
the typed object variables, line 6 is the signature of the constructor, lines 7-9 fill the
previously declared variables with the parameter values. The method void info()
outputs a string with the print command, the string concatenation works analogously to
a definition in Java. Only the globally available print function offers other possibilities
due to the variable evaluation in the strings. Slightly different is also the import of code
in Listing 2.8, line 1, where you have to specify files and not classes or packages. All
definitions of the imported files are then directly visible, not only classes but also other
definitions like variables or functions.
It is not required to create one file per class like in Java, you can write arbitrary code
into a file. Also, the naming of the file is not bound to certain naming conventions. You
can mix classes, functions and other definitions in one file. Furthermore, packages do
not exist in the form as in Java: you can store code files in folders in a structured way.
20 | 2 Foundations of Dart
1 class Person {
2 String fname = "";
3 String lname = "";
4 int age = 0;
1 import 'Person-1.dart';
2 void main() {
3 Person p = new Person("John", "Smith", 33);
5 }
Here are a few examples that build upon the previous one. In 2.9, the following is
noticeable: The object variables (lines 2-4) start with an underscore. All variables whose
names start with an underscore are protected, which means they are not visible outside
their own package and are, therefore, protected from outside access. In Java, this is the
same as the default visibility (package scoped), without modifier protected in front
of the variable. Further, finer control of access protection does not exist in Dart (yet).
So also, no private or public. But this makes the program easier to understand. For
example, in Java, the difference between protected and Package-Local (no modifier)
is not always intuitively clear. In other programming languages such as Python, the
underscore often has only a purely semantic meaning, where only variables are marked
by convention as private object variables. The compiler for Python makes no difference
between variables with and without underscore. In Dart, however, the underscore is
part of the syntax.
2.2 Dart Syntax | 21
In line 6, it is noticeable that the constructor does not have a body of curly brackets
at all. The variables are initialized there in the round parameter brackets directly (with
this.<Variable>). This makes the code shorter and more readable. Furthermore, you
do not have to specify the types there. As a convention, you should specify the variable
type only once (when declaring the object variables): this is suggested in the coding
style of Dart. However, this can be seen critically, because then the auto-completion in
the editors or development environments might not be able to make type suggestions
anymore. There is another small syntax deviation: As you can see in Listing 2.10, line
4, you can simply omit the new keyword when creating an object. This has no further
effect on the behavior of the program. However, in many source codes you can see, e.g.
on GitHub, that new is often used there. Later, in flutter layouts, omitting new is useful
as it allows you to construct layout structures from objects in a declarative style.
1 class Person {
2 String _fname;
3 String _lname;
4 int _age;
8 void info() {
9 print("Person $_fname $_lname is $_age years old.");
10 }
11 }
1 import 'Person-2.dart';
3 void main() {
4 var p = Person("John", "Smith", 33);
6 }
22 | 2 Foundations of Dart
If you want to have several possibilities to call a constructor, i.e., with a varying number
of parameters, you have to write several constructors in many languages. In Java, this
would be constructors with a varying number of parameters, which may then call each
other (Constructor Chaining).
In Dart, there is a more elegant way: You can make parameter⁶ optional by putting
them in square brackets (see Listing 2.11, lines 6 and 7, Invocation Listing 2.12).
Now it gets a bit complex: In addition to the usual positional parameters, i.e.,
parameters where the values are assigned in order, Dart offers the possibility to use
keyword parameters. In Listing 2.13 you can see the different possibilities of declaration
and call. Note that optional positional parameters cannot be mixed with keyword
parameters. The function declaration in line 21 does not work this way.
In parameter brackets optional parameters [...] or named parameters {k:v} can be used in addition
to the position parameters.
By the way: The double question mark in line 6 is a special form of conditional expres-
sion. In most languages, there is the well-known x ? a : b expression. As a reminder,
this means that if x is true, the whole expression takes the value a, otherwise b. In
Dart, there is also the a ?? b expression. It means: If a is null, the expression becomes
b, otherwise a. This syntax is useful because variables can be initialized with null by
default, if you explicitly allow this by adding a question mark after the type (int? y).
There is a conditional assignment operator (ternary operator) that makes the assignment only if the
variable is not null <Variable> ?? <Expression>.
In lines 14 to 19 of Listing 2.11, you can see further special features: Dart offers Get-
ter and Setter with the keywords get and set. If you put them in front of method
names, they can be addressed like object variables: get name {return "Fred";} can
be read using set name(s) { = n;} can be assigned using = "Fritz". As mentioned in 2.2.2, Dart offers the possibility to create func-
tion objects and to keep the notation short with the Fat-Arrow. This syntax can then be
used with the getters and setters. The above examples becomes: get name => "Fred";
and set name(s) => = n;.
From line 9 on to line 12, a so-called named constructor can be found. You can
offer several constructors this way, but they have to be addressed with their own name
(see Listing 2.12, line 6).
1 class Person {
2 String _fname = "";
3 String _lname = "";
4 int _age = 0;
9 Person.fromOther(Person p) {
10 this._fname = p.firstName;
11 this._lname = p.lastName;
12 this._age = p.age;
13 }
14 get info => "Person $_fname $_lname is $_age years old.";
15 String get lastName => this._lname;
16 get firstName => this._fname;
17 get age => this._age;
18 set lastName(String nam) => this._lname = nam;
19 printInfo() => print(info);
20 }
1 import 'Person-3.dart';
3 void main() {
4 Person p = Person("Smith");
5 print(;
6 Person q = Person.fromOther(p);
7 q.printInfo(); // same result
8 }
9 return x + y + z;
10 }
20 // wrong
21 int addXYZ6(int x, [int y], {int z: 0}) {
22 return x + y + z;
23 }
25 void main() {
26 print( addXYZ1(1, 2, 3) );
27 print( addXYZ2(1, 2) );
28 print( addXYZ3(1, 2) );
29 print( addXYZ4(x: 1, y: 2) );
30 print( addXYZ5(1, 2, z: 2) );
31 // wrong
32 print( addXYZ6(1, 2, z: 2) );
33 }
Dart offers the possibility to make objects “immutable,” which means unchangeable.
This indicates that these objects cannot change their state, unlike the usual ones in
object orientation. The concept is then applied in the Flutter framework, where there
are stateless widgets, i.e., elements of the user interface that have no state such as text
that does not change. The advantage is an easier, faster memory management.
There are two ways to make a class immutable: The first one is in 2.14. All fields
must be final (lines 4-6), additionally, the constructor must be preceded by the const
keyword. Then, as in Listing 2.15, line 4, you can call the constructor with const instead
of using the (otherwise optional) keyword new. With this method of making the object
immutable, the object is already generated at compile time instead of loading it into
memory at runtime. The disadvantage of this method is that all information about the
2.2 Dart Syntax | 25
state of the object must be available. So you cannot load information or generate it by
user input and then generate the object unchangeably. But there is a second option:
In Dart you can use annotations, similar to Java. So you can mark parts of code
with labels, which can be evaluated by the system. There is the package “meta” in the
system library of Dart.
This can be included via import 'package:meta/meta.dart';. Then you only
have to write the annotation @immutable in front of the class definition. With this, the
keywords final and const need not be used. If you then create an object, it is frozen in
its state and cannot be changed. The advantage is that you can generate information
dynamically before you create objects.
Immutable classes: The use of immutable classes as well as final and const variables can improve
In line 8 in Listing 2.14, you see an annotation @required, which is part of Flutter. Here
in Listing 2.16, you can find a definition of the annotation. In Dart, you can define
them with the standard programming syntax. This is in contrast to the definition
of annotations in Java, where the syntax does not fit the syntax of the rest of the
programming language. In Dart, annotations are either constant variables or constant
constructors. If you create a constant object from a class, you can use it to decorate the
code with a preceding @ symbol and evaluate it if necessary. The evaluation of metadata
about the code is done with the dart:mirrors library, analogous to Reflections in Java.
Besides, there is a modifier keyword required which should be used instead of the
annotation @required in Dart 2.12 and later.
To resolve the dependencies of your own code, like to the use of the meta package,
you first have to create your own package: By convention, the working directory must
contain a so-called “pubspec.yaml” file that lists the dependencies. Listing 2.17 contains
the meta-package in line 4. The Yaml files have their own syntax. Errors are often caused
by the indentation of the lines. Here, meta: ^1.1.7 is indented, which means that it is
hierarchically under dependencies:. By the way, the dart source code belonging to the
package should be located in a lib/ folder in the working directory. If you then execute
the command pub get in the working folder, the package is automatically downloaded
and installed from a cloud server, assuming you have installed Dart itself before, of
Pub is the Dart’s own package management system. Such systems now exist for
several programming languages or programming frameworks like Ruby, Python or
Node. This simplifies the handling of external program libraries, since they do not have
to be collected from the Internet in a time-consuming way. One problem, however, is the
26 | 2 Foundations of Dart
version dependency of the libraries, for example, if package A is updated and a package
B depending on it and no longer works, because it builds on the old functionality of
package A. For larger projects, this can also cause significant problems with Flutter
and Dart and leads to extensive editing of the pubspec.yaml file. This is because, to
the downside, different packages may depend on the same packages, but on different
versions. If the question arises what the caret symbol in line 4 Listing 2.17 means: It
says that all main versions ≥ 1.3.0 should be used until the next main release < 2.0.0,
and that the largest possible ones should be used.
The pubspec.yaml file lists the external libraries used. With the console command pub get, these
are installed from the cloud to the local computer. An overview of all packages is available under
1 import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
3 class Person {
4 final String fname;
5 final String lname;
6 final int? age;
7 const Person(this.lname, {this.fname: 'Unknown',
8 @required this.age});
9 get info => "Person $fname $lname is $age years old.";
10 printInfo() => print(info);
11 }
1 import 'Person-4.dart';
3 void main() {
4 Person p = const Person("Meier", vname: 'Hans', alter: 23);
5 p.printInfo();
6 }
1 name: Persons
2 description: A Test
3 dependencies:
4 meta: ^1.3.0
There are other ways to write constructors. In Listing 2.18, you see in line 6 a factory
constructor: It must have a return command which returns an object of the type of the
class. Here another named constructor is called. Note that it is protected by the under-
score in front of it. In line 10, you can see this constructor. There the field “radius” in
the parameter brackets is initialized. Since the diameter and the area of a circle depend
on the radius, it should be initialized as well. In the example, you see a possibility to
do this without writing a body in which you do the calculation. After the colon behind
the parameter brackets, you can write assignments. Several assignments can be listed
separated by a comma.
1 class Circle {
2 double radius;
3 double diameter;
4 double area;
6 factory Circle(r) {
7 return Circle._fromRadius(r);
8 }
10 Circle._fromRadius(this.radius)
11 : diameter = radius * 2,
12 area = radius * radius * 3.14;
13 }
1 import 'Circle.dart';
2 void main(){
3 var c = Circle(10.0);
4 print(c.diameter);
5 }
28 | 2 Foundations of Dart
As there is inheritance in Dart, in Listing 2.20, line 7 a new class Student is declared,
which derives Listing 2.14 from Person. Right here, you can read that another class is
declared after with, namely Learner. The concept behind this is called “mixin.” Mixins
allow the use of certain functionalities next to the inherited functionality. In practice,
this means that the included class Learner must not have a constructor. The class can
be abstract (line 3), but this is not mandatory. Thus, you could omit abstract and also
create objects from it. However, it is a good style not to treat the partial functionalities
as independent objects. Methods of mixins are transferred to the class. In the example,
objects of the class Student can call the method learn() from Learner, see 2.21, line 6.
In line 10 of listing 2.20, there is a colon after the constructor parameter bracket,
where the super constructor is usually called similar to C# or C++, with super(...)
(line 12). You can also specify so-called “Assertions” here (and elsewhere in the code).
The example checks whether the last name specified in the constructor exists.
Mixins: There is the possibility of a kind of multiple inheritance. With the keyword with, you can include
abilities and properties of further classes into the existing class. Objects of this class are then also of
the type of these classes. However, they must not have a constructor, since the super-constructor of
the mixins cannot be called from the subclass.
Dart also knows the keyword implements, like you may know it from other languages.
All methods declared in the interfaces specified must be implemented in the class.
In contrast to other languages, Dart does not know an own keyword interface with
which you can specify these interfaces. In Dart, you can specify all classes as inter-
faces. In the sub-class all methods of the interface classes must be implemented. The
implementations in the superclasses are no longer executed. So if you want to declare
a pure interface like in Java or C#, you should use an abstract class instead.
There is the keyword implements, but no keyword interface. Interfaces are abstract classes in Dart.
2.2 Dart Syntax | 29
1 import 'Person-4.dart';
1 import 'Person-5.dart';
3 void main() {
4 Student s = Student("Smith", 'John', 23, 123);
5 s.printInfo();
6 s.learn();
7 print(s is Learner);
8 }
In Dart from version 2.7 there are so-called extension methods. With the help of these
extension methods, classes and all “primitive” types⁷ like int and bool can be extended
by methods and also getters and setters. It means that you can easily add features,
without having to create a new subclass. In Listing 2.22, there are three methods that
allow to convert int-variables into strings of different number systems. In line 1, you
simply specify the method to extend int: .toBinaryString(), which should return a
binary number. The expression “this” is always the object itself, in this case, the nu-
merical value. The int class already provides a method .toRadixString() that returns
a string in number system with the specified base. For dual numbers, a string with the
own value in number system with base 2 is returned.
In line 7, a hexadecimal representation is implemented, in line 13 an Octal number
representation. Here the methods are all named .str(). The extensions have their own
names: When calling the extension methods in lines 21 and 22, the number is passed
as a parameter of the corresponding names.
Extension methods:
Dart offers the possibility to extend existing classes with methods, getters and setters:
extension [ <Name> ] on <Type> { <Methods> }
7 But there are no primitive types in Dart like in other languages, because everything is an object.
2.2 Dart Syntax | 31
1 extension on int {
2 String toBinaryString() {
3 return this.toRadixString(2);
4 }
5 }
19 void main() {
20 print (42.toBinaryString() );
21 print ( Hex(42).str() );
22 print ( Oct(42).str() );
23 }
1 class PairDouble {
2 double a;
3 double b;
4 PairDouble(this.a, this.b);
5 }
1 class PairString {
2 String a;
3 String b;
4 PairString(this.a, this.b);
5 }
1 class Pair<T> {
2 T _a;
3 T _b;
4 Pair(this._a, this._b);
5 set a(T a) => this._a = a;
6 set b(T b) => this._b = b;
7 T get a => _a;
8 T get b => _b;
9 }
1 Pair<String> st = Pair<String>("Dieter","Meiller");
2 Pair<double> d = Pair<double>(7.0,2009.0);
3 print(st.a);
with <variable> super <type> in the other direction of inheritance and specify that
type T should be a super type of another type.
Generics in Dart are similar to those in Java. <type variable> [ extends <supertype> ] However,
you cannot make a restriction down the inheritance hierarchy like in Java with super.
creates a new file in line 5 and then waits in line 6 until the file has actually been
created. The time needed for this operation is not constant, because it is not possible
to tell where the medium is located as it could be on a remote drive in a cloud. Also
the writing speed of different drives varies. This operation is representative for many
operations in this example. Note that this function does not return a String object, as
line 7 suggests, but a future object of the type String (line 4).
Future objects refer to practically a future that can or will occur. All future objects
have a method then(...). In normal language, you could express it like this: After the
occurrence of ... do this or that. In the calling code in Listing 2.31, the method .then(..)
of the future object is called, which has an anonymous function. This is called only
after the calling function (getFilePath(...)) has been completed. As argument, it is
then passed a parameter of the type of the future object (here String) and can process
it in the passed function.
It is interesting that the call in line 2 does not wait (block) until the operation as a
whole has ended. Line 5 is called immediately, only then line 3 is executed, unless the
operation for creating the file (in the example) is faster than the program execution
and the transition to line 5.
As mentioned, errors can also be handled. If something did not work, you can
handle it with the method .catchError(...). So this method is executed instead of
the .then(...) method. Another optional .whenComplete(...) method is executed in
any case, if available.
Asynchronous methods are marked with async. The value of the type T, which you want to return with
return x, is then returned as Future<T>. It has a method .then( (T x) {...} , where you specify a
method to be called when the asynchronous operation, that can be waited on with await, has been
performed. A method call waited on with await must be inside an asynchronous method. The called
method must also be an asynchronous operation.
1 import 'dart:async';
2 import 'dart:io';
1 void foo() {
2 getFilePath('Foo.txt').then((String path) {
3 print(path);
4 });
5 print("Before or after");
6 }
The use of Co-Routines is an old concept, which was present in the object-oriented
programming language Simula, but those are now being used again in other program-
ming languages. These allow to return from a function, but to continue the execution
at the same point at the next call. In Dart, there are also generator functions, which
are an extension of this concept: These generate a sequence of results, but not all at
once, but “lazy”, thus on demand.
In the function numbersTo(n) in Listing 2.32, a while loop counts up a counting
variable k to n. Note the keyword yield, that, like return, returns the following expres-
sion. In contrast to a normal function with return, however, the execution is continued
at this point until the condition k < n is no longer fulfilled. After the return, the system
always waits one second (line 7). The function is marked as iterator with sync* (the
asterisk means generator function). Just like async and await belong together, sync*
or async* and yield also belong together. The return value is a Iterable<int>. In
contrast to a list, which is first filled using a loop and then passed through, iterators
can in principle have an infinite number of values, because the following value is
always formed at the next access.
In Listing 2.33, the output 2.34 is generated. First, “Start” and “0” are output
immediately. Then after one second, each “1, 2, 3”. After two more seconds then “2.”
In line 7, numbersTo(50000000) describes a high number of data, but only the third
element is requested.
There are normal “synchronous” functions, asynchronous functions with async, and generator functions
with sync* and async*.
36 | 2 Foundations of Dart
1 import 'dart:io';
1 import 'numbersToSync.dart';
2 void main() {
3 print("Start");
4 for (var i in numbersTo(4)) {
5 print(i);
6 }
7 print (numbersTo(50000000).elementAt(2));
8 print (numbersTo(2).runtimeType);
9 print("Ready");
10 }
1 Start
2 0
3 1
4 2
5 3
6 2
7 _SyncIterable<int>
8 Ready
2.2 Dart Syntax | 37
Listing 2.35 shows the asynchronous version. The return value here is Stream<int>
and the function is marked as async*. In Listing 2.36, line 3, the function waits for
every single element of the stream. A stream consists of single future elements in this
case, of future elements of the type int. There are only two things to do with future
elements: either you wait for them with await, or you tell them what to do when they
are there with then(...), where you have to pass a function as parameter, which is
then called, as already described.
The program now has the following sequence: In the main function, first the
numbers 1-3 are output immediately, as shown in the output 2.37, “Start,” the type,
“Done.” and “0,” then the numbers 1-3 after one second. The call in line 10 now causes
“2” to be output with a delay of one second, then “4.”
1 import 'dart:async';
2 import 'dart:io';
3 Stream<int> numbersTo(n) async* {
4 int k = 0;
5 while (k < n) {
6 yield k++;
7 sleep(Duration(seconds: 1));
8 }
9 }
1 import 'numbersToAsync.dart';
2 void callNumbersToAsync() async {
3 await for (int i in numbersTo(5)) {
4 print("Number $i");
5 }
6 }
7 void main() {
8 print("Start");
9 callNumbersToAsync();
10 numbersTo(5).elementAt(2).then((n) => print(n));
11 print(numbersTo(2).runtimeType);
12 print("Ready.");
13 }
38 | 2 Foundations of Dart
1 Start
2 _ControllerStream<int>
3 Ready.
4 Number 0
5 Number 1
6 Number 2
7 2
8 Number 3
9 Number 4
2.2.16 Null-Safety
a value assigned to the variable. In line 10, the declaration of the variable x2 can be
seen, a value is not assigned to it. Because of the question mark after the type, this
variable may explicitly have the value null. In line 13, you can see a list type List<int>.
A list must always be assigned to the variable x3, also no element of the list must be
null. In line 14, the variable x4 does not have to be initialized. But if it contains a list,
no element of the list must be null. In line 15, the variable x5 must be initialized with a
list, but its elements may be null. Null-safe variables must contain a value, before they
can be used for the first time. If you omit line 17 and do not assign a list to the variable
x6, you will get this message during the static check:
Error: Non-nullable variable 'x6' must be assigned before it can be used.
In line 20, an object of class Foo is stored in a nullable variable. Since the bar property
of the class is not initialized after creating the object, it must be explicitly marked with
late (line 2). Reading and writing of the field must be done with an extension of the
point operator ?., since the variable f itself is nullable. Properties of the object can
only be accessed if the object itself is not null. Thus, the expression f?.bar returns the
value of bar, if f is not null, otherwise null. However, the static type check recognizes
here that the variable has been initialized. Thus, the specification of the question mark
is superfluous here (line 22). In classes, you can declare null-safe variables as usual
if you give them default values in the constructor, ensuring that they have a value
(line 4). Previously, if a property of a null-object was accessed, a runtime error was
generated. With null-safety, static type checking is intended to limit such errors as
much as possible. In line 25, a null-safe variable is assigned the value of a null-able
variable. It can be done explicitly, using the exclamation mark (!) after the variable.
Completely dynamic variables can still be null (line 26).
1 class Foo {
2 late int bar;
3 int baz;
4 Foo([this.baz = 23]);
5 }
7 void main() {
8 int x1 = 42;
9 print(x1);
10 int? x2;
11 print(x2);
17 x6 = [1, 2, 3, null];
18 print(x6);
20 Foo? f = Foo();
21 = 42;
22 //print(f?.bar);
23 print(;
24 x2 = 23;
25 //x1 = f.baz!;
26 var x7;
27 print(x7);
28 }
This was a short overview of the special features of the programming language Dart. It
is the foundation for programming with the app development framework Flutter, which
the rest of the book is about. Additional information can be found in the documentation
on the Dart homepage [13].
3 Tools
In this section, we discuss the tools that are necessary and useful for development with
Flutter. The installation steps are discussed, and hints for necessary configurations
provided. It should be noted that the principle and the interaction of the components is
the main focus here. For more detailed instructions, refer to the given sources available
3.1 Installation
You need to fulfill a number of requirements to work with Flutter. Thus, the following
software is necessary:
– Dart
– Flutter SDK
– Native SDK (Android and/or XCode)
– for Android
* Android SDK
* Java SDK
– XCode via App-Store
– Flutter
– Code editor
– Android Studio and / or
– Visual Studio Code and / or
– Another editor
– Test devices iOS and / or Android
– iOS emulator (with XCode) and/or
– Android device emulator and/or
– iOS device and/or
– Android device
42 | 3 Tools
Git can be used to manage your own software development, thus to do versioning
and backups. It is also very useful to obtain software from the Internet. If not already
present on your computer (e.g., Windows), you can find installation instructions here
Since this is about programming graphical user interfaces and games, image editing
software is necessary. Installing this is also recommended for the developers, because
you often have to make adjustments to images. And, it depends on whether you realize
a hobby project or work in a company in a team. However, it is a good idea not to have
to hire a designer for every small change. For example, you have to provide icons and
banners of different sizes when you publish (deploy) the app. The choice of professional
graphic designers here would be Adobe products, including Photoshop and Illustrator,
which are available in the Creative Cloud (CC) Software Suite [1]. In addition to the
drawing programs, other graphics software such as 3D animation programs or video
editing software can also be used. In the professional sector, Premiere and After Effects
can be recommended for video editing (also Adobe Creative Cloud). During deployment,
preview videos of the app can be uploaded to the store. The task of the professional
developer would be to convert the pre-produced video into the appropriate format. A
sound editing program would also be useful; an option is Adobe Audition. Suitable
prototyping software could be used during the planning of the project, so there is
Adobe XD in Adobe CC for the creation of click prototypes. In the 3D area, the software
of the company Autodesk is established with 3ds Max and Maya [6].
However, you can also (as a developer or graphic designer) fall back on very estab-
lished open source software. It is worth taking a look at the licenses of the software
you use, because there are different terms of use. Some software may only be used
for non-commercial projects. This also applies to educational versions of some of the
graphic programs mentioned. Certain software creates digital watermarks in the gener-
ated images or movies, and special companies search the web for such products for
3.1 Installation | 43
For projects that are published, you have to pay attention to the licenses. It has to be clarified under
which conditions tools, software libraries and content can be used. Often only non-commercial use is
allowed. An important software license is GNU [33]. For creative content there is the Creative Commons
License [11].
The easiest way to install Flutter and all the tools you need is to install Android Studio
or Visual Studio (the full version, not VS code) and the Flutter plugin for Android Studio
and install the device simulators through it.
Flutter itself can be downloaded and installed manually. The instructions can be
found at [27]. The problem is that you still need the Android or iOS developer tools.
The easiest way to get them is to install Android Studio (or Visual Studio) or XCode
on the Mac. A manual installation of the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) is
not advisable: You would have to install the complete software stack, first the correct
44 | 3 Tools
Java version, the Android SDK, then a device emulator, thus the cell phone simulator.
The author made such experiments under Linux and had to get, compile and install
additional software libraries, since these are necessary to start the emulator and the
SDK. Sometimes there were conflicts with existing libraries. This effort and the danger
of making your computer unusable can be avoided.
Assuming that a native developer SDK has already been installed, Flutter can also
be installed independently without an integrated development environment (IDE) by
directly obtaining the framework. This can have advantages if you prefer a different
editor. You can execute Flutter commands without IDE. For instance, there are pro-
grammers who appreciate VI or EMACS or Sublime Text as editors. They do not have to
use the default editors. For Mac and Linux, change to the home directory, make sure
that Git is installed First. This is where the stable version of Flutter is cloned into:
3.1 Installation | 45
1 cd
2 git clone -b stable
In order to be able to enter the Flutter command in Terminal, the path variable
in the Shell environment must be adjusted. However, it depends on which shell
you are using. The Bash is the default shell in older macOS operating systems and
usually in Linux. Starting with the macOS version Catalina, the default shell is
the Z-Shell. You have to open the hidden resource file of the corresponding shell,
thus in the HOME directory (˜) the file “.zshrc” or “.basrc”. Here you have to enter
export PATH="$PATH:~flutter/bin". It is important to restart the terminal afterwards.
The HOME directory (˜) on Linux and Mac is the directory /users/<USERNAME>. There you will find the
configuration files for the shell. The hidden files are not visible in the terminal or via the file browser.
Under the Mac Finder, you can make them visible by pressing “Shift+CMD+.” and then change them
with the standard text editor. Under Linux, you can run the Nano terminal editor in superuser mode to
do this: sudo nano ~/.bashrc.
Then you should be able to run a diagnosis via command line and then create and start
a flutter example project.
1 flutter doctor
2 flutter create example
3 cd example
4 flutter run
Depending on the operating system you are developing on, you have to follow a sep-
arate installation guide. Under the link
[27], you can read the instructions. Visual Studio Code is also supported. VS Code is
suggested here as it is found to be more user friendly than Android Studio. However, it
is recommended to install Android Studio first and Flutter with it, because sometimes
(especially with Linux) there can be problems during installation. You can still install
VS Code and work with it afterwards. The installation process is described briefly below.
Android Studio and Visual Studio Code are available as development environments for Flutter.
The next step can be to install VS Code via an installer [53]. Afterward, you have to do
some configurations to work with Flutter. You can search the extensions and reach
them via the symbol with the four squares in the right sidebar (see figure 3.4). There you
can search for the extensions. You have to install the Flutter plugin and if necessary
the Dart plugin.
With this guide, you install the development environment, the Flutter-SDK and the
Android-SDK for the development of Android applications. If you intend to develop
applications for iOS, which is an advantage of Flutter, you have to install XCode. In
this case, however, you have to use a Mac computer to create the native file for the
App Store. It would be possible to program on a non-Mac machine under Windows
or Linux and test the Android app via the emulator and then create the .app file on
another machine under macOS and XCode, which is most effective if you work in a
team. This way you could configure a special Mac compile-computer that is shared by
several developers.
The following is a description of how to create and start projects. The configuration is
first explained for Android Studio and an Android app. But the principle is the same, no
matter if you work with Android Studio, VS Studio Code or just from the command line.
Since Android Studio guides you through the workflow, it will be explained first. After
everything is configured, you can create flutter projects: Under New ⇒ New Flutter
3.1 Installation | 47
Project, you can choose between a Flutter application, a Flutter package, a Flutter
plugin, and a Flutter module. To create an app, you should create a Flutter project. The
other options are for the programming of components. The section 4.4.5 describes this
in more detail. And in the section 4.4, it is introduced how you can program your own
packages. The difference is, as you can read on the selection menu page, the following:
A plugin contains native code, thus code in Swift or Objective-C for iOS and/or code
in Java, or Kotlin for Android. It is used to implement new features that make special
capabilities of the device available to Flutter. With this plugin, you can program an
interface to the Dart world. A package is also a flutter component, but it is programmed
only in Dart and builds on existing flutter components. More complex GUI elements
are made available in a reusable way. Flutter modules are then still components imple-
mented in Flutter, but can be used in the native world, for example in an Android Java
If we now create a new Flutter project, a Flutter application, we are first asked for
the name of the project. It is important to note that the project name is written in lower
case and words are separated by an underscore “_”. You can also specify the SDK path
again. Android Studio then creates the correct project structure: A folder “ios” where
the native iOS project is located, and a folder “android” where the native Android
project is located. There is a folder “test” which contains the unit tests. Android Studio
has already created a file “widget_test.dart” here. The actual project code is located in
the folder “lib.” Here you can find the file “main.dart.” It is a working example layout.
If you use version control (Git), the files that are not checked in are shown in red.
You can start the project by clicking the debug button or the play button. You
should either start the device simulator in advance or connect a test device via USB.
Under Windows you still have to install the Google USB driver to access a hardware test device. At Tools
⇒ SDK Manager ⇒ SDK Tools, you have to check the box “Google USB Driver”. You can also install the
driver manually [19].
If you are using an Android test device, you must first enable the developer mode. This
is done by tapping the build number seven times under the settings and the “About
the phone” info point. After that, there is another item called Developer Options under
the Settings item. Here you have to select “USB-Debugging.” If everything works, after
starting the debugging, the APK file, which is the compiled and with the resources
packed native app, is loaded and installed on the device.
APK files are ZIP-compressed folders that contain the entire project, but the code is compiled.
During further development, you can change the created “main.dart” file as you wish.
Please note that the code in the file “widget_test.dart” has to be changed as well or can
be deleted at the beginning as the tested components do not exist anymore.
52 | 3 Tools
The editor of Android Studio offers all kinds of features, a detailed description
would go too far here. Figure 3.3 shows the working environment of the editor. Here
the project from section 7 is opened. On the left is the file browser, in the middle the
tabs with the opened code files and on the right a structural view of the layout in the
current file. At this point, you can also refactor the layout structure (Refactoring): If
you right-click on a node, you can enclose it with a layout element, which you can
select from a list.
There is no visual layout editor for Flutter. However, there are external programs,
such as a desktop application [47] and an online application [64]. These are freely
accessible software.
A special and pleasant feature of Flutter is the so-called “Hot Reload”: If you
change the layout and save the file, the code on the device is updated without noticeable
delays while the debug session is running, without the need to stop the debug session,
recompile the code and upload it – this can save a lot of time. However, experience
has shown that this is only helpful when layouting. Deeper changes to the structure of
the code are not updated, so it is not always possible to avoid the mentioned step of
Flutter projects can also be created with Visual Studio Code, assuming that it is installed
correctly. To do this, you can use the command palette of VS Studio. To do so, press
CTRL+Shift+P on Windows or Linux and CMD-Shift+P on Mac. An input field appears
at the top of the development environment. Here you can enter “Flutter: New Project”.
While typing, suggestions are displayed, which can be selected with the cursor keys and
confirmed with ENTER. After that you have to enter the name of the project. Ensure that
you choose the name according to the conventions, thus lower case with underscore as
word separator. After confirming with ENTER, select a folder in which the project will
be created. Afterwards a sample project is created there, it is the usual “Hello World”
project of Flutter, a scaffold with a button that increments a counter.
To start the project, press the F5 key⁸. After that you have to create a new emulator
or select an already created emulator, in which the project will be uploaded after
compilation. If you have connected a device directly to the computer, you can also
select this device. With Shift-F5, you can stop the program. Hot reload works here as
well, when saving changes, the app will be updated on the device. When the app is
running, VS-Studio Code displays a control bar, which allows you to control the app.
Here there is a blue button to display the “DevTools Widget Inspector Page” in the
browser (see section 3.1.9).
8 On Mac or other computers FN-F5, because the F5 key may already be assigned differently by the
3.1 Installation | 53
In figure 3.5, you can see the opened project and the upper left corner the open files,
below the project folder. Files not checked in to Git are shown in yellow. On the right,
there is a mini view of the code, so you can keep track of longer files. In the middle are
the tabs with the open files. You can scroll through these files with CMD-Alt -Cursor
left or -Cursor right. Visual Studio Code offers many features whose exact description
would go too far here. The refactoring is an interesting feature: If the cursor is over a
widget, you can press CTRL+Shift+R or right click ⇒ Refactor, then you get a drop-down
menu like shown in the picture. You have several options like “Wrap with widget...,”
which allows you to change the structure of the layout tree. This is manually rather
complicated, because you always have to change the closing brackets. This can lead to
syntax errors that are not easy to fix.
You can also work well without a development environment with an editor of your
choice and the command line. You can display all options of the Flutter command in
the console (line 1). Line 2 displays all options of the “create” command. Line 3 creates a
flutter project, as the organization you specify a domain, -a creates an Android project
(-i would create an iOS project additionally). Then you can give a description. In line
4, you switch to the project folder. Line 5 starts the emulator, line 6 finally executes the
1 flutter help
2 flutter create --help
3 flutter create --org de.meillermedien -a java --description 'Test App
' my_test_app
4 cd my_test_app
5 flutter emulators --launch Pixel_2_API_28
6 flutter run
Debugging and Hot Reload are also available for console-based development: If you
press the “r” key while the process is running on the console, the hot reload is performed.
The console also outputs a web address of the type<id> at
the start of the project, where you can find a profiler and debugger. On the right side
of the web page, a link to the debugger and an object hierarchy view can be found.
The debugger allows you to debug using commands from a web-based console. For
example, you can run the command break <line number> to add a breakpoint.
54 | 3 Tools
3.1.9 Dev-Tools
The browser-based DevTools only work in the Chrome browser. You cannot use any
other browser for it, because only Chrome has a Dart VM. These are started via Android
Studio and via VS-Studio Code by clicking the corresponding button in the command
palette. They can also be started via the console:
Then the URL is displayed where you can reach the DevTools via a local server. You can
view them in the Chrome-Browser (see figure 3.6). Here you can select a widget on the
device and display the render tree. You can also view the Performance and log output.
3.2 Tiled-Editor
There is a useful editor to create large game levels as you can handle them later in the
flame engine (see section “Tiled” (Figure 3.7), an open source project, see: [48].
The editor has a drawing area in the middle, in the upper right corner, you can
create single layers. On the lower right, you can see the “tilesets” with the tiles you can
draw. From these templates, you can select single tiles and use them to pave a large
map. The tilesets are not single graphics, but images with fixed width and height that
are mounted together in a graphic. You have to define these dimensions (figure 3.7:
top-left). When designing the graphics, you should make sure that they fit together in
different combinations at the edges. The number of tiles of the whole map in horizontal
and vertical direction has to be specified as well.
For later work with Flutter and the Flame plugin (see, it is important to
set the layer format to base64, zlib compressed. Otherwise, the file cannot be loaded
(see figure 3.7). Additionally, the tile numbers are not written to the file in CSV format
(Comma Separated Values), but compressed, which saves disk space. (See screenshot
3.7 on the left for the setting).
With Rive and Nima, two animation environments from the platform of the same name
like the company Rive, [61] graphics can actually be animated as it was done in Adobe
Flash [2] via a timeline. Unlike Flash, the animation software runs only in the browser
and can be used free of charge as long as you make your project available to the public.
Otherwise, you have to use the commercial version. The entire project is also stored in
the cloud. You have to decide what kind of graphics you want to animate; vector or pixel
graphics. If you choose vector graphics, you have to use Rive, otherwise Nima. You can
3.3 Rive and Nima | 55
then upload your graphics to the project using drag and drop and then animate them
using a timeline. The result can be downloaded as a ZIP file and used in the project.
You can give each animation a name and use it to control the animation in the program
(see example in section 4.4.4).
At the bottom right of figure 3.8, you can see the two animations “shot” and “fly”
used in the example. You can add more animations here. At the bottom in the middle
is the timeline, where you can create keyframes at a desired time. You can choose
between the keyframe (blue circle) and a curve view to control the time transitions
between the keyframes with Bezier curves. There is also a symbol with circular arrows;
if you activate it, the animation will be played as a loop; even after export. In the
upper left corner, you can switch between the animation view and the setup, thus the
positioning view. When you completed the process, you can export the animations
for Flutter (Export to Engine) by clicking on the export icon in the lower right corner
(icon with arrow out of box). The format is “Generic.” The handling is similar to Adobe
AfterEffects. Animation and compositing professionals should, therefore, find their
way around without much effort.
56 | 3 Tools
The purpose of Flutter is to develop mobile applications. Target platforms are iOS for
Apple devices and Android for the other mobile devices. The focus is on the devel-
opment for devices with touch-screen, thus cell phones and tablets. However, other
devices are also supported, such as desktop computers or Smart TVs. Hardware specific
functions are offered as plugins for the respective devices, with a native implementation
for each platform. It is possible to program with a single code base for all platforms.
The visual appearance is modern, because Flutter is based on Google Material Design.
However, you can also use the Cupertino design to have a consistent design for Apple
devices. The performance of Flutter is very good, since it is compiled to native ARM
code. Flutter also uses its own high-performance rendering engine “Skia.” This makes
the framework performant, unlike other platform-independent app frameworks that
are often based on web technologies. The programming philosophy is also modern,
where Flutter supports the so-called reactive programming.
For Flutter there are realizations for two design languages: Cupertino and Material Design.
In the future, even more platforms are to be supported. There is experimental support
for desktop computers and their operating systems Windows, macOS and Linux. Flutter
can even be used on Raspberry Pi computers. A web version of Flutter is also available.
In addition, smart devices from the IOT area will be supported in the future. When
programming on these platforms, it should be noted that the plug-ins available for
mobile applications are usually not supported there. Flutter is on the way to become a
universal framework. Reminiscences of Java with the slogan “Write once, Run Every-
where” are coming back to older developers. At that time, Java created the claim that
applications realized with it could run via the Java Virtual Machine (Java VM) on all
devices on which it was available. The difference to Flutter: On the one hand, native
code is generated and not byte code that has to be executed via a VM. On the other
hand, the formats of the devices changed considerably, smartphones and tablets did
not exist in the early stages of Java.
60 | 4 Fundamentals of Flutter
Flutter is a realization of Google Material Design [41]. This is a new design philoso-
phy. Already in the early days of graphical user interfaces, visual effects were used, at
first bevel. This was followed by drop shadows, which made windows appear to float.
The climax of this development was the macOS X operating system surface, where
transparencies, reflections and refractions were added. Buttons looked glassy. Skeuo-
morphism is the name of this style, which tries to make us believe that something is
real (fig. 4.1).
Many criticized this style and stated that these surfaces embodied the opposite
of Apple’s physical devices with their minimalist design. Microsoft initially copied
this style rather poorly than well. But then, with the arrival of Windows 8, Microsoft
radically changed the look of the user interface and created the exact opposite: they
focused on pure colored surfaces and an abstract look. This style is called Flat-Design.
Apple in turn reacted to this with a similar development and defused the realism of the
screen elements. Since then, flat elements with gradients and slight shadows as well
as transparencies determine the appearance of Mac surfaces. Google did not have its
own special design style until now. As a result, it created the Google Material Design,
a corporate design for all Google products and a design philosophy that can be read
by all designers and developers on the website [41]. There it states that the metaphor
underlying the design refers to physical material. This means colored surfaces such
as paper or cardboard elements that lie on top of each other (fig. 4.2). These have a
thickness and can float (“elevation”). These elements should behave physically (apart
from floating) in a way similar to the real world. Therefore, they should move in and
out of the screen area when they appear; exceptions are dialog boxes. They can also
change their shape and size as if they were made of flexible material.
4.3 Flutter Layouts | 61
Material design means: All elements are to be seen as colored cardboard shapes, they have a thickness
and a shadow.
In Flutter, layouts neither are created in XML, as in Android, nor by using a graphical
editor, but are described directly in a dart data structure. Here the strengths of Dart
become apparent. It is expressive enough to make this possible. In Listing 4.1, you can
see a simple example: A centered text, with a distance to the surrounding elements.
Listing 4.2 is a similar example in HTML. The HTML code is less readable because all
elements are embedded in common div or span tags. Another language, CSS, is also
required. The dart code, on the other hand, is immediately understandable, “Literature
programming” in the best sense. After the dart syntax was introduced in chapter 2, it is
62 | 4 Fundamentals of Flutter
clear how the syntax works. To create objects, you can also write new Padding(...),
but you can omit the keyword new, so the coding of the layout structure looks more like
a declarative description. The constructor parameters are named parameters for the
layout elements, which specify further properties, such as padding here. The values
themselves are mostly objects. In order to build a tree structure, there are two special
named parameters, which, however, cannot occur together in one single object. child:
defines a child object, with children: you can specify a list of children. With this
simple syntax, you can describe any tree structure and its properties.
Layouts are described as hierarchical dart data structures containing widgets and lists of widgets.
The question why there is no layout editor can be answered, if one has tried to create a
complex responsive layout for different devices and in portrait or landscape format by
pointing and clicking with a mouse. With a WYSIWYG editor (What you see is what
you get), you get what you see, but nothing more. Professional web coders do not work
with graphical editors for this reason.
1 Padding(
2 padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),),
3 child: Center(child: Text("Hello"), ),
4 ),
implementation of the StatefulWidgets. Future examples will bring clarity. In the dia-
gram 4.3, implementations of StatefulWidget “MyPage” and of State “MyPageState”
are shown (grey), but they are not part of the class library of Flutter. The reason for
separating the state from the StatefulWidget class is, that the Widget superclass is
marked with @immutable, which means that all widgets are immutable. The mutable
state can be created using the createState() factory method, which creates an object
of type State<StatefulWidget>.
There are three types of widgets: RenderObjectWidgets, which describe layout properties; Stateless-
Widgets, which stand for immutable visible elements; and StatefulWidgets, which have a variable state.
Since all widgets are immutable, the state is defined separately.
Important for the construction of apps is the ability to provide several pages with
different content and the ability to navigate between pages. Usually, these pages are
called “Routes” in Flutter. Any Widget can be used for a route. A Navigator can be
used to switch between the pages. The design philosophy of Google Material Design
is that such routes can be stacked on top of each other and removed from the stack.
The transition is usually animated, and new routes are pushed in or out from the page
or from the top. The class Navigator has the corresponding methods push(...) and
To create a route, you must generate a route object and pass it to a WidgetBuilder.
This is a lambda function that returns a widget, for example, MyPage in the diagram
(later, examples will follow to make this clearer).
Now, we show an example of a screen with a list. The result should look like figure
4.4. The hierarchy and nesting of the individual widgets are in the schematic figure
4.5. Listing 4.3 is the corresponding source code. First, the material library is imported,
which is the implementation of material design that also provides the widgets and all
flutter basic functionality.
The entry point for the program is, as usual, the main(...) function. This calls
a function runApp(Widget app) that expects a widget and displays it. From line 5
onward, this widget is implemented as a class; here as a subclass of the abstract class
StatelessWidget. You have to override the build(...) method, which a widget must
have as return value. From line 8, the layout structure is directly coded. As an all-
embracing element, there is the MaterialApp, which provides important things like the
64 | 4 Fundamentals of Flutter
navigator or localization. Everything else is specified via the various named parameters.
With title: you can simply specify the name of the app with a text string. In home:,
the page that should appear first is specified; in our example also the only page. Here
a scaffold object is created, thus a template for material design pages. There you can
specify a title bar appBar: and create a corresponding AppBar, again with a title that is
then visible in the default blue title bar, preceded by a menu icon. In body:, the area
below, a list is now created, via a ListView object, which gets as child a list of widgets
that define the individual lines (line 16).
Line 17 shows the use of the Python-like syntax for initializing lists (see section
2.2.2). Here a card object is created 30 times. This is just a container, that can be colored
and has a certain height (elevation). The widget can have a list of children representing
individual elements, thus a preceding icon, a bug (line 25), a larger title and a smaller
subtitle. There is also a named parameter onTap: which expects a lambda function
that determines what happens when you tap the element with your finger (line 28).
66 | 4 Fundamentals of Flutter
All list and parameter entries can end with a comma, even if no further entry
follows (e.g., line 29). This is a convention in Flutter, as it simplifies the insertion of
further elements. The IDEs always automatically add such a comma. This example
shows that the declarative description of a layout including the automatic generation
via loops with dart tools is readable and clear.
4.3 Flutter Layouts | 67
1 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
In Listing 4.4, the functionality of the navigator is explained with a simple example. Two
screens are created, between which you can switch by pressing a button. In the figures
4.6, you can see the two screens. In line 4, the app is started by creating an environment.
In lines 6-15, a widget is provided for this purpose, which contains a MaterialApp. The
first page to be seen PageOne is selected as home page. This is described in lines 17-38:
In the “build” method, a scaffold is built, with title (AppBar) and body. This contains a
text and a button. When this is pressed (line 30), a new route is added to the navigator
of the context. This route contains a builder, thus a lambda function that creates page
two (PageTwo). It should be ensured that the context really contains a Navigator. The
top level must, therefore, be the MaterialApp, that provides a navigator. Page two is
described from line 40 onward. It also contains a counter that counts how many of
these pages have already been generated (line 44). Its variable is a class variable that is
static and reinitialized as an object variable every time an object is created, but applies
to all objects. If the widget is built, this counter is increased by one. As in the other
class PageOne, the PageTwo class generates a scaffold with a title line and a body with
text and a button. If this button is pressed, the navigator uses .pop() to take the last
page from the navigation stack. This is the current page.
The Navigator is provided by a MaterialApp. Individual routes can be added to and removed from it like
cards to a stack with .push(...) and .pop(...).
By clicking on the button of the first page a new second page is created. This can be
seen in the example by the fact that their color always changes randomly (see line 57).
Here a short explanation of the line: A random RGB value is generated, 0-255 (0-FF
hexadecimal) possible values for red, green and blue. To make the color visible, the
alpha value is set to 255 (FF) by setting the highest byte to 255 using the shift operator.
Thus, you have an ARGB value as color value here; A stands for alpha.
4.3 Flutter Layouts | 69
1 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
2 import 'dart:math';
The following is an example of a widget that is not static. The code is available online
at GitHub [52]. You can download it using Git with
git clone
on the computer. In contrast to the previous example, the content of the list is retrieved
dynamically and can change. The example here loads a list with the soccer results of all
matches of the soccer world cup 2018. The idea for the app is that you can look up all
current results of a running championship (see fig. 4.7). The list should be updated after
every match, so the state should be able to change. The URL of the data source refers
to a GitHub repository (line 11, 12), and the file was updated during the championship
by dedicated soccer fans. As shown in the diagram 4.3, StateFulWidgets must have
their own state in the form of an object. This is generated in the method createState()
which is to be overwritten (see line 16 in Listing 4.5).
The corresponding class FootballAppState extends State<FootballApp> has a
list as object variable (_gamesList). All fields of a state contain the current state. Here
the list simply contains all formatted lines as widgets. You can initialize the state in
the method initState() (line 188). If you want to change the state later, you have
to use the method setState(void Function fn), which gets a lambda function as
argument, in which you can change the variables (starting from line 27). The help
method _getFootballResults() works as follows: From line 28 on, first the whole
list is deleted and a loading animation is displayed. Then, line 42 reads the file. The
readCachedData() help method is not explained further, because it does not contribute
to the explanation of the state principle (see code online in the repository). In any case,
it loads the file. If the Internet connection is not available, the cached file is loaded.
After waiting for the file to load, line 44 first clears the list. From line 46 on, the JSON file
is evaluated and the individual values are read. In the help method _addResult(...),
a complex layout is built up in which individual lines with the individual results are
generated and placed in a Card (line 128), which stands for a matchday. In line 143, this
is added to the list. In line 111, an interaction is added. When a result is pressed, a route
is placed on the navigation stack, which displays a page with details. The generation
of the detail page is not relevant here, it is a StatelessWidget. The navigation and the
AppBar automatically insert a back arrow, which takes the page back from the stack
when activated.
The example implements a responsive design using an OrientationBuilder (starting
at line 164): There are several such builder classes in Flutter. They react to external
influences and create new widgets when changes are made. Here the builder function
is called when the orientation of the device changes. A three-column grid is created
when the device is aligned in landscape format, and a one-column layout when it is
aligned horizontally (Fig. 4.8).
4.3 Flutter Layouts | 73
The OrientationBuilder is used to distinguish whether the device is in portrait or landscape mode. The
orientation can be evaluated and, depending on it, an extra layout can be generated. If the orientation
is changed, the layout is re-generated and the Builder is executed.
1 import 'dart:convert';
3 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
5 import 'details_page.dart';
6 import 'read_cached_data.dart';
19 return fbs;
20 }
21 }
34 alignment:,
35 child: CircularProgressIndicator()),
36 ),
37 Center(
38 child: Text("Loading results"),
39 ),
40 ];
41 });
42 var response = await readCachedData(name: 'football.json', uri:
wc_uri, path: wc_path);
43 setState(() {
44 _gamesList = <Widget>[];
45 });
46 Map<String, dynamic> wc = json.decode(response);
47 for (var r in wc['rounds']) {
48 print(r['name']);
49 var day = <String>[];
50 var teams = <String>[];
51 var scores = <String>[];
52 for (var m in r['matches']) {
53 day.add(m['group'] ?? ' ');
54 teams.add("${m['team1']['name']}-${m['team2']['name']}");
55 var s1et = m['score1et'] ?? 0;
56 var s2et = m['score2et'] ?? 0;
57 var score = m['score1'] == null || m['score2'] == null
58 ? '? : ?'
59 : "${m['score1'] + s1et} : ${m['score2'] + s2et}";
60 scores.add(score);
61 }
62 try {
63 _addResult(r['name'], day, teams, scores, r);
64 } finally {
65 //Nothing
66 }
67 }
68 }
74 groupList.add(Text(s));
75 }
76 List<Widget> teamList = <Widget>[];
77 for (String s in teams) {
78 teamList.add(Text(s));
79 }
80 List<Widget> scoreList = <Widget>[];
81 for (String s in scores) {
82 scoreList.add(Text(s));
83 }
84 var rows = <Widget>[];
85 for (int i = 0; i < teamList.length; i++) {
86 Row r = Row(
87 // mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
88 children: <Widget>[
89 Expanded(
90 child: groupList[i],
91 flex: 1,
92 ),
93 Expanded(
94 child: teamList[i],
95 flex: 2,
96 ),
97 Expanded(
98 child: scoreList[i],
99 flex: 1,
100 ),
101 ],
102 );
103 var ink = InkWell(
104 child: Padding(
105 child: r,
106 padding: EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
107 ),
108 highlightColor:,
109 splashColor:,
110 borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(5.0)),
111 onTap: () {
112 Navigator.of(this.context)
113 .push(MaterialPageRoute(builder: (BuildContext context)
114 return detailsPage(details, i);
76 | 4 Fundamentals of Flutter
115 }));
116 },
117 );
118 rows.add(ink);
119 }
120 var col = Column(
121 children: rows,
122 );
147 @override
148 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
149 return Scaffold(
150 appBar: AppBar(
151 title: Text("Worldcup 2018"),
152 ),
153 body: Center(
154 child: Padding(
155 padding: EdgeInsets.all(5.0),
156 child: Column(children: <Widget>[
4.3 Flutter Layouts | 77
157 MaterialButton(
158 child: InkWell(child: Text("Reload")),
159 highlightColor:,
160 splashColor:,
161 onPressed: _getFootballResults,
162 ),
163 Expanded(
164 child: OrientationBuilder(
165 builder: (BuildContext context, Orientation
orientation) {
166 var size = MediaQuery.of(context).size;
167 print(size.height);
168 if (orientation == Orientation.landscape) {
169 return GridView.count(
170 crossAxisCount: 3,
171 childAspectRatio: size.height / 752.0 * 2.4,
172 children: _gamesList);
173 } else {
174 return GridView.count(
175 crossAxisCount: 1,
176 childAspectRatio: size.height / 1232.0 * 4.5,
177 children: _gamesList);
178 }
179 }),
180 ),
181 ]),
182 ),
183 ),
184 );
185 }
187 @override
188 void initState() {
189 super.initState();
190 _getFootballResults();
191 }
192 }
78 | 4 Fundamentals of Flutter
the folder .pub-cache in the home directory under Mac, Linux or \Pub\Cache under
For each component listed on the repository web page, there is a mini-homepage
with good documentation. Figure 4.9 shows the page of the package for the flame
game engine. So you can basically learn what the component does, which versions are
available and under which license it was released. For the use in commercial projects,
the license plays an important role. You should be clear about the terms and conditions
under which you may use the software. Further, it is explained how to install it by
adding the appropriate entry to the pubspec.yaml that you can copy and paste. The
corresponding import instruction can also be found there; also, a simple example code
exists. The version can give an indication of how mature the package is. Additionally,
it is interesting to know which other libraries it is based on. So, you have a hint about
which conflicts can occur. Also, the other direction can be seen, which packages are
based on it. There is also an API reference available, that you can search online.
You can view the complete source code via the linked git repository (usually
GitHub). There, you will find a folder lib with the source code, often with a folder
example containing more sample code. In the folder test, there are usually test cases
for unit tests. For components that use special platform-dependent functionalities
(plugins), there are two more folders, ios and android, which contain the native code
that accesses the native system libraries of the respective operating system. This is
where the platform independent world of Dart ends and where you can find XML, Java,
Kotlin or JAR files (Android), or Swift and Objective-C files (iOS). Sometimes, you can
80 | 4 Fundamentals of Flutter
find a bug. If this happens, you should report it on GitHub. This way you can contribute
to the development and improvement of open source projects.
At you can check the global directory to see which packages
are available. Here you can distinguish between several types of platforms on which the packages
are available: “Android”, “iOS”, “Web” or others. In some cases, not all platforms are equally well
To program a map application, for example, you can use a suitable package. The
“flutter_map”-Package [62] is a port of the popular leaflet plugin [3] from JavaScript to
Dart and Flutter. Figure 4.10 shows the screenshot of the example.
When testing map applications in the simulator, you must first define your own position manually.
Otherwise, a position in California is selected by default. For this purpose, you have to set it in the
menu of the simulator (Three Points ...): Location ⇒ Search ⇒ Save Point ⇒ Set Location.
First, the package for the maps and the geolocation is included in pubspec.yaml, see
listing 4.7. Then, these are installed in the terminal by typing flutter pub get. Further,
for Android, you have to allow Internet access and access to the location sensor in the
AndroidManifest.xml file, in the android/app/src/main folder (listing 4.6). Note that at
the time of writing this book, not all modules used were null-safe. Thus, at startup, null-
safety must be disabled with the command flutter run --no-sound-null-safety.
1 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
2 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.
3 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.
In Listing 4.8, the packages are imported first, in the main function in line 9, it is
first ensured that everything is initialized. Then you can select your own position with
the Geolocator and save it for later use. A MaterialApp is created with a StatefulWidget
and a State with a Scaffold, which contains the FlutterMap in body:, thus the actual
map. In the options:, the position at which the map should be displayed is specified
in the MapOptions as center: ⁹. Further, you can specify the amount of detail using the
9 Here the position is hard-coded in, and if you have stored the position of the University OTH Amberg
in the simulator, you can comment out line 12 and comment in line 13.
4.4 Flutter Packages | 81
zoom levels, followed by several levels. The lowest level contains the graphics which
are loaded online via OpenStreetMap. The TileLayerOptions specify how the address
for each graphic is formed. Depending on the zoom level, location and tile numbers, a
new address for a tile is generated using the string in urlTemplate:.
A layer with markers follows. These also have a position, a size and a builder that
generates a widget. Here you can put any widget on the map; two icons are placed on
the map. When you press on these icons, a function is specified for each icon, which is
then executed.
1 dependencies:
2 flutter:
3 sdk: flutter
4 flutter_map: ^0.12.0
5 geolocator: ^7.0.1
6 cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2
7 dev_dependencies:
8 flutter_test:
9 sdk: flutter
1 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
2 import 'package:flutter_map/flutter_map.dart';
3 import 'package:latlong/latlong.dart';
4 import 'package:geolocator/geolocator.dart';
8 void main() {
9 WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
10 Geolocator.getLastKnownPosition().then((pos) {
11 if (pos != null) {
12 //_position = LatLng(pos.latitude, pos.longitude);
13 _position = LatLng(49.4448369, 11.8473098);
14 } else {
15 _position = LatLng(49.4448369, 11.8473098);
16 }
17 runApp(new MyMapApp());
18 });
19 }
4.4 Flutter Packages | 83
62 },
63 ),
64 )),
65 Marker(
66 width: 45.0,
67 height: 45.0,
68 point: new LatLng(49.443369, 11.8473098),
69 builder: (context) => new Container(
70 child: IconButton(
71 icon: Icon(Icons.person),
72 color:,
73 iconSize: 45.0,
74 onPressed: () {
75 print('Marker tapped');
76 },
77 ),
78 ))
79 ])
80 ]));
81 }
82 }
You can develop your own packages (for detailed instructions see: [24]). These can
be uploaded to the cloud using the publish command (flutter pub publish) and
can be made available on the pub website. For this purpose, however, the license,
documentation and implementations should be available for all platforms, as described
in the manual.
However, you can also use packages for your own development to make the code
more modular or develop modular components for internal projects. These components
will then not be managed by an external repository but can be located locally on the
computer. Of course, you can then manage them using a different versioning system,
such as an internal GitLab server. To use these locally available components, you must
also make them known to pubspec.yaml by specifying the local path (see listing 4.15).
Using the extensions is very comfortable, but nevertheless, the following problems
can occur: With the plug-in packages you cannot automatically assume that the desired
function is identical or works equally well on the respective platforms. Sometimes,
there are only implementations for one platform, or one implementation works and the
other one has a bug. However, if you want to develop for only one platform, this is not
4.4 Flutter Packages | 85
relevant. Here it is worth looking at the issues on GitHub, where questions, suggestions
for improvement and bugs are listed. If you discover a bug, you should get involved
and report it there. In general, your own involvement in such open source projects
is useful and desired. You usually get a quick feedback and do not have to wait until
something works again, because you can take the initiative yourself.
Another problem are indirect dependencies in the extensions. For example, it
happens that you use a plugin A, which, in turn, uses a plugin B in a certain version
X. Now there is the case that you either use the Plugin B in another version Y > X, or
you use another Plugin U, which also uses (directly or indirectly) the Plugin B. Be
aware that version conflicts may occur when using the plugin where it can be very
time-consuming to resolve such dependencies.
The following is an example of how to use a simple plugin. A strength of Flutter is the
animation of the widgets. However, the concept of programming behind this is not
particularly intuitive and difficult to implement. There a Plugin helps, which simplifies
the production of animations considerably: “simple_animations”[9]. To import it, you
have to specify it like in Listing 4.9 under the dependencies. Then you have to call
pub get via flutter pub get. Now you can perform the import in the source code
(see line 2 in Listing 4.10). In the example, the setup for a StatelessWidget follows.
Again, a MaterialApp and a Scaffold framework are used, in whose body you will find a
MirrorAnimation, a class from the new plugin. Inside the type parameter you have to
specify the animated parameters using an enum (see line 2). With the class MirrorAn-
imation, the animation is played forwards and then backwards. Another possibility
would be a class LoopAnimation, in which the animation would start over and over
again. The parameter curve: can be used to determine how the speed of the anima-
tion behaves, thus whether it is linear or whether it becomes slower or faster. Here,
Curves.easeInOutSine specifies a soft start and a soft end (see figure 4.11).
Next, the duration of the entire animation is specified: It is possible to specify
different time units, here milliseconds, using the Duration object. The values, which
should change per animation, are given in Tween from line 20 on. The word “tween” is
derived from “between.” There is a start value and an end value, between these values
a transition occurs in a given time, and a current value is approximated to the target
value per time progress. For more complex animations, the class MultiTween is useful.
Here you can specify a list of entries that you want to animate. In the method .add(...)
you enter the parameter to be animated, the fadeing (Tween) of the number, which is
assigned to the parameter, and the duration of the animation. The parameter types
decide whether the width or the height of the object is animated. You could specify
even more types, for example for color change. Lines 21, 22 and 23 read like this: At
first nothing happens for half a second because the tween is a ConstantTween, which
4.4 Flutter Packages | 87
means that the number remains constant at 10. Only after this half second, another
animation plays, again with half a second length, where the value is interpolated from
10 to 200. In lines 25-28, the same happens for the track for the width, but there the
animation starts immediately and then waits half a second. You will see the following
in the animation later:
First the object changes its width, then its height. In the MirrorAnimation, an
additional parameter is specified: builder: This is, as usual for the Builder classes, a
lambda function that takes the context and the animation as parameters. The particular
values can be read using the enum entires for identification purposes. If the values
are changed, the Builder creates a new object with different values for the width and
the height of the object, which is a blue container. As result, a rectangle is animated;
first its width is scaled, then its height. Since MirrorAnimation is used, this process
is played backwards, then the whole animation starts again. More information about
this flutter extension can be found in the GitHub repository, which is also linked in the
repository website ( [8].
You can also specify programmed animations as widgets: These have a duration and an acceleration
function. You can animate all visual properties such as size or color.
1 dependencies:
2 flutter:
3 sdk: flutter
4 simple_animations: ^3.0.2
88 | 4 Fundamentals of Flutter
1 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
2 import 'package:simple_animations/simple_animations.dart';
In the section 3.3 we got to know the animation tool Rive. If you use the Nima plugin, you
can embed the animations directly as a widget. If you have animated vector graphics,
you have to use the “Flare-Flutter” plugin with the Rive tool.¹⁰ Here is a short example
of interactive control of a Nima animation: In Listing 4.11, is the corresponding pubspec
file: The package Nima is specified and in assets: the position of the exported files
from the animation tool is given. Note that at the time of writing this book, the plugin
was not null-safe. Thus, at startup, null-safety must be disabled with the command
flutter run --no-sound-null-safety. In listing 4.12, the code for the animation is
given: In line 2, the library for the animation of the Nima widget is imported. Then,
starting in line 4, a MaterialApp is created, with another stateful widget as homepage.
In the state, there is a private method _ufo() (line 17) that returns a NimaActor widget.
Here the “.nma” file, which was exported from the animation tool, is specified. As
10 Rive was previously called Flare, the Flutter plugin is still called that.
90 | 4 Fundamentals of Flutter
named parameter animation: the current animation is specified. This is also the state,
initially initialized with the string “fly”. The parameter completed: can be used to
specify a lambda function that is called when the animation has finished playing.
However, this does not work reliably and is only mentioned here, because the parameter
is used in some tutorials. Experiments have shown that, depending on the animation,
this event was not always called. The reasons are not clear and future versions might
react more reliable.
When the widget is created, (from line 27), a scaffold is created, in the body is the
described NimaActor, the scaffold also has a button. If this button is pressed, the state
is changed to “shot.” The widget is recreated and NimaActor gets a new animation, the
starship, which was designed in section 3.3, shoots. To play the flight animation again
after the shot animation has ended, the completed: handler is not used as mentioned,
but waits a fixed time until the animation is finished: it is 1000 milliseconds in “fly”
mode. The Future.delayed(...) method provides this functionality. The method also
has the advantage that you can control the sequence exactly by programming, inde-
pendent of the animations. Figure 4.13 shows a screenshot of the animation with the
1 environment:
2 sdk: ">=2.12.0 <3.0.0"
4 dependencies:
5 flutter:
6 sdk: flutter
7 nima: ^1.0.5
9 dev_dependencies:
10 flutter_test:
11 sdk: flutter
13 flutter:
14 uses-material-design: true
15 assets:
16 - assets/Ufo.nma
17 - assets/Ufo.png
18 - assets/Hop.nima
19 - assets/Hop.png
4.4 Flutter Packages | 91
1 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
2 import 'package:nima/nima_actor.dart';
26 @override
27 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
28 return Scaffold(
29 appBar: AppBar(
30 title: Text('Nima Example'),
31 ),
32 body: _ufo(),
33 floatingActionButton: new FloatingActionButton(
34 onPressed: () {
35 setState(() {
36 _anim = "shot";
37 print("Buff");
38 Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 1000))
39 .then((value) => setState(() {
40 print("Ready");
92 | 4 Fundamentals of Flutter
41 _anim = "fly";
42 }));
43 });
44 },
45 child: new Icon(Icons.arrow_upward),
46 ),
47 );
48 }
49 }
If you want to use an AnimationController, you have to provide a TickerProvider. This ensures a syn-
chronized time sequence. You can use this as a mixin in your class.
As body of the structure, a LayoutBuilder is created in line 50, which generates the actual
layout tree starting at line 65. In the parameter color: in the topmost container widget,
not a fixed color is defined, but, depending on the color theme, the primary color is used
as color. The child is a stack, thus a stack of widgets. Exactly two widgets are specified
here, namely the background passed in the constructor (base) and an animated surface:
This consists of a transition, the PositionedTransition (also a widget). This, in turn,
contains a rectangle transition: (rect: RelativeRectTween), where the start and end
rectangle corner coordinates are specified. This is then animated (.animate(...)). This
method returns the animation that must be specified in rect:. In the curve animation
passed there, the previously created controller is specified as “parent “ (line 75). The
CurvedAnimation ensures a smooth and not abrupt temporal progression. The child of
the transition widget is a material, thus a surface. There the corners are rounded and
its child is the content passed to the constructor. If the value of panelIsOut changes,
the controller becomes active and the tween, thus the fade, creates transition values
for the specified rectangles, so the impression is that the area moves in and out.
1 library oth_backdrop;
2 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
6 Widget content;
7 Widget base;
8 Widget title;
9 AnimatedIconData animatedIcon;
10 double height;
11 Function callback;
12 Key testKey;
34 @override
35 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
36 _backDrop = context.widget as BackDrop;
37 return Scaffold(
38 appBar: AppBar(
39 elevation: 0.0,
40 title: _backDrop.title,
41 leading: IconButton(
42 onPressed: changePanelState,
43 key: _backDrop.testKey,
44 icon: AnimatedIcon(
45 icon: _backDrop.animatedIcon,
46 progress: _controller.view,
47 ),
48 ),
49 ),
50 body: LayoutBuilder(
51 builder: _buildStack,
52 ),
53 );
54 }
56 void changePanelState() {
57 setState(() {
58 panelIsOut = ! panelIsOut;
59 });
60 _backDrop.callback(panelIsOut);
61 _controller.animateTo(
96 | 4 Fundamentals of Flutter
1 name: oth_backdrop
2 description: A package for a backdrop
3 version: 0.0.1
4 author: Dieter Meiller
4.4 Flutter Packages | 97
1 oth_backdrop:
2 path: ../backdrop_package
98 | 4 Fundamentals of Flutter
Flutter offers its own test framework for automated testing of user interfaces. In contrast
to classical unit tests, where functions are tested to see if they deliver the desired
values, UI tests simulate user behavior. Input can be generated for individual widgets
by pretending that a person presses a button with a finger, for example. Usually the
test scripts are located in the test folder of the project.
With Android-Studio you have to take care that the automated code in the test folder always contains a
Hello World Test when you create a project with the project wizard. If you change your code, the test will
usually not work, because it accesses possibly deleted objects. You can also delete the code altogether
if you do not want to create tests for experiments.
input (.enterText(Finder finder, String text)). So, you can enter the username
or password in a text field found by the finder.
In Flutter, you can run automated GUI tests by simulating user interactions. The individual widgets can
be found through the Find object. Widgets can optionally get a self-defined key to identify them.
1 import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
2 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
3 import 'package:oth_backdrop/backdrop.dart';
7 void main() {
8 const _PANEL_HEADER_HEIGHT = 32.0;
9 status = true;
10 final key = Key('TestKey');
11 var title = Text("Backdrop Demo!");
12 var content = Column(children: <Widget>[
13 Container(
15 child: new Center(child: new Text("Panel")),
16 ),
17 Expanded(child: Center(child: Text("Content")))
18 ]);
19 var base = Center(
20 child: Text("base"),
21 );
22 var callback = (var stat) => status = ! status;
23 testWidgets('Test Callback', (WidgetTester tester) async {
24 final BackDrop app = BackDrop(callback, title, AnimatedIcons.
menu_close, base, content, _PANEL_HEADER_HEIGHT, key);
25 await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(home: app,));
26 bool oldstat = status;
27 Finder f = find.byKey(key);
28 await tester.tap(f);
29 await tester.pump(Duration(milliseconds:1500));
30 expect(status, !oldstat);
31 });
32 }
Part II: Practice
In the second part of the book more complex projects are presented and explained: a cloud-based
application, a drawing app for the desktop and finally a game project that includes a web server.
5 Cloud Based Application
Modern web applications requires persistent storage. Tis book discusses various options
for storing data. A local memory on the device is important to store data like settings
of the app or to cache data from the internet in case the connection is lost or if the
service used is currently unavailable. One advantage of apps over web pages is their
local availability.
The local memory is used in combination with a non-local memory. There are also
different possibilities, two of them are presented here in the book: In the game from
chapter 7 (sections 7.5.1 and 7.5.2), a separate server service, implemented in Dart, is
presented. However, you can also use a cloud service from a commercial provider.
Google Firebase is a cloud service that integrates well with Flutter. We explain step by
step what Firebase does, how to set up the Firestore database and how to link it to your
own app.
Firebase not only provides cloud storage, it also offers an extensive range of features
[37]: It allows you to analyze the app and has a link to Google Analytics. It means that
you can analyze the access statistics or program crashes, even A/B-Testing can be
realized via Firebase. Furthermore, you can have Google perform calculations on their
servers and reduce the load on the app or your own server. And as the services scale
very well, so you do not have to expect overload. You can also host files and assets of
the app there. Machine Learning features can also be realized via Firebase. So, text or
face recognition can be implemented relatively easily. ¹¹.
Here the storage of app data in the real-time database Firestore is explained. It
is interesting to know that Firebase was an independent start-up company in the
beginning and bought by Google. The first product was the real-time database. Firestore
is its successor. The old model might be maintained further, because it is still in use in
old products.
5.1.1 Setup
First you need a Google Account. With this you can log in to the Firebase Console (at: and then create a project. This is easy, simply
click on the “+” and enter a project name to start a project-“wizard”, questions are
asked that you have to answer and click on the “Next” button. As a first step, you will
11 The description of all possibilities would go beyond the scope of this book (see [37])
104 | 5 Cloud Based Application
be asked if you want to enable Google Analytics for your project, by default this is
recommended. Then you need to select the physical location, the country, and then
the project will be created.
After that, you have to register an app in which you want to use Firebase. Four
options are offered: You can choose between an iOS, Android, web, or Unity app. Only
the iOS and Android versions are relevant for Flutter. The instructions in the example
are limited to Android, the iOS version works very similar.
After selecting the Android app, four steps are displayed which you should perform:
– Register App
– Download configuration file
– Add to Firebase SDK
– Run the app to check the installation
Register App: You will be asked for a package name. Here a Java-like package name must
be specified. The logic behind the package names is the same as in the URI schema,
but vice versa. For example, the name “com.mystartup.myapp” would be a convenient
name for the package. Optionally you can define a SHA-1 value of a signature certificate,
which is necessary for certain Firebase services. However, this is not mandatory for
using the Firestore.
Download configuration file: The file “google-services.json” must be downloaded
and moved to a specific project folder. In contrast to the folder structure, specified in
the wizard, you have to make sure that you do not move the file to the root directory of
the project, but to the “android/app” folder of the project (or ios in the iOS version).
Add Firebase SDK: Now you have to change the file “android/build.gradle”: The
classpath for the Google services must be added:
1 buildscript {
2 ...
3 dependencies {
4 ...
5 classpath ''
6 }
7 }
1 ...
2 defaultConfig {
3 ...
4 minSdkVersion 21
5 ...
6 }
7 ...
8 apply plugin: ''
9 ...
10 dependencies {
11 ...
12 implementation platform('')
13 implementation ''
14 }
Run app to check the installation: It waits until you run the app. It connects to the
Google cloud and tests if a connection is established. You can skip this step.
There are two build.gradle files in the Android project: one in the folder android/ and one in the folder
android/app/. In both files different changes have to be made.
5.1.2 Firestore
After setting up Firebase, you can choose the button “Create database” under the
menu item “Database.” You will then be asked to decide whether to start Firestore
in production or test mode. The test mode is automatically terminated after 30 days.
In test mode, all data is accessible from outside without security mechanisms. This
should simplify the setup. However, you cannot get around them anyway, and after
30 days you might be busy with other things and would have to change the settings
again. You can set the login method to “Anonymous,” in the Firebase settings (gear
button), then everyone can use the app without login. In this case you would have to
get at least a confirmation from the user, that s/he allow to transfer data to the server.
Another point in setting up Firestore is to define the location of the database servers,
but here in a geographically larger scale than before, you can only choose between the
continents. The question is which data is stored on the server previously selected in
Firebase and why you have to make such a selection twice.
The selection of the physical location can only be made during setup. You should consider this carefully
as you cannot change it afterwards.
106 | 5 Cloud Based Application
After that, you can start entering data in the web interface (see figure 5.1). You have
to create at least one collection; you can compare it with the tables of a SQL database
and store data in these collections.
The structure of the Firestore database is as follows: There are three subsections.
You can create a collection that contains a number of documents. These documents
consist of individual data fields. Fields have a name, a data type and a value. The types
are primitive data types, there are strings, numbers and boolean values. But there are
also maps and arrays as types, so you can build complex JSON-like tree structures.
In addition, you can create new collections in documents and repeat this recursively.
There is also a reference type, fields can refer to other documents. So Firestore does
meet its categorization in the class of NoSQL databases: Documents can have different
fields, unlike table entries in SQL database tables. Furthermore, the hierarchy is not flat,
the data structures can be tree-like. There is no type for files or binary data. However,
files can be stored as Base-64 encoded strings, but there is a limit, single strings may
only use a maximum of 1 MB memory. Binary data and files should not be stored here,
but you could use the storage solution of Firebase.
The Firebase database has three levels of hierarchy: Collection ⇒ documents ⇒ fields. In documents
you can recursively create additional collections.
You cannot compare the Firestore database with SQL databases, but you could say
that the collections correspond to the tables and the documents to the entries with the
fields, as long as you follow a fixed scheme without different numbers of fields and
without substructures.
Interesting is the pricing model of Firestore — 20.000 writes per month are free
of charge. Data accesses beyond that cost a small amount, a fraction of a cent, for
example, 0.013 dollars per access. So, you can run an app with a small number of
users for free. Successful apps with higher access rates will probably generate enough
revenue to cover these costs anyway. Firestore is a so-called NoSQL database. The
data is hosted on servers managed by Google, but you can choose the location of the
server, which may influence the price. Frankfurt is more expensive than Los Angeles
and Zurich even more expensive¹². For sensitive data, this would be worth considering,
as the servers are bound to local data protection laws. However, it is not possible to
estimate whether the NSA will still have a back door for access.
A collection “messages” is created for the Messenger app described below. The
documents contained in this collection represent the messages. They have three fields:
A time of type “timestamp,” consisting of date and time (UTC, thus world time), a
message of type “string” and a user, which is also a string for convenience.
5.1.3 Messenger
In Listing 5.1, you can see the code for the Messenger app. Figure 5.2 shows the applica-
tion. The Android and/or iOS setup described above must be done first for the app to
connect to the cloud. In the pubspec.yaml of the project, the Firestore module must be
1 dependencies:
2 cloud_firestore: ^1.0.1
The code is available online at GitHub [51]. You can download it using Git with
git clone
on the computer.
After that, you can use the library by importing it (see listing 5.1, lines 2,3). Using a
FutureBuilder, Firebase is initialized and a MaterialApp with an app skeleton is created,
in which a StateFulWidget (Note) is placed. Its state consists of three lists that contain
the entries of the chat participants and correspond to the fields in the cloud database
(lines 36-38). When the app is started (from line 45), the list is initialized empty (from
line 47) and then the data is retrieved from the cloud in the method _loadAll(). In line
60, a reference to the collection “messages” is retrieved via an instance of a Firebase
database object. A query is sent to this object, which is to return the documents sorted
by date and time. A Stream<QuerySnapshot> object is provided, which can return
several QuerySnapshots as a data stream. These do not already contain the individual
documents, but one or more collections of documents. This was probably done because
the number of documents in the database can contain very large amounts of data
(“Big Data”). Thus, large volumes of data are delivered in separated packages. The
documents can then be obtained from the single packages. The expression “Snapshot”
(Snapshot) is probably intended to clarify that this is always a snapshot of the state of
the database since it is possible that the entries change while the data is being read
from the database. Since the database, as usual in this area, follows the ACID principle
(“Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability”) and is not locked during the readout,
the snapshot might be outdated when you look at it. If a document was delivered by
the stream, it is written to the state variables (starting at line 72). However, only the
last 200 messages are taken over. In a “real” application you might have to delete the
old messages on the server, depending on the use case of the Messenger service.
A Firestore snapshot object, as available in Flutter, is a snapshot of the state of the database. This can
change continuously so the snapshot may not be consistent with the true state of the database.
Starting at line 121, the layout structure of the Messenger client is built: This has
two columns, the upper column contains the messages, the lower column the input
for the messages. The messages are created with a Listview.builder(...) call. The
itemBuilder: parameter is called with an index variable, with all indexes from 0 to the
5.1 Google Firebase | 109
The stream of the collection from the Firestore database does not interrupt but delivers new elements
asynchronously. This can be linked to the state so that the widget elements are automatically updated.
All streams have a forEach method (see [26]).
In most cases, for the use of cloud services, one would add an authentication, at this
point it is only explained in principle for reasons of comprehensibility. A step-by-step
guide for implementing a login process can be found at [54] or [10]. The principle is
briefly explained here: As mentioned, you can select the login methods in the Firebase
settings. Besides anonymous, you can choose a number of providers, for example,
Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, over the phone, and others. Additionally, you
need a Flutter plugin. For Flutter, there is the Google Sign-In plugin to sign in via
Google service. This would be a good choice if you generate an Android app. So you
need the plugin and you have to activate the appropriate login method. Furthermore,
you need the Firebase-Auth Plugin to enable authentication with Firebase. Using an
110 | 5 Cloud Based Application
asynchronous method of the Google Sign-In Plugin, you can now login. You could
enable it at startup of the app or via a login button. A corresponding Google page
should be displayed, with a login screen.
When setting up the Firebase app (see 5.1.1), you still have to add a SHA1 fingerprint
to be able to test the app during development. You can create this fingerprint yourself
using the Java keytool and then enter it into the form. If you publish a release version of
the app in the Play Store, you have to create a signed APK version using the generated
SHA1 fingerprint. You can also do this online via the Google Play Developer console.
When activating the Google login method, you also have to specify a web page with
the privacy policy, which you have to create yourself and provide the link there. Thus,
you need a webspace and a website for the app (see [20]).
A SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) is the result of a cryptographic function: A plaintext of arbitrary length
results in a string of fixed length. There can be several plaintexts for one hash value. Therefore, it is not
possible to determine the plaintext from the hash value. (SHA1: 160 bits, SHA256: 256 bits, SHA512:
512 bits) (See: [67])
1 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
2 import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
3 import 'package:firebase_core/firebase_core.dart';
5 void main() {
6 runApp(NoteApp());
7 }
40 var messages;
112 | 5 Cloud Based Application
41 var users;
42 var dates;
44 @override
45 void initState() {
46 super.initState();
47 _clearAll();
48 _loadAll();
49 }
51 _clearAll() {
52 setState(() {
53 messages = <String>[];
54 dates = <Timestamp>[];
55 users = <String>[];
56 });
57 }
59 _loadAll() {
60 var stream = FirebaseFirestore.instance
61 .collection('messages')
62 .orderBy('date')
63 .snapshots();
64 stream.forEach((QuerySnapshot snap) {
65 {
66 var doc =;
67 if (doc != null) {
68 _addMessage(doc['user'], doc['message'], doc['date']);
69 }
70 });
71 });
72 }
83 }
84 });
85 }
120 @override
121 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
122 return Column(
114 | 5 Cloud Based Application
123 children: [
124 Expanded(
125 flex: 4,
126 child: ListView.builder(
127 reverse: true,
128 controller: scrollController,
129 itemCount: messages.length,
130 itemBuilder: (context, index) {
131 var col = _getColor(users[index]);
132 return ListTile(
133 leading: CircleAvatar(
134 backgroundColor: col,
135 child: Text('${users[index].substring(0, 1)}'),
136 ),
137 title: Container(
138 child: Text('${messages[index]}'),
139 decoration: BoxDecoration(
140 color: col.withAlpha(50),
141 borderRadius: BorderRadius.only(
142 topRight: Radius.circular(10.0),
143 topLeft: Radius.circular(10.0),
144 bottomRight: Radius.circular(10.0),
145 ),
146 ),
147 padding: EdgeInsets.all(10),
148 ),
149 subtitle: Text(_date(dates[index])),
150 );
151 })),
152 Expanded(
153 flex: 1,
154 child: Row(
155 children: [
156 Expanded(
157 flex: 1,
158 child: TextField(
159 controller: nickController,
160 decoration: InputDecoration(hintText: "Nickname"),
161 )),
162 Expanded(
163 flex: 2,
164 child: TextField(
5.1 Google Firebase | 115
The code for the app is available online at GitHub [50]. You can download it using
Git with
git clone
on the computer. The book omits the imports of the files from each other, the exact
code can be obtained from the repository.
The plugins File-Picker Cross [66] and Colorpicker [46] are used. File-Picker Cross is a
special plugin, because it is one of the first that has desktop support as well. It is also
needed to gain access to the file system. On the desktop, it offers a file selection dialog,
which delivers the path to the selected document. The plugin also works on mobile
devices, where images from the photo app can be selected, for example. It also allows
write access. With the app itself, it is possible to draw images with a brush tool. Users
can choose the thickness and color of the brush and can zoom or move the drawing
surface with the help of additional tools.
118 | 6 Desktop App
First, the code for creating the images that will be saved and for accessing the
file system is explained, as it is an essential part of the application. Listing 6.2 shows
the code for reading and writing images. The asynchronous function getImage()
loads an image from the device’s persistent storage. Line 2 waits for a reference to
a file. How this works will be explained below, when Listing 6.3 is discussed. The
function instantiateImageCodec(Uint8List list) from the Dart standard library
ui decodes the PNG information of the file and returns the image. The function
writeImage(data, width, height) creates a PNG image and stores it: In line 9, a
PictureRecorder is created, which has a virtual drawing canvas. On this canvas, exactly
the same picture is drawn, which can be seen on the actual drawing surface (lines
10-18). First, a white background is drawn, then a background image, if available, is
drawn, and then the particular lines are drawn. This process is Identical to the drawing
process on the screen. Line 20 ends the recording of the image. Then the bytes of the
image are extracted and stored as an integer list.
In Listing 6.3, the save(Uint8List data) function saves this list as a PNG file
using the FilePickerCross object (line 12). It does all the work. It gets the data to be
saved, a default file path with name and the file name extension as arguments. The
method call exportToStorage() starts a complex process that is not evident from the
6.1 Access to the File System | 119
code: A dialog is opened and the user can choose a path and a file name under which
he wants to store the image. If the dialog is closed with “Save”, the saving process
provided by the plugin will be executed. It is worth noting here that this complex
operation works on all devices, although it looks very different on mobile devices and
desktop operating systems, and also works technically a different way, since access to
files and file systems are different. At the end, an optional exception is caught as this
operation may fail. The mentioned function getFilePath() uses the FilePickerCross
method importFromStorage(...). Here, line 6 waits until the user has selected a path
to an image file via the file selection dialog. The path is returned as file. The image can
then be read from the file.
1 import 'dart:typed_data';
2 import 'dart:io';
3 import 'package:file_picker_cross/file_picker_cross.dart';
The actual data that defines a drawing are described in the DesignerShape class (see
listing 6.4). Essentially, it consists of lines, which are lists of connected points (line 13).
The visual appearance of the lines is described via a Paint object. The helper function
createPaint(...) (line 3) can be used to create it, specifying a color and a thickness
for the lines. By calling the draw(...) method, the polylines are drawn on the passed
Canvas object.
1 import 'dart:ui';
8 ..strokeJoin = StrokeJoin.round
9 ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round;
10 }
12 class DesignerShape {
13 late List<Offset> _points;
14 late Paint _paint;
16 DesignerShape(Paint paint) {
17 _points = <Offset>[];
18 _paint = paint;
19 }
21 void add(Offset p) {
22 _points.add(p);
23 }
The data in the application are summarized in the data structure DesignerData
(see listing 6.5). In addition to an optional background image, there is also a list of
lines of type DesignerShape here. There is also a second list (redoShapes) which is used
to implement an undo function. The constructor empties both lists.
3 class DesignerData {
4 ui.Image? image;
5 final shapes = <DesignerShape>[];
6 final redoShapes = <DesignerShape>[];
122 | 6 Desktop App
8 DesignerData() {
9 init();
10 }
11 void init() {
12 shapes.clear();
13 redoShapes.clear();
14 }
15 }
Listing 6.6 contains a class that draws the mentioned data structure. It is a
subclass of the widget CustomPainter, an empty container that provides a method
paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) (line 19), which can be used to draw on the surface
of the widget (Canvas). Here, the background image, if any, is drawn first. This can
be used as a template for the drawing to be made, but in this example it is also used
for demonstration purposes for the programming of the file loading process. All line
drawings are then drawn above the image.
1 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
12 DesignerPainter(
14 ) {
15 currentSize =;
16 }
18 @override
19 void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
20 this.currentSize = size;
21 if (data.image != null) {
22 canvas.drawImage(data.image!, Offset(0, 0), Paint());
23 }
24 for (var shape in data.shapes) {
6.3 The Layout | 123
25 shape.draw(canvas);
26 }
27 }
29 @override
30 bool shouldRepaint(covariant CustomPainter oldDelegate) => true;
31 }
Listing 6.7 shows the code for the entire graphical layout. Lines 6-12 contain the widget
with the root, the MaterialApp. Then follows the StatefulWidget contained in it and its
state, where all the layout, state variables and interaction are coded. In lines 23-30 all
state variables can be seen. The meaning of each variable becomes clear when its usage
is explained. In the initState method (starting at line 33), they are provided with initial
values. Changing them through user interactions has a direct effect on the rendering
tree. When a value is changed, it is rebuilt by calling the build method (starting at
line 68) again, creating a new layout. Starting at line 71, a Scaffold is built, with a
BottomNavigationBar that provides all drawing and interaction tools as icons. When
an icon is tapped or clicked (on the desktop with the mouse), the lambda function
specified in the onTap: argument (line 78) is called with the index number of the icon.
This solution is a bit messy, because when adding more icons, it is necessary to adjust
the numbering. Presumably it was assumed that a BottomNavigationBar has only a
small number of icons, and the effort is small because of that. The interaction will be
explained later, now the layout will be discussed first. The icons themselves can be
found starting at line 155. These are individual BottomNavigationBarItem widgets with
an icon and a text label. The icons are chosen from Flutter’s extensive icon collection
(class Icons). Here you can find almost all material icons of the material design, but
not all.
In the body: of the scaffold (line 185) the actual drawing area can be found, but
wrapped by an InteractiveViewer, which allows to zoom in and move the drawing. This
has the actual drawing area with its CustomPainter as a child. This has a detector as
a child, which handles user interaction with the drawing area and is responsible for
drawing the lines. Finally, its child is a Container, that determines the size of the area
on the app.
124 | 6 Desktop App
After describing the layout, the explanation of the interaction follows, starting with the
tools in the bar. When clicking on the first icon, the house icon, the case “0” is executed
(line 80). The combination switch and enum has found to be useful here and in other
places. If you program the case selection with enums, you will get a warning from the
development environment if you do not consider all cases. Now, when the house icon is
pressed, the state variables that are responsible for moving and enlarging the drawing
area are reset to their initial values. The value property of the TransformationController
object inside the InteractiveViewer widget affects the transformation (translation and
scaling). When changing the state variables, there is no need to explicitly cause a redraw
of the layout. Flutter does this by itself, since there is a dependency of the layout on
the state. When the icons with the indices 1-3 (lines 86-94) are pressed, the drawing
mode is changed. This mode is defined in listing 6.6. It has an effect on which button
is shown as selected. The auxiliary function getSelectedIndex(Mode mode) (line 271)
returns a different number depending on the mode. The currentIndex: parameter
of the BottomNavigationBar (line 77) specifies the returned index number by calling
the function. So, always only one selected button for one of the three modes will be
highlighted. The selection of the color is handled in the case “4” starting at line 106,
where a dialog box of type SliderDialog is opened to select the color. The code is not
printed in the book, because it is not essential for the example, you can see it online.
The dialog makes use of the Colorpicker plugin, which provides the color selection
functionality. Case “5” opens another dialog box with a slider to select the stroke width.
The state variables are set to the selected values, after the dialog boxes are closed. The
cases “6” and “7” (lines 120-139) control the Undo-Redo functionality. In the “6” undo
case, the last stroke is removed from the visible stroke list and added to the redoShapes
list. In the redo case “6”, this is put back again. The view of the buttons is updated in
the process, which should indicate whether Undo or Redo is possible, depending on
the fill status of the lists. The cases “8” and “9” (lines 140-151) trigger the loading and
saving process of the image, which has already been described.
The GestureDetector monitors the user interaction with the drawing surface. The appli-
cation should work cross-platform, thus working with a finger on mobile devices as
well as on the desktop with a mouse should be possible. It would make sense to use a
pen to draw on the desktop or even on the tablet. This is mentioned because the Flutter
plugin InteractiveViewer automatically takes care of zooming and panning the drawing
area but requires multitouch operations for these interactions when using gestures.
With a pen or mouse, however, a single touch point on the sensitive surface is assumed.
Thus, an additional operations for zoom and pan has to be programmed, that works
6.4 The Interaction | 125
with only one touch point. That is why there are the two buttons for zoom (magnifying
glass) and pan (hand). So, one can switch between drawing, zoom or pan with the
pen or mouse. Multiple finger operation also works additionally, thanks to the built-in
functionality of the InteractiveViewer widget. For the desktop, it also allows zooming
with the mouse wheel. The GestureDetector (Line 193) offers three events to handle:
onPanDown: when touching the area for the first time, onPanUpdate: when moving the
pointer on the area, onPanEnd: when finishing the operation. Depending on the mode,
the action must be different. With onPanDown: in drawing mode, a new line is added to
the lines, with this a first start point added at the pointer position. In zoom mode, the
start point of the operation is saved, which will be the center for zooming in or out. With
onPanUpdate: in drawing mode, a new point is simply added to the last, current line
in the list. With pan mode, the matrix of the transform controller is translated. In zoom
mode, it is checked whether the new zoom level is within the allowed limits (lines 240
and 241). If so, before zooming is performed (line 245), the area is shifted depending on
the memorized center of the operation, so that zooming in or out is performed around
this point (lines 242-244). At onPanEnd: undo is reset in drawing mode.
1 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
2 import 'package:designer/io/image.dart';
19 double _minScale = 1;
20 double _maxScale = 4;
32 @override
33 void initState() {
34 data = DesignerData();
35 currentColor =;
36 _setRedoButton(false);
37 _setUndoButton(false);
38 currentWidth = 2;
39 _center =;
40 mode = Mode.draw;
41 _transContr.value = Matrix4.identity();
42 super.initState();
43 }
51 _setRedoButton(onoff) {
52 if (onoff) {
53 setState(() => redoButtonColor =;
54 } else {
55 setState(() => redoButtonColor = Colors.black38);
56 }
57 }
59 _setUndoButton(onoff) {
60 if (onoff) {
61 setState(() => undoButtonColor =;
62 } else {
63 setState(() => undoButtonColor = Colors.black38);
64 }
6.4 The Interaction | 127
65 }
67 @override
68 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
69 var size = MediaQuery.of(context).size;
70 _designerPainter = DesignerPainter(data);
71 return Scaffold(
72 bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(
73 selectedItemColor: Colors.black87,
74 unselectedItemColor: Colors.black87,
75 selectedFontSize: 15,
76 unselectedFontSize: 5,
77 currentIndex: getSelectedIndex(mode),
78 onTap: (value) {
79 switch (value) {
80 case 0:
81 setState(() {
82 _center =;
83 _transContr.value = Matrix4.identity();
84 });
85 break;
86 case 1:
87 setState(() => mode = Mode.pan);
88 break;
89 case 2:
90 setState(() => mode = Mode.zoom);
91 break;
92 case 3:
93 setState(() => mode = Mode.draw);
94 break;
95 case 4:
96 showDialog(
97 context: context,
98 builder: (BuildContext context) {
99 return ColorPickerDialog(
100 _getDialogWidth(context),
101 currentColor,
102 (color) => setState(() => currentColor = color));
103 },
104 );
105 break;
106 case 5:
128 | 6 Desktop App
107 showDialog(
108 context: context,
109 builder: (BuildContext context) {
110 return SliderDialog(
111 _getDialogWidth(context),
112 1,
113 300,
114 currentWidth,
115 (width) => setState(() => currentWidth = width));
116 },
117 );
118 break;
119 // Undo- Redo!
120 case 6:
121 if (data.shapes.isNotEmpty) {
122 data.redoShapes.add(data.shapes.removeLast());
123 }
124 if (data.shapes.isNotEmpty) {
125 _setRedoButton(true);
126 } else {
127 _setUndoButton(false);
128 }
129 break;
130 case 7:
131 if (data.redoShapes.isNotEmpty) {
132 data.shapes.add(data.redoShapes.removeLast());
133 }
134 if (data.redoShapes.isNotEmpty) {
135 _setUndoButton(true);
136 } else {
137 _setRedoButton(false);
138 }
139 break;
140 case 8:
141 getImage().then((value) {
142 if (value != null) {
143 setState(() {
144 data.image = value;
145 });
146 }
147 });
148 break;
6.4 The Interaction | 129
149 case 9:
150 writeImage(data, _designerPainter.width,
151 break;
152 default:
153 }
154 },
155 items: [
156 BottomNavigationBarItem(icon: Icon(Icons.home), label: "Home
157 BottomNavigationBarItem(
158 icon: Icon(Icons.pan_tool_outlined), label: "Pan Image")
159 BottomNavigationBarItem(
160 icon: Icon(Icons.zoom_in_outlined), label: "Zoom Image")
161 BottomNavigationBarItem(
162 icon: Icon(Icons.brush_outlined), label: "Draw"),
163 BottomNavigationBarItem(icon: Icon(Icons.color_lens), label:
164 BottomNavigationBarItem(
165 icon: Icon(, label: "Brush Size"),
166 BottomNavigationBarItem(
167 icon: Icon(
168 Icons.undo,
169 color: undoButtonColor,
170 ),
171 label: "Undo",
172 ),
173 BottomNavigationBarItem(
174 icon: Icon(
175 Icons.redo,
176 color: redoButtonColor,
177 ),
178 label: "Redo"),
179 BottomNavigationBarItem(
180 icon: Icon(Icons.file_upload), label: "Load Image"),
181 BottomNavigationBarItem(
182 icon: Icon(Icons.file_download), label: "Save Image"),
183 ],
184 ),
185 body: InteractiveViewer(
130 | 6 Desktop App
268 }
269 }
Desktop support allows, with proper programming, to develop native applications, that can run on all
major devices and operating systems without modification. Note that all plugins used must provide
desktop support.
7 Chicken Maze
Now that it is clear how Flutter works and how to use layouts, whole screens and
animations, it is time for a more advanced example.
The example that follows is a game. In order for it to be explained in a book and
not to lose the character of an educational example, it should not be too complex. Nev-
ertheless, it should not be too trivial either, as it should be an example of a professional
project and contain professional features.
The code for the game is available online at GitHub [49]. You can download it using
Git with
git clone -b edition_2
on the computer. The code described in this book is that of the branch “edition_2”.
7.1 Overview
The game is called “Chicken Maze.” Here you can navigate a chicken through mazes
across the screen. In the labyrinth, you have to avoid enemies. You have to eat as many
grains as possible, which increases your score. Additionally, there are power pills,
which can be consumed. Equipped with such power, the chicken can tear down brittle
walls and destroy enemies. There are several levels, the difficulty and the size of the
mazes increases after each level. If your chicken is killed by an enemy, one life is taken
away. You can get more lives if you pick up one of the medicine packages. If the lives
are spent, the game is over. If you have achieved a new high score, you are placed on
the high score list. This list is also available in a database on a server. There the best
100 players are listed. There is a start screen and a drop- down menu. With this you
can start the game, view the high score list or change game settings. In the settings,
you can also change the player name.
A short overview of the technical features of the game follows. In the further steps,
details are explained using the particular code.
134 | 7 Chicken Maze
the processing project [29]. However, this logic differs from the philosophy for animated
layouts in Flutter, where animations are described and then executed. However, this
concept is not well suited for games.
An important feature of the engine is the display of sprites, thus animated two-
dimensional images. All graphics for Flame is stored as sprite sheets in the assets
folder. You tile all animation sequences to a single image and specify how the animation
is to run over time. Figure 7.1 shows the graphic for the game character, which is the
chicken. The first two images in the first line on the left are the images for the foot
positions when the chicken goes to the right. Then the foot positions left/right follows
for the other walking directions. In the bottom line, there are four pictures for the pause
animation, where the chicken looks in different directions and closes and opens its
Flame’s ability to display tiled large graphics is especially useful. With these
tilemaps, you can create large worlds. These tilemaps can also have different layers.
The templates for the graphics for this are provided as tiled images and in the tilemap,
only the number of the image at the desired position is given.
Flame has the ability to read “.tmx” files. This XML-based file format can describe
such maps, which can have multiple layers. The tiled editor, which can create these
files, was already introduced in chapter 3.2. It would be difficult or impossible to create
the files using a text editor only. An example for the generated XML can be seen in
Listing 7.1. In line 2, the dimensions of the map and the width and height of the tiles
in pixels are defined. You can set the tile dimensions in the editor. In the game, a tile
has a dimension of 32 pixels squared. Next, the images of the tilesets are defined (lines
3-11), followed by the individual layers with the compressed tile numbers.
7.1 Overview | 135
The TMX format is a format to describe tilemaps, tiled large graphics. A tilemap is essentially a list of
image numbers. The corresponding images are available in the Tilesets. A tileset is a single graphic
that is composed of several images of the same size, which are numbered consecutively. There can
be several tilesets in a file, as well as several layers with tiles on top of each other. The tilemap has
the number of tiles in horizontal and vertical width as dimension. Everything has a fixed dimension of
Inspiration for creating the game graphics can be found on the website of the
OpenGameArt project [58]. There you can also find many free graphics for game
tiles and sprites.
The ability to play sound files is important to create ambient sound in the background
as well as sounds for events that may occur during the game. Since Flutter itself does
not provide any capabilities to play locally stored sound files, it is convenient that
this is possible with the Flame engine. Further, in Flame the physics engine “box2d”
can be included. However, our example uses its own game mechanics. Google Play
Games services can also be used with Flame, but there were some bugs at the time
of programming the example. In our example, we will use our own server. Also, the
project should be designed to run on iOS as well; however, the Play Services only run
with Android. Monetization
Although the game is intended to be platform-independent, a cloud service for moneti-
zation is still used as this also works for iOS: “Firebase Admob” from Google. Later, we
explain in detail how to create the project on the Google service and how to link it to
the Flutter app (see section
7.2 Conception
Figure 7.2 shows the individual screens and their state transitions. For each screen, there
is a dart class with the same name. From the StartPage you can start the game with the
pull-down menu (Drawer) or get to all possible pages, for example the AboutPage. Or
you can start the game directly by pressing the corresponding button. The prerequisite
is that you have chosen a user name, that is saved in the settings. You can do this on
the SettingsPage. After that you can start the game. The running game can be paused,
and you will get to a waiting page (PausePage). If you lose a life or change the level,
a short message is shown for a second, then an ad is shown. If you close it, you can
continue the game as long as you have lives left. As soon as all lives are used up, you get
to the GameOverPage. If you have a new high score, it will be written into the database
(Scores) via the Internet. The high score table (HighScorePage) can also be selected
and displayed via the menu, which then retrieves the global high score list of the most
successful players from the Internet.
The individual classes and files of the project are now explained in detail below. The
extensive import statements are omitted in the listings. Listing 7.3 contains all imports
of the external libraries. These correspond to the packages in the pubspec.yaml file in
Listing 7.2 and are listed in the same order. The imports of the individual files from the
“chicken_maze” package are omitted for the sake of clarity and are not indicated in the
The following packages are required (see listing 7.3): From the Dart world “ui,”
which belongs to Flutter and provides types for Flutter. “convert” is needed for web
operation, because the UTF-8 conversion is included. Then the Flutter and by the
Flame libraries. “flame_tiled” and “flame_audio” belong to Flame as well, but they
are wrappers for external modules of the tiled project and the audioplayer project.
„flame_tiled“ is included via a Git url, as the project had not been migrated to Flutter 2
at the time of writing. “http” is needed for web communication (section 7.5.1). “crypto”
is also used for authentication by forming a hash value. “shared_preferences” allows
access to the app memory to secure persistent data such as the player name and high
score. “admob_flutter” allows the display of Google AdMob ads.
The whole code can be looked up in the GitHub project [49] and downloaded with
the assets.
138 | 7 Chicken Maze
For the packages specified in the 7.2 file, there are probably newer versions available from the time this
book was written. You are welcome to look up the new versions in the Flutter repository [25]. However,
it often depends on the combination of the individual packages in certain versions. The configuration
used here can be compiled without problems.
1 name: chicken_maze
2 description: A game with flutter and flame.
3 version: 1.1.0
4 publish_to: none
6 environment:
7 sdk: ">=2.12.0 <3.0.0"
8 dependencies:
9 flutter:
10 sdk: flutter
11 flutter_localizations:
12 sdk: flutter
13 flame: ^1.0.0-rc8
14 flame_tiled: #^0.1.0
15 git:
16 url:
17 ref: for_tiled
19 http: ^0.13.1
20 crypto: ^3.0.1
21 shared_preferences: ^2.0.5
22 admob_flutter: ^2.0.0-nullsafety.0
23 flame_audio: ^0.1.0-rc5
24 cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2
26 dev_dependencies:
27 mysql1: ^0.19.0
29 flutter_test:
30 sdk: flutter
31 flutter_launcher_icons: ^0.9.0
33 flutter_icons:
34 android: "launcher_icon"
140 | 7 Chicken Maze
35 ios: true
36 image_path: "assets/icon/icon.png"
38 flutter:
39 assets:
40 - assets/images/logoChicken.png
41 - assets/images/chickenIcon.png
42 - assets/images/chicken.png
43 - assets/images/enemy.png
44 - assets/images/tiles.png
45 - assets/images/grain.png
46 - assets/images/pause.png
47 - assets/tiles/map1.tmx
48 - assets/tiles/map2.tmx
49 - assets/tiles/map3.tmx
50 - assets/tiles/map4.tmx
51 - assets/tiles/map5.tmx
52 - assets/tiles/map6.tmx
53 - assets/tiles/map7.tmx
54 - assets/tiles/map8.tmx
55 - assets/tiles/map9.tmx
56 - assets/tiles/map10.tmx
57 - assets/audio/chicken.mp3
58 - assets/audio/pick.mp3
59 - assets/audio/cry.mp3
60 - assets/audio/music.mp3
62 uses-material-design: true
63 fonts:
64 - family: UbuntuMono
65 fonts:
66 - asset: assets/fonts/UbuntuMono-Bold.ttf
67 - asset: assets/fonts/UbuntuMono-Regular.ttf
68 # flutter downgrade v1.22.4
69 # flutter run --no-sound-null-safety
1 import 'dart:ui';
2 import 'dart:core';
3 import 'dart:convert';
4 import 'dart:math';
7.3 The Code in Detail | 141
6 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
7 import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
8 import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show SynchronousFuture;
9 import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
10 import 'dart:core';
11 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
12 import 'dart:async';
13 import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show SynchronousFuture;
14 import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
16 import 'package:flame/flame.dart';
17 import 'package:flame/game.dart';
18 import 'package:flame/extensions.dart';
19 import 'package:flame/sprite.dart';
20 import 'package:flame/components.dart';
21 import 'package:flame/game.dart';
22 import 'package:flame/flame.dart';
23 import 'package:flame/widgets.dart';
25 import 'package:flame_tiled/flame_tiled.dart';
26 import 'package:flame_audio/flame_audio.dart';
28 import 'package:tiled/tiled.dart';
36 import 'dart:io';
37 import 'package:mysql1/mysql1.dart';
The main file 7.7 with the main function is the starting point of the game. In line 5, the
orientation is set to portrait using the tools provided by Flame. Then the size of the
screen is fetched.
142 | 7 Chicken Maze
You can use a local app store. You can store any value under a key (a string), even complex objects. The
database itself can be understood as type Map<String, dynamic>. Example: The line
(prefs) => prefs.setInt('hiScore', 23)) stores the value 23 under the entry “hiScore.”
From line 27 onward, the main widget is created. But at first, instances of the game, as
well as the single screens of the game, have to be created, and the variables are final,
because they only have to be instantiated once. Thus, an instance of the game itself
(Listing 7.7 line 32) is created, as well as the help screens: The screen that contains the
game, the start screen that is shown at the beginning, the info screen that should show
information about the game, the screen where you can change the settings of the game,
the screen where the high score is shown, the game-over screen, and a screen that is
shown during breaks. When the ChickenGame object is created in line 27, the media
files available locally in the app, thus the sprites and the audio files, are loaded there
in the constructor (Listing 7.23, line 49) using the AssetLoader helper class.
Listing 7.5 is an snippet of the AssetLoader class. In the method
init(SharedPreferences p), lines 24-28, the previously declared static variables are
provided with values once. First, the SharedPreferences are stored for later use.
The variable isPlayingEffects is initialized first. It is always set to true if an effect
sound, like the clucking of a chicken, is being played. It serves as a switch that causes
only one sound to be played at a time and not several at the same time, which could
lead to memory and performance problems, and it could cause acoustic confusion.
Note the use of the conditional assignment operator ??= for initialization. After-
ward, two singleton AudioCache objects are created, which can load and play local
sound files, one object for the effects and one for the background music respectively.
The method loadAudio() (from line 36) then loads the sound effects. assert(...)
ensures that the mentioned AudioCache objects exist. For these, the cache is first
cleared, and the sounds are loaded. The log output is also deactivated. However, log
output is still generated, but less than if this was not done, which can be confusing.
In the help view, you can read a TODO which indicates that the native Android imple-
mentation produces log output. By the way, in Android Studio, you can display the
documentation by selecting the corresponding method or expression with the cursor
7.3 The Code in Detail | 143
and pressing the F1 key. For VS-Studio code, it is sufficient to move the cursor over it.
Then the documentation is shown in a floating window.
There can be several problems when playing sound files, also the behavior can differ between iOS and
Android. With Android, looped sounds that exceed a certain length have a small pause at the end. Here
the problem was avoided by keeping the music loop short.
1 import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
2 import 'package:flame_audio/flame_audio.dart';
3 import 'package:chicken_maze/stuff/constants.dart';
4 class AssetLoader {
5 static const chickenpath = "chicken.png";
6 static const enemypath = "enemy.png";
7 static const logopath = 'logoChicken.png';
8 static const chickenSound = "chicken.mp3";
9 static const pausepath = 'pause.png';
10 static const pickSound = "pick.mp3";
11 static const crySound = "cry.mp3";
12 static const music = "music.mp3";
24 static init(SharedPreferences p) {
144 | 7 Chicken Maze
25 prefs = p;
26 isPlayingEffects ??= false;
27 player ??= FlameAudio.audioCache;
28 }
7.3.2 Localization
Then the MaterialApp is created (listing 7.7 line 39), the parameter
localizationsDelegates: gets a number of translations: a separate reference to a
class with the translations of the words occurring in the game: LangDelegate, as well as
two translation classes existing in the framework. After that, the supported languages
are listed individually (see 7.7 line 46-49).
An extra file was created for translation (see listing 7.6). The class Lang (line
21) contains the specific translation. From line 30, there is the private variable
_lokalizedValues of the type Map, which contains as keys first the language codes, e.g.,
en for English and as values further maps with the identifiers as keys and as values the
translations used in the respective language, for example 'StartGame': 'Starte Spiel'
in German. The method String t (String what), line 60, can be used to get a string
in the language set in the device. An identifier is given to this method as a parameter.
In the variable locale initialized in the constructor, you can read the language code
in the property .languageCode, e.g., “en.” Line 61 then looks in the “en” part of the
map under the entry in what and returns the English translation. This method can be
called within a widget, calling the static method Lang.of(context).t("StartGame")
returns “Start Game” in English. The LangDelegate class is responsible for providing
146 | 7 Chicken Maze
an instance of the Lang class with the appropriate language localization (see lines 12
and 13). The method .load(Locale locale) is called by the system with the correct
localization and returns a future object containing the Lang object.
For Android or iOS development, there is the possibility to enter translations in text or XML files. Flutter
does not offer this possibility. In this case, you have to access your own map data structures of the form
Map<String, Map<String, String». Detailed instructions for multilingualism can be found under [28].
1 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
2 import 'dart:async';
3 import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show SynchronousFuture;
8 @override
9 bool isSupported(Locale locale) => ['en', 'de', 'es', 'fr'].
11 @override
12 Future<Lang> load(Locale locale) {
13 return SynchronousFuture<Lang>(Lang(locale));
14 }
16 @override
17 bool shouldReload(LangDelegate old) => false;
18 }
21 class Lang {
22 Lang(this.locale);
and a lambda function that returns the corresponding pre-instanticiated pages (starting
at line 57). The keys are stored in the respective classes, as you can see later when they
are explained individually. For example, the SettingsPage class has a property route
with the string '/settings' as value.
The parameter home: (line 56) is the name of the start screen, which is the first
screen that appears at startup.
In Flutter, you can realize “simple” routing with Navigator.push(...) or “named” routing, where the
routes get a name via .pushNamed(...) or .pushReplaceNamed(...). There you have to give a unique
identifier as string as second argument (in addition to the context).
3 void main() {
4 WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
5 Flame.device.setOrientation(DeviceOrientation.portraitUp);
6 Flame.device.fullScreen();
7 SharedPreferences.getInstance().then((p) {
8 prefs = p;
9 if (!prefs.containsKey(prefHiScore)) {
10 prefs.setInt(prefHiScore, 0);
11 }
12 if (!prefs.containsKey(prefUserName)) {
13 prefs.setString(prefUserName, defaultName);
14 }
15 if (!prefs.containsKey(prefSoundEffects)) {
16 prefs.setBool(prefSoundEffects, true);
17 }
18 if (!prefs.containsKey(prefMusic)) {
19 prefs.setBool(prefMusic, true);
20 }
21 AssetLoader.init(prefs);
22 AssetLoader.loadAudio();
23 runApp(ChickenApp());
24 });
25 }
39 return MaterialApp(
40 localizationsDelegates: [
41 const LangDelegate(),
42 GlobalMaterialLocalizations.delegate,
43 GlobalWidgetsLocalizations.delegate,
44 ],
45 supportedLocales: [
46 const Locale('en'), // English
47 const Locale('de'), // German
48 const Locale('es'), // Spanish
49 const Locale('fr'), // French
50 ],
51 debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
52 checkerboardOffscreenLayers: false,
53 checkerboardRasterCacheImages: false,
54 debugShowMaterialGrid: false,
55 title: 'Chicken Maze',
56 home: startPage,
57 routes: <String, WidgetBuilder> {
58 SettingsPage.route: (context) => settingsPage,
59 AboutPage.route: (context) => aboutPage,
60 GamePage.route: (context) => gamePage,
61 LeaderBoardPage.route: (context) => leaderBoardPage,
62 GameOverPage.route: (context) => gameOverPage,
63 PausePage.route: (context) => pausePage,
64 },
65 );
66 }
67 }
150 | 7 Chicken Maze
After setup, the individual screens of the game are explained. In principle, they all have
a similar structure. The screens are not explained in the sequence of their appearance,
but listed according to their complexity — the simple, static screens first.
The About page (see figure 7.3, is a simple page containing plain text. Since nothing
much changes on the page, it is implemented as a StateLessWidget (Listing 7.8). A
reference to the game is stored in the constructor. Line 5 contains the identifier that
is used to select the page. When the widget is built, the game pauses; otherwise, it
continues running in the background (line 8). A scaffold is created again. However, it
will be given a new theme, thus a different look than the default one. The Scaffold gets
an AppBar with the title of the page, which contains the translation of the info text in
the local language (line 12).
The parameter drawer: gets a collapse menu, which is explained in the following.
This is integrated in all screens except the game itself. The content of the page is inte-
grated into the body, which comes from the function
_about(BuildContext context). It is a centered RichText with distance to the bor-
der. Unlike normal text, this text has more formatting options and can be wrapped
automatically (line 27). The text itself is looked up in the translation, under the en-
try “info.” The size of the text depends on the device and the settings, the function
getTextScale(context) returns the scaling factor, which is multiplied by the default
value of 16 pixels.
You can include the constant string for the named route in the classes of the pages as property “route”,
then there are no problems with spelling mistakes when you refer to it.
7.4 The Screens | 151
The file in Listing 7.9 contains the code that is responsible for giving the app its own look.
The scaffold from Listing 7.8 is passed to the function themed(BuildContext context,
Widget child), line 16. There, it is integrated as a child into a theme widget, which
allows a different look. This is set as ThemeData in the parameter data:. The private
function _themeData in line 1 describes this appearance. There the brightness and
colors, the font, as well as standard sizes of the text for headlines, title and body are
defined. The previously mentioned function for determining the scaling factor for the
texts can also be found in the file (in line 25, it is calculated). It is the quotient of
the screen width and the standard width of a cell phone in portrait format in density
independent pixels: 320 “Dips.” This measure is independent of the actual pixel count,
since a retina display contains more pixels than an older display. Depending on the
actual resolution, several pixels are combined to a virtual pixel, so that on displays
of the same size with different resolutions, the number of pixels is the same. The
7.4 The Screens | 153
calculated quotient is multiplied by the desired size. The result: On large displays,
the font is displayed larger. This is not desirable for every application, because in a
text application such as an editor, for example, one likes to have more space for text.
However, in a game, the screen should always look the same on different sizes. In line
28, you can define the text configuration for the actual game. Here another factor is
added, as the game area is scaled again, depending on the display.
There is a widget Theme. This has two named parameters child:, where you must specify the widget
to style and data:, where you must specify the style as a ThemeData object. Such objects can have a
lot of layout parameters, such as fontFamily: or primaryColor:.
The mentioned Drawer (fig. 7.4) is integrated into all pages (except into the game, as
mentioned). The listing 7.10 contains the function that creates the drawer. It returns
a Drawer object in line 5, with a ListView as child. This Drawer has several children,
first a DrawerHeader, that contains as child a centered column with a picture of the
chicken and the title of the game.
Then from line 16 several ListTiles follow, which contain the individual menu items.
Note that not all items are printed in the book. If the identifier of the corresponding
screen matches the parameter currentRoute passed to the function, the ListTile is
selected and shown in a different color (e.g., in line 18).
A drawer is a pop-up menu that pops up when you click on the navigation button (e.g. hamburger
button). In the material design description you can also find the drawer and get information about its
properties: [43]. Scaffolds have a named parameter, drawer:. There you can specify the Drawer object.
A Drawer can have a child (child:).
15 ),
16 ListTile(
17 title: Text(Lang.of(context)!.t('PlayGame'), textScaleFactor
: tss,),
18 selected: currentRoute == GamePage.route,
19 onTap: () {
20 if (prefs.getString(prefUserName) == defaultName) {
21 Navigator.pushReplacementNamed(context, SettingsPage.
22 } else {
23 game.startGame();
24 game.initLevel();
25 game.paused = false;
26 Navigator.pushReplacementNamed(context, GamePage.route);
27 }
28 },
29 ),
30 ListTile(
31 title: Text(Lang.of(context)!.t('HighScores'),
textScaleFactor: tss,),
32 selected: currentRoute == LeaderBoardPage.route,
33 onTap: () {
34 Navigator.pushReplacementNamed(context, LeaderBoardPage.
35 },
36 ),
37 ],
38 ),
39 );
40 }
156 | 7 Chicken Maze
The start page (fig. 7.5) is similar in structure to the about page. In the listing 7.11, line 5 is
the identifier for the page and the Widget build(BuildContext context) is identical.
The content is assembled in the Widget _start(BuildContext context) function.
First, the chicken logo is inserted as an animation. For this purpose, a help function
AssetLoader.getChickenWidget(...) is used, which displays a Flame animation at a
certain position (lines 18 and listing 7.5, lines 43-64). Normally, animations in Flame
are not widgets, but rendered directly on the game’s drawing surface. In a column,
first the title “Chicken Maze” and then the logo animation (line 29) is displayed. This is
enlarged to the maximum.
7.4 The Screens | 157
The SpriteAnimationWidget of Flame basically generates a widget with a small Flame game in it.
However, it only contains the specified Flame animation.
Below, there is a button (line 33). The button is a self-created widget, which is often
used in the game. If it is pressed, the system checks whether a name has already been
assigned to the player. If not, the settings page is displayed, where you have to enter a
name first (line 36). If the name has already been changed, the game is started (lines
38-39). The text for the button comes from the translation file, as described (see 7.3.2).
20 return Center(
21 child: Column(children: <Widget>[
22 Container(
23 padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 50, bottom: 50),
24 child: Text(
25 "Chicken Maze",
26 style: TextStyle(fontSize: 38 * getTextScale(context)),
27 )),
28 Expanded(
29 child: chicken,
30 ),
31 Container(
158 | 7 Chicken Maze
The settings page (fig. 7.6) is a StateFulWidget, as it does not always have the same state.
In the listing 7.12, the state class is defined starting at line 15. The state variables are
declared in lines 17-20. In the method initState() they are initialized with the values
from the locally stored settings. The Widget build(BuildContext Context) method in
lines 31-36 builds the framework according to the logic already described. The content
of the body with the elements for configuration is created in the Widget _settings()
method in line 39. First comes a text with the request to enter the name, followed by an
editable TextField. When activated (line 50), the other GUI elements, the switches for
the sounds, are hidden by setting the areSwitchesVisible state variable to false. In
line 73, there is a Visibility widget with the switch and its label as a child, the visibility
of the widget is linked there to the named state variable.
The reason for hiding when the text field is activated is that the software keyboard
that appears needs additional space and the page becomes confusing. When the input
is completed, the button is faded in again (starting at line 51) and the keyboard is
hidden by taking the focus off the TextField (line 55). In lines 64-70, the contents
of the TextField are used as text for the new user name. It is trimmed before, thus
removing white space that surrounds the text, then the state variable userName and
the local memory is updated by the variable prefUserName. The switch for activating
and deactivating the sound effect within the Visibility widget is provided with a text
7.4 The Screens | 159
in line 77, which, depending on the state variable soundEffects, is a translated text
of “Sound on” or “Sound off.” In lines 81-85, the state and preference variables are
changed accordingly. In the source code there is more code for a switch to turn music
on and off, which changes the state variable music. This is not printed in the book,
because it has essentially the same function. At the bottom there is another button to
start the game, if you have already changed the name, or it is deactivated (see line 96).
If widgets no longer fit on the screen due to lack of space, a black and yellow stripe is displayed as a
warning, in the place where the layout is not correct. This can happen if inner widgets are larger than
the screen dimensions. Especially the software keyboard should be handled with care. It is advisable to
test the functionality on different devices, even in portrait or landscape format, if you have not disabled
rotation. In our example, elements are hidden to balance out the lack of space. Another approach is to
make the contents scrollable. For example, you could move the root widget to a SingleChildScrollView
as its child.
160 | 7 Chicken Maze
6 SettingsPage(;
8 @override
9 State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
10 game.paused = true;
11 return SettingsPageState();
12 }
13 }
22 @override
23 void initState() {
24 super.initState();
25 userName =!;
26 soundEffects =!;
27 music =!;
28 areSwitchesVisible = true;
29 }
39 Widget _settings() {
7.4 The Screens | 161
40 double ts = getTextScale(context);
41 return Center(
42 child: Padding(
43 padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 20.0 * ts, right: 20.0 * ts),
44 child: Column(
45 mainAxisAlignment:,
46 crossAxisAlignment:,
47 children: <Widget>[
48 Text(Lang.of(context)!.t("EnterYourPlayerName")),
49 TextField(
50 onTap: () => setState(() => areSwitchesVisible = false )
51 onEditingComplete: () {
52 setState(() {
53 areSwitchesVisible = true;
54 //Hide Keyboard
55 FocusScope.of(context).requestFocus(new FocusNode());
56 });
57 },
58 maxLength: 30,
59 textAlign:,
60 style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20 * ts),
61 decoration: InputDecoration(
62 hintText: userName,
63 ),
64 onChanged: (name) {
65 String nam = name.trim() == "" ? defaultName : name.
66 setState(() {
67 userName = nam;
68 });
69, nam);
70 },
71 ),
72 Text(userName == defaultName ? Lang.of(context)!.t("
YouHaveToEnterANameToPlay") : Lang.of(context)!.t("
YourName") + ": " + userName),
73 Visibility(visible: areSwitchesVisible, child:
74 Padding (
75 padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 5.0 * ts, ),
76 child: Column(children: <Widget>[
162 | 7 Chicken Maze
Before explaining the game in greater detail, the screens displayed within the game
are explained below. The pause page (fig. 7.7) is a StateLessWidget that consists of only
two buttons. It is displayed after pressing the pause button in the game. In the listing
7.13, they are generated in the function _start(BuildContext context) (starting at
line 15), which represents the body of the page. The first button cancels the running
game and reinitializes it. The second button resumes the paused game: after setting
the variable paused of the game to false, the navigator replaces the screen with the
game screen.
164 | 7 Chicken Maze
6 PausePage(;
The game over page (fig. 7.8) is a StateLessWidget which is displayed after the end
of the game when all lives are used up. In the listing 7.14 from line 16 on, the body
is created in the function _gameOver() which returns a FutureBuilder<bool> object.
This is a StateFulWidget whose structure depends on the result of an asynchronous
operation. Here, after the current score has been entered in the high score table, the
text “New high score” should appear, depending on whether it is a new high score.
This is decided in the function setHiScore(in score) from Listing 7.15, line 3, which
returns a Future<bool> object.
The current high score from the SharedPreferences is waited for, which is updated
from line 7 if necessary. Subsequently, the function returns true or false as a future,
depending on whether it is a new high score or not. The mentioned SharedPreferences
are delivered asynchronously via a future object, which has to be waited for (line 4).
166 | 7 Chicken Maze
This makes the whole action also asynchronous and leads to the result that the layout
of the game over page with the mentioned text has to be generated via a FutureBuilder.
A FutureBuilder widget waits for the end of an asynchronous operation future:. Its result is reported
to builder:, which can build the widget differently depending on it.
This is a bit cumbersome. But this procedure illustrates the single-threaded philosophy
in Dart, where there are no blocking operations. What seems complicated here is actu-
ally a simplification, because you are not required to program parallel running program
parts (threads), which have to be synchronized, like it is the case in, for example, Java.
So, no inconsistencies occur. Deadlocks, thus mutually blocking program parts, are
also avoided. All in all, the software seems to be more fluent because there are no states
in which the app freezes waiting for the result of an operation. In line 6 in Listing 7.15
the command
await LeaderBoard.setScore(score) updates the high score on the server (more
about this later).
16 FutureBuilder<bool> _gameOver() {
17 var score =;
18 return FutureBuilder<bool>(
19 future: HiScore.setHiScore(score),
20 builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<bool> hi) {
21 var sc = getTextScale(context);
22 var w = 170 * sc;
7.4 The Screens | 167
39 list.add(
40 Container(
41 padding: pd,
42 child: Text(
43 Lang.of(context)!.t("GameOver"),
44 style: ts,
45 )),
46 );
47 list.add(Container(
48 padding: pd,
49 child: Text(
50 Lang.of(context)!.t("YourScore") + " $score",
51 style: ts,
52 )));
53 list.add(Expanded(child: chicken));
54 list.add(Container(
55 padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 10 * sc, bottom: 50 * sc),
56 child: FineButton(
57 onPressed: () {
58 game.startGame();
59 game.initLevel();
60 game.paused = false;
61 Navigator.pushReplacementNamed(context, GamePage.
62 },
63 text: Lang.of(context)!.t("PlayAgain"))));
168 | 7 Chicken Maze
65 return Center(
66 child: Column(children: list),
67 );
68 });
69 }
70 }
1 class HiScore {
The stateful widget LeaderBoardPage (listing 7.16) shows the best players. The data
from this is fetched from a server. From line 17 on, the layout widget is built, the content
of the body is created from line 25 on as a FutureBuilder widget. The future, thus the
data, is fetched as a two-dimensional string array from the auxiliary class LeaderBoard
(see listing 7.18, line 3). If no data is available or could be loaded (line 31), the following
text or corresponding translation is displayed: “Wait for Loading.”
In lines 36-38, lists are created for the columns that hold the ranking, the list for
the scores and the names of the players. In lines 40-42, the column header entries
are written. Then all entries of the list from the server are numbered and entered in
a loop. Afterward, a list is generated from line 53 on, by a ListView.builder call. The
length of the list itemCount: is the length of the server entries. The itemBuilder: is a
lambda function is always given the respective index, starting from 0. A row with the
corresponding list entries is generated for the current index. The entries are split using
7.4 The Screens | 169
the flex: parameter of the Expanded widget: 1 to 3 of the total width (lines 61-63) (see
figure 7.9).
You can control the distribution of column layouts using the flex: factor of the Expanded Widget. For
each Expanded in a row you can specify how much space it can get. If you do not specify any parameters,
the columns are distributed evenly.
170 | 7 Chicken Maze
6 LeaderBoardPage(;
7 @override
8 State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
9 return LeaderBoardPageState();
10 }
11 }
25 FutureBuilder<List<List<String>>> _leaderBoard() {
27 return FutureBuilder<List<List<String>>>(
28 future: LeaderBoard.getHiScore(),
29 builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<List<List<String
>>> snapshot) {
30 scores =!;
31 if (scores.length == 0) {
32 return Container(
33 child: Center( child: Text(Lang.of(context)!.t("
WaitForLoading"), ), ),
34 );
35 }
36 List<String> rankList = <String>[];
7.4 The Screens | 171
72 }
73 }
On the server, the top 100 of the best of all players are managed. How the server is
implemented or manages the data is not relevant at first.
The method getHiScore() in listing 7.18 asks the server for the high score by calling a
script. This script responds to the HTTP get request (lines 6-8) and returns a result with
entries separated by HTML line breaks <br> with the name and the high score; each
separated by a comma. If the server query is not possible, an exception is thrown (line
19), which then returns the empty list.
When sending the high score data to the server, an additional authentication mech-
anism is implemented. The method setScore(int score) first fetches the username
which is transmitted together with the high score (lines 26-27). Then, in lines 30-33,
a hash value is formed from the name, the score, and a secret key (line 31) known to
both the client and the server. If the procedure is unclear: As already mentioned, a
hash value formed by the Sha-256 algorithm from a string of any length always has the
same length, so that you always get the same hash value from identical strings, but
you cannot calculate back the string from the hash value. The reason is that several
strings can result in the same hash value. In lines 35-37, the name, score and hash value
are transmitted to the server as “get” variables. There, the hash value is re-calculated
and compared to see if the values match. If so, the request to enter the new score
probably comes from the client who knows the secret hash value. Subsequently, the
score and the name are written into the database. This procedure does not offer a safe
protection against manipulation, because attackers could always manipulate the game
directly and include so-called cheats, which, for example, influence the number of
lives. This approach offers some protection against manipulation of the data during
transmission, at least if one assumes that attackers did not extract the secret key from
the app. For Android, you have to allow Internet access in the AndroidManifest.xml file,
in the android/app/src/main folder (add lines 1 and 3 from listing 7.17).
HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) is a type of authentication using a hash value: A
hash value is formed by a hashing procedure (here: SHA256), from a message to be transmitted and a
secret key that is present on both sides of the transmission. It is transmitted together with the message.
There, the hash value is formed again from the message and the secret key. If the hash values match,
the message is transmitted from a location that also owns the secret key.
1 class LeaderBoard {
44 }
45 }
Since the communication with the server occurs via the HTTP protocol, the implemen-
tation of server scripts is independent of the technology used. You could use a LAMP
stack, with a Linux operating system, an Apache web server (or NGINX), with MySQL
(or MariaDB) as database and PHP as scripting language. But you could also use Dart
as scripting language, which is described here. Listing 7.21 is the implementation of the
dart server. It consists of two functions, a function which returns the high score list and
a function that creates a new high score entry. For this purpose, the script establishes
a connection to a SQL database. A running database server is, therefore, needed. In
Listing 7.19, you see the SQL-Script that creates the database table. The table has only
three columns: one column ID, which is incremented with each entry, one column with
strings for the names of the players and one entry for their score. The connections data
is read from the file 7.20. The function getConnectionSettings() returns a Connec-
tionSettings object. Here you enter all information for the SQL database connection,
thus its domain or IP address, the port under which the service is available, username/-
password, and the database you want to use. In the configuration file you should also
configure the dart server: First of all, you have to define the type of internet address
the dart server should be reachable through. The package dart:io can handle IPV4 or
V6 addresses. The port through which the HTTP server can be reached is specified. It
is followed by the name of the table with the high scores and a secret key. This must
match the secret key from the app, thus the game.
You can start the server with the command dart server.dart. Before, you have to
ensure that you have installed the Mysql1 package and the crypto package of Dart. On
176 | 7 Chicken Maze
the development machine, you can easily do this via the global pubspec.yaml file by
selecting the dependencies: or the dev_dependencies:the package mysql1: ^0.19.0
and crypto: ^3.0.1 and then install it with flutter pub get. On the high score server,
you do not need to install Flutter. There, it would make sense to create a separate
pubspec.yaml file with the mentioned entry. Then you can use pub get to install the
library with the standard package manager of Dart.
The main function in Listing 7.21 creates a web server. The address at which it
can be reached is then the address assigned to the host and the specified port. With
a console command, like ipconfig getifaddr en0 under macOS or Linux, you can
find out the IP address that the computer and the server on the LAN has. From line 3,
all requests to the server are handled. Depending on the value of the GET parameter
“q” a distinction is made. If values shall be read or written, then the corresponding
functions are called. The function _foo(HttpRequest request) is only a test function,
which outputs a message as HTML text. It is used to test the HTTP server. From line 18,
the function _get(HttpRequest request) , which generates the high-score list, is in
the source code. This is simple: First the ContentType of the response is set to HTML
text with Unicode character. Next, a connection to the SQL-Server is established with
the described connection data. Line 21 waits for the response of an SQL query. This
is a list of names and scores, arranged in descending order (DESC), according to the
scores. The entries are written into the response line by line, separated by commas,
and provided with an HTML line break <br>. The connection to the database is closed
and the request is sent.
The function _set(HttpRequest request) has the task to write the scores into
the database. As response, only a “ok” is returned. The HTML output of the functions
allows you to call the HTML interface from your browser and get a response. Additional
GET parameters are passed to the function call: “name,” “score” and “hash.” The
request looks as follows: As you can
see, the parameters in lines 31-33 are extracted from the request. In lines 34-37, a hash
value is generated from the name, score and secret key using the Sha-256 algorithm.
This is then compared in line 38 with the hash value supplied by the client. If the
values do not match, the function is terminated, and the score is not transferred to the
database. If an attacker from outside the client tries to submit a score, he must be able
to form the correct hash value with knowing the secret key. In line 43, all characters
except letters and spaces are removed from the name. Line 46 then checks whether
the name and the score exist in the database. If so, the function is terminated so that
no duplicate entries are present. Otherwise, line 50 is used to write the data into the
database. From line 51, the number of entries is checked. If there are more than 100
entries, the excess worst score entries are removed from the database in line 55.
7.5 Server Query | 177
To test the script locally, you have to install the “mysql1” and the “crypto” package for Dart. Since
the server is the local machine and these packages are already in the project’s pubspec.yaml file,
they should already be installed. Next, you need the local IP address of the development machine.
Otherwise, the emulator or the test device cannot connect to the development machine. Localhost
“” does not work. It should be an address of the kind “” Next, an SQL server
should be installed on the development computer. During the creation of the example project, the
XAMPP package [30] was used; the native version and not the version with the virtual Linux environment
(VM), recognizable by the ending “vm.dmg” during download. So, you can easily install the database
table (Listing 7.19) via PHPMyAdmin. You only have to create (send) a database and upload the SQL
with the import function. Please note that the SQL version of XAMPP does not have a password set, but
you have to set it when you connect. Thus, it is best to set a password for the user (root-root for the test
system and the example). Of course, you can use all other possible variants of server environments for
1 import 'dart:io';
2 import 'package:mysql1/mysql1.dart';
4 ConnectionSettings getConnectionSettings() {
5 return new ConnectionSettings(
6 host: '',
7 port: 8889,
8 user: 'root',
9 password: 'root',
10 db: 'chicken',
11 );
12 }
178 | 7 Chicken Maze
54 if (toDelete > 0) {
55 await mySqlConn.query("delete from $highScoreTable order
by score asc limit ?", [toDelete]);
56 }
58 request.response.write('ok');
59 await mySqlConn.close();
60 await request.response.close();
61 }
180 | 7 Chicken Maze
So far, all pages of the app have been explained, except the actual page of the game.
This is divided into classes for the game elements. The programming logic was im-
plemented with Flutter and Dart, but such a game logic could be realized with many
other languages and frameworks. Nevertheless, there are some special Dart and Flutter
features. Furthermore, the project is a good example of how to realize more complex
projects with these technologies. Two screenshots from two different levels can be seen
in figure 7.10.
First, there is a widget that contains the actual game (see the code in Listing 7.22). The
page is a stateless widget and has a string for the route (line 3). The constructor is given
an instance (object) for the game from the main method. There is only one instance for
the game. Here it is initialized. Finally, the widget of the game is returned by the build
6 GamePage(this.chickenGame);
In Listing 7.23, you can see the extensive implementation for the actual game. The game
uses a TapDetector mixin to enable the game to respond to finger touches. First, the
instance variables that are needed are shown. There is one variable for the chicken,
thus the game character itself, which is controlled by the user. Also, there is a variable
for the labyrinth, where everything takes place.
7.6 The Game Logic | 181
Then there is a variable for the image, which serves as a graphic for the pause button.
Two variables that are necessary to realize the function of a pause because of the change
of level or because of the loss of a life. Here the pause is fixed at 800 milliseconds. Then
the logic to pause the game follows: A setter (line 12) not only sets a bool variable to
the appropriate value but also stops or starts the background music. The getter returns
the pause state. Such pauses occur when advertisements are displayed, or the app is
running in the background of the operating system. Flutter also provides support for
reacting to a lifecycle change as usual in Android app programming (see [7]). The Mixin
WidgetsBindingObserver makes this possible. It is already integrated in a superclass
of the game, and in line 40 the method lifecycleStateChange(AppLifecycleState
state) is overwritten. If the global state of the app is changed, it gets activated. There
the setter paused is set to false if the game is not running.
In the following, declarations are added to the variables, for example, a variable
direction, which indicates the global direction of the main character. Then a variable
inputHandler that creates an InputHandler object, representing the instance of an
182 | 7 Chicken Maze
auxiliary class, which triggers an action when inputting with the finger. There the game
logic is implemented (see section 7.6.3).
This is followed in line 30 by a variable with the list of enemy chickens. Next follows
a variable screenTileDimensions, which contains the number of tiles that fit on the
actual screen. There ist the variable for the score (score). The tile position where the
chicken reappears after death is noted in the variable spawnPos. The next lines are: a
variable for the level number level, the flutter context (context), the local app memory
prefs, and the scale factor, depending on the device scaleFactor.
The variables are initialized in the constructor from line 44 onwards: The construc-
tor is given the dimensions of the screen and the context. The Google Ads are initialized.
The game is paused first, as long as it has not been started, the images are loaded, the
pause button and the level number are initialized.
When initialized (line 57), the scaling factor is determined (an empirical value); an
optimal resolution for vintage computers of 320 horizontal pixels is assumed and
calculated with the current width. This also results in good scaling for tablets. Then
the value for the screenTileDimensions is determined. The calculation includes the
mentioned scaling, the screen size and the raster width of a tile.
The method startGame() (line 69) starts the game from the beginning, the level is
set to 1 and the score to 0. A new game character is created. The direction of movement
is set to no movement and the pause button is switched off.
The method initLevel() (line 76) sets the first reset position of the chicken to the
position x:1 and y:0, which is always the start position in every level. A labyrinth is
created, and, starting from the labyrinth of the current level, all enemies appear that
are provided at corresponding positions in the level. The InputHandler is created, then
the music begins.
restartLevel() (line 87) restarts the level if a chicken life has been lost. The
current direction of movement of the chicken is set to none, the pause page is shown
because paused is set to true. Then a timer is set, which shows an advertisement after
the pause time has expired.
In line 99, the game loop starts. For this purpose, BaseGame provides the method
render(Canvas canvas). First, the drawing area is adjusted to the scaling adapted for
the device. Then, it is checked if the game was paused because of the level change or
the loss of life. If so, the pause display is shown, and the render loop is terminated.
7.6 The Game Logic | 183
After that, it is checked if an advertisement should be shown or if the maze is not ready
yet, in this case, the method is also finished immediately.
In line 112, the labyrinth is moved to the position in the area where the chicken
is located. The movement of the game character is a mixture of movement across the
screen and a movement of the background. Then the labyrinth is rendered. From line
114 on, it is dealing with the enemies: it is compared if each enemy is still alive and if it
is on the same position as the chicken. If the chicken has power points, the enemy is
killed, and one power point is taken away from the chicken. If not, one life is taken
from the chicken. If it has remaining lives, the chicken and its enemies are reset to
their initial positions and the level is restarted. The enemies are moved by calling the
method update() and then drawn. After iteration of all enemies, it is checked if the
chicken has arrived at the exit of the maze. The exit is not determined specifically
for each level, but is always at the bottom right, where there is always a wall to the
right of the chicken (see line 138). Then the number of the level is increased. If all
levels have already been played, the game starts from the beginning, but the score
and lives are not reset. Then the origin of the coordinates is set back to zero using
canvas.restore(), which is important to draw the scoreboard on the screen and in the
next pass of the game loop everything will be relocated from zero again. Furthermore,
it should give the impression that the chicken is moving through the maze by moving
the background with the maze and all objects in it, including the enemies. The chicken
itself should never leave the screen area, so it is always visible on the screen. So only
here the chicken is updated and drawn.
You can define absolute positions on the canvas drawing area, but you can also move the drawing
area with .translate(...) and scale it with .scale(...). You can then restore the original state with
Starting at line 152, the scoreboard is created. Two TextPainter objects with the global
text settings, the correct scaling and translation of the text and the current values for
level, life and power are drawn in the center of the top.
In the method showPause(Canvas canvas) from line 168, only the extensive draw-
ing of the textual information of the game pause state is outsourced. And only the level
and the lives are shown. It must be noted that there is the pause state, which occurs
when the level changes and a life is lost, which is drawn here. The pause page as a
widget is the extra page that is displayed when the pause button is pressed (see section
The method onTapDown(TapDownDetails evt) is called is called by the TapDetector
mixin when the screen is touched. If the touch is within the range of the image for the
pause button, the pause page (the widget) is displayed. Otherwise the coordinates of
184 | 7 Chicken Maze
the touch point are passed on to the InputHandler, which takes care of the handling of
the event in the running game (see listing 7.24).
At the end of the class, there is the method update(double t) that is overwritten
(from BaseGame). This method is called automatically in every frame. It is checked if
the game is over. In such a case, the game is paused and then the “Game Over” page is
12 set paused(bool p) {
13 if (p != _paused) {
14 if (p) {
15 AssetLoader.stopMusic();
16 } else {
17 AssetLoader.startMusic();
18 }
19 }
20 _paused = p;
21 }
39 @override
40 void lifecycleStateChange(AppLifecycleState state) {
41 paused = state.index != AppLifecycleState.resumed.index;
42 }
69 void startGame() {
70 chicken.lives = 3;
71 chicken.canKill = 0;
72 direction = Direction.none;
73 paused = false;
74 }
76 void initLevel() {
186 | 7 Chicken Maze
87 void restartLevel() {
88 paused = true;
89 direction = Direction.none;
90 _timerPaused = true;
91 _pauseTimer = Timer(Duration(milliseconds: pauseMillis), () {
92 _timerPaused = false;
94 });
95 }
119 chicken.canKill--;
120 continue;
121 }
122 // Hit by enemy
123 AssetLoader.cry();
124 chicken.lives--;
125 // More lives left?
126 if (chicken.lives > 0) {
127 //Reset chicken and enemies to pos
128 chicken.beamToPos(spawnPos.x, spawnPos.y);
129 enemies.forEach((e) => e.initPos(e.initialPos.x, e.
130 restartLevel();
131 }
132 break;
133 }
134 e.update();
135 e.render(canvas);
136 }
137 //Check if next level?
138 if (maze.tileDimensions.x - 2 == chicken.mapPos.x &&
139 maze.tileDimensions.y - 1 == chicken.mapPos.y) {
140 level++;
141 // If end then repeat
142 if (level > maxLevel) level = 1;
143 initLevel();
144 restartLevel();
145 }
146 canvas.restore();
147 canvas.scale(scaleFactor);
148 chicken.update(direction);
149 chicken.render(canvas);
193 txt.height / 2 +
194 ctxt.height * 2)); // position
195 }
197 @override
198 void onTapDown(TapDownDetails evt) {
199 if (!_loaded) return;
200 var xp = evt.globalPosition.dx;
201 var yp = evt.globalPosition.dy;
202 if (paused || !maze.initialized) return;
203 if (xp < raster * scaleFactor &&
204 yp > this._dimensions.height - raster * scaleFactor) {
205 // Pause
206 this.paused = true;
207 Navigator.pushReplacementNamed(context, PausePage.route);
208 } else {
209 inputHandler.touched(xp, yp);
210 print("Chicken: ${chicken.mapPos.x}, ${chicken.mapPos.y}");
211 }
212 }
214 @override
215 void update(double t) {
216 super.update(t);
217 if (!_loaded) return;
218 if (!paused && chicken.lives <= 0) {
219 paused = true;
220 this._timerPaused = true;
221 this._pauseTimer = Timer(Duration(milliseconds: pauseMillis),
() {
222 _timerPaused = false;
223 Navigator.of(context).pushReplacementNamed(GameOverPage.route)
224 });
225 }
226 }
227 }
190 | 7 Chicken Maze
Listing 7.24 contains the code for the InputHandler, which processes the touch events
for the running game. The method touched(double xp, double yp) from line 103 on
takes the position of the finger on the screen. First, the actual coordinates of the chicken
on the screen are calculated and then the distance to the finger position is determined.
If the absolute amount of the horizontal distance is greater than the vertical distance,
the finger is more in a horizontal position to the chicken. Now we have to decide if
the distance is positive or negative, thus if the finger was on the right or left side of
the chicken. The protected method _moveDir(Direction dir) is called with the value
Direction.left or Direction.right. The vertical directions are determined in the same
In the mentioned method from line 9 onward, a test is run to see if there is already
movement. If so, the execution of the method is aborted. Otherwise, for each direction
of movement starting with Direction.up, it is determined whether the next position is
an obstacle. If yes, it is checked if the chicken still has force pills (canKill) and if the
obstacle is a wall that can be opened. If this is true, the wall is opened by increasing the
tile-id by one, which represents the tile with the image of the open wall. The chicken
clucks and the method is finished. If there is no obstacle at the next position, the
animation of the chicken is changed by one phase and the direction of movement of
the whole game is set to the corresponding direction. Then, it is still decided whether
the chicken or the background should move: To make the game look more dynamic,
the chicken should not only be centered in the middle of the screen but move across
the screen.
Only when it reaches the border, the background moves instead of the chicken. If
you navigate the chicken in the opposite direction, it should move to the opposite side of
the screen and only then the background moves in the opposite direction. Additionally,
you have to consider that you have to tap in front of the chicken with your finger to
move it in the desired direction. But if the chicken is at the border, you cannot navigate
it in the direction of the border. Therefore, when the chicken is three or two tiles in
front of the border, the background is moved instead of the chicken. So, one finger
still fits between chicken and border. Since the mobile devices are longer than they are
broad (in portrait mode), this happens three tiles earlier for vertical movements and
two tiles earlier for horizontal movements (see lines 26-30).
7.6 The Game Logic | 191
1 class InputHandler {
2 ChickenGame game;
3 Maze maze;
4 Chicken chicken;
38 chicken.canKill--;
39 tile.tileId = passageOpened[0];
40 tile.gid = tile.tileId + 1; //id!= gid
41 }
42 chicken.sound();
43 return;
44 }
45 chicken.currentAnimation.update(1);
46 // is chicken not at bottom edge?
47 game.direction = Direction.down;
48 if (chicken.screenPos.y < maze.screenTileDimensions.y - 4) {
49 chicken.move(Direction.down);
50 } else if (maze.bgrTilePos.y >
51 -maze.tileDimensions.y - 3 + maze.screenTileDimensions.y) {
52 maze.moveTileMap(Direction.up);
53 }
54 }
55 if (dir == Direction.left) {
56 if (maze.isObstacle(chicken.mapPos.x - 1, chicken.mapPos.y)) {
57 //Make a hole?
58 Tile tile =
59 maze.getTileFromLayer(0, chicken.mapPos.x - 1, chicken.
60 if (chicken.canKill > 0 && tile.tileId == passageClosed[1]) {
61 chicken.canKill--;
62 tile.tileId = passageOpened[1];
63 tile.gid = tile.tileId + 1;
64 }
65 chicken.sound();
66 return;
67 }
68 chicken.currentAnimation.update(1);
69 game.direction = Direction.left;
70 // is chicken not at left edge?
71 if (chicken.screenPos.x > 2) {
72 chicken.move(Direction.left);
73 } else if (maze.bgrTilePos.x < 2) {
74 maze.moveTileMap(Direction.right);
75 }
76 }
78 if (dir == Direction.right) {
7.6 The Game Logic | 193
79 if (maze.isObstacle(chicken.mapPos.x + 1, chicken.mapPos.y)) {
80 //Make a hole?
81 Tile tile =
82 maze.getTileFromLayer(0, chicken.mapPos.x + 1, chicken.
83 if (chicken.canKill > 0 && tile.tileId == passageClosed[1]) {
84 chicken.canKill--;
85 tile.tileId = passageOpened[1];
86 tile.gid = tile.tileId + 1;
87 }
88 chicken.sound();
89 return;
90 }
91 chicken.currentAnimation.update(1);
92 game.direction = Direction.right;
93 // is chicken not at right edge?
94 if (chicken.screenPos.x < maze.screenTileDimensions.x - 3) {
95 chicken.move(Direction.right);
96 } else if (maze.bgrTilePos.x >
97 -maze.tileDimensions.x - 2 + maze.screenTileDimensions.x) {
98 maze.moveTileMap(Direction.left);
99 }
100 }
101 }
120 // Verti
121 if (dY > 0) {
122 // D
123 _moveDir(Direction.down);
124 } else {
125 // U
126 _moveDir(Direction.up);
127 }
128 }
129 maze.tiles.generate(); // Update Map
130 }
131 }
In addition to the labyrinth with its obstacles and objects, there are the creatures that
move. These are the chicken and its enemies. Both inherit from an abstract superclass
Animal. This class describes the abilities and characteristics that both types of crea-
tures have in common. You can read about them in Listing 7.25: Both creatures have
animations for the movements in the four directions and an animation for standing.
They have a method initPos(int x, int y), where you can set the starting position
in the labyrinth.
There, several variables for positions are initialized: mapPos, a vector with integers
that defines the tile position on the map, screenPos, also an integer vector for the tile
position on the screen, pos, a vector for the actual position on the screen in pixels,
and targetPos, a vector for the target position in pixels. These variables are necessary
to guarantee be a smooth transition between two tile positions. Both have a method
render(Canvas canvas) to draw the sprites of the current frame of the currently active
animation. The common method move(Direction dir) sets the new current posi-
tions and the target positions (tiles and pixels on screen and map). How exactly the
movement in the subclasses works has to be planned separately in the (here abstract)
method void update([Direction direction]) in order for its implementation. You
can optionally specify a direction here. This is necessary for the chicken, because it
is controlled by the player but not for the enemy. The enemy should decide by itself
where to turn. Finally, there is an abstract method void sound(), which gives both
characters the possibility to make a sound.
7.6 The Game Logic | 195
15 Animal(,
16 {required this.mapPos,
17 required this.animationLeft,
18 required this.animationRight,
19 required this.animationUp,
20 required this.animationDown,
21 required this.animationIdle}) {
22 initPos(1, 0);
23 currentAnimation = animationIdle;
24 }
41 }
70 // Abstract
74 void sound();
75 }
7.6 The Game Logic | 197
The class Chicken is a subclass of Animal, see listing 7.26. In the constructor, all ani-
mations are initialized first, the lives are set to three at the beginning of the game and
the superpower to the value 0 (canKill). The methodbeamToPos(int x, int y) sets
the chicken to any position. This is important if the chicken has passed a so-called
“respawn” point. Then the chicken can reappear at this point if it was killed and still
has lives. First, the center of the screen tiles is determined, rounded to an integer. This
position serves as the center point on the screen. Then the movement is set to none. The
position in the maze is then moved by the negated desired position of the parameter
variables (line 26).
The extensive method update([Direction direction = Direction.none]) (at
line 33) is the control logic of the chicken. Here the following is done for the respective
direction: the corresponding direction animation (with foot left/right) is taken as the
current animation. If the chicken has not yet arrived at the target position, the move-
ment in this direction follows with a constant speed. Also, the concerning background,
the labyrinth is moved in the opposite direction if it still has to be moved. However,
when the chicken and the background have arrived at the positions, the direction of
movement is set to none, the idle-animation (idle(), line 81) is started in two seconds
from the end of the movement and tested if there is a grain at the position. In the
case there is, the chicken eats it. This is done for all four directions. Note that the
global movement direction is set by the InputHandler (7.6.3) and is only changed if
a movement has been completed and the global game direction (game.direction) is
none. The method itself (update(...)) is called in the game loop (see section 7.6.2) with
the global game direction. This way, a soft animation is always performed between the
tile positions until the target is reached.
14 Timer? timer;
198 | 7 Chicken Maze
32 @override
33 void update([Direction direction = Direction.none]) {
34 if (direction == Direction.right) {
35 currentAnimation = animationRight;
36 if (pos.x < targetPos.x) pos.x += chickenSpeed;
37 if (game.maze.bgrPos.x > game.maze.bgrTargetPos.x)
38 game.maze.bgrPos.x -= chickenSpeed;
39 if (pos.x >= targetPos.x &&
40 game.maze.bgrPos.x <= game.maze.bgrTargetPos.x) {
41 game.direction = Direction.none;
42 idle();
43 game.maze.checkGrain(mapPos.x, mapPos.y);
44 }
45 } else if (direction == Direction.left) {
46 currentAnimation = animationLeft;
47 if (pos.x > targetPos.x) pos.x -= chickenSpeed;
48 if (game.maze.bgrPos.x < game.maze.bgrTargetPos.x)
49 game.maze.bgrPos.x += chickenSpeed;
50 if (pos.x <= targetPos.x &&
51 game.maze.bgrPos.x >= game.maze.bgrTargetPos.x) {
52 game.direction = Direction.none;
53 idle();
54 game.maze.checkGrain(mapPos.x, mapPos.y);
7.6 The Game Logic | 199
55 }
56 } else if (direction == Direction.down) {
57 currentAnimation = animationDown;
58 if (pos.y < targetPos.y) pos.y += chickenSpeed;
59 if (game.maze.bgrPos.y > game.maze.bgrTargetPos.y)
60 game.maze.bgrPos.y -= chickenSpeed;
61 if (pos.y >= targetPos.y &&
62 game.maze.bgrPos.y <= game.maze.bgrTargetPos.y) {
63 game.direction = Direction.none;
64 idle();
65 game.maze.checkGrain(mapPos.x, mapPos.y);
66 }
67 } else if (direction == Direction.up) {
68 currentAnimation = animationUp;
69 if (pos.y > targetPos.y) pos.y -= chickenSpeed;
70 if (game.maze.bgrPos.y < game.maze.bgrTargetPos.y)
71 game.maze.bgrPos.y += chickenSpeed;
72 if (pos.y <= targetPos.y &&
73 game.maze.bgrPos.y >= game.maze.bgrTargetPos.y) {
74 game.direction = Direction.none;
75 idle();
76 game.maze.checkGrain(mapPos.x, mapPos.y);
77 }
78 }
79 }
81 void idle() {
82 timer?.stop();
83 timer = Timer(2000, callback: () {
84 if (game.direction == Direction.none) {
85 currentAnimation = animationIdle;
86 }
87 });
88 }
90 @override
91 void sound() {
92 AssetLoader.cluck();
93 }
94 }
200 | 7 Chicken Maze
The realization of the enemies can be found in Listing 7.27. The enemies, unlike the
chicken, have an individual direction of movement, a fixed speed, a random component
that can change the movement spontaneously, and they are either dead or alive. In
the constructor, the animations are assigned, and the variables are initialized. The
logic of the enemies, the AI, as one might say, can be found mainly in the method
nextPossibleDirection(). At first it is checked, if the enemy sees the chicken. For this
purpose, the method Direction chickenSpotted() is called, which does the following:
Here it is checked whether the chicken is to be found in the same horizontal or vertical
position, then it is checked whether there is an obstacle between the enemy and the
chicken. If not, the enemy can spot the chicken in one direction. The enemy then
immediately runs in that direction. In line 41, a spontaneous change of direction
is made with a probability of 0.2. The next step is to check if there is an obstacle or
another enemy in the next position to be approached. If so, the direction is changed. The
method Direction getPossibleDirection() gives suggestions for possible positions.
A direction is chosen randomly, or none if no movement is possible, if an enemy is
trapped between other enemies and obstacles randomly. In the implementation of the
update() method, the first step is to check if the enemy is still alive. If so, it is examined
in which direction the enemy is running. For all directions, the corresponding animation
is then activated. Then the enemy is moved in the direction of the target position. If the
enemy has reached the target position, a new direction is set by calling the method
nextPossibleDirection(). The method move() starts the new movement.
18 initPos(x, y);
19 rnd = Random();
20 direction = getPossibleDirection();
21 move(direction);
22 }
34 void nextPossibleDirection() {
35 Direction chickenSpot = chickenSpotted();
36 if (chickenSpot != Direction.none) {
37 direction = chickenSpot;
38 return;
39 }
40 // Switch sometimes direction or if not moving
41 if (direction == Direction.none || rnd.nextInt(10)<= 2) {
42 direction = getPossibleDirection();
43 }
45 if(isOther(getNextPosition(this.direction, mapPos)) ||
46 game.maze.obstacle(getNextPosition(this.direction, this.
mapPos))) {
47 direction = getPossibleDirection();
48 }
49 }
58 dir = Direction.up;
59 for (int y=game.chicken.mapPos.y+1; y < mapPos.y; y++) {
60 if (game.maze.isObstacle(mapPos.x, y) || isOther(Vect2<int>(
mapPos.x, y))) {
61 obstacle = true;
62 }
63 }
64 } else {
65 dir = Direction.down;
66 for (int y=game.chicken.mapPos.y-1; y > mapPos.y; y--) {
67 if (game.maze.isObstacle(mapPos.x, y) || isOther(Vect2<int>(
mapPos.x, y))) {
68 obstacle = true;
69 }
70 }
71 }
72 }
73 if (game.chicken.mapPos.y == mapPos.y) { // same vertical layer
74 if (game.chicken.mapPos.x < mapPos.x) {
75 dir = Direction.left;
76 for (int x=game.chicken.mapPos.x; x < mapPos.x ; x++) {
77 if (game.maze.isObstacle(x, mapPos.y) || isOther(Vect2<int>(
x, mapPos.y))) {
78 obstacle = true;
79 }
80 }
81 } else {
82 dir = Direction.right;
83 for (int x=game.chicken.mapPos.x - 1 ; x > mapPos.x; x--) {
84 if (game.maze.isObstacle(x, mapPos.y) || isOther(Vect2<int>(
x, mapPos.y))) {
85 obstacle = true;
86 }
87 }
88 }
89 }
90 return obstacle == true ? Direction.none : dir;
91 }
93 /// looks for all possible directions and take one random or idle
94 Direction getPossibleDirection() {
95 List<Direction> directions = Direction.values;
7.6 The Game Logic | 203
117 @override
118 void sound() { // No Sound
119 }
121 @override
122 void update([Direction _ = Direction.none]) {
123 if (isKilled) return;
124 if (direction == Direction.right) {
125 currentAnimation = animationRight;
126 if (pos.x < targetPos.x) pos.x += speed;
127 if (pos.x >= targetPos.x) {
128 nextPossibleDirection();
129 move(direction);
130 }
131 } else if (direction == Direction.left) {
132 currentAnimation = animationLeft;
133 if (pos.x > targetPos.x) pos.x -= speed;
134 if (pos.x <= targetPos.x) {
135 nextPossibleDirection();
204 | 7 Chicken Maze
136 move(direction);
137 }
138 } else if (direction == Direction.down) {
139 currentAnimation = animationDown;
140 if (pos.y < targetPos.y) pos.y += speed;
141 if (pos.y >= targetPos.y) {
142 nextPossibleDirection();
143 move(direction);
144 }
145 } else if (direction == Direction.up) {
146 currentAnimation = animationUp;
147 if (pos.y > targetPos.y) pos.y -= speed;
148 if (pos.y <= targetPos.y) {
149 nextPossibleDirection();
150 move(direction);
151 }
152 } else if (direction == Direction.none) {
153 //currentAnimation = animationIdle;
154 nextPossibleDirection();
155 }
156 }
157 void move(Direction dir) {
158 currentAnimation.update(1);
159 super.move(dir);
160 }
162 @override
163 void render(Canvas canvas) {
164 if (isKilled) return;
165 super.render(canvas);
166 }
One important game object is still missing in the list: the labyrinth thus the background,
or level. In Listing 7.28, you can see the code. The graphic is stored in the variable tiles.
Further, there are the screen dimensions in tiles, the size of the whole map, the tile
size of the map, the position on the screen and a target position on the screen for the
animation to this position, and a tile position of the map on the screen. Furthermore,
there is a “getter”, which indicates whether the map is ready for use, thus loaded. In the
constructor, the map for the level is then loaded from the assets file, which is a “.tmx”
file. Only after this file has been loaded, the dependent variables are initialized, and
the maze is marked as ready. Important methods follow: moveTileMap(Direction dir)
moves the maze across the screen. The target position in pixels and the tile position are
changed. In addition, the position of the chicken is updated, since the map has moved
under it. The method bool isObstacle(int x, int y) tests if there is an obstacle at
the given tile coordinates.
The boundaries of the maze are also obstacles so that you cannot run out of the level.
The first three tiles are firmly reserved for the floor, everything else is a wall or a door
that can be opened. A useful utility Tile getTileFromLayer(int num, int x, int y)
returns the tile id at the given coordinates and level. The TiledComponent objects
can have different layers. The objects of the game are on layer 1. The method
bool checkGrain(int x, int y) checks if there is a food grain or other things
from the level at a position. These are then deleted as a side effect of this method. If
something is found, it is tested if it is a spawn point where the chicken can reappear.
This is then saved. Or if it is a medi-pack? - Then an additional life is granted. In the
case of a strength pill, the strength of the chicken is increased. Otherwise, with food,
the score is increased. The method render(Canvas canvas) only draws the tiles. The
asynchronous getter get getEnemyPositions returns all positions for the enemies on
level 2, but only after the map is initialized.
1 class Maze {
2 late Tiled tiles;
3 late Vect2<int> screenTileDimensions;
4 late Size mapDimensions;
5 late Vect2<int> tileDimensions;
6 late Vector2 bgrPos;
7 late Vector2 bgrTargetPos;
8 late Vect2<int> bgrTilePos;
9 late ChickenGame game;
10 late bool _initialized;
11 bool get initialized => _initialized;
206 | 7 Chicken Maze
13 Maze(, this.screenTileDimensions) {
14 tiles = new Tiled("map${game.level}.tmx", Size(raster, raster));
15 _initialized = false;
16 tiles.future!.then((t) {
17 _initialized = true;
18 tileDimensions =
19 Vect2<int>([0].width,[0].
20 print("Maze: ${tileDimensions.x}, ${tileDimensions.y}");
21 mapDimensions =
22 Size((tileDimensions.x) * raster, (tileDimensions.y) *
23[2].visible = false;
24 tiles.generate();
25 });
26 bgrPos = Vector2(0, 0);
27 bgrTargetPos = Vector2(0, 0);
28 bgrTilePos = Vect2<int>(0, 0);
29 }
53 bgrTargetPos.y += yp * raster;
54 bgrTilePos.add(xp, yp);
55 game.chicken.mapPos.add(-xp, -yp);
56 }
72 bool obstacle(Vect2<int> o) {
73 return isObstacle(o.x, o.y);
74 }
94 } else {
95 game.score += 1;
96 }
97 AssetLoader.pick();
98 }
99 return found;
100 }
Here auxiliary classes are described that are used in the project. These are not only
listed for the sake of completeness, but also because of the special features of dart and
flutter, which can be found there. Vectors
Although there is a Vector2 class in Dart and a Position and Direction class in Flame,
which also represent a 2D vector, the game still needs a class to represent integer pairs
so that the tile positions can be processed with it. This would not have been necessary
because you could work with lists or single variables, but such a class expresses the
purpose better and simplifies the programming. Furthermore, the following implemen-
7.6 The Game Logic | 209
tation is a demonstration of what else you can do with Dart. Listing 7.29 shows the
implementation of the Vect2 class. As you can see, there are generics in Dart, similar to
Java. You can use type parameters. Here it is still required that the type T is a subclass
of num, the abstract class, which is the superclass of int and double. You can thus
implement integer and decimal vectors using Vect2 objects, whereas only Vect2<int>
objects are required in the program. The method add(T x, T y) adds numbers to
the vector components x and y. In line 11, you can see that in Dart operators can be
overloaded, or even can be defined. Here the operator “+” is defined. Here another
Vect2<T> is added to the current object and the comparison operator is overwritten.
The objects are equal if the components are equal.
If you overwrite the ==-operator, you still have to overwrite the hashCode-getter;
otherwise a warning (in the IDE) is issued. The reason is not quite clear, because then
you would not have to overwrite the ==-operator at all as the hash code is compared
when comparing objects. But if you do not overwrite the ==-operator, a warning will
be displayed. Objects are only considered equal if the ==-operator returns true and the
hashcode is equal. The correct way in Dart to overwrite the ==-operator is to do both.
You can override operators in dart-classes: All arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, ...), boolean operators
(==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, >=, ...) but also the list access operator ([]) and the function call operator(()). For
example, the == operator is overwritten as follows: bool operator ==(var otherObject) {...}; this
gives you access to the own object in the body and otherObject gives you access to the object to be
compared to return a boolean value.
6 void add(T x, T y) {
7 this._x += x;
8 this._y += y;
9 }
13 @override
14 bool operator ==(v) => v is Vect2<T> && v.x == this.x && v.y ==
210 | 7 Chicken Maze
16 @override
17 int get hashCode => this._x.hashCode ^ this._y.hashCode;
Flutter’s TapGestureRecognizer is normally used to respond to finger gestures. For games it is better to
use the TapDetector mixin from Flame. Monetization
The game is supposed to show advertisements in order to finance it. Therefore, the
technology Google AdMob [36] is used to generate ad campaigns and link them to the
game. To do this, you need to work through the following points: You have to add an
app to AdMob. First, you have to register, then you can click on add apps on the start
page or click the corresponding button (see figure 7.11) if you are in the overview of
all apps. Next, you get an app ID, that you can copy to the clipboard by clicking the
button next to the ID. In the file secret.dart, it is stored as constant myAppId. Further
you have to enter the app ID for Android in the file AndroidManifest.xml in the folder
1 <meta-data
2 android:name=""
3 android:value="ca-app-pub-myAppiD"/>
Then you have to generate an ad block by going to the menu item “Ad units” under
“Apps” and clicking on “Add ad unit.” Here you can choose different types, “Banner,”
“Interstitial,” “With bonus” and “Extended native ads.” The simple type “Interstitial”
has been chosen, these are full-page ads that can be displayed, for example, when
changing levels. You get an ID again; but now for the ad itself, which must also be
stored as a constant in secret.dart under the name myInterstitialId.
Now you can start to create and display advertising pages. If the app is not yet
available in the play store, dummy ads are generated and displayed. Listing 7.31 contains
the code to manage the ads. First the testDeviceIds are passed to the AdMob API in
the method init(), which is called in the constructor of ChickenGame. The method
AdmobInterstitial ad() then returns an ad. To be able to test even better on hardware
devices, you should add a Test-Device ID. With emulators, this step is not required. The
process works as follows: The list testDeviceIds is empty at first because the constant
testDevice in “secret.dart” has not yet been set. The first time the app is started on the
hardware, a message of the following type is shown:
I/Ads: Use AdRequest.Builder. addTestDevice("<Test- Device Id>")
to get test ads on this device.
Now, you can write the ID to the constant testDevice. In line 11, the AdmobInterstitial
object is created. Here, the campaign ID and a listener are passed to the constructor.
The listener pauses the game when the ad has been started and displayed, or when the
game is exited via the ad or when the ad has been opened. In the ChickenGame, the
method ad() is called in the method restartLevel() (listing7.23, line 93). Inside ad(),
the method of the supplied AdmobInterstitial object load() is called. The result is a
full-page display that covers the game as with magic. Hence, you do not have to create
and place the ad as a widget there; it is done automatically. Each display also has a
212 | 7 Chicken Maze
close button, which closes it again. Then the listener is called, and the event object is
AdmobEvent.closed. The game is continued (else-branch).
The listener of the AdmobInterstitial class has to be considered: If the advertisement appears, the
game has to pause, which lies below the full-page advertisement, and to resume when it is closed. It is
also possible that if you click on the advertisement, the device opens a web page and switches to the
browser, so the game app is in the background and the game has to pause.
1 class Ads {
2 static ChickenGame? game;
4 static init(ChickenGame g) {
5 Admob.initialize(testDeviceIds: [testDevice]);
6 game = g;
7 }
11 @override
12 FineButtonState createState() {
214 | 7 Chicken Maze
26 @override
27 void initState() {
28 super.initState();
29 fontsize = 12.0;
30 myPadding = 30.0;
31 _animationController = AnimationController(
32 vsync: this,
33 duration: Duration(
34 milliseconds: 500));
35 _animation = Tween<double>(begin: 1.0, end: 2.0).animate(
36 new CurvedAnimation(parent: _animationController!, curve:
37 _animation!.addListener(() {
38 setState(() {
39 fontsize = 12.0 * _animation!.value;
40 myPadding = 30 * ts - (36.0 * ts * _animation!.value - 36.0 *
ts) / 2;
41 });
42 });
43 _animation!.addStatusListener((status) {
44 if (status == AnimationStatus.completed) {
45 _animationController!.reverse().then((x) {
46 widget.onPressed();
47 });
48 }
49 });
50 }
52 @override
7.6 The Game Logic | 215
8.1 Releases
The work on iOS and Android is conceptually similar and can be found at the references
given. Please note that for iOS you have to install and configure XCode. From a workflow
point of view, the following steps must be taken to prepare the app for the respective
– Add icons
– Add signature
– Create a release version
– Create additional media for the store
– Upload app
You still need an icon for the app. This is first of all a question of design. It is a good
idea to have a look at the Material-Design Guidelines, which comes with a description
of a material-design icon [44]. For Apple, there are analogous Human Interface Design
Guidelines for the Cupertino Design [5]. The most important is to design the graphics
for the icon in a way that users can see them easily, because they are only quite small
on the device display. Additionally, the graphic should have a clear recognition value.
You should consider the contrast of the colors. You can also use transparencies and
shadows as design options.
The icon must be provided in different resolutions, as different device types
and operating systems require different resolutions. For this work, there is a Flutter-
based command line tool that can be used to generate corresponding icons from a
source graphic [59]. To use it, you have to include the tool in the pubspec.yaml file.
In Listing 7.2, the passage is added in lines 24-29. Here you can also enter the path to
8.1 Releases | 219
After you have created the icons and entered them into the AndroidManifest.xml file,
you have to prepare the signature of the app. To do this, you use a Java technology
called the keystore. This is a store for keys according to the public key procedure. You
can store your private keys there. First, you have to create a new keystore with the Java
program keytool. In the home directory, you have to execute the following command to
generate a file, key.jks.
Then you have to specify passwords for the keystore and the key (named “key”). These
have to be written to the android/ file that has to be created. Furthermore,
this file has to be referenced in the gradle file android/app/build.gradle, where further
configurations are required. The details are quite extensive and can be read online [21].
Gradle files are the build files on Android that determine the configurations of the versions. Gradle
code is written in Groovy, a standalone programming language for the Java platform. Groovy has a
certain similarity to Dart.
When all configurations are complete, you can continue to create a release version.
There are three possibilities:
– Fat APK (.apk)
– APKs for more ABIs (.apk)
– App bundle (.abb)
The Fat APK is a file (practically a ZIP file) containing the compiled code for several
processor architectures, namely ARM 32-bit, ARM 64-bit and x86 64-bit. Additionally,
all resources are included. The advantage of this file type is that it is executable on all
220 | 8 Deployment
devices. The disadvantage is the size of the file: Among the three possible files, such a
file is the largest, consumes the most memory on the device, takes the longest time,
and requires the largest data volume for the download. Fat APKs are created with the
command flutter build apk, which must be executed in the project folder.
You can also create several APKs for the respective architectures:
flutter build apk --split-per-abi
These are then uploaded together into the play store and delivered separately for
the respective devices.
However, the recommended way is to use an App-Bundle File, that can be created
with the command flutter build appbundle. This also contains all architectures and
resources. The difference to the Fat APK is: The app-bundle file is not the executable app
like an APK file. The store checks which device wants to install the app and generates an
APK optimized for the device. Thus, the code for the processor architecture is selected.
In addition, the optimized graphics for the device are selected, depending on the type,
whether mobile phone, tablet or smart-TV.
There are always problems with the App-Bundles, such as reported device crashes. Furthermore, it is
not possible to distribute an app-bundle, because it is not an executable file. Since Flutter works with
vectors for the layout anyway, often no resources are wasted for graphics, so the variant to offer ABKs
for several ABIs is a good option.
8.2 Google Play Management | 221
The Google Play Console [39] (see figure 8.1) is a Google website where you can upload
the app. There are two areas: the release management and the app presence in the play
store. In the release management, you have the following areas where you can upload
app versions:
– Internal test track
– Closed track (Alpha)
– Open track (Beta)
– Production track (the final versions)
The internal test track can be used to test during development. However, you have to
register the tester by e-mail (Google-Mail Account) under the heading “Internal App
Release.” Also, those who are allowed to upload an app for testing must be registered
there. In order to test the app correctly, there is the possibility to get a certificate in this
section to use APIs that require a certificate.
In the closed track (Alpha) you can then make the app available to a larger group
of testers. The tests can also take place in different countries.
In the open track (Beta), the app is then already visible in the Play Store. Interested
users can voluntarily participate in the test program.
In the production track, the final versions are then uploaded. All versions, including
the test versions, must have a unique version number, that can be entered in the
pubspec.yaml file (see Listing 7.2, line 3). The version name here becomes 1.0.1 and the
version code becomes 3. All new versions should get a new name and code.
Figure 8.2 shows the area with the signatures. You can only install signed apps on
Android systems. The signing of the apps should guarantee that the app is really from
the developer and has not been changed afterward. Otherwise, fraudsters could modify
an app and use it for criminal purposes such as spying.
It is important to know that there are two signatures. The developer signs the app
before uploading it so that the Play Store ensure sure that the developer is always the
same. In the cloud, the app is then signed again, using a key that is kept secret by
Google. However, you can create and upload this key yourself with the keytool (see
section 8.1.2) so that the app’s digital fingerprint from the store is the same as that of a
self-created and self-installed app. However, this option must be activated first. This is
necessary for app bundles. The hash values of the certificates can be downloaded from
the signature page if you have to specify them in APIs for plugins.
222 | 8 Deployment
The app presence in the Play Store is managed under the corresponding menu item
(see figure 8.3). You have to provide various graphics and text to promote the app.
A functional graphic, a web graphic and a TV banner in certain resolutions and
graphic formats should be uploaded here. There is an option to upload a stereoscopic
360-degree image for Daydream to be used in VR systems to place advertising. Also,
advertising videos can be added via Youtube link.
The content must also be classified, as it ensures that the content is suitable for
certain age groups. This classification is checked and may take a while. In any case,
the app is checked by Google. It is also possible that an app may be removed from the
store if policies have changed.
It is still important to add descriptive texts and their translations so that you can
add new languages. You can select the countries where the app should be offered in
the menu “Pricing and Distribution.” For pricing, you can choose between paid and
free. You can also create in-app products, hence functions that you can buy, and which
will be activated upon purchase.
8.2 Google Play Management | 225
Fig. 8.3: Play Store Console: App Presence in the Play Store
9 Summary
This book explains the basics of the programming language Dart and the basics of
the Flame library. It is followed by a practical part where a chat app, a desktop app
for drawing and then an extensive game project is presented. The usual problems
that can occur during development and that the author himself encountered during
development are part of the discussion, too.
9.1 Outlook
The language Dart as well as the Flutter framework are constantly evolving. With this
book, you have the state of the art of the Dart language in version 2.12 and Flutter
in version V.1.22.4 (channel stable). So far, the technologies covered are backward
compatible, which makes the content of the book a treasure for long years to come.
On the “Insights” page at StackOverflow [63] trends can be searched. Readers could repeat this with
the tags “Flutter” and “Dart.”
2.80% flutter
2.60% kotlin
% of Stack Overflow questions that month
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
9.1 Outlook | 227
At the time this book was written, there was a strong increase in interest in the Dart
language on various statistical pages. Also, when looking at the trends on StackOver-
flow, a rapid increase in demand for Flutter technology could be observed. Kotlin, for
comparison, which is a language that can be used for Android programming, slowed
down its increase. Swift, the language used in iOS development, slowed down.
Based on these statistics, it is assumed that the interest in this relatively new
technology will continue, as it offers some advantages over other technologies: You
can program apps for different target platforms with one language and one framework.
The code is fast, easy to read and maintain. In addition, the look is modern as it
implements the material design. The documentation is always up to date and very
detailed. Additionally, there is a very active community that writes tutorials and articles.
The open source community has also put numerous plug-ins and open source projects
online. Google, as a big player, has often stated that they intend to use the Flutter
technology as a graphical framework for various platforms of the future.
Flutter is a young technology, so the experience with Flutter is not a rich one yet.
Therefore I, ask for your feedback and also welcome possible suggestions that will help
improve the efficiency in app development for the entire community in the future.
With this book and the examples, I hope to contribute to the further spreading of
the knowledge about Dart and Flutter and wish all readers much success and joy while
reading and developing.
[1] Adobe. Adobe Creative Cloud. Access:
[2] Adobe. Adobe Flash. Access: 02-14-2020.
[3] Vladimir Agafonkin. Leaflet. Access: 03-02-2020.
[4] AngularDart. AngularDart. Access: 08.06.2019.
[5] Apple. App Icon. interface- guidelines/ios/
icons-and-images/app-icon/. Access: 02-28-2020.
[6] Autodesk. List of all Products. Access: 02-23-2020.
[7] Vladimir Babenko. Flutter App Lifecycle.
lifecycle-4b0ab4a4211a. Access: 12-12-2019.
[8] Felix Blaschke. Articles about Simple Animations.
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Bibliography | 231
3ds Max, 42 Constructors, 22
Container, 65
A/B-Testing, 103 Controller, 109
Abstract Classes, 28 Creative Commons, 43
AdMob, 211 C#, 7
Adobe XD, 42 CSV, 54
Advertising Videos, 224 Cupertino, 59
After Effects, 42 Cupertino Design, 218
Ahead of Time Compiler, 8 CupeUniversal-Framework, 59
Alpha, 221
Android, 218 Dart, 7
Android Studio, 43, 45 Dart SDK, 8
Angular Dart, 8 Data Stream, 108
Animations, 86 Data Types, 9
Annotations, 24 Database, 175
APKs, 51, 220 Debugger, 53
App Bundle, 220 Desktop Operating System, 117
apt, 8 Developer, 221
Arcade, 224 Developer Mode, 51
Asynchronous Operations, 33
Digital Fingerprint, 221
Audacity, 43
Dips, 152
Audition, 42
Drawer, 154
Authentication, 109
Drop Shadows, 60
Avatar, 109
Backus Naur Form, 7
Base64, 54
Error Handling, 18
Bash, 45
Beta, 221 Exception Handling, 17
Bevel, 60 Exceptions, 18
BNF, 7 Extension Methods, 30
Branches, 15
Build, 219 Factory Constructors, 27
Fat APK, 219
Channel, 117 File Picker, 117
Charges, 224 Firebase, 103
Chat, 108 Firebase Console, 103
Chocolatey, 8 Firestore, 105
Chrome, 7 Flame, 133
Chrome Browser, 54 Flash, 54
Classes, 19 Flat Design, 60
Client, 108 Floating Point Numbers, 10
Cloud, 103 Flutter Module, 51
Co-Routines, 35 Flutter SDK, 46
Collections, 12, 14 Free of Charge, 224
Colorpicker, 117 Functions, 11
Conditional Assignment, 11 Future Objects, 34
236 | Index
Packages, 25 Streams, 35
Parameters, 22 String, 11
Path Variable, 45 Sublime Text, 44
Performance, 54 Super Constructor, 28
Photoshop, 42 Swift, 51
Physics Engine, 136 Symbols, 11
Platform Independence, 117
Play Store, 224 Tablet, 220
Positional Parameter, 22 Terminal, 45
Premiere, 42 Ternary Operator, 22
Pricing, 224 Tester, 221
Pricing Model, 106 Tests, 98
Processor Architectures, 219 Tile Maps, 134
Profiler, 53 Tiled Editor, 54
Pub, 25 Tilesets, 54, 135
Public Key Procedure, 219 Timeline, 55
Python, 14 TMX, 135
Touch Screen, 59
Raspberry PI, 9 Translation, 224
Real-Time Database, 103 Tween, 86
Refactoring, 53 Type Inference, 12
Reflections, 25 Type Parameter, 31
Releases, 221
Render Tree, 54 Unicode, 11, 176
RenderObjectWidgets, 62 USB Driver, 51
Repository, 78 User Interactions, 99
Rive, 54 UTC, 106
Routes, 63
Variables, 10
Scaffold, 65 Versions, 221
Screenshots, 224 VI, 44
Secure Hash Algorithm, 110 Virtual Machine, 8
Server, 175 Visual Studio Code, 46
Setter, 22 VR, 224
Shell, 45
Signature, 219 Wear OS, 224
Signing, 221 Web Server, 176
Skeuomorphism, 60 Widget, 62
Smart-TV, 220 WidgetBuilder, 63
Sonic Pi, 43 Windows, 117
Sprite-Sheets, 134 WYSIWYG, 62
Sprites, 134
SQL, 175 XCode, 43, 218
StackOverflow, 226 XML, 61
State Management, 117
StatefulWidgets, 62 Yaml, 25
StatelessWidgets, 62
Stream, 109 Z-Shell, 45