(Reportable) in The Supreme Court of India Civil Appellate Jurisdiction

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(Arising out of SLP(C) No.6533 of 2020)







(Arising out of SLP(C) No.2876 of 2021)

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by
Rajni Mukhi
Date: 2022.01.03
15:40:25 IST


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Hrishikesh Roy, J.

Leave granted.

2. The challenge in these appeals is to the judgment

and order dated 25.11.2019 of the Division Bench of the

High Court of Calcutta, whereby the decision of the

Single Judge dismissing the suit i.e. CS No. 79/2006 of

M/s. SIBCO Investment Pvt Ltd (for short SIBCO) was

reversed. The suit was filed against Small Industries

Development Bank of India (SIDBI) seeking interest on

the alleged belated payment of principal sum and

accrued interest to the plaintiff for the Bonds issued


3. The question to be answered in this case is whether

plaintiff has set forth a just claim, based on the

Bonds issued by the defendant or is it a case of that

trial in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice where

Shylock is claiming the promised pound of flesh in the

form of interest on delayed payment on the Bonds

purchased by the plaintiff. The 41 Bonds related to

this case were initially issued by SIDBI to M/s. CRB

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Capital Markets Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as “CRB

Capital”) in 1993. Those Bonds were then sold by CRB

Capital to one Shankar Lal Saraf in February, 1997 and

those in turn were then sold on 1.7.1998 to SIBCO – the

plaintiff and the respondent herein. In the meantime,

CRB Capital faced winding up proceedings at the

instance of the RBI in the Delhi High Court. The said

proceeding will have a bearing on this case.

4. The following relevant facts necessary for

consideration of this appeal are broadly culled out

from the judgment of the Calcutta High Court:-

4.1 The Plaintiff SIBCO purchased the Bonds in the

form of promissory notes issued by the defendant SIDBI.

These are termed as SIDBI Bonds 2003 (4th Series)

carrying 13.50% interest and SIDBI Bonds 2004 (5th

Series) generating interest at the rate of 12.50%, from

one Shankar Lal Saraf on 1st July, 1998. The interest

is payable on a half-yearly basis on/or before 21st day

of June and 21st day of December of every year. The 5th

series Bonds were agreed to be redeemed on 21 st

December, 2004 whereas the 4th series Bonds were to be

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redeemed on 21st December, 2003. The Bonds are freely

tradable in the market. M/s. SIBCO purchased 15 Bonds

(interest payable @ 13.50%) and 26 Bonds (interest

payable @12.50%) of face value of ten lakhs each for an

aggregate price of Rs. 3.69 crores on 1st July, 1998 by

M/s. SIBCO from the said Shankar Lal Saraf. The Bonds

were deposited with M/s. SIDBI (defendant) on July 2,

1998 with the request to endorse the name of the

Plaintiff-purchaser on the said Bonds. On refusal to

register and/or record the name of the SIBCO by the

defendant on the ground that CRB Capital had gone into

involuntary liquidation proceedings at the instance of

the RBI. At first the Plaintiff filed the W.P. No.

1456 of 1998 before the Calcutta High Court seeking a

mandamus upon defendant to transfer the aforesaid Bonds

in favour of the plaintiff and also to pay the interest

accrued on them.

4.2 The Calcutta High Court on 09.01.2001 held that

writ court is not the proper forum and permitted the

petitioner to approach the Company Court, being the

High Court at Delhi, seeking intervention in the

Page 4 of 52
liquidation proceeding initiated against CRB Capital.

Though an intra-court appeal was preferred against the

said order but it was not proceeded with. On the

request of the plaintiff, the Shankar Lal Saraf (the

plaintiff’s predecessor-in-interest) filed an

interlocutory application in the pending liquidation

proceeding before the Company-Court, claiming that the

aforesaid transactions should be treated as outside the

purview of the liquidation proceeding, under the

Companies Act, 1956.

4.3 By a judgment dated 17th December, 2004, the

Learned Company Court held that the subject Bonds are

beyond the purview of the liquidation proceeding and

directed Shankar Lal Saraf to put up the matter before

the defendant. On 17th February, 2005 the above

judgment of the Company Court was communicated and the

Bonds were presented to the defendant. Then on 21st

February, 2005 the defendant made the payment of the

principal amount together with the interest calculated

up to the date, as promised in the said Bond to M/s

SIBCO with TDS deduction at around 20%. By a letter

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dated 24th February, 2005, the Plaintiff raised an

objection over the rate on which the TDS was deducted,

which was accepted by the defendant as it issued a

further warrant covering a sum of Rs. 58,86,833/- on

account of excess TDS deductions.

4.4 The case projected in the plaint in the CS No.

79/2006, was that the defendant during their audit

detected that the interest was calculated up to 31st

October, 2005 and demand was raised on account of

interest on delayed payment of the principal amount and

the interest on Bonds through a letter dated November

10, 2005. The defendant refused to accede to the

demand made by the plaintiff in its reply letter dated

November 23, 2005. Aggrieved by the refusal, M/s SIBCO

filed the CS No. 79/2006 for a sum of Rs. 3,25,54,483/-

from M/s SIDBI.

4.5 The defendant disputed the claim on account of

delayed payment or in other words, delayed redemption

of the aforesaid Bonds. It was categorically pleaded

that a liquidation proceeding was initiated against CRB

Capital, who at one point of time was the holder of the

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aforesaid Bonds and sold it to the said Shankar Lal

Saraf on February 20, 1997 and on April 7, 1997. The

RBI issued a facsimile dated June 9, 1997 advising the

defendant not to affect any transfer, register any lien

or otherwise deal with such security invested by CRB

Capital and its Group Companies, without prior

permission of the Official Liquidator appointed by the

Company Court at Delhi. Since Shankar Lal Saraf as

well as the plaintiff were pressing hard for enfacing

their name on the said Bonds, a clarification was

sought on December 23, 1997 by the defendant from the

RBI seeking advice for further action in the matter on

January 29, 1998. The RBI advised the defendant to

take up the matter with the Official Liquidator which

was accordingly done on April 3, 1998.

4.6 The defendant stated that despite multiple

reminders till July 18, 2001 no reply was received from

the Official Liquidator in this regard. The specific

stand is that due to the embargo imposed by RBI, the

defendant couldn’t act in defiance of the RBI’s

directions. It is further stated that because of the

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pendency of the writ petition before the Calcutta High

Court, the matter was not taken up and, therefore,

neither the interest nor the redemption was paid.

According to the defendant, after the Company Court

order in the liquidation proceeding, the plaintiff’s

name was put down upon the said Bonds and the holder

was paid the principal, as well as the interest up to

the date of redemption. As such there is no latches,

negligence and delay on the part of the defendant to

honour the Bonds to the plaintiff.

4.7 The central case projected by the plaintiff was

that the amount, both principal and interest, were paid

beyond the maturity period and, therefore, the

defendant is liable to pay the interest for delayed

payment. According to the plaintiff, the defendant has

unreasonably withheld the said amount, whereas, the

defendant says that because of the embargo and

restriction by the RBI and the pending proceedings, the

maturity amount was not paid on the date of maturity.

The reliance appeared to have been placed by both the

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sides on the facsimile dated 9th June, 1997 issued by

the RBI.


5. The learned Trial Judge in his judgment noted that

there is a clear stipulation against affecting any

transfer, register any lien or otherwise deal with, the

securities of CRB Capital with further stipulation that

it should not part with the interest, dividend or

principal without the permission of the Official

Liquidator. Additionally it appears from the order

passed by the Company Court that there was a

notification issued on 10th April 1997 under Section 45-

MB of the RBI (Amendment) Act, 1997 directing the said

Company not to sell, transfer, create charge or

mortgage or deal in any manner with any of its profits

and assets without the permission of the RBI for a

period of six months from the date of the said

notification. The Official Liquidator was appointed on

22nd May, 1997 who subsequently treated the subject

Bonds as fraudulent preference under Section 531 of the

Page 9 of 52
Companies Act, 1956. Though it was held by the Company

Court vide its judgment dated 17.12.2004, that the

transactions are genuine and cannot be declared as

fraudulent preference at the instance of the Official

Liquidator, the fact remains that there was some claim

over the subject Bonds.

5.1 The RBI is found to be empowered to control the

management of the Banking Company in certain situations

and can lay down the parameters enabling Banking

Companies to expand business and regulate the paid up

capital, reserve funds, cash funds and above all

policies in the matter of advances to be made by the

Banking Companies and allocation of resources etc. The

RBI is authorized by the Parliament to enact the policy

and to issue directions/guidelines which have statutory

force, as held in case of ICICI Bank Ltd. Vs. Official

Liquidator of APS Star Industries Ltd.1 In support for

the aforesaid proposition, the Trial Court also relied

on the ratio in Sudhir Shantilal Mehta Vs. Central

Bureau of India2 to comment on the Regulatory role of

1(2010) 10 SCC 1.
2(1992)2 SCC 343.
Page 10 of 52
the RBI vis-à-vis the business of the banking


5.2 This suggests that once the RBI has issued

directions, any action contrary thereto, may not only

attract the civil liability but might also invite

criminal breach of trust. According to the Trial Court

the defendant was not sitting in slumber after

receiving the RBI instructions but sought advice

immediately thereafter and was directed to approach the

Official Liquidator. The defendants sought

clarification from the Official Liquidator but did not

receive any reply. Ultimately on 17 th December, 2004,

the application of Shankar Lal Saraf before the

Company-Court succeeded and within a short span of

time, the redemption value along with interest was paid

to the plaintiff. The Learned Trial Judge did not

agree with the submission of the plaintiff that there

was any deliberate attempt to delay the payment of the

maturity amount by the defendant. It would be worth

noting that the Trial Court relied on defendants’

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witness to hold that the accrued interest was

transferred to the accrued interest head and,

therefore, it was not utilized nor any benefit was

taken therefrom.

5.3 As can be seen, the Suit was dismissed primarily on

two grounds: -

(A) The bonds in question could not be transferred

by the petitioner since the RBI had initiated winding

up proceedings against CRB Capital before the Delhi

High Court, whereafter the RBI has issued a directive

dated 9.6.1997 to the petitioner herein directing not

to register transfer of CRB Capital’s Bonds in

question, or to part with any payment pertaining to the

said Bonds, without consent of the Official Liquidator.

The learned Judge therefore found that the petitioner

had acted entirely in accordance with the directive of

the RBI, by requesting permission from the Official

Liquidator, and thereby promptly making the payment of

the amounts due under the Bonds after appropriate

orders were passed by the Delhi High Court where

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winding up proceedings were going on. Hence, the

defendant could not be held liable for the delayed


(B) The learned Trial Judge also noted the conduct

of the plaintiff, in accepting the payment under the

Bonds, including interest, without any protest in

February, 2005. The plaintiff thereafter slept over

this issue for almost 8 months, and for the first time

claimed interest for the delayed payment in October

2005. The court therefore found that since the

plaintiff had accepted the encashment without protest

the law laid down by this Court in Bhagwati Prasad

Pawan Kumar v. Union of India3 would apply, since there

was acceptance by conduct. In Bhagwati Prasad (supra),

the Court has held: -

“19. It is well settled that an offer may

accepted by conduct. But conduct would only
amount to acceptance if it is clear that the
offeree did the act with the intention
(actual or apparent) of accepting the offer.
The decision which we have noticed above also
proceed on this principle. Each case must
rest on its own facts. The courts examine
the evidence to find out whether in the fact
and circumstances of the case the conduct of

3(2006) 5 SCC 311.

Page 13 of 52
the “offeree” was such an amounted to an
unequivocal acceptance of the offer made. If
the facts of the case disclose that there was
no reservation in signifying acceptance by
conduct. On the other hand, if the evidence
discloses that the “offeree” had reservation
in accepting the offer, his conduct may not
amount to acceptance of the offer in terms of
Section 8 of the Contract Act.”


6. Aggrieved by the order of the learned Trial Judge

of the Calcutta High Court, the plaintiff preferred an

intra-court appeal which was numbered as APD 291/2015.

On 25th November 2019, The Learned Division Bench,

allowed the plaintiff’s appeal, and set-aside the

judgment favoring the defendant. The High Court

observed in the appeal that, even after the RBI

communication dated 09th June 1997, the defendant had

paid interest accruing in June, 1997 to the plaintiff’s

predecessor-in-interest, Shankar Lal Saraf. The court

relied on a letter issued by the defendant to RBI dated

23rd December 1997, wherein the defendant had admitted

that it was impossible to withhold payment forever.

Based on these observations, the learned Division bench

held that the RBI communication dated 09th June, 1997

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was merely a suggestion to the defendant and not an

order passed by the RBI exercising its statutory

authority. Hence, the defendant was without a

reasonable cause, when it chose to withheld payment

duly accrued to the respondent.

6.1 It was accordingly held that the suit was not

barred either by accord or satisfaction as the

plaintiff gave no acknowledgment that all claims stood

satisfied at the time of receiving the payment warrants

on 21st February 2005. Hence, the plaintiff was at

liberty to raise further demands including demand for

interest on delayed payment. The Learned Division

Bench further held that reliance on Bhagwati Prasad

(Supra) by the trial judge was misplaced as it was not

cited by either parties and was relied on without

giving the parties a chance to rebut it. The defendant

was accordingly directed to pay simple interest @ 6%

per annum on interest, from date of accrual and 8%

simple interest per annum on principal amount from date

of maturity of respective Bonds by 29.02.2020.

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7. The present appeals are filed impugning the above

judgment of the Division Bench of the Calcutta High

Court. The defendant seeks relief of setting aside the

judgment of the Division Bench in toto. Whereas, the

plaintiff seeks pendente lite interest over and above

the interest already awarded, and is disputing the rate

of interest awarded by the Learned Division bench on

interest and Principal amount.

7.1 Assailing the legality of the judgment of the

appellate Bench of the Calcutta High Court, Mr K V

Viswanathan, learned Senior Counsel for the defendant

makes the following arguments:-

(i) SIDBI acted entirely in accordance

with the directives issued by the

RBI, as any prudent financial

institution would;

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(ii) Withholding of payment under the

Bonds in question, was justified in

light of possibility of transfer of

the Bonds by CRB Capital being a

Fraudulent Preference under S. 531

of the Companies Act, 1956;

(iii) SIBCO bought the bonds in question

in ‘suspect spell’ with the

knowledge that two installments of

interest had accrued and not been

paid; not established that he is a

“holder in due course”; there is a

cloud on its title;

(iv) Petitioner acted proactively by

preferring numerous letters to

RBI/Official Liquidator; amounts

cannot be said to have been

wrongfully withheld;

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(v) Neither Saraf nor SIBCO claimed

interest for delayed payment of

interest or the maturity amounts

under the Bonds in previous

litigation; barred by constructive

res judicata;

(vi) The payments made were accepted by

Respondent without protest and

amount to accord and satisfaction;

(vii) The Respondent/SIBCO’s claim for

interest pendente lite is a clear

after-thought, and in any event, not


7.2 Per contra, Mr. Sabyasachi Chaudhury, learned

Senior Counsel representing the plaintiff (respondent)

contends that:

(i) The RBI merely issued an advice

which pertained to assets held by

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CRB Capital and was inapplicable to

the Bonds in question, which were

owned by plaintiff when the advice

was issued;

(ii) SIDBI’s action of withholding

payment, on apprehension of

fraudulent preference by M/s. CRB

Capital was not bona fide, in

absence of any objection by the

Official Liquidator;

(iii) SIDBI is barred by res

judicata from arguing fraudulent

preference, as this issue is

settled by the judgment of Company

Court dated 17th December, 2004;

(iv) The payment was made in furtherance

of promissory notes, which are

unconditional undertakings, and not

in pursuance of any reciprocal

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promise. Thus, the issue of

‘accord and satisfaction’ doesn’t


(v) Plaintiff has claimed interest

pendente lite consistently at

trial, as well as appellate level.



8. In order to ascertain the effect of the RBI

Communication on the Bonds in question, it will be

beneficial to examine the statutory provisions which

empower the RBI. For efficient discharge of its

functions, the RBI has been granted special powers for

controlling and regulating various financial

institutions, as is clear from different provisions of

The RBI Act, 1934 and The Banking Regulation Act, 1949.

As per the RBI Act, 1934, we find that the RBI has wide

supervisory jurisdiction over all Banking Institutions

in the country. This court speaking through Justice V.

Page 20 of 52
Ramasubramaniyan, in the case of Internet and Mobile

Association of India vs. RBI4, elucidated on the

position of the RBI as a statutory body, with immense

power in financial/ monetary field:

“190. But given the scheme of the

RBI Act, 1934 and the Banking
Regulation Act, 1949, the above
argument appears only to belittle
the role of RBI. RBI is not just
like any other statutory body
created by an Act of legislature.
It is a creature, created with a
mandate to get liberated even from
its creator…Therefore, RBI cannot
be equated to any other statutory
body that merely serves its master.
It is specifically empowered to do
certain things to the exclusion of
even the Central Government.
Therefore, to place its decisions
at a pedestal lower than that of
even an executive decision, would
do violence to the scheme of the
Act. ”

8.1 Through Chapter IIIB of The RBI Act, 1934, the RBI

is empowered to regulate and also monitor the conduct

of every Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFC) in

India. Under S. 45-JA of the RBI Act, 1934, the RBI is

empowered, in public interest or to protect the

4 (2020) 10 SCC 274.

Page 21 of 52
interests of the depositors or to regulate the

financial system of the country, to determine the

policy and issue directions to NBFCs. S. 45-K grants

authority to the RBI to collect information pertaining

to the NBFCs and to give directions pertaining to

deposits to them. Whereas, under S. 45-L, general

powers are conferred on the RBI to call for information

from the Financial Institution and issue directions to

regulate the credit system of the country. S. 45-M of

the RBI Act, 1934 casts an obligation upon the NBFCs,

to furnish all information and details as required by

the RBI and to comply with RBI’s direction given under

Chapter IIIB of the RBI Act.

8.2 Similar powers are granted to the RBI in respect of

Banks under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. In the

case at hand, we are concerned with S. 35-A of the

Banking Regulation Act, 1949 which enables the RBI to

give directions to banking companies: -

“35A. Power of the Reserve Bank to

give directions:
(1) Where the Reserve Bank is
satisfied that-
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(a) in the public interest; or
(aa) in the interest of banking
policy; or
(b) to prevent the affairs of any
banking company being conducted in
a manner detrimental to the
interests of the depositors or in
a manner prejudicial to the
interests of the banking company;
(c) to secure the proper
management of any banking company
generally, it is necessary to
issue directions to banking
companies generally or to any
banking company in particular, it
may, from time to time, issue such
directions as it deems fit, and
the banking companies or the
banking company, as the case may
be, shall be bound to comply with
such directions.”

8.3 The Section S. 45-MB of the RBI Act, 1934 being

relevant in the above context which empowers the RBI,

to inter alia prohibit the acceptance of deposit and

alienation of assets by Non-Banking Financial

Companies, when they fail to comply with RBIs

direction or infringe any statutory provisions, is

extracted for ready reference as under:

Page 23 of 52
“45MB. Power of Bank to prohibit
acceptance of deposit and alienation
of assets:
(1) If any non-banking financial
company violates the provisions of
any section or fails to comply with
any direction or order given by the
Bank under any of the provisions of
this Chapter, the Bank may prohibit
the non-banking financial company
from accepting any deposit.
(2) Notwithstanding anything to the
contrary contained in any agreement
or instrument or any law for the
time being in force, the Bank, on
being satisfied that it is necessary
so to do in the public interest or
in the interest of the depositors,
may direct, the non-banking
financial company against which an
order prohibiting from accepting
deposit has been issued, not to
sell, transfer, create charge or
mortgage or deal in any manner with
its property and assets without
prior written permission of the Bank
for such period not exceeding six
months from the date of the order.”

8.4 At this juncture, it is pertinent to extract the

exact wordings of the RBI communication dated

09.06.1997 addressed to the defendant:

“We understand that M/s. CRB Capital

Markets Ltd. and its associates have
invested in the shares/bonds/other
securities of your institution. As you
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are aware, RBI has filed a petition for
the winding up of the said company in
the High Court, Delhi. We, therefore,
advise you not to effect any transfer,
register any lien, or otherwise deal
with such securities and also not to
part with the interest/dividends or
principal without the permission of the
Official Liquidator, appointed by the
High Court of Delhi. Please confirm and
advise the amount of investments so held
by the company/companies with your

8.5 As is apparent from above, the RBI in its

communication has informed SIBCO of the winding up

proceedings initiated against CRB Capital and

categorically prohibited the defendant from, inter

alia, parting with the interest on securities.

However, the RBI has not mentioned any provision under

which the above-mentioned communication was issued.

This has encouraged the Learned Counsel for the

plaintiff to argue that it is merely an ‘advice’ from

RBI, and not a statutorily enforceable directive.

8.6 In the case at hand, vide the previous

Notification dated 10.04.1997, the RBI restrained CRB

Capital (an NBFC), from alienating or creating charge

over their assets in ‘public interest’, and through the

Page 25 of 52
consequential directive dated 09.06.1997 has restrained

the defendant from parting with any money in relation

to securities held by the said NBFC. Even though, on

the date of the prohibitory Notification dated

10.04.1997, the Bonds were in Shankar Lal Saraf’s

ownership, and not held by CRB Capital, the

Notification and subsequent directive dated 09.06.1997

was still applicable as there was a clear shadow over

the Shankar Lal Saraf’s title.

8.7 A conjoint reading of the statutory provisions

mentioned above, makes it abundantly clear that for

‘public interest’ the RBI is empowered to issue any

directive to any banking institution, and to prohibit

alienation of an NBFC’s property. The term ‘Public

interest’ has no rigid definition. It has to be

understood and interpreted in reference to the context

in which it is used. The concept derives its meaning

from the statute where it occurs, the transaction

involved, the state of society and its needs.5 Justice

V. Ramasubramanian, speaking for a three judges Bench

5 Bihar Public Service Commission vs. Saiyed Hussain Abbas Rizwi and Anr.; (2012) 13 SCC
Page 26 of 52
in Internet and Mobile Association of India6, (Supra),

gave a wide meaning to ‘public interest’, in context of

S. 35-A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949:

“176. ………As we have indicated

elsewhere, the power under Section 35-
A to issue directions is to be
exercised under four contingencies,
namely, (i) public interest, (ii)
interest of banking policy, (iii)
interest of the depositors and (iv)
interest of the banking company. The
expression “banking policy” is defined
in Section 5(ca) to mean any policy
specified by RBI (i) in the interest
of the banking system, (ii) in the
interest of monetary stability and
(iii) sound economic growth. Public
interest permeates all these areas…”

8.8 On the omission to advert to the statutory

provisions on the basis of which the RBI acted, we can

seek guidance from the ratio in Peerless General

Finance and Investment Co. Ltd. Vs. RBI7 where this

court, speaking through Justice N. M. Kasliwal, held


“71. It is settled law that so long as

the power is traceable to the statute,
mere omission to recite the provision
does not denude the power of the

6 Supra at 4.
7 (1992)2 SCC 343.
Page 27 of 52
legislature or rule making authority
to make the regulations, nor
considered without authority of law.
Section 114(e) of the Evidence Act
draws a statutory presumption that
official acts are regularly performed
and reached satisfactorily on
consideration of relevant facts. The
absence of reiteration of objective
satisfaction in the preamble as of one
under Section 45-L does not denude the
powers, the RBI admittedly has under
Section 45-L, to justify the actions.
Though Section 45-L was neither
expressly stated nor mentioned in the
preamble of the Directions of the
required recitation of satisfaction of
objective facts to issue the
directions from the facts and
circumstances it is demonstrated that
the RBI had such satisfaction in its
consideration of its power under
Section 45-L, when the Directions were
issued. Even otherwise Section 45-K(3)
itself is sufficient to uphold the
directions.” (Emphasis added)

8.9 The above makes it clear that, it is not necessary

for RBI to mention a specific provision before issuing

directions, for it to have statutory consequences. All

that is required is the authority under the law, to

issue such direction.

8.10 The learned Senior Counsel for the defendant in

our estimation is correct in his submission that RBI

Page 28 of 52
directives carry statutory force, gathering authority

from the provisions of both the RBI Act, 1934 and the

Banking Regulation Act, 1949. In Peerless General

Finance (I)8, in the context of S. 45-K and S. 45-L of

the RBI Act, 1934 this court, speaking through Justice

N M Kasliwal, relied on State of U.P. Vs. Babu Ram

Upadhya9, and D.K.V. Prasada Rao vs. Government of

A.P.10 to significantly pronounce that directions issued

by RBI, are incorporated and become a part of the act

and must therefore be governed by the same principles

as the statute itself. This view was further affirmed

by this court in case of Internet and Mobile

Association of India11 (Supra). Hence, it is undisputed

that any direction by the RBI, is compelling and

enforceable similarly like the provisions of the RBI

Act by its very nature.

8.11 In Sudhir Shantilal Mehta12 (Supra), Justice S. B.

Sinha interpreting the implications of actions under S.

35-A of the Banking Regulation, 1949 and the intention

8 ibid.
9 AIR 1961 SC 751.
10 AIR 1984 AP 75.
11 Supra at 4.
12 Supra at 2.
Page 29 of 52
of legislature, rightly observed that the directions

under the said provision are binding upon banking


“57. The distinction between exercise

of jurisdiction under the enabling
provisions contained in Section 36(1)
and the ones under Sections 21 and 35-
A of the Banking Regulation Act and
the provisions contained in Section
45-L of the Reserve Bank of India,
1934 is absolutely clear and
unambiguous. In terms of Section 36,
Reserve Bank of India may caution or
prohibit the banking companies but in
terms of Sections 21 and 35-A of the
1949 Act it can issue binding
directions …
58. Whether a circular letter issued
by a statutory authority would be
binding or not or whether the same has
a statutory force, would depend upon
the nature of the statute. For the
said purpose, the intention of the
legislature must be considered. Having
regard to the fact the Reserve Bank of
India exercised control over the
banking companies, we are of the
opinion that the said circular letter
was binding on the banking companies.
The officials of UCO Bank were,
therefore, bound by the said circular
letter.” (Emphasis added)

8.12 Justice S. C. Agarwal, speaking for this Court in

RBI vs. Peerless General Finance and Investment Co.

Page 30 of 52
Ltd. (II)13 held in the context of S. 45-K of the RBI

Act, 1934, that RBI has the authority to issue any

directions for ensuring effective implementation of its

orders, and to achieve the object of the Act:

“27. …In the matter of construction of

enabling statutes the principle
applicable is that if the Legislature
enables something to be done, it gives
power at the same time, by necessary
implication, to do everything which is
indispensable for the purpose of
carrying out the purpose in view.
(See Craies on Statutes, 7th Edn. p.
258.) It has been held that the power
to make a law with respect to any
subject carries with it all the
ancillary and incidental powers to
make the law effective and workable
and to prevent evasion.”

8.13 For ensuring effective implementation of relevant

directions, RBI as was declared is not only vested with

curative powers but also preventive powers, as was held

in Ganesh Bank of Kurundwad Ltd. Vs. Union of India. 14

Hence, it is not necessary for the bank to wait for a

direction to be violated, and then launch penal actions

against the offenders. But the RBI can also issue

13 (1996) 1 SCC 642.

14 (2006) 10 SCC 645.
Page 31 of 52
directions to ensure that the relevant

orders/directions are effectively followed.

8.14 Based on the discussion above, the RBI under Ss.

45-MB of the RBI Act, 1934 and 35-A of the Banking

Regulation Act, 1949 in our understanding has the

requisite authority to issue the communication dated

09th June, 1997. The omission by the RBI to mention any

enabling provision, doesn’t change the nature and

status of the direction. The statutory arrangement and

interpretation as above persuade us to hold that

actions in furtherance of grounds of ‘public policy’ by

the RBI was justified, for issuing the Notification

dated 10.04.1997. The notification itself clearly

mentioned that it is issued for the benefit of

depositors and creditors of CRB Capital. The RBI’s

communication dated 09.06.1997 was in fact a direction,

with the appropriate statutory backing traceable to S.

45-MB of the RBI Act as well as S. 35-A of the Banking

Regulation Act. The Learned Senior Counsel for the

defendant is therefore correct in saying that the

09.06.1997 direction was issued, in furtherance of and

Page 32 of 52
to effectively implement the 10.04.1997 notification

issued earlier by the RBI. As such the RBI’s

09.06.1997 Notification was definitely binding on the

defendant which as noted earlier, is a banking


8.15 Situated thus, the actual status of the RBI

Notification would have a bearing on the claim against

the defendant in the suit and the later proceeding.

The plaintiff, as can be noted, always had the option

of challenging its legality but they have never

specifically challenged those in the Suit. Therefore,

when the legality of the RBI Notification is not under

challenge, relief can’t be granted in the Suit without

determining its legality. This in our perception can

by itself, put a quietus on the issue at hand.

8.16 That apart, when the claim in the Suit is

relatable to the embargo by the RBI, it was necessary

to implead RBI in the litigation, for getting more

clarity on the issue. The plaintiff omitted to do so

at their own peril despite the defense set out on this

basis. Here we need to observe that the plaintiff is

Page 33 of 52
dominus litus, and they cannot be compelled to seek

relief against anyone.

8.17 According to us, the plaintiff cannot be granted

parity with its predecessor-in-interest, Shankar Lal

Saraf, who was paid interest which accrued in July,

1997 despite the RBI directive of 09.06.1997. The

defendant has explained this aberration by clarifying

that the payment to Shankar Lal Saraf was made before

the defendant was in receipt of the RBI directive.

Hence, the plaintiff cannot claim any advantage for

themselves or parity with its predecessor-in-interest,

on this cause.


9. The S. 531 of the Companies Act, 1956 (Corresponding

Ss. 328 and 329 of the Companies Act, 2013) being

relevant for the question, is extracted:

“531. Fraudulent Preference:

(1) Any transfer of property, movable
or immovable, delivery of goods,
payment, execution or other act
relating to property made, taken or
done by or against a company within
six months before the commencement of
its winding up which, had it been
Page 34 of 52
made, taken or done by or against an
individual within three months before
the presentation of an insolvency
petition on which he is adjudged
insolvent, would be deemed in his
insolvency a fraudulent preference,
shall in the event of the company
being wound up, be deemed a fraudulent
preference of its creditors and be
invalid accordingly… ”(Emphasis added)

9.1 S. 441(2) of the Companies Act, 1956 reveals that

winding-up proceedings other than voluntary winding-up,

are said to have commenced from the date of

presentation of petition. For quick reference, S. 441

of the Companies Act, 1956 is extracted herein:

“441. Commencement of winding up by

(1) Where, before the presentation of
a petition for the winding up of a
company by the Tribunal, a resolution
has been passed by the company for
voluntary winding up, the winding up
of the company shall be deemed to have
commenced at the time of the passing
of the resolution, and unless the
Tribunal, on proof of fraud or
mistake, thinks fit to direct
otherwise, all proceedings taken in
the voluntary winding up shall be
deemed to have been validly taken.
(2) In any other case, the winding up
of a company by the Tribunal shall be
deemed to commence at the time of the

Page 35 of 52
presentation of the petition for the
winding up.”

9.2 A conjoint reading of Ss. 531 and 441(2) of the

Companies Act, 1956 prima facie reveals that any

transfer of property by or against a company in

involuntary winding up, the suspect spell for deemed

fraudulent transaction is six months before

presentation of the winding up petition. In the

present case, the petition for winding-up was submitted

by RBI on 22.05.1997 and admittedly, the transfer in

Shankar Lal Saraf’s favor was executed in February,

1997. Hence, the defendant’s prima facie suspicion

that the transfer during the suspect spell, may be

deemed fraudulent, is not misplaced. Relevant here

would be to note that in 2019, a Division bench of this

court speaking through Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar in

the case of IDBI vs. Official Liquidator15 clarified

that two conditions need to be satisfied for a

transaction to be qualified as fraudulent preference:

First, Company’s dominant motive to prefer a particular

15 (2020) 15 SCC 517.

Page 36 of 52
creditor; Second, transfer executed within six month,

preceding filing of winding-up petition. The issue of

fraudulent preference is therefore no longer res

integra, and it is unnecessary to labour on the issue

any further.

9.3 The suspicion harboured by the defendant is during

the suspect spell as supported by the Calcutta High

Court in its order dated 09.01.2001, where the Writ

Court refused to interfere on the grounds that the

issue was in the teeth of the litigation pending in the

Delhi Company Court.

9.4 Significantly it has been admitted by Shankar Lal

Saraf in his Application (CA 1380/1998) to the Delhi

Company Court that the defendant was acting under the

advice of RBI, which treated the transfer of Bonds as

fraudulent. Additionally, the Learned Single Judge of

the Calcutta High Court, in his judgment dated

13.03.2015 recorded a finding that initially both, RBI

and the Official Liquidator, treated the transfer in

Shankar Lal Saraf’s favor, as fraudulent in the

following words:-
Page 37 of 52
“…On a winding up petition having
moved on 22nd May, 1997, the Company
Court appointed a Professional
Liquidator. The RBI issued a letter to
the bank not to deal with the subject
bonds as the liquidator has treated
the same as fraudulent preference
under S. 531 of the Act…
Though it was held that the
transactions are genuine and cannot be
declared as fraudulent preference at
the instance of the Official
Liquidator, but the fact remains that
there was some claim over the subject

9.5 While the Division Bench of the Calcutta High Court

has set-aside the order of the Learned Single Judge,

the finding mentioned above at the relevant time, is

not refuted by the contesting party.

9.6 The cloud over the issue was cleared by the Company

Court judgment (17.12.2004) wherein, the defendant’s

claim that the transfer in Shankar Lal Saraf’s favor

was ‘fraudulent preference’, was rejected.

Significantly as soon as this decision was communicated

to the defendant, payment was promptly made by the

defendant to the plaintiff, without hesitation.

Page 38 of 52
9.7 At this juncture it is apposite to mention, that

the validity of the Company Court judgment dated

17.12.2004 has not been challenged by either party.

Hence, the judgment has attained finality and the issue

whether the transfer in Shankar Lal Saraf’s favor was

fraudulent, is therefore put to rest.

9.8 Based on the above discussion, it is clear that the

defendant’s impression that the transfer in favour of

Shankar Lal Saraf was not legitimate, was a reasonable

opinion, shared by many, including the RBI and the

Official Liquidator. The defendant was in receipt of

the RBI’s directions, not to part with payment as the

Official Liquidator had treated the transaction as

fraudulent. This had clearly placed a shadow over the

plaintiff’s title to the Bonds and consequences must

flow therefrom.


10. Assuming ad arguendo, that the RBI directions

could be disregarded yet the Bonds and the interest

accrued thereon, were in the teeth of the litigation,

pending in the Company Court. The defendant

Page 39 of 52
proactively applied to the Official Liquidator on

multiple occasions seeking clarification on interest

payment. But, the Official Liquidator did not respond.

Hence, it is clear that despite the defendant’s best

intentions and proactive efforts, it would be imprudent

for the defendant to release the payment accrued on the

suspect Bonds. When the Bonds were released from

dispute pending before the Company Court, the defendant

promptly complied with the order of the Learned Company


10.1 The Learned Counsel for the plaintiff has failed

to show how the defendant derived any undue benefit by

withholding the payment accrued on the Bonds. The

amount due on the Bonds was immediately transferred to

the ‘Accrued Interest’ head and was not used by the

defendant for their business. Hence, the plaintiff’s

contention that the defendant’s actions of withholding

payment were mala fide, is not acceptable to us.

10.2 The plaintiff also argues that the Company Court

judgment (17.12.2004) has attained finality and the

defendant is barred by res judicata from raising the

Page 40 of 52
issue of fraudulent preference. The issue of

fraudulent preference is no longer res integra and none

sought to challenge the Company Court’s judgment and

re-agitate the issue. Hence, this contention will be

of no advantage for the plaintiff.



11. S. 8 of the Negotiable Instruments Act defines a

‘Holder’ of promissory note as any person who in his

own name is entitled to the possession of the note and

to recovery of due amount, pursuant to the said note.

For ready reference, the relevant S. 9 of the

Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 which defines a

‘holder in due course’ is extracted as under:

“9. “Holder in due course”—

“Holder in due course” means any
person who for consideration became
the possessor of a promissory note,
bill of exchange or cheque if payable
to bearer, or the payee or indorsee
thereof, if payable to order, before
the amount mentioned in it became
payable, and without having sufficient
cause to believe that any defect
existed in the title of the person
from whom he derived his title.”
Page 41 of 52
11.1 This court speaking through Justice K Jayachandra

Reddy in the context of a cheque in the case of U.

Ponnappa Moothan Sons, Palghat Vs. Catholic Syrian Bank

Ltd. and Ors.16 juxtaposed the Indian position on

‘holder in due course’ with the position in English Law

to declare the following:-

“17…Under the Indian law a holder, to

be a holder in due course, must not
only have acquired the bill, note of
cheque for valid consideration but
should have acquired the cheque
without having sufficient cause to
believe that any defect existed in the
title of the person from whom he
derived his title. This condition
required that he should act in good
faith and with reasonable caution.
However, mere failure to prove bona
fide or absence of negligence on his
part would not negative his claim.
But, in a given case it is left to the
Court to decide whether the negligence
on part of the holder is so gross and
extraordinary as to presume that he
had sufficient cause to believe that
such title was defective…”(Emphasis

11.2 The principles stated above in the context of

cheques can be extrapolated for promissory notes as

16 (1991) 1 SCC 113.

Page 42 of 52
well. Resultantly an obligation has been imposed on

the transferee of the promissory notes, to be deemed to

be a ‘Holder in due course’, that the notes should have

been acquired in good faith; after exercising

reasonable care and caution about the holder’s title.

In the present case, while the Shankar Lal Saraf’s

(holder) title over the Bonds/Promissory Notes is not

in dispute but as discussed earlier, Shankar Lal

Saraf’s holding stood cleared by the Company Court only

on 17.12.2004 but before the said judgment, there was a

cloud over his title. Consequently, the plaintiff’s

status as ‘holder in due course’ was suspect at the

relevant point of time.

11.3 The defendant bank was therefore justified in

withholding payment till conclusion of dispute in

Company Court, even though the relief claimed was in

respect of an ‘unconditional undertaking’, as there

were reasonable legal concerns for the transaction

during the suspect spell, for making such payments.



Page 43 of 52
12. It flows from the above discussion, that the

defendant was justified in withholding the accrued

dues. The actions of SIDBI were bona fides, in

furtherance of RBI directives, which were issued in

public interest. In the case of Clariant International

Ltd. Vs. SEBI17, this court speaking through Justice S B

Sinha held that two conditions need to be satisfied

before awarding interest. First, that money should be

wrongfully withheld from the rightful owners; Second,

that there should be equitable considerations for

awarding said interest. In the case at hand, neither

of these conditions are found to be satisfied.

12.1 As per S. 34 of the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC),

award of interest is a discretionary exercise, steeped

in equitable considerations. Interest is payable for

different purposes such as compensatory, penal, etc.

but these are not the situations in the case before us.

Here firstly, the defendant was justified in

withholding payment, as they were under RBI’s direction

to do so; secondly, the defendant hasn’t derived any

17 (2004) 8 SCC 524.

Page 44 of 52
undue benefit by their act and; thirdly, due payment

was promptly made to the plaintiffs upon settlement of

rights by the court. Moreover, the concerned

transactions were during the “suspect spell”. This in

our view shows that the defendant acted bona fide and

there was no undue delay on their part, to remit the


12.2 The plaintiff did pray for pendente lite interest

in the Trial Court but neither did the trial court

frame any issue in this regard, nor were any arguments

recorded. This shows that such claim was not pressed

by the plaintiff. Further, no ground is urged in the

appeal memo, that such an issue ought to have been

framed. Hence, it is clear that the plaintiff is not

serious on its claim for pendente lite interest. The

issue is rested accordingly.



13. It is evident from the record, that when the

payment warrants were received by the plaintiff, it

effaced the warrants by handwritten remark ‘Received’.

Page 45 of 52
Pertinently, in the first instance, protest was only

raised in reference to excessive TDS deduction by the

defendant while remitting the dues. The demand for

interest on delayed payment, was raised after passage

of 7 months, when the books of SIBCO were allegedly

audited. This justification does not appear to be

reasonable. In fact, as has been stated previously in

this judgment, the plaintiff was entitled to demand

interest for delayed payment in its writ petition as

well. But SIBCO has consistently failed to raise this

demand at every stage including at the stage of

accepting the sum tendered by the defendant, without

any protest.

13.1 Hence, it is clear that the plaintiff accepted the

payment from the defendant as due settlement of its

claims. SIBCO’s failure to raise protest and demand

for interest at the earliest possible stage, amounted

to sub-silencio acceptance. Accordingly, the plaintiff

is barred from raising this demand after several months

applying the principle of waiver/acquiescence.

Page 46 of 52


14. The defendant has argued that the principle of

constructive res judicata would also offset the

plaintiff’s claim. Pertinently, the previous Bond

holder Shankar Lal Saraf could not possibly have

claimed interest on delayed payment before the Company

Court for it lacked the jurisdiction to adjudicate

claims unrelated to the liquidation proceedings,

against CRB Capital. But, the successor Bond holder

i.e. the plaintiff could have claimed interest on

delayed payment from the writ court. SIBCO’s

submission is not acceptable that the cause of action

arose only on 23.11.2005, when the defendant refused to

heed to the demand of interest on delayed payment. The

cause of action for the plaintiff accrued the first

time, when the defendant allegedly failed to pay timely

interest. Since such a claim was not raised in the

writ court, the subsequent Suit of SIBCO in our view,

is barred by the principle of Constructive Res


Page 47 of 52

15. It is clear from the discussion above, that the

RBI has wide supervisory powers over financial

institutions like SIDBI, in furtherance of which, any

direction issued by the RBI, deriving power from the

RBI Act or the Banking Regulation Act is statutorily

binding on the defendant. Admittedly, the RBI issued

Notification dated 10.04.1997, deriving power from S.

45-MB(2) of the RBI Act. Thereby, the RBI froze the

assets of CRB Capital on the grounds of public policy,

for the purpose of protecting interests of creditors

and depositors of CRB Capital.

15.1 The RBI did not cite any provision in its

Direction dated 09.06.1997 to the defendant, as it was

not under any compulsion to do so. It was sufficient

that the RBI’s power to issue such a direction could be

traced to either S.45-MB(2) of the RBI Act, or S. 35-A

of the Banking Regulation Act. Hence, the said

direction was statutorily binding on the defendant.

Without the said direction, the Notification dated

10.04.1997, would have been rendered toothless, causing

Page 48 of 52
irreparable harm to the creditors and depositors of CRB

Capital. In reference to the Directive dated

09.06.1997, the defendant proactively sought advice

from the Official Liquidator in regards to the payment

of interest income to the defendant. But, in absence

of the Official Liquidator’s consent and guidance, the

defendant could not have made the payment without

inviting onerous consequences for itself. Hence, it

can be said that the defendant acted prudently, being

conscious of the legal obligation, to withhold such

payment to the plaintiff.

15.2 Further, in reference to S. 531 of Companies Act,

1956 read with S. 441(2) of the same act, it cannot be

denied that there was a suspicion over the title of the

plaintiff’s predecessor-in-interest. Ipso facto, the

plaintiff’s title with transaction during the “suspect

spell” was also under a cloud. It is clear from the

discussion above that such suspicion was not misplaced,

as it was shared by the RBI as well as the Official

Liquidator. Immediately after the Company Court vide

its decision (17.12.2004), clarified the position that

Page 49 of 52
the plaintiff was in the clear for the concerned

transactions, the defendant has duly ensured compliance

with the said order. Hence, it is clear that the

defendant acted bona fide in withholding the payment.

15.3 The elements that could have weighed on the

defendant for not making timely payments are: I)

Contravention of the RBI Directives; II) Issue being

related to the ongoing litigation in the Delhi Company

Court; III) Concerns with the defendant’s title over

the Bonds/promissory notes transacted during the

“suspect spell” and these perturbing elements can’t be

brushed aside as not relevant. We are therefore of the

view that even though the payment was demanded in

furtherance of an unconditional undertaking in the

Bonds, the defendant was not entitled to it till the

Company Court’s order dated 17.12.2004.

15.4 The plaintiff’s transaction of Bonds with Shankar

Lal Saraf does not sound right in this court’s

estimation, with purchase being made during the

“suspect spell” and concurrent alarm bells rung by the

RBI, and the Court in that duration. When SIBCO

Page 50 of 52
approached the Writ Court to validate their

transaction, they failed to put forth any claim for

interest on delayed payment. Curiously, the plaintiff

chose not to approach the Company Court directly and

instead relied upon Shankar Lal Saraf to secure a

favourable verdict on the issue. They even chose to

forgo the very first opportunity that arose for

claiming interest on delayed payment, when the

defendant was remitting the amount due to the plaintiff

while complying with the Company Court verdict.

Pertinently the payment was accepted without protest

and only after about 7 months, additional sums were

demanded on the Bonds. Despite all these disquieting

factors, the plaintiffs, like the Shakespearean

character of Shylock, have raised the demand “I’ll have

my bond. Speak not against my bond.”18 As we see the

situation, the holder of the Bond has received their

‘pound of flesh’, but they seem to want more.

Additional sum in our estimation is not merited as

SIBCO has already received their just entitlement and

burdening the defendant with any further amount towards

18 Act 3 Scene 3 – The Merchant of Venice
Page 51 of 52
interest would be akin to Shylockian extraction of

blood from the defendant. Therefore the question

formulated in paragraph 3 of this judgment is answered

accordingly against the plaintiff.

15.5 In view of the forgoing, the defendant’s appeal

against the impugned judgment is allowed by restoring

the judgment of the Trial Court. The plaintiff’s cross-

appeal is however rejected.

15.6 With all the legal consequences flowing from

the above order, the appeals stand disposed of without

any order on cost.


JANUARY 03, 2022

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