PE11 Q4 Modules4b Weeks3and4
PE11 Q4 Modules4b Weeks3and4
PE11 Q4 Modules4b Weeks3and4
Physical Education
and Health 11
Quarter 4 – Module 4b: (Weeks 3-4)
Sports Introduction
What I Know
_1. What term is used to describe sports in which two individuals compete in
a head-to-head situation?
A. Combative Sport C. Modified Sport
B. Dual Sport D. Team Sport
_3. An activity that requires physical actions and skills where individuals or
teams compete under a set of rules.
A. Exercise C. Sports
B. Physical Activity D. Team Sports
feted-in-psa-awards-2020 top/nepomuceno-other-ph-sports-icons-to-carry-seag-federation-
1. _ 3.
vega-mercado-fastest-woman-in.html prayers-for-the-living-legends-speedy-recovery/
2. 4.
Processing Questions:
1. Aside from the sports icons given above, who is that one sports legend that
you look up to and what made you liked him/her?
2. What do you think are the benefits you will get when you engage into different
kinds of sports?
What’s New
Types of Sports
In, “no matter where you go across the world, one
common string that ties us all together is the love for sports. However, this doesn't
mean everyone loves the same sport, yet because of the wide variety of sports,
everyone has their own favorites.”
So, what really comprises a sport?
Sports are physical activities which involves strength, agility, endurance, etc.
wherein opponents face each other for the sake of competition. There are so many
sports available in the world, but we can categorize them according to the numbers
of players involved. The three main categories involved are individual sport, dual
sport and team sport.
Task 2: What’s the Sports Category?
Direction: Categorize the following sports according to its number of players and put
a check (✓) mark on its corresponding classification. Write your answers in your
It is necessary to learn the basics of each sport in order to properly play the
game. Nonetheless, understanding how the game is played is most essential.
In whichever sports, the benefits of participating in a physical activity is the
most significant part.
What is It
trying to alter you grip later in your development.
• Backhand grip
• Forehand grip
2. Stance and Ready Position
• Stance- describes the way in which a player is standing during any
stage of a game. For example, when serving there are correct and
incorrect stances that are specific to each individual service. Therefore,
the correct stance is dependent on the stroke being played.
• Ready Position- describes the generic, neutral stance that you might
expect to see adopted by a table tennis player before they receive
serve – feet quite wide apart, knees bent, upper body crouched
forward, both arms out in front of you, and the bat in a neutral position.
3. Strokes
4. Footwork
According to Liam Walsh (n.d.), “here are nine basic skills you need to learn
to play Badminton”.
1. Knowing how to warm up properly
2. The basic forehand and backhand grip
3. The basic six corners footwork
4. The split step or the ready stance
5. The basic shots
6. Perception and anticipation
7. Hand-eye coordination
8. Rhythm and timing playing-badminton-2019-updated
9. Tactical and strategic thinking
Team Sports
Tom Stewart (2018) defines, “basketball as a fast-paced game that requires the
knowledge and instinct to perform quickly and properly. The sport of basketball
requires five basic skills. While some players might be more experienced with some
skills than others, it is best to have at least some ability in all five areas”.
Stewart introduces that there are 5 basic skills of
basketball which are as follows:
1. Running- Running is a big part of basketball.
In a full-court game, you will find yourself running
back and forth as the game quickly transitions
between offense and defense. When you have the
ball, running will help you to avoid defenders and get
to the basket quicker.
2. Shooting- In order to score points in
basketball, you need to shoot the ball into the hoop.
This requires the ability to properly hold and throw
the ball into the air toward the basket while avoiding defenders.
3. Passing-Basketball is a team sport that involves finding a teammate who is
open for a shot. The ability to pass the ball to this player can make the
difference between scoring and not scoring.
4. Dribbling- Dribbling is an important skill for all basketball players. This skill will
allow you to move up and down the court, maneuver past defenders and
execute plays.
5. Jumping- Jumping is another skill that can define how good a basketball
player is. Jumping is involved in offense during the jump ball in the beginning,
while taking shots and sometimes while trying to catch a pass. On defensive
you will need the ability to jump when trying to block a shot or a pass. Being
able to out jump your opponent for a rebound also is important.
According to Irena (n.d.) of, there are 7 basic skills you
need to learn to play Volleyball:
• Volleying- Many beginners think a volley and a set are the same thing, but
they are two different terms. A volley is a more generic term that means
contacting the ball as an overhead pass with your hands (mostly your fingers).
A set is a type of volley. A volley can be used on your own side of the court, or
it can be used as an offensive way of getting the ball back over the net. A set,
on the other hand, is generally a pass between players on the same team.
• Forearm Passing or bumping- This is when a player contacts the volleyball
with their forearms and redirects the ball to one of their teammates.
• Setting- A set is a specialized type of volley. It’s usually the second hit, and
it’s intended to set up one of your teammates to attack the ball. So, it’s
basically volleying the ball in a way that means the attacker can hit the ball
over the net.
• Diving- Diving is basically crashing to the floor in an all-out attempt to keep
the ball from touching the floor. When diving
for the volleyball, remember that you want to
contact the ball before you hit the floor
(unless you’re doing a pancake, see below).
• Attacking- While spiking is the most
glamourous and well-known type of attack,
there are other ways to deliver an offensive
play as well.
• Blocking- Probably one of the most straight-
forward named skills, a block is a defensive
play when a player jumps at the net to block
the hit from coming onto their team’s side of
the net. The key secret to blocking is
timing. 15/philippine-spikers-fall-vietnamese-brace-thais
Whichever sport you choose, remember you’ve already done the right thing
that you involve in sports and don`t want to sit on the couch.
What’s More
II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write True if the statement is correct and False if it
isn’t. Write your answers in your PE and Health Notebook.
_1. Individual sports require the coach to make all the decisions for the
_2. Two main categories of physical fitness are endurance-related fitness
and skill-related fitness.
3. Running is probably the simplest individual sport for promoting both
health-related and skill-related fitness.
_4. Abstaining from tobacco and drug use is part of maintaining good
physical health.
_5. Dribbling is one of the essential skills you need to learn in playing